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This study analyzed the topographic organization of the associational fibers within the olfactory cortex of the rat, by using the autoradiographic method. Small injections of 3H-leucine were placed in all of the subdivisions of the olfactory cortex, to label selectively the fibers arising in each area. Intracortical fibers were identified from all of the olfactory cortical areas except the olfactory tubercle and were classified into two major systems (the layer Ib system and the layer II-deep Ib system) on the basis of their laminar pattern of termination (see Luskin and Price, '83). The layer Ib fiber system arises in the anterior olfactory nucleus, piriform cortex, and lateral entorhinal area, and is broadly organized in relation to the lateral olfactory tract. Cortical areas deep to or near the lateral olfactory tract are preferentially interconnected with areas near the tract, while parts of the cortex lateral and caudal to the lateral olfactory tract are most heavily interconnected with areas lateral, caudal, and medial to the tract. Commissural projections from the anterior olfactory nucleus and the anterior piriform cortex match some (but not all) components of the ipsilateral layer Ib fiber system. The layer II-deep Ib fiber system arises in three small areas--the ventral tenia tecta, the dorsal peduncular cortex, and the periamygdaloid cortex. The fibers from the ventral tenia tecta terminate in layer II of the anterior olfactory nucleus and are topographically organized. The fibers from the dorsal peduncular cortex and the periamygdaloid cortex are more widely distributed, especially in the lateral and caudal parts of the cortex. Two other intracortical projections do not fit into either of these fiber systems. The nucleus of the lateral olfactory tract projects bilaterally to the islands of Calleja and the medial edge of the anterior piriform cortex. The anterior cortical nucleus projects to many parts of the olfactory cortex, but the fibers end in both superficial and deep parts of layer I (layer Ia and Ib). There are projections from several of the olfactory cortical areas to the cortical areas surrounding the olfactory cortex. Virtually all of the olfactory areas also project to the ventral and dorsal endopiriform nuclei deep to the piriform cortex and/or to the polymorph zone deep to the olfactory tubercle. In addition, projections have been demonstrated to the deep amygdaloid nuclei, especially from the more ventromedial and caudal parts of the olfactory cortex.  相似文献   

The efferent connections of the anterior olfactory nucleus in the female albino rabbit have been studied using the autoradiographic and horseradish peroxidase methods for tracing axonal pathways. Following a unilateral injection of 3H-leucine into the olfactory peduncle, radioactively labeled efferent projections from the anterior olfactory nucleus were traced into all layers of the ipsilateral main olfactory bulb beneath the olfactory nerve layer and through the ipsilateral anterior limb of the anterior commissure and plexiform layer of the medial side of the cerebral hemisphere to the deep half of the plexiform (IB) and pyramidal cell (II) layers of the prepyriform cortex, the tenia tecta, and the entire surface of the olfactory tubercle. Labeled projections crossing the midline within the anterior commissure were followed to the layers IB and II of the contralateral anterior prepyriform cortex and pars externa, pars lateralis, and pars dorsalis of the anterior olfactory nucleus, and through the periventricular layer of the olfactory peduncle to all layers of the main olfactory bulb beneath the olfactory nerve layer. No well-defined labeled projection was traced to the contralateral accessory olfactory bulb. Evidence for possible anterior olfactory nucleus and/or prepyriform cortical projections to the ipsilateral paleocortical half of the claustrum, horizontal limb of the nucleus of the diagonal band, the posterior lateral hypothalamus at the level of the mammillary complex, and to the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis is discussed. Intra-axonal retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase from axon terminals to parent cell bodies after unilateral injection of the protein into the main olfactory bulb or anterior olfactory nucleus revealed that anterior olfactory nucleus projections to the olfactory bulbs and the contralateral anterior olfactory nucleus arise predominately from the pars externa. The autoradiographic data indicate that the anterior olfactory nucleus projects to olfactory cortical structures which also receive afferent input from the olfactory bulb and that the termination of these projections is complementary to those from the olfactory bulb.  相似文献   

