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The aging-induced decrease in non-shivering thermogenic capacity was prevented in the genetically CCK-A receptor deficient, diabetic obese OLETF rats, provably by an increase in the responsiveness of BAT to glucagon. The potential metabolic capacities can be sustained until aged period.  相似文献   

IntroductionBrown adipose tissue (BAT) is a thermogenic organ with substantial metabolic capacity and has important roles in the maintenance of body weight and metabolism. Regulation of BAT is primarily mediated through the β-adrenoceptor (β-AR) pathway. The in vivo endocrine regulation of this pathway in humans is unknown. The objective of our study was to assess the in vivo BAT temperature responses to acute glucocorticoid administration.MethodsWe studied 8 healthy male volunteers, not pre-selected for BAT presence or activity and without prior BAT cold-activation, on two occasions, following an infusion with hydrocortisone (0.2 mg.kg 1.min 1 for 14 h) and saline, respectively. Infusions were given in a randomized double-blind order. They underwent assessment of supraclavicular BAT temperature using infrared thermography following a mixed meal, and during β-AR stimulation with isoprenaline (25 ng.kg fat-free mass 1.min 1 for 60 min) in the fasting state.ResultsDuring hydrocortisone infusion, BAT temperature increased both under fasting basal conditions and during β-AR stimulation. We observed a BAT temperature threshold, which was not exceeded despite maximal β-AR activation. We conclude that BAT thermogenesis is present in humans under near-normal conditions. Glucocorticoids modulate BAT function, representing important physiological endocrine regulation of body temperature at times of acute stress.  相似文献   

Despite the importance of brown adipose tissue (BAT) in the regulation of thermogenesis and energy expenditure in both newborn and adult mammals, the functional ontogenesis of this tissue is largely unknown. In the present study, we describe the maturation of several aspects of BAT thermogenesis in fetal and newborn sheep. Cell respiration of brown adipocytes isolated from perirenal BAT was measured using a Gilson differential respirometer. Cells were isolated from four fetal animals at 121-124 days gestation (group 1), five fetal animals at 137-140 days gestation (group 2), and five newborns between birth and 4 days of age (group 3). In addition to basal oxygen consumption, in vitro cell respiration also was measured after the addition of norepinephrine (NE), (Bu)2cAMP, alpha-glycerophosphate (alpha GP), and butyric acid. Mean (+/- SEM) basal respiration (in microliters of O2 per 10(6) cells/h) increased from 11 +/- 1 in group 1 to 31 +/- 2 in group 2 and 45 +/- 7 in group 3. Cell volume increased from 9 +/- 1 pl in group 1 to 13 +/- 2 pl in group 2 and 18 +/- 2 pl in group 3. After adjustment for variations in basal respiration due to differences in cell volume, basal respiration in group 2 was greater than that in group 1 and equal to that in group 3. Maximal NE (10(-6) M)-stimulated respiration increased from 74 +/- 16 in group 1 to 294 +/- 47 in group 2. Maximal NE-stimulated respiration in group 3 (133 +/- 30) was less than that in group 2, but equal to that in group 1. (Bu)2cAMP-stimulated respiration increased from 51 +/- 12 in group 1 to 175 +/- 22 in group II, with no further increase in group III. Neither NE- nor (Bu)2cAMP-stimulated respiration varied significantly with cell volume. alpha GP substrate respiration demonstrated significant increases from group 1 to group 2, with another significant increase in Group 3. Butyric acid substrate respiration in group 1 was less than those measured in groups 2 and 3, while respiration values in groups 2 and 3 were equal. After adjustments for variations due to differences in cell volume, the patterns of development of both alpha GP and butyric acid substrate respiration were unaltered. The following conclusions were reached 1) Full maturation of BAT catecholamine-stimulated cellular respiration occurs before delivery near term in the ovine fetus. 2) In the neonatal lamb, a decrease in catecholamine-stimulated respiration occurs without a decrease in (Bu)2cAMP-stimulated respiration. This suggests that a decrease in BAT sensitivity to NE occurs after delivery at the receptor adenyl cyclase level. 3) The perinatal increase in alpha GP substrate respiration without an increase in butyric acid substrate respiration suggests that mitochondrial alpha-glycerophosphate dehydrogenase activity is increased. This was confirmed by measuring increased alpha-glycerophosphate dehydrogenase activity in crude BAT mitochondrial fractions in group 3 animals.  相似文献   

