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脉动流低溶血叶轮血泵   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
采用特殊设计的扭曲叶轮,研制成脉动流叶轮血泵,当叶轮转速周期性改变时,产生出符合生理要求的脉动血流。由于血细胞的速度变化达极小,泵内紊流切应力也达极小,所以血泵达最佳的溶血性能。血泵输出的平均流量和压力,由输入电机的方波电压的平均值决定,与脉动频率基本无关。为了达到40mmHg的压力脉动又不产生返流,需要40%的收缩期和5V的电压脉动。脉动流叶轮血泵同时在收缩期排血和充盈,跟隔膜血泵不一样。在实验室作溶血比较时,脉动流叶轮泵的溶血约为自制隔膜泵的1/6和丹麦产Polystan脉动泵的1/13;动物试验中,脉动流叶轮泵工作20小时,试验动物体内血细胞计数,血色素和红细胞容积均下降得不明显,血浆游离血红蛋白保持在50mg%以下。  相似文献   

基于溶血性能的离心式旋转血泵设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
溶血性能是衡量血泵性能的一个重要指标.基于平均剪切应力模型,通过减少红细胞流经叶轮的时间和降低它在此过程中所受平均剪切应力的方法,对离心血泵进行设计,进而改善溶血性能.采用商用流体仿真软件Fluent,对血泵内的三维不可压湍流流场进行数值模拟,得到红细胞在血泵内的流动迹线和流动参数;应用溶血估算公式,分析不同流量下血泵的溶血性能,计算得到溶血估算值在0.006-0.015之间,有较好的溶血性能,满足血泵对溶血性能的要求.  相似文献   

旋转叶轮血泵的发展与展望   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
主要从结构设计、轴承密封设计、控制系统设计三个方面介绍了旋转叶轮血泵技术的最新发展 ,并对其发展趋势做出了展望。  相似文献   

非脉动流低溶血叶轮血泵   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
采用对数螺旋线叶片和抛物线轮盘,精心设计制作叶轮式离心血泵,并用电机直接驱动叶轮,由磁性流体密封转轴,使泵的溶血指标降低为0.015,重量减小到240克,效率提高至60%。在与国产临床用转子泵和美国商品化的名牌转子泵Sarns 7000的溶血比较中,自制叶轮泵的溶血仅为国产转子泵的1/5和Sarns 7000转子泵的1/3.5。山羊和狗的左心室辅助试验中,叶轮泵在动物血浆增加的游离血色素,低于隔膜泵在小牛身上所作的同样试验中所测得的相应值。结果表明,非脉动流叶轮血泵适合于长期辅助自由走动实验动物或病人的血液循环。  相似文献   

目的探究一种新型电磁搏动式血泵的动力输出性能及血液相容性。方法首先通过建立理论模型对该血泵驱动力进行分析,并基于该模型计算出满足条件的实验驱动电压。设计体外模拟循环实验,对新型血泵的输出流量和输出压力特性及血泵的体外溶血性能进行初步实验研究。结果实验测得当血泵后负荷为73.5 mmHg(9.78 kPa, 1 mmHg=0.133 kPa)、驱动电压达到35 V、搏动频率为75/min时,实际输出的流量为3.18 L/min,可以提供高压132 mmHg(17.56 kPa)、低压66 mmHg(8.78 kPa)、平均压力98 mmHg(13.03 kPa),体外实验标准溶血指数(normalized index of haematolysis, NIH)为(0.049 15±0.003 75) mg/dL。结论该新型搏动式血泵能够满足离体器官灌注和体外循环短期辅助的临床要求,对体外循环血泵的发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

五种叶轮血泵体外溶血试验的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
血泵的标准溶血指数反映了它对血液的破坏程度,是衡量血泵性能的一个重要指标,选用I型离心,II型轴流,磁耦合,I型和II型螺旋混流5种叶轮血泵,用新鲜抗凝羊血500ml,平均压力100mmHg,流量5L/min,在转泵0,0.5,1.0…4.0h后,测量血浆游离血红蛋白含量和血泵出口处的表面温度,计算标准溶血指数。结果表明,5种血泵的转速,温度变化与溶血指数是没有直接关系的,由结构形成的运动流场是对血液造成破坏的主要原因。本文对5种血泵的温度变化,转速和溶血之间的关系做一探讨。  相似文献   

国内外研究人员为克服溶血问题做了大量的工作,对血泵溶血性能作出了评价标准,通过利用实验和仿真手段对可能造成溶血的因素,如血泵结构、叶轮参数、血泵材料、血泵流场分布等做了很多的研究,分析了这些因素与血泵溶血的关联性,从而为在一定程度上解决血泵的溶血问题找到了方法.我们对目前血泵溶血的研究进行了综述.  相似文献   

