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The primary central projections of the anterior and posterior lateral line nerves were determined in the larval sea lamprey, Petromyzon marinus L. using silver staining methods and axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase (HRP). Lateral line fibers course in the dorsal portion of the octavolateral area. At the level of their entry in the medulla, all the lateral line fibers originate ascending and descending branches. The anterior lateral line nerve consists of three roots: dorsal, intermediate and ventral. Afferents of the dorsal root project to the ipsilateral dorsal nucleus. The intermediate and ventral roots project ipsilaterally to the lateral neuropil of the medial nucleus and to the cerebellar lamina, but they do not cross the midline. Contralateral projections of this nerve were not found in larvae. Primary afferents of the posterior lateral line nerve project ipsi- and contralaterally to the medial neuropil of the medial nucleus. Ascending fibers course in the ipsilateral medial nucleus, enter the cerebellar lamina, cross the midline and descend to the lateral neuropil of the contralateral medial nucleus. In the cerebellar lamina, the fibers of the anterior lateral nerve are located ventrolaterally to those of the posterior lateral nerve. Lateral line efferents were not observed in larvae.  相似文献   

The posterior lateral line lobe (PLLL) of gymnotoid fish has efferent projections to two midbrain regions: the nucleus praeeminentialis dorsalis (n.P.d.) and the torus semicircularis dorsalis (T.Sd.). Both ipsilateral and contralateral connections are present; the n.P.d. receives nearly equal input from both sides while the T.Sd. receives a stronger contralateral input. The PLLL projection to n.P.d. merely maps medial PLLL to ventral n.P.d. and lateral PLLL to dorsal n.P.d., thus preserving the separate topography and relative orientation of the four electrosensory maps found in the PLLL. Only PLLL pyramidal cells (basilar and nonbasilar pyramids) contribute to this projection. The four PLLL electrosensory maps converge onto T.Sd. so that they map the dorsal body surface onto medial T.Sd. and the ventral body surface onto lateral T.Sd. Pyramidal cells, spherical cells, and multipolar cells contribute to this projection. A small commiusural connection links homologous segments of the PLLL; these fibers arise from polymorphic cells of the PLLL.  相似文献   

The lateral line sensory system of Lampetra japonica is innervated by the anterior and posterior lateral line nerves. The anterior lateral line nerve innervates all electroreceptors throughout the body and mechanoreceptors of the head. The posterior lateral line nerve innervates trunk mechanoreceptors. The anterior lateral line nerve consists of two ganglia (anterior lateral line and intracapsular) and four major peripheral branches (superficial ophthalmic, buccal, hyomandibular, and recurrent nerves). The posterior lateral line nerve has one posterior lateral line ganglion and one peripheral branch. The location and central projection patterns of the primary sensory neurons of these branches of the lateral line nerves were studied with the aid of horseradish peroxidase labeling. The ganglion cells of the buccal nerve were found in the rostral half, and those of the hyomandibular nerve were found in the caudal half of the medial part of the anterior lateral line ganglion. The lateral part of the anterior lateral line ganglion contains ganglion cells of the recurrent nerve and the superficial ophthalmic nerve. The rostral half of the intracapsular ganglion contains ganglion cells of the recurrent, hyomandibular, and buccal nerves. The ganglion cells of the posterior lateral line nerve were found in the posterior lateral line ganglion. The buccal nerve afferents terminated mainly in the lateral part of the ipsilateral mechanoreceptive medial nucleus. The peripheral part of the electroreceptive dorsal nucleus also received several afferents. The hyomandibular afferents terminated ipsilaterally in the central part of the medial nucleus and in the dorsolateral part of the dorsal nucleus. Some afferents of the hyomandibular nerve ascended and descended in the descending nucleus of the trigeminal nerve near its dorsal margin. The ventral nucleus, the primary nucleus of the VIIIth nerve, received a few fibers of the buccal and hyomandibular nerves. In the recurrent nerve, the fibers of the lateral part of the anterior lateral line ganglion terminated throughout the entire dorsal nucleus, and the fibers of the intracapsular ganglion projected to the dorsolateral part of the nucleus. The afferents of the posterior lateral line nerve terminated in the medial part of the ipsilateral medial nucleus and in the lateral part of the contralateral medial nucleus. In the cerebellar area, afferents of the anterior lateral line nerve were located laterally to those of the posterior lateral line nerve. Several fibers terminated in some branchiomotor nuclei, the cerebellar crest, and the dorsal gray near the obex level. No efferent cell bodies were found in the place where efferent neurons of the VIIIth nerve have been previously reported.  相似文献   

