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OBJECTIVE: We report a patient with an ischemic lesion in right somatosensory cortex who developed dystonic posturing and pseudo-athetotic involuntary left-sided finger movements during voluntary muscle contractions. METHODS: Motor excitability was assessed using transcranial magnetic stimulation techniques and electrical peripheral nerve stimulation. Results obtained from abductor digiti minimi muscles of both hands were compared. RESULTS: On the affected side, silent period duration and intracortical inhibition were reduced, indicating a loss of inhibitory properties. Intracortical facilitation was enhanced. Stimulus-response curves showed a smaller increase of motor evoked potential amplitudes when recorded during muscle relaxation, but not during voluntary muscle activation. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that, under normal conditions, somatosensory cortex modifies inhibitory as well as excitatory properties in the motor system.  相似文献   

Neuronal subthreshold excitability and firing behaviour are markedly influenced by the activation and deactivation of the somato-dendritic hyperpolarization-activated cation current (Ih). Here, we evaluated possible contributions of Ih to hyperexcitability in an animal model of absence seizures (WAG/Rij rats). We investigated pyramidal neurons of the somatosensory neocortex, the site of generation of spike-wave discharges. Ih-mediated functions in neurons from WAG/Rij rats, Wistar rats (sharing the same genetic background with WAG/Rij, but less epilepsy-prone) and ACI rats (an inbred strain, virtually free of seizures) were compared. We complemented whole-cell recordings from layer 2-3 pyramidal neurons with immunohistochemistry, Western blot and RT-PCR analysis of the h-channel subunits HCN1-4. The fast component of Ih activation in WAG/Rij neurons was significantly reduced (50% reduction in the h-current density) and four times slower than in neurons from nonepileptic Wistar or ACI rats. The results showing decreases in currents corresponded to a 34% reduction in HCN1 protein in the WAG/Rij compared to the Wistar neocortex, but HCN1 mRNA showed stable expression. The other three Ih subunit mRNAs and proteins (HCN2-4) were not affected. The alterations in Ih magnitude and kinetics of gating in WAG/Rij neurons may contribute to augmented excitatory postsynaptic potentials, the increase in their temporal summation and the facilitation of burst firing of these neurons because each of these effects could be mimicked by the selective Ih antagonist ZD 7288. We suggest that the deficit in Ih-mediated functions may contribute to the development and onset of spontaneously occurring hyperexcitability in a rat model of absence seizures.  相似文献   

Facchini S  Aglioti SM 《Neurology》2003,60(12):1998-1999
The effect of short-term light deprivation on tactile spatial acuity was evaluated by asking 28 adult humans to perform a grating orientation task. The 14 subjects who were kept for 90 minutes in complete dark showed, immediately after deprivation, a reversible improvement of tactile spatial acuity. No acuity change was observed in the 14 nondeprived subjects. Results indicate that even a short-term visual deprivation may disclose highly dynamic plastic interactions between visual and tactile systems.  相似文献   

Turner syndrome (TS) is a noninherited genetic disorder caused by the absence of one or part of one X chromosome. It is characterized by physical and cognitive phenotypes that include motor deficits that may be related to neuroanatomical abnormalities of sensorimotor pathways. Here, we used transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and cortical thickness analysis to assess motor cortex excitability and cortical morphology in 17 individuals with TS (45, X) and 17 healthy controls. Exploratory analysis was performed to detect the effect of parental origin of the X chromosome (Xmat, Xpat) on both measures. Results showed that long‐interval intracortical inhibition was reduced and motor threshold (MT) was increased in TS relative to controls. Areas of reduced thickness were observed in the precentral gyrus of individuals with TS that correlated with MT. A significant difference between Xmat (n = 11) and Xpat (n = 6) individuals was found on the measure of long‐interval intracortical inhibition. These findings demonstrate the presence of converging anatomical and neurophysiological abnormalities of the motor system in X monosomy. Hum Brain Mapp, 2013. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In the present study, causal roles of both the primary somatosensory cortex (SI) and the posterior parietal cortex (PPC) were investigated in a tactile unimodal working memory (WM) task. Individual magnetic resonance imaging‐based single‐pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation (spTMS) was applied, respectively, to the left SI (ipsilateral to tactile stimuli), right SI (contralateral to tactile stimuli) and right PPC (contralateral to tactile stimuli), while human participants were performing a tactile‐tactile unimodal delayed matching‐to‐sample task. The time points of spTMS were 300, 600 and 900 ms after the onset of the tactile sample stimulus (duration: 200 ms). Compared with ipsilateral SI, application of spTMS over either contralateral SI or contralateral PPC at those time points significantly impaired the accuracy of task performance. Meanwhile, the deterioration in accuracy did not vary with the stimulating time points. Together, these results indicate that the tactile information is processed cooperatively by SI and PPC in the same hemisphere, starting from the early delay of the tactile unimodal WM task. This pattern of processing of tactile information is different from the pattern in tactile‐visual cross‐modal WM. In a tactile‐visual cross‐modal WM task, SI and PPC contribute to the processing sequentially, suggesting a process of sensory information transfer during the early delay between modalities.  相似文献   

