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The prenatal diagnosis of pulmonary atresia is of particular importance because the affected neonate may be dependent on ductal blood flow to the lung, requiring urgent administration of prostaglandins. We review eight cases studied by ultrasonography in utero. Severe tricuspid regurgitation was present in six fetuses. Right ventricular size varied among cases. Right atrial enlargement was present in seven, usually with tricuspid regurgitation. Failure to identify the main pulmonary artery or valve on a single examination was not specific. Doppler flow studies were most reliable for the diagnosis by establishing the existence of retrograde flow in the ductus arteriosus from the aorta.  相似文献   

We reviewed fetal echocardiograms from 36 multiple gestations from 20 weeks gestation to term. Seven sets of twins plus one set of triplets were referred because of a suspect cardiac anomaly in one fetus; heart disease was confirmed in one fetus of six sets of twins and in one triplet. Six sets were referred because of extracardiac malformations and heart disease was confirmed in two sets (including both twins in one set). The remaining case was detected in a patient sent for evaluation of karyotypic abnormality. Thus 11 fetal cardiac defects were detected in ten pregnancies. Chromosomes were abnormal in three of the anomalous fetuses. Two sets discordant for heart disease were monochorionic. Intervention, including a change in the planned location of delivery, or maternal digitalization for fetal congestive failure, occurred in six. We conclude that fetal echocardiography is feasible and useful in appropriate multiple gestations. Although often ethically complex, the information gained can be applied to patient management.  相似文献   

Present 2-D real-time and M-mode systems allow detailed studies of fetal left and right ventricular cardiac geometry and function. Antenatally, both ventricles are geometrically uniform. There is a curvilinear increase in left ventricular volume (Q1v), stroke volume (Q1v,s) and output (Q'1v) during the last trimester of pregnancy. At term a mean Q'1v of 126 +/- 11 ml kg-1 min-1 was found. Structural analysis of the fetal heart has resulted in the diagnosis of fetal congenital heart disease and cardiac dysrhythmias. Possibilities of antenatal medical treatment of fetal cardiac dysfunction are currently under investigation.  相似文献   

Fetal heart motion was observed by T-M-mode echocardiography from the twelfth to fortieth week of gestation in 47 apparently normal pregnancies. In the earliest case (at 12 weeks), cardiac pulsations were recorded in a fetus in which the heart sounds couldnot be detected by Doppler ultrasound. The left and right ventricular dimensionsand left-to-right ventricular ratios were determined in 24 of the 35 fetuses in which high-quality images were obtained. Interventricular septal motion was evaluated in 30 of these 35 fetuses. Potential clinical applications of echocardiography in evaluating fetal status are also presented.  相似文献   

陈娇  朱琦  郭楠 《中国医学影像技术》2011,27(11):2287-2290
目的 探讨胎儿超声心动图在产前诊断二尖瓣发育异常中的价值。方法 回顾性分析79胎胎儿二尖瓣发育异常的超声心动图表现,并与随访结果比较。结果 二尖瓣闭锁47胎(47/79,59.49%),二尖瓣重度狭窄22胎(22/79,27.85%),二尖瓣反流10胎(10/79,12.66%),其中轻度反流4胎,中度反流4胎,重度反流2胎。胎儿超声心动图可清晰显示胎儿二尖瓣形态、结构以及开闭活动,CDFI可显示二尖瓣跨瓣血流情况,评价血流动力学情况。结论 胎儿超声心动图在二尖瓣发育异常的产前诊断中具有重要作用。  相似文献   

目的 探讨胎儿超声心动图诊断埃布斯坦综合征及其并发症的价值。方法 2450胎接受胎儿超声心动图检查;对其中的14胎埃布斯坦综合征胎儿的超声心动图进行分析,并与大体病理结果进行对照分析。结果 14胎埃布斯坦综合征胎儿中,超声均显示三尖瓣反流,其中重度11胎(11/14,78.57%);7胎(7/14,50.00%)合并肺动脉瓣狭窄;3胎(3/14,21.43%)肺动脉内径与主动脉内径比>1.1;1胎合并心脏其他畸形;7胎伴胸腔、腹腔及心包积液共。结论 埃布斯坦综合征胎儿易并发重度三尖瓣反流、肺动脉瓣狭窄、肺动脉与主动脉比例变小、胸腔/腹腔/心包积液;胎儿超声心动图对埃布斯坦综合征胎儿的细化诊断是判断预后的重要依据。  相似文献   

