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目的:评估专门配置的101 kCal/100 ml早产儿配方奶和81 kCal/100 ml早产儿配方奶对新生儿营养发育及安全性的影响.方法:按入组顺序单双号分为对照组(50例)和研究组(50例).对照组住院期间喂养常规院内早产儿配方奶粉(81 kCal/100 ml),研究组喂养专门配置的高热量早产儿配方奶粉(101 kCal/100 ml).比较两组早产儿出院时的纠正胎龄、体格生长指标、住院时间、住院期间喂养不耐受(FI)发生率、FI治疗时间、出院前生物化学指标及住院期间其他并发症发生情况.结果:两组早产儿全肠外营养(TPN)时间、部分肠外营养(PPN)时间、住院时间差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05),研究组早产儿出院时的平均纠正胎龄、出院体重、出院身长、出院头围均高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),研究组早产儿上述3个体格生长指标(体重、身长、头围)评价宫外生长迟缓(EUGR)的发生率均低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).两组早产儿住院期间FI发生率比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).FI患儿经治疗后均康复,两组早产儿FI治疗时间比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).两组早产儿出院前生物化学指标、住院期间其他并发症发生率差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论:与低能量密度81 kCal/100 ml早产儿奶粉相比较,较高能量密度101 kCal/100 ml早产儿奶粉改善早产儿体格生长,且不增加肝肾负担,不增加FI及其他并发症的发生率,安全性较好.  相似文献   

目的探讨深度水解蛋白配方奶粉在早产儿中的运用。方法选取2014年7月-2015年6月该院收治的100例早产儿,按照随机数表法分为观察组和对照组,各50例。观察组给予深度水解蛋白配方奶粉喂养2周,随后改为普通早产儿配方奶,对照组始终采用普通早产儿配方奶进行喂养,两组早产儿均需予以胃肠外营养。比较两组早产儿住院期间并发症、排便、肠内外营养时间、住院时间、出院时生长发育指标、住院期间和出院后3周生长速率情况。结果观察组喂养不耐受的发生率(22.00%)显著低于对照组(46.00%),差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),但两组早产儿坏死性小肠结肠炎、胆汁淤积症的发生率比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。观察组的平均每日排便次数(2.45±0.13)次显著多于对照组(1.74±0.11)次,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),两组早产儿的住院时间、达全肠内营养时间及肠外营养总时间比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。两组早产儿的出院体重、出院头围、出院身长及住院期间和出院后3周体重增长速率、头围增长速率、身长增长速率比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论早产儿在住院期间采用深度水解蛋白配方奶粉进行喂养,能明显降低喂养不耐受的发生率,促进排便,短期使用并不会对早产儿体格生长发育造成影响。  相似文献   

目的探讨早产儿出院后配方奶对早产/低出生体重儿生长发育的影响。方法将59例早产/低出生体重儿根据出院后喂养方式分为母乳+早产儿配方奶混合喂养组(Ⅰ组)和早产儿出院后配方奶喂养组(Ⅱ组),监测入组后6个月内体重、身长、头围、Kaup指数及部分理化指标,并作组间比较,藉此评价早产儿出院后配方奶对出院后的早产/低出生体重儿生长发育影响的临床意义。结果入组时两组在性别比例、孕周和出生体重上差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。体重、Kaup指数,在喂养后2月内差异无统计学意义(P0.05),从3个月始Ⅱ组较Ⅰ组增长快(P0.05);身长从第4个月,头围从第5个月起,Ⅱ组较Ⅰ组增长快(P0.05);血色素从第5个月以后,Ⅱ组高于Ⅰ组(P0.05)。观测过程中两组的Ca、P、AKP差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。结论早产儿出院后配方奶是早产儿出院后喂养品的良好选择,有益于低体重早产儿实现追赶性生长。  相似文献   

