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Light and electron microscopic (EM) immunocytochemical methods have been used to localize arginine esterase A, a kinin-generating enzyme immunologically similar to tissue kallikrein, in rat salivary glands. Both polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies to arginine esterase A were used in these studies. By means of a polyclonal antiserum, esterase A was found in granular tubules of submandibular glands and in striated ducts of all three major salivary glands, in a distribution similar to that of tissue kallikrein. With recently developed specific monoclonal antibodies to esterease A, this enzyme was localized in the granules of some (but not all) granular convoluted tubule cells (GCT) and along the basal membranes (but not in apical granules) of striated ducts. By an EM immunoperoxidase method, esterase A was localized subcellularly in granules of some GCT cells and along the basal cell membranes of the tubule and duct system. Thus, this enzyme is found in some sites (GCT granules) shared with tissue kallikrein, but in some unique sites, i.e., basal membranes of striated ducts. The polyclonal antibody used in the present study cross-reacted with tissue kallikrein, but when absorbed with kallikrein, it gave the staining pattern characteristic of monoclonal antibody to esterase A.  相似文献   

The immunocytochemical localization of neurons containing the 41 amino acid peptide corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) in the rat brain is described. The detection of CRF-like immunoreactivity in neurons was facilitated by colchicine pretreatment of the rats and by silver intensification of the diaminobenzidine end-product. The presence of immunoreactive CRF in perikarya, neuronal processes, and terminals in all major subdivisions of the rat brain is demonstrated. Aggregates of CRF-immunoreactive perikarya are found in the paraventricular, supraoptic, medial and periventricular preoptic, and premammillary nuclei of the hypothalamus, the bed nuclei of the stria terminalis and of the anterior commissure, the medial septal nucleus, the nucleus accumbens, the central amygdaloid nucleus, the olfactory bulb, the locus ceruleus, the parabrachial nucleus, the superior and inferior colliculus, and the medial vestibular nucleus. A few scattered perikarya with CRF-like immunoreactivity are present along the paraventriculo-infundibular pathway, in the anterior hypothalamus, the cerebral cortex, the hippocampus, and the periaqueductal gray of the mesencephalon and pons. Processes with CRF-like immunoreactivity are present in all of the above areas as well as in the cerebellum. The densest accumulation of CRF-immunoreactive terminals is seen in the external zone of the median eminence, with some immunoreactive CRF also present in the internal zone. The widespread but selective distribution of neurons containing CRF-like immunoreactivity supports the neuroendocrine role of this peptide and suggests that CRF, similarly to other neuropeptides, may also function as a neuromodulator throughout the brain.  相似文献   

Salivary mucins MG1 and MG2 have been found in the oral cavity where they perform several functions such as the formation of the mucous layer covering the oral mucosa and teeth. Recent studies have demonstrated their presence in other organs and tissues. The aim of this study was to determine their expression in human bulbourethral (Cowper's) glands. Normal bulbourethral glands were obtained at surgery and fixed in a mixture of 1% paraformaldehyde–1.25% glutaraldehyde in 0.1  m cacodylate buffer and embedded in Epon resin. Thin sections were labeled with rabbit antibodies to MG1 or to an N-terminal synthetic peptide of MG2, followed by gold-labeled goat anti-rabbit IgG. The granules of all mucous cells were intensely reactive with anti-MG1, whereas no labeling was detected for MG2. These results indicate that MG1 is not exclusively a salivary component and furthermore show that bulbourethral glands represent a significant source of the MG1 detected in human seminal plasma.  相似文献   

The hormone melatonin was initially believed to be synthesized exclusively by the pineal gland and the enterochromaffin cells, but nowadays its production and distribution were observed in several other tissues and organs. Among others, the ultrastructural localization of melatonin and its receptors has been reported in human salivary glands. In these glands, the fine localization of melatonin in intracellular organelles, above all in mitochondria, remains to be explored comprehensively. Bioptic samples of parotid and submandibular glands were treated to search for melatonin using the immunogold staining method by transmission electron microscopy. Morphometric analysis was applied to micrographs. The results indicated that, both in parotid and submandibular glands mitochondria, a certain melatonin positivity was present. Within glandular cells, melatonin was less retrieved in mitochondria than in secretory granules; however, its presence in this organelle was clearly evident. Inside striated duct cells, melatonin staining in mitochondria was more prominent than in glandular cells. Our data provide an ultrastructural report on the presence of melatonin in mitochondria of human major salivary glands and represent a fundamental prerequisite for a better understanding of the melatonin role in this organelle.  相似文献   

