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The Aberrant Behavior Checklist (ABC) is a 58-item rating scale that was developed primarily to measure the effects of pharmacological intervention in individuals living in residential facilities. This study investigated the use of the ABC in a sample of community children with mental retardation. Teacher ratings on the ABC were collected on 666 students attending special classes. The data were factor analyzed and compared with other studies using the ABC. In addition, subscales were analyzed as a function of age, sex, and classroom placement, and preliminary norms were derived. A four-factor solution of the ABC was obtained. Congruence between the four derived factors and corresponding factors from the original ABC was high (congruence coefficients ranged between .87 and .96). Classroom placement and age had significant effects on subscale scores, whereas sex failed to affect ratings. The current results are sufficiently close to the original factor solution that the original scoring method can be used with community samples, although further studies are needed to look at this in more detail.Work on this paper was supported by a research project grant from the National Institute of Mental Health (Grant MH 44122) to M. G. Aman. The authors thank the departments of special education within public school districts, the county boards of MR/DD, and the numerous teachers in central and northern Ohio who participated in this study.  相似文献   

Background The prevalence and consequences of anger and aggression in people with intellectual disability (ID) are of great concern. It is essential that appropriate assessment tools are developed to aid formulation of treatments and to evaluate progress and outcomes. Method This study evaluates the Dundee Provocation Inventory (DPI), a 20-item assessment measure for anger provocation. A group of 114 participants were administered the DPI, and 62 of these were also administered the Novaco Anger Scale (NAS) and NAS Provocation Inventory (NAS-PI), two well-validated measures. Results Preliminary analysis revealed that the DPI correlated significantly with the NAS (r = .57) and NAS-PI (r = .77). The DPI had high internal consistency (alpha = .91) and moderate to high inter-item and item-to-total score correlations. Factor analysis revealed a 5-factor solution which accounted for 63% of the variance and was most easily interpreted. Conclusion The analysis suggests that the DPI is a suitable tool for assessing anger in people with ID. Further replication of the factor structure would be valuable.  相似文献   

Abstract. Objective: The aim of this study was to develop an evaluation scale for use as a supplementary tool for the diagnosis of oppositional defiant disorder (ODD). Method: The subjects were 98 Japanese children (91 males and 7 females), aged 6–15 years, diagnosed with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or ODD. Internal consistency, test-retest reliability, concurrent validity and divergent validity of the oppositional defiant behavior inventory (ODBI), an evaluation scale of oppositional defiant tendency, were examined. Results: Cronbachs coefficient of the ODBI was 0.925. The correlation coefficient between the test and the retest was 0.820 (p < 0.0001). Both the ODBI scores (test and retest) were correlated with the number of items that matched the ODD diagnostic criteria of DSM-IV (r = 0.660, 0.659, p < 0.001), and with the ODD-scale of Disruptive Behavior Disorders Rating Scale (r = 0.725, 0.654, p < 0.001). Compared with the ADHD group or controls, the ADHD and ODD group showed a significantly higher ODBI score at p < 0.0001. Conclusion: The concurrent use of this scale with clinical examination is expected to increase the accuracy of the diagnosis of ODD.  相似文献   

The convergent validity and clinical utility of two parent-report child behavior rating scales, the Behavior Assessment System for Children-Parent Rating Scales (BASC-PRS) and Child Behavior Checklist/Ages 6-18 (CBCL), in children with epilepsy were examined. Analogous broadband and narrowband behavior rating scales were evaluated in 60 subjects aged 6-17 years (mean=11.0, SD=3.4) with Full Scale IQ >70. Correlations for each similarly labeled scale were statistically significant (P<0.002) and greater with broadband (r=0.71-0.79) than with narrowband (r=0.41-0.78) scales. The BASC captured significantly less composite internalizing symptoms (P<0.002), but more unusual thought processes (P<0.0002) and attention problems versus a CBCL DSM-oriented attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder scale (P<0.002). Variation in the correlations between measures may stem from underlying differences between rationally-and empirically-derived approaches to test construction. Both the CBCL and BASC have diagnostic and clinical utility in assessing behavior problems in pediatric epilepsy.  相似文献   