The projections of the main olfactory bulbs (MOBs) and the dorsal part of the anterior olfactory nucleus (NOA) in the hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus) have been studied by fluorescent tracers and the horseradish peroxidase method (HRP), respectively, to reveal the pattern of labeling from these structures. After different dye injections in both MOBs, labeled cells were present in the following structures: tenia tecta, vertical limb of the diagonal band of Broca, and medial septal nucleus in the ipsilateral injection site; and the NOA, piriform cortex, nucleus of the lateral olfactory tract, horizontal limb of the diagonal band of Broca, posterolateral cortical amygdaloid nucleus, anterior amygdaloid area, and dorsal raphe nucleus in both hemispheres. Structures showing double-labeled cells were the NOA, horizontal limb of the diagonal band of Broca, nucleus of the lateral olfactory tract, anterior amygdaloid area, and posterolateral cortical amygdaloid nucleus. After HRP injections in the dorsal part of the NOA, labeled cells were distributed in the NOA, nucleus of the lateral olfactory tract, posterolateral cortical amygdaloid nucleus, piriform cortex, horizontal and vertical limbs of the diagonal band of Broca, mitral cell layer of the MOB, tenia tecta, anterior amygdaloid area, and the contralateral NOA. We suggest that the contralateral projection nuclei to the MOB of the hedgehog, unusual in other mammals, and the large number of cells with axonal collaterals projecting to both hemispheres, may be a strategy in these animals to bilaterally integrate brain functions at the expense of its reduced corpus callosum.  相似文献   

In this study, the autoradiographic method for tracing axonal connections was used to identify the laminar distribution of intracortical fibers originating in the olfactory cortical areas of the rat. Most of the projections can be divided into two major fiber systems with different laminar patterns of termination. The first of these, termed the layer Ib fiber system, arises in the anterior olfactory nucleus, the anterior and posterior piriform cortex, and the lateral entorhinal cortex, and terminates predominantly in layer Ib and, in many cases, layer III of the entire olfactory cortex. The second system, termed the layer II-deep Ib fiber system, originates in three relatively small olfactory cortical areas-the dorsal peduncular cortex, the ventral tenia tecta, and the periamygdaloid cortex and terminates in and around the cells of layer II in most parts of the olfactory cortex. There is significant overlap in the laminar distribution of the two systems, although the distinction between them is readily apparent. Within the layer Ib fiber system there are relatively slight but consistent differences in the lamination of fibers from different areas. The fibers from the anterior olfactory nucleus are concentrated in the deep part of layer Ib while those from the anterior piriform cortex are concentrated in the superficial part of this layer. The fibers from the posterior piriform cortex tend to be densest in the middle of layer Ib. These differences are maintained in all areas of termination of each set of fibers, both ipsilaterally and contra-laterally. In addition, intracortical fibers from the anterior cortical nucleus of the amygdala are distributed throughout layer I, including layer la and Ib. Fibers from the nucleus of the lateral olfactory tract terminate bilaterally around the cells of the islands of Callej a and the medial edge of the anterior piriform cortex.  相似文献   

The olfactory peduncle, the region connecting the olfactory bulb with the basal forebrain, contains several neural areas that have received relatively little attention. The present work includes studies that provide an overview of the region in the mouse. An analysis of cell soma size in pars principalis (pP) of the anterior olfactory nucleus (AON) revealed considerable differences in tissue organization between mice and rats. An unbiased stereological study of neuron number in the cell-dense regions of pars externa (pE) and pP of the AON of 3-, 12-, and 24-month-old mice indicated that pE has about 16,500 cells in 0.043 mm(3) and pP about 58,300 cells in 0.307 mm(3) . Quantitative Golgi studies of pyramidal neurons in pP suggested that mouse neurons are similar to although smaller than those of the rat. An immunohistochemical analysis demonstrated that all peduncular regions (pE, pP, the dorsal peduncular cortex, ventral tenia tecta, and anterior olfactory tubercle and piriform cortex) have cells that express either calbindin, calretinin, parvalbumin, somatostatin, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide, neuropeptide Y, or cholecystokinin (antigens commonly co-expressed by subspecies of γ-aminobutyric acid [GABA]ergic neurons), although the relative numbers of each cell type differ between zones. Finally, an electron microscopic comparison of the organization of myelinated fibers in lateral olfactory tract in the anterior and posterior peduncle indicated that the region is less orderly in mice than in rats. The results provide a caveat for investigators who generalize data between species, as both similarities and differences between the laboratory mouse and rat were observed.  相似文献   

