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降钙素原在新生儿败血症诊断中的价值   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的为探讨血清降钙索原(PCT)对新生儿败血症早期诊断及鉴别诊断的价值。方法采用免疫色谱法对98例不同程度感染的新生儿进行PCT测定。结果败血症患儿PCT阳性(≥0.5ng/ml)率95%(其中75%≥2ng/ml,1例阴性病例为血培养阳性的脓疱疹患儿,临床无炎性反应表现),局部感染阳性率5.26%,非感染7.69%。所有上呼吸道感染患儿均阴性。新生儿PCT水平在败血症及其他感染患儿间有显著差异。结论PCT是新生儿败血症早期诊断及鉴别诊断有价值的指标。  相似文献   

降钙素原在新生儿感染中的应用价值   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:19  
目的为进一步提高新生儿重症感染的早期诊断率 ,探讨一种快速可靠的方法。方法对以新生儿感染为诊断收入我院新生儿科 (包括NICU)的71例新生儿进行降钙素原 (PCT)的测定 ,并与C反应蛋白 (CRP)进行比较 ,将患儿分为重症感染、一般感染和非感染3组进行分析。结果重症感染组PCT阳性率89.29 % ,一般感染组PCT阳性率54.55 % ,非感染组PCT阳性率9.52 % ,重症感染组PCT阳性率明显高于其他两组 ,3组间PCT值差异有极显著性 (P<0.001)。以0.5ng/ml为临界值,PCT诊断重症感染的敏感度为89.29 %,特异度为67.44 %;以2ng/ml为临界值,诊断重症感染的敏感度为71.43,特异度为90.70 %。与CRP相比 ,PCT诊断感染特别是重症感染的敏感性、特异性更高。结论细菌感染时血清PCT水平会升高 ,特别是全身性重症细菌感染时其升高尤为明显 ,可作为新生儿感染的早期检测指标 ,与CRP相比 ,PCT较其优越性更明显 ,特别对新生儿重症感染如败血症等诊断更有价值。  相似文献   

降钙素原(procalcitonin,PCT)是提示细菌感染的重要炎症标志物,被广泛应用于成人和儿童感染性疾病的诊断,是指导抗生素治疗的参考指标。近年研究表明,PCT作为一种高敏感度及高特异度的炎症标志物,在新生儿败血症的诊断及鉴别诊断、病情判断、预后分析、抗生素使用中也有很好的应用前景。新生儿早期PCT具有生理性升高的特点,了解新生儿PCT的变化特点和影响因素对临床准确判断病情具有重要意义。该文就PCT在新生儿败血症中的应用进展进行综述。  相似文献   

目的 探讨生后3 d内降钙素原(PCT)在新生儿早发型败血症(EOS)中的诊断价值,拟定不同胎龄段新生儿生后不同时龄段PCT诊断EOS的阈值。方法 纳入确诊败血症109例、临床诊断败血症215例、非败血症367例新生儿为研究对象,通过ROC曲线分析不同胎龄段、时龄段新生儿PCT水平诊断EOS的最佳阈值,比较PCT与血培养的诊断价值。结果 确诊组中胎龄<34周患儿PCT水平明显高于胎龄≥ 34周患儿(P < 0.05)。胎龄≥ 34周患儿在不同时龄段<12 h、12~<24 h、24~<36 h、36~<48 h、48~<60 h、60~72 h,PCT诊断EOS的最佳阈值分别为1.588、4.960、5.583、1.710、3.570、3.574 ng/mL,灵敏度分别为0.688、0.737、0.727、0.732、0.488、0.333,特异度分别为0.851、0.883、0.865、0.755、0.930、0.900。生后36 h内PCT的曲线下面积较血培养大(P < 0.05)。结论 晚期早产儿(胎龄≥ 34周)及足月儿在PCT诊断EOS时可采用共同的标准,但早期早产儿(胎龄<34周)需单独考虑。PCT诊断不同时龄段EOS患儿有不同的最佳诊断阈值,生后36 h内PCT在EOS中的诊断价值比血培养高。  相似文献   