Input from primary somatosensory cortex (S1) to primary motor cortex (M1) is important for high-level motor performance, motor skill learning and motor recovery after brain lesion. This study tested the effects of manipulating S1 excitability with paired associative transcranial stimulation (S1-PAS) on M1 excitability. Given the important role of S1 in sensorimotor integration, we hypothesized that changes in S1 excitability would be directly paralleled by changes in M1 excitability. We applied two established protocols (S1-PAS(LTP) and S1-PAS(LTD) ) to the left S1 to induce long-term potentiation (LTP)-like or long-term depression (LTD)-like plasticity. S1 excitability was assessed by the early cortical components (N20-P25) of the median nerve somatosensory-evoked potential. M1 excitability was assessed by motor-evoked potential amplitude and short-interval intracortical inhibition. Effects of S1-PAS(LTP) were compared with those of a PAS(LTP) protocol targeting the left M1 (M1-PAS(LTP) ). S1-PAS(LTP) and S1-PAS(LTD) did not result in significant modifications of S1 or M1 excitability at the group level due to substantial interindividual variability. The individual S1-PAS-induced changes in S1 and M1 excitability showed no correlation. Furthermore, the individual changes in S1 and M1 excitability induced by S1-PAS(LTP) did not correlate with changes in M1 excitability induced by M1-PAS(LTP) . This demonstrates that the effects of S1-PAS in S1 are variable across individuals and, within a given individual, unrelated to those induced by S1-PAS or M1-PAS in M1. Potentially, this extends the opportunities of therapeutic PAS applications because M1-PAS 'non-responders' may well respond to S1-PAS.  相似文献   

Pain processing within the primary somatosensory cortex in humans   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
To investigate the processing of noxious stimuli within the primary somatosensory cortex (SI), we recorded magnetoencephalography following noxious epidermal electrical stimulation (ES) and innocuous transcutaneous electrical stimulation (TS) applied to the dorsum of the left hand. TS activated two sources sequentially within SI: one in the posterior bank of the central sulcus and another in the crown of the postcentral gyrus, corresponding to Brodmann's areas 3b and 1, respectively. Activities from area 3b consisted of 20- and 30-ms responses. Activities from area 1 consisted of three components peaking at 26, 36 and 49 ms. ES activated one source within SI whose location and orientation were similar to those of the TS-activated area 1 source. Activities from this source consisted of three components peaking at 88, 98 and 109 ms, later by 60 ms than the corresponding TS responses. ES and TS subsequently activated a similar region in the upper bank of the sylvian fissure, corresponding to the secondary somatosensory cortex (SII). The onset latency of the SII activity following ES (109 ms) was later by 29 ms than that of the first SI response (80 ms). Likewise, the onset latency of SII activity following TS (52 ms) was later by 35 ms than that of area 1 of SI (17 ms). Therefore, our results showed that the processing of noxious and innocuous stimuli is similar with respect to the source locations and activation timings within SI and SII except that there were no detectable activations within area 3b following noxious stimulation.  相似文献   

Corticofugal influences from the primary somatosensory cortex to the gracilis nuclei were studied with single unit recordings performed in urethane-anaesthetized rats. Two types of neurons were identified: low firing rate (LF) neurons, which could be activated antidromically by medial lemniscus stimulation; and high firing rate (HF) neurons. The effects of electrically stimulating the contralateral primary somatosensory cortex were studied in two situations: when the stimulated cortical area and specific gracilis cells had overlapping receptive fields and when the receptive fields of the cells and primary somatosensory cortex did not overlap. Cortical stimulation facilitated cortical and tactile responses in most gracilis neurons (68% and 58% for LF and HF neurons, respectively) with overlapping receptive fields. When receptive fields were different, cortical stimulation inhibited tactile response in most LF neurons (58%) and some HF neurons (20%). Trains of cortical shocks during sensory stimulation demonstrated that the facilitatory and inhibitory effects outlasted the stimulation period by 5 min. The facilitatory effect was decreased by iontophoretic application of the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist APV (50 mm). However, APV did not modify the intensity of the tactile response inhibition in cells with nonoverlapping receptive fields, although, its duration was decreased (<5 min). Iontophoretic application of the gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)(A) antagonist bicuculline (20 mm) blocked the cortically evoked inhibition in cells with nonoverlapping receptive fields. The results indicate that the somatosensory cortex precisely controls somatosensory transmission throughout the gracilis nucleus by means of NMDA and GABA(A) receptor activation.  相似文献   

