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目的总结卡介苗接种后发生1例淋巴结炎处置与体会。方法按预防接种异常反应调查规范对该儿童接种卡介苗后出现不良反应的事件进行调查和处理。结果发现1例儿童接种卡介苗后出现左侧腋下淋巴结脓肿,经预防接种异常反应调查诊断专家组调查诊断为卡介苗淋巴结炎。患儿淋巴结脓肿施行切开排脓,异烟肼纱布条引流、换药,45 d后痊愈。结论卡介苗接种后淋巴结炎是卡介苗接种中较为多见的接种异常反应,对此采用淋巴结脓肿切开排脓,异烟肼纱布条引流的方法简单、易行、有效。  相似文献   

57例卡介苗接种后淋巴结强反应观察及治疗分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王秀廷  张风芹  张茜 《中国妇幼保健》2005,20(15):1931-1932
目的:探讨婴幼儿卡介苗接种后引起淋巴结强反应的观察及治疗。方法:57例患儿均为济南市各大医院出生后,在24h内直接接种卡介苗的婴幼儿。其中男56例,女1例。通过B超和实验室检查确诊后,均给予局部治疗和预防性抗痨治疗,口服异烟肼10mg/(kg·d),1次/d,连服3~6个月。结果:57例患儿经过治疗后,大部分病例在15~30d后淋巴结逐渐缩小、吸收、痊愈。结论:卡介苗接种后密切观察局部反应,早期诊断、早期治疗,可防止化脓、破溃,宿短疗程,预后好。  相似文献   

目的 总结免疫接种不良反应事件的经验并吸取教训.方法 对1例儿童接种乙脑减毒活疫苗后,出现不良反应的事件进行调查.结果 对患儿接种局部出现的肿物施行手术切除.切除的肿物经特殊染色检查找到多量抗酸杆菌.患儿经口服利福平和异烟肼抗结核治疗4个月后痊愈.患儿左上臂脓肿与卡介苗接种有关,经福建省预防接种异常反应调查诊断小组诊断为卡介苗相关病例.结论 应加强免疫接种技术的培训及接种前的健康询问及体检,注意检查受种儿童接种部位情况,防止异常反应的发生.  相似文献   

冯永波  金立民  杨帆 《中国妇幼保健》2008,23(31):4425-4426
目的:探讨小儿接种卡介苗后发生卡介苗性淋巴结反应的病因及诊断方法。方法:对231例出现卡介苗性淋巴结反应患儿的临床特征及诊断进行总结和分析。结果:①患儿均有新生儿BCG接种史;②无结核病接触史,接种后发生局部淋巴结病变,符合原发感染;③无结核中毒症状及其他部位结核病;④PPD(+~++);⑤病变淋巴结病理学检查结果符合淋巴结结核的病理改变。结论:小儿腋下淋巴结出现结核样改变时,应考虑卡介苗性淋巴结反应;若诊断成立,可行外科手术治疗,对术后病理证实为淋巴结结核者无需特殊治疗。  相似文献   

目的通过调查我区首例卡介苗(BCG)接种后引起预防接种异常反应(AEFI)的各种因素,有效减少预防接种过程中预防接种异常反应的发生。方法通过疑似预防接种异常反应监测系统专报平台报告、由区疾病预防控制中心免疫规划专业人员进行流行病学调查、结合医院实验室检查、CT检查、彩超检查、预防接种异常反应调查诊断专家组调查诊断。结果患儿确诊为"左腋下淋巴结结核"。结论该例为我区首例接种卡介苗引起的淋巴结炎的预防接种异常反应,患儿预后良好。  相似文献   

王明衡 《现代预防医学》2014,(10):1891-1894
目的分析海口市卡介苗(Bacille Calmette-Guerin Vaccine,BCG)疑似预防接种异常反应(Adverse Events Following Immunization,AEFI)的发生特征,评价BCG的安全性和监测情况。方法通过以往疑似异常反应报告登记信息和全国AEFI信息管理系统,收集2003-2012年报告的接种BCG剂次数及接种后AEFI个案数据,采用描述性方法对相关指标进行流行病学分析。结果 2003-2012年共报告接种BCG后AEFI 83例,报告发生率为313.15/100万剂,其中不良反应78例,报告发生率为294.29/100万剂。不良反应中,一般反应4例,报告发生率为15.09/100万剂;异常反应74例,报告发生率为279.19/100万剂。报告最多的异常反应为BCG淋巴结炎,共72例,报告发生率为271.6/100万剂。1例BCG接种事故主要是接种剂量过大。结论 BCG安全性尚可,海口市BCG淋巴结炎高于我国监测报告水平。应继续加强培训和督导,提高接种人员接种技术,规范预防接种操作;增强BCG AEFI监测敏感性和AEFI的调查诊断,减少AEFI的发生和相关纠纷的产生。  相似文献   

