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雷小玲  邹瑞芳  陈丽 《护理研究》2012,26(26):2424-2425
[目的]了解基层医院护士对护理评估技术的掌握情况.[方法]采用自制调查表对本院128名临床护士进行有关护理评估技术的调查.[结果]64.8%的护士对护理评估的重要性认识不足;护理评估技术不合格者占43.8%、一般者占47.7%、良好者占8.6%;参加专题讲座获取护理评估技术的占12.5%,87.5%的护士从未参加过专题教育;对护理评估原则、护理评估工具、护理查体方法、沟通交流技巧等知识掌握较差.[结论]强化基层护士护理评估技术再教育,以提高护士对护理评估技术的认识.  相似文献   

目的 了解 PICC 专科护士对《静脉治疗护理技术操作规范》(以下称《操作规范》)的依从性。 方法 采用随机抽样的方法,从 PICC 培训网络中随机抽取湖南、湖北、广西、广东、福建、重庆、云南、上海 8 个省份或直辖市,共抽取470 名护士进行依从性问卷调查,了解其对《操作规范》的依从性及影响因素。 结果 调查对象依从性得分为 77.43±9.67 ,其中 80 分以上的占 52.35% 。 在各维度依从性中,排在前 3 位的分别是“ PICC 穿刺”“输液(血)器及输液附加装置 的更换”“操作基本原则”;依从性较差的是“冲管及封管”“操作前评估”“静脉治疗相关并发症处理”。 结论 PICC 专科护士对《操作规范》的总体依从性较好。 但各医疗机构要针对《操作规范》的重点和难点,采取针对性的措施来提高护士的依从性。  相似文献   

目的探讨护士宣教在静脉留置针护理满意度中的重要性。方法采用自制调查表对867例静脉留置针输液护理患者进行调查,并对宣教组和未宣教组静脉输液护理的认知度及接受度进行分析。结果护士宣教能显著提高静脉留置针输液护理的满意度。结论护士宣教是临床静脉留置针输液护理的重要一环,应当常态化与制度化。  相似文献   

目的基于核心能力构建静脉输液治疗专科护士培训内容并评价其应用效果。方法基于专科护士核心能力框架构建静脉输液治疗专科护士培训内容,采用自行设计的静脉输液治疗专科护士核心能力问卷调查4届学员的专业核心能力、对培训的满意度以及培训后1年工作开展情况,并对部分学员进行访谈,了解学员对培训安排的态度及在培训过程中的体验。结果 4届学员结业率均为100%,且普遍认为培训内容设置较为全面、科学、合理,专业核心能力逐届呈现上升趋势,对培训的总满意度为100%。结论基于核心能力构建的静脉输液治疗专科护士培训内容设置较合理,后期研究还需动态关注学员对培训效果的评价,不断进行调整完善。  相似文献   

放射性核素显像过程中,伪影的出现可使诊断准确性大大降低.伪影的产生由多方面因素构成,其中静脉注射操作不当亦直接影响核素显像的效果,造成显像不理想甚至扫描失败.2008年1月~6月我院因静脉注射操作不当影响核素成像效果者共14例,现分析静脉注射操作不当原因,并提出预防对策如下.  相似文献   

马秀娟 《中国误诊学杂志》2010,10(35):8817-8817
目的了解内蒙地区护士对专业法律知识的掌握情况。方法采用自行设计的调查问卷对822名护士进行调查。结果总分的平均分是73.97±9.33。总分〈60分的护士54名,60-70分的护士231名,71-85分的护士463名,〉85分的护士74名。结论内蒙地区护士法律知识掌握情况理想,但仍有提高的空间,可以采取一些措施,进一步提高护士的法律知识。  相似文献   

目的了解某二级甲等中医院护士伤口护理知识和技能的掌握情况,为伤口护理培训提供参考。方法采取问卷调查及技能现场测评方法,对某二级甲等中医院96名护士伤口护理掌握情况进行评估。结果本组护士伤口护理理论知识掌握不满意的前4位:伤口的分类及评估、伤口清创的各种方法、伤口敷料的应用,影响伤口愈合的因素;55%护士对伤口系统评估不正确,69%护士伤口局部处理不正确;79%的护士未接受过系统专业的伤口护理培训。结论二级甲等中医院护士伤口护理相关知识掌握不满意,应加强伤口护理专业知识培训,拓宽知识面,提高专科理论水平。  相似文献   

