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子宫腺肌病是一种子宫内膜异位性疾病,是妇科常见的良性疾病。子宫腺肌病在某些方面可表现出恶性肿瘤特征,如血管生成与侵袭行为,具有恶变潜能。子宫腺肌病恶变的病理类型以子宫内膜腺癌居多。其发病机制尚不明确,可能与平滑肌细胞异常、高雌激素状态、雌孕激素受体、代谢酶的异常、基因突变及表观遗传学等有关。临床表现不典型,主要症状为异常阴道出血及绝经后阴道出血。子宫腺肌病术前诊断比较困难,特别是早期诊断更为困难,临床上漏诊、误诊率较高,术后病理可诊断此病。治疗以手术为主,辅以放、化疗。预后尚不清楚,有待更多的病例证实。现就子宫腺肌病恶变的研究进展进行综述,旨在为早期诊治提供新思路。  相似文献   

子宫内膜癌合并子宫腺肌病癌变临床罕见,无特异性临床表现,多依靠术后病理明确诊断,其治疗多依据子宫内膜癌的治疗原则,预后尚不清楚。报告了1例57岁因绝经后阴道出血就诊的女性患者,彩色超声提示子宫腺肌病,子宫内膜厚9 mm,诊断性刮宫病理提示子宫内膜样腺癌,进一步行子宫内膜癌全面分期术,术后病理提示子宫内膜腺癌合并子宫腺肌病癌变。术后诊断为子宫内膜癌Ⅰa期合并子宫腺肌病癌变,术后定期随访,未见复发征象。  相似文献   

正子宫腺肌病是以子宫内膜组织侵入子宫肌层为特征的一种慢性病,临床主要表现为痛经、异常子宫出血及不孕。子宫腺肌病是导致不孕与流产相对常见的病因,但准确诊断较为困难,该病的病理机制尚未研究透彻。目前尚不明确子宫腺肌病是否影响体外受精(IVF)或卵胞浆内单精子显微注射(ICSI)的结局,迄今仅有数量有限的小样本研究,或未发现存在影响,或发现此病患者结局不良。本文旨在介绍并讨论子宫腺肌病的病理生  相似文献   

目的分析子宫腺肌病恶变的临床及病理学特点。方法回顾性分析北京大学人民医院9例子宫腺肌病恶变患者的临床特点、病理学特征及诊治预后情况。结果患者平均年龄为(48.7±5.1)岁,7例未绝经。主要临床表现为阴道不规则流血。术前都没有获得诊断。术中冰冻病理发现3例腺肌症恶变。恶变类型是子宫内膜样腺癌8例,透明细胞癌1例。免疫组化7例ER(+),6例PR(+),5例P53(+),4例CD10(+)。FIGO分期8例为ⅠA期,1例为ⅠB期。8例行全面分期手术,1例行全子宫+双侧附件切除术。4例采用铂类为基础的联合化疗,1例口服孕激素。8例患者无瘤生存期(60.9±19.8)个月。1例失访。结论子宫腺肌病恶变患者发病较年轻,Ⅰ期患者多。术前诊断困难,术中冰冻病理有一定价值,需要术后病理确诊。治疗参照子宫内膜腺癌和卵巢上皮癌,预后比较好。  相似文献   

目的探讨子宫内膜息肉样腺肌瘤的临床表现、诊断和治疗。方法回顾分析2006年1月至2009年12月经四川大学华西第二医院病理诊断为子宫内膜息肉样腺肌瘤患者的临床和病理资料。结果子宫内膜息肉样腺肌瘤是一种特殊的良性宫腔内占位性病变,在组织学上分为典型的子宫内膜息肉样腺肌瘤和非典型性息肉样腺肌瘤。子宫内膜息肉样腺肌瘤存在恶变倾向,50岁及以上的妇女患息肉样腺肌瘤发生恶变的机率高于50岁以下妇女。阴道异常流血和排液是其主要临床表现。宫腔镜对子宫内膜息肉样腺肌瘤在诊断和治疗上存在优势。结论子宫内膜息肉样腺肌瘤在临床上虽然不常见,但具有恶变倾向,老年息肉样腺肌瘤患者恶变率较年轻者高。对宫腔有占位或阴道不规则流血,特别是绝经后阴道流血的患者,应积极行宫腔镜检查和病理学检查。  相似文献   