Administration of the β-adrenergic drug isoproterenol (IPR) produces hyperplastic and hypertrophic enlargements of the submandibular gland of the rat and induces the synthesis of specific proteins in this organ. One of these proteins, the LM (large mobile) protein, was demonstrated immunocytochemically in the submandibular glands of developing untreated and IPR-treated rats. Immunoreactive LM protein was absent in the glands of 20-day-old fetuses and 1- and 2-day-old rats. It was localized in the proacinar and immature acinar cells in the glands of 6- to 21-day-old animals, but it was undetectable at 28 days of age. In the glands of adult rats, secretory granules of the granular convoluted tubule cells showed immunostaining for the LM protein which was also present in trace amounts in the acinar cells. Daily administration of IPR for 5 days to newborn or 8- or 15-day-old rats caused an apparent acceleration of proacinar/acinar cell differentiation, and consequently it increased the frequency of cells immunostained for the LM protein as well as the amount of immunoreactive material in these cells. Thus, the expression of LM protein in the submandibular gland is developmentally regulated, and it is restricted to the stage of differentiation of proacinar cells from terminal tubule cells. IPR is capable of inducing this protein in fully differentiated acinar cells in 3-week-old or older animals.  相似文献   

The oral cavity is continuously bathed by saliva secreted by the major and minor salivary glands. Saliva is the first biological medium to confront external materials that are taken into the body as part of food or drink or inhaled volatile substances, and it contributes to the first line of oral defence. In humans, it has been shown that sputum and a variety of biological fluids contain Clara cell secretory proteins (CC10–CC26). Various studies of the respiratory apparatus have suggested their protective effect against inflammatory response and oxidative stress. Recently, CC10 deficiency has been related to the protein Annexin‐1 (ANXA1), which has immunomodulatory and anti‐inflammatory properties. Considering the defensive role of both Clara cell secretory proteins and ANXA1 in the respiratory apparatus, and the importance of salivary gland secretion in the first line of oral defence, we decided to evaluate the expression of CC10, CC26 and ANXA1 proteins in rat major salivary glands using immunohistochemistry. CC10 expression was found only in the ductal component of the sublingual gland. Parotid and submandibular glands consistently lacked CC10 immunoreactivity. In the parotid gland, both acinar and ductal cells were always CC26‐negative, whereas in the submandibular gland, immunostaining was localized in the ductal component and in the periodic acid Schiff (PAS)‐positive area. In the sublingual gland, ductal cells were always positive. Acinar cells were not immunostained at all. ANXA1 was expressed in ductal cells in all three major glands. In parotid and sublingual glands, acinar cells were negative. In submandibular glands, immunostaining was present in the mucous PAS‐positive portion, whereas serous acinar cells were consistently negative. The existence of some CC10‐CC26–ANXA1‐positive cells in rat salivary glandular tissue is an interesting preliminary finding which could support the hypothesis, suggested for airway tissue, that these proteins have a defensive and protective role. Protein expression heterogeneity in the different portions of the glands could be an important clue in further investigations of their role.  相似文献   

The immunocytochemical distribution of manganese superoxide dismutase (Mn-SOD) was determined in the rat hippocampus. The enzyme was localized in the mitochondria. CA1 pyramidal cells were weakly immunostained, whereas CA3 pyramidal cells were strongly reactive. These differences in the intensity of the Mn-SOD immunostaining reactions may relate to variations in the sensitivity of subfields of the hippocampus to ischemia.  相似文献   

