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Psoriasis is a systemic disease with cutaneous manifestations. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small non‐coding RNA molecules that are differentially expressed in psoriatic skin; however, only few cell‐ and region‐specific miRNAs have been identified in psoriatic lesions. We used laser capture microdissection (LCM) and next‐generation sequencing (NGS) to study the specific miRNA expression profiles in the epidermis (Epi) and dermal inflammatory infiltrates (RD) of psoriatic skin (N = 6). We identified 24 deregulated miRNAs in the Epi and 37 deregulated miRNAs in the RD of psoriatic plaque compared with normal psoriatic skin (FCH > 2, FDR < 0.05). Interestingly, 9 of the 37 miRNAs in RD, including miR‐193b and miR‐223, were recently described as deregulated in circulating peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from patients with psoriasis. Using flow cytometry and qRT‐PCR, we found that miR‐193b and miR‐223 were expressed in Th17 cells. In conclusion, we demonstrate that LCM combined with NGS provides a robust approach to explore the global miRNA expression in the epidermal and dermal compartments of psoriatic skin. Furthermore, our results indicate that the altered local miRNA changes seen in the RD are reflected in the circulating immune cells, suggesting that miRNAs may contribute to the pathogenesis of psoriasis.  相似文献   

Signet‐ring cell/histiocytoid carcinoma (SRCHC) is a very rare skin appendage cancer, with an extremely rare occurrence in the axilla. This study describes the 11th case of SRCHC occurring in the axilla and reports the first gene alteration analysis performed for SRCHC. An 85‐year‐old Japanese male presented with a tumor in the left axilla. Biopsy of the axilla nodule demonstrated diffuse proliferation of histiocytoid neoplastic cells and signet‐ring cells in the dermis and subcutis. Immunohistochemistry revealed loss of E‐cadherin expression in these neoplastic cells. Accordingly, SRCHC of the axilla was diagnosed. Genetic analysis using next‐generation sequencing demonstrated missense mutation of PIK3CA (c1633G>A, pGlu545Lys) and no CDH1 gene mutation.SRCHC of the axilla is considered equivalent to a histiocytoid variant of invasive lobular breast carcinoma. The present SRCHC case demonstrated a pathogenic PIK3CA mutation, which is observed in invasive lobular carcinoma. Additional large case studies are required to clarify the clinicopathological features and gene alterations in SRCHC of the axilla.  相似文献   

Clinical genomic diagnosis is unfamiliar to many dermatologists. Limited knowledge of bioinformatics has limited the use of the next generation sequencing method in dermatological clinics. We evaluated the usefulness of whole genome sequencing as a diagnostic approach to inherited dermatological disease. Here, we present our experience with two female siblings with atypical familial generalized lipodystrophy with diabetes mellitus and dyslipidemia. Whole genome sequencing was performed to diagnose the inherited disease. We compared control genomic databases using the Exome Aggregation Consortium, and filtered false‐positive calls with the segmental duplication, non‐flagged single nucleotide variants and COSMIC mutation databases, and applied the prediction tools of SIFT and PolyPhen2. The two siblings who presented with generalized lipodystrophy were diagnosed with an atypical progeroid syndrome with a p.D136H mutation in the LMNA gene (NM_005572). We diagnosed a familial atypical progeroid syndrome using whole genome sequencing. In this paper, we present our experience with whole genome sequencing and demonstrate that it can provide useful information for clinical genomic diagnosis of inherited diseases with atypical clinical features, such as atypical progeroid syndrome.  相似文献   

