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目的 筛选出既能降解农药又有抑制霉菌的芽孢杆菌,并测定此芽孢杆菌的最佳生长条件。方法 本实验以有机磷农药为试验用培养基中惟一氮源筛选出10株能分解有机磷农药的芽孢杆菌,并测试其抑制霉菌作用,摸索菌株最适生长条件。结果 筛选得到的降解农药的7号菌株,有抑制霉菌生长作用,培养温度为35℃,pH7.0。结论 芽孢杆菌能够抑制霉菌并且降解有机磷农药。  相似文献   

目的 探讨重症二嗪磷中毒的护理措施.方法 笔者采用促进毒物排除体外、维持有效呼吸、应用阿托品抢救3例重症二嗪磷中毒.结果 患者未发生任何并发症.结论 做好基础护理,加强心理护理可使患者主动配合治疗,早日康复.  相似文献   

目的 探讨沈阳市产妇孕期有机磷农药(OPs)暴露水平及相关影响因素,为今后采取健康干预措施提供依据。方法 采用现况调查方法,以2011年3月-2012年3月于沈阳医学院附属中心医院分娩的健康产妇为研究对象,调查其孕期OPs接触情况,收集产妇孕期尿样,采用气相色谱法测定体内有机磷农药5种非特异性代谢产物二烷基磷酸酯类化合物(DAPs)的浓度。结果 249名产妇尿液中5种代谢产物检出率分别为:磷酸二甲酯(DMP)95.6%、二甲基硫代磷酸酯(DMTP)93.6%、磷酸二乙酯(DEP)95.6%、二乙基硫代磷酸酯(DETP)88.8%、二乙基二硫代磷酸酯(DEDTP)6.8%;其几何均数分别为:DMP 13.78 μg/L、DMTP 6.50 μg/L、DEP 5.56 μg/L、DETP 4.00 μg/L、DEDTP来计算;单因素分析比较不同特征产妇尿中OPs代谢产物,≥30岁产妇体内二甲基类代谢产物(DMs)浓度水平高于<30岁组(P<0.05);家庭内从不使用杀虫剂的产妇体内DMs和DAPs水平均低于偶尔和经常使用杀虫剂的产妇(P<0.05)。多元逐步线性回归分析表明,居住在郊区、年龄越大、家庭杀虫剂使用频率越高的产妇体内DAPs水平越高(P<0.05)。结论 沈阳地区产妇孕期OPs暴露水平较高,且其体内OPs代谢产物水平可能与产妇年龄、居住地和孕期家庭室内杀虫剂使用频率等因素相关。  相似文献   

目的 了解解毒机对蔬菜中多种剧毒有机磷农药降解情况.方法 将残留在生菜、上海青、四季豆、黄瓜上的甲胺磷、久效磷、乐果和对硫磷,用解毒机进行清洗,同时用自来水浸泡作对照,然后采用毛细管柱气相色谱法测定,计算降解率,评价其降解效果.结果 解毒机清洗蔬菜20 min达最佳,在4种蔬菜中甲胺磷的降解率为72.13% ~79.86%,久效磷为74.58%~ 81.99%,乐果为49.33% ~ 55.08%,对硫磷为57.34% ~60.03%.自来水浸泡蔬菜30 min达最佳,在4种蔬菜中4种农药的降解率在19.74% ~35.91%之间.结论 解毒机对蔬菜中剧毒有机磷农药降解速度快,效果好.  相似文献   

荆爱玲 《现代预防医学》2012,39(20):5469-5470
目的 探讨曲美他嗪治疗慢性心力衰竭患者的临床疗效及可能机制.方法 选取某院收治的NYHA Ⅱ~Ⅳ级慢性心衰患者100例,随机分为观察组和对照组各50例.对照组给予常规抗心衰治疗,观察组在此基础上每天加用曲美他嗪20 mg/次,1日3次,疗程均为1个月.观察两组用药前后心功能、左室射血分数(LVEF)、左室舒张末横径(LVEDD)及血浆CRP水平的变化.结果 观察组治疗后的临床综合疗效总有效率明显高于对照组(P<0.05);两组患者治疗后LVEF、LVEDD及血浆CRP水平均有明显变化(P<0.01),而观察组较对照组各项指标变化更明显(P<0.01).结论 曲美他嗪治疗慢性心力衰竭患者的疗效显著,可能与其抑制炎症反应有关.  相似文献   