As part of an experimental study of the ventral striatum, the horseradish peroxidase (HRP) method was used to examine the afferent and efferent neuronal connections of the olfactory tubercle. Following iontophoretic applications or hydraulic injections of HRP in the tubercle, neurons labeled by retrograde transport of HRP were observed ipsilaterally in the telencephalon in the main olfactory bulb, the medial, lateral, ventral, and posterior divisions of the anterior olfactory nucleus, and in the orbital, ventral, and posterior agranular insular, primary olfactory, perirhinal, and entorhinal cortices. Labeled cells were also present in the basolateral, basomedial, anterior cortical, and posterolateral cortical amygdaloid nuclei, and bilaterally in the nucleus of the lateral olfactory tract. In the diencephalon, ipsilateral HRP-containing neurons were observed in the midline nuclei paraventricularis, parataenialis, and reuniens, and in the parafascicular intralaminar nucleus. Retrograde labeling was present in the ipsilateral brainstem in cells of the ventral tegmental area, substantia nigra, and dorsal raphe. Many of the above projections to the tubercle were found to be topographically organized. Anterograde axonal transport of HRP from the olfactory tubercle labeled terminal fields ipsilaterally in all parts of the anterior olfactory nucleus, in the ventral pallidum, and in the substantia nigra, pars reticulata. Contralaterally, terminal fields were present in the dorsal and lateral divisions of the anterior olfactory nucleus. The projections to the tubercle from the orbital, ventral, and posterior agranular insular, and perirhinal neocortices, intralaminar thalamus, and dopamine-containing areas of the ventral mesencephalon are analogous to the connections of the caudatoputamen, as are the efferents from the tubercle to the ventral globus pallidus and substantia nigra. These connections substantiate the recent suggestion that the olfactory tubercle is a striatal structure, and provide support for the ventral striatal concept. In the present study of the olfactory tubercle, and in the first study in this series on the nucleus accumbens, the ventral striatum was found to receive projections from a number of limbic system structures, including the main olfactory bulb, anterior olfactory nucleus, amygdala, hippocampus, and subiculum, and the entorhinal and primary olfactory cortices. These findings suggest that the ventral striatum is concerned with integrating limbic information into the striatal system.  相似文献   

The efferent and centrifugal afferent connections of the main olfactory bulb (MOB) of the mouse were studied by orthograde and retrograde transport of wheat germ agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase (WGA-HRP). MOB projects ipsilaterally to the anterior olfactory nucleus, taenia tecta, anterior hippocampal continuation, indusium grisium, olfactory tubercle, and the lateral and medial divisions of the entorhinal area. In the region of the anterior one-half to two-thirds of the posterior division of the insular cortex the projection from MOB extends into the insular cortex. The only efferent projection of MOB to the contralateral half of the brain was to the anterior olfactory nucleus. All efferent projections of MOB, thus, are to telencephalic structures. By contrast the centrifugal afferents to MOB originate from every major division of the neuraxis. Neurons projecting to the bulb were found ipsilaterally in all divisions of the anterior olfactory nucleus (AON). In some cases, labeling in the external division of AON was weak or absent. In the contralateral AON, pars externa was the most intensively labeled sub-division. Retrogradely labeled neurons were also present in all other subdivisions of the contralateral AON but were fewer in number and less heavily labeled than in the ipsilateral AON. Ipsilaterally, positive neurons were also present in taenia tecta, and the anterior hippocampal continuation. There was profuse retrograde labeling of neurons in the entire extent of the ipsilateral piriform cortex (PC). There was a rostral to caudal gradient of labeling in PC with more positive neurons in rostral than caudal parts. Labeled neurons were present in the lateral entorhinal cortex LEC and in the transitional cortex between LEC and PC. Very heavy retrograde labeling was present in the nuclei of the horizontal and vertical limbs of the diagonal band (HDB and VDB). More cells were labeled in HDB than in VDB. Neurons were labeled in the ipsilateral nucleus of the lateral olfactory tract (NLOT) and, when the injection spread into the accessory olfactory bulb, labeled neurons were present ventral to NLOT in accessory NLOT. A few lightly labeled neurons were always present in the posterolateral and medial cortical amygdaloid areas. Neurons were labeled in the zona inserta and scattered throughout several hypothalamic nuclei. There was massive retrograde labeling of neurons in the locus coeruleus and neurons were abundantly labeled in the dorsal and medial raphe nuclei and nucleus raphe pontis. In general, the labeling of MOB connections was more extensive than that which has been reported in closely related species.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Circuit operations of the olfactory bulb are modulated by higher order projections from multiple regions, many of which are themselves targets of bulbar output. Multiple glutamatergic regions project to the olfactory bulb, including the anterior olfactory nucleus (AON), prefrontal cortex (PFC), piriform cortex (PC), entorhinal cortex (EC), and tenia tecta (TT). In contrast, only one region provides GABAergic projections to the bulb. These GABA neurons are located in the horizontal limb of the diagonal band of Broca extending posteriorly through the magnocellular preoptic nucleus to the nucleus of the lateral olfactory bulb. However, it was unclear whether bulbar projecting GABAergic neurons collaterallize projecting to other brain regions. To address this, we mapped collateral projections from bulbar projecting GABAergic neurons using intersectional strategies of viral and traditional tract tracers. This approach revealed bulbar projecting GABAergic neurons show remarkable specificity targeting other primary olfactory cortical regions exhibiting abundant collateral projections into the accessory olfactory bulb, AON, PFC, PC, and TT. The only "nonolfactory" region receiving collateral projections was sparse connectivity to the medial prefrontal orbital cortex. This suggests that basal forebrain inhibitory feedback also modulates glutamatergic feedback areas that are themselves prominent bulbar projection regions. Thus, inhibitory feedback may be simultaneously modulating both synaptic processing of olfactory information in the bulb and associational processing of olfactory information from primary olfactory cortex. We hypothesize that these olfactory GABAergic feedback neurons are a regulator of the entire olfactory system.  相似文献   

