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Indium is generally presumed to localize in the bone marrow within the erythroid cell line. Fibrosis, inflammation, lymphoma, extended field radiation, chemotherapy, or combinations of both treatment modalities generally depress the uptake of indium by the marrow a complex fashion. We report a case of metastatic breast carcinoma and pancytopenia in which the In-111 scan appeared qualitatively similar to a Tc-99m MDP bone scan. Findings were confirmed by bone marrow biopsy.  相似文献   

Six patients with metastatic carcinoma of the penis underwent Ga-67 citrate scanning. Intense radioactive uptake was noted in the metastatic inguinal lymph nodes that was not influenced by the presence or absence of infection. There was a correlation between clinical improvement and decrease in abnormal groin uptake. The results reported here suggest the possibility of using Ga-67 citrate scanning in the staging, management, and follow-up of this relatively rare condition, although further experience is needed to establish its precise role.  相似文献   

A case of squamous cell carcinoma of the urinary bladder with concomitant radionuclide uptake in the colon observed on bone scintigram in a 76-year-old female is presented. This finding reflected retrograde flow from the bladder to the intestine and suggested the presence of vesicoenteric fistula. The patient's pelvis had been irradiated with 23.4 Gy before the bone scintigram, she had been complaining only of diarrhea and not of any characteristic symptoms of vesicoenteric fistula, such as pneumaturia and fecaluria. Further examination including cysternography revealed a fistulous communication between the bladder and the ileum. The size of the tumor decreased markedly after radiation, tumor invasion to the ileum and the fistulous communication were verified at surgery.  相似文献   

Colon carcinoma, cholangiocarcinoma, malignant melanoma and liver metastases detected on bone imaging have been reported with different bone seeking radiopharmaceuticals. This report is concerned with an interesting case of oat cell carcinoma with hepatic metatases visualized on 99mTc-diphosphonate bone imaging. This has not been previously reported.  相似文献   

Multiple primary malignancies in general and synchronous cancers, in particular, are relatively rare but have increased in recent decades. We report a case of a 62-year-old Vietnamese male who visited our hospital with the chief symptom was mild dysphagia. An irregular lesion causing the total luminal obstruction was detected at the low third part of the esophagus via endoscopy and two suspicious nodules in the segment V of the liver were incidentally encountered through the Computed tomography (CT). Multiple biopsies from the lesions were then performed. Histopathology and immunohistochemistry results demonstrated Squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus and Hepatocellular carcinoma of the liver, which verified the existence of synchronous cancers in the patient.  相似文献   

A case of severe calciphylaxis seen on three-phase bone scan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Five cases of metastatic prostatic carcinoma are presented. In each case, skeletal metastases were extensive, but the calvaria was not involved, resulting in a headless appearance. The mechanism for this scintigraphic manifestation is presented, and its value is emphasized.  相似文献   

A review of 14,296 unselected bone scans identified 889 scans showing absent or faint renal uptake. The majority of cases were associated with renal insufficiency (816/889; 91.8%), while widespread metastatic bone disease was the most common cause in a group of patients without renal disease (53/889; 6.0%). Of the 140 patients with prostate cancer, 108 (77.1%) had evidence of bone metastasis, 19 of whom (17.6%) revealed absent or faint renal uptake, demonstrating that poor renal uptake is more frequently associated with prostate cancer than with any other malignancy. Of note was that 162 out of 328 (49.4%) patients with stomach cancer at varying stages showed evidence of bone metastasis, and 14 of them (8.6%) showed poor renal images on bone scan. Interestingly, ankylosing spondylitis and rheumatoid arthritis were occasional causes of lack of renal activity (4 and 3 cases, respectively). A case of adult-form osteopetrosis, showing strikingly increased uptake mainly in the long bones with markedly diminished renal uptake, was also included in this study. Of the 53 bone scans with metastatic disease showing poor renal uptake, 44 (83.0%) revealed evidence of diffuse or multiple metastases in both spine and ribs, while 49 (92.5%) showed malignant involvement in three or more regions and 35 (66.0%) in four or more regions, suggesting widespread bone involvement in most cases.  相似文献   

A case of herniation of the urinary bladder is presented that simulated a metastatic lesion to the public bone on a radionuclide bone scan.  相似文献   

European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging - A case is described in which recurrent renal cell carcinoma simulated a nearly normal kidney image on the bone scan at the site of...  相似文献   

A patient with pure primary squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the breast is reported. The patient was a 72 year old female who presented with a 4 month history of an enlarging left breast mass. Surgery involved a radical mastectomy and this was followed by post-operative radiotherapy and chemotherapy. The patient died of extensive metastatic disease some four months after surgery. The various characteristics of SCC of the breast are briefly discussed. A sub-group of SCC of the breast is identified among reported cases in which the clinical course is characterised by a very rapid growth, extremely aggressive behaviour and early metastasis.  相似文献   

Two patients who had decreased pulmonary artery blood flow to the right lung showed increased clarity of rib detail on a bone scan over the affected hemithorax as contrasted with the uninvolved side. Decreased blood background is postulated to result in enhancement of rib detail on the affected side.  相似文献   

患者男,70岁,因"咳嗽、咳痰半月,痰中带血3d"就诊.查体未见明显阳性体征.实验室检查:血常规WBC 3.14×109/L,RBC 3.50×1012/L,HGB 106 g/L,PLT 60×109/L;肿瘤标志物测定、肺吸虫抗体试验阴性.纤维支气管镜检查:右肺中叶开口黏膜充血,并有纵行裂改变,管口被完全阻塞,表面覆盖很多白色分泌物;活检示纤维组织玻璃样变.  相似文献   

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