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目的:研究抑郁状态大学生心智游移的内容和特点,以及与反刍思维的关系.方法:采用贝克抑郁量表法对569名大学生的抑郁状态进行调查,选出60名抑郁状态大学生和非抑郁大学生采用实验法(思维取样法)和问卷法进行研究.结果:抑郁组在实验室任务(t = 5.32,P<0.001)与 日常生活(t = 3.83,P<0.001)中心...  相似文献   

不同程度网络成瘾者的行为抑制能力   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:研究网络成瘾者的行为抑制能力.方法:采用停止信号任务,用3(受试类型)×3(靶刺激与停止信号延迟的时间间隔SSD:250 ms、500 ms和750 ms)混合设计,比较重度网络成瘾者(N=11)、中度成瘾者(N=15)和非成瘾者(N=15)行为抑制能力的差异.结果:(1)在停止信号任务中,受试类型在500 ms和750 ms水平上错误率差异有统计学意义,重度成瘾组得分最高[(44.55±37.91)vs.(73.41±30.42)],中度成瘾组次之[(8.67±16.55)vs.(18.33±26.38)],非成瘾组最低[(4.50±15.39)vs.(6.33±15.20)];在250 ms水平上,受试类型错误率边缘显著,重度成瘾组(27.96±39.11)高于中度成瘾组(1.50±3.51)和非成瘾组(3.50±11.53).重度成瘾组在750 ms水平上错误率均高于250 ms和500 ms水平上;中度成瘾组在750 ms水平上错误率高于250 ms水平上;非成瘾组在3个SSD水平上的错误率差异无统计学意义.(2)在无停止信号任务中,重度成瘾组的反应时最短(136.01±123.73)ms,中度成瘾组次之(356.09±177.09)ms,非成瘾组最长(495.88±197.74)ms,(P<0.001).结论:网络成瘾与个体的行为抑制能力有关,行为抑制能力较低的个体可能更容易导致网络成瘾.  相似文献   

研究者对心理健康的见解众说纷纭,一般而言,如果个体较少体验到抑郁、不愉快等负性情绪,可以自我控制某些行为,能够从社会支持系统中寻找帮助,进而有效地进行问题解决,体验到幸福感,我们就认为他是心理健康的。心理健康是多方面因素相互作用的结果,影响个体心理健康的主要因素可分为环境因素和个体因素,前者诸如家庭  相似文献   

探讨大学生反刍思维、自尊与学业拖延之间的关系及其内在机制。通过抽取浙江、江苏两省某高校大学生482名,采用反刍思维量表(RRS)、自尊量表(SES)和学业拖延测评量表-学生版(PASS)对其进行施测。结果显示:①反刍思维、学业拖延与自尊两两之间呈负相关,反刍思维与学业拖延呈正相关;②自尊可通过反刍思维间接影响到学业拖延。结论:反刍思维在自尊和学业拖延之间起完全中介效应。  相似文献   

目的 探讨成人依恋对青少年网络欺负行为的影响,反刍思维在其中的作用机制,为预防青少年网络欺负行为提供科学依据。方法 采用分层抽样方法,运用亲密关系体验问卷、反刍思维量表和网络欺负行为量表对771名中等职业院校生进行调查。结果 (1)成人依恋、反刍思维、网络欺负行为两两呈正相关;(2)反刍思维在成人依恋与网络欺负行为间起完全中介作用。结论 帮助青少年树立积极正确的思维方式,有利于改善网络欺负行为的情况。  相似文献   

