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目的:客观反映新疆地区县医院药剂科工作现状,分析县医院药剂科在发展过程存在的困难,进行对策研究。方法:采用问卷调查和访谈的方式,收集48所县医院药剂科有关人员配置、药品供应及临床药学开展情况等相关数据,应用统计学方法进行描述。结论:新疆地区县医院药剂科工作模式仍然以传统的药品供应保障模式为主。90%以上的药学人员从事药品调配工作,不到2%的药学人员承担临床药学工作,药剂科的工作模式仍然以供应保障模式为主,临床药学工作处于探索和尝试阶段。  相似文献   

湖北省67家医院药学人力资源现状调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
付伟  刘东  杜光 《中国药师》2013,16(8):1182-1185
目的:了解湖北省医疗机构药学人力资源的现状,为医疗决策者提供医院药学人力资源的可靠信息.方法:采用问卷调查的方式,分析湖北省67家医院的药学部(药剂科)负责人的基本情况;医院药学专业岗位分布与药学人才的现状、存在的问题以及临床药师培养状况、存在的问题.结果:被调查医院药学部(科)负责人以副主任药师、硕士、年龄在40~ 50岁之间为主;药学人员主要以本科以下学历为主,缺乏高学历、高职称的药学人员;药学部(科)工作模式仍然以传统的药品供应保障模式为主,大部分药学人员从事药品调配工作,而承担临床药学工作的人员不足10%.结论:我省医院药学部(科)工作正处于供应保障模式向临床药学模式转变的初级阶段,应进一步合理配置医疗机构药学人力资源.  相似文献   

目的:探讨药剂科在医院的重要地位、作用及今后的发展前景,为医院药剂科的发展提供参考。方法:结合当前医院药学发展的方向和解放军264医院药剂科工作情况,就药剂科在当今医院发展新形势下的重要性及发展前景做一简要阐述。结果:药剂科作为医院的重要组成部分,不仅承担着药品供应、门诊调剂、住院调剂、医院制剂等药品供应保障工作,还担负着临床药学、药学科研、保障患者安全用药等重要任务,既是业务技术科室又是职能管理部门。结论:医院药剂科在科学规范管理好药品的同时,更要开展临床药学研究、药学科研研究,充分利用现代信息化技术,为患者提供优质的服务,以适应在医院新形势下的发展需要。  相似文献   

医院药品供应和管理探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
余国军 《现代医药卫生》2007,23(13):2032-2033
医院药品供应和管理是药剂科在医院工作中的首要任务.药剂科负责全院药品的预算、采购、验收、保管和供应,及时、准确、安全、合理地保障临床用药是广大医院药学工作者的神圣职责,尤其在当前医药科学迅速发展,社会协作日益扩大,药品种类不断增多的今天.过去的管理方法和方式已经不能适应当前医院临床医学及药学和市场经济发展的需要。如何改革当前不适当的管理方法和模式,建立一套科学的医院药品供应管理体系,逐步适应当前法制化,信息化的发展趋势,变被动为主动,是医院药剂科近期所面临的主要课题。  相似文献   

目的探讨新型冠状病毒肺炎(简称新冠肺炎)疫情下医院药剂科的应对策略。方法介绍四川大学华西医院临床药学部(药剂科)在新冠肺炎疫情防控工作中所采取的策略及具体措施,包括制订应急预案保障药品供应、编订新冠肺炎用药处方集、加强人员培训、强化药学人员防护、加强防疫物资管理、重视舆情、开展疫情相关科普宣传、科学管理捐赠药品等,并进行分析。结果医院药剂科优质完成了疫情期间药学服务,确保了药品不断供、不漏供、不误供及账物相符,避免了患者院内交叉感染,且无一位员工感染新冠肺炎,切实保障了药学人员安全。结论医院药剂科疫情防控策略效果好且有前瞻性和可行性,值得参考。  相似文献   

目的提升医院药剂科新型冠状病毒肺炎(简称新冠肺炎)疫情防控的药学应急能力。方法根据国家、上海市及医院的相关文件规定和要求,结合既往医院药学管理经验及具体实际情况,构建具有该院特色的疫情防控药学应急管理工作模式并实践。结果成功构建了新冠肺炎疫情防控药学应急管理工作模式,并应用于疫情防控相关知识培训,药学人员和工作环境防护,保障药品供应,捐赠药品管理,更新制度流程,"线上处方"药品供应服务,药学咨询及科普,远程药学服务,药品不良反应监测,治疗药物监测,科研教学等方面。结论新冠肺炎疫情防控药学应急管理工作模式的开展,利于日后医院应对公共卫生突发事件时药学工作的规范化管理。  相似文献   