Deep penetrating nevi (DPN) are dermal-based, heavily pigmented melanocytic proliferations primarily resulting from mutations in B-catenin and BRAF or, less commonly, NRAS. DPNs are considered to be intermediate grade tumors which are stable with low risk of malignant transformation. The precise risk for transformation is unknown. Only rare cases of DPN progressing to melanoma have been described. We present a case of a 53-year-old female with a blue-black thigh lesion, on histopathology illustrating a melanocytic proliferation with morphology most consistent with a DPN progressing to melanoma. Targeted next generation sequencing performed on both the atypical melanocytic proliferation and melanoma components showed NRAS and CTNNB1 mutations but no evidence of TERT promoter mutation or chromosomal copy number aberrations. The melanoma had additional mutations including a hotspot TERT promoter mutation as well as unbalanced chromosomal copy number aberrations. This report details the progression of DPN to melanoma through a prominent ultraviolet signature and acquisition of genetic aberrations. While the vast majority of DPNs are benign stable nevi, there are rare examples, which may progress to melanoma. This report documents a case and shows the molecular evolution by which the tumor transformed to melanoma.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The dermoscopic classification is a useful tool for handling patients with atypical naevi (Clark naevi). OBJECTIVES: To investigate if the dermoscopic classification of atypical naevi is of any value to discriminate benign from malignant melanocytic lesions. METHODS: Consecutive patients (n = 205) were included with 254 suspicious melanocytic lesions, confirmed by histopathology at the Pigmented Lesions Clinic of the Department of Dermatology, University Medical Center, University of Tuebingen, Germany. In this retrospective study, dermoscopic images of benign and malignant melanocytic lesions were classified according to the dermoscopic classification of atypical naevi (reticular, globular, homogeneous or combinations of two of these) and pigmentation (uniform, central hyper- or hypopigmentation, eccentric peripheral hyper- or hypopigmentation, or multifocal hyper- or hypopigmentation). The three-structure type (reticular, globular and homogeneous) was additionally defined. RESULTS: Reticular, homogeneous and reticular-homogeneous types were significantly more frequent in naevi than in melanomas, whereas the three-structure type was significantly more frequent in melanomas (P < 0.001). A sensitivity of 86.7%, specificity of 87.7% and diagnostic accuracy of 87.4% was obtained. Uniformly pigmented and centrally hyperpigmented types were significantly more frequent in naevi than in melanomas, whereas eccentric peripheral hyperpigmented and multifocal hyper- or hypopigmented types were significantly more frequent in melanomas (P < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: The dermoscopic classification of atypical naevi (Clark naevi) is useful to discriminate benign from malignant melanocytic lesions. The three-structure type and eccentric peripheral hyperpigmentation were significantly more frequently found in malignant than in benign melanocytic lesions. The knowledge of these two dermoscopic types should be helpful for the management of patients presenting with multiple melanocytic lesions.  相似文献   

Individuals with inherited skin diseases often pose one of the most difficult diagnostic challenges in dermatology. The hunt for the underlying molecular pathology may involve candidate gene screening or linkage analysis, which is usually determined by the initial history, the physical findings and laboratory tests. Recent technical advances in DNA sequencing, however, are shifting the diagnostic paradigm. Notably, next‐generation sequencing allows a more comprehensive approach to diagnosing inherited diseases, with potential savings of both time and money. In the setting of a paediatric dermatology genetics clinic in Kuwait, we therefore performed whole‐exome sequencing on seven individuals without a priori detailed knowledge of the patients’ disorders: from these sequencing data, we diagnosed X‐linked hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia (two cases), acrodermatitis enteropathica, recessive erythropoietic protoporphyria (two siblings) and localized recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa (two siblings). All these groups of disorders are clinically and genetically heterogeneous, but the sequencing data proved inherently useful in improving patient care and avoiding unnecessary investigations. Our observations highlight the value of whole‐exome sequencing, in combination with robust bioinformatics analysis, in determining the precise molecular pathology and clinical diagnosis in patients with genetic skin disorders, notably at an early stage in the clinical evaluation of these often complex disorders and thereby support a new paradigm for future diagnostics.  相似文献   

Skin adnexal cancers (SAC) are a heterogeneous group of rare malignancies with histological differentiation towards epithelial adnexa, which lack effective systemic treatments. The aim of this work is to identify any potentially druggable genomic alterations for possible targeted therapies. Cases of primary or recurrent/metastatic (RM) SAC between 2002 and 2014 were identified by searching the institutional cancer registration database. Histological sections of all referral cases were reviewed by a dedicated pathologist to confirm diagnosis. Immunohistochemistry was performed to assess the expression of androgen receptors (AR) and human epidermal growth factor receptor type 2 (HER2). Targeted next‐generation sequencing (T‐NGS) was performed to identify targetable mutations (panel of 50 genes analyzed by Cancer Hotspot Panel, Ion‐Torrent Personal Genome Machine). Mutational analysis of the PTCH1 gene not present in the T‐NGS panel was assessed by Sanger sequencing. A total of 45 cases with available histological samples were identified (35 primary, 10 RM). The most frequent histological type was porocarcinoma (n = 12). Globally, 14 cases (31%) were AR+ (6/10 RM, 60%; 8/35 primary, 23%). HER2 was shown as 2+ in eight of 42 (19%) cases (2/9 RM, 22%; 6/33 primary, 18%). DNA was adequate for T‐NGS analysis in 25 cases. In the majority of cases (17 cases, 68%) at least one mutation in oncogenes or tumor suppressor genes was found: the most frequent ones involved TP.53 (13 cases, 76% of mutated SAC) and PIK3CA (three cases, 18%). The rate of PTCH1 mutation was 30%. These findings support the use of molecular screening in patients with advanced SAC.  相似文献   