2004~2005年我们发现4例因接种卡介苗后同侧腋窝淋巴结肿大前来就诊,现将处理结果报告如下。1资料与方法1·1对象2004~2005年凭祥市4例因接种卡介苗后同侧腋窝淋巴结肿大前来就诊的患儿。1·2方法按预防接种不良反应个案表要求进行调查。2结果2·1经过调查,4个患儿都是足月顺产儿,出生体重均在2 500克以上,儿童接种卡介苗后局部反应正常,从表1,可以看出,除一个患儿在出生后一个月皮下注射卡介苗外,其他3个均为及时接种,患儿接种卡介苗时间到发现同侧腋下淋巴结肿大都在3个月以上,并且卡疤都正常,淋巴结肿大≥1·3×1·4cm以上,有一名患儿发…  相似文献   

目的 了解田东县卡介苗疑似预防接种异常反应(AEFI)发生的特征,评价卡介苗(BCG)预防接种的安全性.方法 通过中国免疫规划信息管理系统和广西免疫规划信息管理系统,收集2008—2015年接种后BCG AEFI个案和BCG接种数据,采用描述性方法对相关指标进行流行病学分析.结果 2008—2015年田东县共报告接种卡介苗后AEFI 15例,报告发生率为306.15/100万剂,其中不良反应15例,均属异常反应.报告最多的异常反应为BCG淋巴结炎,共14例(占93.33%),报告发生率为285.74/100万剂;部分批号BCG异常反应存在聚集性,以BCG淋巴结炎为主.结论 BCG安全性尚可,田东县BCG淋巴结炎反应报告发生率高于全国平均水平.应继续加强培训和督导,提高接种人员接种技术及BCG AEFI监测敏感性.  相似文献   

目的分析江苏省卡介苗(Bacille Calmette-Guerin Vaccine,BCG)疑似预防接种异常反应(Adverse Events Following Im-munization,AEFI)的发生特征,评价BCG预防接种安全性和监测处置情况,探讨BCG AEFI原因及护理对策。方法通过中国免疫规划信息管理系统和AEFI信息管理系统收集江苏省2008—2013年报告的接种BCG数据及接种后AEFI个案数据,采用描述性方法对相关指标进行流行病学分析。结果 2008—2013年江苏省共报告接种后AEFI 713例,报告发生率为132.04/100万剂,其中不良反应698例,报告发生率为129.26/100万剂。不良反应中,一般反应378例,报告发生率为70.00/100万剂;异常反应320例,报告发生率,为59.26/100万剂。报告最多的异常反应为BCG淋巴结炎,共159例,报告发生率为29.44/100万剂。严重异常反应中,全身播散性BCG感染报告3例,报告发生率为0.56/100万剂。BCG接种事故以接种部位错误、误种其他疫苗和接种过量为主,经过相应的对症处理,都能得到改善和恢复。结论 BCG安全性尚可,BCG淋巴结炎、全身播散性BCG感染等异常反应报告发生率,均低于预期水平。应继续加强培训和督导,提高接种人员接种技术及BCG AEFI监测敏感性;增强调查和诊断异常反应的能力,提高临床救治水平,减少严重病例的发生。依据原因对症采取相应措施,可提高BCGAEFI的恢复效果。  相似文献   

接种卡介苗是预防儿童结核性脑膜炎和血型播散型肺结核的有效措施之一 ,但接种卡介苗后的淋巴结异常反应给儿童造成的痛苦亦是不容忽视的问题。其异常反应的处理方法各地都有很多丰富的经验。现将武汉市结核病防治所治疗的 3 9例淋巴结异常反应的临床特点、处理方法总结如下。1 资料与方法3 9例淋巴结异常反应者均系武汉市部分综合医院产科出生的健康新生儿 ,无结核病接触史 ,生后 1周内按常规接种上海生物制品研究所生产的皮内冻干卡介苗。接种后 12~ 16周到全市各专业机构用上海生物制品研究所生产的纯结素 ( 5 IU/ m l,以下简称 PPD)…  相似文献   