Immunocytochemical localization of angiotensinogen in the rat brain   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
W G Thomas  C Sernia 《Neuroscience》1988,25(1):319-341
The distribution of angiotensinogen-like immunoreactivity in the rat brain was investigated using specific antisera against pure rat plasma angiotensinogen in conjunction with the sensitive streptavidin-biotin peroxidase method. Angiotensinogen antisera were shown by radioimmunoassay and Western blotting to recognize angiotensinogen from both rat plasma and cerebrospinal fluid, and to cross-react with des-AI-angiotensinogen (100%) but not with angiotensin I and II, tetradecapeptide, luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone, rat albumin and angiotensinogen from eight other species. Angiotensinogen-like immunoreactivity was detected throughout the rat brain in both neuroglia and neurons. The highest concentration of neuroglial angiotensinogen-like immunoreactivity was in the hypothalamus and preoptic areas, with moderate to heavy concentrations in the mesencephalon and myelencephalon. The cerebellum demonstrated neuroglial staining in the granular layer and fibre tracts. Very little neuroglial staining was noted in the cerebral cortex or olfactory bulbs. Neuronal immunostaining was observed throughout the globus pallidus and the caudate putamen, in various parts of the thalamus and the supraoptic nucleus of the hypothalamus. In the midbrain moderate immunostaining was observed in periaquaductal central gray, the deep mesencephalic nucleus, the inferior colliculus and in scattered cells in the anterior mesencephalon. In the medulla, neuronal staining was localized to the vestibular nuclei and to other cell bodies mainly in the dorsolateral regions. In the cerebellum, staining was noted mainly in the deeper cerebellar nuclei and in the Purkinje cells. Immunostaining in the cerebral cortex was localized to the cingulate cortex and the primary olfactory cortex. Light staining was present in the endopiriform cortex and in scattered neurons adjacent to the external capsule. In the olfactory bulbs light neuronal staining was mainly associated with the mitral cell layer. The widespread distribution of angiotensinogen-like immunoreactivity supports the view that it is synthesized in the central nervous system and forms part of a brain renin-angiotensin system. In addition, its presence at sites other than those normally associated with the control of blood pressure and fluid and electrolyte homeostasis suggests that its involvement may not be limited to these regulatory functions.  相似文献   

Specimens of human lung, uterine cervix, ovary, and placenta were studied for the presence of benzo(a)pyrene 7,8-diol 9,10 epoxide (BPDE)-DNA adducts by using rabbit anti-BPDE-DNA antibody and light microscopic immunocytochemistry. BPDE-DNA antigenicity was detected in the bronchial epithelial cells, cervical epithelium, oocytes, luteal cells, corpora albicans, and hyalinized media of arteries within the ovaries and trophoblastic cells of the placental villi. In conjunction with immunoassay detection of BPDE-DNA adducts in human peripheral blood lymphocytes, this study demonstrates that a variety of human tissues can metabolize and bind the ubiquitous carcinogen benzo(a)pyrene. The identification and localization of this carcinogen-DNA antigenicity in various tissues and cells may not only help in monitoring exposed persons but also give insight to organ site carcinogenesis, transplacental carcinogenesis, and teratogenesis.  相似文献   

A galanin-like peptide (GALP) was recently isolated as a ligand of GalR2, a galanin receptor subtype. The GALP mRNA is expressed in the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus and the posterior pituitary (PP). In this study, we demonstrated the localization of GALP-immunoreactive (-ir) cells in the rat PP. In normal conditions, a few GALP-ir cells were detected in the PP, and these cells increased on dehydration for 4 days. The GALP-immunopositive reaction was dramatically enhanced by the intraperitoneal injection of colchicine. For the identification of GALP-ir cells in the PP, we performed electron microscopic observation, and also double immunocytochemical staining for GALP and S-100 protein. Both studies clearly indicated that the GALP-ir cells in the PP are pituicytes.  相似文献   

The submandibular glands of mice with testicular feminization (Tfm/Y) and their normal adult male littermates (Ta/Y) were studied by immunocytochemical techniques for the demonstration of epidermal growth factor (EGF), nerve growth factor (NGF), renin and protease A. In the glands of both the affected and normal males, these polypeptides were restricted to cells of the granular convoluted tubules (GCT), with the exception of protease A, which was also found in small amounts in striated duct cells. Compared to those of Ta/Y males, GCTs were narrower in the glands of Tfm/Y mice and contained a markedly reduced number of cells immunoreactive for EGF, NGF and renin. However, the number of GCT cells that stained for protease A in the glands of Tfm/Y males was not as drastically decreased.  相似文献   

We investigated the existence of chromogranin A (CgA) in salivary glands of the horse by Western blotting and enzyme immunoassay (EIA) using an antiserum against a peptide sequence of equine CgA. We also compared its cellular distribution between the horse and rat salivary glands with a tyramide signal amplification immunofluorescence technique. Western blotting gave three significant immunoreactive bands (74, 56 and 48 kDa) in adrenal medulla and three major salivary glands of horses. Immunoreactivities for CgA measured by EIA in horses were 154.05 +/- 41.46, 20.32 +/- 5.59 and 4.43 +/- 2.23 pmol/g wet weight in the parotid gland, submandibular gland and sublingual gland, respectively, and 1.03 +/- 0.407 pmol/mg protein in the saliva. Immunohistochemically, the positive reactivity was mainly recognized at acinar cells in equine salivary glands. This exhibits a contrast to the finding in the rat salivary glands that the CgA immunoreactivity is localized at the duct cells of the submandibular gland. These results provide novel evidence that in the horse, CgA is stored in the acinar cells of salivary glands, and secreted into saliva.  相似文献   

