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V.H. Perry 《Neuroscience》1981,6(5):931-944
In the ganglion cell layer of the rat retina approx 50% of the cells with the Nissl morphology of neurons survive optic nerve section in infant and adult rats and cannot be retrogradely labelled with horseradish peroxidase. The number of neurons which can be retrogradely labelled with horseradish peroxidase from subcortical visual centres is similar to the number of axons in the optic nerve, and it is concluded that the small neurons do not send an axon into the optic nerve. The dendritic tree of the cells which have axons was demonstrated by filling the cells with horseradish peroxidase from the optic nerve. The dendritic structure of the cells which survive optic nerve section was shown by injecting horseradish peroxidase into the retina or impregnating with the Golgi method the cells which survive optic nerve section. A variety of amacrine cells were found in the ganglion cell layer which form branches in the lower part of the inner plexiform layer.It can be concluded that amacrine cells form a substantial number of the neurons in the ganglion cell layer.  相似文献   

The enkephalin-like immunoreactivity in the retina of chicks has been studied using immunohistochemical and radioimmunoassay techniques. The histochemical experiments showed that the immunoreactivity was confined to a subpopulation of amacrine cells in the inner nuclear layer which projected processes into sublaminae 1 and 3-5 of the inner plexiform layer. The distribution of the immunoreactivity was markedly influenced by the ambient lighting conditions: it was reduced in the dark and restored by a period in the light. The reactivity was lost from both cell soma in the inner nuclear layer and from the processes. Radioimmunoassays showed that the quantity of enkephalin-like material was reduced by more than 60% after 12 h in the dark. Attempts to entrain a rhythm by keeping chicks on 12/12 h light/dark cycles for up to 4 days were largely unsuccessful. A rhythm may have been partially entrainable, but the major factor involved was light. These results highlight the lability of the neuropeptide in the retina and the need for controlled lighting conditions in studies of this kind. They also indicate that this system may be a fruitful model to explore two important issues: (i) it could allow studies of neuropeptide metabolism in a physiologically intact system; (ii) the role of particular amacrine cells in visual processing could be determined by depleting them of their neurotransmitter/neuromodulator.  相似文献   

N Brecha  S C Sharma  H J Karten 《Neuroscience》1981,6(12):2737-2746
Substance P-like immunoreactivity was localized to amacrine cells in both adult and developing goldfish retina using immunohistochemical techniques. These studies utilized a well-characterized monoclonal antiserum directed to substance P. Specificity was established by absorption of the anti-serum with 10 μm synthetic substance P. Specific substance P-like immunoreactivity was localized within a seemingly distinct population of unistratified amacrine cells which were distributed in both central and peripheral retinal regions. The immunoreactive somata were located at the border of the inner nuclear layer and inner plexiform layer and were characterized by a round or ovoid somata which measured about 9μm in diameter. These immunoreactive amacrine cells typically had a single process which descended to and ramified within lamina 3 of the inner plexiform layer.Specific substance P-like immunoreactivity first appeared 60 h after hatching (stage 27) within both somata and processes located in differentiated retinal regions. No substance P-like immunoreactive somata or processes were observed in undifferentiated retinal regions. In retinas from stage 27 to 14 days after hatching, the immunoreactive somata were characterized by an ellipsoidal soma and a large nucleus devoid of immunoreactivity. These immunoreactive cells were also characterized by a single process that descended to and ramified within lamina 3 of the differentiated inner plexiform layer. At 30 days after hatching, the substance P-containing cells were identical in appearance to these same cell types observed within the adult retina.  相似文献   

The enzyme for the synthesis of epinephrine, phenylethanolamine-N-methyltransferase, has been localized, by an indirect immunofluorescent staining method, to a subpopulation of amacrine cells in the rat retina. The immunoreactive cells are located primarily in the inner nuclear layer and send a single process to the inner plexiform layer. Most of the immunoreactivity is found in the center of the inner plexiform layer. A small percentage of immunoreactive cell bodies were found in the inner plexiform layer and occasionally cells were observed in the ganglion cell layer. These epinephrine-containing amacrine cells are morphologically distinct from the dopamine-containing amacrine cells previously described by formaldehyde fluorescence and we speculate from reports in the literature that epinephrine-containing amacrine cells may play a role in modulating the activity of dopamine-containing amacrine cells.  相似文献   