胎儿心脏超声筛查在先天性心脏病检测中的应用   总被引:8,自引:7,他引:8  
目的探讨胎儿心脏超声筛查在先天性心脏病检测中的应用价值。方法以胎儿四腔心、左室流出道、右室流出道、三血管、主动脉弓、动脉导管弓切面为标准切面,快速筛查观察胎儿心脏结构形态是否正常。出生后一周内全部进行新生儿彩色多普勒超声心动图检查,以尸体解剖结果、新生儿超声心动图检查及随访结果与胎儿心脏超声筛查结果相对照。结果在1200例胎儿中发现10例心脏结构异常,其中产前胎儿心脏超声筛查确诊9例:单心室1例,肺动脉瓣狭窄伴右室发育不良1例,三尖瓣下移1例,心内膜垫缺损2例,室间隔缺损2例,法洛四联症1例,三房心1例。另外1例心尖部室间隔缺损产前检查漏诊。显示产前诊断胎儿先天性心脏病的敏感性为90%,特异性为100%。结论以上述6个切面为标准进行胎儿心脏超声筛查可排除心脏复杂畸形。建议在进行胎儿产前常规超声检查时增加3~5分钟时间,以六个切面为标准快速进行胎儿心脏筛查,以降低胎儿先天性心脏病的漏诊率。  相似文献   

目的探讨超声心动图诊断胎儿主肺动脉间隔缺损的价值,总结其超声心动图特征。 方法对5例2013年6月至2015年11月在南京大学医学院附属鼓楼医院产前诊断中心行胎儿超声心动图检查诊断为主肺动脉间隔缺损胎儿的超声图像特征进行分析,并追踪妊娠过程和临床结局。 结果5例主肺动脉间隔缺损胎儿超声心动图有共同声像特征:三血管观声像图显示主动脉与主肺动脉之间出现回声失落即缺损(大小1.5~3.9 mm),左心室流出道和右心室流出道观显示缺损部位及其距半月瓣和(或)肺动脉分叉的距离,彩色多普勒超声显示缺损处为双向或肺动脉流向主动脉的彩色血流信号,频谱多普勒可见相应的血流流向及分布频谱。5例胎儿引产尸检均证实为主肺动脉间隔缺损。 结论胎儿超声心动图可早期发现主肺动脉间隔缺损,对指导产科和出生后临床处理、降低畸形胎儿的出生率及提高出生患儿的生存质量均有重要临床价值。  相似文献   

胎儿超声心动图临床教学经验浅谈   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胎儿超声心动图可对胎儿心脏结构和功能进行评价的无创性影像学检查方法,是目前产前诊断胎儿心脏病唯一有效的检查手段。本文就胎儿超声心动图教学中的主要内容和方法进行阐述,以利于初学者和基层产检筛查单位更好地掌握胎儿心脏超声征象。  相似文献   

Fetal echocardiography: a large clinical experience and follow-up   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We reviewed our experience with 382 fetal echocardiograms. Complete studies were not possible for three pregnancies because of either fetal position or maternal obesity. Studies were performed for fetal arrhythmia (28%), maternal factors (21%), fetal anomaly (11%) and family history of congenital heart disease (40%). There was a recurrence of heart disease in two of 153 patients (1.3%). Arrhythmia was the most common finding (82 of 382 patients). Premature atrial and ventricular contractions were the most common arrhythmia, and structural defects were present in four of 58 patients (6.8%) with premature contractions. Fetal heart defects (n = 44) were identified in 40 of 382 (10%) referrals. The defects were complete atrioventricular block (13), ventricular septal defect (4), atrioventricular canal (5), cardiac mass (3), ectopia cordis (2), thoracopagus (2), hypoplastic left ventricle (2), hypoplastic right ventricle (2), atrial flutter (2), pulmonic stenosis (1), single ventricle (2), Uhl's anomaly (1), Ebstein's anomaly (1), mitral atresia (1), d-transposition of the great vessels (1), tetralogy of Fallot with absent pulmonary valve (1), and atrial septal defect and ventricular septal defect (1). There were three false positive (99% specificity) and two false negative (95% sensitivity) fetal echocardiograms. The survival rates for referred patients with heart defects was: live born and perinatal survivor, 54%; perinatal death, 31%; still birth, 11%; and termination of pregnancy, 4%. Fetal echocardiography is accurate, and the abnormalities detected appear to be more severe than those detected on newborn screening.  相似文献   

