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In this retrospective study we describe the immunohistochemical expression pattern of sLe(x) epitopes in endothelial and epithelial cells of 59 squamous carcinomas of the tongue, and relate this to the relative survival rates of the patients. Endothelial sLe(x) expression was significantly elevated in malignant lesions compared to normal tissues, but did not have any prognostic value for the relative survival rate. In contrast, epithelial sLe(x) expression was decreased in carcinomas compared to normal tongue. The patients whose carcinoma showed only moderate epithelial HECA-452 reactivity had a significantly better relative survival rate than the patients with tumor specimens with neglible or very high HECA-452 reactivity. The epithelial staining with the two other anti-sLe(x) antibodies (CSLEX-1 and 2F3) did not correlate with the survival rates of tongue carcinoma patients.  相似文献   

L-selectin mediates lymphocyte homing by facilitating lymphocyte adhesion to unique carbohydrate ligands, sulfated sialyl Lewis(x), which are expressed on high endothelial venules (HEV) in secondary lymphoid organs. The nature of the sulfotransferase(s) that contribute to sulfation of such L-selectin counterreceptors has been uncertain. We herein describe a novel L-selectin ligand sulfotransferase, termed LSST, that directs the synthesis of the 6-sulfo sialyl Lewis(x) on L-selectin counterreceptors CD34, GlyCAM-1, and MAdCAM-1. LSST is predominantly expressed in HEV and exhibits striking catalytic preference for core 2-branched mucin-type O-glycans as found in natural L-selectin counterreceptors. LSST enhances L-selectin-mediated adhesion under shear compared to nonsulfated controls. LSST therefore corresponds to an HEV-specific sulfotransferase that contributes to the biosynthesis of L-selectin ligands required for lymphocyte homing.  相似文献   

The expression of the sialyl Lewis x antigen (sLe x ) on surgical specimens of primary gastric cancer corre-lates with the degree of differentiation and synchronous and metachronous liver metastasis. Multivariate analysis by means of Quantification theory II revealed that sLe x expression was an independent risk factor for liver metastasis from gastric cancer.© Kluwer Academic Publishers 1998  相似文献   

Cimetidine has been shown to have anti-metastatic activity and improves the survival of patients with colorectal cancer. One hypothesis is its modulation of the expression of the cell adhesion molecule by target organ endothelial cells. Because of the inconclusive results in clinical trials of gastric cancer, we investigated the effects of cimetidine on the adhesion of gastric cancer cells to activated endothelial cells and on the expression of some cell adhesion molecules. Human endothelial cells were pre-incubated with cimetidine for 6 h, incubated with the cytokine tumor necrosis factor for 4?h, and the endothelial surface expression of E-selectin was evaluated by flow cytometry, immunostaining and ELISA. Further, we investigated E-selectin mRNA expression by RT-PCR. Three gastric cancer cell lines (SGC-7901, MGC-803, BGC-823) and a normal gastric epithelial cell line, GES-1, were studied for the surface expression of sialyl Lewis x by flow cytometry and immunostaining. Adherence of CFSE-labeled gastric cancer cells and GES-1 cells to endothelial cell monolayers was determined. Cimetidine significantly reduced E-selectin expression of activated endothelial cells, but did not influence E-selectin expression at the mRNA level. Three gastric cancer cell lines expressed high levels of sialyl Lewis x, whereas GES-1 did not. Cimetidine also significantly decreased gastric cancer cell adherence to stimulated endothelial cells. The inhibition of E-selectin expression corresponded to the reduction of tumor cell adherence. The effects of cimetidine on tumor adhesion were almost nullified by pre-incubation with E-selectin and sialyl Lewis x antibody. Furthermore, there was no significant change of GES-1 adherence to endothelial cells by TNF-α, cimetidine, E-selectin and sialyl Lewis x antibody. The inhibiton of gastric cancer cell adherence to cytokine-stimulated endothelial cells treated with cimetidine appears to result from blocking endothelial E-selectin expression. These data support the hypothesis that cimetidine may exert its anti-metastatic effects in gastric cancer, in part, by inhibiting E-selectin/sialyl Lewis x-mediated adherence of gastric cancer cells to endothelial cells in the metastasis target organs.  相似文献   