血泵溶血的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
国内外研究人员为克服溶血问题做了大量的工作,对血泵溶血性能作出了评价标准,通过利用实验和仿真手段对可能造成溶血的因素,如血泵结构、叶轮参数、血泵材料、血泵流场分布等做了很多的研究,分析了这些因素与血泵溶血的关联性,从而为在一定程度上解决血泵的溶血问题找到了方法。我们对目前血泵溶血的研究进行了综述。  相似文献   

血泵对血液的破坏程度是衡量血泵性能的一个重要指标。本文针对三种叶片式血泵即离心泵、轴流泵、混流泵的溶血试验做一比较分析。在试验中 ,选用了我们研制的Ⅰ型离心血泵、磁耦合型轴流血泵、螺旋混流泵。在一封闭管道中 ,注入新鲜抗凝羊血 5 0 0ml,水浴温度 37℃ ,血泵辅助流量为 5L min ,平均压力10 0mmHg,分别在泵转后 0、 0 5、 1 0、 1 5、… 4 0h测量血浆中游离血红蛋白 (FHB)和纤维蛋白原 (FIB)含量 ,最后计算出三个血泵整个过程中的标准溶血指数NIH。结果表明三种血泵对血液都有一定的破坏 ,它们的NIH值分别为 0 112 5± 0 0 15 7g 10 0L、 0 0 931± 0 0 137g 10 0L和 0 0 5 6 1± 0 0 0 5 8g 10 0L ,由此可得出混流泵对血液的破坏最小。  相似文献   

电磁搏动式血泵是基于电磁感应原理制作而成的,长时间通电工作会引起血泵升温。如果血泵温度过高会使血泵损坏,甚至可能使泵内循环血液温度过高,对血液成分造成破坏甚至威胁生命,因此研究电磁搏动式血泵温度,对其进行温度场分析是必要的。通过使用有限元分析软件对血泵进行温度场分析,可以直观观察血泵工作温度。仿真结果表明,在设定电磁搏动式血泵工作1 h情况下,血泵温度最高处在驱动绕组处,最高温度为100.3℃,泵内与37.0℃循环血液接触面的温度变化不大,最高温度为37.5℃,因此电磁搏动式血泵不会对血液成分造成破坏,但是需要对驱动绕组进行降温处理以免破坏血泵,对循环血液造成影响。  相似文献   

可植入旋转式血泵主要包括离心泵及轴流泵;前利用离心力驱动血流时,泵转速2000~6000r/min,以非搏动血流为主,少数为搏动血流。动物实验最长存活23周。轴流泵利用高速旋转叶轮驱动血液。叶轮转速6000~20000r/min,以非搏动血流为主,最长动物实验存活6个月,近期可能应用于临床研究。同时介绍了血管内搏动性轴流泵一动力性主动脉瓣。另外还介绍了其它类型的旋转泵。并对可植入式旋转泵的研制提出了一些看法。  相似文献   

平行平板流动腔中Casson流体脉动流的摄动解   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高度远小于横向和纵向几何尺寸的矩形平行平板流动腔是人们用以体外研究细胞在切应力作用下力学行为的主要工具之一,考虑到通常采用的矩形平行平板流动腔内的流动属于小雷诺数流动,本文用雷诺数作为摄动参数求出了矩形平行流动腔内Casson流体脉动流的摄动解,给出了腔内切应力随压力梯度和流量的变化规律。数值结果表明,相同压力梯度下Casson流体和牛顿流体对应的腔内切应力分布无明显不同,而在相同流量条件下,Casson流体和牛顿流体对应的腔内切应力分布有明显差异,本文为Casson流体脉动流条件下平行平板流动腔切应力的确定方法提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

The main purpose of this study was to develop an implantable direct-electromagnetic left ventricular assist system driven by a linear actuator (linear LVAS). The linear LVAS is a pulsatile pump with a pusher plate that is driven directly by a linear oscillatory actuator (LOA) without any movement converters. This prototype pump unit with a LOA was 100 mm in diameter, 50 mm in thickness, and weighed 740 g. The full-fill/full-eject driving method was applied to the control algorithm. In addition, a mechanism to detect and release sucking was realized to overcome this problem that accompanies the active-filling type of VAS. The performance of the linear LVAS was evaluated in a long-term animal experiment using a goat (56 kg). The goat survived for 42 days. The reason why we terminated this experiment was that thrombus was found in the pump. There was no frictional debris found around the LOA. The linear LVAS did not exhibit electrical or mechanical problems during the first animal experiment.  相似文献   

