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本实验针对补液治疗呼吸道烧伤的各公式进行研究,发现输液量仍显不足,并对补液的质的问题作了简要讨论。  相似文献   

海水浸泡犬腹腔开放伤后血浆电解质水平变化的实验研究   总被引:13,自引:5,他引:8  
目的:了解犬腹部开放伤后海水浸泡对其机体电解质水平的影响。方法:实验动物致伤后随机分为对照组,等渗盐水浸泡组和海水浸泡组。对照组为单纯腹外伤,后两组动物致伤后分别置入等渗盐水或海水中,观察各组动物外周血钠,钾,氯水平及渗透压的变化。结果:对照组及等渗盐水浸泡组致伤前后血浆电解质水平及渗透压无明显变化。海水浸泡组出现高钠血症,高钾血症,高氯血症及高渗性脱水。结论:海水浸泡对机体血浆电解质水平有严重影响,可引起高钠血症,高钾血症,高氯血症及高渗透性脱水,影响程度随浸泡时间延长而加大。  相似文献   

腹腔开放伤并海水浸泡对犬血浆自由基水平的影响   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
目的:了解腹腔开放伤后海水浸泡对机体血浆中自由基水平的影响。方法:28只犬随机均分为对照组(A组),单纯腹部浸泡组(B组),腹腔等渗盐水浸泡组(C组)和腹腔海水浸泡组(D组)4个组。A组为单纯腹外伤,B组为直接将犬无伤腹部浸入海水中浸泡处理,C,D两组犬致伤后分别置入等渗盐水或海水中浸泡处理,观察血浆中丙二醛(malondialdehyde,MDA),超氧化物歧化酶(superoxide dismutase,SOD)及血浆渗透压的变化。结果:犬腹腔开放伤并海水浸泡后60min时,血浆中MDA与血浆渗透压水平显著升高(与浸泡前及A,B,C,组比较,P<0.01),并随浸泡时间延长呈升高趋势,而同时SOD水平则显著降低(与浸泡前及A,B,C组比较,P<0.01),并随浸泡时间延长呈降低趋势;浸泡处理前后A,B,C组间差别未见有显著性(P>0.05),结论:腹腔开放伤区海水浸泡可引起机体自由基水平升高。  相似文献   

腹腔海水浸泡对失血犬血液流变性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨腹腔海水浸泡对失血犬血液流变性的影响。方法成年杂交犬21只,随机分为失血组、腹腔海水浸泡组(浸泡组)及失血+腹腔海水浸泡组(失血+浸泡组),观察各组犬腹腔海水浸泡前后全血高切粘度(HBV,100s-1)、中切粘度(MBV,10s-1)、低切粘度(LBV,1s-1)、红细胞压积(Ht)和红细胞聚集指数(AI)的变化。结果失血+浸泡组动物腹腔海水浸泡3hHBV、LBV变化水平分别由浸泡前(6.35±0.55)、(14.33±0.74)mPa·s升高至(11.48±0.92)、(28.96±3.77)mPa·s,Ht、AI水平则分别由浸泡前(45.3±5.1)%、(2.17±0.13)升高至(64.7±4.4)%、(3.35±0.36),与失血组和浸泡组比较均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论失血犬合并腹腔海水浸泡能在短时间内对机体血液流变产生显著影响。  相似文献   

目的 探讨陆地与海上不同环境条件对海水浸泡犬复合型颅脑火器伤的影响.方法 成年健康犬30只,制作成复合型颅脑火器伤动物模型(颅脑火器伤+开放性胸部伤+开放性腹部伤+烧伤).动物致伤后随机分为3组,即A组(陆地非海水浸泡)、B组(陆地海水浸泡)和C组(海上海水浸泡),每组10只.采用:Powlab/8sp生理记录仪动态监测体温、呼吸(R)、心率(HR)和平均动脉压(MAP)的变化,监测血气分析和血电解质变化.结果 C组伤情明显重于A组和B组,表现为生命体征紊乱,呼吸明显加快,循环、体温调节功能障碍,低体温,血浆渗透压升高,高钠、高氯血症,代谢性酸中毒,导致动物生存时间缩短,死亡率增加.结论 海上环境对海水浸泡复合型颅脑火器伤犬的生命体征和生化指标均有明显影响.  相似文献   

