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目的:使用模式识别算法对常见伤口感染细菌(大肠杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、铜绿假单胞菌)TH肉汤培养液及纯TH培养液的高场不对称波形离子迁移谱(FAIMS图谱)进行分类识别。 方法:使用FAIMS分析仪收集了4种样品的训练及测试样本。预处理后,用主成分分析和线性判别分析对样本进行降维和特征提取,得到了训练集和测试集的空间三维分布模型,再用最近邻规则算法进行样本识别。 结果:特征提取后,正负模式样本均具有良好的分离效果,并且正模式可分性明显优于负模式。当K取合适的值时,正负模式识别率分别可达90%和70%以上。对于本文的数据模型,K取值等于或最接近每类样本数的奇数为最佳。 结论:该种算法可用于常见伤口感染细菌肉汤培养液FAIMS图谱的分类及识别。  相似文献   

目的了解广州市不同食品量化分级餐饮业及其生产加工场所正在使用的油品是否掺兑潲水油。方法随机抽取不同食品量化分级餐饮店共108间,对其餐饮用油油样用气相色谱法测定油脂种类和组成,将结果与市售植物油进行比较并加以分析。结果92.6%以上单位绝大部分油品都含有棕榈油、动物油或混合油种类。结论C级餐饮企业餐饮用油卫生状况不容乐观,有可能来源于掺兑的潲水油。  相似文献   

抗感染免疫是机体免疫系统抵抗病原体感染的第一道免疫防线, 涉及多种免疫细胞活化、迁移及病原体清除过程。因此, 免疫细胞行为及病原体检测就成为疾病诊断和预测的重要指标。近年来, 基于微流控芯片开发的多种免疫细胞行为检测技术, 以及细菌生长和药物筛查方法, 因具有微型化、高通量、高敏感度、快速分析及低消耗等优势, 已经在生物学、药理学及临床疾病研究和诊断中广泛使用。因此, 本文对微流控技术在固有免疫细胞迁移、细胞核变形、致病菌及病毒快速检测等抗感染免疫研究中的应用进行综述, 希望能进一步推动微流控技术在抗感染免疫研究和临床诊断中的应用发展。  相似文献   

针对光电外差探测法和直接探测法偏振光无创血糖检测方法存在的缺点,本文提出了一种新的正交双偏振光无创血糖检测方法,将正交双偏振光通过血糖引起的微小偏振角的变化转化为两个方向上偏振光的能量差,由相关原理高灵敏锁相放大器检测,控制法拉第线圈电流补偿血糖引起的偏转角变化,利用血糖浓度与法拉第线圈电流的线性关系,计算获得血糖浓度。以LX-20全自动生化分析仪测得的数据作为标准进行对比实验,葡萄糖溶液实验的相关系数为0.9777,血清实验的相关系数为0.952。研究表明本方法具有较高的检测灵敏度和准确度,为研制实用的新型无创血糖检测仪打下了基础。  相似文献   

江云涛   《四川生理科学杂志》2021,43(6):1026-1027
目的:分析外周血cTnI联合心肌酶谱检测在老年急性心肌梗死诊断中的应用价值.方法:回顾性分析我院2019年4月至2020年8月收治的62例老年急性心肌梗死(研究组)患者临床资料;另选取同期于本院进行健康体检者62例(对照组).比较两组肌钙蛋白I(Cardiac troponin I,cTnI),心肌酶四项[包括乳酸脱氢...  相似文献   

背景:当前使用的传统试剂(甲醛溶液固定、乙醇脱水、二甲苯透明脱蜡)对组织前期处理制作的常规石蜡切片质量较低,已成为制约脂肪细胞性肿瘤病理诊断的瓶颈。而且,传统试剂容易对实验室环境造成污染,对实验室人员造成多种健康危害。目的:探讨环保型组织样本制备液在脂肪细胞肿瘤苏木精-伊红染色及非典型性脂肪瘤性肿瘤/高分化脂肪肉瘤MDM2基因检测中的应用价值。方法:选取2016年2月至2022年7月期间592例脂肪细胞肿瘤标本为研究对象,同一标本对半切开,按照所使用的标本前期处理试剂的不同,随机分为2组:传统组和环保组。传统组使用传统试剂甲醛溶液固定、乙醇脱水、二甲苯透明脱蜡制作常规石蜡切片592张;环保组使用环保型组织样本制备液制作切片592张。依据切片苏木精-伊红染色质量的不同等级,比较两组切片的苏木精-伊红染色优良率;进一步对其中病理确诊为非典型性脂肪瘤性肿瘤/高分化脂肪肉瘤的33例标本再次切片后,使用荧光原位杂交法检测MDM2基因,比较两组切片MDM2基因扩增率的差异。结果与结论:(1)相对于传统组,环保组的脂肪细胞肿瘤的组织切片更舒展、更完整,细胞无折叠,染色更清晰,红蓝对比度更佳,细胞结构...  相似文献   