The medullary nuclei and the primary projections of the octaval nerve have been studied in the Teleost Chelon labrosus, using argentic impregnations, NISSL stains and anterograde marking with peroxidase. The octaval nerve enters the medulla in two separate branches, the anterior and posterior. In its intramedullary traject it originates ascendent and descendent bundles. Its fibres end principally in the ventral part of the octavo-lateral area, with practically no overlapping with the terminals of the lateral line nerves. Three neuronal groups appear in this zone: the magnocellular vestibular nucleus, the tangential nucleus and the descending octaval nucleus. The magnocellular nucleus, formed by large neurons, receives thick fibres from the anterior branch of the octaval nerve. The tangential nucleus can be subdivided into three parts: Dorsal, intermediate and ventral depending upon its afferents and efferents. The dorsal part receives fibres from the posterior root of the octaval nerve. Fibres from the anterior branch end in the intermediate and ventral parts. The descending octaval nucleus, formed by polymorphous neurons, receives descending fibres from the octaval nerve branches. These fibres form a peculiar neuropil. A few fibres from both branches end in the medial nucleus of the octavolateral area. No primary projections of the octaval nerve have been found to the cerebellar crests.  相似文献   

Autoradiographic and degeneration techniques were used to describe striatal efferents in the bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana). Horseradish peroxidase (HRP) was then placed in the major terminal fields to reveal the striatal cells responsible for these projections. Except for the small ventral eminence of the lateral pallium immediately adjacent to the dorsal striatum, no pallial region receives a striatal projection. Most striatal efferents descend in the lateral forebrain bundle (LFB), passing through the anterior entopedun-cular nucleus, where one large fascicle decussates in the anterior commissure and innervates the contralateral anterior entopeduncular nucleus and caudal ventral striatum. A smaller fascicle exits the LFB to terminate in the ipsilateral lateral amygdala. The remaining efferents continue caudal in the LFB through the posterior entopeduncular nucleus, with sparse projections to the ventral thalamus, the adjacent preoptic areas, and the posterior tuberculum leaving the bundle at various points. At pretectal levels, some efferents leave the LFB to run dorsally, through the caudal pole of the central thalamic nucleus and into the posterior division of the lateral nucleus and the lateral portion of the posterior thalamic nucleus. Efferents also continue caudal, through the superficial tegmental cell groups (nucleus profundus mesencephali and superficial isthmal reticular nucleus) before turning dorsomedially into the ventral anterodorsal, lateral anteroventral, and rostral pole of the posterodorsal tegmental fields. A small superficial projection continues to isthmal levels but cannot be traced beyond. Tegmental HRP injections retrogradely fill cells in the dorsal and ventral striatum as well as nucleus accumbens and the anterior entopeduncular nucleus. Pretectal HRP injections fill cells only in the caudal ventral striatum and anterior entopeduncular nucleus. Anterior entopeduncular nucleus HRP injections fill numerous cells in all striatal divisions, but some of this filling may be due to interrupted fibers of passage. Thus the anuran striatum, which receives its major input from thalamic nuclei relaying tectal and toral input, can in turn influence the midbrain roof via several disynaptic pathways: through the anterior entopeduncular nucleus, pretectum, and tegmentum, all of which project directly to the tectum and torus (Wilczynski and Northcutt, ′77; Wilczynski, ′81). Additional trisynaptic routes through the anterior entopeduncular nucleus and its pretectal and tegmental connections parallel the striatal routes.  相似文献   

The extent of convergence of mediodorsal thalamic and amygdalar afferents on the rat's frontal cortex was studied by tracing retrogradely labeled cells following injections of horseradish peroxidase (HRP). HRP was applied iontophoretically in extremely small injections throughout all areas of the frontal cortex. The following organization was revealed: Converging inputs from the mediodorsal nucleus and the amygdala are observed in the posterior parts of the pre-and infralimbic areas, in the posterior half of the dorsal and ventral agranular insular areas and in the lateral and dorsal precentral areas. Both mediodorsal and amygdaloid afferents reach the dorsal tip of the frontal cortex. Only the mediodorsal afferents were found to terminate in the anterior parts of the pre- and infralimbic areas and in the anterior part of the dorsal division of the anterior cingulate area and in the medial precentral area. On the lateral side of the hemisphere the anterior halves of the dorsal and ventral agranular insular areas receive mediodorsal afferents. Amygdaloid, but not mediodorsal afferents, were found following injections into the more posterior parts of the lateral precentral area. These results are discussed with respect to the extent of the prefrontal cortex in the rat and its definability as a target area of subcortical nuclei. Functional aspects of the anatomical convergence of connections within the so-called basolateral limbic circuit are outlined.  相似文献   

