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Effects of surface cues on macaque inferior temporal cortical responses   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Humans are able to recognize objects when surface details, such as colour, texture and luminance gradients, are not available. By systematically eliminating colour, texture, shading, contrast and inner contours from given objects, we tested whether certain shape-selective inferior temporal cortex (IT) neurons of awake rhesus monkeys remain selective for these objects as the surface information is reduced. In psychophysical experiments, we established that the rhesus monkey can identify the shape of a coloured object largely independently of its surface characteristics and, to a lesser degree, of its inner contours. Shape selectivity of the neurons does not change when texture and shading are concealed. The responsiveness of the neurons is also affected by the removal of these surface attributes. The IT neurons were found to respond highly similarly to objects brighter or darker than their background. Selectivity for shape is preserved when the contrast is reversed. Deletion of the inner contours, outlining the main parts of the objects, did not affect the responses and selectivity of the IT neurons. These findings indicate that the IT can contribute to the invariant perception of objects having different surface details.  相似文献   

The local field potential (LFP) is a population measure, mainly reflecting local synaptic activity. Beta oscillations (12-40 Hz) occur in motor cortical LFPs, but their functional relevance remains controversial. Power modulation studies have related beta oscillations to a "resting" motor cortex, postural maintenance, attention, sensorimotor binding and planning. Frequency modulations were largely overlooked. We here describe context-related beta frequency modulations in motor cortical LFPs. Two monkeys performed a reaching task with 2 delays. The first delay demanded attention in time in expectation of the visual spatial cue, whereas the second delay involved visuomotor integration and movement preparation. The frequency in 2 beta bands (around 20 and 30 Hz) was systematically 2-5 Hz lower during cue expectancy than during visuomotor integration and preparation. Furthermore, the frequency was directionally selective during preparation, with about 3 Hz difference between preferred and nonpreferred directions. Direction decoding with frequency gave similar accuracy as with beta power, and decoding accuracy improved significantly when combining power and frequency, suggesting that frequency might provide an additional signal for brain-machine interfaces. In conclusion, multiple beta bands coexist in motor cortex, and frequency modulations within each band are as behaviorally meaningful as power modulations, reflecting the changing behavioral context and the movement direction during preparation.  相似文献   

We traced the cortical connections of the 4 cytoarchitectonic fields--Opt, PG, PFG, PF--forming the cortical convexity of the macaque inferior parietal lobule (IPL). Each of these fields displayed markedly distinct sets of connections. Although Opt and PG are both targets of dorsal visual stream and temporal visual areas, PG is also target of somatosensory and auditory areas. Primary parietal and frontal connections of Opt include area PGm and eye-related areas. In contrast, major parietal and frontal connections of PG include IPL, caudal superior parietal lobule (SPL), and agranular frontal arm-related areas. PFG is target of somatosensory areas and also of the medial superior temporal area (MST) and temporal visual areas and is connected with IPL, rostral SPL, and ventral premotor arm- and face-related areas. Finally, PF is primarily connected with somatosensory areas and with parietal and frontal face- and arm-related areas. The present data challenge the bipartite subdivision of the IPL convexity into a caudal and a rostral area (7a and 7b, respectively) and provide a new anatomical frame of reference of the macaque IPL convexity that advances our present knowledge on the functional organization of this cortical sector, giving new insight into its possible role in space perception and motor control.  相似文献   

Synaptic depression is essential for controlling the balance between excitation and inhibition in cortical networks. Several studies have shown that the depression of intracortical synapses is asymmetric, that is, inhibitory synapses depress less than excitatory ones. Whether this asymmetry has any impact on cortical function is unknown. Here we show that the differential depression of intracortical synapses provides a mechanism through which the gain and sensitivity of cortical circuits shifts over time to improve stimulus coding. We examined the functional consequences of asymmetric synaptic depression by modeling recurrent interactions between orientation-selective neurons in primary visual cortex (V1) that adapt to feedforward inputs. We demonstrate analytically that despite the fact that excitatory synapses depress more than inhibitory synapses, excitatory responses are reduced less than inhibitory ones to increase the overall response gain. These changes play an active role in generating selective gain control in visual cortical circuits. Specifically, asymmetric synaptic depression regulates network selectivity by amplifying responses and sensitivity of V1 neurons to infrequent stimuli and attenuating responses and sensitivity to frequent stimuli, as is indeed observed experimentally.  相似文献   

