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目的:研究中国近年来打击非法行医中的相关法律问题,提高行政执法能力。方法:以非法行医为检索词,检索2005年9月-2010年10月中国知网CHDK期刊全文数据库88篇相关文章,作者精选与非法行医行政、刑事处罚相关的36种杂志65篇文献。结果:行政法立法缺陷、权威定义缺失和执法机关在法律适用、案件移送把握上等问题,影响了打击非法行医效能。结论:完善行政法与刑法立法的无缝隙衔接,提高行政机关、执法人员法律解读能力是关键。  相似文献   

根治非法行医重在制度完善,我们应按照社会需要完善其整体立法。非法行医罪犯罪主体宜定为一般主体,将单位列为犯罪主体,细化《刑法》第336条中有关"情节严重"内涵;明确卫生技术人员的概念、范围;修改《医疗机构管理条例》,使其有关非法行医条款与《执业医师法》吻合;弥补立法盲区,出台医师执业地点两个以上的管理规定,制定行政法规遏制医疗机构出租承包科室、雇用"医托"等违规行为。  相似文献   

作者通过对2004~2005年常熟市三起涉嫌"非法行医罪"移送司法机关的案例介绍,分析了涉嫌"非法行医罪"的非法行医行为难以被追究刑事责任的原因主要是由于立法的不完善和非法行医罪的司法鉴定不规范,建议尽早出台相应的立法解释或司法解释,便于实务操作。  相似文献   

目前非法行医已严重扰乱医疗市场秩序,危害着公共卫生安全,但因法律的缺陷导致不能追究其刑事责任,对违法者缺少有效的打击手段.本文由一起计生机构非法行医致人死亡案引发诸多非法行医罪思考,就非法行医的主体、是否构成非法行医罪、非法行医的特征及认定、非法行医的共同犯罪等问题进行探讨,从而提出了尽快出台司法解释以及修订相关医疗法规的建议.  相似文献   

非法行医行为严重扰乱医疗服务市场秩序和社会治安,危害公民的身体健康和生命安全,历来是卫生计生行政部门和司法机关打击的重点。本文借助分析非法行医案件行刑衔接的现状,探讨行政执法与刑事执法衔接的相关问题,从法律完善、工作制度和监督制度建设等方面提出建议,希望可以对推进非法行医案件行刑衔接工作提供支持。  相似文献   

一、立法情况非法行医是指未经法律授权的机关批准许可,擅自开业从事疾病的诊疗工作,严重扰乱医疗管理秩序的行为。我国政府历来主张禁止非法行医,但在立法表述和严厉程度上有一个发展、完善的过程。十一届三中全会以后,针对现实存在的大量个体行医者(实际上是非法行医者),主要采取了疏导的办法。1980年8月20日国务院批转了卫生部《关于允许个体开业行医问题的请示报告》,规定了开业的条件,各级卫生行政部门重新审核办理了批准手续。该报告也做了禁止非法行医的规定:“对执业中的违法者由县级卫生行政部门给予相应的处分。”实际上没有关于…  相似文献   

非法行医罪若干问题的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
医疗市场规范与否直接关系到公众身体健康与生命安全.虽然国家已通过刑事立法规定了"非法行医罪",然而,非法行医罪的认定在诸多方面产生分歧,导致案件定性困难,直接影响案件审理.为指导实务操作,文章就非法行医罪中的有关问题进行了探讨.  相似文献   

非法行医是指违反我国有关医疗卫生法律、法规的强制性规定,具有社会危害性的一切医疗违法活动。非法行医表现形式包括有证医疗机构非法行医和无证行医两大类。有证非法行医主要表现为超范围诊疗、聘用非卫生技术人员、非法胎儿性别鉴定、选择性别引产、出租承包科室、发布虚假医疗广告信息等;无证行医主要是指未取得执业许可证擅自执业行为。  相似文献   

医疗安全是老百姓最关心的问题之一。苏州市由于外来人口的大量涌入,医疗保障体系尚不完善,非法行医现象依然存在。近几年来,全市持续保持打击非法行医的高压态势,执法力度日益加强,但非法行医现象至今仍未绝迹,甚至有蔓延趋势。现通过对非法行医存在原因的分析,探讨对策,以进一步加强打击非法行医力度,规范医疗服务市场,保障人民群众的身体健康和生命安全。  相似文献   

目的:分析非法行医现状、原因、危害及查处情况,为深入开展打击非法行医制定对策提供.依据。方法:根据历年打击非法行医资料进行研究。结果:随着打击非法行医工作的深入开展,非法行医逐年减少,但引起非法行医根本成因及现象仍然存在,严重干扰医疗卫生秩序。结论:打击非法行医除完善法律法规,需政府组织卫计生、工商、公安、药监等部门共同参与,采取综合对策,建立长效治理机制,才能从源头上遏制非法行医。  相似文献   

High rates of both illicit drug use and depression are consistently reported among gay men. However, little is known about how beliefs about drug use shape clinical encounters between gay men and health professionals, and that in turn affect clinical communication and care, particularly in relation to depression. We compared 'doctor' and 'patient' beliefs about the role of illicit drug use in gay men's depression. Semi-structured interviews were conducted during August-December 2006 with 16 general medical practitioners working in seven 'gay-friendly' practices in Sydney, Adelaide and a rural-coastal city in New South Wales, and during February-May 2008 with 40 gay men with depression recruited through four Sydney and Adelaide practices. A thematic analysis of these two sets of interviews found that doctors expressed the beliefs that: illicit drug use is related to depression in gay men; illicit drug use impedes effective diagnosis and treatment of depression in gay men; and illicit drug use increases the level of complexity involved in caring for gay men with depression. Gay men expressed the beliefs that: illicit drug use is closely related to depression; illicit drug use can be helpful in dealing with difficult experiences; and illicit drug use is just what you do as a gay man living in a big city. Both groups believed drug use and depression were related, but doctors emphasised the negative outcomes of drug use and interpreted these in relation to health. Gay men believed that drugs could have both negative and positive uses and differentiated between health and social outcomes. While the doctors articulated a pragmatic position on drug use, which is consistent with harm reduction principles, communication with gay male patients could be enhanced if both groups acknowledged their divergent views of illicit drugs and their potential role in mental health.  相似文献   

