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The biology of myocardial hibernation.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Patients with chronic coronary artery disease frequently have contractile dysfunction that recovers upon reperfusion. The concept of myocardial hibernation views the observed reduction in contractile function not as the result of an ongoing energetic deficit, but as an adaptive down-regulation that serves to maintain myocardial integrity and viability. In the experiment, sustained perfusion-contraction matching, recovery of energy and substrate metabolism during ongoing ischemia, the potential for recruitment of inotropic reserve, lack of necrosis, and therefore recovery of function upon reperfusion are established features of hibernation. Apart from reduced calcium responsiveness, the underlying mechanisms are still unclear. In patients, the importance of reduced baseline blood flow vs. that of superimposed repetitive stunning is somewhat controversial; however, in most studies blood flow is reduced, and the myocardium must be ischemic often enough to have persistent dysfunction. Morphologically, hibernating myocardium displays features of dedifferentiation, with loss of cardiomyocytes and myofibrils, and of degeneration, with increased interstitial fibrosis. Patients with hibernating myocardium must be identified and undergo revascularization. With a better understanding of the underlying mechanisms of hibernation, these adaptive responses to ischemia can potentially be recruited and reinforced pharmacologically to delay impending myocardial infarction.  相似文献   

J Ross 《Circulation》1991,83(3):1076-1083
Experimental studies demonstrate that short-term regional perfusion-contraction matching, in which the energy demands of regional myocardial contraction are reduced to match the diminished myocardial substrate supply, occurs during states of low coronary blood flow under resting conditions and during exercise-induced ischemia. This phenomenon is rapidly reversible and appears to occur in several clinical settings. Sustained perfusion-contraction matching is observed in states of partial experimental ischemia of intermediate duration lasting several hours. This condition might be called short-term hibernation and resembles clinical conditions such as unstable angina pectoris or myocardial infarction with some residual perfusion in which the contractile defect can be improved by reperfusion provided the ischemia is not severe enough to cause transmural necrosis. Such experimental and clinical observations may or may not relate to the setting of regional dysfunction at rest in patients with chronic coronary heart disease, in whom manifestations of acute ischemia may be absent but improvement of wall motion abnormalities occurs after CABG or balloon angioplasty. This condition may constitute the hypothetical state of chronic myocardial hibernation, for which tentative evidence exists from metabolic and perfusion studies using PET. Whether such a condition of prolonged perfusion-contraction matching might be associated with adaptive processes that could allow its persistence for long periods without manifest ischemia remains to be investigated.  相似文献   