内科护士对糖尿病防治知识掌握情况调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李鹤 《中国误诊学杂志》2011,11(8):2006-2006
目的了解内科护士对糖尿病防治知识的掌握情况及实施糖尿病健康教育的现况。方法采用问卷调查法对120名内科护士进行调查。结果 (1)研究对象知识得分为(38.21±6.31)分;(2)文化程度、职称、工作年限为影响得分的因素;(3)护士对糖尿病患者健康教育方式为入院后进行宣教、宣传手册、患者咨询。56.90%的内科护士未予糖尿病患者进行健康教育。结论应加强对内科护士,特别是低学历、低职称及工作年限低护士的糖尿病防治知识的培训。  相似文献   

目的调查我院护士对注射类新药知识的掌握程度及其注射类新药使用方面相关知识的认知状况。方法以问卷形式对我院160名临床护士进行调查。问卷内容涉及药物的作用、不良反应、禁忌证、注意事项、用法用量、规格、储存、有效期、及药物相关知识方面的问题。结果护士对注射类新药的作用、不良反应、注意事项、用法、规格掌握程度为熟悉;对药物的禁忌证、用量、储存、有效期为不熟悉。结论护士对注射类新药知识的掌握程度及其对注射类新药使用方面的相关知识的认知存在较多问题,应采取多种对策,提高护士对注射类新药的掌握程度及相关知识方面的认知,确保临床用药的安全性和准确性。  相似文献   

行业标准是指为了在一定范围内获得最佳秩序,经协商一致制定并由公认机构批准,共同使用和重复使用的一种规范性文件。为使临床护理实践更加规范化,2011年经原卫生部批准,由卫生部医院管理研究所和北京协和医院分别牵头组织专家制定护理分级和静脉治疗护理技术操作规范,历时2年,2013年11月14日,国家卫生计生委首次以行业标准的形式发布《静脉治疗护理技术操作规范(WS/T433-2015)》《护理分级(WS/T451--2015)》两项标准,均于2014年5月1日正式实施。本刊于2012年11期、2013年3期特别策划栏目对两项标准的起草背景进行了前期报道,感兴趣的读者可通过我刊官网及其他途径查阅过刊进一步了解。本刊还将进一步跟踪报道各地在实施标准过程中的实践经验与工作进展。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Knowledge about a disease provides professionals involved in its prevention and treatment with the information to make informed decisions about health practices. Gaps of knowledge regarding osteoporosis prevention and treatment have been found among different health professionals over the world, including nurses. OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to assess a wider variety of aspects related to nurses' knowledge and attitudes regarding osteoporosis. DESIGN: A cross-sectional research design was used. SETTINGS: Two academic centers in the northern part of Israel. PARTICIPANTS: A convenience sample of 158 registered nurses (mean age=39+/-10.3), attending classes at two academic centers. METHODS: Data were collected using a self-administered survey. RESULTS: Nurses were positive about their role and their skills for osteoporosis management, yet subjective and objective knowledge in different aspects of the disease was moderate. The average score of knowledge regarding risk factors for osteoporosis, as assessed by the Facts on Osteoporosis Quiz (FOOQ), was 17 (SD=3) out of 24, with female nurses, nurses working in Health Maintenance Organizations-HMOs, and nurses who underwent a bone density measurement scoring higher (p< 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Nurses believed they have an important role in educating the public on osteoporosis prevention and management. Yet, their knowledge on different issues (e.g. signs of the disease, medication, and lifestyle issues) was only moderate. The only osteoporosis-related aspect they reported being confident about was advising on fall prevention. Measures should be taken in order to expand nurses' knowledge, such as education programs and postgraduate courses.  相似文献   

Abstract A questionnaire on nurses' knowledge, attitudes, beliefs and practises regarding substance use was distributed to 302 nurses in Victoria. One hundred and thirty-four returned the questionnaire, giving an overall response rate of 44.3%. The survey results showed that although knowledge and skill gaps exist in assessment and management of alcohol and drug problems, overall knowledge levels were adequate. Although positive attitudes towards substance use were expressed, specific educational programs to enhance nurses' skills in assessment and management of substance-related disorders may be beneficial.  相似文献   

Nurses' knowledge of pain issues: a survey   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