Following unilateral HRP injections in the optic tectum of Rana pipiens, HRP-positive cells were seen in three pretectal nuclei: bilaterally in the dorsal posterior nucleus; in the dorsal half of the ipsilateral posterior nucleus; and ipsilaterally in the large-called pretectal nucleus. HRP-positive cells were also seen ipsilaterally in the anterodorsal, posterodorsal and posteroventral tegmental fields, the nucleus isthmi, and the dorsal gray columns of the cervical spinal cord; bilaterally in the suprapeduncular nucleus, a paramedian cell group dorsal to the interpeduncular nucleus; and in the deep layers of the contralateral tectum. In addition, evidence for a bilateral ventral preopto-tectal projection was seen in half the experimental animals. No tectal afferents from telencephalic or rostal thalamic areas were seen. Both the ascending and descencing tectal efferent fibers were also filled with reaction product. The pale reaction indicative of terminating tectal efferents was seen in the dorsal pretectum, partially overlapping the lateral nucleus and uncinate neuropil; in the core of nucleus isthmi; and in the superior olive.  相似文献   

The sensory modalities of taste and touch, for the anterior tongue, are relegated to separate cranial nerves. The lingual branch of the trigeminal nerve mediates touch: the chorda tympani branch of the facial nerve mediates taste. The chorda tympani also contains efferent axons which originate in the superior salivatory nucleus. The central projections of these two nerves have been visualized in the hamster by anterograde labelling with horseradish peroxidase (HRP). Afferent fibers of the chorda tympani distribute to all rostral-caudal levels of the solitary nucleus. They synapse heavily in the dorsal half of the nucleus at its rostral extreme; synaptic endings are sparser and located laterally in caudal regions. These taste afferents travel caudally in the solitary tract and reach different levels by a series of collateral branches which extend medially in the the solitary nucleus, where they exhibit preterminal and terminal swellings. Taste afferent axons range in diameter from 0.2 micrometer to 1.5 micrometers. The thickest axons project exclusively to the rostral and intermediate subdivisions of the solitary nucleus; the find ones may distribute predominantly to the caudal subdivision. Afferent fibers of the lingual nerve terminate heavily in the dorsal one-third of the spinal nucleus of the trigeminal nerve and also as a dense patch in the lateral solitary nucleus at the midpoint between its rostral and caudal poles. This latter projection overlaps that of the chorda tympani. Thus the two sensory nerves which subserve taste and touch from coincident peripheral fields on the tongue converge centrally on the intermediate subdivision of the solitary nucleus. Efferent neurons of the superior salivatory nucleus were labelled retrogradely following application of HRP to the chorda tympani. These cells are located ipsilaterally in the medullary reticular formation ventral to the rostral pole of the solitary nucleus; their dendrites are oriented dorsoventrally. The efferent axons course dorsally, form a genu lateral to the facial somatomotor genu, and course ventrolaterally through the spinal nucleus of the trigeminal nerve to exit the brain ventral to the entering facial afferents.  相似文献   

The goldfish posterior lateral line nerve consists of a dorsal and a ventral branch, each of which is associated with a ramus of the sensory branch of the VII th nerve (ramus recurrens facialis). The afferent and efferent pathways of these nerves within the central nervous system were studied by using horseradish peroxidase (HRP) histochemistry. The afferent fibers of the ramus recurrens facialis travel in the ventral portion of the VIIth nerve as it enters the brain and project predominantly to the ipsilateral half of the facial lobe. The afferent fibers of either the dorsal or ventral branch of the posterior lateral line nerve split into two bundles as they enter the brain. The caudally projectingfascicle terminates predominantly in thenucleusmedialis. The fibers of the rostrally projecting bundle terminate predominantly in nucleus medialis and nucleus magnocellularis and in the eminentia granularis. The posterior lateral line efferent somata were located in the diencephalon as well as in the medulla oblongata. The medullary efferent neurons formed two distinct groups, a rostral and a caudal nucleus. The cell bodies of the latter were more numerous and larger than those of the former. The axons of the efferent neurons exit from the brain by one of two routes. The first is at the level of the rostral efferent nucleus and the second at the level of the Mauthner cell. Previous reports have described input of posterior lateral line afferent fibers to the Mauthner cell soma and proximal lateral dendrite of the goldfish. This electrophysiological input was bilateral and was interpreted as monosynaptic. The afferent input described in this study was ipsilateral and ended in the vicinity of the distal lateral dendrite. These differences are discussed in the context of the neuronal circuitry that may be present.  相似文献   

