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目的 研究负压引流对扩张皮瓣血液循环的影响,以指导临床在耳廓再造中合理有效使用负压引流技术.方法 将21例耳廓再造患者随机分为A、B、C 3组,分别给予-20、-40和-60 kPa负压引流,并于术后即刻、5和10 d分别测量计算3组患者再造耳廓的长、宽之差值,以间接了解再造耳廓肿胀和皮瓣静脉回流情况.术后采用红外热像仪检测再造耳廓于0、-20、-40和-60 kPa负压下皮瓣近(耳甲腔)、远端(耳轮缘)的温度变化.结果 B组术后5d再造耳廓的长、宽差值分别为(1.48±0.47) mm和(0.36±0.06) mm,明显小于术后即刻的(1.67±0.69) mm和(0.40±0.16) mm;A、C组也有差别,但并无统计学意义(P>0.05).B组术后10 d再造耳廓的长、宽差值分别为(1.31 ±0.42) mm和(0.48±0.04)mm,与术后5d比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);而A、C2组比较,差异无统计学意义.再造耳廓皮瓣肿胀程度随负压值增大,呈现先下降后增加的趋势(P<0.01);扩张器自体肋软骨耳廓再造术负压引流强度在0~60 kPa范围内,随负压强度增大,再造耳廓皮瓣温度升高(P<0.01);且近端温度的增加大于远端,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01).结论 负压引流对再造耳廓皮瓣静脉回流及动脉供血均有影响,-40 kPa负压对再造耳廓动脉供血及静脉回流均有促进作用,可为临床设定负压引流强度提供参考.  相似文献   

目的 探讨临床应用扩张法全耳再造过程中出现耳后扩张皮瓣破溃,采用Brent Ⅰ期耳再造术作为补救方法的可行性.方法 8例扩张法全耳再造术的患者,在扩张器注水过程中发生耳后扩张皮瓣破溃,将扩张器取出,植入自体肋软骨支架,行Brent Ⅰ期耳再造术.结果 8例创口均一期愈合,扩张皮瓣血供良好,再造耳形态逼真,轮廓清晰,耳轮毛发少,其大小、形状、位置与面部协调,效果满意.结论 Brent Ⅰ期耳再造术是扩张法全耳再造过程中发生耳后扩张皮瓣破溃后的一种较好补救方法.  相似文献   

扩张后假体置入乳房再造术的临床应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 介绍扩张后假体置入乳房再造术在乳癌改良根治术后乳房缺损、单纯乳腺腺体切除及乳房不对称畸形患者中的应用.方法 将圆形扩张器埋置于胸大肌深面,超量注水30%~50%扩张后,维持3个月以上,二期将扩张器更换为乳房假体.结果 临床应用9例,13侧乳房,其中乳癌改良根治术后乳房缺损2例2侧,单纯乳腺腺体切除4例8侧,乳房不对称畸形3例3侧,最长随访2年,效果满意.结论 扩张后假体置入乳房再造可以使患者获得接近对侧乳房的形态和大小,且没有再造术附加供区的创伤.放疗会增加并发症的发生,需要放疗的患者慎用此法.  相似文献   

The main goal, in eyelid reconstruction, is to promote an adequate protection to the ocular globe, through the reconstitution of all anatomic plans. In order to obtain adequate stability, cartilage grafts are often used in the repair of the internal lamella. Cartilage grafts from auricular scapha in contact with the bulbar conjunctiva were used in this study. Nineteen patients with various pathologies had 20 eyelid reconstructions using this technique (10 cutaneous tumors, 7 post-traumatic, and 3 cases of lower eyelid retraction). Local cutaneous flaps (glabella, Mustardè, etc) were used to reconstruct the external lamella. Epithelialization on the perichondrium (confirmed by the histological examination) occurs between 3 to 4 weeks. The functional and aesthetic result was considered good in 14 cases (70%), acceptable in 5 (25%) and poor in one case (5%). The donor area showed no complications or deformities. The shape of the scapha allows satisfactory conformation of the graft to the curvature of the ocular globe; it is not flat like the nasal septum, and has a smoother curvature than the auricular concha. Furthermore, it is thinner and that is another reason why the aesthetic result was superior to the technique previously used. The functional results were similar. Received: 20 June 1998 / Accepted: 21 September 1998  相似文献   