The present and future state of nonpulsatile artificial heart technology   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 The difference between Japan and the United States in the roles of the artificial heart, domestic needs for the artificial heart, and classification of artificial hearts according to configuration and generation are described. The present trend in the third generation is toward long-term nonpulsatile artificial hearts. Individual characteristics of the second and third generations are described, and the performance data are listed for all pulsatile and nonpulsatile pumps in the world. Received: June 21, 2002 Correspondence to:T. Yamane  相似文献   

目的 建立相对便利的血流动力学理论研究体系,进行多状态的综合血液脉动流研究。方法 在完全发展脉动流Womerseley算法的基础上引入数值算法,建立基于心动周期里动脉血液流量波的血流动力学求解及分析体系;进而采用理想化的正弦波以及正常生理状态和增强型体外反搏(enhanced external counterpulsation EECP)状态下的在体测量小猪颈动脉血液流量波,进行较全面的血流动力学研究。结果 对各状态下的轴向速度分布、壁面切应力(wall shear stress, WSS)分布、震荡剪切指数(oscillatory shear index, OSI)等重要血流动力学量进行心动周期里的求解分析。流量波波形对WSS分布尤其是OSI水平有一定的影响;EECP作用能明显提升心动周期里的动脉WSS水平尤其是WSS峰值,同时也提高了OSI水平。结论 所建立的基于血液流量波的求解体系能方便有效地应用于血流动力学研究中;EECP作用在生理范围内大幅提升动脉的WSS水平可能是其良好临床效果的最重要生物力学机制之一;作为当前备受关注的血流动力学指标,OSI对于动脉内皮功能的影响作用可能远小于WSS本身,OSI可能并不是理想的预测动脉粥样硬化病变的血流动力学指标。  相似文献   

Nonpulsatile left heart bypass (NPLHB) represents a new era in cardiac support. We examined the impact of circuit resistance on ventricular loading with NPLHB. Pressure head-flow (H-Q) curves of NPLHB were measured with four grades of circuit resistance in a mock circulation. Lower resistance result, in a shallower H-Q relationship. Based on this results, NPLHB (ventricular apex to descending aorta) with ratios of 75% and 100% was evaluated for its hemodynamic effect in seven anesthetized sheep. Two grades of circuit resistance were generated with each bypass flow. A shallower H-Q relationship was noted at the lower circuit resistance when increased bypass flow fluctuations occurred during a single cardiac cycle (75%:0.9 ±0.4 to 12.2±2.8,P<0.0001; and 100%: 0.6±0.1 to 2.3 ±1.2l/min,P=0.011, with higher and lower resistance, respectively). Improved left ventricular peak pressure also resulted (75%:112±9 to 104±8,P=0.0002; and 100%: 59±26 to 13±5 mmHg,P=0.0045). In conclusion, NPLHB with lower circuit resistance improves the bypass flow response to change in pressure head during the cardiac cycle. This results in increased systolic bypass flow and improved systolic pressure unloading. Therefore, circuit resistance needs to be taken into account when designing NPLHB systems and when assessing their pump effect.  相似文献   

Blood flow in the twin-pulse life-support system (T-PLS) pulsatile blood pump was simulated using a three-dimensional rigid body–fluid–solid interaction model. This model can delineate the blood flow in the T-PLS resulting from operation of a moving actuator. The numerical method used in this study was a commercial finite element package called ADINA. We used a contact and fluid–solid interaction model to compute the blood hemodynamics in the sac. Blood flow is generated by the motion of the actuator, which strongly interacts with the solid material surrounding the blood. To obtain basic bioengineering data on the optimum operation of the T-PLS, we simulated four models in which the actuator moved at different speeds and investigated both the flow pattern and the distribution of shear stress. During the contraction phase, a strong axial flow is observed around the outlet, whereas there is stagnant flow around the inlet. The maximum shear stress in each model depends on the operation mode; however, all four models have similar flow rates. The sinusoidal mode exhibited the lowest maximum shear stress and is thus considered the most efficient of the four operating modes.  相似文献   

Atherosclerotic plaque can cause severe stenosis in the artery lumen. Blood flow through a substantially narrowed artery may have different flow characteristics and produce different forces acting on the plaque surface and artery wall. The disturbed flow and force fields in the lumen may have serious implications on vascular endothelial cells, smooth muscle cells, and circulating blood cells. In this work a simplified model is used to simulate a pulsatile non-Newtonian blood flow past a stenosed artery caused by atherosclerotic plaques of different severity. The focus is on a systematic parameter study of the effects of plaque size/geometry, flow Reynolds number, shear-rate dependent viscosity and flow pulsatility on the fluid wall shear stress and its gradient, fluid wall normal stress, and flow shear rate. The computational results obtained from this idealized model may shed light on the flow and force characteristics of more realistic blood flow through an atherosclerotic vessel.  相似文献   

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