Myocardial ischemia has traditionally been characterized as an imbalance between energy supply and demand. In the initial seconds after a sudden reduction of coronary blood flow, myocardial energy demand most certainly exceeds the reduced energy supply. This temporary mismatch, however, is an inherently unstable condition because regional contractile dysfunction ensues. The mechanisms responsible for the rapid reduction in contractile function of the acutely ischemic myocardium are still poorly understood. If some residual blood flow exists, a state of "perfusion-contraction matching" can be maintained without the development of irreversible damage. The metabolic status of such hypoperfused myocardium improves as myocardial lactate production is attenuated and creatine phosphate, after an initial reduction, returns towards control values. The hypoperfused myocardium can respond to inotropic stimulation by dobutamine with increased function. The recruitment of an inotropic reserve implies increased energy utilization. In fact, the partially normalized lactate production is again increased, and creatine phosphate is decreased again. Apparently, the inotropic challenge once again precipitates a supply-demand imbalance which had been at least partially corrected by the ischemia-induced decrease of regional contractile function. A situation of chronic contractile failure in viable myocardium which normalizes upon reperfusion has been termed myocardial "Hibernation". Myocardial "Stunning" is characterized by a reversible post-ischemic contractile dysfunction despite full restoration of blood flow. The underlying mechanisms are not clear in detail. An inadequate energy supply and an impaired sympathetic neurotransmission have been excluded. Potential mechanisms, which are not mutually exclusive, may include (1) damage of membranes and enzymes by free radicals, (2) an increase in free cytosolic calcium during ischemia and reperfusion, and (3) a decrease of the calcium sensitivity of the myofibrils. The equally pronounced increases in regional contractility in normal and "stunned" myocardium during intracoronary calcium infusion, postextrasystolic potentiation and the infusion of the calcium-sensitizing agent AR-L-57, however, suggest an unchanged calcium sensitivity of reperfused myocardium. Interventions to reduce free radical formation or to increase their elimination attenuate myocardial stunning. Likewise, pretreatment with calcium antagonists before ischemia attenuates myocardial stunning. This effect is probably related to an attenuated myocardial calcium overload during early ischemia. The potential benefit from calcium antagonists when given after established reperfusion remains controversial.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Summary There are several potential outcomes of myocardial ischemia. When ischemia is severe and prolonged, irreversible damage occurs and there is no recovery of contractile function. Interventions aimed at reducing mechanical activity and oxygen demand, either before ischemia or during reperfusion, have been shown to delay the onset of ischemic damage and to improve recovery on reperfusion.When myocardial ischemia is less severe but still prolonged, myocytes may remain viable but exhibit depressed contractile function. Under these conditions, reperfusion restores complete contractile performance. This type of ischemia, leading to a reversible, chronic left ventricular dysfunction, has been termed hibernating myocardium. Depression of mechanical activity is, actually, a protective mechanism whereby the hibernating cells reduce their oxygen demands in the setting of reduced oxygen supply.A third possible outcome after a short period of myocardial ischemia is a transient postischemic ventricular dysfunction, a situation termed stunned myocardium. As in the case of hibernating myocardium, the depressed contractile function occurring during stunning could be a protective mechanism, allowing the reperfused cells to gradually recover their metabolism and function.  相似文献   

Summary The term hibernating myocardium describes a particular outcome of myocardial ischemia in which myocytes show a chronically depressed contractile ability but remain viable. Revascularization of hibernating tissue causes a recovery of mechanical function that correlates with long-term survival. Therefore it is important clinically to distinguish hibernating from infarcted myocardium, since asynergies due to hibernation will improve on reperfusion, whilst those due to infarct will not. One suggested technique to identify hibernating myocardium is to stimulate the myocytes acutely, but briefly, by administration of inotropic agents while monitoring contractile function by echocardiography. We report our experience on the use of low dosages of dobutamine. Myocardial viability was validated by measuring the recovery in contraction of the akinetic areas after coroanry artery bypass surgery by means of intraoperative epicardial echocardiography. The test has a sensitivity of 93% and a specificity of 78%. It is useful for identification of viable myocardium and also for quantification of intraoperative risk in individual patients. Limitations of this test are related to the presence of downregulation of beta receptors and to the impossibility of differentiating hibernating from stunned myocardium. Another useful technique of identifying hibernating myocardium is the use of radionuclear markers for viability. In our experience the two most important tests are (1) rest-redistribution imaging of thallium 201 (which has a high sensitivity of 93% but a low specificity of 44%) and (2) 99mTe-Sestamibi imaging, which provides information on both perfusion and function with a single injection. This latter technique allows differentiation between stunning and hibernating on the basis of coronary flow, which is preserved in stunning and reduced in hibernation.  相似文献   

Myocardial stunning, a prolonged post-ischemic contractile dysfunction following single or multiple brief episodes of myocardial ischemia, was a fortuitous laboratory observation. Several years later it is obvious that myocardial stunning is a ubiquitous clinical finding and occurs whenever ischemia and reperfusion are present. Reperfusion, by restoring oxygen supply, which is beneficial and protective for the ischemic myocardium, induces at the same time a burst of oxygen free radicals complicated with intracellular Ca2+ overload, which is harmful for the contractile proteins. If it is a one-time episode, stunning is a benign condition which usually does not need treatment. If repetitive, it may lead first to chronic stunning and later to hibernating myocardium, characterised by permanent cellular injury and cell death through apoptosis with secondary reduction in myocardial perfusion. Patients with severe left ventricular dysfunction on the basis of hibernating myocardium carry an unfavourable prognosis when not revascularized. Further insight into molecular and genomic adaptation to ischemia and reperfusion will undoubtedly help improve our ability to fight ischemic heart disease.  相似文献   