Weak transcranial DC stimulation (tDCS) of the human motor cortex results in excitability shifts during and after the end of stimulation, which are most probably localized intracortically. Anodal stimulation enhances excitability, whereas cathodal stimulation reduces it. Although the after-effects of tDCS are NMDA receptor-dependent, nothing is known about the involvement of additional receptors. Here we show that pharmacological strengthening of GABAergic inhibition modulates selectively the after-effects elicited by anodal tDCS. Administration of the GABA(A) receptor agonist lorazepam resulted in a delayed, but then enhanced and prolonged anodal tDCS-induced excitability elevation. The initial absence of an excitability enhancement under lorazepam is most probably caused by a loss of the anodal tDCS-generated intracortical diminution of inhibition and enhancement of facilitation, which occurs without pharmacological intervention. The reasons for the late-occurring excitability enhancement remain unclear. Because intracortical inhibition and facilitation are not changed in this phase compared with pre-tDCS values, excitability changes originating from remote cortical or subcortical areas could be involved.  相似文献   

Psychophysical studies show alterations of cross-modal integration and timing processes in patients with generalized and focal hand dystonia. Here we assess the capability of 10 cervical dystonia patients, 5 patients with cervical pain but no dystonia, and 10 healthy controls to determine whether pairs of visual, tactile or visuo-tactile stimuli were simultaneous or sequential (TD threshold) and which stimulus preceded the other (temporal order judgement, TOJ). Visual stimuli consisted of light emitting diodes and tactile stimuli of non-noxious electrical shocks delivered to the hands. Intervals between stimuli were increased from 0 to 400 ms in steps of 10 ms. Cervical dystonia patients had a clear impairment of tactile and visuo-tactile temporal discrimination compared with patients with cervical pain but no dystonia who performed as well as healthy subjects. This suggests that deficits of temporal discrimination in cervical dystonia patients are not due to the possible distracting effect of unpleasant sensations or pain. Comparisons with previous studies show that deficits in cervical dystonia were more severe than in focal hand dystonia and less severe than in generalized dystonia. Thus, impairment of sensory timing may be a marker of disease, which varies along a continuum in the different forms of dystonia.  相似文献   

Crossmodal plasticity occurs when loss of input in one sensory modality leads to reorganization in brain representations of other sensory modalities. In congenital blindness the visual cortex becomes responsive to somatosensory input such as occurs during Braille reading. The route by which somatosensory information reaches the visual cortex is not known. Here, we used repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) to probe the connection between primary somatosensory cortex (S1) and early visual cortex (V1 and neighboring areas), combining rTMS with positron emission tomography (PET). We applied stimulation over S1 in sighted, early blind and late blind individuals. Baseline regional cerebral blood flow in occipital cortex was highest in early blind and lowest in late blind individuals. Only the early blind group showed significant activation of early visual areas when rTMS was delivered over S1. This activation was significantly higher in early than in late blind, but not relative to sighted controls. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that tactile information may reach early visual areas in early blind humans through cortico-cortical pathways, possibly supporting enhanced tactile information processing.  相似文献   

The topography of the secondary somatosensory cortex (SII) responses to somatosensory stimulation applied to various parts of the body of normal volunteers was analyzed using magnetoencephalography (MEG). Although there were large inter-individual differences, the following orders of a location of equivalent current dipoles (ECDs) were found; (1) Anterior-posterior direction: lower lip-upper lip-thumb-middle finger-foot, (2) Medial-lateral direction: foot-middle finger-thumb-upper lip-lower lip, and (3) Lower-upper direction: lower lip-upper-lip-thumb-middle finger-foot. In general, these findings are similar to those obtained in studies of monkeys. However, the differentiation was not as clear as that seen in the homunculus in the primary somatosensory cortex (SI). The auditory cortex is located at a site more posterior, lateral and lower than the SII.  相似文献   