胎儿超声心动图诊断单纯性室间隔缺损   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的 探讨胎儿超声心动图检查对胎儿单纯性室间隔缺损的诊断价值.方法 追踪随访我院建卡生产的37 253名孕妇,采用不同切面和手段检查胎儿单纯性室间隔缺损,并进行统计学分析.结果 我院胎儿超声心动图检查对单纯性室间隔缺损诊断敏感度为73.44%(94/128),特异度为99.87%(37 076/37 125),阳性预测值为65.73%(94/143),阴性预测值为99.91%(37 076/37 110);不同检查切面的诊断效能两两比较差异均有统计学意义(P均 <0.05);二维超声显示回声中断/失落与彩色多普勒超声显示心室水平分流比较,差异无统计学意义(P >0.05).结论 胎儿超声心动图检查诊断单纯性室间隔缺损具有较高敏感度,不同检查切面对该病诊断的意义不同.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The fetal heart is not studied routinely in the first trimester because of technical and time limitations. Our aim was to assess the feasibility of performing a fetal cardiac study in pregnancies referred for nuchal translucency (NT) screening, using high-frequency linear transabdominal transducers with a specific ultrasound preset. METHODS: A single trained operator assessed the fetal heart in pregnancies with a fetal crown-rump length (CRL) of 60-84 mm that had been referred for NT screening. A 15- or 6-MHz transabdominal linear transducer with a specific preset suitable mainly for color-flow mapping was used to confirm or refute normal cardiac anatomy rather than to establish a specific diagnosis. Fetuses having an increased risk for congenital heart disease were referred to a tertiary center for a further examination within 1 week. This group consisted of all fetuses with NT > 95(th) centile and those in which a family history or the initial heart scan increased the risk. RESULTS: A total of 608 fetuses with a median CRL of 65 mm was examined between 2003 and 2005. A cardiac scan was performed successfully in 456 (75%) using a 15-MHz linear transducer alone, and the additional use of a 6-MHz transducer allowed diagnostic images to be obtained in a further 152. Normal cardiac anatomy was assessed confidently within 10 min in 517/608 (85%) pregnancies; in 85 (14%) a longer time was needed and six patients were rescheduled within 2 weeks because of non-diagnostic images at the initial scan. In 571/608 (94%) the risk for congenital heart disease (CHD) was not increased and the heart was considered normal at initial echocardiography; this was confirmed by later scans and at postnatal follow-up. In 37/608 (6%) fetuses the risk for CHD was increased (35 for NT > 95(th) centile and two for family history). In this group normal heart anatomy was described in 34 fetuses and confirmed by subsequent specialist echocardiography. Cardiac defects were suspected in three fetuses (all with increased NT) and confirmed by a fetal cardiologist in each case. CONCLUSIONS: A trained operator can perform a fetal heart study during the NT screening test using transabdominal high-resolution transducers in an acceptable length of time.  相似文献   