The electrosensory system of weakly electric gymnotiform fish is described from the receptor distribution on the body surface to the termination of the primary afferentsin the posterior lateral line lobe (PLLL). There are two types of electroreceptor(ampullary and tuberous) and a single type of lateral line mechanoreceptor (neuromast). Receptor counts in Apteronotus albifronsshow that (1) neuromasts are distributed as in other teleosts; (2) ampullary receptors number 151 on one side of the head and 208 on one side of the body; (3) tuberous receptors were estimated to number 3,000-3,500 on one side of the head and 3,500-5,000 on one side of the body. The distribution of each receptor type is described. Each receptor is innervated by a single primary afferent. Electro-sensory afferents have myelinated cell bodies in the ganglion of the anterior lateral line nerve (ALLN). The distribution of these ganglion cell diameters is strongly bimodal in Apteronotus and Eigenmannia: The smaller-diameter cells may be those which innervate ampullary electroreceptors, the larger-diameter tuberous electroreceptors. Transganglionic HRP transport techniques were used to determine the first-order connections of the anterior lateral line nerve in six species of gymnotiform fish. Small branches of the ALLN were labeled so as to determine the somatotopic organization in the PLLL. The PLLL is divided into four segments from medial to lateral, termed medial, centromedial, centrolateral, and lateral segments (Heiligenberg and Dye, '81). Representations of the head are found rostrally in each zone, and the trunk is mapped caudally in each zone. Thus there are four body maps in the PLLL. The medial segment receives ampullary input (Heiligenberg and Dye, '82) and maps the dorsoventral body axis mediolaterally, as does the tuberous centrolateral segment. The tuberous centromedial and lateral segments map the dorsoventral axis lateromedially. Thus the medial and centromedial segments meet belly to belly, the centromedial and centrolateral segments meet back to back, and the centrolateral and lateral segments meet belly to belly. Adjacent electrosensory maps within the PLLL are therefore always mirror images.  相似文献   

Perikarya and central endings of muscle afferents of the sternomastoid nerve of the rat were investigated using the horseradish peroxidase (HRP) method in its modification by Mesulam. Application of an aqueous solution of HRP to the cut sternomastoid nerve was followed by heavy labeling of cell bodies in ipsilateral spinal ganglia C3 and C4. In addition, a number of peripheral and central processes of spinal ganglion cells clearly showed reaction product. Labeled structures in the spinal cord and medulla oblongata were regarded as axons and/or terminals of sternomastoid nerve primary afferents because the motor root to this nerve had been interrupted before the application of HRP.Analysis of serial sections and mapping of all labeled nervous structures in the CNS revealed many stained axons and terminals in the medial parts of dorsal and ventral horns as well as in the medial part of zona intermedia in the segments C1–C3. Clearly labeled zones were also seen in the central and lateral areas of the ventral horn. These zones correspond to the location of the motor nuclei for the sternomastoid and infrahyal muscles, partly also for the longus colli and splenius capitis muscles. The labeled area in the zona intermedia includes the field of the nucleus cervicalis centralis, which was shown by other authors to receive input from primary afferents of the neck region as well as from vestibular nuclei via fasciculus longitudinalis medialis, and which in turn sends many fibers into the cerebellum. Label was also found in many axons of the fasciculus cuneatus and in terminals spreading over the whole nucleus cuneatus lateralis. Here, close relations of those terminals to perikarya were seen. Only weak labeling was found in laminae I–III of the upper three spinal cord segments.  相似文献   