犬腹部开放伤合并人工海水浸泡后水、电解质的变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 分析犬腹部开放伤人工海水浸泡后其水、电解质和酸碱平衡变化的特点 ,为海水浸泡腹部开放伤的早期救治提供理论依据。方法 成年杂种犬 30只 ,随机分为腹部开放伤组 (n =10 )、致伤不浸泡组 (n =10 )和不致伤浸泡组 (n =10 )。制作腹部开放伤动物模型 ,与其它两组比照 ,观察犬腹部开放伤人工海水浸泡后其水、电解质、酸碱平衡变化规律。结果 腹部开放伤人工海水浸泡组出现明显的水、电解质、酸碱平衡紊乱 ,海水浸泡的时间愈长 ,上述变化愈严重。其它两组水、电解质、酸碱平衡等指标在实验期间无明显变化。结论 海水浸泡是导致犬腹部开放伤后体液代谢紊乱的主要因素。  相似文献   

目的 了解腹腔海水浸泡对失血性休克机体动脉血气的影响。方法 对实验动物行腹腔开放伤后随机分为失血性休克组 (A组 ,n =7)、腹腔海水浸泡组 (B组 ,n =7)和腹腔海水浸泡合并失血性休克组(C组 ,n =7) ,观察各组动物动脉血气的变化。结果 A组与伤前比较 ,PaO2 在 6 0分钟时明显降低 (P <0 .0 5 ) ,在 12 0分钟时明显升高 (P <0 .0 5 ) ,pH、PaCO2 及剩余碱 (BE)明显降低 (P <0 .0 5 ) ;B、C组致伤后 6 0分钟始pH、PaO2 及BE水平均较A组显著降低 (P <0 .0 5 )。B组致伤后 12 0分钟、C组致伤后 6 0分钟始PaCO2均较A组显著升高 (P <0 .0 1) ,两组间差别显著 (P <0 .0 1)。结论 失血性休克合并腹腔海水浸泡可使高碳酸血症提早出现 ,并使血气的恶化程度显著增加  相似文献   

目的 探讨犬腹部外伤合并海水浸泡后高渗及低温因素对其出凝血系统的影响,并观察在一般急救处理同时加用血浆救治的效果,为海战伤早期救治提供实验依据.方法 将24只犬作腹部开放伤动物模型后,随机均分为3组,每组8只.对照组:不用海水浸泡;普通治疗组:经海水浸泡后打捞出水,给予一般的急救处理;血浆组:经海水浸泡后打捞出水,给予一般的急救处理,同时输注血浆.记录各组生存时间、体温、平均动脉压、血浆渗透压、凝血酶原时间(PT)、部分凝血活酶时间(KPTT)、D-二聚体、凝血因子Ⅱ等变化以及脏器病理特点.结果 海水浸泡后动物PT、KPTT明显延长,D-二聚体增加,凝血因子Ⅱ减少.动物生存时间,血浆组(45.6±12.5h)明显长于对照组(13.6±2.8h)和普通治疗组(18.6±3.2h),组间有显著性差异(P<0.05);致伤后12h平均动脉压,血浆组(105.33±31.81mmHg)高于对照组(49.29±31.89mmHg)和普通治疗组(73.50±27.02mmHg),组间有显著性差异(P<0.05);血浆组与对照组、普通治疗组比较,凝血功能得到改善,纤溶激活减少.结论 腹部伤合并海水浸泡后可引起凝血系统激活,微小血栓形成,在普通治疗的基础上早期输注血浆可以改善预后,纠正凝血功能障碍,减轻休克,是减少早期死亡的有效治疗手段,具有重要的临床意义.  相似文献   

本文研究直径6.35mm,重1.03g的钢珠,射距6米,碰撞速度约1,240m/s,致伤犬双侧股部中段,造成软组织贯通伤后血浆皮质醇浓度的变化规律。观察到伤后血浆皮质醇浓度有一个迅速升高,然后逐渐向伤前水平恢复的过程,并观察到血浆皮质醇浓度的变化随伤情的加重,变化幅度也随之加大。提示血浆皮质醇浓度可作为伤情判断的参考指标;以及本实验犬的损伤程度属于轻度至中度损伤范围内。  相似文献   

