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BACKGROUND: Craniometric variation in humans reflects different genetic and environmental influences. Long-term climatic adaptation is less likely to show an impact on size and shape variation in a small local area than at the global level. Aim: The aim of this work was to assess the contribution of the particular environmental factors to body height and craniofacial variability in a small geographic area of Croatia. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: A total of 632 subjects, aged 18-21, participated in the survey. Body height, head length, head breadth, head height, head circumference, cephalic index, morphological face height, face breadth, and facial index were analysed regarding geographic, climatic and dietary conditions in different regions of the country, and correlated with the specific climatic variables (cumulative multiyear sunshine duration, cumulative multiyear average precipitation, multiyear average air temperatures) and calcium concentrations in drinking water. Significant differences between groups classified according to geographic, climatic or dietary affiliation, and the impact of the environmental predictors on the variation in the investigated traits were assessed using multiple forward stepwise regression analyses. RESULTS: Higher body height measures in both sexes were significantly correlated with Mediterranean diet type. Mediterranean diet type also contributed to higher head length and head circumference measures in females. Cephalic index values correlated to geographic regions in both sexes, showing an increase from southern to eastern Croatia. In the same direction, head length significantly decreased in males and head breadth increased in females. Mediterranean climate was associated with higher and narrower faces in females. The analysis of the particular climatic variables did not reveal a significant influence on body height in either sex. Concurrently, climatic features influenced all craniofacial traits in females and only head length and facial index in males. Mediterranean climate, characterized by higher average sunshine duration, higher average precipitation and higher average air temperatures, was associated with longer, higher and narrower skulls, higher head circumference, lower cephalic index, and higher and narrower faces (lower facial index). Calcium concentrations in drinking water did not correlate significantly with any dependent variable. CONCLUSION: A significant effect of environmental factors on body height and craniofacial variability was found in Croatian young adult population. This effect was more pronounced in females, revealing sex-specific craniofacial differentiation. However, the impact of environment was low and may explain only 1.0-7.32% variation of the investigated traits.  相似文献   

Background: Different populations show variation in the pattern of change in craniofacial dimensions over time. Earlier studies of craniofacial traits in the Republic of Serbia were carried out, without any particular reference to secular changes.

Aim: The aim of the study is to determine possible changes in craniofacial dimensions among the adult population of Vojvodina (Serbia) during a 33?year period.

Subjects and methods: The findings of the study are based on the comparison of data from two cross-sectional surveys. The earlier research was conducted in 1975 (n?=?2600) and the second from 2001–2006 (n?=?4504). Four craniofacial dimensions and body height were analysed.

Results: In terms of the head dimensions, head length in males has increased substantially, while head breadth has decreased in both sexes. The total change in the cephalic index is 0.58 (males) and 0.48 (females) units per decade. Morphological face height has substantially increased, while face breadth has decreased in both sexes over this period. The total change in the facial index per decade is 0.75 units in males and 0.98 in females.

Conclusion: The results point to a trend of head and face shape remodelling toward a narrower head and more elongated face, consistent with ongoing dolichocephalisation.  相似文献   

革家成年人头面部形态特征的年龄变化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 探讨革家人头面部形态特征随年龄增长而变化的规律。方法 按照国际学术界规定方法,在贵州黄平县共调查了311例(男性为159例,女性为152例)革家成年人38项头面部指标,并计算了12项头面部体质指数,对革家人头面部形态特征的年龄变化进行了初步分析。结果 随年龄增长,革家人有蒙古褶率下降,眼色变浅,上唇皮肤部变高,红唇变薄。革家人形态面高、上唇皮肤部高度、容貌耳长、容貌耳宽与年龄呈正相关,革家人头宽、眼外角间宽、唇高、红唇厚度与年龄呈负相关,革家人额最小宽、下颌角间宽、眼内角间宽、口裂宽、鼻深与年龄无相关。革家人容貌面、形态面、头面宽、头面高指数与年龄呈正相关,头长宽、头长高、口指数与年龄呈负相关。 结论 革家人头面部形态特征随年龄增长呈现一定的变化规律。  相似文献   