Reversible congestive heart failure caused by myocardial hibernation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Myocardial hibernation is reversible contractile dysfunction of cardiac myocytes caused by chronic ischemia. Animal studies and observations in human beings suggest that the term hibernation is a misnomer. Repetitive ischemic insult that does not produce necrosis results in functional and histologic tissue deterioration, which culminates in myocyte apoptosis. Revascularization of "hibernating" myocardium results in partial or complete recovery of function, depending upon the duration of ischemia and the severity of cellular degeneration. Improvement in global left ventricular function is proportional to the quantity of hibernating tissue that is revascularized, but this threshold quantity has not been determined with certainty. Diagnostic methods used to detect viable tissue within akinetic left ventricular segments depend upon the recognition of recruitable contractile function or the active concentration of a radioactive tracer. No diagnostic method has shown clear superiority. The most sensitive methods appear to be single-photon emission computed tomographic imaging after reinjection of thallium-201 at 24 hours and positron-emission tomographic imaging with 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose. The most specific diagnostic method appears to be measurement of dobutamine-stimulated contractile function, using either echocardiography or gated magnetic resonance imaging. We present a review of the pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment of myocardial hibernation, and include an illustrative case report involving a 57-year-old man with myocardial hibernation.  相似文献   

Reversible myocardial dysfunction: basics and evaluation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Large areas of non-functional but viable myocardium with reversible dysfunction are commonly seen in patients with acute myocardial infarction. Both reperfusion of acutely ischemic myocardium and chronic myocardial ischemia may produce a reversible forms of ventricular dysfunction. The two main conditions that lead to reversible myocardial dysfunction are stunned myocardium and hibernating myocardium. Myocardial stunning represents post-ischemic myocardial dysfunction that persists despite restoration of normal flow, with gradual return of contractile function. Hibernating myocardium is a state of persistently impaired myocardial function at rest due to reduced coronary blood flow owing to residual stenosis that can be restored toward normal by revascularization. The success of the revascularization procedures depends on the presence of amount of dysfunctional but viable myocardium. The basics and evaluation of reversible myocardial dysfunction are reviewed.  相似文献   

Myocardial blood flow in patients with hibernating myocardium   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The debate on whether resting myocardial blood flow (MBF) to hibernating myocardium is reduced or not has attracted a lot of interest and has contributed to stimulate new research on heart failure in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD). Positron emission tomography with oxygen-15 labeled water (H(2)(15)O) or nitrogen-13 labeled ammonia (13NH(3)) has been used for the absolute quantification of regional MBF in human hibernating myocardium. When hibernating myocardium is properly identified, i.e. a dysfunctional segment subtended by a stenotic coronary artery that improves function upon reperfusion, the following conclusions can be reached based on the available literature: (a) in the majority of these studies resting MBF in hibernating myocardium is not different from either flow in remote tissue in the same patient or MBF in normal healthy volunteers; (b) a reduction in MBF of approximately 20% compared to MBF in remote myocardium or age matched normal subjects has been demonstrated in a minority of truly hibernating segments; (c) hibernating myocardium is characterized by a severely impaired coronary flow reserve which improves after revascularization in parallel with contractile function. Thus, the pathophysiology of hibernation in humans is more complex than initially postulated. The recent evidence that repetitive ischemia in patients with coronary artery disease can be cumulative and lead to more severe and prolonged stunning, lends further support to the hypothesis that, at least initially, stunning and hibernation are two facets of the same coin.  相似文献   