目的:探讨高孤独症特质大学生情绪表达、情绪调节策略与述情障碍特质的关系。方法:选取湖南省某高校大学生419人,采用自闭谱系系数问卷(AQ)、多伦多述情障碍量表(TAS)、情绪调节问卷(ERQ)以及情绪表达量表(EES)进行调查。按照AQ均值正负1个标准差的标准进行高孤独症特质(AQ得分≥27,n=66)与低孤独症特质(AQ得分≤15,n=74)分组。结果:高孤独症特质组TAS总分及3个维度得分、ERQ表达抑制维度得分、EES情绪抑制维度得分均高于低孤独症特质组(均P<0.05)。多元逐步回归分析发现,高孤独症特质大学生的ERQ表达抑制得分与EES情绪抑制维度得分正向关联(β=0.67),与EES情绪表达维度得分负向关联(β=-0.51);通径分析显示,TAS总分通过表达抑制间接关联情绪抑制(β=0.33)。结论:高孤独症特质大学生更倾向于情绪抑制的表达方式。述情障碍特质通过表达抑制策略强化高孤独症特质大学生对情绪表达行为的抑制。  相似文献   

不同手机依赖程度大学生的抑制控制特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:考察不同手机依赖程度大学生的抑制控制特点,为设计有针对性的干预措施提供依据。方法:采用手机成瘾指数量表(MPAI)从150名大学生中筛选出高、低手机依赖大学生各30名(MPAI的17个条目中有8个及以上条目做出肯定回答者为高手机依赖组,8个以下条目做出肯定回答者为低手机依赖组),采用停止信号范式来比较两组大学生的抑制控制差异。结果:高手机依赖大学生停止信号反应时(SSRT)长于低手机依赖大学生[(292.0±89.4)ms vs.(241.1±95.7)ms,P0.05],而无信号反应时(NSRT)短于低手机依赖大学生[(494.2±103.8)ms vs.(597.6±108.9)ms,P0.01]。结论:本研究提示,高手机依赖大学生的抑制控制能力差于低手机依赖大学生。  相似文献   

目的:考察状态焦虑大学生对负性情绪词的注意偏向及其内在机制。方法:通过数字减法任务诱发大学生的状态焦虑,采用点探测和线索-靶子任务,分别将情绪词置于线索和靶子位置,比较状态焦虑大学生和正常大学生对靶刺激反应的差异。结果:正常组大学生的状态焦虑量表得分实验前和实验后差异不显著;状态焦虑组大学生实验后的量表得分显著高于实验前(t=-5.595,P0.05)。点探测任务中,词语类型与被试类型交互作用显著(F=4.103,P0.05),状态焦虑大学生对负性词条件下靶刺激的反应时比中性词条件下的更短,而正常大学生在两类词语条件下对靶刺激的反应时差异不显著。线索-靶子任务中,线索类型、词语类型、被试类型三者交互作用显著(F=47.478,P0.05),状态焦虑组大学生在负性有效线索条件下的反应时短于负性无效条件下的反应时,正常组大学生在负性有效条件下的反应时长于负性无效条件。结论:状态焦虑大学生对负性情绪词存在注意偏向,表现为其注意一旦被负性信息捕获,就难以从中解除。  相似文献   

目的:探讨反刍思维各维度对睡眠质量的直接作用,以及负性情绪(抑郁和焦虑)在二者关系中的中介作用。方法:选取391名大学生,采用匹兹堡睡眠质量指数量表(PSQI),反刍思维量表(RRS)、流调中心用抑郁量表(CES-D)以及状态焦虑量表(SAI)分别考察其睡眠质量、反刍思维、抑郁情绪和焦虑情绪。结果:PSQI得分与RRS总分及各维度得分、CES-D得分和SAI得分均呈正相关(r=0.13~0.44,P均0.01)。回归分析显示,RRS的抑郁相关维度正向预测睡眠质量(标准化回归系数=0.49);抑郁和焦虑能够解释反刍思维与睡眠质量间关系40.74%的变异。结论:抑郁相关维度正向作用于睡眠质量;负性情绪在反刍思维与睡眠质量的关系中起到了部分中介作用。  相似文献   