Default mode network (DMN) dysfunction is theorized to play a role in attention lapses and task errors in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). In ADHD, the DMN is hyperconnected to task-relevant networks, and both increased functional connectivity and reduced activation are related to poor task performance. The current study extends existing literature by considering interactions between the DMN and task-relevant networks from a brain network perspective and by assessing how these interactions relate to response control. We characterized both static and time-varying functional brain network organization during the resting state in 43 children with ADHD and 43 age-matched typically developing (TD) children. We then related aspects of network integration to go/no-go performance. We calculated participation coefficient (PC), a measure of a region’s inter-network connections, for regions of the DMN, canonical cognitive control networks (fronto-parietal, salience/cingulo-opercular), and motor-related networks (somatomotor, subcortical). Mean PC was higher in children with ADHD as compared to TD children, indicating greater integration across networks. Further, higher and less variable PC was related to greater commission error rate in children with ADHD. Together, these results inform our understanding of the role of the DMN and its interactions with task-relevant networks in response control deficits in ADHD.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: We investigated the recovery function of somatosensory evoked magnetic cortical fields (SEFs) to confirm the temporal aspects of the somatosensory process in humans. METHODS: SEFs were recorded following median nerve electrical stimulation in 6 healthy subjects. Double stimulation, with interstimulus intervals (ISIs) from 3 to 100 ms, was applied, and the SEF components for the second stimulation were analyzed. In a supplementary experiment, responses to single stimulations of various intensities from the sensory threshold to the motor threshold were studied. RESULTS: The first SEF component (1M) diminished when the ISI was less than 10 ms, while the second component (2M) remained even when the ISI was 3 ms. The two components showed a very similar attenuation with decrease of stimulus intensity. There was no significant difference in dipole location between 1M and 2M in the primary somatosensory cortex (SI). CONCLUSIONS: The results suggested that at least two independent pathways with different recovery functions exist in a similar area in the SI.  相似文献   

To understand manual tactile functions in primates, it is essential to explore the interactions between the finger pad representations in somatosensory cortex. To this end, we used optical imaging and electrophysiological mapping to guide neuroanatomical tracer injections into distal digit tip representations of Brodmann area 3b in the squirrel monkey. Retrogradely labeled cell densities and anterogradely labeled fibers and terminal patches in somatosensory areas were plotted and quantified with respect to tangential distribution. Within area 3b, reciprocal patchy distribution of anterograde and retrograde labeling spanned the representation of the distal pad of multiple digits, indicating strong cross‐digit connectivity. Inter‐areal connections revealed bundles of long‐range fibers projecting anteroposteriorly, connecting area 3b with clusters of labeled neurons and terminal axon arborizations in area 1. Inter‐areal linkage appeared to be largely confined to the representation of the injected finger. These findings provide the neuroanatomical basis for the interaction between distal finger pad representations observed by recent electrophysiological studies. We propose that intra‐areal connectivity may be heavily involved in interdigit integration such as shape discrimination, whereas long‐range inter‐areal connections may subserve active touch in a digit‐specific manner. J. Comp. Neurol. 521:2798–2817, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: We examined modification of somatosensory evoked fields following electric middle finger stimulation with interference to the same and surrounding digits in 13 subjects. METHODS: During electric middle finger stimulation, concurrent tactile stimulation was applied to the middle finger, to the index and ring fingers, and to the thumb and the little finger, individually. RESULTS: The amplitudes of the N20m and the P30m were significantly reduced by the interference to the middle finger, and to the index and ring fingers. The former interference induced more prominent attenuation than the latter. The amplitudes of the P60m did not show significant changes by any kind of the interference. CONCLUSIONS: The N20m and the P30m were attenuated according to the cortical distance between electrically and mechanically activated 3b areas. Pyramidal neurons are interconnected by intrinsic horizontal collaterals, even if their representations are segregated. The activation of the intrinsic collaterals induces direct excitation and indirect inhibition (via inhibitory interneurons) to the target pyramidal neurons. The result indicates that the activation of the intrinsic collaterals inhibits, on balance, the postsynaptic pyramidal targets, thereby generating the attenuation of the N20m and P30m.  相似文献   

Extinction of classical fear conditioning is thought to involve activity-dependent potentiation of synaptic transmission in the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), resulting in the inhibition of amygdala-dependent fear responses. While many studies have addressed the mechanisms underlying extinction learning, it is unclear what determines whether extinction memory is consolidated or whether spontaneous recovery of the fear response occurs. Here we show, using a combined electrophysiological and immunocytochemical approach, that spontaneous recovery of conditioned fear in mice is associated with a prolonged expression of long-term depression of synaptic transmission in the mPFC and the failure of induction of the immediate-early genesc-Fos and zif268 in the mPFC and the basolateral nucleus of the amygdala. This suggests that coordinated activity-dependent changes in gene expression in the mPFC and the amygdala may underlie the formation of long-term fear extinction memory.  相似文献   

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