目的:探讨早产儿住院期间开奶时间及出院后喂养方式对其生长发育的影响。方法:选择张掖市人民医院102例早产儿,其中7天内禁食者45例,生后72 h经母乳喂养或早期微量喂养者67例,出院后纯母乳喂养者64例,早产配方奶喂养3月者13例,生后即足月配方奶喂养25例。所有早产儿出院后3月、1岁、3岁分别测量体重、身高、头围3项生长指标,按7日内开始喂养、7日后开始喂养和母乳喂养、早产配方奶喂养、足月配方奶喂养分类进行统计分析,观察不同开始喂养时间和不同喂养方式对早产儿体格发育的影响。结果:住院期间7日内开始喂养的早产儿出院后3月时的体重、身高和头围明显高于住院期间7日后开始喂养的早产儿(P<0.05);出院后采用早产儿配方奶、母乳喂养和足月配方奶喂养的早产儿,其3月及1岁时的体重、身高和头围依次降低,3组差异有统计学意义(P<0.01),q检验进一步显示,早产儿配方奶、母乳喂养和足月配方奶喂养者体重、身高、头围比较有统计学差异(P<0.01),3组3岁时体格生长指标比较无统计学差异(P>0.05)。结论:对住院的早产儿,开始喂养时间早,可以促进3月内的婴儿的体格生长,出院后的用早产儿配方奶能促进1岁内的体格生长,优于母乳喂养,而母乳喂养优于足月配方奶喂养,出院后首选早产儿配方奶或母乳喂养。  相似文献   

[目的]探讨早产儿母乳及早产儿配方奶早产儿早期生长发育的影响.[方法]将48例早产儿随机分为早产儿母乳喂养组和早产儿配方喂养组,观察在达到全肠道营养前后两组早产儿体重、身长、头围增长和纠正胎龄至40周时20项新生儿神经行为测定评分,并作组间比较,同时还经较两组早产儿对喂养耐受精情况.[结果]早产儿配方奶喂养组的早产儿的体重增长显著优于母乳喂养组(P<0.01),身长,头围增长及神经行为发育上的差异无显著性(P>0.05)母乳喂养不耐受的发生明显少于早产儿配方奶喂养(P<0.05).[结论]用早产儿配方奶喂养早产儿生后早期生长发育能达到与母乳喂养早产儿同样的发育程度.  相似文献   

目的 研究早产儿出院后配方奶对出院后早产儿短期生长发育的影响, 为进一步制定喂养方案提供科学依据。方法 采用前瞻性的成组设计对照研究方法, 抽取湖南省不同地域4家三级甲等医院的197例早产儿做为研究对象, 将研究对象按出院后喂养方式分为2组。试验组:采用早产儿出院后配方奶喂养, 简称PDF组;对照组:采用足月儿配方奶喂养, 简称TF组。收集校正月龄1月、2月、3月时的身高、体重、头围等体格发育指标。采用SPSS 16.0统计软件对资料进行描述性分析和单因素(t、χ2检验)分析。结果 试验组早产儿103例, 平均出生胎龄(32.31±2.0)周, 平均出生体重(1 797.94±426.77)g, 平均出生身长(39.17±3.30)cm, 平均出生头围(28.40±2.25)cm;对照组早产儿94例, 平均胎龄(32.31±2.02)周, 平均出生体重(1 807.32±432.15)g, 平均出生身长(39.20±3.36)cm, 平均出生头围(28.39±2.25)cm。两组间的基本情况差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。试验组与对照组相比, 试验组的身高、体重、头围在校正月龄1月、2月和3月均明显高于对照组, 其差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 使用早产儿出院后配方奶喂养的早产儿体格发育优于足月儿配方奶喂养者。  相似文献   

目的探讨不同喂养方式对于早产儿在院外体格生长发育的影响。方法将66例早产儿作为研究对象,从我院NICU出院后随机分为三组:早产儿出院后专用配方奶组(PDF组)、足月儿配方奶组(TF组)、纯母乳喂养组(BM组),对低出生体重早产儿出院后追赶性生长进行随访观察并对营养支持情况进行分析。结果 PDF组早产儿身体发育指标(身高、体重、头围)明显高于TF组和BM组,差异有显著性(P〈0.05)。结论早产儿出院后专用配方奶粉喂养是早产儿出院后营养的最佳选择,可促进早产儿体重、身长和头围的增长,有利于低出生体重儿生后的追赶性生长。  相似文献   

目的 研究不同喂养方式对小于胎龄儿体重、身长、头围的影响。方法 将215名小于胎龄儿按照喂养方式分为5组:早产儿出院后配方奶喂养组、母乳喂养组、足月儿配方奶喂养组、母乳+早产儿出院后配方奶喂养组、母乳+足月儿配方奶喂养组, 比较各组在出生、生后1、3、6、12、18月及24月体重、身长、头围等生长发育指标。结果 不同喂养方式对小于胎龄儿体重、身长、头围发育的影响有统计学意义(P<0.05), 早产儿出院后配方奶喂养组及其与母乳混合喂养组儿童发育指标优于纯母乳喂养及足月儿配方奶喂养组, 其差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 小于胎龄儿出院后应用早产儿出院后配方奶喂养或与母乳混合喂养能够促进体重、身长、头围发展, 实现小于胎龄儿的追赶生长, 避免发生宫外生长发育迟缓的发生。  相似文献   

