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掌背动脉逆行岛状皮瓣修复手指软组织缺损   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 报道第2、3、4掌背动脉逆行岛状皮瓣修复2~5指近中节软组织缺损的效果.方法从1993年4月至1998年7月,应用掌背动脉逆行岛状皮瓣修复手指软组织缺损7例10指.软组织缺损平均为 2.5cm xl.5cm.其中1例因合并指骨缺损行带掌骨复合组织移植.结果经半年~6年的随访,皮瓣全部成活,供区植皮全部生长愈合,手指外形良好.结论此皮瓣质地好,血供恒定,适宜于修复手指近中节软组织缺损.  相似文献   

掌背动脉逆行皮瓣及复合组织瓣的临床回顾性研究   总被引:26,自引:7,他引:19  
目的 探讨用掌背动脉皮瓣及复合组织瓣修复手指组织缺损的临床效果。方法 对122例病例用掌背动脉逆行岛状皮瓣及复合组织瓣的临床应用做一回顾性分析。对手术病例就其手术适应证、组织供血特点、静脉回流方式、复合组织移植的种类及远期疗效进行总结和分析。结果 122例皮瓣及复合组织瓣术后均成活,受区手指外形及功能均满意;手背供区外形及功能正常。结论 掌背动脉逆行岛状皮瓣及复合组织瓣是修复手指软组织和功能重建的较为理想的手术方法,具有临床推广应用价值。  相似文献   

SincethereversedorsalmetacarpalflapisreportedbyLUetalinChina,QuabaetalandMaruyamainBritainin1990,14thisflapanditscompoundflaphavebeenappliedtorepairsofttissuedefectson fingersuniversallyduetoitstextureandcolormatched withnormalfingers.Inordertogainbetterapplianceofthiskindo flap,weanalyzedrespectivelytheoperativeindications andtherangeofrepairingbasedonfollow upof122casesfor112years.METHODS ClinicaldataFrom1990to2003,weappliedthereversedorsa metacarpalflapanditscompoundflapin122cases,whic…  相似文献   

第二掌背动脉游离皮瓣的临床应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的研究第二掌背动脉(SDMA)游离皮瓣修复手部软组织缺损的临床价值方法对11例手部软组织缺损或伴有伸指肌腱缺损的病例,采用游离SDMA或游离复合SDMA皮瓣进行修复。其中,复合组织瓣3例。皮瓣面积为1.5cm×3cm~5cm×6.3cm。结果10例完全成活,1例因术中动脉血管内广泛血栓形成而放弃手术,8例随访14~62个月。两点辨别觉:手背8~11mm,指腹4~6mm。外形及功能满意。结论该皮瓣能修复手指各个部位软组织缺损,并能形成复合组织瓣修复同时伴有伸指肌肌腱缺损。  相似文献   

跨区供血的手部微型岛状皮瓣的设计和应用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
目的:探索修复手指中节和末节皮肤缺损的新方法。方法:16例新鲜肢体血管灌注氧化铅-明胶混合液,通过X线片显示手背及指背皮肤内的血管结构和血管之间吻合类型。在此基础上设计并应用了两种不同的跨区供血的手部微型岛状皮瓣,1999年以来共应用14例(以指动脉侧支为蒂的掌背逆行岛状皮瓣8例和以指动脉背侧支为蒂的邻指背侧逆行岛状皮瓣6例)。结果:对指背及掌背皮肤进行解剖,结果表明指动脉背侧皮支与掌背动脉的指背支相互吻合形成皮下血管吻合支,是上述两种皮瓣的解剖基础。临床应用14例,皮瓣全部成活,皮瓣色泽、厚度与质地与手部受区皮肤接近。结论:跨区供血的手部微型岛状皮瓣扩大了指背和掌逆行岛状皮瓣的旋转弧度,为修复手指中节和末节皮肤缺损提供了一种新方法。  相似文献   

The composite dorsal metacarpal flap with reverse flow can be very useful in providing cover of complex defects of the dorsal side of the metacarpal phalangeal area. Two cases are presented in which a loss of skin and tendons was successfully covered with such a flap. Stable cover and good function is achieved with minimal donor site morbidity. Received: 7 December 1997 / Accepted: 2 February 1998  相似文献   