中小医院药剂科科室人员少,工作繁琐。在新形势下在完成药房药品供应和日常工作的管理的同时应该大力开展用药咨询及药品不良反应的监测等方面的临床药学工作。  相似文献   

国内医院药品供应和管理进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汤关龙 《中国药房》1992,3(4):17-18
<正> 药品供应管理是药剂科在医院工作中的首要任务,药剂科负责全院药品的预算、采购、验收、保管和供应,及时、准确、安全合理保障临床用药是广大医院药学工作者的神圣职责,尤其在当前医药科学迅速发展,社会协作日益扩大,药品种类不断增多的今天,过去药剂科的药品供应管理模式已不能适应当前临床医学、医药工业和市场经济发展的需要。如何体现医院药学在管理供应上的专业特点,必须把供应管理变被动为主动,建立一套完整的医院药品供应管理体系,逐步适应现代化要求的法制化、信息化、科学化的管理制度和工作方法。近几年我国医院药品供应管理主要特点如下:  相似文献   

药剂科作为医院的一个医技科室,负责医院药品的质量、供应、调剂、配制制剂、指导临床合理用药。随着人民生活水平的提高,医疗体制改革的不断深入,全民医保的实现,药剂科工作性质和方式也要作相应转变。药剂科单纯的药品调剂供应模式必须向提供优质的临床药学服务转化。  相似文献   

开展药学服务的实践与探索   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着医院药学新的工作模式——药学保健(PC)概念的提出,药剂科的工作重点从保障供应转变为培养药学技术人才和提高药学人员整体素质,增强为病人专业技术服务的内涵和服务质量。  相似文献   

王颖彦  林华 《中国药房》2009,(2):154-156
目的:深化临床药学工作,在心内科培养专科临床药师。方法:深入临床,学习、参与临床医护人员的日常工作,建立医、护、患均认可的专科临床药师工作模式。结果与结论:建立专科临床药师制度,可提高临床药师的认同度,充分发挥临床药师在药物治疗和药物信息服务中的作用。  相似文献   

The conversion of pharmacist responsibilities in a neonatal intensive-care unit (NICU) pharmacy satellite from drug distribution to both clinical services and drug distribution is described. When the pharmacy department could not recruit a specialty-trained clinical practitioner to fill an open NICU position, the position was converted to a fourth satellite pharmacist position, and each of the four NICU satellite pharmacists assumed clinical responsibilities for the NICU. Clinical and distributive functions had previously been separate. Staff development programs and a contract with the previous NICU clinical practitioner for consultative services helped to ease the transition. NICU pharmacists currently provide inservice education to medical residents and the nursing staff, provide drug information, monitor drug therapy, perform pharmacokinetic monitoring, are involved in research, and work to streamline satellite operations. For one of every four months, the NICU pharmacists primarily provide clinical services; the remainder of the time clinical activities are combined with drug distribution responsibilities. The staffing schedule has enabled the department to extend the hours that clinical services are available. The NICU pharmacists maintain secondary areas of staffing, and other pharmacists periodically staff the NICU satellite. Staff pharmacists in the NICU pharmacy satellite developed clinical skills that permitted integration of clinical and distributive pharmacy services.  相似文献   

闫雪莲  张翠莲  梅丹  张波  王强  王兰 《中国药房》2011,(45):4309-4311
目的:为进一步提高药物咨询质量及临床药学工作的开展提供参考。方法:采用回顾性方法,收集我院主要针对患者的门诊药物咨询记录和针对医务人员的临床药学室药物咨询记录,分析药物咨询问题种类及构成,并对药物咨询工作进行总结。结果与结论:门诊有效咨询记录3632例中,关于药品库存量、规格、价格、报销方式等占74.1%,用法用量占10.4%;临床药学室记录的68例中,关于特殊人群用药、用法用量均占27.9%,药物稳定性占13.2%;患者主要关注口服药物的用法用量,医务人员偏重注射剂的使用注意事项。建议药师应针对患者和医务人员的重点关注内容进行资料的收集和整理,以提高药物咨询效率和质量。  相似文献   

