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Rex  Binning 《Anaesthesia》1973,28(5):577-579

The possibility of interactions between β-adrenoceptor antagonists and anaesthetic drugs is particularly relevant to the anaesthetic management of patients suffering from arterial hypertension and ischaemic heart disease. Maintenance of adrenergic beta-receptor blockade in patients with ischaemic heart disease and arterial hypertension is now widely accepted in order to avoid the cardiac risks of its sudden withdrawal and also to minimize the effects of sympathetic overactivity on the cardiovascular system. However, maintenance of adrenergic beta-receptor blockade may impose some constraints on the choice of the anaesthetic agent. While no adverse interaction has been found between beta blockade and anaesthesia with halothane, halothane supplementing nitrous oxide, or isoflurane, substantial reductions of cardiac performance have been observed in the case of the association of beta blockade and anaesthesia using methoxyflurane or trichloroethyiene. An adverse interaction has also been observed between propranolol and enflurane anaesthesia but not between oxprenolol and enflurane anaesthesia. Recent studies of the effects of anaesthesia in the presence of critically narrowed coronary arteries have shown that both halothane and enflurane may cause regional myocardial dysfunction. This dysfunction is minimized by oxprenolol and it appears that adrenergic beta-receptor blockade, besides improving cardiovascular stability, protects the myocardium supplied by narrowed coronary arteries.  相似文献   

Anaesthetics and cardiac preconditioning. Part II. Clinical implications   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
There is compelling evidence that preconditioning occurs inhumans. Experimental studies with potential clinical implicationsas well as clinical studies evaluating ischaemic, pharmacologicaland anaesthetic cardiac preconditioning in the perioperativesetting are reviewed. These studies reveal promising results.However, there are conflicting reports on the efficacy of preconditioningin the diseased and aged myocardium. In addition, many anaestheticsand a significant number of perioperatively administered drugsaffect the activity of cardiac sarcolemmal and mitochondrialKATP channels, the end-effectors of cardiac preconditioning,and thereby markedly modulate preconditioning effects in myocardialtissue. Although these modulatory effects on KATP channels havebeen investigated almost exclusively in laboratory investigations,they may have potential implications in clinical medicine. Importantquestions regarding the clinical utility and applicability ofperioperative cardiac preconditioning remain unresolved andneed more experimental work and randomized controlled clinicaltrials. Br J Anaesth 2003; 91: 566–76  相似文献   

Surgical trauma and anaesthetics may cause immune suppression, predisposing patients to postoperative infections. Furthermore, stress such as surgery and pain per se is associated with immune suppression which, in animal models, leads to an increased susceptibility to infection and tumour spread. Thus, by modulating the neurohumoral stress response, anaesthesia may indirectly affect the immune system of surgical patients. In particular, regional anaesthesia attenuates this stress response and the associated effects on cellular and humoral immunity. Additionally, anaesthetics may directly affect the functions of immune-competent cells. However, the reported effects of commercial preparations of, for example, propofol, etomidate and midazolam are highly dependent on the applied solvent. Immunosuppressive effects may be particularly relevant in the intensive care unit when anaesthetics are used as long-term sedatives. There is a striking body of evidence that long-term exposure to certain sedatives is paralleled by infectious complications. On the other hand, anti-inflammatory effects of anaesthetics may be therapeutically beneficial in distinct situations such as those involving ischaemia/reperfusion injury or the systemic inflammatory response syndrome. Consequently, sedatives should be administered with careful regard to their respective potential immunomodulatory properties, the clinical situation, and the immunity status of the critically ill patient.  相似文献   

Adverse Reactions to Intravenous Anaesthetics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Cardiac preconditioning represents the most potent and consistentlyreproducible method of rescuing heart tissue from undergoingirreversible ischaemic damage. Major milestones regarding theelucidation of this phenomenon have been passed in the lasttwo decades. The signalling and amplification cascades fromthe preconditioning stimulus, be it ischaemic or pharmacological,to the putative end-effectors, including the mechanisms involvedin cellular protection, are discussed in this review. Volatileanaesthetics and opioids effectively elicit pharmacologicalpreconditioning. Anaesthetic-induced preconditioning and ischaemicpreconditioning share many fundamental steps, including activationof G-protein-coupled receptors, multiple protein kinases andATP-sensitive potassium channels (KATP channels). Volatile anaestheticsprime the activation of the sarcolemmal and mitochondrial KATPchannels, the putative end-effectors of preconditioning, bystimulation of adenosine receptors and subsequent activationof protein kinase C (PKC) and by increased formation of nitricoxide and free oxygen radicals. In the case of desflurane, stimulationof - and ß-adrenergic receptors may also be of importance.Similarly, opioids activate - and -opioid receptors, and thisalso leads to PKC activation. Activated PKC acts as an amplifierof the preconditioning stimulus and stabilizes, by phosphorylation,the open state of the mitochondrial KATP channel (the main end-effectorin anaesthetic preconditioning) and the sarcolemmal KATP channel.The opening of KATP channels ultimately elicits cytoprotectionby decreasing cytosolic and mitochondrial Ca2+ overload. Br J Anaesth 2003; 91: 551–65  相似文献   

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