The validity of the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) for patients with epilepsy has been questioned, because several items may reflect seizure semiology rather than habitual behavior. This study compared a standard version of the CBCL with an adjusted version that excluded those ambiguous items. Participants were 58 pediatric patients with epilepsy who were assessed preoperatively and 1 year after successful surgical treatment. Before surgery, the adjusted version indicated significantly lower values for the scales Attention Problems, Thought Problems, and Total Problems than the standard version. After surgery, the difference between the standard and adjusted versions and the scores for the ambiguous items were unchanged, although all patients were completely seizure free at that time. Elevated scores on the ambiguous items thus probably reflect real behavioral problems and are not due to confusion with seizure semiology. The results support the CBCL as a valid assessment tool in children with epilepsy.  相似文献   

The PDD Behavior Inventory (PDDBI) is a rating scale filled out by parents and teachers that is designed to assess response to intervention in children with PDD. It consists of subscales that measure both maladaptive and adaptive behaviors and also provides a summary Autism Score reflective of the severity of the condition. The scale has been shown to have very good internal consistency as well as developmental and construct validity. In this study, the PDDBI's criterion-related validity was assessed. Correlations with the Childhood Autism Rating Scale and the Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised were good. Selected maladaptive scales from the PDDBI correlated well with comparable factors of the Nisonger Child Behavior Rating Form. The adaptive sections of the PDDBI correlated highly with the Griffiths Mental Development Scales and with the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales. These results confirm the validity of the PDDBI and suggest that the scale will have value in assessing treatment-related changes in maladaptive and adaptive behaviors associated with PDD.  相似文献   

This study examined the psychometric properties of the Obsessive-Compulsive Scale (OCS) of the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL). Participants included 48 youth with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), 41 with a non-OCD internalizing disorder, and 101 with an externalizing disorder. Confirmatory factor analysis of the 8-item OCS did not result in an adequate fit. Exploratory factor analysis identified a 1-factor model consisting of 6 items. Adequate internal consistency for the revised OCS (OCS-R) was obtained, and convergent validity was supported by moderate relationships with other OCD indices. The OCS-R had stronger associations with measures of OCD symptoms than with measures of depression and externalizing behaviors. Youth with OCD had significantly higher OCS-R scores than those with internalizing and externalizing disorders. Suggestions for cutoff scores are provided using results from ROC analyses. Overall, these findings suggest that the OCS-R is a reliable and valid instrument for the assessment of pediatric OCD.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the Screen for Child Anxiety-Related Emotional Disorders' (SCARED) divergent and convergent validity and its ability to identify anxious children. The SCARED, the Child Behaviour Checklist (CBCL), and the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children (STAIC) were administered to children, adolescents (n = 295), and their parents attending an outpatient mood and anxiety disorders clinic. DSM-IIIR/IV diagnoses were made using a semistructured interview (n = 130) or a symptom checklist (n = 165). The Multi-Trait Multi-Method Matrix was used to assess construct validity, and Receiver Operating Curve analysis was used to assess the sensitivity and specificity of the SCARED, CBCL, and STAIC. The SCARED correlated significantly better with the CBCL's internalizing factors than with the externalizing factors. In addition, parent and child forms of the SCARED correlated significantly with the trait and state subscales of the STAIC. Children with an anxiety disorder scored significantly higher on the SCARED than children with depression only or disruptive disorders only (P < 0.05), thus demonstrating the discriminant validity of the SCARED. The SCARED is a reliable and valid screening tool for clinically referred children and adolescents with anxiety disorders.  相似文献   

Interrater and test-retest reliabilities of the Aberrant Behavior Checklist were compared on the basis of type of instructions to raters. Three nurses in each of three residential units twice rated 28 mentally retarded residents, using one type of rating system, and the ratings were repeated 4 weeks later. The frequency-based instructions resulted in both higher interrater and test-retest reliability coefficients than did the other instructional types. Frequency-based ratings were performed again in another residential unit, but the higher reliabilities were not replicated. Interrater and test-retest reliability correlations varied markedly both across subscales and raters but were comparable to levels derived with other symptom checklists. We concluded that rater characteristics (e.g., motivation) are more powerful variables than are scoring systems.  相似文献   