农药杀灭松(Sumithion)和二嗪农(Diazinon)是有机磷制剂,广泛用于果园。采取20岁正常男性血液,用含15%牛仔血清和20mM溴脱氧尿核甙的RPMI培养液,进行72小时培  相似文献   

有机磷农药作为农药的主要种类之一,应用广泛,造成的毒性也是严重的.有机磷农药中毒不仅可以产生急性毒性和迟发性神经毒性,还可以对机体的器官造成损伤.该文主要从氧化应激、胆碱酯酶的抑制、对氧磷酶的抑制和干扰色氨酸的代谢等方面阐述有机磷农药导致高血糖的致病机制.  相似文献   

目的探讨益母草胶囊治疗产后出血的疗效及对患者纤维蛋白原(FIB)、纤维蛋白原降解产物(FDP)和D-二聚体水平的影响。方法选取2015年1月-2017年12月东阳市人民医院收治的产后出血患者100例为研究对象,按照随机表法分为对照组与治疗组,每组各50例。对照组给予宫体内注射250μg卡前列素氨丁三醇,治疗组在卡前列素氨丁三醇基础上结合益母草胶囊。比较两组治疗效果,产后2 h和产后24 h出血量,用药后15 min和用药后30 min产妇宫缩强度,治疗前后血浆FIB、FDP和D-二聚体水平及不良反应发生情况。结果治疗组总有效率高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P0. 05)。治疗组产后2h和产后24 h出血量少于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P0. 05)。治疗组用药后15 min和用药后30 min产妇宫缩强度高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P0. 05)。两组治疗后血浆FIB、FDP和D-二聚体水平低于治疗前,且治疗组低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P0. 05)。治疗组不良反应发生率低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P0. 05)。结论益母草胶囊治疗产后出血效果显著,可增强产妇宫缩强度,降低血浆FIB、FDP和D-二聚体水平,不良反应发生率较低,值得临床借鉴。  相似文献   

大多数有机磷农药(OP)通常都有相似结构,在环境或动植物体内能通过水解和氧化途径等降解转化为六种二烷基磷酸酯类化合物(DAPs)中的一种或一种以上,它们常被用作人群农药暴露评估的生物标志物。该文综述了OP在环境中的主要降解机制、DAPs在生物监测中的应用进展,分析了食品中OP及DAPs残留对生物监测的影响,提出了新的OP暴露评估策略。  相似文献   

目的:研究海洋生物果蔬去农残伴侣A、B对大白菜中六六六和DDT有机氯农药残留的降解效果。方法:用气相色谱仪测定用海洋生物果蔬去农残伴侣A、B处理大白菜前后农药六六六和DDT的残留量,并做对比实验,计算农药的降解率。结果:海洋生物果蔬去农残伴侣A、B对4种六六六农药和4种DDT农药有明显降解效果。结论:海洋生物果蔬去农残伴侣A、B可以用来降解蔬菜水果的有机氯类农药。  相似文献   

气相色谱法同时检测生活饮用水中的27种有机磷农药残留   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:建立气相色谱法同时测定饮用水中的27种有机磷农药残留。方法:水中的有机磷农药经液-液萃取浓缩后,用CP-Sil 24 CB毛细管柱分离、脉冲火焰光度检测器(PFPD)进行检测。结果:27种有机磷农药在0.20~10.0μg/ml范围内有较好的线性,相关系数均大于0.99,检出限为0.03~0.31μg/L,水样的加标回收率为70.5%~103.0%,RSD为3.5%~9.7%。结论:所建立的分析方法简便、快速、准确,可同时测定饮用水中的27种有机磷农药残留。  相似文献   