目的:探讨歧视知觉对留守经历大学生焦虑的影响及自尊和反刍思维的纵向中介作用。方法:采用歧视知觉问卷、自尊量表、反刍思维量表和广泛性焦虑量表对1137名留守经历大学生进行平均间隔6个月的连续4次追踪调查,使用交叉滞后模型分析数据。结果:(1)前测的歧视知觉显著正向预测后测的焦虑。(2) w1歧视知觉通过w2自尊间接影响w3焦虑,w2歧视知觉通过w3自尊间接影响w4焦虑;w1歧视知觉通过w2反刍思维间接影响w3焦虑。结论:歧视知觉影响留守经历大学生焦虑,自尊和反刍思维是歧视知觉影响留守经历大学生焦虑的中介变量。  相似文献   

The aim of the current study was to examine whether and how self‐reported decisiveness is associated with response inhibition and performance monitoring. We hypothesized that these two cognitive control mechanisms, both of which are often associated with decision making, would differ in individuals varying in decisiveness. We focused on ERP correlates and behavioral measures of inhibition and error processing in the stop‐signal task. We expected a negative relationship between decisiveness and behavioral measures of inhibitory control. We also hypothesized that stop‐signal‐locked N1 and P3 components and response‐locked error‐related negativity (ERN) would be less pronounced when participants self‐reported higher levels of decisiveness. Correlation analysis identified an association between high decisiveness, long stop‐signal reaction time, and low inhibition rate. Analysis with mixed‐effects linear models revealed that stop signals evoked less pronounced N1 and P3 in individuals scoring higher on decisiveness in both successfully and unsuccessfully inhibited trials. Additionally, high decisiveness was linked to reduced error monitoring, as indicated by decreased ERNs. Importantly, we also found positive association between P3 onset latency and decisiveness, suggesting that individuals scoring higher on this measure have relatively less ability to rapidly engage the stopping process. Thus, our findings primarily indicate that decisiveness is negatively associated with the efficiency of both response inhibition and error monitoring. They also suggest that highly decisive people may share some characteristics of diminished cognitive control with impulsive individuals.  相似文献   

The constant interplay between affective processing and cognitive control supports emotion regulation and appropriate social functioning. Even when affective stimuli are processed implicitly, threat-related stimuli are prioritized in the earliest stages of processing; yet, it remains unclear how implicit attention to affect influences subsequent cognitive control functions. The present study evaluated the influence of affective valence on early perceptual processes and subsequent response inhibition in a context where affective properties of the stimuli (facial expressions) were not critical for performing the task. Participants (N = 32) completed an affective stop-signal task (SST) while their scalp EEGs were recorded. The SST assessed response inhibition while participants implicitly attended to happy and afraid facial expressions that were matched for level of arousal. Behavioral performance was measured via response time and accuracy while physiological response was measured via the P100, N170, and N200/P300 ERP components. Decreased gender discrimination accuracy, delayed P100 latency, and more negative N170 amplitude were observed for afraid faces compared to happy faces, suggesting a shift in processing with respect to face valence. However, differences in stopping accuracy or N200/P300 ERP components during response inhibition were not observed, pointing to top-down cognitive processes likely being recruited to override the early automatic response to prioritize threat-related stimuli. Findings highlight that, in this implicit affective attention task, threat-related stimuli are prioritized early during processing, but implicitly attending to differentially valenced stimuli did not modulate subsequent cognitive control functions.  相似文献   

目的:探讨大学生童年期虐待、特质抑郁和正念之间的关系。方法:选取大学生415名,采用童年期创伤问卷(CTQ)、状态-特质抑郁量表中特质抑郁分量表(T-DEP)和正念注意知觉量表(MAAS),分别测量大学生童年期虐待、特质抑郁和正念。结果:童年期虐待得分与特质抑郁得分呈正相关(r=0.4,P<0.01),与正念得分呈负相关(r=-0.37,P<0.01);正念在童年期虐待与特质抑郁得分关系中的调节作用有统计学意义(β=0.60、β=0.33,均P<0.001),与特质抑郁中快感缺失维度得分关系中的调节作用有统计学意义(β=0.75、β=0.31,均P<0.001)。结论:有童年期虐待经历的大学生表现出更高水平的特质抑郁,其特质抑郁受到正念的调节。  相似文献   