The Aberrant Behavior Checklist (ABC) is a widely used measure in autism spectrum disorder (ASD) treatment studies. We conducted confirmatory and exploratory factor analyses of the ABC in 1,893 children evaluated as part of the Autism Treatment Network. The root mean square error of approximation was .086 for the standard item assignment, and in exploratory factor analysis, the large majority of items continued to load on the originally assigned factors. Correlations between the ABC subscales and multiple external variables including the Child Behavior Checklist and demographic variables supported the convergent and divergent validity of the ABC as a measure of behavior problems in ASD. Finally, we examined the impact of participant characteristics on subscale scores and present normative data.  相似文献   

We investigated the congruent and criterion validity of the Aberrant Behavior Checklist (ABC) in a clinical sample of toddlers seen over 1 year in Turkey. All consecutive patients (N = 93), 14–43 months old (mean, 30.6 mos.), in a child psychiatry outpatient clinic were included. The ABC, Autism Behavior Checklist (AuBC), and Child Behavior Checklist 2/3 (CBCL) were completed by the children’s parents. Internal consistency for ABC subscales was moderate to high. The total ABC score, which is interdependent with subscales (e.g., Irritability, Social Withdrawal) of the ABC, was significantly correlated with the CBCL-total (r = .73) and AuBC-total (r = .71) scores. Subscales of the ABC revealed significant differences between diagnostic groups. ABC Total, and the Irritability and Hyperactivity subscale scores, were significantly higher in children with externalizing disorders; the Lethargy/Social Withdrawal and Stereotypic Behavior subscale scores were significantly higher in toddlers with autism. The ABC appears to be capable of discriminating several syndromes, such as disruptive behavior disorders and autism in early childhood.  相似文献   

Severe problem behaviors such as self-injury and aggression are frequently observed in young children under age 5 with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). Although early identification of problem behavior is critical to effective intervention, there are few standardized measures available that identify severe problem behavior in this population. The Aberrant Behavior Checklist-Community (ABC-C; Aman & Singh, 1994) is a rating scale that measures the severity of a range of problem behaviors commonly observed in individuals with IDD. While it has been used with children under 5, investigations into the fit of the ABC-C for this population are sparse. The purpose of the present study was to report on ABC-C scores in a sample of 97 children under age 5 with problem behavior. Analyses included evaluating differences in scores between age groups, comparing sample norms to established norms for older children, and conducting a confirmatory factor analysis. Results indicated differences in mean scores based on age with younger children generally scoring higher on some subscales of the ABC-C. Furthermore, the original 5-factor structure of the ABC-C was not fully supported. In general, the ABC-C may over- or underestimate behavior problems in younger children; therefore more extensive investigation into the utility of the ABC-C for children under age 5 is warranted.  相似文献   

The psychometric properties of the Autism Behavior Checklist (ABC; Krug, Arick, & Almond, 1980a, 1980b), a 57-item screening checklist for autism was investigated. Professional Informants completed the ABC on 67 autistic and 56 mentally retarded and learning-disabled children. The autistic children were the total population of autistic children aged 6–15 in two circumscribed suburban and rural regions. Using the total score, the ABC accurately discriminated 91% of the children, with 87% of the autistic and 96% of the nonautistic group correctly classified. Moreover, the accuracy of classification was virtually identical when only the more heavily weighted checklist items were used. A 3-factor model accounted for 32% of the total variance in the checklist. Seventeen items loaded.4 or more on Factor 1, 12 items loaded on Factor 2, and 10 items loaded on Factor 3. The present results fail to provide empirical support for a single unidimensional scale for autism. Also, there is little support for subdividing the checklist into five subscales based on symptom areas.This research was supported by grant No. 6603-1202-42 from the National Health Research and Development Program of Health and Welfare Canada to the second author and a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Doctoral Fellowship to the first author. We thank all of the parents and children who have contributed to this research. We also thank Isabel Smith, Julia McInnes, Margaret MacKinnon Doncaster, Mary Clark-Touesnard, Leslie Donovan, and Penny Corkum for data collection.  相似文献   