Left ventricular dysfunction is in most cases the consequence of myocardial ischemia. It may occur transiently during an attack of angina and usually it is reversible. It may persist over hours or even days in patients after an episode of ischemia followed by reperfusion, leading to the so-called condition of stunning. In patients with persistent limitation of coronary flow, left ventricular dysfunction may be present over months and years, or indefinitely in subjects with fibrosis, scar formation, and remodeling after myocardial infarction. Bowever, chronic left ventricular dysfunction does not mean permanent or irreversible cell damage. Bypoperfused myocytes can remain viable but akinetic. This type of dysfunction has been calledhibernating myocardium. The dysfunction due to hibernation can be partially or completely restored to normal by reperfusion. It is, therefore, important to clinically recognize a hibernating myocardium. In the present article we evaluate stunning and hibernation with respect to clinical decision making and, when possible, we refer to our ongoing clinical experience.  相似文献   

Ischemic heart disease, once limited to a number of well defined entities such as angina of effort, unstable angina, and myocardial infarction, must now be regarded as a much more complex and elusive entity. Silent ischemia was the first of the new ischemic syndromes to be described. Recently, three further new syndromes have been added, namely stunning, hibernation and preconditioning. All three have one common theme—they can be related to ischemia and reperfusion. In stunning, there is post-reperfusion mechanical dysfunction that recovers. In hibernation, there is prominent contractile dysfunction, apparently out of proportion to the reduction in coronary flow, and the recovery upon reperfusion is good. In preconditioning, severe ischemia followed by reperfusion protects against subsequent ischemia which may modify the severity of ischemic damage in the other ischemic syndromes. Ischemic LV dysfunction as found in post-infarct patients and in the absence of any simple relation to reperfusion, can be either diastolic or systolic or both in nature. In ischemic LV diastolic dysfunction without major systolic dysfunction, calcium antagonists may be appropriate therapy which could point to a role for abnormalities in the regulation of cytosolic calcium. It is proposed that there is potentially a mixed post-infarct syndrome, which may comprise one or more of the new ischemic syndromes (silent ischemia, stunning, hibernation, and preconditioning), as well as a varying degree of systolic and/or diastolic dysfunction. The basis of the systolic dysfunction is, at least in part, post-infarct LV remodeling. Several of these entities could overlap in the same patient. The term “mixed post-infarct ischemic syndrome” is suggested to describe this condition.  相似文献   

A large body of evidence has demonstrated that there is a close coupling between regional myocardial perfusion and contractile function. When ischemia is mild, this can result in the development of a new balance between supply and energy utilization that allows the heart to adapt for a period of hours over which myocardial viability can be maintained, a phenomenon known as "short-term hibernation". Upon reperfusion after reversible ischemia, regional myocardial function remains depressed. The "stunned myocardium" recovers spontaneously over a period of hours to days. The situation in myocardium subjected to chronic repetitive ischemia is more complex. Chronic dysfunction can initially reflect repetitive stunning with insufficient time for the heart to recover between episodes of spontaneous ischemia. As the frequency and/or severity of ischemia increases, the heart undergoes a series of adaptations which downregulate metabolism to maintain myocyte viability at the expense of contractile function. The resulting "hibernating myocardium" develops regional myocyte cellular hypertrophy as a compensatory response to ischemia-induced apoptosis along with a series of molecular adaptations that while regional, are similar to global changes found in advanced heart failure. As a result, flow-function relations become independently affected by tissue remodeling and interventions that stimulate myocyte regeneration. Similarly, chronic vascular remodeling may alter flow regulation in a fashion that increases myocardial vulnerability to ischemia. Here we review our current understanding of myocardial flow-function relations during acute ischemia in normal myocardium and highlight newly identified complexities in their interpretation in viable chronically dysfunctional myocardium with myocyte cellular and molecular remodeling. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled "Coronary Blood Flow".  相似文献   