The anterior olfactory nucleus (AON) is a central olfactory cortical structure that has heavy reciprocal connections with both the olfactory bulb (OB) and piriform cortex. While it has been firmly established that the AON is a primary source of bilateral projections in the olfactory system through extensive connections with both the ipsilateral and contralateral OB, AON, and piriform cortex, few studies have examined this circuitry in detail. In the present study we used small injections of the anterograde tracer Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin (PHA-L) and the retrograde tracer FluoroGold in specific subregions of the AON to explore the topography of the interconnections between the left and right AONs. Labeled fibers were found in the contralateral AON following injections in all areas. However, detailed quantitative analyses revealed that different regions of the AON have distinct patterns of interhemispheric innervation; contralateral fibers were most heavily targeted to dorsal and lateral AON subregions, while the medial and ventral areas received relatively light projections. These results demonstrate important features of the interhemispheric circuitry of the AON and suggest separate functional roles for subregions of the AON in olfactory information processing.  相似文献   

Central olfactory and vomeronasal pathways were studied in salamanders of the families Salamandridae and Plethodontidae by means of the HRP method. HRP was injected into the olfactory and accessory olfactory bulb as well as into the lateral/dorsal pallium, the main termination areas of secondary olfactory projections. Fibers leaving the olfactory bulb constitute two main tracts, the lateral olfactory tract (LOT), which is mostly restricted to the ipsilateral telencephalon, and the anterior olfactory habenular tract (AOHT), which represents the main contralateral connection. Fibers of the LOT project to the lateral pallium, dorsal striatum and the habenula. Efferent connections of the accessory olfactory bulb (AOT) terminate within the amygdala pars lateralis. No interspecific differences concerning the targets of central olfactory and vomeronasal projections were observed, but the number of olfactory tracts and their separation from each other varies.  相似文献   

The development of the cytoarchitecture and axonal connections of the central olfactory system were studied in fetal and neonatal rats from E16. In contrast to neocortical development, the olfactory cortex lacks a distinct cortical plate. In the piriform cortex and the olfactory tubercle the cellular laminae emerge simultaneously, while in the anterior olfactory nucleus, there are morphogenetic gradients from superficial to deep as well as from caudal to rostral which parallel the known cytogenetic gradients. Parallel morphogenetic and cytogenetic gradients are also present in the lateral to medial axis of the olfactory tubercle. The projection from the olfactory bulb and the associational projections from the piriform cortex begin to develop well before birth. At E17 fibers from the bulb are limited to the lateral olfactory tract (LOT) and the molecular layer just deep to it, and then spread out caudally, laterally, and medially away from the LOT. This sequence of innervation parallels and predicts the density of innervation in the adult: those areas which are innervated first (such as the piriform cortex deep to the LOT) ultimately receive the heaviest innervation; conversely, those areas which are innervated very late (such as the medial olfactory tubercle) receive the lightest projection. The intracortical projections from the anterior and posterior piriform cortex extend into layer I ipsilaterally by E20 and obtain their adult distribution by the middle of the first postnatal week. On the other hand, fibers from the anterior olfactory nucleus and the entorhinal area do not reach their full adult extent until the second postnatal week. Similarly, the crossed projection of the anterior piriform cortex to the contralateral posterior piriform cortex does not grow into layer I until this later time. The timing of fiber ingrowth showed no relation to the trajectory or eventual areal or laminar termination of fibers. As with the olfactory bulb projection, the timing may influence the density of termination. Centrifugal fibers to the bulb are demonstrable around the time of birth both by the retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and by the anterograde transport of 3H-leucine. The arrival of additional fibers during the remainder of the first postnatal week parallels the known cytogenetic and morphogenetic gradients in the areas in which they arise. The projections of the olfactory cortex to the lateral hypothalamic area and the mediodorsal thalamic nucleus are evident before birth. This correlates with the early generation of the cells which give rise to these projections.  相似文献   