第二掌背动脉岛状皮瓣的临床应用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目的:通过解剖学研究,设计第2掌背动脉岛状皮瓣,临床修复手部皮肤缺损,获得成功。方法:对50只经动脉灌注红色乳胶的成人手标本,在放大镜下观察第2掌背动脉及伴行静脉的起端,皮支、终末支的走行;测量血管各部位的直径。结果:第2掌背动脉终末支分布于第2指蹼、示中指近节皮肤;皮支和其它掌背、掌指动脉间有丰富的吻合支。临床应用8例,顺行皮瓣7例,逆行1例。修复手背、拇指皮肤缺损,皮瓣全部成活。结论:临床应用第2掌背动脉为蒂的岛状皮瓣时,可设计成顺行或逆行皮瓣,均能成活。  相似文献   

目的 介绍一种新型逆行筋膜皮瓣修复示指皮肤缺损。方法 我院于1997~2003年,采用第一掌背动脉逆行筋膜皮瓣修复示指皮肤缺损9例,该皮瓣以第一掌背动脉在第二掌骨背侧的纵轴为轴线,以筋膜为蒂,蒂部设计在皮瓣的远侧,供血动脉为示指桡侧指动脉。结果 皮瓣全部成活,随访半年以上5例,修复后指腹两点辨别觉为6mm~11mm(平均7.9mm),外形满意,患均恢复原工作。结论 切取第一掌背动脉逆行岛状筋膜皮瓣修复示指皮肤缺损安全可行,是修复示指皮肤大面积缺损的较理想方法。  相似文献   

目的总结在指蹼瘢痕挛缩治疗中采用掌背岛状皮瓣重建指蹼的方法及疗效。方法 2009年6月-2010年12月,收治指蹼瘢痕挛缩患者10例。男6例,女4例;年龄14~57岁,平均30岁。均为单个指蹼瘢痕挛缩。外伤后瘢痕增生挛缩8例,烧伤后瘢痕挛缩1例,并指分指术后瘢痕挛缩1例。虎口挛缩1例,示中指指蹼挛缩3例,中环指指蹼挛缩5例,环小指指蹼挛缩1例。病程3~9个月,平均5个月。指蹼最大外展度10~20°。瘢痕切除后指蹼间缺损范围为2.0 cm×1.0 cm~3.0 cm×1.8 cm,采用大小为3.5 cm×1.2 cm~4.0 cm×2.0 cm的掌背岛状皮瓣重建指蹼。供区直接缝合或局部皮瓣移位修复。结果术后第2天1例皮瓣出现静脉危象,对症处理后皮瓣成活;其余皮瓣均顺利成活,创面Ⅰ期愈合。供区皮瓣均成活,切口Ⅰ期愈合。10例均获随访,随访时间6~15个月,平均9个月。重建指蹼外形良好,其中1例虎口挛缩者,最大外展度达80°;余9例指蹼最大外展度为35~45°,平均40°。8例瘢痕增生患者,随访期间未见再次瘢痕爬行、挛缩。结论采用掌背岛状皮瓣重建指蹼治疗指蹼瘢痕挛缩,可获得较好的指蹼外观及功能。  相似文献   

This paper reports the clinical use of the second dorsal metacarpal artery island flap in a series of 12 cases and discusses the results. In two cases, a double flap based on the second dorsal metacarpal artery from the dorsal skin of the second and third fingers without using the second web was raised as a modification of the dorsal flap.  相似文献   

不同形式的第一掌背动脉筋膜皮瓣的临床应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的介绍以第一掌背动脉为供血动脉的不同形式筋膜皮瓣的临床应用。方法从1995~2003年,临床应用三种不同形式的第一掌背动脉筋膜皮瓣:⑴顺行切取示指背侧皮瓣;⑵扩大切取示指背侧皮瓣;⑶第一掌背动脉逆行筋膜皮瓣。用于修复虎口、拇指以及示指特别是其指腹的皮肤缺损。结果本组65例皮瓣全部成活,随访半年以上有35例,修复后拇指和示指指腹两点辨别觉为6mm~12mm(平均8.1mm),外形满意,皮瓣质地佳,患者均恢复原工作。结论切取不同形式的第一掌背动脉筋膜皮瓣,特别是第一掌背动脉逆行筋膜皮瓣是安全可行的,扩大了此皮瓣临床应用的适应证。  相似文献   

Summary The use of a distally based third dorsal metacarpal artery island flap to resurface three-fourths of the proximal phalanx of the ring finger is reported.  相似文献   

