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The objective of this study was to assess minor neurological dysfunction, cognitive development, and somatic development after dexamethasone therapy in very-low-birthweight infants. Thirty-three children after dexamethasone treatment were matched to 33 children without dexamethasone treatment. Data were assessed at the age of 3-7 years. Dexamethasone was started between the 7th and the 28th day of life over 7 days with a total dose of 2.35 mg/kg/day. Exclusion criteria were asphyxia, malformations, major surgical interventions, small for gestational age, intraventricular haemorrhage grades III and IV, periventricular leukomalacia, and severe psychomotor retardation. Each child was examined by a neuropediatrician for minor neurological dysfunctions and tested by a psychologist for cognitive development with a Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children and a Draw-a-Man Test. There were no differences in demographic data, growth, and socio-economic status between the two groups. Fine motor skills and gross motor function were significantly better in the control group (p<0.01). In the Draw-a-Man Test, the control group showed better results (p<0.001). There were no differences in development of speech, social development, and the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children. After dexamethasone treatment, children showed a higher rate of minor neurological dysfunctions. Neurological development was affected even without neurological diagnosis. Further long-term follow-up studies will be necessary to fully evaluate the impact of dexamethasone on neurological and cognitive development.  相似文献   



Late-onset sepsis is a relatively common complication particularly of preterm birth that affects approximately a quarter of very low birth weight infants.


We aimed to determine the motor, cognitive, and behavioural outcome at school age of preterm children with late-onset sepsis compared to matched controls.

Study design and subjects

A prospective case-control study that included preterm infants (gestational age < 32 weeks and/or birth weight < 1500 g) admitted to our Neonatal Intensive Care Unit in 2000-2001 with a culture-proven late-onset sepsis, and controls matched for gestational age.

Outcome measures

At school age we assessed motor skills, intelligence, visual perception, visuomotor integration, verbal memory, attention, executive functioning, and behaviour.


At 6-9 years, 21 of 32 children with late-onset sepsis (68%) had borderline or abnormal motor outcome with most problems in fine motor skills. Their total IQ was 89 compared to 98 in controls. In addition, verbal memory and attention were affected compared to controls (0.61 standard deviations (SD), 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.04-1.17, p = 0.033 and 0.94 SD, 95% CI 0.32-1.62, p = 0.011, respectively). Multiple episodes of sepsis and gram-negative sepsis were risk factors for worse cognitive outcome.


At school age, a majority of preterm children with late-onset sepsis had motor problems. Their IQ was considerably lower than matched controls, and memory and attention were specifically impaired. Outcome at school age of preterm children with late-onset sepsis was worse than previously thought.  相似文献   

Aim: To determine, using strict exclusion criteria, whether transient periventricular echodensities (TPE) in very-low-birthweight infants lead to minor neurological dysfunction and problems in cognitive and somatic development in children without major neurological impairments. Methods: 23 children with TPE were matched to 23 children without TPE. Exclusion criteria were small for gestational age, microcephaly at birth, diplegia, asphyxia, psychomotor retardation, intraventricular haemorrhage grade III/IV, major surgical interventions and malformations. The Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children, Draw-a-Man Test and neuropaediatric examination were used for evaluation. Results: There were no differences in demographic data, growth and socio-economic status. Significant differences with lower results in the TPE group were found in fine motor skills and in the Draw-a-Man Test. In the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children, all subscales were below average in the TPE group, except the sequential processing scale. In the control group, all subscales were within the average range.

Conclusion: By using strict exclusion criteria to eliminate other risk factors for minimal neurological dysfunction and poor cognitive development, we were able to focus on the effect of TPE. TPE seem to affect cognitive development and cause minor neurological dysfunction.  相似文献   



The motor and cognitive outcome at school age of newborn children with surgically treated intestinal obstructions is unknown. Physiological stress and anesthesia may potentially be harmful in the period of early brain development in newborn infants.


To determine motor and cognitive outcome at school age in children with surgically treated intestinal obstructions as newborns, and to identify clinical risk factors for adverse outcome.