The effects of exogenous changes in thyroid status on in vitro brown adipose tissue (BAT) cellular respiration and thermogenic enzymes (sodium-potassium ATP' ase and alpha-glycerophosphate dehydrogenase) were studied in fetal sheep. Thyroidectomy and insertion of a constant infusion pump followed by 8 days of infusion of either T3 (n = 7) or vehicle (n = 4) were performed in fetal lambs at 119-121 days gestation. The animals were then killed, and perirenal BAT was removed for study. T3 infusion resulted in a mean plasma T3 concentration of 322 +/- 52 ng/dl compared to levels at the limits of detection (9 ng/dl) in the vehicle-infused animals. Basal respiration values with or without ouabain were similar in the two groups. Maximum mean norepinephrine (NE; 10(-6) M)-stimulated respiration (110.2 +/- 11.6 microliter O2/10(6) cells X h) in the T3-treated group was greater than stimulated mean respiration (55.3 +/- 15.6 microliter O2/10(6) cells X h) in the untreated animals (P less than 0.02). NE-stimulated respiration in the presence of ouabain (i.e. nonsodium transport-dependent respiration) was increased in the T3-treated animals (P less than 0.01), while sodium transport-dependent respiration was not different. (Bu)2cAMP-stimulated respiration was greater in the T3-treated group (P less than 0.001), while alpha-glycerophosphate substrate respiration was not different. Mitochondrial alpha-glycerophosphate dehydrogenase and Na-K-ATPase activities were similar. These studies demonstrate that BAT catecholamine-stimulated respiration is influenced by thyroid status in the ovine fetus. The increase in both NE- and (Bu)2cAMP-stimulated respiration suggests a postreceptor effect on intracellular metabolism, though an effect on beta-adrenergic receptors also might have occurred. Neither sodium transport (NA-K-ATPase)-dependent respiration nor mitochondrial alpha-glycerophosphate dehydrogenase appear to be involved. These data suggest that the relative hyperthyroid state that occurs in the newborn of both man and sheep may be important through its effects on BAT metabolism to insure adequate temperature regulation during neonatal adaptation.  相似文献   



Adiponectin is an adipocyte-derived hormone that plays an important role in energy homeostasis. The main objective of this study was to investigate whether or not adiponectin regulates brown adipose tissue (BAT) activation and thermogenesis.


Core body temperatures (CBTs) of genetic mouse models were monitored at room temperature and during cold exposure. Cultured brown adipocytes and viral vector-mediated gene transduction were used to study the regulatory effects of adiponectin on Ucp1 gene expression and the underlying mechanisms.


The CBTs of adiponectin knockout mice (Adipoq ?/?) were significantly higher than those of wild type (WT) mice both at room temperature and during the cold (4°C) challenge. Conversely, reconstitution of adiponectin in Adipoq ?/? mice significantly blunted β adrenergic receptor agonist-induced thermogenesis of interscapular BAT. After 10 days of intermittent cold exposure, Adipoq ?/? mice exhibited higher UCP1 expression and more brown-like structure in inguinal fat than WT mice. Paradoxically, we found that the anti-thermogenic effect of adiponectin requires neither AdipoR1 nor AdipoR2, two well-known adiponectin receptors. In sharp contrast to the anti-thermogenic effects of adiponectin, AdipoR1 and especially AdipoR2 promote BAT activation. Mechanistically, adiponectin was found to inhibit Ucp1 gene expression by suppressing β3-adrenergic receptor expression in brown adipocytes.


This study demonstrates that adiponectin suppresses thermogenesis, which is likely to be a mechanism whereby adiponectin reduces energy expenditure.  相似文献   

Presenting rats with a 0.9 per cent sodium chloride solution to drink instead of water had little or no effect on body weight gain and food intake, but resting oxygen consumption and total energy expenditure (corrected for body size) were elevated, and thermogenic responses to both noradrenaline and a meal were enhanced. Brown adipose tissue (BAT) mass and protein content were significantly elevated in saline treated rats, but mitochondrial GDP-binding capacity was depressed. Basal Na+, K+-ATPase activity was slightly increased in BAT homogenates from rats given saline, but noradrenaline-stimulated enzyme activity was much greater than control values. In rats drinking 1.8 per cent saline, energy intake, body weight gain and the efficiency of gain (g gain/MJ eaten) were all markedly depressed. BAT mass, corrected for differences in body size, was slightly greater than controls and the protein content of BAT was increased by 45 per cent. Rats allowed 0.9 per cent saline to drink for 7 d, and then presented with a palatable cafeteria diet, showed a more rapid rise in metabolic rate than cafeteria-fed animals drinking water. This difference was apparent only over the first 3-4 d of cafeteria feeding, and energy balance over 14 d was similar for both groups. These data show that increasing sodium intake with isotonic saline has very little effect on food intake or resting metabolic rate, but causes a marked increase in thermogenic capacity and responses to food or noradrenaline, probably because of an increase in active BAT mass. Changes in plasma ion concentrations or osmolarity, therefore, could be involved in the thermogenic response to food.  相似文献   