Mechanisms of cell survival in myocardial hibernation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Myocardial hibernation represents a condition of regional ventricular dysfunction in patients with chronic coronary artery disease, which reverses gradually after revascularization. The precise mechanism mediating the regional dysfunction is still debated. One hypothesis suggests that chronic hypoperfusion results in a self-protecting downregulation in myocardial function and metabolism to match the decreased oxygen supply. An alternative hypothesis suggests that the myocardium is subject to repetitive episodes of ischemic dysfunction resulting from an imbalance between myocardial metabolic demand and supply that eventually creates a sustained depression of contractility. It is generally agreed that hibernating myocardium is submitted repeatedly to ischemic stress, and therefore one question persists: how do myocytes survive in the setting of chronic ischemia? The hallmark of hibernating myocardium is a maintained viability of the dysfunctional myocardium which relies on an increased uptake of glucose. We propose that, in addition to this metabolic adjustment, there must be molecular switches that confer resistance to ischemia in hibernating myocardium. Such mechanisms include the activation of a genomic program of cell survival as well as autophagy. These protective mechanisms are induced by ischemia and remain activated chronically as long as either sustained or intermittent ischemia persists.  相似文献   

Myocardial stunning (contractile dysfunction in the presence of normalized perfusion) and myocardial hibernation (contractile dysfunction matching reduced perfusion) have represented separate concepts of viable, but dyssynergic myocardium in the past. However, in vivo experimental and clinical work suggests that repetitive ischemia due to coronary artery disease may induce a gradual transition between stunned and hibernating myocardium. Myocardial hibernation itself can result from a spectrum of ischemic conditions ranging from impaired myocardial blood flow reserve to frank hypoperfusion. With increasing severity and duration of ischemia, degeneration of cardiac myocytes, accumulation of glycogen and cell death ensue. Additionally, there is an increase of extracellular matrix protein content leading to reparative fibrosis, which in turn limits functional recovery. In the light of these structural features, the available methods for detection of viable myocardium, in particular dobutamine echocardiography and nuclear imaging techniques, offer complementary rather than contradictory information. Dobutamine echo has satisfactory sensitivity, excellent specificity, and high diagnostic accuracy for the detection of viable dyssynergic myocardium. While in the past only its predictive accuracy for segmental recovery has been validated, newer data show an improved survival after revascularization if at least four viable dyssynergic left ventricular segments in a 16 segment model can be identified by dobutamine echocardiography. The complete (low and high dose) dobutamine protocol can elicit several types of contractile responses (sustained improvement in contraction or monophasic response, biphasic response, new wall motion abnormality) which should be interpreted in view of other clinical data including a previous infarction. The test protocol can be used safely at the end of the first week after myocardial infarction. If ischemia or viability is documented, revascularization should be performed promptly. A similar strategy should be followed in the setting of chronic coronary heart disease with left ventricular dysfunction. Since the structural changes of hibernating myocardium are progressive, time to revascularization is critical. On the other hand, responsible therapeutic planning requires proof of ischemia or viability before initiating a potentially hazardous revascularization procedure.  相似文献   

The regional, functional as well as metabolic consequences of inotropic stimulation on myocardium subjected to prolonged moderate ischemia were investigated. In 35 enflurane-anesthetized swine the left anterior descending coronary artery was cannulated and perfused at constant flow. The vein paralleling the left anterior descending coronary artery was cannulated for measurement of lactate and oxygen content. Transmural biopsies from the anterior myocardium were taken for the measurement of ATP, creatine phosphate, and glycogen. After control measurements, flow was adjusted to reduce regional contractile function (expressed as a work index, determined by sonomicrometry) by approximately 50%. After either 5, 25, 40, or 85 minutes of moderate ischemia, dobutamine was infused for 5 minutes into the ischemic region. In a separate group of five swine also subjected to 85 minutes of ischemia followed by infusion of dobutamine and 2 hours of reperfusion, triphenyltetrazolium chloride staining and light microscopy were used to identify infarcted tissue. Moderate ischemia (regional myocardial blood flow, 0.21 +/- 0.07 ml.min-1.g-1, determined by radiolabeled microspheres) was associated with a reduction of creatine phosphate after 5 minutes (from 9.35 +/- 2.54 to 6.43 +/- 1.06 mumol/g wet wt, p less than 0.05) and a further reduction after 25 minutes (3.18 +/- 0.69 mumol/g wet wt, p less than 0.05). Thereafter, creatine phosphate recovered despite continued ischemia (after 40 minutes, 4.95 +/- 1.37 mumol/g wet wt; after 85 minutes, 5.78 +/- 2.27 mumol/g wet wt). Lactate consumption during control conditions was reversed to production after 5 minutes of ischemia, which moderated during more prolonged ischemia. Without changing regional myocardial blood flow, infusion of dobutamine increased the work index significantly at any time point but also caused worsening of metabolic markers of ischemia. Nevertheless, even after 85 minutes of ischemia followed by the infusion of dobutamine and 2 hours of reperfusion, there was no evidence of necrosis. This experimental model provides a means of characterizing the mechanisms of short-term hibernation.  相似文献   

