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Heart Fallure 心力衰竭N: What is troubling you? 您觉得怎不舒服? P: I have great difficulty in catching my breath. My heart is beating very fast. 我呼吸很困难,心跳得很快.  相似文献   

Nurse:What seems to be the problem? 护士:有什么问题吗? Patient:I think I have a cold. 病人:我想我感冒了。  相似文献   

DIALOGUE B--BOb, J--John, W--Dr·Woo (The phone rings) (电话铃声) B: Is this John? This is Bob speaking。 —是约翰吗?我是鲍勃 J: Oh! Good afternoon BOb!shall we go to the cinemaas we arranged this morning? —早上好!鲍勃,我们是否按早上约好的去看电影? B: No, John。I feel very uneasynow…er…oh, oh… —不,约翰,现在我很不舒服,  相似文献   

Hemorrholds(Piles)痔P:I bleed quite a bit when I have abowel movement. I'm really worr-led about it. 我大便时出了不少血,我真担忧. N:What color is the blood? 血是什么颜色的?  相似文献   

心脏移植病人的心理护理Psychological Nursing Care for a HeartTransplant Patient(情景三)(术后第三天晚上。10Pm,护士小李看见病人在流泪。)(Scene 3)(Nurse Li saw the patient was crying at 10 o’clock onthe third day after the operation.)交流:Interactions:护士:朱丽,怎么了?还没休息?是哪里不舒服吗?(递上纸巾让其擦泪)Nurse:Hi,Mr.Zhu,what’s wrong?It’s time to go tobed.(give her facial tissue to wipe her tears.)病人:(摇摇头)睡不着。心里不舒服。Patient:(shook her head)I can’t fall sleep,because I f…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.Registration(1) 挂号(1) Nurse: Do you Want to see a doctor? 你要看病吗? Patient: Yes, Where shall I register? 是的,在哪儿挂号? N: Here, have you been here before? 这儿,你从前来过吗? P:Yes, a year ago. No, this is my first visit. 是的,一年前来过。没有,这是第一次来。N: Have you a registration card? 你有挂号证吗? P: Yes, here it is.  相似文献   

1.Idon’tfeelmyselflately. 我最近感到不舒服.     2.ShouldIstayinthehospital? 我需要住院吗?     3.Isitserious? 情况严重吗?     4.Willsurgerynecessary? 需要做手术吗;     5.Isthereanydanger? 有危险吗?     6.Willtherebearecurrence? 这病会复发吗? 7.WhatshouldIdoifIhaveanotherattack? 我若是再犯,该怎么办呢? 8.Ihateinjections.CanItakethemedicineorally? …  相似文献   

消化性溃疡病人用药指导Medication Instructions for a patient with Peptic Ulcer病人:好吧。他真的好了吗?Patient:OK.Has he really recovered?护士:是真的。你现在最主要的是放松心情,保持愉快良好的情绪,我这有一本《笑话全集》介绍给你看,希望对你有所帮助。Nurse:Really.Nowthe most i mportant thing for youto do is to relax and try to be in a cheerful mood.I have acomic book.I’ll let you readit and hope it will help you re-lax.护士:我一会儿再来看你,有什么不舒服告诉我或者直接按铃呼我好吗?Nurse:I will come backto see you after a while.If youfeel uncomfortable in the meanti me,please tell me or pressthe call button.OK?病人:好的。P...  相似文献   

1What can do for you?2May I help you?3Please take a seat!(Please sit down!)4Wait a moment,please.5Sorry to have kept you waiting.6It is not serious.7Don’t worry.(Thereis nothing to worry about.)8You need a thorough examination.9You will have to stay in h…  相似文献   

DIALOGUENurse:What seems to be the trouble?Patient:It’s my stomach.I think probably I had too muchat supper yesterday evening.N:Can you tell me what you had for supper yesterdayevening?P:Seafood,roastduck.,a great variety of things,I can’t name them exactly.N:Have you vomitted?P:Yes,I have vomitted three ti mes and made severaltrips to the bathroomlast night.N:I see.Nowyou haveto get your stools tested.I’ll writeout a slip and you can take it to the laboratory.Waitfor a while and …  相似文献   

Anaemia 贫血P: I have felt weak recently.last few days I've felt worse.I don't know what is the matter with me. 我最近觉得乏力。这几天更加重。我不知道出了什么问题。N: You look very pale. We'll give you a thorough check-up. Now, first of all, I would like to have a detailed history. How long have you felt sick? 你看起来很苍白。我给你仔细检查一下。现在,首先我想知道详细的病史。你病了多久了? P: I am not quite certain. I've be-  相似文献   