降钙素原诊断新生儿败血症的临床价值   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
目的 评价降钙素原(PCT)诊断新生儿败血症的临床价值.方法 选择入院日龄为3~28 d的新生儿.根据新生儿败血症诊断标准进行分组:对照组、局部感染组、单纯败血症组、败血症合并严重并发症组.按预先设定时间段对研究对象采血以分别进行PCT、超敏C反应蛋白(hsCRP)、血培养及血常规检测,并对资料进行统计分析.结果 共入选76例,对照组20例、局部感染组15例、单纯败血症组29例、败血症合并严重并发症组12例.PCT作为新生儿败血症的诊断指标,其灵敏度、特异度、阳性预测值、阴性预测值分别为82.9%、97.1%、97.1%、82.9%,优于hsCRP(80.4%、88.6%、89.2%、79.9%).与hsCRP相比,PCT与败血症的严重程度相关性更强(rPCT=0.859,rhsCRP=0.782),与败血症临床情况更相符(P<0.05).结论 血清PCT作为实验室检测指标,有助于新生儿败血症的临床诊断及治疗.  相似文献   

新生儿败血症血清降钙素原的动态改变   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
目的:探讨新生儿败血症患儿血中降钙素原(procalcitonin PCT)的改变。方法:以放免方法检测24例新生儿败血症患儿血中PCT的改变,同时检测20例缺血缺氧性脑病(HIE)以及16例正常足月儿作为正常对照。结果:新生儿败血症患儿在急性期PCT较正常对照组明显升高[(112.23±10.13) μg/L vs (8.65±2.14) μg/L], (P0.05);而HIE组患儿PCT与正常对照组比较无明显的差别。结论:新生儿败血症患儿在急性期血中PCT明显增高,对败血症的早期诊断有一定的价值。  相似文献   

前降钙素检测在新生儿败血症诊断中的意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
新生儿感染性疾病在新生儿时期发病率高,是引起死亡的主要原因之一,早期诊断和及时治疗是非常必要的,但长期困扰人们的是新生儿感染的早期征象往往不典型和缺乏特异性,比较可靠的实验检查,如血培养,所需的时间长,且假阴性率高。实验发现如果  相似文献   

新生儿感染是引起新生儿死亡的重要原因.目前感染检测指标对新生儿感染的诊断在灵敏性、特异性等方面各有差异.近年来,降钙素原( procalcitonin,PCT)被广泛用于各种感染性疾病的诊断,对新生儿感染的早期诊断的灵敏性、特异性均较高,与新生儿感染的严重程度、感染的发展及疾病的预后具有相关性,可用来衡量治疗效果及预后评估.血清PCT在新生儿期不受母体血清PCT水平高低和窒息缺氧损伤引起的急性炎症反应的影响,仅与新生儿自身细菌感染严重程度有关,对新生儿感染的诊断具有特殊意义.  相似文献   

新生儿败血症血中降钙素原升高   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文对新生儿败血症时血中降钙素原(proCT)的变化进行了初步的探讨 ,现报告如下。材料与方法一、病例的一般情况6 0例实验对象分为 3组 ,第 1组为新生儿败血症组共 2 4例 ,其中早产儿 8例 ,胎龄32~ 35周。第 2组为 2 0例HIE组 ,其中早产儿 1 4例 ,胎龄 31~ 36周 ,中度 6例 ,重度 8例 ,另选 1 6例新生儿作为正常对照 ,其中早产儿 8例。二、血标本的采集与检测败血症及HIE患儿均在入院未接受抗生素治疗前采血静脉 ,分离血清后 30℃放置待检。proCT采用放射免疫法测定 ,试剂购自BRAHMS(Diagnostica ,Ber…  相似文献   

CD64、降钙素原在新生儿败血症诊断中的价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨CD64、血清降钙素原(PCT)在新生儿败血症诊断中的价值。方法败血症组36例在入院初及恢复期采空腹静脉血,应用流式细胞术测定CD64、应用固相免疫色谱法测定PCT,同时行外周血C-反应蛋白(CRP)测定,并在入院接受抗生素治疗前作血培养。非感染组22例和健康对照组26例一次性采血测定CD64、PCT和CRP。结果败血症组CD64水平为(60.37±22.70)平均荧光强度(MFI),明显高于对照组的(23.14±5.10)MFI(P<0.01);败血症组PCT水平为(24.12±20.37)μg/L,明显高于对照组的(0.30±0.19)μg/L(P<0.01);恢复期CD64、PCT水平均明显下降(P均<0.01)。以CD64≥35 MFI、PCT≥0.5μg/L、CRP≥8 mg/L为阳性标准,三项指标对诊断新生儿败血症的敏感度分别为95.7%、94.4%、69.6%,特异度分别为95.8%、84.6%、75.0%。结论 CD64、PCT可作为新生儿败血症早期诊断、判断病情的重要指标。  相似文献   