Study design

Cohort study of infants born between 1995 and 2002 with atresia, stenosis, or intestinal malrotation. At 6 to 13 years we assessed their motor functions, intelligence, attention, visual perception, visuomotor integration, and verbal memory.


Of 44 children three (7%) died. Twenty-seven survivors (66%) were included for follow-up (median gestational age 36.7 weeks, birth weight 3000 g). Motor outcome was abnormal (< 5th percentile) in 22% of the children, which was significantly more than in the norm population (P < 0.01). Scores on selective attention were abnormal in 15% of the children (P < 0.01). Other cognitive functions were not affected. Lower birth weight and intestinal perforation were risk factors for poorer motor outcome (R2 = 53.0%), intrauterine growth restriction was a risk factor for poorer selective attention (R2 = 36.6%).


Children treated surgically for intestinal obstructions in the neonatal period had an increased risk for poor motor functioning and selective attention at school age. Low birth weight, intrauterine growth restriction and intestinal perforation were risk factors for adverse outcome. We recommend to closely follow the motor and attentional development of these children.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To evaluate fine motor (FM) and gross motor (GM) function shortly after school entry in children with a preschool diagnosis of developmental language impairment (DLI). STUDY DESIGN: A cohort of children (n = 70) diagnosed at pre-school age with DLI was reevaluated in elementary school. Language, cognitive, and motor outcomes were assessed through the use of the Battelle Developmental Inventory (BDI). Language was further assessed through the use of the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scale, Peabody Picture Vocabulary, and Expressive One Word Picture Vocabulary Tests. Performance below -1.5 SD of the normative mean on any test was considered to represent impairment. RESULTS: Forty-three children (mean age, 7.4 +/- 0.7 years) underwent reassessment at a mean of 3.8 +/- 0.7 years after initial preschool assessment. Mean scores for BDI motor domains (FM, 78.3 +/- 11.4; GM, 84.9 +/- 13.3) fell below normative values. Twenty-two children (52%) had motor impairment (FM, 17 of 42; GM, 15 of 42); 35 of 43 (81%) continued to have language impairment. BDI communication raw scores correlated most strongly with FM (rho = 0.73, P < .001) and GM (rho = 0.58, P = .003) raw scores but showed only moderate correlations with cognitive raw scores (rho = 0.41, P = .05). CONCLUSIONS: Impaired motor function is an important comorbidity in DLI. Factors critical to motor performance may also contribute to language deficits in DLI.  相似文献   



In children with developmental disorders, motor problems often co-occur with cognitive difficulties. Associations between specific cognitive deficits underlying learning problems and minor neurological dysfunction (MND) are still unknown.


To assess associations between specific types of MND as clinical markers of non-optimal brain function and performance in specific cognitive domains.

Study design

Part of a randomized controlled trial.


Three hundred and forty one 9-year-old children born at term (177 boys, 164 girls).

Outcome measures

Children were neurologically assessed to detect eight types of MND: mild dysfunction in posture and muscle tone, reflexes, coordination, fine manipulative ability, sensory function, cranial nerve function, choreiform dyskinesia and excessive associated movements. Cognitive function in the domains of attention, memory and language was evaluated using the Test of Everyday Attention for Children (TEA-Ch), a developmental neuropsychological assessment (NEPSY) and the Children's Memory Scale.


Fine manipulative disability and coordination problems were associated with lower scores on attention, memory and learning and language, other types of MND were not. Girls with coordination problems performed significantly worse on attention/executive function than those without this dysfunction; however, in boys, such association was absent.