BACKGROUND: Work-family conflict is a type of interrole conflict that occurs as a result of incompatible role pressures from the work and family domains. Work role characteristics that are associated with work demands refer to pressures arising from excessive workload and time pressures. Literature suggests that work demands such as number of hours worked, workload, shift work are positively associated with work-family conflict, which, in turn is related to poor mental health and negative organizational attitudes. The role of social support has been an issue of debate in the literature. This study examined social support both as a moderator and a main effect in the relationship among work demands, work-to-family conflict, and satisfaction with job and life. OBJECTIVES: This study examined the extent to which work demands (i.e., work overload, irregular work schedules, long hours of work, and overtime work) were related to work-to-family conflict as well as life and job satisfaction of nurses in Turkey. The role of supervisory support in the relationship among work demands, work-to-family conflict, and satisfaction with job and life was also investigated. DESIGN AND METHODS: The sample was comprised of 243 participants: 106 academic nurses (43.6%) and 137 clinical nurses (56.4%). All of the respondents were female. The research instrument was a questionnaire comprising nine parts. The variables were measured under four categories: work demands, work support (i.e., supervisory support), work-to-family conflict and its outcomes (i.e., life and job satisfaction). RESULTS: The structural equation modeling results showed that work overload and irregular work schedules were the significant predictors of work-to-family conflict and that work-to-family conflict was associated with lower job and life satisfaction. Moderated multiple regression analyses showed that social support from the supervisor did not moderate the relationships among work demands, work-to-family conflict, and satisfaction with job and life. Exploratory analyses suggested that social support could be best conceptualized as the main effect directly influencing work-to-family conflict and job satisfaction. CONCLUSION: Nurses' psychological well-being and organizational attitudes could be enhanced by rearranging work conditions to reduce excessive workload and irregular work schedule. Also, leadership development programs should be implemented to increase the instrumental and emotional support of the supervisors.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the attitudes of registered nurses (RNs) about the importance of involving families in nursing care. A sample of 634 randomly selected Swedish RNs completed the instrument, Families' Importance in Nursing Care-Nurses' Attitudes (FINC-NA), and reported holding supportive attitudes about families. High scores were found for the subscales: family as a resource in nursing care, family as a conversational partner, family as a burden, and family as its own resource. Variables that predicted a less supportive attitude about involving families in nursing care included being a newly graduated nurse, having no general approach to the care of families at the place of work, and being a male nurse.  相似文献   

Nursing research is just gaining ground in The Netherlands, as it is in every European country Therefore, this study had the purpose of discovering to what extent Dutch nurses in the clinical areas have acquired research-based knowledge since it was introduced into the country, in the 1970s Questionnaires, which included provision for demographic data, were distributed to 110 nurses, comprising head nurses, recently qualified nurses and final-year student nurses A 65% response was achieved and the findings revealed that nursing research as a concept was not new to the Dutch nurses They claimed they had obtained their knowledge through nursing training, reading, conferences and other sources such as mass media The head nurses were the most knowledgeable followed by the recently qualified nurses and then the student nurses However, the respondents claimed that their knowledge was superficial The need to extend nurses' knowledge through support and encouragement in relation to nursing research seminars and conferences is recommended  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To assess critical care nurses' knowledge about antibiotic use in critical care settings, and attitudes concerning the role of the nurse in monitoring response to and appropriate use of antibiotic therapy. METHOD: 90 critical care nurses from 6 adult critical care units at a 780-bed academic, health sciences centre, completed an investigator-developed survey about their knowledge of antibiotic use and their attitudes concerning the role of the nurse. RESULTS: The majority of respondents worked full time (83%) and were BSN (Bachelor of Science in Nursing) prepared (62%), with an average of 9 years' nursing experience and 7 years' experience in intensive care. Using a 100-mm visual analog scale, mean scores on knowledge and comfort with: (1) interpreting culture and sensitivity; (2) white blood cell (WBC) data; and (3) discussing results and therapy with physicians were all less than 50 mm. However, the mean score for nurses' belief of responsibility related to this collaborative role was 76. A knowledge quiz of lab interpretation and antibiotic therapy revealed a mean score of 53.8%. Beliefs about roles were correlated with comfort in discussing therapies with physicians rather than with knowledge. Although nurses value the collaborative surveillance role, they may lack the knowledge and confidence to enact it.  相似文献   

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