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 共查询到20条相似文献,搜索用时 31 毫秒
Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Awakenings : By O liver S acks
Lipids, Malnutrition and the Developing Brain : Edited by K atherine E liott , J ulie K night
Inborn Errors of Metabolism : Edited by F. A. H ommes , C. J. V an D en B erg
Techniques in Neurohistology : By H eather M. R áliš , R. A. B eesley , Z. A. R áliš
Language, Brain and Hearing : By J. G. W olff
The Kindergarten Teacher's Handbook : By E lizabeth S. M eyers , H elen H. B all , M arjorie C rutchfield
Raising a Hyperactive Child : By M ark A. S tewart , S ally W. O lds
Current Issues in Adolescent Psychiatry : Edited by J oseph C. S choolar
Clinical Studies in Behavior Therapy with Children, Adolescents, and their Families Edited by J ames M. S tedman , W illiam F. P atton and K ay F. W alton
Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities. An Annual Review, V : Edited by J oseph W ortis
Assessment for Learning in the Mentally Handicapped : Edited by P eter M ittler
Pathology of Mental Retardation, 2nd Edition : By L. C rome , J. S tern  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Positioning the Client with Central Nervous System Deficits: the Wheelchair and Other Adapted Equipment : By A drienne F alk B ergen and C heryl C olangelo
The Dysarthrias: Physiology, Acoustics, Perception, Management Edited by M alcolm R. M c N eil , J ohn C. R osenbek and A rnold E. A ronson
Apraxia of Speech: Physiology, Acoustics, Perception, Management : Edited by J ohn C. R osenbek , M alcolm R. M c N eil and A rnold E. A ronson
Concepts in Pediatric Neurosurgery, Vol. 4 Edited by R obin H umphreys
Workbook in Practical Neonatalogy : Edited by R ichard A. P olin and F redric D. B urg
Bobby: Breakthrough of an Autistic Child : By R achel P inney
Schaffer's Diseases of the Newborn, 5th Edn. : Edited by M ary E llen A very and H. W illiam T aeusch , Jr.
The Principles and Practice of Medical Genetics, Vols. 1 and 2 : Edited by A lan E. H. E mery and D avid L. R imoin
Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics : Edited by M elvin D. L evine , W illiam B. C arey , A. C. C rocker and R. T. G ross  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Atlas of Children's Growth By J. M. T anner and R. H. W hitehouse
1984 Year Book of Pediatrics Edited by F rank A. O saki and J ames A. S tockman
Adolescent Reproductive Health. An Approach to Planning Health Service Research By H erbert L. F riedman and K arin G. E dström
Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities, Vol. 13 Edited by J oseph W ortis
Children. A Handbook for Children's Doctors Edited by P eter G ray and F orrester C ockburn
Mechanisms of Alcohol Damage In Utero (Ciba Foundation Symposium 105) Edited by R uth P orter , M aeve O'C onnor and J ulie W helan
Pre-eclampsia: the Hypertension Disease of Pregnancy By I an M ac G illivray
The Emotional Experience of Learning and Teaching By I sca S alzberger -W ittenberg , G ianna H enry and E lsie O sborne
The Subcortical Regulatory Motor System in Development and its Disorders By I van L esný
Companion to Psychiatric Studies, 3rd Edn. Edited by R. E. K endell , and A. K. Z eally
Paediatric Neurology Edited by E dward M. B rett Edinburgh
Pediatric Epileptology: Classification and Management of Seizures in the Child Edited by F ritz E. D reifgss
Neurologic Emergencies in Infancy and Childhood Edited by : J ohn M. P ellock and E dwin C. M yer
The Development of Infants Born at Risk By D eborah L. H olmes , J ill N agy R eich and J oseph F. P asternak
Progressive Spinal Muscular Atrophies Edited by I ngrid G amstorp and H arvey B. S arnat
Equipment for the Disabled Disabled Mother, 5th Edn. Compiled by E. R. W ilshere  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this artilces:
Parents, Professionals and Mentally Handicapped People: Approaches to Partnership. Edited by P. M ittler and H elen M c C onachie
Life Threatening Behaviour: Analysis and Intervention. Edited by J. H. H ollis and C. E. M eyers
Handbook of Behaviour Modification with the Mentally Retarded. Edited by J. L. M atson and J. R. M c C artney
Dynamic Psychiatry in Theory and Practice. By E. R. W allace
Behaviour Therapy Nursing. By P. J. B arker
Mental Illness and Mental Retardation. Bridging the Gap. Edited by F. M enolascino and B. M c C ann
Care of the Neurologically Handicapped Child-A Book for Parents and Professionals. By A. L. P rensky and H elen S tein P alkes  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Aspects of Genetics in Paediatrics Edited by D onald B arltrop
Normal and Pathological Development of Energy Metabolism Edited by F. A. H ommes and C. J. van den B erg
Infantile Spasms By J oseph R. L acy and J. K iffin P enry
An Atlas of Tumours Involving the Central Nervous System By R obin O. B arnard , V alentine L ogue and P atterson S. R eaves
Asthma in Children Edited by J an A. K uzemko
Handbook of School Health Issued by M edical O fficers of S chools A ssociation
The Early Identification of Educationally 'At Risk' Children Edited by K. W edell and E. C. R aybould
