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We report on a de nova constitutional rearrangement involving the long arm of chromosome 7 in a second trimester fetus with the karyotype of 46,XX, inv dup del (7)(pter-q36::q36-q21.2:) pat. Both a large duplication (q21.2-q36) and a small deletion (within q36) were confirmed by FISH studies. DNA analysis on the family showed that the abnormal chromosome was derived from a single paternal homolog. A mechanism is proposed in light of this finding. The phenotype at autopsy was consistent with reported cases of similar duplications in chromosome 7 in that hydrocephalus, a depressed nasal bridge, low set ears, microretrognathia and a short neck were present. Am. J. Med Genet. 68:76–81, 1997 © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Partial duplication of chromosome 3q is a well-described condition of multiple congenital anomalies and developmental delay that resembles the Brachmann-de Lange syndrome. Similarly, an emerging phenotype of a distal 5q deletion syndrome has recently been described. The combination of both chromosome abnormalities has not been previously described. We report on a child with both a de novo duplication of distal 3q (q27 --> qter) and terminal deletion of 5q (q35.2 --> qter). The patient had facial anomalies, hypoplastic toenails, lymphedema of the dorsum of the feet, type I Chiari malformation, a seizure disorder, and moderate developmental delays. The phenotype is compared and contrasted to the few reports of patients with similar terminal 3q duplications and 5q deletions. Our patient did not have the characteristic phenotype of the 3q duplication syndrome, suggesting that the chromosome region responsible for this phenotype is more proximal than the terminal 3q27 region. In addition, comparison with three other reported cases of terminal 5q35 deletions suggests a possible association of terminal 5q deletions with central nervous system (CNS) structural abnormalities.  相似文献   

Inverted 8p duplication deletions are recurrent chromosomal rearrangements that are mediated through non-allelic homologous recombination (NAHR) between olfactory receptor (OR) gene clusters at 8p23.1. These rearrangements result in a proximal inverted duplication of various extent, a single copy region between the OR gene clusters and a terminal 8p deletion. The terminal deletions are stabilized by direct addition of telomeric repeats, so called telomere healing. Here, we report a patient with an unusual inverted duplication deletion of 8p. Stabilization of the broken chromosome end was achieved by telomere capture instead of telomere healing, resulting in an additional duplication of 8q24.13→qter on the short arm of chromosome 8. Moreover, the inverted duplication was only 3.4 Mb in size (restricted to band 8p22) and thus cytogenetically undetectable. To the best of our knowledge this is the smallest inverted duplication reported hitherto. We describe the molecular characterization by FISH and array CGH of this unusual inv dup del (8p) and a previously reported patient with a similar 8q duplication and review the literature on cases associated with telomere capture.  相似文献   

Ring chromosomes are rare cytogenetic findings and are associated at phenotypic level with mental retardation and congenital abnormalities. Features specific for ring chromosome syndromes often overlap with the features of terminal deletions for the corresponding chromosomes. Here, we report a case of a ring chromosome 14 which was identified by conventional cytogenetics and shown to have a terminal deletion and an additional inverted duplication with a triplication by using large insert clone and oligo array-comparative genomic hybridization (array-CGH), fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA). The combination of an inverted duplication with a terminal deletion in a ring chromosome is of special interest for the described syndromes of chromosome 14. The presented findings might explain partly overlapping clinical features described in terminal deletion, duplication and ring chromosome 14 cases, as these rearrangements can be easily overlooked when performing GTG-banding only. Furthermore, we suggest that ring chromosome formation can act as an alternative chromosome rescue next to telomere healing and capture, particularly for acrocentric chromosomes. To our knowledge, this is the first time an inverted duplication with a terminal deletion in a ring chromosome is identified and characterized using high-resolution molecular karyotyping. Systematic evaluation of ring chromosomes by array-CGH might be especially useful in distinguishing cases with a duplication/deletion from those with a deletion only.  相似文献   

Deletion 22q11.2 syndrome is a well-known contiguous gene syndrome, for which the list of findings is extensive and varies from patient to patient. We encountered a unique patient who had a familial 3-Mb deletion 22q11.2 associated with trigonocephaly derived from craniosynostosis of the metopic suture. Almost all the symptoms of the patient, including polymicrogyria, microcephaly, facial abnormalities, internal anomalies, seizures, and mental retardation, were compatible with deletion 22q11.2 syndrome, except for synostosis of the metopic suture. This is the first report of a relationship between deletion 22q11.2 syndrome and trigonocephaly. Craniosynostosis of the metopic suture might be a minor complication of deletion 22q11.2, although coincidental occurrence cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   

