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OBJECTIVE: To compare thyroid fine-needle aspiration (FNA) using monolayer (MT) versus conventional smear (CS) cytopreparatory techniques with final histology. STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective review of 100 consecutive thyroidectomies. Setting Tertiary care university affiliated medical center. RESULTS: 26% of MT aspirates were inadequate compared with 3% of CS aspirates (P < 0.05). The negative predictive values for MT and CS were 86% and 100%, respectively. The positive predictive values for MT and CS were 69% and 90%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Fewer inadequate specimens will be obtained with CS than with MT. A clinician performing FNA can obtain adequate specimens at a rate comparable to that of a hospital-based cytopathologist. SIGNIFICANCE: CS provides greater assurance to the patient and the surgeon that a thyroid nodule with a FNA interpreted as benign can be observed. A higher percentage of patients with malignant tumor will receive thyroidectomy with the use of CS technique for FNA. EBM RATING: B-3.  相似文献   

Over 500 fine (no. 22) needle aspiration biopsies were done on head and neck lesions. The total accuracy for the series was 94.5 percent. The accuracy rates for thyroid, salivary and metastatic or benign lymph node lesions were similar: approximately 95 percent. Only lymphomatous lesions gave a lower accuracy rate: 75 percent. This method of evaluating masses in the head and neck is simple, rapid, inexpensive, well-tolerated and harmless, and is very accurate when there is close cooperation between the clinician and the cytopathologist.  相似文献   

Evaluation of fine-needle aspiration cytology for renal masses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the accuracy and use of fine-needle aspiration (FNA) cytology for the diagnosis of renal masses because with the improved quality and increasing use of ultrasonography and computed tomography (CT), asymptomatic renal masses, particularly small (< 5 cm) tumours, are being discovered more frequently. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Between 1995 and 1997, 49 patients (mean age 67.5 years, range 42-88, 34 men and 14 women) underwent FNA of a solid or complex cystic mass under radiological guidance. All masses were further evaluated and staged by CT. Solid masses were divided according to size (< 5 cm and >/= 5 cm). Patients were followed up to the determination of a final diagnosis on tissue histology, after nephrectomy where possible. RESULTS: Thirty-six patients had histologically confirmed carcinoma at nephrectomy, and nine had presumed carcinoma (four unfit for surgery, five with advanced malignancy). The remaining four patients had benign diagnoses. FNA produced insufficient sample in eight cases (16%). The sensitivity was 89% for large (>/= 5 cm) solid masses, 64% for small (< 5 cm) solid masses and 50% for complex cysts. CONCLUSION: FNA does not contribute to the diagnosis of malignancy in large (> 5 cm) masses, as good radiological imaging is nearly always diagnostic. For smaller (< 5 cm) masses and complex cysts, FNA can occasionally confirm malignancy, but lack of diagnostic yield and low sensitivity means that FNA is unreliable as a diagnostic tool and will rarely help in the routine management of these patients.  相似文献   

Summary Echo-guided fine-needle aspiration biopsy of pancreatic masses is a well-established diagnostic procedure. However, there is no consensus as to the superiority of cytology or microhistology. We compared the results of cytology and microhistology in 50 consecutive patients who underwent fine-needle aspiration biopsy for pancreatic masses. Aspirates were positive for malignant disease in 42 patients; the other eight had chronic focal pancreatitis. In the 42 cases of cancer, cytology provided conclusive results in 40 (95.2%); sampling was inadequate in two. Microhistology proved accurate in 30 cases (71.4%); insufficient tissue was obtained in 12, giving a statistically significant difference in favor of cytology (P<0.01). In the eight patients with benign disease both techniques ruled out malignancy; in five microhistology gave further indications confirming suspected chronic pancreatitis (fibrosis, lymphocyte and histiocyte-cell infiltrate). Our results show that cytology is the method of choice in diagnosing pancreatic carcinoma. Microhistology can be a useful adjunct in patients with suspected chronic pancreatitis.  相似文献   

Fine needle aspiration cytology in the evaluation of head and neck masses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
One hundred eighty-two fine needle aspirations (FNAs) of head and neck masses performed between the years 1981 and 1987 were studied retrospectively. Seventeen FNAs were unsatisfactory. Of the remaining 165, 148 (90%) were followed up with either surgery or clinical follow-up of at least 12 months' duration. Seventy-one of these aspirates were malignant. Fifty-six cases of metastatic carcinoma and 13 cases of lymphoma were diagnosed. The positive predictive value for metastatic carcinoma and lymphoma was 100%, and the sensitivities were 92% and 100%, respectively. For benign salivary gland lesions, the positive predictive value was 94%, whereas for malignant lesions it was 100%. One case of carcinoma ex-pleomorphic adenoma was missed by FNA. No complications were associated with FNA. We conclude that FNA is a safe and accurate technique, well suited to the in-office evaluation of neck masses of differing causes.  相似文献   