Immunocytochemical localization of xanthine oxidase in rat myocardium   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Monoclonal antibodies (MAb's) to xanthine oxidase (XO) (from bovine milk) were produced by hybridoma technique. Culture supernatants were initially screened using enzyme-linked immunoabsorbant assay (ELISA). Forty four positive clones were subcloned and further characterized by ELISA and immunoblot analysis. Out of fifteen clones, which were positive in immunoblot analysis, one clone N2-26 was also positive in immunocytochemical studies. Indirect immunoperoxidase and enzyme histochemistry staining showed that XO activity is present in endothelial cells of capillaries, small blood vessels and also in interstitial cells. Electron microscopy revealed that diaminobenzidine reaction product was distributed in the cytoplasm of interstitial cells and endothelial cells of capillaries and small blood vessels. This is the first report of the presence of XO in interstitial cells and endothelial cells of small blood vessels. Allopurinol, which inhibits the xanthine oxidase activity, did not have any effect on the immunocytochemical staining. Our results in normal rat heart suggest that XO activity is confined to interstitial cells, endothelial cells of capillaries and small blood vessels.  相似文献   

Guanylin-like peptides regulate electrolyte/water transport through the epithelia. Moreover, these peptides possess antiproliferative activity and regulate the turnover of epithelial cells. In an earlier study we localized guanylin immunoreactivity in secretory ducts of adult rodent salivary glands. In this study we investigated the appearance and distribution pattern of this peptide during the development of rat salivary glands. Guanylin immunoreactivity appeared at the beginning of cell differentiation from solid bud, on embryonic day 17 in the submandibular and sublingual glands and after day 18 in the parotid gland. Guanylin immunoreactivity appeared first in ductal and acinar anlage: its cell distribution pattern and fate differed in these two compartments. In the duct cells guanylin immunoreactivity spread after the duct system developed, whereas in acinar cells it disappeared after cell differentiation. The guanylin immunoreactivity we detected in adult salivary duct cells accords with guanylins role in regulating electrolyte and water transport through the various epithelia. It does so by activating guanylate cyclase-C receptor, increasing intracellular cGMP concentration, and phosphorylating the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) protein by the cGMP-dependent protein kinase II. This signaling cascade couples to the ductal electrolyte/water secretion and modulates finally the electrolyte composition of the saliva. On the other hand, CFTR is also involved in mechanisms of cell growth, by regulating apoptosis, and promoting cell differentiation. The early diffuse guanylin immunoreactivity we observed in ducts and acinar anlage, before the secretory set is operative, suggests guanylin has a role in cell differentiation.  相似文献   

Morphology of rat submandibular salivary glands was examined before and after 10 sessions of ultrasonic treatment focused onto the gonial angle of the mandibular bone. The employed ultrasound protocol induced adaptive reactions and induced no degenerative and inflammatory processes. __________ Translated from Byulleten’ Eksperimental’noi Biologii i Meditsiny, Vol. 144, No. 11, pp. 586–589, November, 2007  相似文献   

Signature tagged mutagenesis has recently revealed that the Ssp serine protease (V8 protease) contributes to in vivo growth and survival of Staphylococcus aureus in different infection models, and our previous work indicated that Ssp could play a role in controlling microbial adhesion. In this study, we describe an operon structure within the ssp locus of S. aureus RN6390. The ssp gene encoding V8 protease is designated as sspA, and is followed by sspB, which encodes a 40.6-kDa cysteine protease, and sspC, which encodes a 12.9-kDa protein of unknown function. S. aureus SP6391 is an isogenic derivative of RN6390, in which specific loss of SspA function was achieved through a nonpolar allelic replacement mutation. In addition to losing SspA, the culture supernatant of SP6391 showed a loss of 22- to 23-kDa proteins and the appearance of a 40-kDa protein corresponding to SspB. Although the 40-kDa SspB protein could degrade denatured collagen, our data establish that this is a precursor form which is normally processed by SspA to form a mature cysteine protease. Culture supernatant of SP6391 also showed a new 42-kDa glucosaminidase and enhanced glucosaminidase activity in the 29 to 32 kDa range. Although nonpolar inactivation of sspA exerted a pleiotropic effect, S. aureus SP6391 exhibited enhanced virulence in a tissue abscess infection model relative to RN6390. Therefore, we conclude that SspA is required for maturation of SspB and plays a role in controlling autolytic activity but does not by itself exert a significant contribution to the development of tissue abscess infections.  相似文献   

