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Potential consequences of the deregulation of advertising by doctors are examined using the example of practitioners who promote cosmetic procedures by exploiting body image concerns in a society that is both ageing and youth-oriented.  相似文献   

Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), which spans a spectrum of conditions ranging from simple steatosis to progressive nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), is the most common chronic liver disease and a relevant public health issue. The prevalence of NAFLD depends on adiposity, age, gender and ethnicity. The natural history of liver disease in those with NAFLD critically depends on liver histological changes. However, cardiovascular mortality is increased in NAFLD, particularly in middle-aged adults. Against such a background, this review consists of three sections. First, data on NAFLD as a novel mechanism of increased cardiovascular risk via hyperinsulinism, pro-thrombotic potential, and subclinical inflammation are summarized. Next, the role of atherogenic liver in the development of manifestations of oxidative stress and atherosclerosis is emphasized. Finally, whether and how treating NAFLD will mechanistically result in reduced cardiovascular risk through ameliorated metabolic syndrome is discussed.  相似文献   

Mitnovetski O  Nicol D 《Journal of medical ethics》2004,30(5):470-5; discussion 475-7
"No one has advanced a just and logical reason why reward for service to the public should be extended to the inventor of a mechanical toy and denied to the genius whose patience, foresight, and effort have given a valuable new [discovery] to mankind" (Katopis CJ. Patents v patents: policy implications of recent patent legislation. St John's Law Review 1997;71:329). The law around the world permits the granting of patents for drugs, medical devices, and cosmetic treatment of the human body. At the same time, patentability for a method of treatment of the same body is denied in some countries on various public policy grounds. Is there any logical justification for this distinction? Are methods of medical treatment not as vital to the health or even to the life of a patient as drugs or medical devices? Why is a cosmetic result patentable and a curative result not?  相似文献   

Malaria remains the third leading cause of death attributable to an infectious disease worldwide, with an estimated death toll of over 2 million per year, predominately in sub-Saharan Africa. The first serious attempt to eradicate this disease was unsuccessful, and 50 years later in 1998 a second programme coined "roll back malaria" was started. While this programme is at present unlikely to reach its stated aims, the completion of the genome sequencing projects on the human host, the mosquito vector, and the malaria parasite offers new hope. It is probable that the burden of disease caused by the most malignant form of the parasite Plasmodium falciparum can be, if not eliminated, then effectively suppressed within a generation through new and novel treatments aimed at all three arms of malaria control.  相似文献   

Coding and billing of a patient placed in "observation" status can be confusing, especially in a busy Emergency Department. If physicians know the rules related to observation status, they can avoid denials or accusations of false claims. Documenting either "admit to observation" or "admit for observation" can be interpreted differently for admission status and billing services. From a billing prospective, writing "admit for observation" would be interpreted as an inpatient admission (if the documentation throughout the medical record is consistent with inpatient status). If the order states "admit to observation," this normally would be interpreted as an order for outpatient observation. Physicians are encouraged to write admission orders that clearly state the level of services intended; for example, wording such as "place in outpatient observation" or "admit as inpatient," to clearly convey the physician's intent.  相似文献   

Throughout the 1960s and 1970s, pigbel (enteritis necroticans) was the most common cause of death in children over the age of 1 year in hospitals in the highlands of Papua New Guinea (PNG). There has been recent widespread perception that after the successful vaccination program in the 1980s the disease virtually disappeared. A new vaccine is now available, but disease burden information is conflicting: despite almost no pigbel being reported from major hospitals there have been many reports of the disease from outlying health centres. This study aimed to provide information on the disease burden of pigbel in PNG, so that appropriate vaccine policy decisions could be made. We conducted a 12-month prospective study of all cases of acute abdomen in children presenting to 38 health facilities, 29 health centres and 9 hospitals in the highlands. Children were eligible for inclusion if they were aged 1-12 years and had abdominal pain of less than 2 weeks' duration. A standardized case definition of pigbel was used to distinguish cases of acute abdominal pain very likely to be due to pigbel from cases very likely to be accounted for by other diagnoses (such as gastroenteritis, typhoid, dysentery, intussusception, urinary tract infection and others). A total of 119 cases of acute abdomen were reported from 17 of the 38 health facilities involved. Of these 119 cases 11 met the criteria for pigbel and a further 8 were probable cases. There were 4 deaths among the 119 children with acute abdomen: 2 from definite pigbel, 1 from probable pigbel and the other due to complications of measles. In 2002 pigbel was the cause of between 9% and 16% of presentations with acute abdominal pain in children in the PNG highlands. The overall disease burden of pigbel was relatively small (19 definite or probable cases and 3 deaths in 12 months). However, there was substantial geographical clustering of cases: more than 50% of the definite cases occurred in children living within three electorates on the Western Highlands-Enga provincial border, no more than 40 km from each other. This study will be useful in planning pigbel vaccine policy and future surveillance.  相似文献   



Cystic lesions of the pancreas resembling intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms (IPMN) have been reported to develop in an increased rate following liver transplantation and immunosuppression. The cause for this possible association is thus far elusive.