Yang Y  Gao L  Sun H  Luo X  Lu D 《卫生研究》2012,41(2):287-292
目的建立饮用水中有机磷农药残留的膜萃取-气相色谱快速测定方法。方法将1000ml水样置入活化了的C18固相圆盘膜萃取装置,抽滤萃取,用10ml乙酸乙酯洗脱,无水硫酸钠脱水,氮吹至少于1ml,定容至1ml,进样2μl,气相色谱仪测定。结果本法加标回收率在81.8%~123%之间,方法精密度(RSD)在2.67%~24.0%之间,不同有机磷农药检出限在0.006~0.35μg/L之间,定量下限在0.022~1.2μg/L之间。结论本法简单、准确、灵敏、结果重现性好、定性结果可靠、适用于水中痕量有机磷农药的测定。  相似文献   

This study examined the potential for pet dogs to be an important pathway for transporting diazinon residues into homes and onto its occupants following residential lawn applications. The primary objectives were to investigate the potential exposures of occupants and their pet dogs to diazinon after an application to turf at their residences and to determine if personal contacts between occupants and their pet dogs resulted in measurable exposures. It was conducted from April to August 2001 before the Agency phased out all residential uses of diazinon in December 2004. Six families and their pet dogs were recruited into the study. Monitoring was conducted at pre-, 1, 2, 4, and 8 days post-application of a commercial, granular formulation of diazinon to the lawn by the homeowner. Environmental samples collected included soil, indoor air, carpet dust, and transferable residues from lawns and floors. Samples collected from the pet dogs consisted of paw wipes, fur clippings, and transferable residues from the fur by a technician or child wearing a cotton glove(s). First morning void (FMV) urine samples were collected from each child and his/her parent on each sampling day. Diazinon was analyzed in all samples, except urine, by GC-MS. The metabolite 2-isopropyl-4-methyl-6-hydroxypyrimidine (IMPy) was analyzed in the urine samples by HPLC-MS/MS. Mean airborne residues of diazinon on day 1 post-application were at least six times higher in both the living rooms (235±267 ng/m3) and children's bedrooms (179±246 ng/m3) than at pre-application. Mean loadings of diazinon in carpet dust samples were at least 20 times greater on days 2, 4, and 8 post-application than mean loadings (0.03±0.04 ng/cm2) at pre-application. The pet dogs had over 900 times higher mean loadings of diazinon residues on their paws on day 1 post-application (88.1±100.1 ng/cm2) compared to mean loadings (<0.09 ng/cm2) at pre-application. The mean diazinon loadings on the fur clippings were at least 14 times higher on days 1, 2, 4, and 8 post-application than mean loadings (0.8±0.4 ng/cm2) at pre-application. For transferable residues from dog fur, the mean loadings of diazinon on the technician's cotton glove samples were the lowest before application (0.04±0.08 ng/cm2) and the highest on day 1 post-application (10.4±23.9 ng/cm2) of diazinon to turf. Urinary IMPy concentrations for the participants ranged from <0.3 to 5.5 ng/mL before application and <0.3–12.5 ng/mL after application of diazinon. The mean urinary IMPy concentrations for children or adults were not statistically different (p>0.05) at pre-application compared to post-application of diazinon to turf. The results showed that the participants and their pet dogs were likely exposed to low levels of diazinon residues from several sources (i.e., air, dust, and soil), through several pathways and routes, after lawn applications at these residences. Lastly, the pet dog appears to be an important pathway for the transfer and translocation of diazinon residues inside the homes and likely exposed occupants through personal contacts (i.e., petting).  相似文献   

气相色谱法测定土壤中有机磷农药残留   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:应用气相色谱法测定土壤中敌敌畏等8种有机磷农药残留。方法:先用乙腈-NaCl盐析法萃取土壤中残留的农药,而后将溶剂置换为丙酮,处理好的样液用气相色谱法进行定性和定量分析。结果:此方法最低检出限可达到0.008 mg/kg或更低,回收率范围为87.0%~105.0%,RSD为3.3%~7.2%。结论:所建立的方法符合我国农药残留检测相关标准的要求。  相似文献   