The efferents and centrifugal afferents of the hamster olfactory bulbs were studied using orthograde and retrograde tracing techniques. Following injections of tritiated amino acids which were restricted to the main olfactory bulb (MOB), autoradiographic grains were observed ipsilaterally over layer IA of the entire anterior olfactory nucleus (AON), the ventral portion of the hippocampal rudiment (HR), the entire prepyriform cortex and olfactory tubercle, the anterior and posterolateral cortical amygdaloid nuclei and the lateral entorhinal cortex. An ipsilateral projection to the nucleus of the lateral olfactory tract (nLOT) was also indicated. No subcortical or contralateral projections were observed. Amino acid injections into the accessory olfactory bulb (AOB) revealed ipsilateral projections to the superficial plexiform layer of the medial and posteromedial cortical amygdaloid nuclei and to the bed nucleus of the accessory olfactory tract (nAOT) and the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (nST). Following injections of HRP which were restricted to the MOB, contralateral HRP-positive neurons were found predominantly in pars externa and to a lesser extent in the other subdivisions of the AON. Centrifugal projections to the MOB were identified ipsilaterally from the entire AON, the ventral portion of the HR, the anterior portion of the prepyriform cortex, and the nLOT. No labelled neurons were found in the olfactory tubercle, the anterior and posterolateral cortical amygdaloid nuclei or the entorhinal cortex. Centrifugal projections to the MOB were also identified from subcortical structures of the ipsilateral basal forebrain and from midline structures of the midbrain. Labelling occurred in the fusiform neurons of the diagonal band near the medial base of the forebrain at the level of caudal olfactory tubercle. Heavy labelling was seen in a distinct group of large, predominantly multipolar neurons (magnocellular preoptic area) that continued from the level of caudal olfactory tubercle to the level of the nLOT. This band of HRP-positive neurons could be followed more caudally to a position dorsal and medial to the nLOT near the lateral margin of the lateral anterior hypothalamic area. The midbrain projections to the MOB originated in the dorsal and median raphe nuclei. After injections of HRP into the AOB, centrifugal projections were identified from the nAOT and the posteromedial cortical amygdaloid nucleus. In addition, isolated neurons were labelled in the medial cortical amygdaloid nucleus but no labelled neurons were found in the nST. These results support the notion of two anatomically distinct olfactory systems and demonstrate two previously unreported pathways through which the limbic system may modulate sensory processing in the olfactory bulb.  相似文献   

The association and commissural fiber systems arising in the olfactory cortical areas caudal to the olfactory peduncle (the piriform cortex, nucleus of the lateral olfactory tract, anterior cortical nucleus of the amygdala, periamygdaloid cortex and entorhinal cortex) have been studied utilizing horseradish peroxidase as both an anterograde and a retrograde axonal tracer. In the piriform cortex two sublaminae within layer II (IIa and IIb) and layer III have been found to give rise to distinctly different projections. Retrograde cell labeling experiments indicate that the association fiber projection from layer IIb is predominantly caudally directed, while the projection from layer III is predominantly rostrally directed. Cells in layer IIa project heavily to areas both caudal and rostral to the piriform cortex. The commissural fibers from the piriform cortex are largely restricted in their origin to layer IIb of the anterior part of the piriform cortex and in their termination on the contralateral side to the posterior part of the piriform cortex and adjacent olfactory cortical areas. A projection to the olfactory bulb has also been found to arise from cells in layers IIb and III of the ipsilateral piriform cortex, but not in layer IIa. In addition to those from the piriform cortex, association projections have also been found from other olfactory cortical areas. The nucleus of the lateral olfactory tract has a heavy bilateral projection to the medial part of the anterior piriform cortex and the lateral part of the olfactory tubercle (as well as a lighter projection to the olfactory bulb); both the anterior cortical nucleus of the amygdala and the periamygdaloid cortex project ipsilaterally to several olfactory cortical areas. The entorhinal cortex has been found to project to the medial parts of the olfactory tubercle and the olfactory peduncle. The olfactory tubercle is the only olfactory cortical area from which no association fiber systems (instrinsic or extrinsic) have been found to originate. A broad topographic organization exists in the distribution of the fibers from several of the olfactory areas. This is most obvious in the anterior part of the olfactory cortex, in which fibers from the more rostral areas (the anterior olfactory nucleus and the anterior piriform cortex) terminate in regions near the lateral olfactory tract, while those from more caudal areas (the posterior piriform cortex and the entorhinal cortex) terminate in areas further removed, both laterally and medially, from the tract. Projections to olfactory areas from the hypothalamus, thalamus, diagonal band, and biogenic amine cell groups have been briefly described.  相似文献   