Lymphocyte homing is initiated by their tethering to and rolling on the high endothelium and is followed by extravasation into the lymph nodes. We show here that glycosylated cell adhesion molecule-1 (GlyCAM-1), CD34, and sialyl Lewis x (sLex) are present on rat lymph node high endothelium analyzed by using monoclonal antibodies. α(1,3)fucosyltransferase VII (Fuc-TVII), the last enzyme involved in the synthesis of the sLex sequence is also expressed on the rat lymph node high endothelium. We have synthesized a family of sLex-decorated oligosaccharide structures and used them to inhibit lymphocyte binding to high endothelium in the Stamper-Woodruff assay. Monovalent sLex, branched di- and tetravalent sLex, as well as a linear tetravalent sLex significantly reduce lymphocyte binding to endothelium. The branched and linear forms of tetravalent sLex were clearly superior inhibitors of the L-selectin-dependent lymphocyte adhesion, with IC50 values in low nanomolar range. In contrast, the fucose-free analogs having the same charge and approximately the same size as the corresponding sLex glycans had no effect on lymphocyte binding and served as negative controls. Taken together, these data show the crucial importance of sLex in the endothelial ligands for L-selectin. Furthermore, we suggest that L-selectin acts as an oligomer on the lymphocyte surface as it binds multivalent sLex glycans.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that titers of soluble platelet selectin (s-P-selectin) and soluble vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (s-VCAM-1) were increased in sera of patients with chronic Trypanosoma cruzi infection. In this study, we analyzed the expression of CD49d-integrins, that bind to VCAM-1, and sialyl Lewis x (SLe(x)), which binds selectins, in peripheral blood lymphocytes of 27 patients with Chagas' disease at different levels of disease severity. Patients with a mild form of Chagas' disease showed a lower number of CD49d(+) cells, in comparison with those with severe chronic cardiopathy. Decreased levels of CD49d(+) cells were detected in CD3(-) cell populations. Conversely, SLe(x) expression was found to be decreased in patients with severe Chagas' disease. Levels of soluble platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule-1 (s-PECAM-1) were significantly increased in the plasma of patients with severe Chagas' disease while unaltered levels of MCP-1 were recorded. These data show that VCAM-1 and P-Selectin ligands are differentially expressed during the chronic phase of the Trypanosoma cruzi infection. These findings also reinforce a role of the P-selectin/SLe(x) adhesion pathway rather than very late antigen-4 (VLA-4)/VCAM-1, in the pathogenesis of Chagas' disease.  相似文献   

Langerhans' cell depletion by staphylococcal superantigens.   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
S Pickard  G Shankar    K Burnham 《Immunology》1994,83(4):568-572
Superantigens were examined for effects on the distribution of Langerhans' cells (LC) in mouse skin. This was accomplished by analysing the expression of LC-specific markers, ATPase and IA among the epidermal portion of cultured sections of mouse skin following treatment with staphylococcal enterotoxins. In this study, treatment of skin sections with staphylococcal enterotoxin A or exfoliative toxin but not toxic shock syndrome toxin led to significant depletion of LC. This depletion was inhibited by agents which specifically block the action of GTP binding proteins or their associated kinases (cholera and pertussis toxins and H-8) as well as those which block protein or RNA synthesis. Therefore, signals which lead to LC depletion in response to staphylococcal enterotoxins appear to involve a cholera and pertussis toxin-sensitive GTP-binding protein and protein synthesis. These requirements are identical to those observed previously for LC depletion following exposure of skin to ultraviolet radiation.  相似文献   