The localization and distribution of somatostatin (growth hormone release-inhibiting hormone; somatotropin release-inhibiting factor) have been studied with the indirect immunofluorescence technique of Coons and collaborators and the immunoperoxidase method of Sternberger and coworkers using specific and well-characterized antibodies to somatostatin, providing semiquantitative, detailed maps of somatostatin-immunoreactive cell profiles and fibers. Our results demonstrate a widespread occurrence of somatostatin-positive nerve cell bodies and fibers throughout the central nervous system of adult, normal or colchicine-treated, albino rats. The somatostatin cell bodies varied in size from below 10 micron up to 40 micron in diameter and could have only a few or multiple processes. Dense populations of cell somata were present in many major areas including neocortex, piriform cortex, hippocampus, amygdaloid complex, nucleus caudatus, nucleus accumbens, anterior periventricular hypothalamic area, ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus, nucleus arcuatus, medial to and within the lateral lemniscus, pontine reticular nuclei, nucleus cochlearis dorsalis and immediately dorsal to the nucleus tractus solitarii. Extensive networks of nerve fibers of varying densities were also found in most areas and nuclei of the central nervous system. Both varicose fibers as well as dot- or "dust-like" structures were seen. Areas with dense or very dense networks included nucleus accumbens, nucleus caudatus, nucleus amygdaloideus centralis, most parts of the hypothalamus, nucleus parabrachialis, nucleus tractus solitarii, nucleus ambiguus, nucleus tractus spinalis nervi trigemini and the dorsal horn of the spinal cord. One exception is the cerebellum which only contained few somatostatin-positive cell bodies and nerve fibers. It should be noted that somatostatin-positive cell bodies and fibers did not always conform to the boundaries of the classical neuroanatomical nuclei, but could often be found in areas between these well-established nuclei or occupying, in varying concentrations, only parts of such nuclei. It was difficult to identify with certainty somatostatin-immunoreactive axons in the animals studied. Some pathways could, however, be demonstrated, but further experimental studies are necessary to elucidate the exact projections of the somatostatin-immunoreactive neurons in the rat central nervous system.  相似文献   

The postnatal development of leucine5-enkephalin-like immunoreactivity within the hippocampal formation of the rat has been analyzed using immunocytochemical techniques. From the day of birth to postnatal day three, no intrinsic hippocampal elements exhibit immunoreactivity although labeled axons are found within the fimbria, within the alveus, and in the vicinity of the angular bundle. On postnatal day 4, a few immunoreactive hippocampal neurons can be seen in stratum radiatum of the region CA3 and by postnatal day 8, within the hilus, strata pyramidale and oriens of regio superior, and the subiculum. There is a dramatic increase in the incidence of immunoreactive perikarya between postnatal days 8 and 10 in all fields as well as the appearance of labeled neurons in CA1 stratum pyramidale and stratum granulosum of the dentate gyrus. Two days after the first appearance of immunoreactive perikarya, intensely immunoreactive neurons, labeled much more extensively than is ever seen in the adult, are encountered in each subfield of the hippocampus. The spatio-temporal order in both the emergence of perikaryal immunoreactivity and the transient appearance of intensely immunoreactive neurons follows that of neurogenesis, with immunoreactivity developing 12-14 days after the peak period of last cell division for a given hippocampal region. The incidence of immunoreactive perikarya in the dentate gyrus was quantified in rat pups ranging from postnatal days 8 to 19. The appearance of labeled neurons followed the spatio-temporal gradients that have been described for neurogenesis in this region as well. Immunoreactive perikarya emerged in the suprapyramidal stratum granulosum prior to their emergence in the infrapyramidal zone and in the temporal pole of the dentate earlier than in the mid-dorsoventral dentate. The lateral perforant path and mossy fiber axons, seen to exhibit enkephalin-like immunoreactivity in the adult hippocampal formation, differ in their relative maturity at the age immunoreactivity first appears. Immunoreactivity appears as early as postnatal day 4 in the lateral perforant path, an age at which these axons are just growing into their target field while it is not found within the mossy fibers until after postnatal day 10, an age at which mossy fiber bouton elaboration is well advanced and physiologically competent mossy fiber synapses with the regio inferior pyramidal cells have been established. The latter observation indicates that enkephalin is not necessary for synaptic transmission at the mossy fiber synapse.  相似文献   