Subregions of the cingulate cortex represent prominent intersections in the structural networks of the primate brain. The relevance of the cingulate to the structure and dynamics of large-scale networks ultimately requires a link to functional connectivity. Here, we map fine-grained functional connectivity across the complete extent of the macaque (Macaca fascicularis) cingulate cortex and delineate subdivisions pertaining to distinct identifiable networks. In particular, we identified 4 primary networks representing the functional spectrum of the cingulate: somatomotor, attention-orienting, executive, and limbic. The cingulate nodes of these networks originated from separable subfields along the rostral-to-caudal axis and were characterized by positive and negative correlations of spontaneous blood oxygen level-dependent activity. These findings represent a critical component for understanding how the anterior and midcingulate cortices integrate and shape information processing during task performance. The connectivity patterns also suggest future electrophysiological targets that may reveal new functional representations including those involved in conflict monitoring.  相似文献   

Neurons in the rostral superior temporal sulcus (STS) are responsive to displays of body movements. We employed a parametric action space to determine how similarities among actions are represented by visual temporal neurons and how form and motion information contributes to their responses. The stimulus space consisted of a stick-plus-point-light figure performing arm actions and their blends. Multidimensional scaling showed that the responses of temporal neurons represented the ordinal similarity between these actions. Further tests distinguished neurons responding equally strongly to static presentations and to actions ("snapshot" neurons), from those responding much less strongly to static presentations, but responding well when motion was present ("motion" neurons). The "motion" neurons were predominantly found in the upper bank/fundus of the STS, and "snapshot" neurons in the lower bank of the STS and inferior temporal convexity. Most "motion" neurons showed strong response modulation during the course of an action, thus responding to action kinematics. "Motion" neurons displayed a greater average selectivity for these simple arm actions than did "snapshot" neurons. We suggest that the "motion" neurons code for visual kinematics, whereas the "snapshot" neurons code for form/posture, and that both can contribute to action recognition, in agreement with computation models of action recognition.  相似文献   

The laminar organization of cortico-cortical projection neurons (expressed by the percentage of supragranular projecting neurons - SLN%) characterizes cortical pathways as feedforward (FF) or feedback (FB) and determines the hierarchical ranking of cortical areas. There is evidence of a developmental reduction in SLN% of pathways to area V1. Here, by analyzing pre- and postnatal projections to area V4, we have been able to address whether developmental reductions of SLN% impact on information processing in the immature cortex. FB pathways to area V4 exhibit 28-84% reduction of SLN%. This contrasts with the FF projections, which show little or no SLN% reduction. However, SLN% values in the immature cortex allocated cortical areas to the same hierarchical levels as in the adult. The developmental reduction of SLN% is a widespread phenomenon in the neocortex and is a distinctive feature of FB pathways. Two mechanisms contribute to developmental changes in SLN%: (i) delayed ingrowth of axons into the cortical target from infragranular layer neurons and (ii) prolonged developmental reduction of the divergence of projections from supragranular layer neurons. The present results show that FF and FB projections exhibit different developmental processes and patterns of connections linking cortical areas and their hierarchical relations are established prenatally, independently of regressive phenomena.  相似文献   

Familiarity refers to an explicit recognition experience without any necessary retrieval of specific detail related to the episode during which initial learning transpired. Prior experience can also implicitly influence subsequent processing through a memory phenomenon termed conceptual priming, which occurs without explicit awareness of recognition. Resolving current theoretical controversy on relationships between familiarity and conceptual priming requires a clarification of their neural substrates. Accordingly, we obtained functional magnetic resonance images in a novel paradigm for separately assessing neural correlates of familiarity and conceptual priming using famous and nonfamous faces. Conceptual priming, as shown by more accurate behavioral responses to strongly conceptually primed than to weakly conceptually primed faces, was associated with activity reductions in left prefrontal cortex, whereas familiarity was associated with activity enhancements in right parietal cortex for more-familiar compared with less-familiar faces. This neuroimaging evidence implicates separate neurocognitive processes operative in explicit stimulus recognition versus implicit conceptual priming.  相似文献   

In vitro networks: cortical mechanisms of anaesthetic action   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Br J Anaesth 2002; 89: 102–11  相似文献   