山西汉族人头面部形态特征的年龄变化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Objective To study changes of head-face morphological characters with the increasing age. Methods Thirty-eight head-face characteristics of 401 male (150 urban males and 251 rural males) and 402 female adults (153 urban females and 249 rural females) of Han were investigated in Qi county of Shanxi province in August 2009. Twelve physical indices were calculated. Preliminary analysis was carried out to determine head-face characteristics changes with the increasing age. Results The head breadth,minimum frontal breadth, face breadth, external biocular breadth,lip height,thickness of lips and auricular height had negative correlations with age. Head length, nasal breadth, mouth breadth, morphological facial height, nasal height, nasal length, nasal depth, upper lip skin height, physiognomic ear length, physiognomic ear breadth and facia skinfold had positive correlations with age. With increase of the age, Shanxi han nationality’s mongoloid fold rate and external angle rate dropped, the internal angle rate increased, the opening height of eyeslits became narrower, the brown eye rate increased, the black eye rate dropped. The rate of upper lip skin height increased ,but the middle rate and narrow rate decreased. The thin rate of thickness of lips increased obviously, but thick rate fell. The middle rate of breadth of alae nasi increased. Length-breadth index of head, length-height index of head lip index had negative correlations with age. Morphological facial index, and vertical cephalo-facial index had positive correlations with age.Conclusion Changes of the head face morphological charac  相似文献   

A secular change of body height and neurocranial variables was registered in the Croatian population during the last century. We investigated the continuity of this process, and introduced facial measurements into the study. The results cover a 13-year period, from the birth of the subjects in 1974-1986, with a gap in the period from 1977-1981. The subjects were first-year students of the University of Rijeka School of Medicine, aged 19-21 years. Secular changes were evaluated by analysis of variance and multivariate regression analysis. A statistically significant decrease was found in head breadth, and an increase in morphological face height values, in both sexes. A significant increase of head circumference was observed in female students. The height and length of the head in both sexes displayed a slight but insignificant increase, while face breadth revealed no notable change during the investigated period. The results allow an assumption of a trend of cranial vault and face shape remodeling in our younger adult population toward a narrower vault and more elongated face, consistent with ongoing dolichocephalization. The correlation analysis revealed a low to moderate relationship of vertical and longitudinal craniofacial measures and body height, while partial correlation analysis showed facial height changes in our sample to be independent of cranial breadth changes.  相似文献   

贵州习水苗族头面部体质特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 研究贵州习水苗族头面部体质特征是否存在性别差异,以及与我国南方其他5个苗族和贵州其他族群的亲缘关系。 方法 对世居在贵州习水良村镇苗族的357名(男173人,女184人)年龄在20~59岁的苗族进行头面部活体观察和测量(观察项目14项,测量项目19项);采用聚类分析,选择欧氏距离值,比较其间亲缘关系。结果 习水苗族头面部的特征除头长、额最小宽、下颌角间宽、两眼内角宽、鼻长、口裂宽、唇高、全头高、形态面高男女差异无显著性(P >0.05)外,鼻宽、鼻高、鼻深、头耳高男女性别差异显著(0.01<P <0.05),而头宽、两耳屏宽、面宽、两眼外角宽、容貌面高以及头水平围男女性别差异极显著( P <0.01); 习水苗族男女以直发为主,大部分头发为黑色,前额发际多为直型;大部为浅色皮肤,以黑褐色眼色为主;眼裂倾斜度以外角高于内角为主,上眼睑大部分有皱褶,且多为短睫毛;鼻梁形态,男性多为凸型,女性多为直型,以上翘的鼻尖方向为主,鼻孔形状大部分为卵圆形;上唇皮肤部突出以正唇为主,且红唇厚度大多为中等;耳垂形状以三角形多见。男性头型以特圆型、女性以圆型多见;面型都以阔面型为主;都属中鼻型。结论 习水苗族头面部体质特征有些存在性别差异和差异显著;男性与贵州王卡苗族,女性与贵州布依族亲缘关系最近。  相似文献   