目的:探究运用不同乳制品喂养对出院后早产儿实际生长发育状态的影响。方法:择取2013年1月-2013年12月达到临床出院条件且无法实施母乳喂养的早产儿36例作为本次研究对象,按照早产儿的出院时间先后顺序随机将其分为观察组和对照组,每组各18例,对照组早产儿使用常规配方婴儿奶粉连续喂养半年,观察组早产儿使用早产儿配方奶粉连续喂养半年,观察比较两组早产儿在喂养半年后的身高、体重等生长发育指标的表现状况。结果:喂养半年后,观察组早产儿的身高、体重生长发育指标增长程度显著优于对照组,组间数据差异具有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:在早产儿出院后运用早产儿配方奶粉进行喂养,能够有效提升其生长发育指标的增长程度,改善早产儿的综合性生长发育质量,适宜在临床中予以广泛应用。  相似文献   

目的 探讨不同喂养方式对于早产儿在院外体格生长发育的影响.方法 将66例早产儿作为研究对象,从我院NICU出院后随机分为三组:早产儿出院后专用配方奶组(PDF组)、足月儿配方奶组(TF组)、纯母乳喂养组(BM组),对低出生体重早产儿出院后追赶性生长进行随访观察并对营养支持情况进行分析.结果 PDF组早产儿身体发育指标...  相似文献   

极早产(VPT)和超早产(EPT)儿发生脑损伤及神经发育损害的风险高。随着新生儿重症救治水平的提高,VPT和EPT早产儿存活率明显提高,如何降低神经发育损害的发生率以改善远期预后,是目前全球关注的重要问题。了解VPT和EPT早产儿神经发育预后,对指导临床救治及早期干预,改善患儿远期预后具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Ethnic differences in preterm and very preterm delivery.   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Ethnic differences in preterm (less than 37 weeks) and very preterm (less than 33 weeks) delivery were evaluated in a prospective cohort of 28,330 women. Blacks had the highest rate of preterm and very preterm delivery, followed by Mexican-Americans, Asians, and Whites. Adjustment for maternal age, education, marital status, employment, parity, number of previous spontaneous or induced abortions, smoking and drinking during pregnancy, infant sex, and gestational age at initiation of prenatal care resulted in the following odds ratios for preterm delivery: 1.79 (1.55-2.08) for Blacks, 1.40 (1.19-1.63) for Mexican-Americans, 1.40 (1.16-1.69) for Asians, and 1.00 for Whites. The corresponding odds ratios for very preterm delivery were 2.35 (1.72-3.22) for Blacks, 1.31 (0.88-1.94) for Mexican-Americans, 1.10 (0.67-1.83) for Asians, and 1.00 for Whites. Exclusion of cases of premature rupture of membranes, placenta previa, and abruptio placenta did not explain the large ethnic differences. Although Whites and Mexican-Americans had similar birthweight distributions, Mexican-Americans had an increased risk for preterm delivery. Fifty-five per cent of low birthweight babies in Kaiser were preterm and this fraction did not vary substantially by ethnic group.  相似文献   

随着医学的进步, 早产儿的成活率显著提高。但早产儿的神经发育障碍性疾病的发生率明显高于正常足月新生儿。本文简单总结影响早产儿神经发育的相关危险因素、可能出现的神经发育障碍和综合管理, 旨在提醒家长和临床医生重视早产儿的神经发育和干预。  相似文献   

早产是围生儿患病和围生儿死亡的最主要因素,因此预测早产具有重要的临床意义.早产往往是一些隐藏的病理情况的具体表现,这些病理情况会导致子宫,特别是子宫颈的生理和生化性的改变.宫颈的生理变化主要表现为宫颈的缩短和宫颈口的扩张,生化改变则比较复杂,有许多生化因子被证实和早产有关,该文就近几年研究比较多、具有一定临床指导意义的一些早产预测指标研究进展作以综述.  相似文献   