Particularly, fine manipulative disability and coordination problems were associated with worse cognitive function in the domains of attention, learning and memory and language. Previous and present data suggest a minor sex difference in neurocognitive associations: in girls dysfunction of the cerebello-thalamo-cortical pathways may be associated with cognitive deficits, while in boys cognitive impairment may be associated with dysfunction of cortico-striato-thalamo-cortical pathways.  相似文献   

The neurodevelopmental outcome and school performance of 50 appropriate for gestational age (AGA) and 33 small for gestational age (SGA) very-low-birth-weight (VLBW) infants, compared to a control group (41 Term infants) were assessed at 8 years of age. The incidence of major handicaps among AGA and SGA/VLBW infants respectively, was 16% and 6%. No major handicap was found in the control group. The incidence of neurodevelopmental abnormalities (NDA) among AGA's (40%) and SGA's (57.6%) compared with the control group (31.7%) was found to be significantly higher. School failure occurred more frequently among VLBW infants (22.9%) and was related in children with NDA — and more particularly among AGA's — to the presence of language disorders of associated NDA. Evaluation of the consequences of NDA and school problems for later academic and professional achievement now requires further follow-up studies.  相似文献   



Motor skills have previously not been reported in young adults born with very low birth weight (VLBW), although they are commonly reported in children and adolescents.


To compare fine and gross motor skills in VLBW young adults with matched term-born controls, and to study longitudinal changes in the VLBW group.

Study design

A geographically based follow-up study of a VLBW group and a control group.


Thirty-six VLBW (birth weight ≤ 1500 g) young adults, including four participants with cerebral palsy (CP), and 37 matched controls (birth weight ≥ 10th centile) were examined at 14 and 23 years of age.

Outcome measures

Fine and gross motor skills were assessed using Grooved Pegboard test (GP), Trail Making Test-5 (TMT-5), Movement Assessment Battery for Children-2 (Movement ABC-2) and High-level Mobility Assessment Tool (HiMAT).


VLBW young adults were slower than controls on GP (p = 0.026) and TMT-5 (p < 0.001). Mean total Movement ABC-2 score was 69.7 ± 20.2 in the VLBW group compared with 74.1 ± 14.4 in the control group (p = 0.017). Differences were also seen in manual dexterity and balance. Additionally, HiMAT showed reduced balance and speed in gross motor skills in the VLBW group. The proportion of participants with motor problems did not change between age 14 and 23. After exclusion of participants with CP, scores were essentially the same.


VLBW young adults had overall poorer fine and gross motor skills compared with controls. Reduced speed seemed to be an underlying problem. Longitudinal findings indicate that VLBW children have not outgrown their motor problems when entering adulthood.  相似文献   



The population of preterm infants is increasing and resources available for follow-up are limited. Early markers are needed to identify children who will show major as well as more subtle neurodevelopmental impairments. Such a challenge could be achieved with the Amiel-Tison Neurological Assessment at Term (ATNAT).


This study assesses the usefulness of the ATNAT in the prediction of developmental problems at two years of corrected age (CA) in infants born between 29 and 37 weeks of gestation.


Inclusion criteria were: gestational age between 290/7 and 366/7 weeks inclusively, birth weight below 2500 g and minimal 24-hour stay in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of Sainte-Justine Hospital. A sample of 147 was prospectively recruited and assessed at two ages: at term with the ATNAT and at 24 months CA with Bayley Scales of Infant Development-II.


No major impairment such as cerebral palsy and no neurosensory impairment were observed. Developmental delay defined by an index < 70 on the mental or psychomotor scale was reported respectively in 6.2% and 5.4% of the cohort. Significant differences in mental, psychomotor and behavioral performances were found according to neurological status. Neurological status was the only variable to enter the predictive model for psychomotor and behavioral indexes. Gender and neurological status remained in the predictive model for mental performance.


This study supports the inclusion of the ATNAT among the eligibility criteria for systematic neurodevelopmental surveillance as it allows early identification of infants at higher risk of low developmental performances at 24 months CA.  相似文献   



Motor problems are common in children born preterm or small for gestational age.


To study the predictive value of early motor assessments for later motor skills.


Twenty-eight children born preterm with very low birth weight (VLBW: birth weight ≤ 1500 g), 57 children born small for gestational age (SGA: birth weight < 10th centile) at term and 77 term-born controls with normal birth weight.