We studied somatometric measurements of the head and face in Japanese adolescents. We obtained craniofacial measurements of 164 children (82 males and 82 females, from 12 to 14 years of age) from the junior high school in Ayase City (Kanagawa prefecture). In order to have adult data with which to compare, we measured 56 dental students (28 males and 29 females, 20 years of age) from Showa University in Tokyo. We found that head breadth reached adult size at 14 years of age, but, in males, head length increased continuously after 14 years of age. Bizigomatic breadth increased from 12 to 20 years of age. Bigonial breadth had almost completed its growth during adolescence. Face depth grew more slowly than face breadth. From these results, it was clear that craniofacial breadth increased earlier than length. Sexual dimorphism in craniofacial size increased according to age, while sexual difference in the index decreased according to age. A comparison of 3 different generations (40 years ago, 20 years ago, and today) showed brachycephalization and secular change of head breadth and facial measurements. These findings were more evident in females than in males.  相似文献   

目的:木雅人与尔苏人属于我国未识别族群,对其体质特征进行研究。方法:研究组在四川省石棉县调查了木雅人157例(男77例,女80例)与尔苏人120例(男69例,女51例)的86项体质指标,初步分析了木雅人与尔苏人的体质特征。结果:木雅人上眼睑皱褶率男性为74.03%、女性为68.75%,尔苏人上眼睑皱褶率男性为81.16%、女性为72.55%。木雅人蒙古褶率男性为46.75%、女性为31.25%,尔苏人蒙古褶率男性为56.52%、女性为62.75%。木雅人与尔苏人男女眼裂高度以中等为主,眼外角高于眼内角,鼻根高度以中等型为主。木雅人与尔苏人多为直形鼻梁。木雅人与尔苏人男性颧骨体不突出,而女性颧骨体则发达适中,鼻翼高约占鼻高的1/4,多为中等。木雅人与尔苏人男女鼻翼宽与两眼内角间距几乎等长,耳垂多为圆形耳垂,眼色多为褐色。根据各项指数均值,木雅人男女均为中头型、正头型、阔头型、中鼻型、宽胸型、宽肩型与中腿型。据头宽高指数均值,尔苏人男女均为中头型。据形态面指数,尔苏人男性为中面型,女性为狭面型。据鼻指数均值,尔苏人男女均为中鼻型。据身高胸围指数均值,尔苏人男女均为宽胸型。据马式躯干腿长指数均值,尔苏人男女均为中腿型。结论:木雅人与尔苏人男性与女性体质特征相近,欧氏距离平方最小,与京族、客家人距离较近。通过聚类分析两个族群的体质特征位于南北两大族群之间,属于藏彝走廊类型。  相似文献   

目的:对藏族青年人的头面部特征进行美容学分析,为藏族体质人类学、民族美容学和整形外科研究积累资料。方法:活体观察,活体测量,数码摄像和电脑测量分析。结果:藏族青年面部的黄金比例,除外眦距/面宽,口裂宽/眼外眦两项与黄金比例差异较大外,其余均接近标准(0.618);男性面上下部较长,中间较短。女性下部最长,男女性中央部较窄,外侧较宽,但面部整体左右对称较好;藏族青年鼻、唇和颏三者位置关系较高的符合美容学要求。同时,我们对面部纵横行方向的数据进行相关性分析,得出28组回归方程。结论:初步得出了藏族青年人头面部特征和美容学数据库。  相似文献   

目的 通过数字化三维重建与测量分析内蒙古地区正常蒙古族青年大学生面部解剖学参数,评价面部性别差异,以便对外科美容整形、颌面部正畸等提供解剖学参考依据。完善面部轮廓数据库,为现代蒙古族青年男女面部整形提供美学参考。 方法 对60名(男30例,女30例)蒙古族青年大学生采用面部三维扫描,利用软件测量头宽、形态面长等12项指标以及头面部指数,并进行指标的相关性分析,对比不同地区民族之间的面部差异。 结果 内蒙古地区蒙古族青年大学生左右侧眼裂宽分别为(31.76±4.81)mm、(31.47±4.34)mm,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);男女眼裂宽分别为(35.49±2.74)mm、(27.74±1.99)mm,男性大于女性,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。性别间比较头宽、容貌面长、面宽、形态面长、眼外角间宽,男性大于女性,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。计算出男女性鼻指数分别为72.55±1.63、73.14±1.21,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),头面宽指数、形态面指数、额面指数、唇指数,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。根据形态面指数分型,男性阔面型多见占46.67%,女性超阔面型多见占56.67%;根据鼻指数分型,男女性中鼻型多见分别占50%和53.33%。 结论 内蒙古地区蒙古族青年大学生面部三维指标,男性普遍大于女性;男性形态面指数分型多见阔面型,女性形态面指数分型多见超阔面型;鼻指数分型男女性均多见中鼻型。与其他民族相比,蒙古族男女性都存在面宽较宽的特征。  相似文献   