The Biofeedback Syllabus: Handbook for the Psychophysiological Study of Biofeedback Edited by B arbara B. B rown
Proceedings of the XVIth International Congress of Logopedics and Phoniatrics, Interlaken, 1974 Edited by E. L oebell  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Christopher: A Silent Life By M argaret B rock
Nutrition and Our Overpopulated Planet By S ohan L. M anocha
Towards an Analysis of Discourse: The English Used by Teachers and Pupils By J. McH. S inclair and R. M. C oulthard
Mental Handicap By B rian K irman and J oan B icknell
Cerebral Palsied and Learning Disabled Children By N ancy C. M arks
Young Children with Down's Syndrome. IRMMH Monograph 4. By J anet C arr
Mark's Wheelchair Adventures By C amilla J essel
Pediatric Screening Tests Edited by W illiam K. F rankenburg and B onnie W. C amp
Perceptual and Learning Disabilities in Children Vol. I: Psychoeducational Practices. Vol. II: Research and Theory. Edited by W illiam M. C ruickshank and D aniel P. H allahan  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Aspects of Prematurity and Dysmaturity : Edited by J. H. P. J onxis , H. K. A. V isser , J. A. T roelstra
Deviant Children Grown Up : By L ee N. R obins
How to Develop your Child's Intelligence, 7th Edition : By G. N. G etman
A Symposium on the Child : Edited by J ohn A. A skin , R obert E. C ooke , J. A lex H aller J r .
Comprehensive Care of the Child with Spina Bifida Manifesta : Rehabilitation Monograph XXXI Edited by C hester A. S winyard
Nutrition and Infection : Ciba Foundation Study Group No. 31 Edited by G. E. W. W olstenholme , M aeve O'C onnor
Nutrition in Renal Disease : Edited by G. M. B erlyne
Optimal Health Care for Mothers and Children: A National Priority : National Institutes of Health Publications No.
The Community's Children. Long-term Substitute Care : A Guide for the Intelligent Layman Edited by J essie P arfitt  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Nutrition, the Nervous System, and Behaviour . Proceedings of the Seminar on Malnutrition in Early Life and Subsequent Mental Development, Mona, Jamaica, January 10–14, 1972.
Teaching Educable Mentally Retarded Children: Methods and Materials . By J ames C. M ainford and H arold D. L ove .
The Mentally Subnormal. Social Work Approaches . Edited by M argaret A dams and H oward L ovejoy .
Drama and Movement in Therapy . By A udrey C. W ethered .
Education and the Severely Handicapped Child . By P eter C ummings .
A Language Program for the Non-language Child . By B. B. C ray and B. P. R yan .
Assessment for Learning in the Mentally Handicapped . Institute for Research in Mental Retardation. Study Group No. 5. Edited by P eter M ittler .
The Young Retarded Child—Medical Aspects of Care . Edited by M argaret I. C riffiths .
The Forgotten Ones. A Sociological Study of Anglo and Chicano Retardates . By A nne -M arie H enshel .  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this articles:
Twelfth Annual Distinguished Lecture Series in Special Education and Rehabilitation . Edited by E lizabeth N eumann and E ddie W illiams
Fourteenth Annual Distinguished Lecture Series in Special Education, 1975 . Edited by R obert R utherford and J oseph B uckhalt
Learning Disability Minimal Brain Dysfunction Syndrome . By R. P. A nderson and C. G. H alcomb
Maintaining Effective Token Economies . By R. L. P atterson
Human Malformations . Edited by C. L. B erry
Music with ESN Children: A Guide for the Classroom Teacher . By P amela L. D ickinson
Promoting Health in the Human Environment . Edited by E velyn E. M eyer and P eter S ainsbury  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Paediatric Neuroendocrinology Edited by D erek G upta with P atrizia B orrelli and A ndrea A ttanasio
The Hereditary Ataxias and Related Disorders (Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery Monographs, Vol. 6) By A. E. H arding
Hydrotherapy in Paediatrics By M argaret R eid C ampion
Visual Disorders in the Handicapped Child By J ohn L. G oble
Neural Transplants: Development and Function Edited by J. R. S ladek and D. M G ash
Le Dossier Clinique de l'I.M.C, 3rd Edn. By G uy T ardieu
The Epilepsy Reference Book. Direct and Clear Answers to Everyone's Questions By P eter M. J eavons and A lec A spinall
The Clinical Pathology of Pregnancy and the Newborn Infant Edited by M aurice N. C auchi , G wendolyn L. G ilbert and J ames B. B rown
The Neuromuscular Junction Edited by R oger A. B rumback and J effrey W. G erst
Perceptual-motor Behaviour: Developmental Assessment and Therapy By J udith I. L aszlo and P hilip J. B airstow
Equipment for the Disabled: Personal Care, 5th Edn. Compiled by E. R. W ilshere
They Keep Going Away By M aureen O swin
1984 Hand Book of Psychiatry and Applied Mental Health Edited by D aniel X. F reedman , J ohn A. T albott R eginald S. L ourie , H erbert Y. M eltzer , J ohn C. N emiah and H erbert W einer
The Basal Ganglia: Structure and Function Edited by J. S. McK enzie , R. E. K emm and L. N. W ilcock  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Young Children with Down's Syndrome: their Development, Upbringing and Effect on their Future . By J anet C arr .