P.G. Layer  S. Kotz 《Neuroscience》1983,9(4):931-941
Whole chick embryo eyes between embryonic day 10.5 and 12 (E10.5–E12) were incubated in a solution of Lucifer Yellow and examined in frozen sections. Starting around day 10.5, brightly stained cells were observed in the innermost part of the inner nuclear layer. Their size, shape and location suggest that most of them represent a subclass of amacrine cells.A distinct spatio-temporal development of Lucifer Yellow-staining of this subpopulation of cells within the inner nuclear layer between E10.5 and E12 is revealed in detail using 3-dimensional models of Lucifer Yellow-stained eyes. The staining can be first observed at a specific location at the ventro-posterior side not far from the fundus. It then spreads radially in a complex pattern reaching the ora serrata first on the ventro-posterior side, then sequentially reaching into the dorso-posterior, the ventro-anterior and finally the dorso-anterior quadrants of the retina. Our results suggest that a horizontal (posterior-anterior) axis and a vertical (ventro-dorsal) axis function as a coordinate system during differentiation of the tissue.We conclude that there are precise spatio-temporal patterns of Lucifer Yellow-staining which most probably reflect spatio-temporal patterns of cell differentiation within the chicken retina. The correlation of these findings with other data on spatio-temporal patterns during differentiation of the chicken retina is discussed.  相似文献   

Phosphenes ("light flashes") have been reported by most astronauts on space missions and by healthy subjects whose eyes were exposed to ionizing radiation in early experiments in particle accelerators. The conditions of occurrence suggested retinal effects of heavy ions. To develop an in vivo animal model, we irradiated the eyes of anesthetized wild-type mice with repeated bursts of 12C ions delivered under controlled conditions in accelerator. 12C ions evoked electrophysiological retinal mass responses and activated the visual system as indicated by responses recorded from the visual cortex. No retinal immunohistological damage was detected. Mice proved a suitable animal model to study radiation-induced phosphenes in vivo and our findings are consistent with an origin of phosphenes in radiation activating the retina.  相似文献   

Exocrine glands of the cat were analysed with the peroxidase-antiperoxidase method and routine electron microscopy. Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP)-like immunoreactivity was observed in certain nerve endings in the submandibular salivary gland, lacrimal gland and Harderian gland. The distribution of the VIP immunoreactive nerve fibres agreed well with earlier light microscopic findings. At the electron microscopic level electron-dense precipitates representing VIP-like immunoreactivity were seen in so-called large dense-core vesicles (median diameter about 990A?) in nerve fibres and varicosities also containing many small (‘immunonegative’) agranular vesicles. In conventional electron microscopy, the small agranular vesicles outnumbered the large dense-core vesicles by about 9 to 1. Immunoreactive fibres and varicosities could be seen close to the secretory acini (distance less than 400A?) and more distant (1500A?or more) to e.g. demilunes, ducts and blood vessels of the glands. The number and distribution of immunoreactive nerve fibres were not affected by sympathectomy. Furthermore, no typical ‘p-type’ bouton profiles, which are dominated by large opaque vesicles (dia. 800–2000A?), could be seen in the ultrastructural analysis of conventional preparations of the glands.The morphological features of the VIP immunoreactive nerve endings could not be distinguished from those often described as representing cholinergic fibres. These findings are in agreement with earlier suggestions of a possible coexistence of acetylcholine and VIP in neurons innervating exocrine glands and indicate possible functions for VIP in the roles of these nerves in evoking vasodilation and exocrine secretion.  相似文献   