目的 探讨农药敌匹硫磷和残杀威与环境内分泌干扰物双酚A对细胞吞噬功能毒效应的联合作用方式.方法 采用荧光微球流式细胞仪检测技术,以吞噬百分率(PP)和吞噬指数(PI)为检测指标,观察无细胞毒性剂量的敌匹硫磷和双酚A、残杀威和双酚A联合暴露(受试物分别按等毒性比混合)对小鼠巨噬细胞RAW264.7吞噬功能的影响.敌匹硫磷与双酚A联合暴露终浓度分别为(0.4+0.1)、(3.6+0.7)、(36.2+7.2)、(43.4+8.7)、(52.1+10.4)、(62.5+12.5)、(75.0+15.0)μg/ml;残杀威与双酚A联合暴露终浓度分别为(0.2+2.0×10-2)、(2.4+0.2)、(23.7+2.0)、(35.6+3.0)、(53.3+4.4)、(80.0+6.7)、(120.0+10.0)μg/ml.以剂量-效应关系为基础,选择效应差异具有统计学意义的敌匹硫磷与双酚A、残杀威与双酚A剂量分别进行2×2完全析因实验,分析敌匹硫磷与双酚A、残杀威与双酚A的联合作用方式.结果 在联合暴露条件下,与对照组[PP为(23.6±2.2)%;PI为0.36±0.03]相比,敌匹硫磷+双酚A各剂量组[(52.1+10.4)、(62.5+12.5)、(75.0+15.0)μg/ml]均能提高细胞的PP[(29.0±1.4)%,t=3.89,P<0.05;(30.2±2.3)%,t=4.74,P<0.05;(35.0±3.4)%,t=8.21,P<0.05]和PI(0.43±0.03,t=3.86,P<0.05;0.41±0.02,t=2.95,P<0.05;0.46±0.03,t=5.34,P<0.05)水平;而残杀威+双酚A各剂量组[(35.6+3.0)、(53.3+4.4)、(80.0+6.7)、(120.0+10.0)μg/ml]则降低细胞的PP[(20.6±1.1)%,t=-3.00,P<0.05;(20.2±1.0)%,t=-3.42,P<0.05;(19.4±1.3)%,t=-4.23,P<0.05;(18.8±2.1)%,t=-4.81,P<0.05]和PI(0.31±0.01,t=-4.75,P<0.05;0.31±0.01,t=-4.58,P<0.05;0.30±0.01,t=-4.92,P<0.05;0.27±0.02,t=-7.80,P<0.05)水平.选择敌匹硫磷[60.0μg/ml,PP为(28.5±3.4)%,PI为0.49±0.07]与双酚A[12.0μg/ml,PP为(35.7±2.7)%,PI为0.67±0.07]、残杀威[48.0 μg/ml,PP为(28.1±2.2)%,PI为0.48±0.04]与双酚A[4.0μg/m1,PP为(34.4±2.7)%,PI为0.59±0.07],分别进行2×2析因设计实验.分析结果显.示,敌匹硫磷和双酚A对RAW264.7细胞的PP[(30.4±1.4)%]和PI(0.53±0.03)的影响存在交互作用(PP,F交互作用=6.22,P<0.05;PI,F交互作用=7.35,P<0.05),残杀威和双酚A之间亦存在交互作用[PP为(27.5±4.1)%,F交互作用=4.56,P<0.05;PI为0.46±0.08,F交互作用=11.13,P<0.05],均表现为拮抗作用.结论 敌匹硫磷与双酚A、残杀威与双酚A对RAW264.7细胞吞噬功能毒效应的联合作用方式均为拮抗作用.
Objective To explore the toxicity of joint exposure to diazinon,propoxur and bisphenol A on phagocytosis. Methods Flow cytometer was employed to detect the influence of diazinon and bisphenol A, propoxur and bisphenol A in mixture (mixed according to ratio of IC50) on mouse macrophage RAW264. 7 cells' function to phagocyte fluorescent microspheres, adopting the percentage of phagocytic cells (PP) and the phagocytic index (PI) as measurement indicators. The final concentrations of mixture of diazinou and bisphenol A were (0. 4 + 0. 1), (3.6 + 0. 7), (36. 2 + 7. 2), (43.4 + 8.7), (52.1 + 10.4),(62.5 + 12.5), (75.0 + 15.0) μg/ml; while those of mixture of propoxur and bisphenol A were (0.2+2.0×10-2),(2.4 +0.2), (23.7 +2.0),(35.6 +3.0),(53.3 +4.4),(80.0 +6.7),(120. 0 + 10.0) μg/ml. Then based on the dose-response relationship, a 2 × 2 factorial design was then carried out among different doses of mixture with statistical significance to statistically evaluate the interaction between diazinon and bisphenol A, propoxur and bisphenol A. Results After the joint exposure, compared to the control group (PP = (23.6 ± 2. 