Breast cancer spreading to different organs have been related to different molecules and mechanisms, but cutaneous metastasis remains unexplored. Increasing evidence showed that MUC1 and some of its carbohydrate associated antigens may be implicated in breast cancer metastasis. In this study we analyzed these tumor markers in order to identify breast cancer cutaneous metastatic profiles. A cohort of 26 primary tumors from breast cancer patients with cutaneous metastases were included; also, cutaneous and lymphatic node metastatic samples and primary tumors from breast cancer patients without metastases were analysed. Immunohistochemical (IHC) studies demonstrated that both underglycosylated MUC1 (uMUC1) and sialyl Lewis x (sLex) to be positively associated with cutaneous metastatic primary tumors (p < 0.05). Notably, a high percentage of tumors with cutaneous metastases were characterized as triple negative and Her2+ tumors (37.5 % and 29 %, respectively). Some discordant results were found between primary tumors and their matched cutaneous metastases. To determine if MUC1 variants may be carriers of carbohydrate antigens, subcellular fractions from a cutaneous metastatic lesion were obtained, immunoprecipitated and analyzed by Western blot. We found that the isolated uMUC1 with a molecular weight of>200 kDa was also the site for binding of anti-sLex MAb; in coincidence, a high correlation of positive IHC expression of both markers was observed. Our findings confirm that breast cancer cutaneous metastases were associated to highly malignant primary tumors and sustain the hypothesis that u-MUC1 and sLe x may drive breast cancer cutaneous metastases.  相似文献   

True histiocytic neoplasm of Langerhans' cell type.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Malignant histiocytic neoplasms of dendritic cell lineage are rare and most are derived from the dendritic cells of the T-cell and B-cell areas of the lymph node, respectively. Only one case of a malignant histiocytic neoplasm of Langerhans' cells, the dendritic cell of the skin, has been reported. We report the occurrence of a true histiocytic neoplasm of Langerhans' cell type in a 23-year-old female patient. The diagnosis of this highly aggressive neoplasm is supported by histochemical, immunohistochemical, ultrastructural, and genotypic analysis--techniques which allow differentiation from malignant melanoma and large cell anaplastic lymphoma.  相似文献   

Lymphocyte infiltrate is a hallmark of inflammatory responses. We have previously shown that de novo-induced endothelial sialyl Lewis x (sLex) expression guides lymphocytes in an L-selectin-dependent manner to sites of acute organ transplant rejections. In this research, we have analyzed five groups of chronic lung inflammations to determine the presence of properly glycosylated, i.e., sulfated, sLex-decorated, L-selectin ligands. Two anti-sLex (2F3 and HECA-452) and one anti-6- and/or 6'-sulfated and/or 6,6'-bisulfated (MECA-79) monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) were used. The control lung specimens did not express L-selectin ligands on endothelium. In contrast, the endothelial staining intensity and the number of positive peribronchial venules and capillaries with mAbs 2F3, HECA-452, and MECA-79 were significantly greater in bronchial biopsies from patients with asthma compared with normal specimens (P<0.003). However, no significant increase of peribronchial endothelial reactivity with these antibodies was observed in adult respiratory distress syndrome, chronic bronchitis, fibrosing alveolitis, and granulomatous inflammation compared with controls. These data suggest that sulfated sLex glycans, acting putatively as ligands for L-selectin, could be instrumental in lymphocyte extravasation into human peribronchial lung tissue during asthma, but not so important in several other inflammatory lung diseases.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies were used in an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the detection of human Lewis immunodeterminants in the lipopolysaccharide of Helicobacter pylori. In 94 H. pylori isolates, expression of Lewis(x) (Le(x)) and Le(y) was a stable phenotypic marker independent of the growth medium and cell age; 46 (49%) of the isolates expressed both and 34 (36%) of the isolates expressed either Le(x) or Le(y); 14 (15%) were negative for both determinants. Twelve (13%) isolates expressed Le(b), 3 (3%) expressed Le(a), and 2 (2%) expressed sialyl-Le(x). H. pylori isolates positive for both Le(x) and Le(y) were predominantly cagA+ (P < 0.001) and possessed the s1 signal sequence (P < 0.05) and the m1 midregion type (P = 0.033) of vacA. Isogenic mutants of H. pylori CPY3401 were created by interruption of the cagA, picB, or ureA gene. The cagA-ablated strain (but not the picB- and ureA-ablated mutant strains) had significantly (P < 0.01) diminished expression of Le(y) compared with that of the wild-type strain; for all four strains, expression of Le(x) was similar. In conclusion, 89% of H. pylori isolates express Le determinants in their lipopolysaccharide, mimicking human cell surface glycoconjugates. Strong expression of Le(x) and Le(y) by cagA+ isolates could counterbalance their enhanced proinflammatory activities and thereby facilitate persistence.  相似文献   