This study is a comparison of several anthropometric variables in school children of the same age (7–10 years) and sex measured in two primary schools in Cagliari (Sardinia, Italy) at an interval of 20 years (1996 vs. 1975–1976). For both males and females of each age-class, there are significant differences in the following dimensions: weight, stature, estimated lower limb length, biacromial breadth, xiphoid chest circumference, xiphoid chest depth, and bicristal breadth, and also in relative sitting height, cephalic index, and facial index. The means of the relative sitting height, cephalic, and facial indexes are higher in the children measured in 1975–1976 than in those measured in 1996. There are no significant differences in sitting height and arm length. In addition, the estimated BMIs of the 1975–1976 sample are, on average, lower than those of the 1996 sample. The results suggest that urban Sardinian children sampled in 1996 are generally taller, heavier, and larger and have a longer head and wider face than their peers of 20 years earlier. The increase in stature is due more to an increase in lower limb length than in sitting height. Am J. Hum. Biol. 12:782–791, 2000. © 2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

《Annals of human biology》2013,40(6):754-766
Background: Human craniofacial morphology is characterized by considerable diversity among individuals. The ENPP1 gene is essential for bone physiology. However, the potential effects of its genetic variants on head size phenotypes have not yet been studied.

Aim: The aim of this research was to investigate the association of polymorphisms in the ENPP1 locus with normal variability of craniofacial phenotypes.

Subjects and methods: Fourteen SNPs and 13 haplotypes in the ENPP1 locus were tested for association with six head size traits in 1042 Western Eurasian individuals.

Results: The most significant and consistent association was observed between upper facial height and the polymorphisms located near the promoter region and upstream from ENPP1 gene (p = 0.00009), which remained significant after adjustment for multiple testing. Additionally, association signals were detected between head breadths and lower face height, and markers residing in or close to the promoter and 3 untranslated regions of the ENPP1 gene (p < 0.05).

Conclusions: The findings obtained in this study suggest that the upstream, promoter and 3 untranslated regions in the ENPP1 locus harbor genetic variants affecting different aspects of craniofacial morphology. Further research is required to validate the relevancy of the potentially functional ENPP1 regions to normal and pathologic craniofacial growth.  相似文献   

Background: Highland child populations show low growth rates.

Aim: To evaluate the variation of size, mass and body surface area of Jujenean infants (1–4 years) as a function of geographic altitude.

Subjects and methods: Nutritional status of 8059 healthy infants was determined based on weight and height data; body mass index, ponderal index, body surface area, body surface area/mass and ectomorphy were calculated. Variables were standardized with a provincial mean and WHO references. Data were grouped by age, sex and geographic altitude: Highlands (≥2500?masl) and Lowlands (<2500?masl). Chi-square, correlation and t-tests were applied.

Results: Highlands infants had higher prevalence of stunting, reduced height, weight, body surface area and ectomorphy; also higher body mass index, ponderal index and body surface area/mass. The population average z-score for height, weight and body surface area was positive in Lowlands and negative in Highlands. The opposite happened with body mass index, ponderal index and body surface area/mass. In Highlands and Lowlands the average z-score reference was negative for weight and height and positive for body mass index. Correlations between indices were high and significant, higher in Highlands.