For case managers who provide services to the preterm infant and family after hospital discharge, the challenges can be numerous. The key to successfully meeting the varied needs of the smallest clients who may present the largest of problems is preparation. Knowing the route that many of these infants and 0262 0125 families must take as they begin life after0262 the NICU and enter the early intervention realm will be immensely helpful toMeeting the management needs of the infant and family at home and successfully infant and family at home and successfully linking them to the available community resources and viable support systems are necessary to reduce their stress, strengthen their family bonds, and assist them in providing the most nurturing and appropriate environment for the infant who has joined their family ahead of schedule.Unquestionably, professional and personal satisfaction come from supporting parents at the starting point of arriving home (with their terror of the clinical, technological, and parental complexities of caring for this special infant) to the point at which their confidence in their abilities and mastery of systems grows and enables them to manage the needs of their family without continual case management intervention.  相似文献   

Previous research suggests that multivitamin use before and during pregnancy can diminish diet-related deficiencies of certain micronutrients and potentially prevent preterm birth. To assess this association, the authors performed an analysis by using data from the Pregnancy, Infection, and Nutrition Study (n = 2,010). Women were recruited at 24-29 weeks of pregnancy from four prenatal care clinics in North Carolina from August 1995 to June 2000. For women who took multivitamins prior to pregnancy, compared with nonusers, the adjusted risk ratio was 0.50 (95% confidence interval: 0.20, 1.25) for delivering preterm (<37 weeks). In contrast, prenatal and periconceptional use, compared with nonuse, were not related to preterm birth, with adjusted risk ratios of 1.1. Preconceptional multivitamin use was inversely associated with both early (<35 weeks; adjusted odds ratio = 0.59, 95% confidence interval: 0.12, 2.76) and late (35-36 weeks; adjusted odds ratio = 0.40, 95% confidence interval: 0.12, 1.40) preterm birth; findings were based on only two and three exposed cases, respectively. These results suggest that, compared with nonusers, women who take multivitamin supplements prior to conception may have a reduced risk of preterm birth, but further studies are needed with a larger sample of preconceptional users.  相似文献   

《Annals of epidemiology》2014,24(12):882-887
PurposeData regarding circadian rhythm in the onset of spontaneous preterm premature rupture of membranes (PROM) and placental abruption (PA) cases are conflicting. We modeled the time of onset of preterm PROM and PA cases and examined if the circadian profiles varied based on the gestational age at delivery.MethodsWe used parametric and nonparametric methods, including trigonometric regression in the framework of generalized linear models, to test the presence of circadian rhythms in the time of onset of preterm PROM and PA cases among 395 women who delivered a singleton between 2009 and 2010 in Lima, Peru.ResultsWe found a diurnal circadian pattern, with a morning peak at 07:32 AM (95% confidence interval, 05:46 AM–09:18 AM) among moderate preterm PROM cases (P value < .001), and some evidence of a diurnal circadian periodicity among PA cases in term infants (P value = .067). However, we did not find evidence of circadian rhythms in the time of onset of extremely or very preterm PROM (P value = .259) and preterm PA (P value = .224).ConclusionsThe circadian rhythms of the time of onset of preterm PROM and PA cases varied based on gestational weeks at delivery. Although circadian rhythms were presented among moderate preterm PROM and term PA cases, there was no evidence of circadian rhythms among preterm PA and very or extremely preterm PROM cases, underlying other mechanisms associated with the time of onset.  相似文献   

Since the introduction of neonatal intensive care in the 1960s, mortality in very preterm and very low birthweight infants has been decreasing steadily. Consequently, interest in the outcome of surviving infants is growing. Restriction of health care resources has stressed the need for information concerning the effect of individual treatment components on mortality and morbidity. Concern about the quality in apparently normal survivors has been increasing as well. The current flood of papers on these subjects illustrates the interest in these issues. The first part of this paper reviews the methodology used in follow-up studies in the past decades. It aims at methodological problems that hamper comparison between studies and preclude unequivocal conclusions. New treatment techniques seldom were but should be evaluated by randomised trials. To monitor the combined effects of changing obstetric and neonatal techniques on perinatal outcome, studies in geographically defined populations are recommended using data from early pregnancy until at least preschool age. Comparability of outcomes could be enhanced by international agreement on standardisation of assessment methods and outcome measures. In the second part the results concerning gestational age- and birthweight-specific mortality, impairments and disabilities and the risk factors for such disorders are discussed. Increased survival of even the tiniest infants is clearly established. This increase in survival has not yet been accompanied by an apparent increase in major morbidity. However, many minor impairments are reported, occurring often in combination and predisposing these children to deviations of normal development. Important changes in the manifestation of brain damage appear to occur during development. These findings stress the importance of long-term follow-up studies.  相似文献   

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