In a European context marked by heterogeneous Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) practices, this article will elucidate and compare the norm elaboration processes pertaining to ART in France and Romania. Using an experimental five-phase model encompassing experimentation, excesses, social mobilization, legislation and contestation, I will examine the processes linking micro (everyday medical practices), meso (institutional regulation) and macro (legislation) levels of ART bioethics in the two countries since the 1980s. ART has developed in France and Romania on different time frames, and Romania's management of ART is decisively influenced by Ceauşescu's pro-natalist policy. However, I will show how the two countries share similar trajectories along the proposed model's first three phases of norm elaboration, and, in recent years, how both have witnessed the emergence of social actors' claims for a more liberal and state-sponsored access to ART, requiring a redefinition of bioethics in line with reproductive social justice at national levels. This is fed by contemporary medical practices and social values, and an increasing transnational interconnectedness between social actors.  相似文献   

为适应医疗改革要求,医疗行业协会参与公立医院监管成为必然,公立医院复合式监管模式正在形成。通过分析医疗行业协会在公立医院外部监管中的优势以及存在的问题,指出行业协会参与公立医院监管的困境:政府重视不够,缺乏监管独立性,协会职能不清和内部建设不完善等问题,提出加快立法、理顺关系、明确监管职能范围及加强自身建设等对策。  相似文献   

论我国医疗纠纷非诉讼解决机制的完善   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
非诉讼纠纷解决机制是诉讼外纠纷解决机制的总称,主要包括和解、调解、行政裁决和仲裁等。实际上,非诉讼纠纷解决方式在我国医疗实务界早已存在。在分析我国医疗纠纷非诉讼解决机制在实际运用中的问题的基础上,对完善我国医疗纠纷非诉讼解决机制的立法、机构设置及制度衔接方面提出建议。  相似文献   

加强立法 完善医疗纠纷处理机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文关注医疗纠纷私力救济途径解决中存在的问题,首先提出了私力救济途径处理诱导纠纷激增的机制,并分析了美国的医疗纠纷诉讼处理经验与我国关于医疗纠纷处理适用法律的不足,提出了完善医疗纠纷立法的相关建议,以促使医患双方主动选择法律途径解决纠纷,促进和谐医患关系的建立。  相似文献   

Within Western European countries the number of women and girls already genitally mutilated or at risk, is rising due to increasing rates of migration of Africans. The article compares legislative and ethical practices within the medical profession concerning female genital mutilation (FGM) in these countries. There are considerable differences in the number of affected women and in legislation and guidelines. For example, in France, Great Britain and Austria FGM is included in the criminal code as elements of crime, whereas in Germany and Switzerland FGM is brought to trial as bodily injury. So far trials only in France and Switzerland in connection with FGM resulted in convictions. France and Great Britain as former Colonial countries serve as an example of countries with a comparably great number of African immigrants. These countries have the best possibilities to intervene preventatively, due to legislation and detailed medical guidelines. For instance, an obligation exists in France to inform administrative and medical authorities if FGM is suspected. FGM so far is not explicitly part of the curriculum for medical training in any of the examined countries.  相似文献   

This paper explores innovations in health complaints mechanisms in New Zealand, focusing on two legislative developments-The Health and Disability Commissioner Act 1994 and the Medical Practitioners Act 1995. Both pieces of legislation were introduced during a time of far-reaching institutional change in New Zealand, and were influenced by the findings of unethical practices by medical researchers at a women's hospital in Auckland. Although the legislation was driven by concerns over consumer rights and in particular women's health, there have been some unanticipated developments. An assessment is made of the impact of these innovations, based on the analysis of a number of data sources, including media reports, complaint reports and submissions to select committee hearings. The regulatory environment in New Zealand left health consumers heavily dependent on the medical profession's internal mechanisms of regulation. The failure of this internal regulation led to new external regulatory mechanisms designed to empower the consumer. The analysis suggests that even when empowerment appears to be written into legislation there are mechanisms available to limit empowerment further.  相似文献   

The emphasis in the literature regarding illicit drugs has been overwhelmingly on the subject of harm caused by their ingestion. Little has been reported on the potential and real harm associated with the illicit manufacture of drugs. This paper describes the increasing prevalence of clandestine drug laboratories in Australia, overwhelmingly devoted to the manufacture of methamphetamine. The nature of the illicit synthetic process is reviewed together with its inherent dangers for the 'cook', first responders and bystanders including children, and the environment. We have analysed the emerging trends in manufacture and seizure in Australia, and offer suggestions to remedy significant deficiencies in knowledge and policy in the management of clandestine drug laboratories, especially with reference to clinical management issues, data collection, environmental contaminants and remediation, legislation and research. In particular, we conclude that: The problem of clandestine drug laboratories is growing in Australia, reflecting patterns world-wide. There are significant health and environmental implications of this growth. First responders should ensure that specialised expertise is available when decommissioning detected laboratories. Clinicians should familiarise themselves with the types of injuries associated with clandestine drug manufacture. Legislatures without a clandestine drug laboratory registry should establish one. Where it doesn't exist, legislation should be sought to curb the spread of this unwanted phenomenon. Significant opportunities exist for further research into the harm caused to first responders, the community, and the environment by clandestine laboratories.  相似文献   

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