Music Therapy in Action . By M ary P riestley .
Serotonin in Down's Syndrome . Edited by M ary C oleman .
Contemporary Psychiatry . Edited by T revor S ilverstone and B rian B arraclough .
Right from the Start . Edited by B ernie S pain and G uy W igley .
Varieties of Residential Experience . Edited by J. T izard , I. S inclair and R. V. G. G lark .
Managing Residential Facilities for the Development of the Handicapped . By R. G. S cheerenberger .
Eye Movements and Information Processing in Mentally Retarded Children . By F. J. B oersma and W. M uir .  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
The Spinal Cord: Basic Aspects and Surgical Considerations, 2nd Edition Edited by G eorge A ustin
Patterns of Residential Care By R oy D. K ing N orma V. R aynes and J ack T izard
Practical Paediatric Nursing By S heila M. B ates
Normal and Abnormal Development of Brain and Behaviour Edited by G. B. A. S toelinga and J. J. V an der W erff T en B osch
The Educational Needs of Severely Subnormal Children By M ildred S tevens
Clinical Paediatric Endocrinology By W illiam H amilton London:
The Biochemical Basis of Neuropharmacology By J ack R. C ooper , F loyd E. B loom and R obert H. R oth
Phenylketonuria and Some Other Inborn Errors of Amino-acid Metabolism Edited by H orst B ickel , F red P. H udson and Lours I. W oolf
Spinal Dysraphism: Spina Bifida Occulta By C. C. M. J ames and L. P. L assman
Advice, Guidance and Assistance: A Study of Seven Family Advice Centres By A ryeh L eissner , K. A ngela M. H erdman and E lizabeth V. D avies
A Primer in Neurological Staining Procedures By G eorge C lark and M argaret C lark
The Muscle Spindle and Neural Control of the Tongue: Implications for Speech By J ames P. B owman
Medical Primatology: Proceedings of the Second Conference on Experimental Medicine and Surgery in Primates Edited by E dward I. G oldsmith and J. M oor -J ankowski
Helping the Battered Child and His Family Edited by C. H enry K empe and R ay E. H elfer Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Attitudes towards the Handicapped: a Comparison between Europe and the United States . By L eopold L ippman .
The Role of Genetics in Mental Retardation . Edited by R. M. A llen , A. D. G ortazzo and R. P. T oister .
Maternal Deprivation Reassessed . By M. R utter .
Lipids, Malnutrition and the Developing Brain . Giba Foundation Symposium, jointly with the Nestle Foundation, in memory of Sir Norman Wright. Edited by K atherine E lliott and J ulie K night .
Violent Men: an Enquiry into the Psychology of Violence . By H. T och .
Plans and Provisions for the Mentally Handicapped . By M argaret B one , B ernie S pain and F. M. M artin .
Be not afraid . By R obin W hite .  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
The Brain in Unclassified Mental Retardation . Edited by J. B. C avanagh .
Mental Retardation: Occasional Papers 2, 3 & 4 (Institute for Research into Mental Retardation) . By K. S. H olt , S heila H ewett and E lspeth S tephens and J ean R obertson .
Organic Acidurias . Edited by J. S tern and C. T oothill .
Learning, Speech and Thought in the Mentally Retarded . Edited by A. D. B. C larke and M. M. L ewis .
The Genetics of Mental Disorders . By E liot S later and V alerie C owie .
Clubs for Mentally Handicapped Young People . A report on a survey made in 1967. By W. C. W ynne -W oodhouse .  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
The Education of Mentally Handicapped Children . Edited by R. H ermelin .