The centrifugal projections from the various subdivisions of the anterior olfactory nucleus (AON) can be categorized into four groups based on the organization of terminal fields in the main olfactory bulb (MOB). Pars lateralis and dorsalis have bilaterally asymmetric laminar projections to the MOB. The ipsilateral projections terminate primarily in the superficial half of the granule cell layer and in the deep third of the glomerular layer, whereas the contralateral projections terminate primarily in the superficial half of the granule cell layer and do not extend into the glomerular layer. Pars ventralis and posterior have bilaterally symmetric laminar projections with heavy terminations both in the superficial half of the granule cell layer and in the deep third of the glomerular layer. Pars medialis sends predominantly ipsilateral projections to the deep half of the granule cell layer. Pars externa has predominantly contralateral projections with a very narrow terminal field immediately deep to the internal plexiform layer. The projections to the MOB from the ventral hippocampal rudiment (HR) and the piriform cortex (PC) are exclusively ipsilateral. The projections from the ventral HR terminate primarily in the deep half of the granule cell layer. The projections from the PC also terminate predominantly in the granule cell layer, but there is a progressive shifting of terminal fields from the superficial half of this layer toward deeper regions for centrifugal axons arising from progressively more caudal levels of the PC. The laminar termination patterns of cortical afferents to the ipsilateral MOB thus are correlated with the mediolateral axis of the olfactory peduncle and the rostrocaudal axis of the piriform cortex. The centrifugal axons from these various sources enter directly into the granule cell layer of the caudal MOB or pass through the internal plexiform layer of the accessory olfactory bulb to reach the middle and anterior part of the MOB. We have termed these two routes the final common bulb pathway. The centrifugal axons from the laterally situated sources join the anterior and bulbar limbs of the anterior commissure before entering the final common bulbar pathway. In contrast, the centrifugal axons from pars medialis and the ventral HR travel diffusely in the cellular layer of the ipsilateral olfactory peduncle. A small component of the centrifugal projections from the PC travels in association with the lateral olfactory tract.  相似文献   

The efferent connections of the main and accessory olfactory bulbs in the female albino rabbit have been studied using the autoradiographic method for tracing axonal pathways. Following unilateral injections of 3H-proline or 3H-leucine into the main olfactory bulb, radioactively labeled material transported intraaxonally by axoplasmic flow in an anterograde direction from soma to axon terminal is present ipsilaterally in the superficial half of the plexiform layer (IA) of: the entire circumference of the olfactory peduncle, the tenia tecta, the full mediolateral extent of the olfactory tubercle, the entire length of the prepyriform cortex, a transition area between the prepyriform cortex and the horizontal limb of the nucleus of the diagonal band, the nucleus of the lateral olfactory tract, the anterior cortical and posterolateral cortical amygdaloid nuclei (periamygdaloid areas 1, rostral half of 2, 5 of Rose, '31), and the ventrolateral entorhinal cortex (entorhinal areas 1, 2, 4, 5, 7 of Rose, '31). No subcortical or contralateral projection of main bulb efferents was found. After a unilateral injection of 3H-leucine into the accessory olfactory bulb, transported material could be followed caudally along the dorsal surface of the ipsilateral lateral olfactory tract. This heavily labeled projection is distinct from the unlabeled lateral olfactory tract and has been termed the accessory olfactory tract. Beginning at the level of the caudal third of the olfactory tubercle and extending caudally to the nucleus of the lateral olfactory tract is a group of small neurons intimately associated with the accessory olfactory tract. This cell group is referred to as the bed nucleus of the accessory olfactory tract. Projection sites of the accessory bulb include the bed nucleus of the accessory olfactory tract and layer IA of the medial nucleus and the posteromedial cortical nucleus of the amygdala (periamygdaloid areas 3, 4, PAM, caudal half of 2, 6 of Rose, '31). An additional accessory bulb efferent projection was found to enter the stria terminalis at the level of the medial amygdaloid nucleus and could be traced to a posterior segment of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis. The autoradiographic findings indicate that the accessory olfactory bulb connects with portions of the amygdala that do not receive afferent input from the main olfactory bulb and provide evidence for the existence of two distinct and separate olfactory systems.  相似文献   