Enkephalin-like immunoreactivity was localized within the main olfactory bulb of the rat using immunohistochemical techniques. These studies utilized well characterized antisera directed to either leu5- or met5-enkephalin. Specificity was established by absorption of the antisera with either 10 μM synthetic leu5- or met5-enkephalin.Specific enkephalin-like immunoreactivity was observed within several different cell populations including (1) periglomerular cells, (2) granule cells and their processes within the external plexiform layer and (3) occasional short-axon (horizontal) cells within the granule and external plaxiform layers. The granule cell layer contained the greatest number of immunoreactive cells. Only a limited number of immunoreactive cells were found in both the periglomerular and granule cell layers, suggesting the enkephalin-containing neurons represent a sub-population within each layer.The absence of immunoreactive processes in the periventribular white matter, as well as the morphologies of immunoreactive bulbar neurons, indicates that enkephalin is found exclusively within intrinsic olfactory bulb neurons.  相似文献   

D H Rapaport  J Stone 《Neuroscience》1984,11(2):289-301
In many mammals, particularly species with frontalised eyes, a small region o retina is strongly specialised for high resolution, binocular vision. The region is typically located near the centre of the retina, a few millimetres temporal to the optic disc, and is termed the "area centralis" or, in some primates in which the specialisation is particularly well developed, the "fovea centralis". Where the specialisation is well developed, the area or fovea centralis dominates the organisation of the adult visual system. Studies of the histogenesis of the retina of the cat indicate that the process of retinal maturation is centred on the area centralis, which thus seems to be an organising focus in the ontogeny as well as the adult function of the visual system.  相似文献   

Glutamate NMDA (N-methyl-d-aspartate) receptors are widely distributed in the central nervous system where they are involved in cognitive processes, motor control and many other functions. They are also well studied in the retina, which may be regarded as a biological model of the nervous system. However, little is known about NR2C and NR2D subunits of NMDA receptors, which have some specific features as compared to other subunits. Consequently the aim of the present study was to investigate their distribution in frog (Rana ridibunda) and turtle (Emys orbicularis) retinas which possess mixed and cone types of retina respectively. The experiments were performed using an indirect immunofluorescence method. Four antibodies directed to NR2C and NR2D subunits of NMDA receptor, as well as three antibodies directed to different splice variants of NR1 subunit, which is known to be obligatory for proper functioning of the receptor, were applied. All antibodies caused well expressed labeling in frog and turtle retinas. The NR2C and NR2D subunits were localized in glial Müller cells, while the NR1 subunit had both neuronal and glial localization. Our results show that glial NMDA receptors differ from neuronal ones in their subunit composition. The functional significance of the NMDA receptors and their NR2C and NR2D subunits, in particular for the neuron-glia interactions, is discussed.  相似文献   

Jeong C  Shin T 《Acta histochemica》2012,114(1):18-23
In order to investigate the expression of protein kinase C (PKC) beta I in the retinas of pigs during postnatal development, we analyzed retinas sampled from 3-day-old and 6-month-old pigs by Western blotting and immunohistochemistry. Western blot analysis detected the expression of PKC beta I in the retinas of 3-day-old piglets and it was increased significantly in the retinas of 6-month-old adult pigs. Immunohistochemical staining showed PKC beta I in the retinas of both groups. Immunohistochemistry of 3-day-old retinas revealed weak PKC beta I reactivity in the ganglion cell layer, inner plexiform layer, inner nuclear cell layer, outer plexiform layer and rod and cone cell layer. In the 6-month-old pig retina, the cellular localization of PKC beta I immunostaining was similar to that of the 3-day-old retina, where PKC beta I was localized in some glial fibrillary acidic protein-positive cells, glutamine synthetase-positive cells, parvalbumin-positive cells, and PKC alpha-positive cells in the retina. This is the first study to show the expression and cellular localization of PKC beta I in the retina of pigs with development, and these results suggest that PKC beta I, in accordance with PKC alpha, plays important roles in signal transduction pathways in the pig retina with development.  相似文献   