Objective To investigate differences in lung injury induced by seawater and freshwater perfusion in rabbits. Methods 21 New Zealand rabbits were randomly divided into the normal group (the control group), the freshwater group and the seawater group. Same amounts of seawater and freshwater were perfused in the lungs of rabbits through tracheal incubation. Changes in the indices concerning symptomatology, blood-gas, hemodynamics, tumor necrosis factor (TNF-α), interleukin 6 (IL-6), histology and lung injury were monitored 3 hours later. Then, the obtained data were analyzed statistically to see the differences in lung lesions of different animal groups. Results Blood-gas analysis, inflammatory factor measurement, lung injury score indicated that seawater and freshwater perfusion could all induce lung injury to a certain extent, and the injury induced by seawater perfusion was obviously severer(P<0.05). Conclusions Lung injury induced by seawater perfusion is severer than that by freshwater perfusion.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate differences in lung injury induced by seawater and freshwater perfusion in rabbits. Methods 21 New Zealand rabbits were randomly divided into the normal group (the control group), the freshwater group and the seawater group. Same amounts of seawater and freshwater were perfused in the lungs of rabbits through tracheal incubation. Changes in the indices concerning symptomatology, blood-gas, hemodynamics, tumor necrosis factor (TNF-α), interleukin 6 (IL-6), histology and lung injury were monitored 3 hours later. Then, the obtained data were analyzed statistically to see the differences in lung lesions of different animal groups. Results Blood-gas analysis, inflammatory factor measurement, lung injury score indicated that seawater and freshwater perfusion could all induce lung injury to a certain extent, and the injury induced by seawater perfusion was obviously severer(P<0.05). Conclusions Lung injury induced by seawater perfusion is severer than that by freshwater perfusion.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate differences in lung injury induced by seawater and freshwater perfusion in rabbits. Methods 21 New Zealand rabbits were randomly divided into the normal group (the control group), the freshwater group and the seawater group. Same amounts of seawater and freshwater were perfused in the lungs of rabbits through tracheal incubation. Changes in the indices concerning symptomatology, blood-gas, hemodynamics, tumor necrosis factor (TNF-α), interleukin 6 (IL-6), histology and lung injury were monitored 3 hours later. Then, the obtained data were analyzed statistically to see the differences in lung lesions of different animal groups. Results Blood-gas analysis, inflammatory factor measurement, lung injury score indicated that seawater and freshwater perfusion could all induce lung injury to a certain extent, and the injury induced by seawater perfusion was obviously severer(P<0.05). Conclusions Lung injury induced by seawater perfusion is severer than that by freshwater perfusion.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate differences in lung injury induced by seawater and freshwater perfusion in rabbits. Methods 21 New Zealand rabbits were randomly divided into the normal group (the control group), the freshwater group and the seawater group. Same amounts of seawater and freshwater were perfused in the lungs of rabbits through tracheal incubation. Changes in the indices concerning symptomatology, blood-gas, hemodynamics, tumor necrosis factor (TNF-α), interleukin 6 (IL-6), histology and lung injury were monitored 3 hours later. Then, the obtained data were analyzed statistically to see the differences in lung lesions of different animal groups. Results Blood-gas analysis, inflammatory factor measurement, lung injury score indicated that seawater and freshwater perfusion could all induce lung injury to a certain extent, and the injury induced by seawater perfusion was obviously severer(P<0.05). Conclusions Lung injury induced by seawater perfusion is severer than that by freshwater perfusion.  相似文献   

气管灌注贫铀染毒对大鼠免疫功能的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
目的 研究气管灌注贫铀染毒对大鼠免疫功能的影响。方法 大鼠气管单次灌注不同剂量的贫铀粉尘后,每周称体重,定期测定外周血细胞参数,活杀后分别测定免疫器官重量系数、脾细胞抗体生成细胞数、胸腺淋巴细胞及其分类细胞数。结果 气管灌注贫铀染毒后早期,大鼠体重减少,白细胞增高,红细胞、血小板降低,所有变化不同程度地存在剂量依赖关系,且在1~2个月内恢复到正常水平。脾和胸腺细胞的免疫功能均观察到剂量依赖性的异常改变。结论 气管灌注贫铀染毒对大鼠免疫功能有损伤作用。  相似文献   