11~14周正常胎儿心脏超声检查   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
目的对妊娠11^+0~14^+6周正常胎儿心脏结构进行观察,获得该孕周内正常胎儿心脏的生理参数。方法对100位孕妇在妊娠11^+0~14^+6周进行常规经腹超声检查,同时观察胎儿心脏各切面结构并进行测量。结果胎儿心脏各切面显示率不同,四腔心显示率最高,其次是动脉交叉,而动脉导管的显示率最低。妊娠13周以后胎儿心脏结构超声可清晰显示。胎儿心脏周长、面积及各心室内径的增加与孕周有相关性,而心脏周长与胸廓周长比值,心脏面积与胸廓面积比值,左右心房比值以及房室率均相对衡定,与孕周之间无明显相关性。结论由于在妊娠13周以后胎儿心脏结构能够清晰显示,因此,可以将胎儿超声心动图检查时间提前至妊娠中期的早期。主要筛查与四腔心切面相关的严重的胎儿先天性心脏畸形,有利于胎儿严重先天性心脏畸形的早期诊断。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the concordance of fetal and postnatal echocardiography when congenital heart disease is suspected prenatally. METHODS: The perinatology and pediatric cardiology ultrasound databases were searched for fetal echocardiograms obtained between June 1995 and June 2000. All cases with abnormal fetal echocardiographic findings in which postnatal echocardiography was performed were included. A perinatologist, pediatric cardiologist, or both interpreted all fetal echocardiograms; a pediatric cardiologist interpreted all postnatal echocardiograms. The fetal and postnatal echocardiograms were compared for the presence of 25 specific components. The kappa statistic was calculated to evaluate concordance between fetal and postnatal studies. Positive and negative predictive values for fetal studies were calculated under the assumption that the postnatal study yielded the correct diagnosis. RESULTS: Sixty-five patients were included. Congenital heart disease ranged from an isolated atrial septal defect to complex disease. Images adequately showed all 25 components in more than 85% of the fetal studies. Concordance between fetal and postnatal echocardiograms was excellent (kappa > 0.75) for 20 of the 25 components evaluated. Four of the remaining 5 components had fair concordance (kappa = 0.4-0.75) between fetal and postnatal studies. Structural abnormalities without excellent concordance included partial anomalous pulmonary venous return, secundum atrial septal defects, and heart malposition. Concordance between fetal and postnatal right and left ventricular function was fair; however, differences may have been due to physiologic changes that occurred after birth rather than to inferior diagnostic accuracy of fetal echocardiography. CONCLUSIONS: Fetal echocardiography is an extremely useful and accurate clinical tool for prenatal and postnatal evaluation of congenital heart disease.  相似文献   

目的探讨胎儿超声心动图对诊断孕中晚期胎儿卵圆孔(FO)血流受限或提前闭合(R/C)和判断预后的价值。方法 1000名孕妇接受产前检查,经超声心动图诊断6胎为孕中晚期FO R/C,对其进行危险评估。对引产及出生后死亡胎儿行大体解剖、病理检查,出生后存活胎儿行超声随访。结果产前超声心动图明确诊断6胎FO R/C,孕早期畸形筛查心脏均未见异常。胎儿超声心动图显示4胎不伴有心外畸形及浆膜腔积液,生后1个月左右复查经胸超声心动图,心脏比例恢复正常。2胎合并心包积液或腹腔积液,1胎终止妊娠,另1胎出生1天后死亡,尸检大体标本均显示FO近闭合,伴有胸腹腔积液或心包积液。结论一旦孕中晚期超声心动图发现胎儿FO R/C,如未合并其他心内或心外畸形及浆膜腔积液提示胎儿预后良好,应尽早提前分娩;如伴大量心包积液、腹腔积液或其他心脏畸形,提示预后不佳。  相似文献   

The adjunctive role of Doppler color flow mapping in the evaluation of cardiac structures and function was studied in 440 normal fetuses between 17 and 22 weeks of gestation (median, 20 weeks) and in 73 fetuses with suspected congenital heart disease between 16 and 38 weeks of gestation (median, 28 weeks). Flow through atrioventricular and arterial valves was generally easy to identify and identification was successful in approximately 90% of the normal fetuses. Flow in the pulmonary veins and through the foramen ovale was visualized in approximately 60% of normal cases. In the group with suspected congenital heart disease, Doppler color flow imaging provided additional information on both cardiac structure and function in 34 fetuses, on function alone in 13 fetuses and on structure alone in 20 fetuses. No additional information was collected in six fetuses.  相似文献   

The detection of multiple cardiac tumors during fetal echocardiography allowed us to make the diagnosis of tuberous sclerosis complex in the mother and establish the reason of her first epileptic seizures.  相似文献   

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