In cortical bone, solid (lamellar and interstitial) matrix occupies space left over by porous microfeatures such as Haversian canals, lacunae, and canaliculi-containing clusters. In this work, pulse-coupled neural networks (PCNN) were used to automatically distinguish the microfeatures present in histology slides of cortical bone. The networks’ parameters were optimized using particle swarm optimization (PSO). When forming the fitness functions for the PSO, we considered the microfeatures’ geometric attributes—namely, their size (based on measures of elliptical perimeter or area), shape (based on measures of compactness or the ratio of minor axis length to major axis length), and a two-way combination of these two geometric attributes. This hybrid PCNN–PSO method was further enhanced for pulse evaluation by combination with yet another method, adaptive threshold (AT), where the PCNN algorithm is repeated until the best threshold is found corresponding to the maximum variance between two segmented regions. Together, this framework of using PCNN–PSO–AT constitutes, we believe, a novel framework in biomedical imaging. Using this framework and extracting microfeatures from only one training image, we successfully extracted microfeatures from other test images. The high fidelity of all resultant segments was established using quantitative metrics such as precision, specificity, and Dice indices.  相似文献   

Synchronous neuronal activity with millisecond precision has been postulated to contribute to the process of visual perceptual grouping. We have performed multineuron recordings in striate cortex of two alert macaque monkeys to determine if the occurrence and properties of this form of activity are consistent with the minimal requirements of this theory. We find that neuronal synchronization with millisecond precision is a prevalent and robust feature of stimulus-evoked activity in striate cortex. It occurs among adjacent cells recorded by the same electrode (<120 microm), among cells recorded at separate but nearby sites (300-400 microm) and between cells recorded at locations separated by 3-4 mm. The magnitude and probability of synchronous firing is inversely related to the spatial separation between the cells and it occurs within and between groups of cells that are both tuned and untuned for stimulus orientation and direction. Among those tuned for orientation, cell pairs separated by <400 microm showed no clear dependence of correlated firing on orientation preference. The occurrence of gamma-band (20-70 Hz) oscillations in the cellular firing patterns was a strong predictor of synchronous firing at each of the spatial scales. Nearly 90% of the cell pairs showing significant correlation also showed oscillatory firing in one or both cells of the pair. These results are consistent with some, but not all, of the previous reports of synchronous activity in striate cortex of both cat and primates. The similarities in the properties of synchronous oscillations in the monkey and cat suggest that this form of neuronal activity is a general property of mammalian striate cortex. The relation between correlation and oscillation suggests that neuronal rhythmicity is an important mechanism contributing to synchronization.  相似文献   

Human cortical networks for new and familiar sequences of saccades.   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Visual exploration is organized in sequences of saccadic eye movements that depend on both perceptual and cognitive context. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging, we studied the neural basis of sequential oculomotor behavior and its dependence on different types of memory by analyzing cerebral activity during performance of newly learned and familiar sequences of eye movements. Compared to a resting condition, both types of sequences activated a common fronto-parietal network, including frontal and supplementary eye fields, and several parietal areas. Within this network, newly learned sequences induced stronger activation than familiar sequences, probably reflecting higher attentional demands. In addition, specific regions were recruited for the performance of new sequences, including pre-supplementary eye fields, the precuneus and the caudate nucleus. This indicates that in addition to attentional modulation, novelty of saccadic sequences requires specific cortical resources, probably related to effortful sequence preparation and coordination as well as to spatial working memory. For familiar sequences, recalled from long-term memory, we observed specific right medial temporo-occipital activation in the vicinity of the boundary between the parahippocampal and lingual gyri, as well as an activation site in the parieto-occipital fissure. We conclude that neuronal resources recruited by the gaze system can change with the familiarity of the scanpath to be executed. This study is important to better understand how the brain implements memorized scanpaths for visual exploration and orienting.  相似文献   

Motor skill learning requires the involvement and integration of several cortical and subcortical regions. In this study, we focus on how the functional connectivity of cortical networks changes with the acquisition of a novel motor skill. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging, we measured the localized blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) signal in cortical regions while subjects performed a bimanual serial reaction time task under 2 conditions: 1) explicitly learning a novel sequence (NOVEL) and 2) playing a previously learned sequence (LEARNED). To investigate stages of learning, each condition was further divided into nonoverlapping early and late conditions. Functional connectivity was measured using a task-specific low-frequency coherence analysis of the data. We show that within the cortical motor network, the sensorimotor cortex, premotor cortex, and supplementary motor area have significantly greater inter- and intrahemispheric coupling during the early NOVEL condition compared with the late NOVEL condition. Additionally, we observed greater connectivity between frontal regions and cortical motor regions in the early versus late NOVEL contrast. No changes in functional connectivity were observed in the LEARNED condition. These results demonstrate that the functional connectivity of the cortical motor network is modulated with practice and suggest that early skill learning is mediated by enhanced interregional coupling.  相似文献   