Lessons from experimental models of hibernating myocardium   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Chronic animal models of viable dysfunctional myocardium are now available that recapitulate most if not all of the physiological findings in humans with hibernating myocardium. These include chronic reductions in resting perfusion and contractile function, critical limitations in coronary flow reserve and increased uptake of 18F-2-deoxyglucose. These changes occur in the absence of infarction or necrosis and are accompanied by regional reductions in sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium-handling proteins and myocyte loss that arise secondary to apoptosis. Longitudinal studies of viable dysfunctional myocardium indicate that a state of chronic stunning with normal resting flow precedes the development of hibernating myocardium but these are distinct entities within a continuum of chronic adaptations to ischemia. This indicates that reductions in resting flow are the result rather than cause of chronic contractile dysfunction. Thus, the original concept proposing an acute prolonged reduction in flow as the initial stimulus producing hibernating myocardium needs to be revised.  相似文献   

The prolonged myocardial dysfunction observed after reversible ischemia (stunned myocardium) has been postulated to result from an inability of the myocytes to replenish ATP stores. Accordingly, one would expect inotropic stimulation to result in minimal increase in contractile function, or possibly even further deterioration. To test this hypothesis, studies were performed in open-chest dogs undergoing a 15-minute occlusion of the left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD) followed by 4 hours of reperfusion. Systolic wall thickening, an index of regional myocardial function, was measured in the LAD-dependent territory with ultrasonic crystals. Thickening fraction was 20.8 +/- 3.0% (mean +/- standard error of the mean) under baseline conditions, decreased to -18.6 +/- 1.6% during LAD occlusion, and was still severely depressed after 3 hours of reperfusion (2.6 +/- 3.4%). Thickening fraction remained stable between 3 and 4 hours of reperfusion in 5 untreated control dogs. In 9 treated dogs, isoproterenol (0.1 microgram/kg/min intravenously for 30 minutes starting 3 hours after reperfusion) increased thickening fraction to values (24.8 +/- 4.5%) that were similar to those at baseline. Thirty minutes after discontinuation of isoproterenol administration, thickening fraction had returned to pre-isoproterenol levels. Thus, reperfused, severely depressed myocardium responds dramatically to beta-adrenergic stimulation without subsequent adverse effects on function in the short-term. These findings imply that the stunned myocardium can generate ATP, and therefore do not support the view that an inability to replenish ATP stores is the cause of postischemic dysfunction. More important, this study suggests that postischemic dysfunction in humans may be effectively reversed with inotropic therapy without short-term deleterious sequelae.  相似文献   

The stunned and hibernating myocardium: a brief review.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
DEFINITIONS: Stunned myocardium is viable myocardium salvaged by coronary reperfusion that exhibits prolonged postischemic dysfunction after reperfusion. Hibernating myocardium is ischemic myocardium supplied by a narrowed coronary artery in which ischemic cells remain viable but contraction is chronically depressed. CLINICAL EVIDENCE: Stunned myocardium has been identified in the following patient groups: (1) thrombolysis or percutaneous transluminal coronary angiography (PTCA) in patients with acute evolving infarction; (2) unstable angina; (3) exercise-induced angina; (4) coronary artery spasm; (5) platelet aggregation or transient thrombosis of a coronary artery; (6) PTCA for chronic myocardial ischemia; and (7) immediately following coronary artery bypass graft (CABG). Evidence of hibernating myocardium (LV dysfunction) is found in the patient with severe coronary artery stenosis, even in asymptomatic patients at rest. Stunned myocardium returns to normal after a prolonged period of time (hours to weeks). Hibernating myocardium returns to normal function rather quickly if the cause is removed. DIFFERENTIATION: Stunned myocardium can be differentiated from hibernating myocardium by three clinical parameters, namely, LV wall motion, myocardial perfusion, and myocardial metabolism. Stunned myocardium has abnormal wall motion that tends to normalize in response to inotropes and postextrasystolic potentiation. Perfusion is adequate and metabolism is also adequate. Hibernating myocardium also has abnormal wall motion, which normalizes after nitrates, inotropes, post extrasystolic potentiation (PESP), PTCA, or CABG. Myocardial perfusion is reduced but can be reversed with PTCA or CABG and metabolism is adequate.  相似文献   