Fine needle aspiration biopsy and cytologic examination of the aspirate were performed on 203 masses involving glandular and nodal structures of the head and neck: thyroid gland (85); salivary glands (31); and lymph nodes (87). Overall cytologic-histologic correlation was 91 per cent, with a 10 per cent false-negative rate. The ease of the procedure coupled with the rapidity of obtaining a pathologic diagnosis allows a more intelligent therapeutic approach.  相似文献   

Detection of telomerase activity in breast masses by fine-needle aspiration   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Background: Telomerase is an RNA-dependent DNA polymerase that compensates for the telomere shortening that occurs in its absence. Reactivation of telomerase is thought to be an important step in cellular immortalization, and recent studies have indicated that telomerase activity is often detected in primary human malignancies. The clinical implications of telomerase activity in human tumors are currently under investigation. Methods: Eighty-nine samples (46 FNAs and 43 gross tissue biopsies) from 44 patients with breast masses were analyzed prospectively for the presence of telomerase activity by a modification of the telomere repeat amplification protocol (TRAP). All samples were obtained directly from the excised mass at the time of specimen removal in the operating room. Results: Telomerase activity was detected in 17 of 19 (90%) FNA samples and 15 of 18 (83%) invasive breast cancer tissue biopsies. Telomerase was also detected in 9 of 16 (56%) FNAs and 8 of 15 (53%) tissue biopsies from 16 fibroadenomas. Other benign proliferative lesions (n=5) did not have detectable telomerase activity in either FNA or tissue specimens. FNA-TRAP results correlated with the gross tissue specimen TRAP results in 95% of all cases. Conclusion: The FNA-TRAP assay for telomerase detection is a highly sensitive and accurate method for the detection of telomerase activity in breast masses. Future application of these techniques should facilitate evaluation of telomerase as a tumor marker in the clinical management of breast and other solid malignancies. These authors contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Many theoretical advantages over conventional surgical techniques have been attributed to the Nd: YAG contact laser. Clinically significant differences in perioperative results between the Nd: YAG contact laser and standard surgery, however, are not well defined. The present study was undertaken to evaluate the Nd: YAG contact laser compared with standard scalpel and/or electrocautery in curative operations for head and neck cancer. Clinical records of 36 patients undergoing head and neck cancer surgery were reviewed retrospectively. Patients were studied in three groups: 9 previously irradiated patients operated upon using the Nd: YAG laser (Nd:YAG); 9 previously irradiated patients operated upon using conventional techniques (conventional/RT); 18 nonirradiated patients operated upon using conventional techniques (conventional/no RT). These groups underwent 14,14, and 25 procedures, respectively. Differences between the Nd: YAG, conventional/RT, and conventional/no RT groups regarding cancer staging, age, procedures performed, operative time, intraoperative blood loss, and hospital and ICU stay were not statistically significant. Preoperative radiotherapy dosages in the Nd: YAG and conventional/RT groups were similar (5,127 ± 842 vs. 604 ± 2,373 cGy). Postoperative morbidity in Nd: YAG patients (11%) was similar to that of the conventional/no RT group (17%) and was significantly reduced compared to conventional/RT (11% vs. 56%, P < 0.05). Clinical outcome, including operative time, blood loss, and hospital and ICU stay using the Nd: YAG contact laser in curative operations on previously irradiated patients with head and neck cancer, is equal to that of conventional surgical techniques, with or without preoperative radiotherapy. Among patients operated upon after receiving radiation therapy for head and neck cancer, the Nd: YAG contact laser significantly reduces postoperative morbidity. The data indicate that the Nd: YAG contact laser is an effective surgical technique in head and neck oncology. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, inc.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: To establish the sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of imaging and fine-needle aspiration (FNA), alone or in combination, in distinguishing benign from malignant histologic findings for parotid lesions. METHODS: Retrospective blinded review of preoperative imaging and FNA studies of parotid masses and comparison with histologic findings after excision. RESULTS: Forty-eight patients were identified (13 with CT, 35 with MRI); 23 (48%) of the lesions were malignant, 25 (52%) were benign. MRI, CT, and FNA misclassified 17%, 46%, and 21% of the lesions, respectively. The sensitivity/specificity/accuracy of these tests for detecting malignant lesions were as follows: MRI (88%,77%,83%), CT (100%,42%, 69%), and FNA (83%,86%,85%) and were not significantly different. Combinations of imaging and FNA were not significantly better in detecting malignancy. CONCLUSIONS: Imaging and FNA are comparable in their ability to correctly identify malignant parotid lesions preoperatively. Combining these two modalities yields no advantage in terms of specificity, sensitivity, or accuracy of a malignant diagnosis.  相似文献   