第Ⅱ掌背动脉蒂掌背岛状皮瓣   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
介绍一种改良第Ⅱ掌背动脉皮瓣的新术式。方法 应用以第Ⅱ掌背动脉远端为蒂的旋转点的掌背岛状皮瓣,修复拇指创面7例,皮瓣面积1cm ×3cm~2cm ×4cm,血管蒂长6~7cm。结果 7例皮瓣均成活,效果满意。结论当指背皮肤同时受损,而难以应用示、中指背岛状皮瓣时,可用此手部小型岛状皮瓣修复拇指创面。  相似文献   

目的 探讨以拇指桡侧血管筋膜为蒂的第I掌骨背侧皮瓣修复手指软组织缺损的临床效果。方法 设计以拇指桡掌侧动脉掌指关节周围分支为主要血供来源 ,经拇指背静脉通过头静脉及拇指深静脉为主要回流途径的血管筋膜蒂皮瓣 ,逆行移位或带蒂移位修复拇、示、中、环指软组织缺损创面 14例。结果  1例皮瓣部分远端坏死 ,2例早期皮瓣呈红紫色并水泡 ,其余成活良好。术后随访 3个月至 1年 ,皮瓣质地良好 ,不臃肿 ,有感觉。结论 该皮瓣血供可靠、切取方便、供区损伤较小 ,适用于拇指及示、中、环指中末节较大创面的修复。  相似文献   

Web space reconstruction is the key point and an important component of syndactyly treatment. A design of the dorsal metacarpal artery flap was used as an island flap based on the direct cutaneous branch arising from the dorsal metacarpal artery at the distal end of the flap to reconstruct congenital web syndactyly. The flap rotated from 0 degrees to 180 degrees and passed under a skin bridge at the distal end of the flap to reach the web defect. Such design enables a better use of the skin territory from the intermetacarpal space proximal to the pedicle, with a short donor site scar and a more supple reconstruction of the web space.  相似文献   

带掌背浅静脉的第三掌背动脉岛状皮瓣   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的探讨带掌背浅静脉的第三掌背动脉逆行岛状皮瓣的手术方法,扩大第三掌背动脉皮瓣的修复范围,提高皮瓣的成活质量。方法通过皮瓣蒂部带第三掌背皮神经及掌背浅静脉,在原轴线近端距轴点6cm左右,以浅静脉为轴线向腕背部延伸,在此轴线上设计切取皮瓣。自1999年以来,修复中指、环指近、中节指背或指腹软组织缺损13例,其中合并远节指腹指背软组织缺损5例。结果皮瓣全部成活,2例类似于静脉皮瓣成活。结论本术式扩大了第三掌背动脉岛状皮瓣的修复范围,使之可修复中、环指的整个指背或指腹软组织缺损。该术式操作方便,效果较好,值得临床推广。  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To study the vascularization of the fourth dorsal intermetacarpal space and to determine the contribution of the dorsal metacarpal artery and the interosseous muscle fascia to flap viability. The fourth dorsal intermetacarpal space is considered to be less reliable as a donor site because of previously reported vascular variations. METHODS: We performed 15 cadaver dissections. The vascular tree was injected with black latex through the radial and ulnar arteries at the forearm. The skin paddle was designed within the fourth intermetacarpal space. The proximal border was placed at the wrist joint line. The distal border was located 1 cm proximal to the head of the fourth and fifth metacarpal. The width of the skin paddle was based on whether the donor site could be closed directly. A zigzag incision was performed from the distal end of the skin paddle to the volar edge of the interdigital web. The borders of the skin paddle were outlined down to the fascia of the dorsal interosseous muscle. Once the fourth dorsal metacarpal artery was identified each vascular connection was dissected and recorded. RESULTS: The fourth dorsal metacarpal artery was identified in all specimens under the dorsal interosseous muscle fascia. The distal recurrent branch consistently entered the base of the flap superficial to the extensor digitorum communis tendon of the small finger and the dorsal interosseous muscle fascia. Cutaneous perforators branching off the dorsal metacarpal artery were not found consistently. CONCLUSIONS: Reliable flaps can be raised from the fourth dorsal intermetacarpal space based solely on the distal recurrent branch, excluding the dorsal metacarpal artery and interosseous muscle fascia.  相似文献   