皮肤定量扩张法在耳廓再造中的应用及并发症的处理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 探讨皮肤扩张器的定量扩张法在在耳廓再造中的应用,并对所发生的并发症进行处理.方法 选择50 ml肾形扩张器埋置于残耳后乳突区无毛发皮下,术后3 d拔除引流管,10d拆除缝线.术后7 d进行常规注水,每周3次,每次注水约5 ml,注水总量为60 ml左右.注水完毕后维持扩张1个月.结果 1992年1月至2006年12月共收治先天性小耳畸形患者5 248例,完成50ml肾形扩张器埋置6 252只.扩张器维持扩张完毕后可见扩张皮肤质薄、血管丰富.并发症有血肿、扩张器外露、创口裂开、感染等,发生率较低,约为7.79%.结论 皮肤定量扩张法操作简单、并发症较少,为耳廓再造提供了良好的无毛发、质薄、血供丰富可靠的皮肤.  相似文献   

The authors emphasize the recent advances in breast reconstruction provided by use of the skin expander device. A Silastic percutaneous skin expander developed by the authors and the Dow Corning Corporation has been used by them in breast reconstruction for the past 7 years with satisfactory results. Important design differences in the device suggested by the authors include the use of a reinforced backing which consists of Dacron Silastic sheeting extending beyond the inflatable teardrop-shaped envelope for approximately 3/8 of an inch, thus adding strength and rigidity to the envelope and the rim, and making it possible for the rim of the expander implant to be sutured in an appropriate orientation.  相似文献   

目的介绍大块耳轮缺损1期修复技术。方法应用陈氏对外伤性耳廓部分缺损修复术式,并改进设计以耳廓缺损前缘为蒂的耳后乳突区皮瓣,携带耳甲后软骨块,或以缺损缘一端为蒂,切取一条正常软骨宽0.3~0.4cm,固定支撑,皮辦包卷覆盖塑形。供区两个V-Y滑行推进皮瓣或断层皮片移植修复。结果完成手术11例,均获成功,耳廓总体不减小,形态恢复较满意。结论此方法为修复大块耳廓缺损提供了简便、安全可靠的一种新方法。  相似文献   

陈竹生  程宁新  王原路 《中国美容医学》2003,12(2):198-199,T008
目的:探讨创伤性耳郭缺损的修复方法。方法:转移扩张后的耳后皮瓣覆盖支架行全耳郭再造。结果:21例创伤性耳郭缺损获得修复,外形好,无并发症。结论:该方法能获得足够的血运良好的无毛皮肤覆盖支架,再造耳的外形轮廓较理想。  相似文献   

A 20-year-old male who sustained a severe avulsion injury of his left scalp and face together with a cranial bone fracture on his right temple six years previously, presented with extensive alopecia over the left temporal scalp. There was also a depression in the right temple with complex scarring caused by previous operations. A simultaneous complete reconstruction of the scalp defect and the depression was obtained by expansion of the left temporoparietal scalp, followed by free-flap transfer of the expanded tissue and augmentation with a free scapular flap. The end result was very satisfactory.  相似文献   

目的:总结先天性小耳畸形耳廓再造术的临床经验。方法:回顾性分析98例先天性小耳畸形耳廓再造术经验,对手术方法、术后并发症等进行总结。结果:我科于2009年1月~2012年10月,采用“耳后扩张皮瓣加自体肋软骨立体支架法”行耳廓再造术98例,经过6个月~3年随访,发现再造耳形态逼真,位置、大小与健侧基本一致;皮肤颜色与面部接近;支架无吸收及变形;再造耳廓的立体形态良好、外形自然;颅耳角与对侧相似,耳后瘢痕不明显。结论:采用“耳后扩张皮瓣加自体肋软骨立体支架法”行耳廓再造术,并发症少、外形逼真,是理想的先天性小耳畸形再造方法,可在临床上推广应用。  相似文献   

大块耳轮缺损Ⅰ期修复方法的改进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的介绍大块耳轮缺损Ⅰ期修复技术。方法应用陈氏对外伤性耳廓部分缺损修复术式,并改进设计以耳廓缺损前缘为蒂的耳后乳突区皮瓣,携带耳甲后软骨块,或以缺损缘一端为蒂,切取一条正常软骨宽0.3~0.4cm,固定支撑,皮瓣包卷覆盖塑形。供区两个V-Y滑行推进皮瓣或断层皮片移植修复。结果完成手术11例,均获成功,耳廓总体不减小,形态恢复较满意。结论此方法为修复大块耳廓缺损提供了简便、安全可靠的一种新方法。  相似文献   