Fine-needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) is considered a safe, reliable and cost-effective means of selecting thyroid nodules with risk for malignancy. However, there are limitations of this method including false positive/negative and "nondiagnostic" results that may be reduced by repeating FNAB. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate accuracy, sensitivity, specificity and costs of sequential FNAB in the management of thyroid nodular disease. METHODS: Charts of all patients who underwent thyroidectomy at a university teaching hospital in Toronto from 1998 to 2000 were reviewed. FNAB reports of "suspicious for malignancy," "follicular lesion" and "cellular atypia" were considered to be positive. Data were analyzed with chi2 and z tests. RESULTS: There were 268 patients (225 women and 43 men; age range 18-89 yr; mean age 47 yr) who underwent a total of 449 FNABs (mean 1.7 FNABs/patient) within a year before thyroidectomy. Accuracy (63.8%), sensitivity (73.8%) and specificity (69%) were determined for single FNABs. Sequential FNAB increased the accuracy of method by 22.6%, sensitivity by 13.8% and specificity by 6.2%, with reduction of false positive/negative results by 14.2% and "nondiagnostic" results by 100%. However, the costs of sequential cytology per patient were 70% higher than single FNAB. CONCLUSIONS: Multiple FNABs are unpleasant for patients, but useful in the selection for treatment of patients with thyroid nodular diseases. Although sequential FNAB increases the costs of method, the improvement of precision of FNAB may imply a reduction in overall health-care costs.  相似文献   

There has been a significant increase in concern towards improving aesthetic and functional outcomes without compromising the oncologic effectiveness in head and neck surgery. The aim of the current study is to assess the feasibility and oncological outcome of the retroauricular approach for endoscopic and robot-assisted selective neck dissection (SND) for oral cancer in comparison with the conventional SND. A retrospective single institute cohort study was designed. Patients undergoing an SND for oral cavity carcinoma were included and allocated into two groups: (1) retroauricular approach group for endoscopic-assisted or robot-assisted SND or (2) transcervical approach group for the conventional SND. Primary endpoint was the perioperative and postoperative treatment outcomes. Secondary endpoint was the early oncologic outcome. Sixty patients were included (17 retroauricular; 43 conventional). For the primary outcome, only a significant longer operative time in the retroauricular group was identified. No unintentional injury or conversion to the conventional surgery was recorded. There was no significant difference identified in the early oncologic outcome, including number of retrieved lymph nodes and disease-free survival. Postoperative aesthetic results were considered superior when subjectively compared to the conventional approaches. Endoscopic and robot-assisted SND via a retroauricular approach is feasible, safe, and oncologically efficient when compared with the conventional surgery in a short follow-up scenario. It can be used for selected cases with a clear cosmetic benefit. However, further research with longer follow-up and patient satisfaction analysis is mandatory.  相似文献   

Thirteen microvascular free tissue transfers have been used for reconstruction of defects in the head and neck following cancer ablation. These procedures have produced a more rapid repair than conventional techniques and have allowed use of more appropriate tissues than are available locally.  相似文献   

The lumbar spines of twenty-one dogs were used as an experimental model. The animals were divided into three groups. In the first group, selective damage to the perimeningeal blood vessels was induced and the resultant hematoma was left untouched in the spinal canal. In the second group, the posterior longitudinal ligament was incised, and in the third group, the posterior longitudinal ligament was incised and damage induced to the perimeningeal blood vessels. The pathology examination revealed: (1) the hematoma itself did not lead to the formation of perineural fibrosis, (2) the incision of the posterior longitudinal ligament led to the formation of a limited amount of fibrosis, and (3) the coexistence of hematoma and incision of the posterior longitudinal ligament led to the formation of extensive perineural fibrosis. When discs are removed using microsurgical techniques, it is possible to avoid the formation of the postoperative hematoma and consequently to eliminate the perineural fibrosis.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Telomerase activity (TA) indicates malignancy, but activated lymphocytes also express TA. Correlation between TA in thyroid tissues and fine-needle aspiration (FNA) samples and knowledge about TA in adjacent tissue are of importance. METHODS: The telomeric repeat amplification protocol assay followed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay detection was performed on 78 thyroid cases including 53 suspected malignancies, preoperative and perioperative FNA specimens, and adjacent tissue. RESULTS: Benign lesions in cancer-suspected cases were TA negative. Eight of 13 papillary (62%) and 4 of 5 follicular (80%) tumors were TA positive (TA+). Lower TA was observed in conventional papillary cancer than in follicular, tall cell variant of papillary and anaplastic cancers. Adjacent tissues with lymphocyte infiltration were TA+ in 9 of 17 cases (53%). Nine of 65 adjacent tissues (14%) were TA+. Three of 6 preoperative and 9 of 11 perioperative FNA samples from malignant tumors corresponded to the tissue TA. CONCLUSIONS; High TA may reflect more severe thyroid cancer. Telomerase activity in FNA biopsies does not add reliable diagnostic information, and presence of lymphocytes can give false-positive results.  相似文献   

Surgical excisions of vascular tumors of the head and neck are frequently associated with difficulties because of the potential of operative blood loss. The technique of selective percutaneous embolization before surgery has emerged as a valuable adjunct—and even alternative—to surgery in the management of such lesions. By reducing the blood flow to a vascular tumor or arteriovenous malformation, embolization techniques can greatly facilitate surgical excision. The participation of a qualified invasive radiologist is essential. If cases are carefully selected and procedural details strictly adhered to, this technique can be quite valuable to surgeons treating vascular lesions of the head and neck.  相似文献   

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