In this study, we assess the possibility that the evolution of human intellectual capacities was supported by changes in the supply of serotonin to the frontal cortex. To this end, quantitative comparative analyses were performed among humans, chimpanzees, and macaques. Immunohistochemical methods were used to visualize serotonin transporter-immunoreactive (SERT-ir) axons within the cerebral cortex. Areas 9 and 32 were chosen for evaluation due to their roles in working memory and theory of mind, respectively. Primary motor cortex was also evaluated because it is not associated with higher cognitive functions. The findings revealed that humans do not display a quantitative increase in serotonin innervation. However, the results indicated region- and layer-specific differences among species in serotonergic innervation pattern. Compared with macaques, humans and chimpanzees together displayed a greater density of SERT-ir axons relative to neuron density in layers V/VI. This change was detected in cortical areas 9 and 32, but not in primary motor cortex. Further, morphological specializations, coils of axons, were observed in humans and chimpanzees that were absent in macaques. These features may represent a greater capacity for cortical plasticity exclusive to hominoids. Taken together, these results indicate a significant reorganization of cortical serotonergic transmission in humans and chimpanzees.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Victims of organophosphate intoxication with cholinergic crisis may have need for sedation and anesthesia, but little is known about how anesthetics work in these patients. Recent studies suggest that cholinergic stimulation impairs gamma-aminobutyric acid type A (GABAA) receptor function. Because GABAA receptors are major targets of general anesthetics, the authors investigated interactions between acetylcholine and sevoflurane in spinal and cortical networks. METHODS: Cultured spinal and cortical tissue slices were obtained from embryonic and newborn mice. Drug effects were assessed by extracellular voltage recordings of spontaneous action potential activity. RESULTS: Sevoflurane caused a concentration-dependent decrease in spontaneous action potential firing in spinal (EC50=0.17+/-0.02 mM) and cortical (EC50=0.29+/-0.01 mM) slices. Acetylcholine elevated neuronal excitation in both preparations and diminished the potency of sevoflurane in reducing action potential firing in cortical but not in spinal slices. This brain region-specific decrease in sevoflurane potency was mimicked by the specific GABAA receptor antagonist bicuculline, suggesting that (1) GABAA receptors are major molecular targets for sevoflurane in the cortex but not in the spinal cord and (2) acetylcholine impairs the efficacy of GABAA receptor-mediated inhibition. The latter hypothesis was supported by the finding that acetylcholine reduced the potency of etomidate in depressing cortical and spinal neurons. CONCLUSIONS: The authors raise the question whether cholinergic overstimulation decreases the efficacy of GABAA receptor function in patients with organophosphate intoxication, thereby compromising anesthetic effects that are mediated predominantly via these receptors such as sedation and hypnosis.  相似文献   

Using single and multiunit recordings in the striate cortex of alert macaque monkeys, we find that gamma-band (20-70 Hz) oscillations in neuronal firing are a prominent feature of V1 neuronal activity. The properties of this rhythmic activity are very similar to those previously observed in the cat. Gamma-band activity is strongly dependent on visual stimulation, largely absent during spontaneous activity and, under the conditions of our experiment, not time-locked to the vertical refresh of the computer monitor (80 Hz) used to present the stimuli. In our sample, 61% of multiunit activity (MUA) and 46% of single-unit activity (SUA) was significantly oscillatory, with mean frequencies of 48+/-9 and 42+/-13 Hz, respectively. Gamma-band activity was most likely to occur when cells were activated by their optimal stimuli, but still occurred, although less often and with lower amplitude, in response to nonoptimal stimuli. The frequency of gamma-band activity also reflected stimulus properties, with drifting gratings evoking higher-frequency oscillations than stationary gratings. As in the cat, the spike trains of single cells showing gamma-band oscillations often displayed a pattern of repetitive burst firing, with intraburst firing rates of 300-800 Hz. The overall similarity of rhythmic neuronal activity in the primary visual cortex of cats and monkeys suggests that the phenomenon is not species-specific. The stimulus-dependence of the rhythmic activity is consistent with a functional role in visual perception.  相似文献   