正子宫腺肌病多发生于30~50岁育龄期妇女,常见症状为月经过多、痛经、盆腔痛、子宫异常出血及宫体增大~([1-3])。子宫腺肌病在某些方面可表现出恶性特征,如血管生成和侵袭行为。子宫腺肌病在子宫内膜癌子宫切除标本中常见~([4])。子宫腺肌病可恶变为子宫内膜癌~([4])。本文就目前子宫腺肌病恶变的高危因素及病理机制的相关研究进行综述,并结合文献进展予以荟萃分析。1子宫腺肌病恶变发病率与临床表现  相似文献   

目的探讨阴道超声及血清CA125测定对诊断治疗卵巢子宫内膜异位囊肿及子宫腺肌病的价值。方法对卵巢子宫内膜异位囊肿及子宫腺肌病患者631例进行回顾性分析,术前均经阴道超声检查,部分患者进行了血清CA125测定。结果阴道超声检查卵巢子宫内膜异位囊肿符合率98.7%;子宫腺肌病符合率91.7%;卵巢子宫内膜异位囊肿合并子宫腺肌病符合率95.1%。血清CA125检查卵巢子宫内膜异位囊肿,阳性率39.4%;子宫腺肌病阳性率52.2%;卵巢子宫内膜异位囊肿合并子宫腺肌病阳性率59.2%。结论阴道超声可做为较准确诊断卵巢子宫内膜异位囊肿及子宫腺肌病的首选方法。阴道超声下囊肿穿刺是治疗卵巢子宫内膜异位囊肿的简便、有效的方法之一。血清CA125测定可做为卵巢子宫内膜异位囊肿及子宫腺肌病的协助诊断方法,应进一步完善对照组的研究。  相似文献   

腺肉瘤是由良性腺上皮和恶性间质构成的一种低度恶性的混合性肿瘤,大多数腺肉瘤原发于子宫内膜,偶可发生在卵巢或子宫外组织。子宫腺肉瘤是罕见的女性生殖道恶性肿瘤,以绝经后妇女多见,缺乏特异的临床症状,多数患者表现为阴道出血、宫颈口脱出物及子宫增大。该病早期诊断困难,超声、磁共振成像(MRI)等影像学检查有一定的诊断价值,“袖口”状结构是术后病理检查的特征性表现。子宫腺肉瘤的发生可能与子宫内膜异位症、长期雌激素暴露等因素有关,但其具体的发病机制目前尚未明确。该病的主要治疗方法为全子宫双附件切除(因淋巴结转移少见故不常规行淋巴结清扫),放化疗及激素治疗疗效尚不确切。但患者的生存时间及肿瘤的术后复发与是否伴肉瘤过度生长、疾病分期、子宫肌层侵犯深度、有无淋巴结转移及脉管浸润等因素密切相关。  相似文献   

子宫腺肌病(adenomyosis)是以子宫内膜腺体及间质侵入子宫肌层而导致的以月经过多和进行性痛经为主的一种临床常见疾病,严重影响患者的生活质量,多发生于育龄期经产妇。该病的发病机制尚不明确,目前存在子宫内膜损伤内陷学说、上皮间质转化学说和干细胞学说等各种学说。组织学检查是其诊断的金标准,但临床上常根据患者的临床表现及影像学检查作出初步诊断。子宫腺肌病可导致不孕,并且对整个妊娠过程产生不利影响。子宫腺肌病虽然是一种良性疾病,但近年越来越多报道证实了该病有恶变的风险。研究显示合并子宫腺肌病的子宫内膜癌患者,子宫腺肌病对癌症的侵袭浸润起到保护作用,这类患者往往临床预后更好。子宫腺肌病的治疗包括药物治疗和手术治疗,目前尚无根治性药物,手术是其主要的治疗手段。  相似文献   