Objective: The Systemic Therapy Inventory of Change (STIC®) is the first multi-systemic and multi-dimensional measurement and feedback system designed for assessment in family, couple, and individual functioning. Patients fill out the STIC Initial before the first session to identify treatment targets and provide starting values for subsequent assessments of trajectories of change. This study tested the construct validity of five of the six STIC Initial scales. Methods: We administered both the STIC Initial and a set of validity measures to a relatively large sample of patients. Convergent and discriminant validity were tested using both an examination of observed correlations and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Results: The correlations among the observed measures showed that the convergent validity coefficients were generally large, whereas the discriminant validity coefficients were moderate to small. Similarly, CFAs suggested that the STIC total scales and subscales are good indicators of the factors they were intended to measure and that the STIC total scales and subscales are weakly related to the factors they were intended to not measure. Conclusion: The results supported the convergent and discriminant validity of the five scales of the STIC Initial.

Clinical or methodological significance of this article: The clinical significance of this article is that it demonstrates that the STIC Initial should be useful for identifying treatment targets including both which systems, in addition to the facets within each system, that require targeting. The methodological significance is twofold. First, the use of CFA for testing convergent and discriminant validity is still relatively rare. Second, we demonstrated how to use CFA for a more stringent test of discriminant validity compared with the original approach described by Cole (1987 Cole, D. A. (1987). Utility of confirmatory factor analysis in test validation research. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 55(4), 584. doi: 10.1037/0022-006X.55.4.584[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]).  相似文献   

Exploratory factor analysis (varimax and promax rotations) of the aberrant behavior checklist-community version (ABC) in 275 individuals with Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) identified four- and five-factor solutions which accounted for >70% of the variance. Confirmatory factor analysis (Lisrel 8.7) revealed indices of moderate fit for the five-factor solution. Our results suggest that the factor structure of the ABC is robust within an ASD sample. Both solutions yielded a three items self-injury factor. Stratifying on this factor, we identified significant differences between the high- and low-self injury groups on ABC subscales. The emergence of a self-injury factor, while not suggestive of a new subscale, warrants further exploration as a tool that could help dissect relevant neurobiobehavioral groups in ASD.  相似文献   

Parent and teacher ratings of behavior problems of an outpatient sample of 110 children, adolescents, and young adults with IQs ranging from severe mental retardation to borderline were obtained using a modified version of the Aberrant Behavior Checklist (ABC). Using factor analytic techniques, the five-factor structure of the parent data corresponded extremely well with the five factors originally obtained from staff ratings of mentally retarded inpatients (i.e., Irritability, Withdrawal, Hyperactivity, Stereotypies, and Inappropriate Speech). Factor content was virtually identical between the parent and original ABC data with differences involving only one or two items per scale. The teacher data also revealed a factor structure that corresponded to the same five factors as the parent and original data. Although the teacher and parent factors showed a high degree of similarity, the teacher data suggested that the Stereotypies and Inappropriate Speech factors of the parent and original analyses were not the same constructs for teacher respondents. Age was related to the withdrawal factor for parent data; level of intellectual functioning was the only subject characteristic related to factor scale scores in both parent and teacher data. Test-retest reliabilities were adequate to excellent for all factors for both parent and teacher data. Parent-teacher cross-informant reliabilities were adequate for at least four of the factors. The results of the report indicate that the ABC is a useful, reliable instrument for assessing maladaptive behaviors in young, developmentally disabled outpatients.  相似文献   


Introduction: Although the Aberrant Behavior Checklist (ABC) is one of the most widely used behavioral rating scales among people with developmental disabilities, very few studies have examined the factor structure of the non-English versions.Methods: The construct validity of the Norwegian ABC was examined in a clinical sample of children and adolescents with neurological and neurodevelopmental disorders (N = 339). Diagnoses were obtained from direct interdisciplinary assessments in our neuro-pediatric clinics. Results: In an exploratory factor analysis, 46 of the 58 items (79%) loaded most heavily on four of the five original factors in the English version. Confirmatory factor analysis revealed less-than-optimal fit indices for the five-factor solution. Internal consistency was adequate to excellent for all subscales (α range = .76–.95). The ABC showed meaningful overlap and differentiation with the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire, the Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function, the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales, and full scale IQ. There were positive correlations between several of the ABC subscales and diagnoses of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, autism spectrum disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, and emotional disorder Conclusion: Satisfactory psychometric properties were found for the ABC, with the exception of the Inappropriate Speech factor, in a mixed sample of higher functioning children and adolescents with neurodevelopmental and neurological disorders.  相似文献   

