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Dyspepsia, defined as pain or discomfort centered in the upper abdomen, is a common clinical problem. A variety of underlying disease states may result in dyspepsia, but commonly, diagnostic investigation will show no identifiable pathology, and the patient is diagnosed with nonulcer dyspepsia. Numerous hypothesis have been suggested as to the cause of symptoms in patients with nonulcer dyspepsia, including perturbations of gastroduodenal motility, hypersensitivity to physiologic stimuli including acid, and the effect(s) of infection within the gastric mucosa by Helicobacter pylori. Some epidemiological studies have suggested that patients with nonulcer dyspepsia may have a slightly higher prevalence of H. pylori infection. However, association does not prove causation. Causation of nonulcer dyspepsia by H. pylori could best be documented by resolution of symptoms following eradication of the infection. Early intervention studies indicated that there was a beneficial effect on symptoms of nonulcer dyspepsia with H. pylori eradication, but most of these studies had serious methodological flaws. In the last few years there have been a number of well-designed studies investigating the effect of H. pylori eradication on symptoms in patients with nonulcer dyspepsia. The results of these studies are inconsistent, but suggest that there is little, if any benefit from treatment. This case-based article on nonulcer dyspepsia discusses these studies in detail and provides a possible explanation for the differences in outcomes.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The aims of this study were to investigate the frequency of halitosis before and after eradication therapy and to determine whether halitosis is a valid indication for eradication therapy in patients with Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori)-positive non-ulcer dyspepsia. METHODS: Dyspepsia, related symptoms, and halitosis were investigated by way of a questionnaire. Only H. pylori-positive patients who showed no organic lesions on endoscopic examination and no atrophy histopathologically were included. A total of 148 patients fulfilled the above criteria and completed the study. Four weeks after the end of eradication treatment, the symptoms were re-evaluated and repeat endoscopy was done to check for H. pylori in the gastric mucosa. Results: H. pylori eradication was successful in 109 patients (73.6%). Prior to treatment, bloating was the most frequent symptom (74.3%), followed by diurnal pain (62.2%) and halitosis (61.5%). The most successfully resolved symptoms in the group as a whole, regardless of eradication status, were halitosis, diurnal pain, and hunger-like pain, respectively. In the patients with confirmed H. pylori eradication, the most successfully resolved symptoms were halitosis and hunger-like pain, respectively. CONCLUSION: Halitosis is a frequent, but treatable, symptom of H. pylori-positive non-ulcer dyspepsia and may be a valid indication for eradication therapy.  相似文献   

Zullo A  De Francesco V  Vaira D 《Gut》2011,60(11):1604; author reply 1605-1604; author reply 1606

Many new therapeutic strategies are studied to improve Helicobacter pylori eradication rate. Probiotics are live microorganisms which, upon administration, may interact with the human microflora and positively affect the health status. The use of probiotics in the field of H. pylori infection has been proposed for improving eradication rate and tolerability and for compliance of multiple antibiotic regimens used for the infection. Results from laboratory studies and from clinical trials seem to confirm the expectancies, but there is lack of standardization in terms of type of probiotic strain used, dosage and timing of supplementation. Before further ongoing trials and future studies will clarify these points, probiotics could remain a useful adjunct to standard anti-H. pylori therapies, but cannot take the place of other validated options.  相似文献   

Objective. The safety of Helicobacter pylori “test-and-treat” and “test-and-endoscopy” strategies for the management of young patients with uninvestigated dyspepsia has not been evaluated in Shanghai. Material and methods. A total of 14,101 consecutive patients with dyspepsia receiving endoscopy in our hospital from October 2002 to December 2003 were retrospectively studied. The detection rates of esophageal or gastroduodenal malignancies and alarm symptoms were investigated, and H. pylori status was assessed. Results. A total of 202 (1.4%) gastrointestinal (GI) malignancies were found, including 162 cases (1.15%) of gastric cancer, 4 of gastric lymphoma, 35 (0.25%) of esophageal cancer and 1 case of duodenal cancer. Among those patients with GI malignancies, 99 (49.0%) were infected with H. pylori and 108 (53.5%) presented with alarm symptoms. Eighteen patients (0.46%, 18/3952) under 45 years of age were diagnosed as having gastric cancer. Of these patients, 5 (27.8%) presented with alarm symptoms and 13 (72.2%) were infected with H. pylori. If the H. pylori “test-and-treat” strategy were used in dyspeptic patients under the age of 45 years without alarm symptoms in the Shanghai region, then 13 cases (72.2%) of gastric cancer would be missed. If the H. pylori “test-and-endoscopy” strategy were applied, then 3 cases (16.7%) of gastric cancer would be missed. Conclusions.H. pylori “test-and-treat” and “test-and-endoscopy” strategies are both not suitable for the management of patients with uninvestigated dyspepsia in Shanghai. For most Shanghai dyspeptic patients, prompt endoscopy should be recommended as the first-line initial management option.  相似文献   

AIM:To evaluate clinical efficacy of four one-week tripletherapies in eradicating Helicobacter pylori infection.METHODS:In this clinical trial,132 patients with duodenalulcer and chronic gastritis were randomly divided into fourgroups,and received treatment with OAC (omeprazole20mg amoxicillin 1000mg clarithromycin 250mg),OFC(omeprazole 20mg furazolidone 100mg clarithromycin250mg),OFA (omeprazole 20mg furazolidone 100mg amoxicillin 1000mg) and OMC (omeprazole 20mg metronidazole 200mg clarithromycin 250mg),respectively.Each drug was taken twice daily for one week.The ~(13)C ureabreath test was carried out 4-8 weeks after treatment todetermine the success of H pylori eradication.RESULTS:A total of 127 patients completed the treatment.The eradication rate for H pylori infection was 90.3%,90.9%,70.9% and 65.6%,respectively in OAC,OFC OMCand OFA groups.CONCLUSION:A high eradication rate can be achievedwith one-week OAC or OFC triple therapy.Thus,one-week triple therapies with OAC and OFC are recommendedfor Chinese patients with duodenal ulcers and chronicgastritis.  相似文献   

Clarithromycin resistance is a growing problem in many countries. Eradication rates for Helicobacter pylori have declined to unacceptable levels in recent years, in large measure because of clarithromycin resistance. Two treatment strategies (quadruple therapy and sequential therapy) are emerging as alternatives to triple therapy for the initial treatment of patients infected with H. pylori. Evidence shows that both quadruple therapy and sequential therapy are superior to triple therapy in patients with resistant strains of H. pylori. Studies that compare sequential and quadruple therapy are necessary and are awaited.  相似文献   

Patients with Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection may complain of dyspeptic symptoms without presence of macroscopic lesions on gastroduodenal mucosa. Such a condition is usually recognized as functional dyspepsia, and different pathogenetic mechanisms are involved. The role of H. pylori in these patients is controversial. Several trials assessed the potential role of H. pylori eradication in improving dyspeptic symptoms, and data of some meta-analyses demonstrated that cure of infection is associated with a small (10%), but significant therapeutic gain as compared to placebo. The reason for which dyspeptic symptoms regress in some patients following bacterial eradication, but persist in others remains unclear. Regrettably, trials included in the meta-analyses are somewhat different for study design, definition of symptoms, assessment of symptoms changes, and some may be flawed by potential pitfalls. Consequently, the information could be not consistent. We critically reviewed the main available trials, attempting to address future research in this field  相似文献   

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