Clinical relevance of myocardial “stunning”   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary Experimental studies have demonstrated that myocardium reperfused after reversible ischemia exhibits prolonged depression of contractile function (stunning). Despite the multiplicity of clinical situations in which myocardial stunning would be expected to occur, investigation of this phenomenon in humans has been hindered by several major problems, including the limited accuracy of the methods available to measure regional left ventricular function, the inability to quantify regional myocardial blood flow during acute ischemia, the difficulty in establishing with certainty the beginning and end of an ischemic episode, and the uncontrolled influence of variables (such as preload, afterload, adrenergic tone, and inotropic therapy) that have a major impact on postischemic dysfunction. The main problem is to discern whether a reversible defect of contractility is caused by stunning, silent ischemia, or hibernation (i.e., chronic ischemia). This differential diagnosis requires the simultaneous measurement of regional myocardial function and flow, which thus far has not been generally possible. Despite these limitations, however, numerous clinical observations suggest that stunning does occur in various settings in which the myocardium is exposed to transient ischemia, including coronary angioplasty, exercise-induced angina, angina at rest (unstable or variant), acute myocardial infarction with early reperfusion, open-heart surgery, and cardiac transplantation. Recognition of this entity is important, amongst other reasons, because it is likely to cause significant morbidity and because it is potentially correctable with inotropic therapy or even preventable with antioxidant therapy. In addition, the appreciation of the phenomenon of myocardial stunning should allow the clinician to assess the efficacy of reperfusion therapy with greater accuracy and to recognize that patients should not be denied mechanical revascularization solely because of an abnormal left ventricular wall motion. Perhaps the most intriguing clinical implication of the concept of myocardial stunning is the possibility that in patients who exhibit frequent episodes of ischemia in the same territory, the myocardium may not be able to fully recover between episodes and thus may remain reversibly depressed for prolonged periods of time, or even chronically, which could account for some cases of ischemic cardiomyopathy. Our understanding of myocardial stunning in humans is still relatively crude and will not significantly improve until studies are performed that measure simultaneously regional myocardial perfusion and function (so that stunning can be differentiated from silent ischemia and hibernation). Future important areas of research should also include the elucidation of whether stunning can become chronic and the evaluation of therapies (such as antioxidant treatments) designed to prevent this contractile abnormality. Further knowledge regarding the clinical significance of myocardial stunning will be essential to improve our understanding of the pathophysiology of coronary artery disease and our management of the adverse manifestations associated with this disorder.  相似文献   

Conclusion The discovery by Rahimtoola that chronic left ventricular regional dysfunction due to prolonged hypoperfusion can recover after full reperfusion has radically changed the current physiopathological concept of myocardial ischaemia and the actual treatment of CAD patients. We need, however, proper studies aimed to evaluate the role of the different diagnostic metodologies for detection of myocardial hibernation and to assess the clinical efficacy of revascularization of hibernating myocardium in terms of reduction of morbidity and mortality. From the clinical point of view attention and resorces should be concentrated on those case with large extension of hibernating myocardium, in which the differentiation of viable from non-viable myocardium and the stratification of operative risk is the real overriding clinical concern. It is this subset of patients which will justify further investigation in this fascinating field and which hopefully, will improve our therapeutical possibility.  相似文献   

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