目的:考察假想和真实情境下高低特质焦虑个体对积极和消极事件的预测模式。方法:两个研究分别以205名和164名大学生为研究对象,均采用两因素实验设计,分别在实验室假想情景和真实事件(四六级考试)中,先填写状态-特质焦虑问卷(STAI)的特质焦虑分量表,然后对未来事件发生可能性、情绪强度进行预测和实际评估。结果:在假想情景中,高特质焦虑组预测积极事件发生可能性的评分低于低特质焦虑组[(1.8±1.2) vs.(3.1±0.9);P<0.01]。在真实情境下,低特质焦虑组实际未通过考试后的难过程度的评分高于预测评分[(6.2±2.2)vs.(4.4±2.1);P<0.01];高特质焦虑组实际通过考试后的开心程度的评分低于预测评分[(5.8±3.0)vs.(7.8±1.7);P<0.05]。结论:高低特质焦虑水平的个体对未来事件的情绪预测会受到事件本身情绪效价的影响,他们对情绪事件的预测模式存在差异。  相似文献   

This longitudinal study was undertaken to clarify the relationships among self-esteem, interpersonal dependency, and depression, focusing on a trait and state component of interpersonal dependency and depression. In a sample of 466 working people, self-esteem, interpersonal dependency, job stressor, and depression were assessed at 2 points of time. A structural equation model (SEM) was created to differentiate the trait component of interpersonal dependency, depression and the state component of interpersonal dependency, depression. The model revealed that self-esteem influenced trait interpersonal dependency and trait depression but not state interpersonal dependency or depression. Setting a latent variable as a trait component to differentiate trait and state in interpersonal dependency and depression in SEM was found to be effective both statistically and clinically.  相似文献   

This study investigates the neural correlates underpinning response inhibition using a parametric ex-Gaussian model of stop-signal task performance, fit with hierarchical Bayesian methods, in a large healthy sample (N = 156). The parametric model accounted for both stop-signal reaction time (SSRT) and trigger failure (i.e., failures to initiate the inhibition process). The returned SSRT estimate (SSRTEXG3) was attenuated by ≈65 ms compared to traditional nonparametric SSRT estimates (SSRTint). The amplitude and latency of the N1 and P3 event-related potential components were derived for both stop-success and stop-failure trials and compared to behavioral estimates derived from traditional (SSRTint) and parametric (SSRTEXG3, trigger failure) models. Both the fronto-central N1 and P3 peaked earlier and were larger for stop-success than stop-failure trials. For stop-failure trials only, N1 peak latency correlated with both SSRT estimates as well as trigger failure and temporally coincided with SSRTEXG3, but not SSRTint. In contrast, P3 peak and onset latency were not associated with any behavioral estimates of inhibition for either trial type. While the N1 peaked earlier for stop-success than stop-failure trials, this effect was not found in poor task performers (i.e., high trigger failure/slow SSRT). These findings are consistent with attentional modulation of both the speed and reliability of the inhibition process, but not for poor performers. Together with the absence of any P3 onset latency effect, our findings suggest that attentional mechanisms are important in supporting speeded and reliable inhibition processes required in the stop-signal task.  相似文献   

The study examined the relation between self-reported impulsivity and inhibitory control in normal individuals. We compared stopping performance and neural correlates of stopping on stop-signal task between participants who scored in the top (n = 12) and bottom 25% (n = 12) on Impulsivity Scale from a sample of 305 male adults. Participants scoring high on impulsivity did not show impaired inhibitory control. However, it seems that the high impulsive tended to make more errors of commission and omission. Enhanced N1 amplitudes were found in successful than failed inhibition trials. The high impulsive group had smaller P3 amplitude than the low impulsive group. It appears that the high impulsive group may have a less efficient inhibitory control. Impulsivity Scale non-planning impulsiveness score and inattention score of Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale (ASRS) were negatively correlated with P3 amplitudes on successful inhibition trails, suggesting that impulsivity could have the potential influence on inhibitory control.  相似文献   