Conclusion: Jujenean children differ in size, mass and body surface area based on the geographical altitude and adverse nutritional and socioeconomic factors.  相似文献   

Path analysis of 12 cranio-facial measurements from a sample of nuclear families and twins from Andhra Pradesh, India is used to test hypotheses about the familial transmission of these traits. For bigonial breadth and ear dimensions, the transmission from parent to child is consistent with simple autosomal polygenic inheritance, but length, breadth and circumference of the head, facial breadth and nose dimensions show evidence of transmission in excess of polygenic expectations. Additional non-transmissible resemblance of sibling pairs is not significant for any of the variables, but twin pairs do exhibit significant additional resemblance for head circumference, head length, minimum frontal breadth, bizygomatic breadth and ear dimensions. The effect of interobserver measurement differences can be detected for head breadth, minimum frontal breadth, bigonial breadth, total facial height and nose dimensions.  相似文献   

Path analysis of 12 cranio-facial measurements from a sample of nuclear families and twins from Andhra Pradesh, India is used to test hypotheses about the familial transmission of these traits. For bigonial breadth and ear dimensions, the transmission from parent to child is consistent with simple autosomal polygenic inheritance, but length, breadth and circumference of the head, facial breadth and nose dimensions show evidence of transmission in excess of polygenic expectations. Additional non-transmissible resemblance of sibling pairs is not significant for any of the variables, but twin pairs do exhibit significant additional resemblance for head circumference, head length, minimum frontal breadth, bizygomatic breadth and ear dimensions. The effect of interobserver measurement differences can be detected for head breadth, minimum frontal breadth, bigonial breadth, total facial height and nose dimensions.  相似文献   

Phenotypic variability in children with Prader‐Willi syndrome (PWS) was investigated with respect to variable expression of the contiguous gene syndrome and trait variance. In a prospective study, parent/child resemblance of anthropometric and psychometric measures was analyzed in 22 children with PWS (11 females and 11 males; 18 deletions, 4 uniparental disomy (UPD)) and in a control group (88 females and 88 males). The average child‐midparent Z‐score difference for height in females was –1.9 and in males –0.9, head circumference –1.7 and –1.0, and body mass index (BMI) 2.3 and 2.7, respectively. Intellectual performance of females and males was, on average, –2.7 and –2.6 below maternal performance. Range and standard deviation were moderately increased for height and head circumference, doubled for BMI, and unchanged for IQ. Parent/child correlations for anthropometric and psychometric measurements in the study group did not significantly differ from those of the control group. Exceptions were higher correlations between mothers and daughters for height (P < 0.05) and BMI (P < 0.01), and lower correlations for head circumference between midparent values and daughters (P < 0.05) than in the control group. In conclusion, parent–child resemblance in growth and intellectual development among children with PWS was found to be comparable to that noted in the normal population, indicating a strong determination by trait variance. Children with PWS differed significantly with respect to a lower trait level and—with the exception of IQ—a larger variability. The latter may indicate a variable expression of the contiguous gene syndrome. Am. J. Med. Genet. 91:298–304, 2000. © 2000 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

目的 获得阿克陶县塔吉克族成人的头面部体质人类学特征,并通过与其他人群的聚类分析探讨其族源问题。 方法 按照《人体测量方法》对新疆阿克陶县286名塔吉克族成人(男121人,女165人)的12项头面部形态观察指标、19项头面部测量指标、12项头面部指数及其分型进行调查分析。 结果 阿克陶县塔吉克族成人头长、头宽、头高、额最小宽、面宽、下颌角间宽、鼻宽、口裂宽、耳上头高、容貌面高、形态面高、鼻长、鼻高、容貌耳长、容貌耳宽、颧部突出度、鼻根高度、鼻背侧面观、鼻基底方向等指标具有性别间差异(P<0.05);阿克陶县与塔什库尔干县塔吉克族相比:颧部突出度、眼裂倾斜度、鼻根高度、鼻基底方向、鼻孔最大径、耳垂分型、头宽高指数分型、形态面指数分型、鼻指数分型等头面部类型指标存在地区间差异(P<0.05);聚类分析结果显示塔吉克族具有独特的头面部特征,单独聚为一类,并与伊朗人较相似。 结论 阿克陶县塔吉克族具有欧罗巴人种的头面部特征,阿克陶县塔吉克族与塔什库尔干县塔吉克族的头面部特征有一定差异,从头面部特征看可能与东伊朗部族人群具有亲缘关系。  相似文献   