目的 研究微血管密度(microvessel density,MVD)、血管内皮生长因子(vascular endothelial growth factor,VEGF)及其受体(vascular endothelial growth factor receptor,KDR)在单纯增生、腺肌病患者经宫颈子宫内膜电切手术(transcervical resection of endometrium,TCRE)前后表达的变化,探讨子宫内膜电切手术治疗子宫异常出血的分子学机制。方法 功能失调性子宫出血患者诊刮病理为单纯增生内膜,于刮宫后12~15d行电切手术,取电切内膜标本10例、子宫腺肌病增殖中晚期的患者电切子宫内膜10例为术前实验组;功血患者于TCRE术后6~18个月取内膜8例、子宫腺肌病患者于TCRE术后6~18个月取内膜7例为术后实验组;正常对照选取增殖中晚期子宫内膜8例为对照组。采用免疫组织化学LSAB法检测组织中MVD、VEGF及其受体KDR的表达,并抗第八因子相关抗原抗体标记间质微血管并进行微血管计数、以计算机图像分析获得VEGF、KDR值。结果 单纯增生及腺肌病之子宫内膜其MVD、VEGF及KDR的表达在TCRE术前与正常对照组和术后的表达比较差异均有显著性;单纯增生和腺肌病TCRE术后的子宫内膜MVD、VEGF及KDR的表达与正常对照组比较差异无显著性。单纯增生与腺肌病之子宫内膜MVD、VEGF及KDR表达比较无明显统计学意义,但腺肌病子宫内膜MVD、VEGF及KDR的均值比单纯增生高。结论 子宫内膜电切术对子宫内膜MVD、VEGF及KDR的表达起降调节,为子宫内膜电切术治疗子宫异常出血提供理论依据。对于腺肌症患者术后辅以抗血管药物可能有助于抑制复发。  相似文献   

Müllerian adenosarcomas of the uterus usually present as pedunculated endometrial masses in postmenopausal women with vaginal bleeding. Extraendometrial variants (originating in the ovary, adnexa, or myometrium) are much less common, and they tend to present at a more advanced stage due to their location. The sarcomatous portion of müllerian adenosarcoma can vary from low grade to very high grade and the clinical behavior of the tumors can be indolent or aggressive. We present two cases, one of which originated in the adnexa and the other in an apparent focus of uterine adenomyosis. These cases illustrate the difficulty of correct diagnosis and treatment.  相似文献   

米非司酮药物流产后发生恶性滋养细胞肿瘤四例临床分析   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
Jin L  Fan G  Yang X 《中华妇产科杂志》2000,35(12):733-735
】  相似文献   

Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging is a highly accurate non-invasive technique for the diagnosis of adenomyosis. Typical MR features include either diffuse or focal thickening of the junctional zone or an ill-defined area of low signal intensity in the myometrium on T2-weighted MR images. Occasionally, the islands of ectopic endometrial tissue can be identified as punctate foci of high signal intensity. Less commonly, adenomyosis can present as a well-circumscribed form known as adenomyoma, adenomyotic cyst characterized by the presence of haemorrhagic cyst, or adenomyomatous polyp protruding into the uterine cavity. The MR appearances of adenomyosis may occasionally fluctuate in response to hormonal stimulation and treatment. MR imaging is helpful not only in monitoring the treatment effect of hormonal therapy, but also in predicting therapeutic effect. In cases of endometrial cancer in the uterus with adenomyosis, evaluation of myometrial invasion may become difficult. Rarely, endometrial cancer may arise directly from adenomyosis resulting from malignant transformation of endometrial glands, creating diagnostic challenges. Differential diagnosis of adenomyosis on MR imaging include physiological myometrial contraction and almost all myometrial lesions, and they should be carefully differentiated from adenomyosis by identifying typical clinical and MR features in these lesions. Precise knowledge of the spectrum of MR features in adenomyosis greatly helps in determining an accurate diagnosis and appropriate management of the patients.  相似文献   