改良游离母甲皮瓣移植再造拇指   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
目的探讨改良的拇甲皮瓣移植再造拇指的方法,以减少对供足的损害。方法2001年11月至2003年10月,应用作者设计的改良游离拇甲皮瓣移植再造拇指11例,其中6例为Ⅱ类A区缺损,5例为Ⅱ类B区缺损。在同侧拇趾切取拇甲皮瓣,皮瓣的神经血管蒂同传统的蹲甲皮瓣;将保留于供趾上的皮瓣设计于跖底负重区,其内包含跖底胫侧固有动脉和神经。结果术后随访6个月~2年,再造拇指全部存活,外形功能与传统拇甲皮瓣再造拇指的结果相当。10例患者顺利保留了供趾的全长或大部分,1例患者供趾保留的皮瓣部分坏死,作二期手术处理。11例的供足无疼痛,无磨损或破溃,步态正常。供足的静态负重,动态力学分布与对侧正常足基本相同。结论改良设计的拇甲皮瓣再造拇指,在不增加手术难度,不降低再造拇指质量的情况下,能很好的保留了供趾的功能。  相似文献   

带血管蒂游离腓骨瓣移植修复尺骨骨缺损   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的介绍应用带血管蒂游离腓骨瓣移植修复尺骨骨缺损。方法切取带有腓血管供血的腓骨上3/4段修复尺骨骨缺损13例,对其中4例伴有皮肤缺损者,采用腓骨骨皮瓣联合修复;腓骨移植长度为6~16cm;腓骨骨皮瓣面积为15cm×8cm~25cm×12cm。术后分别于1、3、6、12个月对前臂拍摄X线片,术后12个月测定患肢功能。结果13例9块腓骨瓣、4块腓骨骨皮瓣全部成活。术后11例获得1年以上的随访,腓骨瓣与尺骨完全骨性愈合时间为4~6个月。前臂旋转功能:优2例,良6例,差3例,优良率为72.7%。按Enneking系统评分:平均为21分,平均恢复了肢体功能的70%。供骨区踝关节活动正常,腓总神经支配区感觉无异常。结论应用带血管蒂游离腓骨瓣修复尺骨骨缺损,方法可靠,既保持了尺骨长度,又为骨折愈合提供了血供,是一种治疗骨缺损的理想手术方法。  相似文献   

The cheek and nose are common areas for skin cancers. There are multiple approaches to surgical excision and reconstruction, depending on the size of defect, tissue quality, adjacent cosmetic units and hairline. An effective solution to skin defects of the lateral cheek is the bilobed flap. This flap tends to be underused in the lateral cheek area because primary closure and skin grafts are perceived to be easier methods of reconstruction. However, the use of the bilobed flap for lateral cheek and other defect closures is encouraged. There are several basic principles that are key when performing this flap. These components of the procedure are highlighted.  相似文献   

Reconstruction of partial defects of the Hypopharynx and Cervical esophagus following resection for locally advanced carcinoma, by pectoralis major myocutanous flap (PMMF) was studied in 30 consecutive cases over a period of 5 years from 1988–1992 at the Tata Memorial Hospital. Patients with circumferential excisions were excluded for the purpose of this study. Two patients died in the post-operative period due to massive upper GI haemorrhage and cerebrovascular accident. These 2 patients were excluded from further analysis. Satisfactory oral intake was achieved in 26 (85%) patients. Pharyngocutanous fistula (PCF) developed in 10 (29%) patients. Anastomotic strictures developed in 4 patients, out of 2 were benign and 2 were due to recurrence of disease. Median hospital stay in patients who developed PCF was 39 days as against 14 days in those who did not develop PCF. With a minimum follow up of two years 47% patients are dead of disease, 32% are lost to follow and only 14% are alive and free of disease. Statistical analysis using univariate and multivariate tests failed to reveal any significant predisposing risk factors for PCF. Patch PMMF for the reconstruction of partial defects of the hypopharynx is a safe and reliable procedure.  相似文献   



The choice between local flap designs for burn reconstruction is largely shaped by aesthetic, vascularity, procedural complexity, and wound-closure considerations. However, another key consideration is how well specific local flap designs release post-burn scar contractures. This is because constant tension on wound edges can generate pathological scarring. However, the ability of specific local flap to release post-burn scar contractures is poorly understood. This question was addressed by this study of patients who underwent local flap surgery to release post-burn scar contractures.