Aim:   To examine the diagnostic usefulness of procalcitonin (PCT), C-reactive protein and immature to total neutrophil ratio (I : T) in nosocomial sepsis among neonates treated in an intensive care unit.
Methods:   A retrospective analysis and comparison of diagnostic utility performed in preterm neonates using receiver operating characteristic curves for the diagnosis of culture-proven sepsis.
Results:   A total of 78 clinically suspected sepsis episodes in 73 newborns were analysed. The median values of PCT were: 0.56 ng/mL (interquartile range (IQR) 0.33–1.32) in group with aseptic blood culture ( n  = 15), 2.69 ng/mL (IQR 1.10–5.29) in Gram-positive ( n  = 47) and 9.36 ng/mL (IQR 3.11–39.35) in Gram-negative sepsis ( n  = 16). Only PCT values were significantly different ( P  < 0.01) among all groups. This was also true when correction for differences in blood withdrawal time was implemented. The positive and negative predictive values of PCT in the diagnosis of sepsis equalled 97.5% and 88.9%, respectively, for a cut-off value of 0.99 ng/mL. PCT was significantly better in diagnosis of sepsis than I : T ( P  = 0.03). No other significant differences in diagnostic efficacy were noted. The diagnostic efficacy was the highest for measurements made two or more hours since the onset of symptoms.
Conclusions:   The PCT serum concentration is a valuable tool for early detection of nosocomial sepsis in infants. Highest levels of PCT were observed in Gram-negative infections.  相似文献   

目的探讨降钙素原(PCT)在新生儿重症感染时的诊断价值。方法将自2002年3~12月于天津市儿童医院新生儿科住院的229例新生儿分别归入无感染对照组(116例),全身感染组(39例),局部感染组(51例)和病毒感染组(23例)。检测入院时血清PCT和C反应蛋白(CRP),白细胞计数及分类。用SPSS10.0ForWindows进行数据分析。结果在全身感染时,血清PCT和CRP质量浓度升高均有显著性,但PCT显著性更高(P<0.001)。PCT≥2μg/L作为全身感染的诊断依据,其敏感度(0.804)和特异度(0.824)均优于CRP。结论与CRP和白细胞计数相比,PCT是一个较好的新生儿全身细菌感染的诊断指标。  相似文献   

降钙素原在新生儿感染中的应用评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
降钙素原(procalcitonin,PCT)是近年来发现的感染性疾病的标记物,研究认为在细菌所致炎症或感染性疾病中特异性升高,尤其在血流感染、细菌性与非细菌性的鉴别、抗生素的合理使用及预测疾病预后方面有重要作用,是一种有很高应用价值的诊断指标,而PCT在新生儿感染疾病诊断中并没有体现出明显的优势。本文对PCT的构成、体内来源、代谢、实验室检测方法及在新生儿感染中的应用进行综述,以更深刻了解PCT在新生儿感染性疾病诊断中的价值。  相似文献   