目的:初步将米氏边缘性人格障碍检测表(McLean Screening Instrument for Borderline Personality Disorder,MSI-BPD)应用于中国精神科临床样本,考察其在该样本中的有关信度和效度.方法:采用MSI-BPD对四家医院的心理科精神科门诊和住院患者680名(男性343人,女性336人,性别信息缺失1人,平均年龄35±13岁)进行调查.结果:MSI-BPD内部一致性信度α系数为0.781;MSI-BPD与中国人格障碍问卷(CPDI)的BPD分量表和SCL-90抑郁分量表成正相关,分别为0.706和0.541(P<0.001);验证性因素分析结果表明,多因素模型各项指标拟合良好,其中修正的四因素模型更优良(RMSEA=0.044,GFI=0.981,AGFI=0.964,NFI=0.945,TLI--0.950,CFI=0.968,AIC=119.122,CAIC=262.735,ECVI=0.175).结论:MSI-BPD在中国精神科样本中的初步应用具有良好的信效度.  相似文献   

目的:探讨光反射传导径路出现异常引起眼睛变化的特点,研究眼睛的动态检测对光反射传导径路出现异常的神经性病变定位诊断的价值。方法:观察分析病例,在暗视条件下,应用本课题组设计的眼睛动态检测系统检测病例的瞳孔及其对光反射。瞳孔对光反射检查是在左右两侧分别给予光刺激时,定量检测双侧眼的瞳孔变化情况。检测的特征值包括瞳孔初始直径(D0)、瞳孔收缩速度(V)等。根据其眼睛的动态变化情况,作出传导径路出现神经病变的定位分析。结果:病例的瞳孔大小和瞳孔对光反射都出现了异常现象,但各自有不同的特点。病例C的左侧瞳孔明显小于右侧,左眼的直接对光反射消失、间接对光反射也消失;右眼直接对光反射存在、间接对光反射也存在。病例D的右侧瞳孔明显小于左侧,右眼直接对光反射消失,间接对光反射虽然幅度小,但存在;左眼直接对光反射存在,间接对光反射消失。结论:眼睛动态检测可起到对光反射传导径路异常的神经疾病定位分析和鉴别诊断的重要作用。  相似文献   

目的:对小猪脑缺氧窒息而引起的中枢神经系统损伤实验数据进行分析及对损伤程度进行定量评估.方法:采用基于近似熵的方法,定量计算实验EEG信号的复杂度,并定义相关的测度.结果:对三类实验样本进行了检测,检测结果与96h后得到的神经缺欠值(NDS)的相关性接近90%.结论:基于近似熵的方法对于脑缺氧窒息而引起的中枢神经系统损伤及对损伤程度进行评估,具有直观和可定量的优点.可能成为一个新的评价缺氧脑损伤的临床参量.  相似文献   

为了进一步探讨电子鼻用于伤口细菌感染快速筛查的可能性,使用自制电子鼻检测鲍曼不动杆菌、大肠杆菌、肺炎克雷伯杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、铜绿假单胞菌的巯基乙酸酯(TH)培养液及纯培养液,经过预处理后,使用支持向量机、BP神经网络、逻辑回归3种算法进行分类。结果显示,使用BP算法,总体识别率可达93%以上。对于单个识别率,检测大肠杆菌、肺炎克雷伯杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌可达98%以上,检测鲍曼不动杆菌、铜绿假单胞菌可达90%左右,表明电子鼻用于伤口感染细菌的快速检测和识别具有一定的可行性。  相似文献   

Background/aimThis study assessed the histopathological effects of aloe vera (AV) on penile fractures (PF) formed experimentally in rat model. Materials and methodsThirty-two Wistar adult male rats (220 to 250 g) were used. The PF model was created experimentally with a number 15 lancet. After the interventions, all of the rats were randomly and equally divided into 4 groups. In the first group, incision was not closed (group C). In the second group, AV was locally applied onto incision without suturing for 3 days (group AV). In the third group, the incision line was closed primarily (group PR). In the last group, AV was applied to primary repair region for 3 days (group PAV). All groups were compared to each other according to presence of fibrosis, inflammation, and hyperemia-bleeding. Results Hyperemia and bleeding were seen in all groups with varying degrees and the difference between groups was insignificant (p = 1.000). According to inflammation, there was a significant difference between all groups (p = 0.031). No significant inflammation was observed in group AV and therefore, group AV had a better score than group PR (p = 0.026). In group PAV, inflammation was less seen than group PR, however, the difference was insignificant (p = 0.119).According to fibrosis, group AV and group PAV had same fibrosis rates. Fibrosis was observed in 2 (25%) rats in each group. When group PR was compared with group AV and group PAV, there were no significant differences according to cavernosal tissue healing with fibrosis (p = 0.132 and p = 0.132, respectively). ConclusionLocal application of AV onto the PF region without closing with suture decreased inflammation in rats.  相似文献   