The flap type, its original size, and the degree to which the flap extended 6 months after surgery were recorded.


Of the 40 patients enrolled, 20 received an island flap and 20 received a skin-pedicled flap. The scars were most commonly located on the anterior chest, axilla, and cubital fossa, followed by the lateral chest, abdomen, thigh, and popliteal fossa. Six months after surgery, the skin-pedicled and island flaps had extended on average by 1.53- and 1.28-fold, respectively.


While it was technically easier to transfer island flaps to the recipient site, they released contractures less effectively than skin-pedicled flaps. The postoperative extensibility of flaps should be considered when determining which flap design is optimal for the individual patient.  相似文献   



Fingertip defect can be treated with many flaps such as random pattern abdominal flap, retrograde digital artery island flap, V-Y advancement flap, etc. However, swelling in the fingertip, dysfunction of sensation, flexion and extension contracture or injury in the hemi-artery of the finger usually occurs during the recovery phase. Recently, digital artery perforator flaps have been used for fingertip reconstructions. With the development of super microsurgery techniques, free flaps can be more effective for sensory recovery and durability of the fingertip.

Materials and Methods:

Six cases (six fingers) of fingertip defects were treated with free digital artery perforator flaps of appropriate size and shape from the proximal phalanx. During surgery, the superficial veins at the edge of flap were used as reflux vessels and the branches of the intrinsic nerve and dorsal digital nerve toward the flap were used as sensory nerves. The proximal segment of the digital artery (cutaneous branches) towards the flap was cut off to form the pedicled free flap. The fingertips were reconstructed with the free flap by anastomosing the cutaneous branches of digital artery in the flap with the distal branch or trunk of the digital artery, the flap nerve with the nerve stump and the veins of the flap with the digital artery accompanying veins or the superficial veins in the recipient site.


Six flaps survived with successful skin grafting. Patients were followed up for 6-9 months. The appearance and texture of the flaps was satisfactory. The feeling within the six fingers recovered to S4 level (BMRC scale) and the two point discrimination was 3-8 mm.


Free digital artery perforator flap is suitable for repairing fingertip defect, with good texture, fine fingertip sensation and without sacrificing the branch of the digital artery or nerve.  相似文献   

眼睑肿瘤切除后组织缺损的即时修复   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 探讨肿瘤切除后眼睑缺损即时修复的方法.方法 对因肿瘤切除后造成的眼睑及周围组织缺损患者,应用一种或多种、一个或多个局部皮瓣进行修复.结果 自1994年以来,于临床应用216例224侧.眼睑良性肿瘤切除所致眼睑缺损者147例152侧,眼睑恶性肿瘤切除所致者69例72侧.术后所有皮瓣均全部成活,切口均一期愈合.149例得到随访,时间为3个月至10年.患者对修复后眼睑形态满意,劝能正常.眼睑恶性肿瘤患者术后复发2例,均为鳞状细胞癌,并再次以局部皮瓣修复,术后无复发.结论 灵活应用局部皮瓣是眼睑肿瘤切除后组织缺损即时修复的一种安全、可靠、易行的方法.  相似文献   

目的 探讨额、面颊及前臂部的扩张皮瓣同期修复鼻及上唇缺损的手术方法及效果.方法 分别采用额、面颊、前臂部扩张皮瓣同期完成鼻及上唇缺损的再造与修复术.手术治疗全程共分3个阶段:扩张器置入,一般额和前臂部分别置入170、200 ml圆柱形扩张器,面颊为140 ml圆形扩张器;扩张皮瓣带蒂转移,须确保皮瓣包括主要血管和分支血管在内;皮瓣断蒂修整,最好于4~5周后断蒂效果佳.结果 7例患者均用此方法修复再造鼻、上唇缺损.术后外形良好、对称,所有皮瓣全部成活,男患者额部皮瓣远端带有部分头皮,可再造上唇及胡须,外形及功能更加逼真,患者满意,经0.5~5.0年随访,功能、形态均良好.结论 额、面颊及前臂部扩张皮瓣是鼻、上唇组织缺损同期再造与修复的较为理想方法.  相似文献   

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