DARPP-32 (dopamine- and adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate-regulated phosphoprotein of Mr = 32,000) mRNA distribution was examined in adult mouse central nervous system by in situ hybridization. In general, DARPP-32 mRNA was found in regions of brain where cells express the dopamine D1 subtype receptor. Cells of the olfactory tubercle, caudate-putamen, and nucleus accumbens had the highest levels of DARPP-32 mRNA, as did choroid plexus and Purkinje cells. Relatively high levels were found in medial habenula and lateral piriform cortex. Moderate levels were seen in cerebral cortex layer VI, medial piriform cortex, lateral entorhinal cortex, tenia tecta, anterior olfactory nucleus, and lateral bed nucleus of the stria terminalis. Low levels were observed in hippocampus, cerebral cortex layers II and III, olfactory bulb, and the nucleus of the lateral olfactory tract. DARPP-32 mRNA levels in the amygdaloid nuclei varied greatly.  相似文献   

The connections of the olfactory bulbs of Podarcis hispanica were studied by tract-tracing of injected horseradish peroxidase. Restricted injections into the main olfactory bulb (MOB) resulted in bilateral terminallike labeling in the medial part of the anterior olfactory nucleus (AON) and in the rostral septum, lateral cortex, nucleus of the lateral olfactory tract, and ventrolateral amygdaloid nucleus. Bilateral retrograde labeling was found in the rostral lateral cortex and in the medial and dorsolateral AON. Ipsilaterally the dorsal cortex, nucleus of the diagonal band, lateral preoptic area, and dorsolateral amygdala showed labeled cell bodies. Retrogradely labeled cells were also found in the midbrain raphe nucleus. Results from injections into the rostral lateral cortex and lateral olfactory tract indicate that the mitral cells are the origin of the centripetal projections of the MOB. Injections in the accessory olfactory bulb (AOB) produced ipsilateral terminallike labeling of the ventral AON, bed nucleus of the accessory olfactory tract, central and ventromedial amygdaloid nuclei, medial part of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, and nucleus sphericus. Retrograde labeling of neurons was observed ipsilaterally in the bed nucleus of the accessory olfactory tract and stria terminalis, in the central amygdaloid nucleus, dorsal cortex, and nucleus of the diagonal band. Bilateral labeling of somata was found in the ventral AON, the nucleus sphericus (hilus), and in the mesencephalic raphe nucleus and locus coeruleus. Injections into the dorsal amygdala showed that the mitral neurons are the cells of origin of the AOB centripetal projections. Reciprocal connections are present between AOB and MOB. To our knowledge, this is the first study to address the afferent connections of the olfactory bulbs in a reptile. On the basis of the available data, a discussion is provided of the similarities and differences between the reptilian and mammalian olfactory systems, as well as of the possible functional role of the main olfactory connections in reptiles.  相似文献   

A combination of electrophysiological and anatomical techniques was used to determine the sites of termination of olfactory projections to the thalamus and the distribution of the cells of origin of these projections within the olfactory cortex. Following electrical stimulation of the olfactory bulb, short-latency unit responses were recorded not only in the central segment of the mediodorsal thalamic nucleus but also in the ventral and anterior parts of the submedial thalamic nucleus. Responses were not obtained in the ventral or lateral parts of the mediodorsal nucleus, in the dorsal part of the submedial nucleus, or in the intralaminar nuclei between the mediodorsal and submedial nuclei. The cells of origin of the projection were identified by making injections of horseradish peroxidase conjugated to wheat germ agglutinin (HRP WGA) into the thalamus and examining the olfactory cortex for retrogradely labeled cells. Following injections into the mediodorsal nucleus, labeled cells were found in the polymorphic cell zone deep to the olfactory tubercle, in the ventral endopiriform nucleus deep to the piriform cortex, and in an equivalent position deep to the periamygdaloid and lateral entorhinal cortices. After injections into the submedial nucleus, a smaller number of labeled cells were found in similar locations, except that they were restricted to the rostral olfactory cortical areas and were not found deep to the lateral part of the piriform cortex. Retrogradely labeled cells and anterogradely labeled axons were also found in the lateral orbital and ventral agranular insular areas of the prefrontal cortex with injections into the mediodorsal nucleus, and in the ventrolateral orbital area with injections into the submedial nucleus. Anterograde tracing experiments, using the autoradiographic method, have confirmed these results. Injections of 3H-leucine deep to the junction between the anterior piriform cortex and the olfactory tubercle label axons in both the central segment of the mediodorsal nucleus and the ventral part of the submedial nucleus, while injections deep to the posterior piriform cortex label axons in the mediodorsal nucleus only. Within the mediodorsal nucleus, the projection also appears to be organized so that fibers which arise more rostrally terminate ventrolaterally in the central segment, while fibers which arise more caudally terminate more dorsomedially. These results indicate that there is a substantial and possibly dual thalamocortical mechanism available for processing of olfactory stimuli.  相似文献   