Background: In this study, we aimed to evaluate the role of fever, hypothermia, and temperature instability in term and preterm newborns during the first 3 days of life and to identify risk factors for early onset sepsis (EOS) among newborns presenting with these temperature symptoms. Methods: In this retrospective cohort study set in our level III neonatal intensive care unit, we included all newborns hospitalized within the first 24 h of life from 2004 to 2007. Results: Of 851 newborns, 127 presented with temperature symptoms during the first 3 days of life (15%): 69 had fever, 69 had hypothermia, and 55 had temperature instability (8%, 8%, and 6%, respectively). Of 127 newborns presenting with temperature symptoms, 14 had culture‐proven EOS/pneumonia (33% of all 42 newborns with culture‐proven EOS/pneumonia), 67 had clinical EOS (30% of all 209 newborns with clinical EOS) and 46 were EOS‐negative (8% of all 600 EOS‐negatives). Factors associated with culture‐proven EOS/pneumonia in newborns presenting with temperature symptoms were maternal fever (P= 0.009), chorioamnionitis (P < 0.001), antibiotic therapy of the mother (P= 0.04), poor skin color (P= 0.001) and syndrome of persistent fetal circulation (P= 0.01). Conclusions: Every seventh newborn hospitalized at our neonatal intensive care unit developed fever, hypothermia and/or temperature instability during the first 3 days of life. Two‐thirds of them had culture‐proven or clinical sepsis. Temperature symptoms were rarely observed in EOS‐negative newborns (8%) but despite low sensitivity, were highly specific for bacterial infection in preterm and term newborns.  相似文献   



This study tried to assess sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive value of procalcitonin for diagnosis of neonatal bacterial infections.


This prospective cross sectional study was carried out during an 18-month period in NICU and neonatal wards of Besat Hospital in Hamedan province, Iran. 39 symptomatic infants with clinical and laboratory findings in favor of bacterial infection with a positive blood, CSF, and/or supra pubic urine culture entered the study; 32 newborns without any bacterial infection served as control group. Quantitative procalcitonin level ≥0.5 ng/ml was accepted as pathological. Finally sensitivity, specificity, positive (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV) were calculated for procalcitonin test.


20 blood cultures, 17 urine cultures and 8 CSF cultures were positive. Sensitivity, specificity, PPV and NPV for procalcitonin test was 76.9%, 100%, 100% and 78% respectively. Diagnostic value of procalcitonin test in accordance with blood culture for mentioned items was 85%, 100%, 100% and 91.4% respectively. Its diagnostic value according to urine culture was: sensitivity 70.6%, specificity 100%, PPV 100% and NPV 86.4%, and according to CSF culture was: sensitivity 75%, specificity 100%, PPV 100% and NPV 94.1% respectively.


The results show that the procalcitonin test has high sensitivity, specificity, PPV and NPV for diagnosis of neonatal infections.  相似文献   

血清降钙素原判断儿童脓毒症病原学的作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 了解细菌、病毒及支原体感染引起脓毒症血清降钙素原(procalcitonin,PCT)的水平,明确血清PCT判断引起儿童脓毒症常见病原的作用.方法 回顾性分析2011年2月1日至2012年9月1日入住湖南省儿童医院PICU确诊细菌、病毒、支原体感染引起脓毒症患儿330例,检测其入院时及治疗3d后的PCT水平,分析不同血清PCT水平下细菌、病毒及支原体感染引起的脓毒症的分布差异.分析细菌、病毒及支原体感染引起脓毒症的血清PCT水平在入院时与治疗3d时的差异.结果 细菌感染引起的脓毒症血清PCT水平明显升高,病毒及支原体感染引起的血清PCT水平升高不明显,分别为0.71 (8.14) ng/ml、0.15 (1.68) ng/ml、0.28 (1.89) ng/ml.按PCT水平分为0.05~ ng/ml、0.5~ ng/ml、2~ng/ml、10 ~ 300 ng/ml组,四组中细菌、病毒及支原体感染引起的脓毒症的分布不同,差异有统计学意义(x2=84.50,P<0.01).细菌感染引起的脓毒症抗炎治疗3d后,PCT水平较入院时明显下降[0.32(5.68) ng/ml vs 0.71 (8.14) ng/ml],差异有统计学意义(U=19.34,P<0.05).结论 PCT判断儿童脓毒症病原学有一定作用.PCT明显升高及抗炎治疗后PCT明显降低提示细菌感染可能性大,PCT升高不明显以病毒及支原体感染为主,不能完全排除细菌感染.  相似文献   

Disseminated herpes simplex virus infection is a potentially fatal condition which may be difficult to differentiate from bacterial sepsis. We report the case of a neonate with overwhelming herpes simplex (type 2) viraemia who presented with `septic shock'. Conclusion A low procalcitonin level (1.6 ng/ml), inconsistent with bacteraemia, suggests an alternative aetiology and may strengthen the case for antiviral therapy. Received: 28 March 1999 / Accepted: 10 August 1999  相似文献   

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