A patient with hypotonia, blepharophimosis, ptosis, a bulbous nose, a long philtrum, upturned corners of the mouth, and mild developmental delay was found to have a small subtelomeric deletion of the long arm of chromosome 14 (q32.31-qter). In comparing her phenotype with previously reported patients with similar 14q deletions, due to either a linear deletion or to a ring chromosome 14, a clinically recognizable terminal 14q microdeletion syndrome was evident. Due to the limited number of cases reported, it was not possible to assign specific features to specific regions of terminal 14q. The comparison of features in cases with a linear deletion of 14qter (n = 19) to those in cases with a deletion due to a ring chromosome 14 (n = 23), both with the same breakpoint in 14q, showed that seizures and retinitis pigmentosa have been found only in patients with ring chromosomes. Several hypotheses are put forward to explain this difference: mitotic instability of ring chromosomes; a telomere position effect in ring chromosomes in which the 14p telomere silences nearby gene(s) on the q-arm; and dose-dependent gene(s) involved in seizures and retinitis pigmentosa located on the short arm of chromosome 14. In our opinion, only seizures may be explained by the mitotic instability of ring chromosomes, while both seizures and retinitis pigmentosa may be explained by silencing of gene(s) on 14q by the 14p telomere; the third hypothesis seems unlikely to explain either symptom.  相似文献   

The propositus and a subsequently born sister presented with multiple congenital anomalies. Chromosome analyses were performed initially on peripheral blood lymphocytes from the propositus and his parents: the propositus was found to have a deletion of chromosome 14 (q32.11->qter); the parents' chromosomes were normal. When the sister of the propositus was born, she was determined to have a duplication of an equivalent segment of 14qter. Chromosome studies on the parents' fibroblasts demonstrated no structural abnormality or mosaicism. The parents have an older, phenotypically normal, healthy daughter, which supports mosaicism for intragonadal t(14;14)(q32.11;q32.33) in one parent. Chromosome polymorphism comparisons show that the normal number 14 chromosome in the propositus and his sister was inherited from the mother, thus indicating paternal testicular mosaicism. Clinical findings are compared to those of other reported cases of deletion 14q and duplication 14q.  相似文献   

We report on a 4-1/2 year old girl with apparent CHARGE association who had a de novo inverted duplication (14)(q22 → 24.3), iris colobomas, ventricular septal defect, soft tissue choanal atresia, intellectual impairment, growth retardation, sensorineural deafness, apparently low set ears, and upslanting palpebral fissures. Family history was unremarkable and parental chromosomes were normal. Similarities between this and previously reported cases of 14q duplication suggest that a locus for a gene or genes causing some of the anomalies of CHARGE association may reside in the region 14q22 to 24.3. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

About 1% of individuals with autism or types of pervasive developmental disorder have a duplication of the 15q11-q13 region. These abnormalities can be detected by routine G-banded chromosome study, showing an extra marker chromosome, or demonstrated by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis, revealing an interstitial duplication. We report here the molecular, cytogenetic, clinical and neuropsychiatric evaluations of a family in whom 3 of 4 siblings inherited an interstitial duplication of 15q11-q13. This duplication was inherited from their mother who also had a maternally derived duplication. Affected family members had apraxia of speech, phonological awareness deficits, developmental language disorder, dyslexia, as well as limb apraxia but did not have any dysmorphic clinical features. The observations in this family suggest that the phenotypic manifestations of proximal 15q duplications may also involve language-based learning disabilities.  相似文献   

Child with deletion of 4q and duplication of 1q   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