With serotonin immunocytochemistry we have demonstrated an extensive plexus of immunoreactive varicose fibres in the neural sheath of the nervous system of the blowfly, Calliphora. These fibres are located in the neural sheath of the following regions: the maxillary-labial and labrofrontal nerves of the cerebral ganglia, the cervical connective, the dorsal surface of the thoracicoabdominal ganglia, two pairs of prothoracic nerves and the median abdominal nerve. We identified the serotonin-immunoreactive neural processes in the electron microscope by means of the peroxidase-antiperoxidase method. Immunoreactivity was seen in large granular vesicles (ca 100 nm), on membranes of smaller (ca 60 nm) and larger (ca 100 nm) agranular vesicles, along the inner surface of the axolemma, along neurotubules and outer membranes of mitochondria. By conventional electron microscopy we found numerous varicose neural processes in the neural sheath of some of the above regions. These varicosities are of at least two types. One type corresponds to the serotonin-immunoreactive profiles. A second type contains large granular vesicles (ca 200 nm) of variable electron density. 5,7-Dihydroxytryptamine injected into the head capsule labelled varicosities in the neural sheath, corresponding to the ones identified with serotonin immunocytochemistry. The electron-dense labelling was seen in flattened vesicles within these varicosities. We propose that the serotonin-immunoreactive fibers in the neural sheath constitute neurohemal regions for the release of serotonin into the circulation. The finding of another morphological type of varicose fibers in the neural sheath suggests the presence of further putative neurohormones in these regions.  相似文献   

This immunohistochemical study of chicken retina using flat-mounts shows that pancreatic glucagon- and substance P-like immunoreactive amacrine cells have more heterogeneous subpopulations than was previously understood to be the case. Using double-staining immunohistochemical procedures we demonstrate that a substantial proportion of all subtypes of glucagon-like immunoreactive cells contain substance P-like immunoreactivity and that the ratio of the amacrine cells containing both peptides to total immunoreactive cells varies according to position in the retinal and cell type. These results suggest that retinal cells may have different functions according to position or cell type.  相似文献   

Cultured bovine adrenal medullary chromaffin cells were stimulated with the secretogogues Ba2+ or carbamyl choline plus Ca2+ in the presence of a monospecific rabbit IgG fraction directed against bovine dopamine beta-hydroxylase. The anti-dopamine beta-hydroxylase was labeled either with fluorescent protein A or with a fluorescent second antibody to rabbit IgG. Stimulation produced a patchy cell surface distribution of fluorescence. There was no noticeable internalization of the fluorescence for up to 2 h. In similar experiments using fluorescent monovalent fragments (Fab) of the same monospecificidopamine-beta-hydroxylase IgG, a more uniform distribution of the fluorescence was observed. A few min after a 5 min period of stimulation with Ba2+, the fluorescence appeared to be on or near the cell surface; however, after 20 min or more it was distributed throughout the cytoplasm except that the cell nuclei were not labeled. Thus, dopamine beta-hydroxylase which appeared on the cell surface as a consequence of exocytosis was internalized in the presence of monovalent antibody fragments, but not in the presence of the divalent (polyclonal) antibody, presumably because endocytosis of dopamine beta-hydroxylase was inhibited by crosslinking of the dopamine beta-hydroxylase molecules. The internalized anti-dopamine beta-hydroxylase Fab fragments were found to reappear on the cell surface during a second secretory response. It is concluded that the interior of the chromaffin granule membrane, for which dopamine beta-hydroxylase is a marker, becomes exposed on the surface of the cell during secretion and that the membrane is then retrieved back into the cell where it can be re-used in a further secretory cycle.  相似文献   