Cooperation in education and research in medical and pharmaceutical sciences between Kobe Pharmaceutical University and Kobe University was started in 2008 for training professionals in drug development and rational pharmacotherapy. Initially, we started a two-year pharmacy residency program. Our pharmacy residents can attend lectures at our universities, and they also help pharmacist preceptors educate undergraduate pharmacy students in practical training. As curricula for cooperative education of pharmacy, nursing and medical students, we developed two new elective subjects (early exposure to clinical training for first year students and IPW (inter-professional work) seminar for fifth year pharmacy students) to learn about the roles of health care professionals in a medical team. Cooperative research between faculty members and graduate students is also in progress. For faculty and staff developments, invited lectures by clinical pharmacy and medical professors from the United States on the clinical education system in pharmacy and medicine in the United States have been held. This systematic cooperation will contribute to the promotion of a new curriculum for inter-professional education in the health-science fields.  相似文献   

目的:分析临床药师在内分泌科开展药学服务的作用。方法:通过案例分析,介绍临床药师参与内分泌科治疗方案的优化选择,为医务人员和患者提供药学服务。结果:临床药师发挥自身药学专业优势,积极参与临床治疗工作,促进临床合理用药,减少药物不良反应的发生。结论:临床药师通过临床实践,参与“医护药”治疗新团队,促进药物安全、有效、合理使用。  相似文献   

陈艳  宗强  陈爱民  王晓娟 《安徽医药》2014,18(2):365-368
目的介绍PDCA循环管理法在医院药事与药物使用管理工作中的应用实践。方法运用PDCA循环管理法的"过程管理",即通过质量管理计划的制订、实施、检查及处置,实现医院药事与药物使用管理的质量持续改进。结果 PDCA循环管理法能促进医院药学管理科学化、规范化、常态化,有效提高药学部门各环节管理的工作效率。结论医院药事和药物使用管理使用PDCA循环管理法能夯实学科发展,促使药学管理质量循环上升,逐步提高临床医务人员和患者对药学服务的满意度。  相似文献   

A pharmacy department at a 340-bed community hospital based its strategic plan for developing patient-oriented services on a sound drug distribution system, a credible work-measurement program, and fiscal responsibility. In 1982 the department of pharmacy and i.v. therapy implemented a strategic plan for improving pharmaceutical services. The plan involved developing goals and objectives for the department; marketing the department's services and fiscal management to hospital administrators, medical staff, and nursing staff; building teamwork among the pharmacy staff; and improving the drug distribution system before instituting clinical services. Hiring of additional pharmacy staff was justified on the basis of work-measurement data. By adjusting staffing levels every two weeks based on work-measurement data, the department increased the efficiency of drug distribution activities; the pharmacy also implemented cost-saving programs like selection of therapeutic alternates and formulary restrictions. The savings were then reinvested in labor-intensive patient-oriented pharmaceutical services. A staff development program using staff pharmacists as preceptors expanded the breadth and depth of pharmacists' clinical skills. The planning efforts were successful because the needs of hospital administrators, the pharmacy department, and staff members were addressed.  相似文献   

The results of a spring 1989 national survey of hospital-based pharmacy services are reported. The study group (n = 2112) comprised half of U.S. acute-care general surgical or medical hospitals with 50 or more licensed beds. Pharmacy directors were asked about their hospital's provision of 14 clinical pharmacy services. The survey had a response rate of 56% (1174 usable responses). Provision levels varied significantly with the pharmacy drug delivery system for 14 services, pharmacy director's education for 12 services, hospital teaching affiliation for 12 services, hospital ownership for 9 services, hospital size for 9 services, and geographic region for 5 services. The following percentages of respondents offered specific services: drug-use evaluation, 90%; inservice education, 66%; adverse drug reaction (ADR) management, 46%; drug therapy monitoring, 41%; pharmacokinetic consultations, 40%; parenteral-enteral nutrition team participation, 28%; patient medication counseling, 26%; drug therapy protocol management, 25%; cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) team participation, 25%; clinical research, 22%; drug information, 16%; participation in medical rounds, 13%; poison information, 9%; and medication histories, 2%. Pharmacist staffing requirements for clinical services usually centralized within the department were highest for drug information and poison information. Within hospitals offering the services, four of nine patient-specific services were potentially available to more than half the patients: ADR management, CPR team participation, drug therapy monitoring, and nutrition team participation. Drug therapy protocol management required the most pharmacist staff time. Only one service, pharmacokinetic consultations, was justified by more than half of the providers of that service. Respondents expected all the services to undergo net growth during 1989-90. The 1989 National Clinical Pharmacy Services Survey showed that provision of clinical pharmacy services varied with the pharmacy drug delivery system, pharmacy director's education, hospital teaching affiliation, hospital ownership, hospital size, and geographic region.  相似文献   

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