目的总结56例卡介苗所致淋巴结强反应的临床表现,评价局部治疗效果。方法收集2010年1月-2014年5月结核病门诊56例由卡介苗所致淋巴结强反应患儿,根据其临床表现,分别给予热敷、清创引流及敷药等局部治疗,并分析疗效。结果 1)分型:结节未液化型7例,液化型20例,脓肿破溃型23型,术后伤口未愈者6例。2)疗效:7例未液化型经局部热敷,5例结节缩小,2例结节液化;22(20+2)例液化型经穿刺针吸及结节内注射异烟肼,均化脓破溃;45(23+22)例脓肿破溃型经清创引流,利福平外敷,伤口愈合;6例手术后伤口未愈者经清创引流、利福平外敷,伤口愈合。结论新生儿接种卡介苗所致淋巴结强反应临床表现多样,局部治疗效果好。  相似文献   

While formulating Mycobacterium bovis BCG in lipid-based adjuvants has been shown to increase the vaccine's protective immunity, the biological mechanisms responsible for the enhanced potency of lipid encapsulated BCG are unknown. To assess whether mixing BCG in adjuvant increases its immunogenicity by altering post-vaccination organ distribution and persistence, mice were immunized subcutaneously with conventional BCG Pasteur or BCG formulated in DDA/TDB adjuvant and the bio-distribution of BCG bacilli was evaluated in mouse lungs, spleens, lymph nodes, and livers for up to 1 year. Although BCG was rarely detected in mouse livers, mycobacteria were found in mouse lungs, spleens, and lymph nodes for at least 1 year post-vaccination. However, at various time points during the 1 year study, the frequency of lung and spleen infections and the number of mycobacteria in infected organs of individual mice were highly variable. In contrast, mycobacteria were nearly always detected in the lymph nodes of vaccinated mice. While the frequency and extent of lymph node infections generally were not significantly different between mice vaccinated with adjuvanted or nonadjuvanted BCG preparations, multiparameter flow cytometry analysis of lymph node cells showed significantly higher frequencies of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells expressing IFN-γ and IFN-γ/TNF-α in mice immunized with adjuvanted BCG. Overall, our data suggest that the relationship between lymph node infection and the generation of anti-tuberculosis protective responses following BCG vaccination should be further investigated.  相似文献   

目的评价婴儿卡介苗(BCG)接种质量及效果,分析其影响因素。方法在全市8县区中抽取1周岁以内且接种BCG 12周以上的健康婴儿,调查接种时间,测量卡痕径值、进行结核菌素(BCG-PPD)试验并观察结果。结果共调查800名婴儿卡痕率为97.00%,PPD试验阳性率80.13%;单因素分析显示,出生后BCG接种时间(χ2=6.695,P=0.010)、卡痕直径(χ2=61.250,P=0.000)、住址不同(χ2=73.148,P=0.000)的PPD试验阳性率差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05),不同性别差异无统计学意义(χ2=3.650,P=0.056)。多因素Logistic回归分析显示,卡痕直径〈3 mm与≥3 mm的PPD阳性率差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05),提示卡痕直径≥3 mm时接种更成功(OR=0.413,95%CI:0.263-0.649)。结论六安市卡介苗接种质量总体较好。卡痕直径、出生后接种时间,医务人员的接种技能是卡介苗接种效果的影响因素。  相似文献   

目的评价分析宣城市卡介苗接种效果,探讨提高卡介苗接种工作质量的相关方法。方法 2007~2009年、2011年期间随机抽取宣城市10个接种点的500名1岁以内健康婴儿,在接种卡介苗12w后,测量卡痕径值及进行BCG-PPD阳转试验。结果 500名婴儿的卡痕率为97.40%,结核菌素试验阳转率87.80%;不同性别、城乡接种点的婴儿结核菌素试验阳性率差异无统计学意义(P值均小于0.05);不同接种月龄婴儿间结核菌素试验阳性率无统计学差异(χ2=0.55,P=0.76)。卡痕径值≥4mm的婴儿结核菌素试验阳性率高于卡痕径值4mm的婴儿。结论宣城市卡介苗接种卡痕率、阳转率达到国家免疫规划要求,接种质量比较稳定。新生儿出生1个月后、3个月内接种卡介苗,对接种质量无明显影响。卡痕径值大小,对评价接种质量具有一定参考意义。  相似文献   