We have re-examined in the rat the nuclear localization of the medullary catecholamine-containing cell groups (A1 and A2) and their relation to the vagal motor nuclei using a double labeling method. The vagal nuclei were defined by the retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase applied to the cervical vagus, and noradrenergic and adrenergic neurons were stained with the peroxidase-antiperoxidase immunocytochemical method using an antibody to dopamine beta-hydrolase. The method allows visualization of both labels within single neurons. The neurons of the A2 group are primarily distributed in both the nucleus of the solitary tract and the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus in a complex interrelationship that depends on the rostrocaudal level. Caudal to the obex, cells of the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus are scattered among cells immunoreactive for dopamine beta-hydroxylase in the area considered to be the commissural subnucleus of the nucleus of the solitary tract. At levels near and slightly rostral to the obex, the dopamine beta-hydroxylase-positive cells are largely confined to nucleus of the solitary tract. However, the rostral third of the A2 group lies predominantly within dorsal motor nucleus, as defined by horseradish peroxidase labeled cells, with only a few cells in the nucleus of the solitary tract. A subset of the dopamine beta-hydroxylase positive cells within the rostral dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus are also vagal efferents. Our results suggest that a second population of dopamine beta-hydroxylase positive vagal efferents may exist ventrolaterally where neurons of the AI cell group intermingle with those of nucleus ambiguus.  相似文献   

The primary cilia are considered as “cellular antennae” that sense and interchange information with the extracellular environment. Nearly all mammalian cells have a single primary cilium. In the retina, the outer segment of the photoreceptor is known to be a specialized form of primary cilium, but studies on cilia in other layers of the retina are scarce. In this study, we investigated the expression of primary cilia in the whole thickness of the mouse retina using immunofluorescence with three different ciliary markers: Arl13b, acetylated α-tubulin and adenylyl cyclase III. Our results show positive reactions in the photoreceptor layer, outer plexiform layer and ganglion cell layer, which might suggest the possible presence of primary cilia in these areas, but we could not directly prove the strand-like shape of cilia in those areas. In the outer plexiform layer, all three markers showed intense staining along the neuronal synapses, which suggests that the neuronal processes themselves might share the features of cilia.  相似文献   

M L Tappaz  O Bosler  L Paut  A Berod 《Neuroscience》1985,16(1):111-122
Double post-embedding immunolabeling of both tyrosine hydroxylase and glutamate decarboxylase on 1-micron semi-thin sections allowed the visualization of numerous endings that use gamma-aminobutyrate as a transmitter apposed to dopaminergic cell bodies in the periventricular-arcuate hypothalamic complex. Up to fifteen glutamate decarboxylase-positive contacts per tyrosine hydroxylase-positive cell profile could be observed. In some favourable planes of section glutamate decarboxylase-positive endings were also seen in close apposition to proximal dopaminergic dendrites. About 250 tyrosine hydroxylase-positive cell profiles, whose diameter approached the maximum diameter of the dopaminergic cells, were surveyed. An average of 7.4 glutamate decarboxylase-positive contacts were counted on these profiles. From these figures it was estimated that a dopaminergic cell body was contacted on average by 75-175 terminals that use gamma-aminobutyrate as a transmitter. At the electron-microscopic level, the nature of these contacts was investigated by a method combining radioautographic detection of cell bodies having taken up tritiated dopamine and pre-embedding immunostaining of glutamate decarboxylase containing endings. Glutamate decarboxylase-positive axon terminals were seen apposed to somatic and dendritic elements. On some favorable planes of section, they were found to be engaged in morphologically defined synaptic complexes of the symmetrical or asymmetrical type. A number of the postsynaptic perikarya were labelled by tritiated dopamine and, in agreement with the light microscopic observations, they were frequently seen in contact with more than one immunopositive ending. The present findings provide a morphological substratum for a direct gamma-aminobutyrate control of the tuberoinfundibular dopaminergic neurons. Such a control could account more particularly for the central, stimulatory effects of gamma-aminobutyrate on prolactin secretion.  相似文献   

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