Presentation of the case

We report on a 60-year-old male patient who developed an extensive multicystic change of the entire pancreas, suspicious for IPMN, under follow-up after liver transplantation for secondary sclerosing cholangitis. A total pancreaduodenectomy with splenectomy was performed. The postoperative histopathological assessment revealed a multifocal branch duct IPMN of the gastric subtype showing low-grade dysplasia.


In the absence of evidence-based guidelines for the management of suspected IPMNs in liver transplant recipients, each patient’s management should be discussed in detail.


Prospective studies may help to understand the disease and identify risk factors for malignant transformation in IPMNs after liver transplantation for treatment optimization.  相似文献   



Due to organ shortage, average waiting time for a kidney in Germany is about 4 years after start of dialysis. Number of kidney grafts recovered can only be maintained by accepting older and expanded criteria donors. The aim of this study was to analyse the impact of donor and recipient risk on kidney long-term function.


All deceased kidney transplantations were considered. We retrospectively studied 332 patients between 2002 and 2006; divided in 4 groups reflecting donor and recipient risk.


Non-marginal recipients were less likely to receive a marginal organ (69 of 207, 33%) as compared to marginal recipients, of whom two-thirds received a marginal organ (p < 0.0001). Graft function significantly differed between the groups, but detrimental effect of marginal recipient status on eGFR after 12 months (-6 ml/min/1.73 qm, 95% CI -2 to -9) was clearly smaller than the effect of marginal donor status (-10 ml/min/1.73 qm, 95% CI -7 to -14).


As we were able to show expanded criteria donor has a far bigger effect on long-term graft function than the "extra risk" recipient. Although there have been attempts to define groups of recipients who should be offered ECD kidneys primarily the discussion is still ongoing.  相似文献   

Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is one of the most common hepatic disorders in the United States, but uncertainty remains as to the optimal way to manage it. Using the case of Mr T, a 60-year-old man with obesity, diabetes mellitus, and increased serum transaminase levels, an evidence-based approach to diagnosis and treatment is discussed. Diagnosis of NAFLD is based on patient clinical profile and risk factors for metabolic syndrome, the exclusion of other liver diseases, radiologic imaging and sometimes biopsy. At this point in Mr T's disease, the most important step is differentiation between simple steatosis and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). Simple steatosis has a benign natural history, but NASH is progressive and may lead to cirrhosis, liver failure, and liver cancer. An evidence-based approach to treatment is limited by lack of large randomized trials, particularly of combinations of therapies, but weight loss, exercise, and medical therapies targeted at the mechanism of liver injury in NASH are recommended. Improved noninvasive diagnostic tests, a clearer understanding of the natural history of NAFLD, and large, well-designed clinical trials are needed.  相似文献   

Subfertilitycanbecausedbyacquiredorgeneticfactors Ychromosomemicrodeletionisoneofthegeneticfactorsassociatingwithmaleinfertility 1 Azoospermiafactors(AZFa ,AZFbandAZFc)havebeenmappedtodifferentsubregionsinYq11 2  Sofar ,twogenefamilies ,RNA bindingmotif (RBM)a…  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to ascertain and appraise the ethical issues inherent to the utilisation of preimplantation genetic diagnosis for gender selection in infertile patients anticipating undergoing a medically indicated assisted reproductive technique procedure. Performance of preimplantation genetic diagnosis per request specifically for gender selection by an infertile couple undergoing medically indicated assisted reproductive technique may not breach the principles of ethics, and is unlikely to alter the population balance of sexes.  相似文献   

Facelifts, tummy tucks and breast enlargements are no longer the privilege of the rich and the famous. Any woman can have all these and many more cosmetic surgical treatments, and an increasing number of women do. Are they having cosmetic surgery because they are duped by a male-dominated beauty system, or do they genuinely choose these operations themselves? Feminists (and others) give diametrically opposed answers to this question. At the heart of the controversy, or so I claim in this article, lies a conceptual problem about free choice; therefore, the only thing that can settle it is a conceptual analysis of "freedom". After having briefly outlined the views of both sides of the debate, I offer such an analysis. Key Words: Cosmetic surgery ? lifestyle ? free choice ? coercion  相似文献   

Objective: To evaluate the effect of a new-type sutureless magnetic bilioenteric anastomosis stent that was used to reconstruct the bilioenteric continuity (primarily under the circumstances of severe inflammation after acute bile duct injury in dogs ). Methods: Establishing an animal model of acute bile duct injury with severe inflammation and bile peritonitis in dogs. The newtype sutureless magnetic bilioenteric anastomosis stent was used to reconstruct the bilioenteric continuity primarily. Results: The experiment group anastomosis healed well with a mild local inflammation reaction, and the collagen lined up in order without the occurrence of observable bile leakage and infection. Conclusion: It was safe and feasible to use the new-type anastomosis stent to reconstruct the bilioenteric continuity primarily under the circumstances of severe inflammation after acute bile duct injury in dogs.  相似文献   

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