Brainstem branches from olivocochlear axons in cats and rodents   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Horseradish peroxidase was used to label axons of olivocochlear (OC) neurons by intracellular injections in cats and extracellular injections in rodents. These axons arise from cell bodies in the superior olivary complex and project to the cochlea. En route to the cochlea, the thick axons (greater than 0.7 micron diam.) of medial olivocochlear (MOC) neurons formed collaterals that terminated in the ventral cochlear nucleus, the interstitial nucleus of the vestibular nerve (in cats), and the inferior vestibular nucleus (in rodents). The thin axons (less than 0.7 micron diam.), presumed to arise from lateral olivocochlear (LOC) neurons, did not branch near the CN. Within the CN, the MOC collaterals tended to ramify in and near regions with high densities of granule cells, regions also associated with the terminals of type II afferent axons (Brown et al.: J. Comp. Neurol. 278:581-590, '88). These results suggest that those fibers associated peripherally with outer hair cells (MOC efferents and type II afferents) are associated centrally with regions containing granule cells, whereas those fibers associated with inner hair cells peripherally (LOC efferents and type I afferents) are not.  相似文献   

As part of an experimental study of the ventral striatum, the horseradish peroxidase (HRP) method was used to examine the afferent and efferent neuronal connections of the nucleus accumbens. Following iontophoretic applications or hydraulic injections of HRP in nucleus accumbens, cells labeled by retrograde transport of HRP were observed in the ipsilateral telencephalon in the posterior agranular insular, perirhinal, entorhinal, and primary olfactory cortices, in the subiculum and hippocampal field CA1, and in the anterior and posterior divisions of the basolateral amygdaloid nucleus. In the diencephalon, labeled neurons were present ipsilaterally in the central medial, paracentral and parafascicular intralaminar nuclei, and in the midline nuclei parataenialis, paraventricularis, and reuniens. Retrograde labeling was observed in the ipsilateral brainstem in cells of the ventral tegmental area and dorsal raphe. Many of these projections to nucleus accumbens were found to be topographically organized. Anterograde transport of HRP from nucleus accumbens demonstrated ipsilateral terminal fields in the ventral pallidum and substantia nigra, pars reticulata. The afferent projections to nucleus accumbens from the posterior insular and perirhinal neocortices, intralaminar thalamus, and the dopamine-containing ventral tegmental area are analogous to the connections of the caudatoputamen, as are the efferents from nucleus accumbens to the substantia nigra and ventral globus pallidus. These connections substantiate the classification of nucleus accumbens as a striatal structure and provide support for the recently proposed concept of the ventral striatum. Furthermore, the demonstration that a number of limbic system structures, including the amygdala, hippocampal formation, entorhinal cortex, and olfactory cortex are important sources of afferents to the nucleus accumbens, suggests that the ventral striatum may serve to integrate limbic information into the striatal system.  相似文献   

The dorsal octavolateral nucleus is the primary electrosensory nucleus in the elasmobranch medulla. We have studied the topographic organization of electrosensory afferent projections within the dorsal nucleus of the little skate, Raja erinacea, by anatomical (HRP) and physiological experiments. The electrosensory organs (ampullae of Lorenzini) in skates are located in four groups on each side of the body, and each group is innervated by a separate ramus of the anterior lateral line nerve (ALLN). Transganglionic transport of HRP in individual rami demonstrated that electroreceptor afferents in each ramus project to a separate, nonoverlapping division of the central zone of the ipsilateral dorsal nucleus. These divisions, which are distinct areas separated by compact cell plates, are somatopically arranged. The volume of each division of the dorsal nucleus that is related to a single ramus is proportional to the number of ampullae innervated by the ramus, but not to the body surface area on which the receptors are distributed. Nearly one-half of the nucleus is devoted to electrosensory inputs from the buccal and superficial ophthalmic ampullae concentrated in a small area on the ventral surface of the head rostral to the mouth. Multiple and single unit recordings demonstrated that adjacent cells in the nucleus have similar receptive fields on the body surface and revealed a detailed point-to-point somatotopy within the nucleus. With threshold stimuli most single units have ipsilateral receptive fields made up by excitatory inputs from 2-5 ampullary organs. The somatotopy within the mechanosensory medial nucleus, also revealed by the HRP fills of individual ALLN rami, appears less rigid than that in the dorsal nucleus, as extensive overlap is present in the terminal fields of separate ALLN rami.  相似文献   