Tongue-tied: Fifty Tears of Friendship in a Subnormality Hospital . By J oseph J ohn D eacon .
Bernard: Bringing up Our Mongol Son . By J ohn and E ileen W ilks .
Mental Deficiency: The Changing Outlook . Edited by A nn M. C larke and A. D. B. C larke .
Mental Illness in Childhood . By V. L. K ahan .  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this articles:
Introduction to Mental Retardation Syndromes and Terminology. By B. C. M oore , J ane D. H aynes and G. R. L aing
An Introduction to Medical Genetics. Seventh Edition. By J. A. F raser R oberts and M arcus E. P embrey
Research to Practice in Mental Retardation. Volume II, Education and Training; Volume III, Biomedical Aspects. Edited by P eter M ittler
Perspectives in Endocrine Psychobiology. Edited by F. B rambilla , P. K. B ridges , E. E ndröczi and G. H euser
Development of the Basicranium , a Symposium edited by J. F. B osma
The Law and Mental Health: Harmonizing Objectives. By W. J. C urran and T. W. H arding
Skill Training for Community Living: Applying Structured Learning Therapy. By A rnold P. G oldstein , R obert P. S prafkin and N. J ane G ershan  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Society, Stress and Disease. Vol. 2: Childhood and Adolescence Edited by L ennart L evi
Chronic Childhood Disorder: Promoting Patterns of Adjustment By I van B. P less and P hilip P inkerton
British Births 1970. Volume 1: The First Week of Life R oma C hamberlain , G eoffrey C hamberlain , B rian H owlett , A lbert C laireaux
Minnesota Symposium on Child Psychology, Vol. 8 Edited by A nne D. P ick
Children's Spatial Development Edited by J. E liot and N. J. S alkind
Developmental Sentence Analysis: a Grammatical Assessment Procedure for Speech and Language Clinicians By L aura L. L ee
Progress in Neurological Surgery, Vol. 6 Edited by H. K rayenbuhl , P. E. M aspes , W. H. S weet  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this articles:
Psychopathology in the Mentally Retarded. Edited by J. L. M atson And R. B. B arrett
Social Work and Mental Handicap. By D avid A nderson
Look at it This Way: New Perspectives in Rehabilitation. By A nne B rechin and P enny L iddiard
The Bereweeke Skill-Teaching System. By J udith J enkins , D avid F elce , J im M ansell , C onnie F light and D on D ell
New Directions in Social Skill Training. By R. E llis and D orothy W hittington
Perspectives and Progress in Mental Retardation. Proceedings of the Sixth Congress of the International Association for the Scientific Study of Mental Deficiency. Volume I: Social, Psychological and Educational Aspects. Edited by J. M. B erg
Perspectives and Progress in Mental Retardation. Proceedings of the Sixth Congress of the International Association for the Scientific Study of Mental Deficiency. Volume II: Biomedical Aspects. Edited by J. M. B erg & J. M. D e J ong  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books Reviewed in this Article:
Turner's Syndrome. By J ohannes N ielsen and I ngelise S illesen
Coping with Alzheimer's Disease: A Growing Concern. By A nn and S tephen N ewroth
An Integrative Approach to Language Disorders in Children. E lizabeth C arrow -W oolfolk and J oan I. L ynch
Psikhicheskoye Nedorazvitiye u Detey (Incomplete Mental Development in Children), by D mitri N ikolayevich I sayev
Applications of Conditioning Theory. Edited by G raham D avey
Frontiers of Knowledge in Mental Retardation. Edited by P. M ittler
Frontiers of Knowledge in Mental Retardation: Volume II, Biomedical Aspects. Edited by P. M ittler
Child Psychiatry and Social Work. J. L ask and B. L ask
The Care and Training of the Mentally Handicapped. By C harles H. A llas , W illiam I. F raser and R onald C. M ac G ivilivary  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Heart Disease in Paediatrics By S. C. J ordan and O live S cott
The Pulvinar-LP Complex Edited by I. S. C ooper , M. R iklan and P. R akic
The Language Disordered Child: A New Look at Theory and Treatment By G. M. F raser and J. B lockley
Handling the Young Cerebral Palsied Child at Home, 2nd Edition By N ancie R. F innie
Bernard: Bringing up our Mongol Son By J ohn and E ileen W ilks
Please Talk to Me London : Newcomen Educational Foundation; for Newcomen Clinic, Guy's Hospital, SE1.
Multiple Sclerosis: a Reappraisal. Second Edition By D ouglas M c A lpine , C harles E. L umsden and E. D. A cheson
Research on Multiple Sclerosis by C. W. M. A dams
Multiple Sclerosis And Me By M. H. G reenblatt  相似文献   

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