2) %; PI = 0. 36 ± 0. 03), any dose of the mixture of diazinon and bisphenol A ((52. 1 + 10. 4), (62. 5 + 12. 5), (75.0 + 15.0) μg/ml) could significantly increase the levels of PP ((29.0±1.4)%,t=3.89,P<0. 05; (30.2 ±2.3)%,t =4.74,P<0.05; (35.0±3.4)%,t=8.21,P <0. 05) and PI (0.43 ±0. 03,t=3.86,P <0. 05; 0.41 ±0. 02,t=2.95,P <0. 05; 0.46 ±0. 03, t = 5. 34, P < 0. 05); while that of propoxur and bisphenol A ((35.6 + 3.0), (53.3 + 4. 4), (80. 0 +6.7) ,(120.0 + 10.0) μg/ml) reduced the levels of PP ((20.6±1.1)% ,t=-3.00,P<0.05; (20.2±1.0)%,t=-3.42,P<0.05; (19.4±1.3)%,t=-4.23,P<0.05; (18.8±2.1)%,t=-4.81,P<0.05) and PI (0.31 ±0.01,t =-4.75,P<0.05; 0.31 ±0.01,t =-4.58,P<0.05; 0.30 ±0.01,t=-4. 92, P < 0. 05; 0. 27 ± 0. 02, t =-7. 80, P < 0. 05) on the contrary. The 2 × 2 factorial design was carried out between the mixture of diazinon (60. 0 μg/ml; PP = (28. 5 ± 3.4) %; PI = 0. 49 ± 0. 07) and bisphenol A (12.0 μg/ml; PP= (35.7 ± 2.7)%; PI= 0.67 ± 0.07), and the mixture of propoxur (48.0 μg/ml; PP= (28. 1 ±2.2)%; PI=0.48 ±0.04) and bisphenol A (4.0 μg/ml; PP= (34.4 ±2. 7) %; PI = 0. 59 ± 0. 07). The mixture of diazinon and bisphenol A (PP = (30. 4 ± 1.4) %, Finteraction=6. 22, P < 0.05; PI = 0. 53 ± 0. 03, Finteraction = 7. 35, P < 0. 05) and the mixture of propoxur and bisphenol A (PP= (27.5 ±4.1)%,Finteraction=4.56,P<0.05; PI = 0. 46 ± 0. 08, Finteraction=11.13,P<0.05) both showed a significant antagonistic interaction on phagocytosis of RAW264. 7 cell. Conclusion It is suggested that the interactions between diazinon & bisphenol A and propoxur & bisphenol A both played the antagonistic role on phagocytic function of macrophages in vitro.  相似文献   

蔬菜中有机磷农药快速检测方法-GC/MS法的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:快速检测蔬菜中多种有机磷农药的残留。方法:蔬菜样品经过处理以后,用GC/MS测定。结果:该法对17种有机磷检测限量小于0.02 mg/kg,回收率在80.3%-115.2%之间,变异系数在2%-15%之间。结论:该法可用于多种蔬菜中的多种农药残留的测定,具有快速方便,回收率和灵敏度高,溶剂消耗少等特点,适用于实验室的常规分析。  相似文献   

纳米二氧化钛对室内空气中甲醛的降解作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
翟增运  李纯海 《职业与健康》2009,25(10):1080-1081
目的研究以纳米二氧化钛为主体原料制成的空气净化喷雾剂降解甲醛的效果。方法选取20对房间随机分成2组,一组用纳米二氧化钛空气净化喷雾剂治理,另一组作对照,24h后同时测定2组房间内的甲醛浓度。结果治理24h后治理组房间甲醛含量显著低于对照组(t=7.417,v=9,P=0.000)。结论纳米二氧化钛空气净化喷雾剂对甲醛有显著的降解效果。  相似文献   

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