E-selectin, expressed on inflamed endothelium, and sialyl Lewis x (sLe(x)), present on the surface of leukocytes, play a key role in leukocyte-endothelial interactions during leukocyte recruitment to sites of inflammation. HECA-452 is a monoclonal antibody (mAb) that recognizes sLe(x) and is routinely used by investigators from diverse fields who seek to unravel the mechanisms of leukocyte adhesion. The data regarding the ability of HECA-452 to inhibit carbohydrate-mediated leukocyte adhesion to E-selectin remains conflicted, in part due to the presence of a variety of potential E-selectin reactive moieties on leukocytes. Recognizing this, we utilized a complementary approach to gain insight into HECA-452 adhesion assays. Specifically, we used sLe(x) microspheres to investigate the hypothesis that HECA-452 is a non-function blocking mAb for isolated sLe(x) mediated adhesion to endothelial expressed E-selectin. Flow cytometric analysis revealed that HECA-452 recognizes and binds to the sLe(x) microspheres. Perfusion of the sLe(x) microspheres over human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) at 1.5dyn/cm(2) revealed that the microspheres attach to 4h interleukin (IL)-1β activated HUVEC specifically via E-selectin. Pretreatment of the sLe(x) microspheres with HECA-452 did not influence sLe(x) microsphere initial tethering and accumulation on IL-1β activated HUVEC. Neuraminidase and fucosidase treatments of sLe(x) microspheres revealed that sialic acid and fucose are required for E-selectin binding, whereas HECA-452 recognition of sLe(x) does not depend on the fucose moiety to the extent required for E-selectin recognition. This latter finding suggests there are potential subtle differences between the sLe(x) antigens for E-selectin and HECA-452. Combined, the data indicate that HECA-452 is a non-inhibitor of sLe(x)-mediated adhesion to endothelial expressed E-selectin.  相似文献   

Langerhans' cell histiocytosis (LCH) is characterized by an accumulation of cells with a Langerhans' cell (LC) phenotype. Most patients present with solitary skin or bone lesions, but multi-organ lesions may appear. Twenty-two LCH-tissue sections from 13 children and adolescents, with lesions at different sites, were investigated for the expression of leukocyte cellular adhesion molecules. Surprisingly, the LCH cells showed expression for CD2 in 11 lesions. Staining of LCH cells for CD11a and CD11b was positive in six and three lesions, respectively. Staining for CD11c, CD44, CD54, and CD58 was found consistently positive in all lesions. The strong reactivity for CD54 (intercellular adhesion molecule-1) and CD58 (leukocyte function antigen-3) is in contrast with the epidermal LC. LCs in culture are known to up-regulate the expression of CD54 and CD58. These changes are thought to reflect the in vivo situation during migration of activated LCs from the skin to the draining lymph node. It can be concluded that the abnormal cells in LCH not only share characteristics with the epidermal LC, but have additional characteristics of the activated LC, a cell capable of migration. The presumed immunological dysregulation in LCH may affect the expression of cellular adhesion molecules, reflected by the inconsistent expression of CD11a and CD11b and the unexpected expression of CD2. These features may contribute to migration of LCs to aberrant sites in combination with abnormal persistence and proliferation.  相似文献   