Vaccination with Mycobacterium bovis BCG provides limited protection against pulmonary tuberculosis and a risk of dissemination in immune-compromised vaccinees. For the development of new TB vaccines that stimulate strong T-cell responses a variety of strategies is being followed, especially recombinant BCG and attenuated M. tuberculosis. The objective of the current study was to test potential benefits of vaccination through direct lymph-node targeting of wildtype BCG; the recommended route of vaccination with BCG is intradermal. C57BL/6 mice were immunised with BCG by intradermal, subcutaneous or intralymphatic injections. Cellular immune responses and protection against M. tuberculosis were determined. Intralymphatic vaccination was 100–1000 times more effective in stimulating BCG-specific immune responses than intradermal or subcutaneous immunisation. Intralymphatic administration stimulated high frequencies of mycobacterium-specific lymphocytes with strong proliferating capacity and production of TNF-α, IL-2, IL-17 and, especially, IFN-γ secretion by. CD4 and CD8 T cells. Most importantly, intralymphatic vaccination with 2 × 103 CFU BCG induced sustained protection against M. tuberculosis in intratracheally challenged C57BL/6 mice, whereas subcutaneous vaccination with 2 × 105 CFU BCG conferred only a transient protection. Hence, direct administration of M. bovis BCG to lymph nodes demonstrates that efficient targeting to lymph nodes may help to overcome the efficacy problems of vaccination with BCG.  相似文献   

To examine risk factors for anergy, delayed-type hypersensitivity was assessed among 884 infants participating in a vaccine trial in Guinea-Bissau. The infants were skin-tested at 7.5 months of age with a panel of seven intradermal antigens. Risk factors for anergy to tuberculin or anergy to both the diphtheria and tetanus antigens were determined in relation to Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccination, diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (DTP) vaccination, and measles vaccination. We found sick children to be more anergic to tuberculin and diphtheria-tetanus antigens than healthy children (OR=2.49 (95% confidence interval 1.40-4.55)). There was a higher prevalence of anergy to tuberculin in the rainy season than in the dry season (OR=1.67 (1.25-2.23)). Children who had taken antimalarials within the last week had a higher prevalence of anergy to tuberculin (OR=1.41 (1.02-1.92)). BCG vaccination was significantly associated with less anergy to tuberculin and diphtheria-tetanus antigens (OR=0.42 (0.28-0.63), OR=0.77 (0.60-0.99), respectively). Children vaccinated with BCG before 1 month of age were more anergic to tuberculin than children vaccinated after 1 month (OR=1.61 (1.19-2.19)). DTP vaccination was associated with less anergy to diphtheria-tetanus antigens (OR=0.40 (0.32-0.49)), but not to tuberculin. Children with a positive reaction to tuberculin were less likely to be anergic to diphtheria-tetanus antigens (OR=0.36 (0.26-0.49)) than children with a negative tuberculin reaction. Children who were vaccinated with BCG before they received their last DTP vaccine were less anergic to diphtheria-tetanus antigens (OR=0.40 (0.16-0.88)) than other DTP-vaccinated children. In conclusion, current disease, rainy season, age below 1 month of age at the time of BCG vaccination, and administration of chloroquine or quinimax within the last 7 days were risk factors for anergy to tuberculin among 7.5-month-old infants. BCG vaccination and a positive tuberculin reaction were associated with a lower prevalence of anergy to both tuberculin and diphtheria-tetanus. Thus, BCG vaccination may contribute to better cell-mediated immune responses among infants.  相似文献   

In the absence of biomarkers of protective immunity, newly developed vaccines against bovine tuberculosis need to be evaluated in virulent Mycobacterium bovis challenge experiments, which require the use of expensive and highly in demand Biological Safety Level 3 (BSL3) animal facilities. The recently developed bovine BCG challenge model offers a cheaper and faster way to test new vaccine candidates and additionally reduces the severity of the challenge compared to virulent M. bovis challenge in line with the remits of the NC3Rs. In this work we sought to establish the sensitivity of the BCG challenge model by testing a prime boost vaccine regimen that previously increased protection over BCG alone against M. bovis challenge. All animals, except the control group, were vaccinated subcutaneously with BCG Danish, and half of those were then boosted with a recombinant adenoviral vector expressing Antigen 85A, Ad85A. All animals were challenged with BCG Tokyo into the prescapular lymph node and the bacterial load within the lymph nodes was established. All vaccinated animals, independent of the vaccination regimen, cleared BCG significantly faster from the lymph node than control animals, suggesting a protective effect. There was however, no difference between the BCG and the BCG-Ad85A regimens. Additionally, we analysed humoral and cellular immune responses taken prior to challenge for possible predictors of protection. Cultured ELISpot identified significantly higher IFN-ɣ responses in protected vaccinated animals, relative to controls, but not in unprotected vaccinated animals. Furthermore, a trend for protected animals to produce more IFN-ɣ by quantitative PCR and intracellular staining was observed. Thus, this model can also be an attractive alternative to M. bovis challenge models for the discovery of protective biomarkers.  相似文献   



Globally, BCG vaccination varies in efficacy and has some non-specific protective effects. Previous studies comparing BCG strains have been small-scale, with few or no immunological outcomes and have compared TB-specific responses only. We aimed to evaluate both specific and non-specific immune responses to different strains of BCG within a large infant cohort and to evaluate further the relationship between BCG strain, scarring and cytokine responses.