The psychomotor development index (PDI) of the Bayley Scales of Infant Development was used as a measure of motor skills at age one, the Peabody Developmental Motor Scales (PDMS) at age five and the Movement Assessment Battery for Children (Movement ABC) at age 14. Low/borderline low scores were defined as < − 2SD/− 1SD (PDI) or < 5th/15th centile (PDMS; Movement ABC).


In the VLBW group, motor problems in adolescence were identified both by low PDI (sensitivity: 0.80; 95%CI:0.38-0.96) and PDMS scores (sensitivity: 0.83; 95%CI:0.44-0.97). In the SGA and the control group sensitivity was poor for low PDI and moderate for low PDMS scores. However, in the SGA group, sensitivity increased when borderline low PDMS scores were used as cut-off (sensitivity: 0.75; 95%CI:0.41-0.93). Specificity of PDI and PDMS was high in all three groups.


Both PDI and PDMS may be valuable tools for early identification of motor problems in VLBW children, whereas PDMS best predicted motor problems in the two other groups. In all three groups, a normal motor examination at 1 and 5 years was highly predictive of normal motor skills at age 14.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Diagnostic problems with the criteria of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in the Diagnostic Statistical Manual, 4th edn, have been identified. The aim of this study was to clarify whether the minor neurological signs test (MNT) the authors had previously reported was a predictor for the criteria of ADHD or hyperactivity disorder (HD) in perinatal risk children at 4-6 years of age and what kind of risk factors related to MNT. METHODS: A total of 136 children discharged from neonatal intensive care units were examined at the age of 4-6 years by a developmental neuropediatrician using both MNT and diagnostic criteria of DSM-IV ADHD/ICD-10 (International Classification of Diseases, 10th edn) HD. SPSS base and professional were used for statistical analysis. RESULTS: On comparison of diagnostic criteria between ADHD (11.0%) and HD (27.5%), the incidence in the same subjects showed significant difference. MNT scores showed significant correlation with criteria of ADHD (P < 0.01) and HD (P < 0.05). Diagnostic validity of MNT for predicting ADHD was demonstrated with 78% sensitivity and 79% specificity. High positive rates on MNT did not show a significant difference between the very low birthweight (VLBW) and non-low birthweight (NLBW) groups. Behavioral outcome with relation to risk factors were analyzed using multiple regression analysis. Apgar 5 in the NLBW group and toxemia of pregnancy and small for gestational age (SGA) in VLBW group were highly correlated with behavioral outcome. CONCLUSIONS: Minor neurological signs test score was a significant predictor for criteria of ADHD and HD. High incidences of positive MNT were suspected in not only VLBW children but also NLBW children and Apgar 5 in NLBW children and toxemia of pregnancy and SGA in VLBW children influenced behavioral outcome.  相似文献   


Background and objectives

Motor, cognitive, social and behavioral problems have been found to persist in adolescents born extremely preterm. Leisure participation has been associated with health benefits; however, few studies have explored leisure participation in this population. The aim of this study was to describe leisure participation in adolescents born at ≤ 29 week gestation. Secondary aims were to identify potential differences in participation related to sex, age, motor competence, and cognitive ability, and between adolescents born preterm and their siblings born at term.


This cross-sectional study included 128 adolescents (mean age: 16.0 years; 67 females) with a mean gestational age of 26.5 weeks. All participants, as well as 22 siblings born at term, completed the Children's Assessment of Participation and Enjoyment.


Participation levels were highest in social and recreational activities, and lowest in active-physical and skill-based activities. Boys participated in more active-physical activities (p = 0.01) and more often (p < 0.001) than girls, whereas girls had higher participation levels in social and self-improvement activities (p < 0.05) than boys. Older adolescents engaged in more social activities (p = 0.01) and more frequently (p = 0.002) than younger adolescents. Overall, participants with poor motor and cognitive skills had lower participation levels in active-physical and social activities. Adolescents born preterm participated in fewer recreational activities compared to term-born siblings (p = 0.013).


Engagement in active-physical and skill-based leisure activities needs to be promoted in boys, and especially in girls with a history of prematurity. Activities should be adapted to sex and individual skill level in order to promote participation.  相似文献   

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