Extensive pulp (zone 4) defects of the thumb, with the exposure of tendon or bone, are challenging reconstructive problems. Surgical treatment includes the use of local, regional, and free flaps. The first dorsal metacarpal artery flap has been used successfully for defects of the thumb. The innerved first dorsal metacarpal artery flap from the dorsum of the index finger was first described by Hilgenfeldt and refined by Holevich. An island flap carried on a neurovascular pedicle consisting of the first dorsal metacarpal artery was first demonstrated by Foucher and Braun. Seven innervated FDMCA island flaps were performed from May 2005 until July 2007 for thumb reconstruction. There were three women and four men with an average age of 54.9 years (range 28–89 years). The mean follow-up period was 15.4 months (range 4–29 months). The dominant hand was involved in six (85.7%) patients. In a retrospective clinical study, the following criteria were evaluated: (1) etiology of the defect, (2) time of reconstruction (primary vs. delayed), (3) survival rate of flap, (4) sensory function (Semmes–Weinstein monofilaments, static 2-PD, pain, cortical reorientation), (5) TAM measured with the Kapandji index, and (6) subjective patient satisfaction (SF 36). Four patients presented with trauma, two patients with defects after tumor resection and one with infection of the thumb. The flap was used for immediate reconstruction in three (42.9%) patients and for delayed reconstruction in four (57.1%) patients. Delayed reconstruction was performed 4.75 (1–12) months after initial trauma or first surgery. The donor area was grafted with full-thickness skin grafts in all cases. All flaps survived. The mean SWMF was 3.31 g and average statis 2-PD over the flap was 10.57 mm. Pain at the flap scored 3.71 over 10 and at the donor site 2.17 over 10. Paresthesia at the flap scored 0.57 over 4 and at the donor site 0.33 over 4. Complete cortical reorientation was only seen in one patient. The mean Kapandji score of the reconstructed thumb was 7.43 over 10. Using the SF-36, mean physical health of the patients scored 66.88% and mean mental health scored 70.55%. Disturbing pain and paresthesia of the flap are exceptional. The static 2-PD is more than 10 mm, and is clinically over the limit. Cortical reorientation was incomplete in all but one patient. Touch on thumb is felt on the dorsum of the index finger; however, sensation is not disturbing or interfering with the patient’s activities. Foucher described the technique débranchement–rébranchement in order to improve this problem. The postoperative total amount of motion of the reconstructed thumb was very good. The results demonstrated that the FDMCA flap has a constant anatomy and easy dissection. It has a low donor site morbidity if FTSG is used. It also shows good functional and aesthetic results. Therefore, the FDMCA flap is a first treatment of choice for defects of the proximal phalanx and proximal part of the distal phalanx of the thumb.  相似文献   

目的报道第一掌背动脉皮瓣修复拇、食指皮肤软组织缺损的临床效果。方法2005年8月-2012年10月,采用第一掌背动脉皮瓣修复拇、食指皮肤软组织缺损35例,术后随访3-24个月。结果本组35例皮瓣成活良好,外观满意,两点辨别觉达6-10mm,无虎口挛缩,拇食指的对捏、对掌功能恢复良好。结论第一掌背动脉皮瓣修复拇、食指皮肤软组织缺损操作简单,供血血管变异率低,无需再次手术断蒂,也可制成带血运的掌骨、伸肌腱复合组织瓣,且能携带掌背皮神经重建感觉,值得临床推广。  相似文献   

In the management of a debilitated burned hand due to contractures, thumb reconstruction constitutes the most crucial part for a beneficial functional outcome. Among the limited local flap alternatives for the thumb, the first dorsal metacarpal artery flap, harvested from the dorsal aspect of the index finger can provide elastic, durable and sensate coverage for soft tissue defects after contracture release. In a 3-year period, neurovascular island first dorsal metacarpal artery flap was used in 14 patients suffering thumb deformities. The time elapsed after the underlying injury until reconstruction ranged from 5 months to 17 years. Follow-up revealed that all deformities were successfully treated with satisfactory functional recovery and cosmetic results. Donor site morbidity was minimal with an acceptable scar on the dorsum of the index finger and adequate tendon gliding without producing extension deficit. Our experience with management of deformities involving the thumb and/or adjacent thenar area revealed that the first dorsal metacarpal artery flap is a reliable local neurovascular island flap option, offering acceptable functional and cosmetic outcomes in respect to sensation, elasticity, durability and skin-match.  相似文献   

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