Infants from the Entebbe Mother and Baby Study (ISRCTN32849447) who received BCG-Russia, BCG-Bulgaria or BCG-Denmark at birth, were analysed by BCG strain group. At one year, interferon-gamma (IFN-γ), interleukin (IL)-5, IL-13 and IL-10 responses to mycobacteria-specific antigens (crude culture filtrate proteins and antigen 85) and non-mycobacterial stimuli (tetanus toxoid and phytohaemagglutinin) were measured using ELISA. Cytokine responses, scar frequency, BCG associated adverse event frequency and mortality rates were compared across groups, with adjustments for potential confounders.


Both specific and non-specific IFN-γ, IL-13 and IL-10 responses in 1341 infants differed between BCG strain groups including in response to stimulation with tetanus toxoid. BCG-Denmark immunised infants showed the highest cytokine responses. The proportion of infants who scarred differed significantly, with BCG scars occurring in 52.2%, 64.1% and 92.6% of infants immunised with BCG Russia, BCG-Bulgaria and BCG-Denmark, respectively (p < 0.001). Scarred infants had higher IFN-γ and IL-13 responses to mycobacterial antigens only than infants without a scar. The BCG-Denmark group had the highest frequency of adverse events (p = 0.025). Mortality differences were not significant.


Both specific and non-specific immune responses to the BCG vaccine differ by strain. Scarring after BCG vaccination is also strain-dependent and is associated with higher IFN-γ and IL-13 responses to mycobacterial antigens. The choice of BCG strain may be an important factor and should be evaluated when testing novel vaccine strategies that employ BCG in prime–boost sequences, or as a vector for other vaccine antigens.  相似文献   

Klünner T  Bartels T  Vordermeier M  Burger R  Schäfer H 《Vaccine》2001,19(15-16):1968-1977
Vaccination of guinea pigs with Mycobacterium bovis BCG confers partial resistance against infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Induction of immunity is associated with a strong T cell response. The reactions of the cytotoxic and helper T lymphocyte subsets after BCG vaccination were analyzed by cytofluorometry and in functional tests. The relative number of CD8(+) T cells in the spleen increased substantially after injection of BCG. In vitro restimulation after immunization induced a strong proliferative response but no cytotoxic reactions of CD8(+) T cells against BCG-infected macrophages. A specific induction of IFN-gamma and RANTES mRNA was observed after vaccination particularly in CD8(+) but not in CD4(+) T cells of the lymph nodes.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The efficacy of BCG vaccination in preterm babies is unknown, and available data on conversion rates to tuberculin in this age group are scarce and controversial. This study assessed the tuberculin response in preterm infants after BCG vaccination.METHODS: This randomized cohort study was carried out at the Neonatal Department, University Hospital, Federal University of Minas Gerais in Brazil during 2001 and 2002. The BCG vaccine was administered at birth to 65 full-term (control) and 40 preterm newborns. All of them were tested with 5 tuberculin units of purified protein derivative-S approximately 3 months after vaccination.RESULTS: A typical BCG scar was verified in 96.9% of the control group and in 90.0% of the preterm infants (P = 0.19). Indurations > 5 mm in diameter were recorded in 87.7% of the full-term and 67.5% of the preterm infants (P = 0.02). Indurations > 10 mm were recorded in 70.8% of the full-term and 42.5% of the preterm infants (P = 0.007). For indurations > 5 mm the upper and the lower limits of the 95% confidence interval for the difference between proportions were 8.5% to 31.8%, and for indurations > 10 mm these limits were 18.0% to 38.4%. No adverse reactions were observed in the study population.CONCLUSION: BCG vaccination could be recommended for preterm infants upon discharge from the neonatal unit to reduce morbidity and mortality in infants at risk for tuberculous infection, and to increase BCG vaccination coverage rates, especially in countries with high prevalence rates of tuberculosis.  相似文献   

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