N S Gayer  R L Faull 《Brain research》1988,449(1-2):253-270
The interconnections between the paraflocculus of the cerebellum and the superior colliculus (SC) of the adult male Wistar albino rat were traced utilising the retrograde and anterograde transport of horseradish peroxidase conjugated with wheatgerm agglutinin (WGA-HRP). The study comprises three series of experiments. In the first series designed to trace the connections between the paraflocculus and the pre- and deep cerebellar nuclei, microiontophoretic injections of WGA-HRP filled either the entire paraflocculus or one of its subdivisions (ventral or dorsal paraflocculus). The results showed that, the ventral and dorsal paraflocculus receive afferents from distinct and separate regions of pontine nuclei, nucleus reticularis tegmenti pontis (Rtp) and the inferior olive. The efferents from the ventral and dorsal parafloccular subdivisions project to circumscribed regions of the lateral and posterior interpositus cerebellar nuclei. In the second series of experiments, unilateral iontophoretic WGA-HRP injections were placed at varying depths, through the rostrocaudal extent of SC and the tectal connections with the brainstem, and deep cerebellar nuclei were traced. The SC projects to well circumscribed regions of the pontine nuclei. Rtp and the inferior olive and receives afferents from the lateral and posterior interpositus cerebellar nuclei. In the third series of experiments involving combined injections of WGA-HRP into SC and the ventral paraflocculus, the collicular and ventral parafloccular connections were traced. The ventral paraflocculus receives afferents from regions of pons and Rtp which in turn receive inputs from the SC and projects to the lateral and posterior interpositus cerebellar nuclei which in turn give rise to efferents to the SC. These findings demonstrate that the ventral paraflocculus is linked to the contralateral superior colliculus via (i) a crossed afferent tecto-ponto/Rtp-parafloccular pathway, and (ii) a crossed efferent paraflocculo-nucleo-tectal pathway.  相似文献   

The anterior lateral line nerve of the thornback ray consists of fibers that innervate head electroreceptive ampullary organs and mechanoreceptive neuromasts. As the anterior lateral line nerve enters the medulla it divides into dorsal and ventral roots. Single unit responses of dorsal root fibers to electric field and mechanical stimuli indicate that the dorsal root consists only of ampullary fibers, whereas the ventral root consists only of mechanoreceptive fibers. The dorsal and ventral roots of the anterior lateral line nerve terminate in the dorsal and medial octavolateralis nuclei respectively, indicating that the dorsal nucleus is the primary electroreceptive nucleus of the elasmobranch medulla and the medial nucleus is the mechanoreceptive nucleus. Averaged evoked potential responses to electric field stimuli could be recorded from the dorsal but not the medial nucleus, further evidence that the dorsal nucleus is the electroreceptive nucleus. A second evoked response to electric field stimuli was elicited from the lateral reticular nucleus, suggesting that the reticular formation may be a secondary target of efferents of the dorsal octavolateralis nucleus. A dorsal octavo-lateralis nucleus exists not only in elasmobranchs, but also in agnathan, chondrostean, dipnoan, and crossopterygian fishes, suggesting that all of these taxa are also electroreceptive.  相似文献   

The medullary projections of the anterior lateral line nerve, dorsal branch (Alln.d), the posterior lateral line nerve, dorsal branch (PLLn.d), associated cutaneous nerves, and the VIIIth nerve in Xenopus laevis have been delineated by axonal infusion of cobalt chloride and silver intensification. The peripheral innervation of the posterior lateral line sense organs has also been traced. From wholemount and sectioned preparations, we describe three central projections, extending the length of the ipsilateral medulla but occupying distinct zones: lateral line afferents dorsomedially, stato-acoustic dorsolaterally, and cutaneous ventrolaterally. Arborizations of ALLn.d and PLLn.d afferents are morphologically similar, intermingling throughout the lateral line lobe. Each divides into ascending and descending limbs bearing collaterals, which terminate in the lateral line neuropile and nucleus. Evidence is presented for directional and positional mapping in the branching of individual PLLn.d afferents and for topography in the ALLn.d projection. Second-order neurones have been identified by transneuronal staining and their axons traced into the contralateral torus semicircularis. The morphology of efferent neurones is also described. Rostral branches of PLLn.d also contain cutaneous afferents which run through the medulla into the spinal cord, similar to the nerve V (cutaneous) projection. In nerve VIII preparations, the projection to the compact cochlear nucleus and the massive vestibular projection are identified. Cutaneous and vestibular but not lateral line afferents extend into the cerebellum. The separation of VIIIth nerve and lateral line afferents in Xenopus medulla is considered as evidence against the validity of the acousticolateralis concept. Information processing in the lateral line lobe is discussed in relation to connectivity patterns between first- and second-order neurones.  相似文献   