Various malignant neoplasms, either primary or secondary, can affect the vagina. The most common primary malignant tumors of the vagina are squamous cell cancers; however, they are among the most uncommon of all primary gynecologic cancers. Vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia is being diagnosed with increasing frequency and continues to be a challenging problem. Laser therapy and topical 5-fluorouracil are the preferred treatment methods reported in the current literature. Invasive cancer of the vagina is primarily a disease of the older woman and presents most commonly with abnormal bleeding. Radiotherapy continues to be used as external beam or intracavitary treatment for the majority of women with this problem. Vaginal melanomas are a special group of vaginal neoplasms and appear to have a much poorer prognosis than their vulvar counterparts. It would appear that early diagnosis is the most favorable factor affecting outcome, with treatment modality being secondary.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Malignant transformation of endometriosis has been well documented. Endometrioid adenocarcinoma is the most common malignancy to occur in this setting, although other carcinomas and rarely stromal tumors can be seen. We present the first case in the literature of adenosarcoma, a rare mixed mullerian or mesodermal tumor, arising in extrauterine vaginal endometriosis. CASE: A 42-year-old woman underwent multiple medical therapies and surgeries for aggressive endometriosis. A pelvic exenteration was abandoned secondary to severe fibrosis, and low-dose radiotherapy was used to control bleeding from vaginal endometriosis. The pathologic diagnosis of recurrent endometriosis was confirmed multiple times over her 4-year course. Excision of a recurrent vaginal mass revealed adenosarcoma with heterologous elements. CONCLUSION: It is important to biopsy or excise recurrent endometriosis, as malignant transformation can occur, giving rise to epithelial, stromal, or mixed epithelial-mesenchymal tumors.  相似文献   

子宫破裂是指在分娩期或妊娠晚期子宫体部、底部或子宫下段发生裂开,直接威胁产妇及胎儿生命,是产科急危重症。最常见的原因是子宫操作史和梗阻性难产,其次还有子宫发育畸形、子宫肌层发育不良、剖宫产切口选择不当以及阴道助产损伤等。主要临床表现是胎心异常、腹痛和阴道出血。对于无子宫破裂高危因素且临床症状不典型的患者发生子宫破裂容易出现漏诊。讨论分析石家庄市第四医院收治的1例分娩期非瘢痕子宫自发性破裂病例,为该病的早期识别、早期诊断和及时处理提供帮助。  相似文献   

Miscarriage, defined as the loss of a pregnancy before 24 weeks of gestation, is the most common complication of early pregnancy, affecting approximately 15% of clinically recognized pregnancies. The steroid hormone progesterone is essential for the maintenance of pregnancy, and progesterone deficiency is associated with miscarriage. Two important clinical risk factors for miscarriage are a history of previous miscarriages and vaginal bleeding in early pregnancy. Progesterone supplementation has therefore been attempted to prevent miscarriages in asymptomatic women with a history of miscarriages and in women who have started to bleed in early pregnancy. The latest evidence from high quality clinical trial research has shown that vaginal micronized progesterone treatment of women with the dual risk factors of early pregnancy bleeding and a history of one or more previous miscarriages increases the likelihood of a successful live birth (relative rate 1.08, 95% CI 1.02 to 1.15, high-certainty evidence). This treatment has also been shown to be cost-effective, leading to the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence committee for the guideline ‘Ectopic pregnancy and miscarriage: diagnosis and initial management (NG126)’ updating their guidance to recommend the use of vaginal micronized progesterone to treat women with the dual risk factors of a history of one or more previous miscarriages and early pregnancy bleeding. This change in practice has the potential to prevent up to 8,450 miscarriages a year in the UK.  相似文献   

Both vaginal and uterine metastases from colon cancer are rare. The co-occurrence of both entities is exceptional. After the most common causes of genital bleeding have been excluded, a diagnosis of metastasis should be considered in women with abnormal vaginal bleeding and a history of cancer. Because of the rarity of these cases, there are no established treatment guidelines or survival data. The factor with the greatest influence on a worse prognosis seems to be the presence of uterine metastasis, which is almost always associated with widespread metastatic disease.  相似文献   

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