We examined the nature and the selectivity of the motion deficitsproduced by lesions of extrastriate areas MT and MST. Lesionswere made by injecting ibotenic acid into the representationof the left visual field in two macaque monkeys. The monkeysdiscriminated two stimuli that differed either in stimulus directionor orientation. Direction and orientation discrimination wereassessed by measuring thresholds with gratings and random-dotsplaced in the intact or lesioned visual fields. At the startof behavioral testing, we found pronounced, motion-specificdeficits in thresholds for all types of moving stimuli, includingpronounced elevations in contrast thresholds and in signal-to-noisethresholds measured with moving gratings, as well as deficitsin direction range thresholds and motion coherence measuredwith random-dot stimuli. In addition, the accuracy of directiondiscrimination was reduced at smaller spatial displacements(i.e. step sizes), suggesting an increase in spatial scale ofthe residual directional mechanism. Subsequent improve- mentsin thresholds were seen with all motion stimuli, as behavioraltraining progressed, and these improvements occurred only withextensive behavioral testing in the lesioned visual field. Theseimprovements were particularly pronounced for stimuli not maskedby noise. On the other hand, deficits in the ability to extractmotion from noisy stimuli and in the accuracy of direction discriminationpersisted despite extensive behavioral training. These resultsdemonstrate the importance of areas MT and MST for the perceptionof motion direction, particularly in the presence of noise.In addition, they provide evidence for the importance of behavioraltraining for functional recovery after cortical lesions. Thedata also strongly support the idea of functional specializationof areas MT and MST for motion processing.  相似文献   

Modularity, presumably shaped by evolutionary constraints, underlies the functionality of most complex networks ranged from social to biological networks. However, it remains largely unknown in human cortical networks. In a previous study, we demonstrated a network of correlations of cortical thickness among specific cortical areas and speculated that these correlations reflected an underlying structural connectivity among those brain regions. Here, we further investigated the intrinsic modular architecture of the human brain network derived from cortical thickness measurement. Modules were defined as groups of cortical regions that are connected morphologically to achieve the maximum network modularity. We show that the human cortical network is organized into 6 topological modules that closely overlap known functional domains such as auditory/language, strategic/executive, sensorimotor, visual, and mnemonic processing. The identified structure-based modular architecture may provide new insights into the functionality of cortical regions and connections between structural brain modules. This study provides the first report of modular architecture of the structural network in the human brain using cortical thickness measurements.  相似文献   

Fluctuations of membrane potential of cortical neurons, referred to here as internal states, are essential for brain function, but little is known about how these internal states emerge and are maintained, or what determines transitions between these states. We performed intracellular recordings from hippocampal CA3 pyramidal cells ex vivo and found that neurons display multiple and hierarchical internal states, which are linked to cholinergic activity and are characterized by several power law structures in membrane potential dynamics. Multiple recordings from adjacent neurons revealed that the internal states were coherent between neurons, indicating that the internal state of any given cell in a local network could represent the network activity state. Repeated stimulation of single neurons led over time to transitions to different internal states in both the stimulated neuron and neighboring neurons. Thus, single-cell activation is sufficient to shift the state of the entire local network. As the states shift to more active levels, theta- and gamma-frequency components developed in the form of subthreshold oscillations. State transitions were associated with changes in membrane conductance but were not accompanied by a change in reversal potential. These data suggest that the recurrent network organizes the internal states of individual neurons into synchronization through network activity with balanced excitation and inhibition, and that this organization is discrete, heterogeneous and dynamic in nature. Thus, neuronal states reflect the 'phase' of an active network, a novel demonstration of the dynamics and flexibility of cortical microcircuitry.  相似文献   

An important issue in neuroscience is the characterization for the underlying architectures of complex brain networks. However, little is known about the network of anatomical connections in the human brain. Here, we investigated large-scale anatomical connection patterns of the human cerebral cortex using cortical thickness measurements from magnetic resonance images. Two areas were considered anatomically connected if they showed statistically significant correlations in cortical thickness and we constructed the network of such connections using 124 brains from the International Consortium for Brain Mapping database. Significant short- and long-range connections were found in both intra- and interhemispheric regions, many of which were consistent with known neuroanatomical pathways measured by human diffusion imaging. More importantly, we showed that the human brain anatomical network had robust small-world properties with cohesive neighborhoods and short mean distances between regions that were insensitive to the selection of correlation thresholds. Additionally, we also found that this network and the probability of finding a connection between 2 regions for a given anatomical distance had both exponentially truncated power-law distributions. Our results demonstrated the basic organizational principles for the anatomical network in the human brain compatible with previous functional networks studies, which provides important implications of how functional brain states originate from their structural underpinnings. To our knowledge, this study provides the first report of small-world properties and degree distribution of anatomical networks in the human brain using cortical thickness measurements.  相似文献   

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