Introduction: Neuropsychological tests are designed to assay brain function via performance measurements. Many tests corresponding to visual and motor cortex function have been validated. Tests probing reward circuitry, including the ventral striatum (VS), could benefit assessment of numerous neurological and psychiatric disorders in which reward or VS function is disturbed. The present study sought to examine convergent and divergent validity of our modified, titrated version of the Monetary Incentive Delay Task, such that it may in the future stand as a validated neuropsychological test for reward function.

Method: Participants were 132 individuals with a history of mood disturbance (HMD) and 43 healthy comparisons, ages 18–30 years. In addition to a standard neuropsychological battery and symptom measures, participants completed a modified version of the Monetary Incentive Delay Task (T-MIDT) during functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), which involved a multistage titration procedure to incrementally increase or decrease the response window time per each participant’s psychomotor speed and optimize individual performance.

Results: Across groups after titration, performance on the T-MIDT diverged from measures of processing speed, attention, and spatial working memory, but not inhibitory control. Performance in the HMD group was differentially correlated with executive function measures before and after titration. The reward circuit (e.g., subcortical, insular, medial prefrontal) was activated during reward anticipation.

Conclusion: The present findings provide preliminary evidence that the T-MIDT measures a construct distinct from many executive functions and that individualized titration of the task parameters is critical in parsing reward from executive function. The T-MIDT correlated with residual mood symptoms in individuals with remitted depression or bipolar disorder, implying that behavioral or brain activation group differences are only to be observed in the active state of illness.  相似文献   

Psychometric properties of the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) (Beck and Steer, 1990) were investigated in a sample of 82 patients suffering from panic disorder with agoraphobia. Before and after brief treatment, patients completed a battery of questionnaires and, for 2-week periods, kept a daily panic diary in which they recorded panic attacks, fear of panic, and average anxiety. The BAI demonstrated excellent internal consistency and good test–retest reliability over a 5-week interval. A partial multitrait, multimethod correlation matrix provided evidence of convergent validity with other measures of anxiety and of divergent validity vis á vis measures of depression. Factor analyses of pretest scores and residual gain scores used to address criticism that the BAI is excessively panic-centric yielded mixed results. In one analysis, the BAI was loaded with multimethod measures of panic and anxiety and, in the other, with questionnaire methods of assessing anxiety and depression. However, the BAI was clearly distinguished from measures of fear of fear, a central construct in panic disorder, and agoraphobic avoidance. Finally, the BAI proved sensitive to change with treatment, yielding effect sizes for improvement comparable to those of other anxiety measures. Depression and Anxiety 6:140–146, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have demonstrated dissociable neuroanatomic underpinnings for the retrieval of grammatical classes of words such as nouns and verbs. Whereas retrieval of common and proper nouns is primarily mediated by posterior and anterior temporal regions, respectively, verb retrieval is primarily mediated by frontal regions. The majority of studies evaluating verb production have utilized tasks requiring subjects to name a graphically depicted action (i.e. action naming), leaving tests of verb generation in the absence of prompting stimuli (i.e. action fluency) largely unexamined. In a recent study, Piatt, Fields, Paolo, Koller and Tröster (in press) found that an action fluency task discriminated demented Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients from non-demented PD patients and healthy control subjects, whereas lexical and categorical fluency tasks did not. These authors suggested that action fluency was sensitive to the fronto–striatal pathophysiology associated with PD dementia, and thus, that action fluency might serve as an indicator of executive functioning. This study was undertaken to evaluate the construct validity of action fluency as an executive function measure in a group of healthy elderly control subjects. Findings revealed modest to moderate relationships between action fluency and several putative executive measures. Action fluency was unrelated to indices of semantic and episodic memory. Results support the construct validity of action fluency as an executive function measure and suggest that this task may provide some unique information not tapped by traditional executive function tasks.  相似文献   

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