Afferent projections to the thalamic lateral dorsal nucleus were examined in the rat by the use of retrograde axonal transport techniques. Small iontophoretic injections of horseradish peroxidase were placed at various locations within the lateral dorsal nucleus, and the location and morphology of cells of origin of afferent projections were identified by retrograde labeling. For all cases examined, subcortical retrogradely labeled neurons were most prominent in the pretectal complex, the intermediate layers of the superior colliculus, and the ventral lateral geniculate nucleus. Labeled cells were also seen in the thalamic reticular nucleus and the zona incerta. Within the cerebral cortex, labeled cells were prominent in the retrosplenial areas (areas 29b, 29c, and 29d) and the presubiculum. Labeled cells were also seen in areas 17 and 18 of occipital cortex. Peroxidase injections in the dorsal lateral part of the lateral dorsal nucleus result in labeled neurons in all of the ipsilateral pretectal nuclei, but especially those that receive direct retinal afferents. Labeled cells were also seen in the ventral lateral geniculate nucleus and the rostral tip of laminae IV-VI of the superior colliculus. In contrast, peroxidase injections in ventral medial portions of the lateral dorsal nucleus result in fewer labeled pretectal cells, and these labeled cells are found exclusively in the pretectal nuclei that do not receive retinal afferents. Other labeled cells following injections in the rostral and medial portions of the lateral dorsal nucleus are seen contralaterally in the medial pretectal region and nucleus of the posterior commissure, and bilaterally in the rostral tips of laminae IV and V of the superior colliculus. Camera lucida drawings of HRP labeled cells reveal that projecting cells in each pretectal nucleus have a characteristic soma size and dendritic branching pattern. These results are discussed with regard to the type of sensory information that may reach the lateral dorsal nucleus and then be relayed on to the medial limbic cortex.  相似文献   

The central distribution of afferents from individual eighth nerve branches (N VIII) and mechanical lateral line end organs in mormyrid fish are described. Afferents were labeled with horseradish peroxidase (HRP) placed on the cut ends of the different N VIII branches and the anterior and posterior lateral line nerves. Descending, tangential, and magnocellular nuclei receive input almost exclusively from the utriculus and canals. Nucleus octavius receives afferents from the lateral line nerves and all N VIII branches, with one part receiving exclusive and bilateral input from the sacculus. Afferents from both lateral line nerves and all N VIII branches, except the sacculus, end in eminentia granularis. Afferents from each of the two lateral line nerves and from each of the three otolith branches of N VIII end in different regions of the anterior lateral line lobe, with some areas of overlap. Behavioral studies in other families of fish indicate that the utriculus and canals are critical for postural control, whereas the sacculus and possibly the lagena are concerned with hearing. Such findings, together with the results of this study, suggest that mormyrids and perhaps other fish possess separate auditory and vestibular centers within the octavolateral area. The HRP method also shows the cell bodies and axons of octavolateral efferents. N VIII and lateral line efferents arise from a common nucleus, and the central course of their axons parallels that of facial motoneurons. Axons of efferent cells divide to supply two or more branches of N VIII and some axons supply both lateral line and N VIII end organs.  相似文献   

Primary projections of the anterior ( ALLN ) and posterior ( PLLN ) lateral line nerves were traced in the shovelnose sturgeon by means of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) histochemistry and silver degeneration. The trunk of the ALLN divides into dorsal and ventral roots as it enters the medulla. Fibers of the dorsal root form ascending and descending branches that terminate within the ipsilateral dorsal octavolateralis nucleus and the dorsal granular component of the lateral eminentia granularis. Fibers of the ventral root of the ALLN , as well as fibers of the PLLN , enter the medulla ventral to the dorsal root of the ALLN where some of the fibers terminate among the dendrites of the magnocellular octaval nucleus. The bulk of the fibers form ascending and descending branches that terminate within the ipsilateral medial octavolateralis nucleus. A portion of the ascending fibers continue more rostrally and terminate in the ipsilateral eminentia granularis and bilaterally in the cerebellar corpus. Some fibers of the descending rami of both the ALLN and PLLN extend beyond the caudal limit of the medial octavolateralis nucleus to terminate in the caudal octavolateralis nucleus. The HRP cases also revealed retrogradely filled large neurons whose axons course peripherally in the lateral line nerve and are likely efferent to the lateral line organs.  相似文献   

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