Measurements of energy balance, thermogenic responses to noradrenaline and brown adipose tissue (BAT) activity were performed in male Lister-hooded rats aged 3.5 and 6.5 months, and fed either a pelleted control diet or a palatable cafeteria diet for 15 d. Cafeteria feeding produced increases in energy intake of 34 and 30 per cent in 3.5 and 6.5-month-old rats respectively, and energy expenditure was elevated by 25 and 10 per cent in these groups. Three-and-a-half-month-old cafeteria-fed rats gained more energy than their controls, but net energetic efficiency was significantly reduced, while in the older cafeteria rats, body energy gain was markedly increased without any apparent effect on net efficiency. The thermogenic response to noradrenaline was enhanced by cafeteria feeding at both ages. The younger cafeteria-fed rats showed significant increases in the mass, protein content and mitochondrial yield of BAT, and the activity of the mitochondrial proton conductance pathway, assessed from GDP-binding, was greater than their controls. The 6.5-month-old cafeteria group also showed hypertrophy of BAT and small, but not significant, increases in the protein content of the tissue and mitochondrial GDP-binding. These results demonstrate that rats aged 3.5 months can exhibit diet-induced thermogenesis and activate BAT in response to overfeeding, but the capacity for thermogenesis declines with age and was virtually absent in 6.5-month-old rats.  相似文献   

The peripheral mechanisms by which ephedrine and caffeine influence thermogenesis were investigated in innervated rat interscapular brown adipose tissue (IBAT) by assessing its rate of oxygen consumption (MO2) in vitro. Dose-response measurements with tissues from intact or sympathectomized (6-OHDA) animals indicate that the thermogenic effects of low concentrations of ephedrine and also of caffeine are entirely dependent upon the presence of intact sympathetic nerve endings, and thus depend on presynaptic mechanisms. Direct postsynaptic stimulation of thermogenesis is only apparent at much higher concentrations, namely greater than 1 microM for ephedrine and greater than 2mM for caffeine. At subminimal concentrations that neither ephedrine nor caffeine influenced basal tissue respiration, they induced a 4-5-fold increase in basal MO2 when administered in combination, a synergistic response prevented by pre-treatment of the rat with 6-OHDA. Synergistic increases in IBAT respiration were also obtained when subminimal concentration of ephedrine was added to 3-propylxanthine (a specific inhibitor of phosphodiesterase), to 8-phenyltheophylline (a potent adenosine receptor antagonist) or to adenosine deaminase (for enzymatic inactivation of endogenous adenosine). Conversely, the marked synergism in thermogenic response with ephedrine + caffeine was reduced in the presence of 2-chloroadenosine (an adenosine analogue). In tissues from fasted rats, the ephedrine + caffeine synergism in thermogenic response, although attenuated, was nevertheless present. These studies therefore demonstrate that ephedrine, at doses comparable with therapeutic use, stimulates thermogenesis in BAT via sympathetically released NA. In addition, a synergistic interaction between caffeine and ephedrine on BAT thermogenesis is explained by ephedrine's enhancement of sympathetic neuronal release of NA, together with caffeine's dual ability to antagonize adenosine and to inhibit cellular phosphodiesterase activity.  相似文献   

P. Nuutila 《Diabetologia》2013,56(10):2110-2112
The prevalence of obesity and type 2 diabetes is at epidemic proportions. Classical interventions aimed at targeting obesity, such as reducing energy intake or increasing exercise, are often not effective over the long term. In contrast to white adipocytes, which store energy, brown adipocytes generate heat via mitochondrial uncoupling protein 1, thereby acting as a defence against hypothermia and, potentially, obesity. In this issue of Diabetologia, Admiraal et al compare brown adipose tissue activation during cold exposure between two different ethnic groups: South Asians and Europids. The prevalence of abdominal obesity and type 2 diabetes differs among various ethnic groups and decreased BAT metabolic activity could be one causal factor. As yet, the clinical impact of this ‘rediscovered’ organ is largely unknown, but has potential as a drug target for obesity.  相似文献   