The 40-Hz steady state response (SSR) reflects early sensory processing and can be measured with electroencephalography (EEG). The current study compared the 40-Hz SSR in groups consisting of mild Alzheimer's disease patients (AD) (n = 15), subjects with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) (n = 20) and healthy elderly control subjects (n = 20). All participants were naïve for psychoactive drugs. Auditory click trains at a frequency of 40-Hz evoked the 40-Hz SSR. To evaluate test-retest reliability (TRR), subjects underwent a similar assessment 1 week after the first. The results showed a high TRR and a significant increase of 40-Hz SSR power in the AD group compared to MCI and controls. Furthermore a moderate correlation between 40-Hz SSR power and cognitive performance as measured by ADAS-cog was shown.The results suggest that 40-Hz SSR might be an interesting candidate marker of disease progression.  相似文献   

316名大学生特质焦虑及性别差异与风险回避的关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的:探讨特质焦虑、性别差异与个体风险回避的关系。方法:采用状态-特质焦虑问卷在328名大学生中进行测试,收回有效问卷316份。根据受试特质焦虑问卷的测试结果,把得分≥53分的受试作为高特质焦虑组(N=30),把得分≤30分的受试作为低特质焦虑组(N=30);实验材料为自编的10个假设风险情景,要求受试做风险决策;然后,假定决策的结果为负性,采用Likert量表,要求受试对自己主观损失感进行评定。结果:高特质焦虑组风险回避得分高于低特质焦虑组[(5.97±1.53)vs.(3.27±1.25),P0.01];男生风险回避得分低于女生[(2.78±1.37)vs.(6.46±1.26),P0.01];在风险回避得分上,特质焦虑水平与性别有交互作用(F=7.43,P0.01)。男生的反应时长于女生[高特质焦虑组:(1586.47±10.352)vs.(1067.52±18.468);低特质焦虑组:(643.46±36.759)vs.(498.36±9.673),均P0.01]。女生的主观损失感与特质焦虑水平的相关系数大于男生(Z=2.15,P0.05)。结论:特质焦虑水平和性别差异对个体风险回避产生显著影响;高特质焦虑组和女生组在风险决策中有更多的风险回避。  相似文献   

The gap‐startle paradigm has been used as a behavioral method for tinnitus screening in animal studies. This study aimed to investigate gap prepulse inhibition (GPI) of the auditory late response (ALR) as the objective response of the gap‐intense sound paradigm in humans. ALRs were recorded in response to gap‐intense and no‐gap‐intense sound stimuli in 27 healthy subjects. The amplitudes of the baseline‐to‐peak (N1, P2, and N2) and the peak‐to‐peak (N1P2 and P2N2) were compared between two averaged ALRs. The variations in the inhibition ratios of N1P2 and P2N2 during the experiment were analyzed by increasing stimuli repetitions. The effect of stimulus parameter adjustments on GPI ratios was evaluated. No‐gap‐intense sound stimuli elicited greater peak amplitudes than gap‐intense sound stimuli, and significant differences were found across all peaks. The overall mean inhibition ratios were significantly lower than 1.0, where the value 1.0 indicates that there were no differences between gap‐intense and no‐gap‐intense sound responses. The initial decline in GPI ratios was shown in N1P2 and P2N2 complexes, and this reduction was nearly complete after 100 stimulus repetitions. Significant effects of gap length and interstimulus interval on GPI ratios were observed. We found significant inhibition of ALR peak amplitudes in performing the gap‐intense sound paradigm in healthy subjects. The N1P2 complex represented GPI well in terms of suppression degree and test‐retest reliability. Our findings offer practical information for the comparative study of healthy subjects and tinnitus patients using the gap‐intense sound paradigm with the ALR.  相似文献   

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