We report a 21‐year‐old man with recurrent bullous eruptions and severe itching on the lower legs and feet since 5 years of age. Dry, dirty brown, tile‐like scales covered his lower legs with dystrophic toenails. Nodular prurigo‐like lesions, scarring papules and milia remitted after the bullous eruptions. His father and another two family members had similar but mild presentations with recurrent bullae on the lower legs. Whole exome sequencing detected the heterozygous variants of COL7A1 c.6698G>A and FLG c.7249C>T in this pedigree. COL7A1 c.6698G>A was reported in bullous dermolysis of the newborn and FLG c.7249C>T was reported in ichthyosis vulgaris. Thus, the diagnosis of dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa pruriginosa associated with ichthyosis vulgaris was made.  相似文献   

Although discussed using variable terminology, cutaneous BRCA1‐associated protein (BAP1)‐inactivated melanocytic tumor (BIMT) has been considered a discrete diagnostic entity since 2011. Here, we review the initial genomic studies that identified these distinct melanocytic tumors and the clinical and histopathological features that define these tumors. These epithelioid, predominantly dermal, and melanocytic tumors present as erythematous nodules and histopathologically have features that may overlap with Spitz nevi and nevoid melanoma. There is no sex predilection, and cutaneous BIMTs can appear at any age; however, in most familial (germline mutant) cases patients have multiple cutaneous tumors with a first diagnosis in the second or third decade of life; ocular melanoma and other tumors are increasingly identified in these kindreds with germline BAP1 mutation. These tumors have been described with a myriad of terms including: Wiesner nevus, nevoid melanoma‐like melanocytic proliferation (NEMMP), BAP1 mutant Spitz nevus, BAP1 mutant nevoid melanoma, cutaneous BAPoma, and most recently cutaneous BIMT.  相似文献   

The proportion of acral melanoma (AM) is much higher in Asian populations than in Caucasian populations. Although mutational profiles associated with AM have been discovered in Caucasian populations, knowledge of its genetic alterations in Asian populations is limited. To describe the molecular nature of AM in Korean patients, we performed mutational profiling of AM and matched normal tissues in patients. Fifty‐one formalin‐fixed paraffin‐embedded AM samples and 32 matched pairs from patients’ saliva DNA were analysed by next‐generation sequencing. Only mutations confirmed via digital droplet PCR or in BRAF, KIT and NRAS, the most frequently altered cancer genes in cutaneous melanoma, were considered as positive. The relationship between mutational status and clinicopathological features were examined. Of the 47 AM patients screened, alteration of BRAF, NRAS and KIT genes was observed in 6.4%, 4.3% and 8.5%, respectively. We also tested matched normal tissues of patients to identify tumor‐specific mutations. Examination of the mutational profile in a cohort of 28 primary melanomas and matched normal controls found BRAF mutations in two cases (7.1%), KIT mutations in three cases (10.7%) and CTNNB1 mutations in one case (3.6%). The BRAF, NRAS and KIT mutation status did not correlate with clinicopathological characteristics. Our results show that KIT, NRAS and BRAF hotspot mutations occur at a low frequency in Korean populations. We also observed a case with the CTNNB1 mutation, which raises the possibility that other pathways are associated with AM development.  相似文献   

It has been shown that gene mutations which drive the development of malignant melanoma (MM) in humans also lead to emergence of MM when engineered mice. However, little attention has been paid to the clinical and histopathological features of melanocytic lesions and their natural history in a given mouse model. This knowledge is crucial to enable us to understand how engineered mutations influence the initiation and evolution of melanocytic lesions, and/or for the use of mice as a preclinical model to test specific treatments. We recently reported the development of melanocytic proliferations along the spectrum of naevi to MM in a Cdk4 ( R24C/R24C ) ::Tyr- NRAS ( Q ) ( 61K ) mouse model. In this study, we followed the development of lesions over time using digital photography and dermoscopy with the aim to correlate the clinical and histopathological features of lesions developing in this model. We identified two types of lesions. The first are slow-growing dermal MMs that emanate from dermal naevi. The second did not emanate from naevi, grew rapidly, and appeared to be solely confined to the subcutaneous fat. We present a simple staging system for the MMs that progress from naevi, based on depth of extension into the dermis and subcutis. This represents a blueprint for documentation and follow-up of MMs in the live animal, which is critical for the proper use of murine melanoma models.  相似文献   

The association of contiguous or 'collision' tumours in the same biopsy specimen is not uncommon and is often reported in the literature. The most common association, basal cell carcinoma (BCC) and naevus, is very difficult to diagnose clinically. We describe a 38-year-old woman with a previous history of melanoma, who presented with a modified pigmented lesion of the hip that had begun to change 6 months earlier. Histologically, the lesion was a melanocytic compound naevus and a BCC with a seborrhoeic keratosis. The case was investigated clinically and by focusing on the dermoscopic features and their pathological correlates. Cutaneous collision tumours are extremely difficult to diagnose preoperatively, even with the help of dermoscopy, in particular when one of the lesions is melanocytic.  相似文献   

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