A study was made of the normal and experimental anatomy of the olfactory system of the young adult male rhesus monkey. The cytoarchitecture of the central olfactory areas was studied with cell and fiber stains, while the extent and pattern of the projections of the olfactory bulb were determined by the Fink-Heimer and autoradiographic methods. The brain of one animal that had sustained damage to the olfactory bulb two days prior to sacrifice, and of one that had a transection of the olfactory tract ten days prior to sacrifice, were processed with the Fink-Heimer technique. The first of these and four others received injections of 3H-proline or 3H-leucine into the olfactory bulb, and following a survival period of 18 hours, or 2, 4, 12, or 20 days, their brains were processed with the autoradiographic technique. The results were the same for both experimental methods and for all survival periods. The projections of the olfactory bulb in this microsmatic animal are entirely ipsilateral. All of the structures that receive direct olfactory afferents have a laminar organization except for the anterior olfactory nucleus, which is laminated only in its anterior, peduncular, portion. While the olfactory bulb projects to the entire extent and depth of the anterior olfactory nucleus, the olfactory afferents of all other structures are confined to layer IA of the plexiform layer. These structures are: all divisions of the olfactory tubercle; the frontal and temporal prepiriform cortices; the oral, medial, and dorsal divisions of the superficial amygdaloid nucleus; and polar and anterior entorhinal cortex. The rhesus monkey does not have a recognizable accessory olfactory bulb, and no projections were seen to one of its targets, the nucleus of the stria terminalis. Also, no projections were seen to the taenia tecta or the ventral division of the superficial amygdaloid nucleus. With these exceptions, the projections of the olfactory bulb in the rhesus monkey are similar to those in macrosmatic species.  相似文献   

The central projections of the main olfactory bulb and the accessory olfactory bulb of the adult leopard frog (Rana pipiens) were reexamined, by using a horseradish peroxidase anterograde tracing method that fills axons with a continuous deposit of reaction product. The fine morphology preserved by this method allowed the terminal fields of the projection tracts to be delineated reliably, and for the first time. Herrick's amygdala has been newly subdivided into cortical and medial nuclei on the basis of cytoarchitecture, dendritic morphology, and the differential projections of the main and accessory olfactory tracts. The main olfactory bulb projects through the medial and lateral olfactory tracts to the postolfactory eminence, the rostral end of the medial cortex, the rostral end of the medial septal nucleus, the cortical amygdaloid nucleus, the nucleus of the hemispheric sulcus, and both the dorsal and ventral divisions of the lateral cortex, including its retrobulbar fringe. The lateral olfactory tract overlaps the dorsal edge of the striatal plate along the ventral border of the lateral cortex, but it is not certain whether any striatal cells are postsynaptic to the tract fibers. The lateral cortex is the largest of these territories, and receives the terminals of the main olfactory projection throughout its extent. It extends from the olfactory bulb to the posterior pole, and from the striatum to the summit of the hemisphere, where it borders the dorsal cortex. The medial and lateral olfactory tracts combine in the region of the amygdala to form a part of the stria medullaris thalami. These fibers cross in the habenular commissure and terminate in the contralateral cortical amygdaloid nucleus and periamygdaloid part of the lateral cortex. Cells projecting to the main olfactory bulb are found in the diagonal band and adjacent cell groups, but there is no evidence of an interbulbar projection arising from either the olfactory bulb proper or a putative anterior olfactory nucleus. The accessory olfactory bulb projects through the accessory olfactory tract to the medial and cortical amygdaloid nuclei. A fascicle of the tract crosses in the anterior commissure to terminate in the contralateral amygdala. While the main and accessory olfactory projections may converge in the cortical amygdaloid nucleus, the medial amygdaloid nucleus is connected exclusively with the accessory olfactory bulb.  相似文献   

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