During infancy, this 50‐year‐old man with a previously undiagnosed multiple congenital anomalies/intellectual disability (MCA/MR) syndrome had grossly symptomatic hypercalcemia and was (briefly) thought to have Williams syndrome. Results of studies with the cytogenetic methods of the 1960s and 1970s were apparently normal. He matured late, but is high‐functioning and healthy. Over 50 years he remained a diagnostic enigma. Thus, it came as a surprise when recent high‐resolution banding methods showed an abnormality of the terminal portion of 13q, determined on array‐comparative genomic hybridization to constitute an unbalanced chromosome rearrangement with a 0.35 Mb loss of 13q34‐ter and 7.67 Mb gain of 14q32.2q32.33 translocated to 13q34. This apparently de novo genomic abnormality must be presumed as the cause of this previously undescribed MCA/MR syndrome which, however, may remain a private syndrome in this family. Williams syndrome was ruled out, and presently it is not possible to ascribe this patient's severely symptomatic infantile hypercalcemia to any gene on the deleted or duplicated chromosome segments. This “case” does underscore the importance of re‐studying previously obscure but evidently genetic conditions, of long‐term follow‐up and documentation of natural history, and of providing, at last, a causal explanation to the family. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Partial duplication of distal 17q   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A male propositus and an older sister had a similar pattern of congenital anomalies, including facial asymmetry with hypertelorism, frontal bossing and temporal narrowness, a broad nasal bridge, epicanthal folds, a wide mouth with a thin upper lip, micrognathia, webbed neck, low-set posteriorly angulated ears, and an abnormal hairline. There was also postaxial polydactyly, flexion contractures of the digits, hypotonia, and a congenital heart anomaly. The propositus also had renal anomalies whereas the sister did not, and the sister had a cleft lip and palate not present in her brother. The propositus and a subsequent fetus identified through genetic amniocentesis were determined to have a 46, XY, -18, +der(18),t(17;18)(q25.1;q23)mat chromosome constitution. Clinical findings are compared to those of other reported cases of dup(17q).  相似文献   

We describe the cytogenetic and molecular characterization of an inverted duplication of chromosome 15q with evidence of a terminal deletion of the same rearranged chromosome. The proband was a multiple congenital malformed female with a prenatal diagnosis of trisomy 15q and an extremely severe clinical course. The phenotype of the patient was characterized by marked intrauterine growth retardation, congenital heart defect, "horseshoe" kidney, hand contractures, and clubfeet. The exitus came at 20 days because of progressive cardio-respiratory impairment. Overall, the clinical phenotype appeared more severe than usual trisomy 15q syndrome. Postnatal cytogenetic and molecular studies unraveled a "de novo" inverted duplication of 15q (q21.3-->q26.3), associated with the deletion of the 15q telomere and part of the band 15q26.3. A single copy region spanning approximately 600 kb between the duplicated segments was present. Correlation between the clinical findings of the patient and the phenotype of trisomy 15q reported in literature is also provided.  相似文献   

Mosaicism with two cell lines having different rearrangements of the same chromosome is rare. Only a few cases of mosaicism have been described in association with chromosomal inverted duplication deletion (inv dup del) rearrangements. A well-established mechanism of formation of inv dup del rearrangements involves a dicentric intermediate, which undergoes breakage during cell division, generating cells with either an inv dup del or a simple deletion. A patient with developmental delay and dysmorphic features was found to carry two cell lines with rearrangements of 9p: an inv dup del 9p and a terminal deletion 9p. Microarray and FISH analysis showed that these cell lines do not constitute the reciprocal products of a single dicentric breakage event. We propose that independent post-zygotic breaks of a dicentric chromosome as a likely mechanism leading to the generation of the observed cell lines. The post-zygotic origin of the inv dup del rearrangements and the associated mosaicism can be a more frequent phenomenon than currently appreciated. Therefore, genotype–phenotype correlations in the inv dup del rearrangements need to take into account the possible presence of other abnormal cell lines during early development.  相似文献   

The CHARGE syndrome is a multiple congenital malformation syndrome that usually results from deletion or heterozygous loss of function mutations of the chromodomain helicase DNA-binding protein 7 (CHD7) gene at 8q12.1. Besides CHD7-related cases, some patients with CHARGE-like phenotype have been reported with chromosomal imbalances. We describe a patient with a pattern of malformations reminiscent of CHARGE syndrome: choanal atresia, facial dysmorphism (micrognathia, hypertelorism, epicanthic folds, and depressed, broad nasal bridge), cardiovascular malformations, cryptorchidism, and developmental delay. He had duplication 8q and deletion 4q derived from paternal translocation t(4;8)(q34;q22.1). CHD7 mutation or deletion was excluded. The present report to the best of our knowledge is the only one describing an unbalanced translocation t(4;8) and CHARGE-like phenotype.  相似文献   

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