Objective To investigate differences in lung injury induced by seawater and freshwater perfusion in rabbits. Methods 21 New Zealand rabbits were randomly divided into the normal group (the control group), the freshwater group and the seawater group. Same amounts of seawater and freshwater were perfused in the lungs of rabbits through tracheal incubation. Changes in the indices concerning symptomatology, blood-gas, hemodynamics, tumor necrosis factor (TNF-α), interleukin 6 (IL-6), histology and lung injury were monitored 3 hours later. Then, the obtained data were analyzed statistically to see the differences in lung lesions of different animal groups. Results Blood-gas analysis, inflammatory factor measurement, lung injury score indicated that seawater and freshwater perfusion could all induce lung injury to a certain extent, and the injury induced by seawater perfusion was obviously severer(P<0.05). Conclusions Lung injury induced by seawater perfusion is severer than that by freshwater perfusion.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate differences in lung injury induced by seawater and freshwater perfusion in rabbits. Methods 21 New Zealand rabbits were randomly divided into the normal group (the control group), the freshwater group and the seawater group. Same amounts of seawater and freshwater were perfused in the lungs of rabbits through tracheal incubation. Changes in the indices concerning symptomatology, blood-gas, hemodynamics, tumor necrosis factor (TNF-α), interleukin 6 (IL-6), histology and lung injury were monitored 3 hours later. Then, the obtained data were analyzed statistically to see the differences in lung lesions of different animal groups. Results Blood-gas analysis, inflammatory factor measurement, lung injury score indicated that seawater and freshwater perfusion could all induce lung injury to a certain extent, and the injury induced by seawater perfusion was obviously severer(P<0.05). Conclusions Lung injury induced by seawater perfusion is severer than that by freshwater perfusion.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate differences in lung injury induced by seawater and freshwater perfusion in rabbits. Methods 21 New Zealand rabbits were randomly divided into the normal group (the control group), the freshwater group and the seawater group. Same amounts of seawater and freshwater were perfused in the lungs of rabbits through tracheal incubation. Changes in the indices concerning symptomatology, blood-gas, hemodynamics, tumor necrosis factor (TNF-α), interleukin 6 (IL-6), histology and lung injury were monitored 3 hours later. Then, the obtained data were analyzed statistically to see the differences in lung lesions of different animal groups. Results Blood-gas analysis, inflammatory factor measurement, lung injury score indicated that seawater and freshwater perfusion could all induce lung injury to a certain extent, and the injury induced by seawater perfusion was obviously severer(P<0.05). Conclusions Lung injury induced by seawater perfusion is severer than that by freshwater perfusion.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate differences in lung injury induced by seawater and freshwater perfusion in rabbits. Methods 21 New Zealand rabbits were randomly divided into the normal group (the control group), the freshwater group and the seawater group. Same amounts of seawater and freshwater were perfused in the lungs of rabbits through tracheal incubation. Changes in the indices concerning symptomatology, blood-gas, hemodynamics, tumor necrosis factor (TNF-α), interleukin 6 (IL-6), histology and lung injury were monitored 3 hours later. Then, the obtained data were analyzed statistically to see the differences in lung lesions of different animal groups. Results Blood-gas analysis, inflammatory factor measurement, lung injury score indicated that seawater and freshwater perfusion could all induce lung injury to a certain extent, and the injury induced by seawater perfusion was obviously severer(P<0.05). Conclusions Lung injury induced by seawater perfusion is severer than that by freshwater perfusion.  相似文献   

海水和淡水肺内灌注对兔肺损伤作用的实验观察   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 观察海水和淡水肺内灌注引起兔肺损伤情况的异同.方法 21只新西兰兔随机分为正常组、海水灌注组和淡水灌注组,将等量海水和淡水通过气管插管灌入兔肺内,3 h后观察兔在症状学、血气分析、血液动力学、肺损伤指标、组织学等方面的变化,并将上述指标进行统计学处理,观察肺组织损伤程度的异同.结果 血气分析、炎症因子检测、肺组织学损伤评分结果显示,等量海水和淡水灌注均可在一定程度上对实验兔的肺组织造成损伤,且海水灌注对肺组织的损伤要重于淡水灌注(P<0.05).结论 海水肺内灌注造成的肺组织损伤重于淡水灌注.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate differences in lung injury induced by seawater and freshwater perfusion in rabbits. Methods 21 New Zealand rabbits were randomly divided into the normal group (the control group), the freshwater group and the seawater group. Same amounts of seawater and freshwater were perfused in the lungs of rabbits through tracheal incubation. Changes in the indices concerning symptomatology, blood-gas, hemodynamics, tumor necrosis factor (TNF-α), interleukin 6 (IL-6), histology and lung injury were monitored 3 hours later. Then, the obtained data were analyzed statistically to see the differences in lung lesions of different animal groups. Results Blood-gas analysis, inflammatory factor measurement, lung injury score indicated that seawater and freshwater perfusion could all induce lung injury to a certain extent, and the injury induced by seawater perfusion was obviously severer(P<0.05). Conclusions Lung injury induced by seawater perfusion is severer than that by freshwater perfusion.  相似文献   

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