Myelopid and MP-1 myelopeptide increase the count of antibody-producing cells, reduced under the effect of injury and standard therapy, and do not modify the suppression of delayed hypersensitivity. Injections of myelopid and MP-3 together with standard drugs optimized the traumatic inflammation processes. __________ Translated from Byulleten’ Eksperimental’noi Biologii i Meditsiny, Vol. 145, No. 3, pp. 313–315, March, 2008  相似文献   

Quantitative and structural functional analysis of granulation tissue cells during treatment with protein-polysaccharide dressing Collahit F was carried out. The preparation effectively cleansed the wound from detritus, prevented secondary infection due to stimulation of the functional activity of macrophages and due to the effect of its antiseptic component (furagin), and stimulated proliferative activity of fibroblasts and granulation tissue microvessels on day 5 of treatment, thus promoting repair processes in the wound.  相似文献   

Ion‐mobility mass spectrometry of doubly charged polyethylene glycol (PEG) is performed after electrospray‐ionization time‐of‐flight mass spectrometry and the dependency of the effective collision cross‐section, CCSeff, on the number of monomer units, n , is evaluated with the help of molecular dynamics simulations. Assuming a balance between elastic and Coulomb forces inside short and asymmetric doubly charged chains, a method is developed for evaluating the dielectric constant, ε, which is found to be 7.87 for PEG for n = 14–28. From the same experiment at higher chain lengths, the characteristic ratio Cn of 4.30 for PEG (n ≥ 63) can be evaluated according to an earlier reported method, which is demonstrated here to also work with doubly charged species. The proposed method enables an extremely swift and precise measurement both of ε and Cn of polymer that is free of solvent or impurities from one single experiment.


目的 建立水、贝类、血液及唾液中甲型肝炎病毒核酸RT-PCR检测方法.方法 加入一定量甲肝病毒到贝类、水、血液及唾液标本中,贝类经研磨后,PEG沉淀浓缩;水直接经PEG沉淀浓缩;以上标本及血液、唾液标本用Trizol试剂提取核酸,套式RT-PCR检测甲肝病毒核酸.引物位于甲肝病毒结构区VP1-2A区.结果病毒培养液中能检测到0.1 TCID50甲肝病毒;水、血清及唾液中能检测到1TCID50甲肝病毒;毛蚶中能检测到1-10TCID50甲肝病毒.某地甲肝病毒污染的水及患者血清标本中检测到了甲肝病毒核酸,并进行了序列分析比对.结论 本研究建立的不同标本中甲型肝炎病毒核酸RT-PCR检测方法,敏感、特异、快速,具有广泛的应用价值,将为甲肝的溯源研究及分子流行病学研究打下理论基础及提供技术支撑.  相似文献   

BackgroundLysis of bloody liquid based cytology (LBC) specimens with glacial acetic acid (GAA) is performed to aid cytological interpretation. However, the influence of GAA treatment on HPV detection is not fully understood and in studies designed to assess this, few cases of high-grade disease have been included.ObjectivesTo assess the sensitivity of HPV molecular tests for the detection of high grade cervical disease in GAA treated samplesStudy designA total of 207 specimens associated with high grade dyskaryosis and treated with GAA were collated prospectively. Overall 140 specimens had underlying CIN2+, including 88 CIN3. All specimens were tested with the Abbott RealTime High Risk HPV test (rtHPV) and the Qiagen Hybrid Capture 2High Risk HPV DNA test (HC2). Specimens associated with a CIN2+ that were negative by either assay were genotyped.ResultsThe sensitivity of rtHPV for CIN2+ and CIN3+ was 92.8% (87.2, 96.5) and 94.3% (87.2, 98.1) respectively. Sensitivity of the HC2 for CIN2+ and CIN3+ was 97.2% (92.8, 99.2) and 96.6% (90.3, 99.2) respectively. The sensitivity of both assays in GAA treated specimens was thus consistent with the level required for clinical application. HPV negative, CIN2+ specimens were generally attributable to HPV types outside the explicit analytical range of the assays.ConclusionsThe data indicate that GAA treatment has little impact on the detection of CIN2+ by HPV testing in LBC specimens.  相似文献   

The myocardia of 20 dogs with penetrating injuries of the right ventricles were studied morphologically and histochemically. Microcirculatory disorders found in the myocardium included overfilled venous and capillary bed that eventually led to capillary stasis, interstitial edema, hemorrhagic foci, arteriolosclerosis. For the first time focal disseminated injuries of cardiomyocytes of a segmental, zonal, and contractural type were detected. In line with these lesions, earlier cardiomyocytic changes were found, such as margination of nuclear chromatin, clarification of karyoplasm, interfibrillar edema of sarcoplasm with subsequent loosening and aggregation of myofibrils. This complex of morphologic changes was invariably found in the myocardia of both ventricles in the dogs dead 10-90 minutes after cardiac injury.  相似文献   

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