The uncoupling protein (UCP) of mammalian brown fat is a specialized and unique component responsible for energy dissipation as heat. Translation and immunoprecipitation from sucrose-fractionated mRNA indicated that the mRNA of UCP sedimented at 14-16 S. A recombinant cDNA library prepared from mRNA of thermoactive brown fat enriched for UCP mRNA has been constructed and cloned in Escherichia coli. Recombinant plasmids were screened by differential colony hybridization to a cDNA probe complementary to poly(A)+ RNA isolated from thermogenic or from weakly thermogenic brown fat. Several differentially hybridizing plasmids were shown to contain UCP cDNA sequences by their ability to select a mRNA coding for an in vitro translation product that was immunoprecipitable with antibodies against UCP. Blot hybridization of brown fat mRNA to a 32P-labeled UCP cDNA probe revealed two major species of mRNA (15S and 18S). As compared to non-thermogenic tissue, a strikingly increased hybridization to the probe was observed with brown fat mRNA from thermoactive tissue. Moreover, hybridization was observed with RNA of brown adipose tissue from rat, hamster, or mouse but not with RNA from rat or mouse liver.  相似文献   

The recent demonstration that metabolically active brown adipose tissue (BAT) is present with a high prevalence in humans undoubtedly represents one of the major advancements in the field of metabolic research in the last few years. The increasing interest in BAT is justified by preclinical observations highlighting an important role of this tissue in energy dissipation and metabolic clearance of substrates from the blood. These findings imply that stimulation of BAT activity may represent a new therapeutic approach for obesity and associated comorbidities. However, before proposing BAT as a target organ for therapeutics in a clinical setting, many further notions about BAT function and modulation need to be explored. Keeping in mind the importance of sex dimorphism in energy metabolism control under physiological and pathological conditions, sex hormones may play a relevant role in the regulation of BAT activity in both males and females. Much of the evidence acquired in the past supports the concept of an important role for different sex hormones in BAT thermogenesis and indicates that this tissue mediates the ability of sex hormones to modulate energy balance. These findings make it plausible that a modified interaction between BAT and sex hormones may contribute to the development and the maintenance of obesity and associated metabolic complications.  相似文献   

The participation of sexual hormones in body weight regulation is partly accomplished by altering food intake. Nonetheless, female sexual hormones also alter brown adipose tissue thermogenesis in females. This study was aimed to find out if male hormones could alter brown adipose tissue thermogenesis in male rats. Testosterone was administered by means of Silastic capsules in adult male rats acclimated either at 28 degrees C (thermoneutrality) or at 6 degrees C (cold), treatment lasting 15 days. Food intake and body weight gain were reduced by hormonal treatment. However, brown adipose tissue mass, protein content, mitochondrial mass and GDP-binding were unchanged at both environmental temperatures. Accordingly, testosterone participation in body weight regulation is thought to be carried out without altering brown adipose tissue thermogenesis. A reduction in the weight of the sex accessory glands was also observed after cold acclimation.  相似文献   

Brown adipose tissue thermogenesis during pregnancy in mice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The thermogenic activity of interscapular brown adipose tissue has been assessed at different stages of pregnancy in mice. In late pregnancy there was a hypertrophy of the tissue which reversed at parturition. Neither the total protein content nor the total cytochrome oxidase activity of the tissue changed significantly throughout pregnancy or into early lactation (2-3 days, post-partum). However, mitochondrial GDP binding, an index of the activity of the proton conductance pathway, was significantly decreased at the end of pregnancy with a further decrease in early lactation. Moderate food restriction had no effect on either cytochrome oxidase activity or mitochondrial GDP binding at the end of pregnancy, as compared with pregnant animals fed ad libitum. Food restriction did, however, prevent the hypertrophy of brown adipose tissue in late pregnancy. It is concluded that brown adipose tissue thermogenesis is not significantly decreased in the pregnant mouse until shortly before parturition, even in animals subject to food restriction. It is also concluded that the normal dietary stimulation of thermogenesis in response to hyperphagia is suppressed in the pregnant animal.  相似文献   

The recent discovery of functional brown adipose tissue in human adults raised this tissue again into the focus of current investigations concerning human energy homeostasis. Brown fat is a key thermogenic tissue and is essential for non-shivering thermogenesis in the human newborn and hibernating mammals. This review highlights the biological and molecular aspects of brown adipose tissue development and function from the embryonic state to childhood and adolescence.  相似文献   

目前关于体内棕色脂肪的检测主要分为半定量检测和功能检测两大类.半定量检测方法主要包括正电子发射断层扫描(PET)/CT、MRI等影像学检查,功能检测方法主要包括间接热量测定法、交感神经张力测定法、测温法等.此外,还可以通过称重法、检测棕色脂肪经典标志物表达来评估.对棕色脂肪组织的检测有助于进一步探讨肥胖的发生机制,从而为其治疗提供新的靶点.  相似文献   

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