护士:我要把手术区周围的毛剃一下。病人:我从来没住过医院,我害伯极了。护士:不必担心,给你做手术的医生是富有经验和细致耐心的。手术当中你有什么不舒服,尽管向他提出来。我今天晚上要给你灌一次肠。这以后直到手术前请不要再吃东西或喝水了。病人:你怎么做呢?疼吗?护士:我先给你肛门里插根橡皮管,再在(直肠)里送些肥皂水。你觉着肚子胀,就说话,我就不灌了。你先尽量憋几分钟再排便。这样效果就会好些。Nurse:I,dlike to Shave off the hair around the operation.Patient:I have never beenin a hospital before.I'mso scared.N:The…  相似文献   

Fracture骨折N:Hello,What happened to your leg?你好,你的腿怎么了? P:I fell down the stairs.Immediately.I felt a bad pain in my left hip and I Couldn’t stand at all.我从楼梯上摔下来,马上感到左髋疼得厉害,我简直站不起来了。N:When did it happe(?)?什么时候发生的?  相似文献   

周明霞  李惠玲  王美德 《护士进修杂志》2007,22(13):F0004-F0004
拇指再植术前病人的护理Preoperative Nursing for aThumb Re-plantation Patient护士长:我非常理解你此刻的心情,只是我们现在要做的是消除这些心理影响而不是逃避手术。这样你才能争取早日出院。Head Nurse:I understand.What we should do nowis e-li minate these psychological influences,not to avoid the sur-gery,so you can go home as soon as possible.病人:可是,我还是不想做手术。Patient:But,I still don’t want to have this operation.护士长:手术是肯定要做的。你可能还不知道人的拇指的重要性吧?让我来对你说说。…  相似文献   

DIALOGUENurse:What seems to be the problem?Patient:Well,I was crossingthe road,where a car cameround the corner too quickly,and when the driversaw me,it was too late to stop.I was knockedto the ground,and whenI got up,myleft ar mandelbow were grazed and now,I have a painin myribs.N:I’ll just take alook.Where does it hurt?P:It’s hard to say.It hurts all over.N:Does it hurt when I do this?P:Ouch!The pain is very bad when you press here.N:Your ar m and elbowseemto be all right.But,to…  相似文献   

<正>病人:管用吗?我试试看吧。其实想想这几天发生的事都不值得气的。Patient:You think this will work?I will try.Come to think of it,I should not have lost my temper and quarreled  相似文献   

Antinatal Care 产前检查Patient:I think I’m pregnant.wouldyou give me an examination? 我想我怀孕了,您能给我检查一下吗?Doctor:Take off your shoes,We’ll weigh  相似文献   

TakingBloodPressure         测量血压Nurse :CanIhelpyou ? 护士 :您有什么不舒服吗 ?Patient:Yes.I’vegotaheadacheandfeeldizzythismorning . 病人 :是的。今天上午我头痛 ,并且感到头晕不适。Nurse :Letmetakeyourbloodpressure .Wouldyoupleaserollupyoursleeveandliedownonthebed ?护士 :让我来给您量一下血压。请您卷起衣袖 ,躺在床上 ,好吗 ?Pa…  相似文献   

PsychologicalNursing      心理护理Nurse :Hello ,Mr.Zhang .Ifindthatyouareunhappytoday .CanIhelpyou ?护士 :您好 !张先生。好像您今天不大高兴 ,有什么事需帮助吗 ?Patient:Hello ,NurseHuang .I’mnothappythesedays . 病人 :您好 !黄护士。近来我的情绪一直不好。Nurse :Maybethereissomethingthattroubledyou . 护士 :可能是有些事情给您带来烦恼。Patient:Idon’tthinkso .Ijustthinklifeisboring . 病人 :不是的。我只是觉得生活没什么意思。Nurse :Ithinkthatyouhavesomepsychologicalproblems. 护士 :我想您可…  相似文献   

1】hysical As别驾s扣nentNun祀:HellO,Mr.Zllang.(飞山1 helPy以」?Patient:Yes.l’ve,ta、re tllroat and a bad cough 1 thirlkl sllould have a thorough examination.Nun犯:Please sit down and let me examine y0I」.At first,I’11 !。永at班)ur tl也笼Ltl,lease叩en vour rnouth and阳y “八h”.Patient卜气11一,Nll”犯:It’5 red and swollen.Next,I’11 examine扣ur eh比飞. Would卯u pl~lie on the Ix,1 and unbutton yotlr shirt?Patient:Su代.护理查体护士:您好,张先生。您有事需帮忙吗?病人:是的。我嗓子痛,还咳嗽…  相似文献   

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