Incidental Langerhans' cell histiocytosis of the thyroid   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

High endothelial venules (HEV) lined by the high endothelium are the sites where leukocytes enter into the lymph nodes from the blood. Lymphocyte homing into lymph nodes is organ-selective, i.e., different molecules are involved in the lymphocyte homing to peripheral nodes compared with mucosa associated lymphoid tissue. The traffic into peripheral nodes is regulated by the expression of L-selectin on leukocytes and its ligand on HEVs. The ligand for L-selectin is suggested to be a 50, 90, or 105 kd glycoprotein, which is sulfated, fucosylated, and sialylated. The two other members of the selectin family (E- and P-selectin) recognize sialyl-Lewis x and -Lewis a (sLex and sLea, respectively) carbohydrate motifs, and there is preliminary data suggesting that this would also be the case for L-selectin. We have initiated a study to identify the expression of these sialylated structures on endothelial surfaces. We present data that show that HEVs in peripheral nodes, but not in the mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue, express large quantities of sLex and sLea identified by MAbs in immunohistology. Endothelium in capillaries or larger vessels in non-lymphoid tissues do not react with anti-sLex or -Lea mAbs. Only 1-2% of the lymphocytes in the peripheral blood express sLex and so far only the skin-homing lymphocytes are known to be sLex positive in larger quantities. We show that in many occasions the B cells in the peripheral lymph-node germinal centers are also sLex-, but not sLea-positive, and provide evidence of the restricted pattern of sLex and sLea expression on peripheral lymph-node HEVs. We propose that they are at least parts of the ligand for L-selectin.  相似文献   

High endothelial venule (HEV)-like vessels have been observed in gastric B cell lymphoma of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue type (MALT lymphoma), as well as in its preceding lesion, chronic Helicobacter pylori gastritis. Previously we reported that glycans on HEV-like vessels in the latter lesion served as L-selectin ligands, although their function is unclear. We have investigated sialyl Lewis X (sLeX)-related glycoepitopes and found that MECA-79(-) /HECA-452(+) /NCC-ST-439(+) HEV-like vessels preferentially mark gastric MALT lymphoma compared to chronic H. pylori gastritis. We then constructed CHO cell lines expressing potential MECA-79(-) /HECA-452(+) /NCC-ST-439(+) glycans, as well as other sLeX-type glycans, on CD34 and evaluated L-selectin binding to those cells, using L-selectin-IgM chimera binding and lymphocyte adhesion assays. L-selectin-IgM chimeras bound to CHO cells expressing 6-sulpho-sLeX attached to core 2-branched O-glycans with or without 6-sulpho-sLeX attached to extended core 1 O-glycans, but only marginally to other CHO cell lines. By contrast, CHO cells expressing 6-sulpho-sLeX attached to extended core 1 and/or core 2-branched O-glycans, as well as non-sulphated sLeX attached to core 2-branched O-glycans, showed substantial lymphocyte binding, while binding was negligible on lines expressing 6-sulpho- and non-sulphated sLeX attached to N-glycans and non-sulphated sLeX attached to extended core 1 O-glycans. These results indicate that MECA-79(-) /HECA-452(+) /NCC-ST-439(+) glycans, specifically, 6-sulpho- and non-sulphated sLeXs attached to core 2-branched O-glycans, expressed on HEV-like vessels in gastric MALT lymphoma function as L-selectin ligands and likely contribute to H. pylori-specific T cell recruitment in the progression of gastric MALT lymphoma.  相似文献   

Langerhans' cell histiocytosis presenting as a parotid gland mass is extremely rare. We report a case of Langerhans' cell histiocytosis in the parotid gland that occurred in a 34-year-old Korean male. The patient underwent parotidectomy followed by adjuvant chemotherapy. There has been no evidence of local recurrence or disease progression during 20 months after the lesion was first diagnosed. Differentiation of Langerhans' cell histiocytosis from Kimura's disease was crucial in this clinical setting.  相似文献   

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