The intracellular localization of a cysteine protease fromFasciola sp. that hydrolyzes host hemoglobin as a nutritional source was examined by light and electron microscopic immunocytochemistry using a monoclonal antibody specific to the enzyme. Immunoperoxidase staining was predominantly restricted to large numbers of granules in the parasite intestinal epithelial cells and to host erythrocytes present in the intestinal lumens. In immunogold electron microscopy, the gold particles were consistently deposited on the electrondense secretory granules in intestinal epithelial cells and on the intestinal contents. These findings suggest that theFasciola cysteine protease in the secretory granules is secreted as a digestive enzyme into the intestinal lumen, where it may play an important role in the extracellular degradation of host proteins, including hemoglobin.This study was supported by a grant-in aid (63770254) for Scientific Research from the Ministry of Education, Science, and Culture of Japan  相似文献   

Follicle regulatory protein (FRP) can exert paracrine control over follicular development. It is synthesized by the granulosa cells of the developing follicles and was localized in the cytoplasm of the mural cells by immunocytochemistry. When administered to male dogs and rats, FRP causes impairment of spermatogenesis. In the intact male rat, it has been postulated that FRP manifests its effects at a stage prior to the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone. Sertoli cells of the seminiferous tubules are implicated in testosterone metabolism. Furthermore, Sertoli cells in male gonads are regarded as the counterpart of granulosa cells in ovaries. The exact source of FRP in the male is not known. Therefore, it was of interest to study the localization of FRP in the male gonads. Testicular sections of the pig, dog, cat, rat, mouse, monkey, and man were immunocytochemically stained with monoclonal antibody to porcine FRP of ovarian origin. Sections of pig ovaries were used as controls throughout the study. Specificity of immunocytochemical localization was established by preabsorption. FRP antibody predominantly localized to the interstitial compartment of the pig testis. In the seminiferous tubules, FRP localization was limited to basal spermatogonia and Sertoli cells of tubules at few specific stages of spermatogenesis. The study also showed that the monoclonal antibody against porcine FRP is species-specific. Antibody binding was found only in pig testis, whereas tissues from the cat, dog, mouse, rat, monkey, and man did not display any immunocytochemical reaction. Since in the pig testis, Sertoli cells at specific stages of spermatogenesis showed FRP localization, it would appear that FRP production is not being carried out by Sertoli cells at other stages. Due to the fact that all of the interstitial cells stained with FRP and some of the Sertoli cells were stained with FRP-antibody, it is not possible to ascertain the exact cell type responsible for FRP synthesis and secretion in testis using immunocytochemistry. Since the antibody to FRP of ovarian follicular fluid origin bound to various testicular cells, it would appear that FRP or a protein of similar nature may also be present in the testes.  相似文献   

In order to characterize the localization of the sigma(1) receptor in the adult rat central nervous system, a polyclonal antibody was raised against a 20 amino acid peptide, corresponding to the fragment 143-162 of the cloned sigma(1) receptor protein. Throughout the rostrocaudal regions of the central nervous system extending from the olfactory bulb to the spinal cord, intense to moderate immunostaining was found to be associated with: (i) ependymocytes bordering the entire ventricular system, and (ii) neuron-like structures located within the parenchyma. Double fluorescence studies confirmed that, throughout the parenchyma, sigma(1) receptor-immunostaining was essentially associated with neuronal structures immunostained for the neuronal marker betaIII-tubulin. In all rats examined, high levels of immunostaining were always associated with neurons located within specific regions including the granular layer of the olfactory bulb, various hypothalamic nuclei, the septum, the central gray, motor nuclei of the hindbrain and the dorsal horn of the spinal cord. In contrast, only faint immunostaining was associated with neurons located in the caudate-putamen and the cerebellum. Electron microscope studies indicated that sigma(1) receptor immunostaining was mostly associated with neuronal perikarya and dendrites, where it was localized to the limiting plasma membrane, the membrane of mitochondria and of some cisternae of the endoplasmic reticulum. At the level of synaptic contacts, intense immunostaining was associated with postsynaptic structures including the postsynaptic thickening and some polymorphous vesicles, whereas the presynaptic axons were devoid of immunostaining.These data indicate that the sigma(1) receptor antibody prepared here, represents a promising tool for further investigating the role of sigma(1) receptors.  相似文献   

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