目的:研究中国城市汉族人的身高、体质量与纬度的相关性。方法:根据随机采样原则,按照《人体测量方法》的规定,2009年~2013年在中国22个省共31个地区测量了10 451例城市汉族人的身高、体质量等20项指标值,并计算了7项指数和体脂率。结果:随纬度增加,男性、女性的头部、面部、躯干、下肢的高度值均增大,共同导致身高与纬度呈正相关。下肢全长增加的速度均超过身高增加的速度,北方汉族人的下肢占身高的比例大于南方汉族。随纬度增加,汉族城市人身体脂肪逐渐增多,胸腔、腹腔内脏器官和脂肪的体积增加、躯干宽度增大、躯干骨骼增重、臀部肌肉及脂肪增多;女性上臂、背部、腹部、小腿的皮下脂肪厚度呈线性增加,男性背部皮下脂肪厚度随纬度增加而呈线性增厚,男性大腿骨骼、女性上臂骨骼变得粗大,女性上臂肌肉逐渐发达,这些变化共同导致了体质量与纬度呈正相关。结论:汉族城市成年男性、女性的身高、体质量均与纬度呈正相关。  相似文献   

江西汉族体质特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨江西城市、乡村汉族的体质特征.方法 按照Martin、<人体测量手册>和<人体测量方法>规定的方法,2010年5月赴江西省丰城市调查了城市汉族307例(男性151例,女性156例)、乡村汉族398例(男性203例,女性195例)成人86项体质指标.结果 江西汉族上眼睑皱褶率中等,有蒙古褶率较低,眼裂高度多为中等型;半数人为水平眼裂,鼻根高度中等型率最高;鼻背侧面观多为直型;颧骨突出度约一半为中等型,鼻基部多水平;鼻翼高度多为中等,鼻孔最大径多为斜位,耳垂圆形率最高;发色多为黑色,眼色多为褐色、肤色以黄色率与浅黄色率接近;鼻翼宽以中等型率最高;上唇皮肤部高度多为中等型,红唇厚度多为窄型.江西男女性均为圆头型、高头型、中头型、中面型、中鼻型.汉族城市男性与女性均为中等身材,农村男性与女性均为亚中等身材.城乡男女性均为长躯干型、中骨盆宽型、中胸型.城市男性、城市女性还为窄肩型、亚短腿型,乡村男性还为中肩型、中腿型.乡村女性还为中肩型、亚短腿型.头面部和身体高度、宽度方面的指标方面,江西汉族较接近南亚类型族群,而头面部、体部指数方面,显示江西汉族体质也受到北亚类型族群的一定影响.结论 江西汉族人具有南亚类型族群的体质特征.  相似文献   

李咏兰  刘璐 《解剖学报》2019,50(1):98-106
目的 探讨中国蒙古族头面部体质人类学特征以及蒙古族各个族群头面部体质指标值的差异。 方法 对蒙古族17个族群的12项头面部测量指标(头长、头宽、面宽、额最小宽、形态面高、鼻高、鼻宽、眼内角间宽、容貌耳长、唇高、口宽、耳上头高)的均值进行聚类分析与主成分分析。 结果 东北三省的杜尔伯特部、郭尔罗斯部、阜新蒙古族、喀左县蒙古族的头宽、面宽、鼻宽值较小,口宽、额最小宽值小,两眼之间的距离近。北方汉族与科尔沁部头面部特征最为接近。巴尔虎部、鄂尔多斯部和青海和硕特部的头宽、面宽、鼻宽值大,而口宽、额最小宽值小,两眼之间的距离较近。布里亚特部、额济纳土尔扈特部、赤峰蒙古族、东北汉族、锡林郭勒蒙古族的共同特点是头、面、鼻较宽或中等,口宽、额最小宽值大,两眼之间的距离大。新疆察哈尔部和土尔扈特部的头宽、面宽、鼻宽值小,而口宽、额最小宽值中等,两眼之间的距离中等。云南蒙古族头面部特征与北方各个蒙古族族群差距较大。 结论 按照头面部特征可以将蒙古族分为3个大组。主成分分析表明,头面部和五官的宽度指标是区分蒙古族各个族群头面部形态特征的主要依据。北方汉族与蒙古族头面部特征有一定的共性。总体上来说,蒙古族面高、鼻高、形态面高均值与东亚类型均值接近,而不是与北亚类型接近。  相似文献   

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