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The joint acute toxicity of a mixture of 50 nonreactive organic chemicals towards Daphnia magna was investigated. It was found that the observed toxicity is accurately predicted by the model of concentration addition, even at very low concentrations of the individual compounds. The implications these findings may have on the prediction of the toxicity of mixtures of chemicals occurring in nature are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Inorganic trivalent arsenicals are vicinal thiol-reacting agents, and dithiothreitol (DTT) is a well-known dithiol agent. Interestingly, both decreasing and increasing effects of DTT on arsenic trioxide-induced apoptosis have been reported. We now provide data to show that, at high concentrations, DTT, dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA), and dimercaptopropanesulfonic acid (DMPS) decreased arsenic trioxide-induced apoptosis in NB4 cells, a human promyelocytic leukemia cell line. In contrast, at low concentrations DTT, DMSA, and DMPS increased the arsenic trioxide-induced apoptosis. DTT at a high concentration (3 mM) decreased, whereas at a low concentration (0.1 mM), it increased the cell growth inhibition of arsenic trioxide, methylarsonous acid (MMA(III)), and dimethylarsinous acid (DMA(III)) in NB4 cells. DMSA and DMPS are currently used as antidotes for acute arsenic poisoning. These two dithiol compounds also show an inverse-hormetic effect on arsenic toxicity in terms of DNA damage, micronucleus induction, apoptosis, and colony formation in experiments using human epithelial cell lines derived from arsenic target tissues such as the kidney and bladder. With the oral administration of dithiols, the concentrations of these dithiol compounds in the human body are likely to be low. Therefore, the present results suggest the necessity of reevaluating the therapeutic effect of these dithiol compounds for arsenic poisoning.  相似文献   

Risk assessments are enhanced when policy and other decision-makers have access to experimental science designed to specifically inform key policy questions. Currently, our scientific understanding and science policy for environmental mixtures are based largely on extrapolating from and combining data in the observable range of single chemical toxicity to lower environmental concentrations and composition, i.e., using higher dose data to extrapolate and predict lower dose toxicity. There is a growing consensus that the default assumptions underlying those mixtures risk assessments that are conducted in the absence of actual mixtures data rest on an inadequate scientific database. Future scientific research should both build upon the current science and advance toxicology into largely uncharted territory. More precise approaches to better characterize toxicity of mixtures are needed. The Society of Toxicology (SOT) sponsored a series of panels, seminars, and workshops to help catalyze and improve the design and conduct of experimental toxicological research to better inform risk assessors and decision makers. This paper summarizes the activities of the SOT Mixtures Program and serves as the introductory paper to a series of articles in this issue, which hope to inspire innovative research and challenge the status quo.  相似文献   

An analysis of current research on mixture toxicity was conducted by critically reviewing published journal articles. The scope was limited to complex mixtures (more than two components) where at least one component was a chlorinated organic chemical. Although the basics of dose-response are widely accepted for mixtures, a number of technical issues, including dose metrics and the unquantified influence of toxicity modifying factors, confound data interpretation and restrict the ability to establish reliable determinations of the presence, nature, and extent of additivity. Lack of knowledge about dose level influences and species-specific variations contribute further interpretational limitations. Within this context, available data indicates that most tested mixtures are near or below simple dose/concentration additivity. Exceptions (both positive and negative) tend to occur when tested mixtures have only a few components or where sensitive whole organism or sub-organismal changes are used as the response metric. Available information does not routinely identify the presence of chlorine as a marker either of a particular type of toxicity or consistently greater potency. The most profound difficulty is the problem of clearly defining when and why similarity and dissimilarity of toxic action is expected for a particular mixture. This impediment largely results from the lack of a generally accepted, technical classification for mode/mechanism of toxic action coupled with the lack of a generally accepted classification scheme for mode/mechanism of toxicity interactions.  相似文献   

The joint action of binary mixtures of the osteolathyrogens semicarbazide (SC), beta-aminopropionitrile (beta APN) and penicillamine (PNC) were determined at malformation-inducing concentrations for Xenopus embryos. Tests were static with renewal every 24 h for the 96-h test period. Simultaneous tests on each individual component of the binary mixtures alone gave baseline malformation data (EC50) for joint action analyses. Toxic unit analysis and isobole diagrams were used to determine the type of joint action for 3:1, 1:1 and 1:3 mixtures of each combination. The joint action was concentration additive (strictly additive) for SC with beta APN and response additive (less-than-additive) for SC with PNC and beta APN with PNC. The joint actions were not changed when only osteolathyrogenic lesions, rather than all types of malformations, were considered. The different specific location and character of PNC lesions, as opposed to those for SC and beta APN, may signify a different type of osteolathyrogenic effect for PNC. The mixture testing approach has potential value in determining compounds that act similarly.  相似文献   

The numerous toxic responses of dioxin-like compounds are mediated by the intracellular Ah (aryl hydrocarbon) receptor. It has been suggested that the regulation of dioxins and similar substances could be placed on a molecular foundation by considering the proportion of Ah-receptor sites occupied by toxicant molecules. The present work has shown that the following formation not yet available would be needed in order to develop this approach: correlation between dioxin exposure and human tissue levels; accurate determination of the association constants for human Ah-receptor with toxicant, and for human receptor-ligand complex with DNA; and knowledge of the intracellular concentrations of both receptor binding sites and DNA binding sites. Furthermore, since not all dioxin-like substances behave identically, this information would need to be gathered for a wide variety of substances.  相似文献   

Quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) approaches are proposed in this study to predict the joint effects of mixture toxicity. The initial investigation studies the joint effects between cyanogenic toxicants and aldehydes to Photobacterium phosphoreum. Joint effects are found to result from the formation of a carbanion intermediate produced through the chemical interactions between cyanogenic toxicants and aldehydes. Further research indicates that the formation of carbanion intermediate is highly correlated with not only the charge of the carbon atom in the -CHO of aldehydes but also the charge of the carbon atom (C) in the carbochain of cyanogenic toxicants. The charge of the carbon atom in the -CHO of aldehydes is quantified by using the Hammett constant (sigma(p)), and then, sigma(p)-based QSAR models are proposed to describe the relationships between the joint effects and the chemical structures of the aldehydes. By using the charge of carbon atom (C) in the carbochain of cyanogenic toxicants, another QSAR model is proposed to describe the relationship between the joint effects and the chemical structures of cyanogenic toxicants.  相似文献   

The inter-relationship of "Thresholds" between chemical mixtures and their respective component single chemicals was studied using three sets of data and two types of analyses. Two in vitro data sets involve cytotoxicity in human keratinocytes from treatment of metals and a metal mixture [Bae, D.S., Gennings, C., Carter, Jr., W.H., Yang, R.S.H., Campain, J.A., 2001. Toxicological interactions among arsenic, cadmium, chromium, and lead in human keratinocytes. Toxicol. Sci. 63, 132-142; Gennings, C., Carter, Jr., W.H., Campain, J.A., Bae, D.S., Yang, R.S.H., 2002. Statistical analysis of interactive cytotoxicity in human epidermal keratinocytes following exposure to a mixture of four metals. J. Agric. Biol. Environ. Stat. 7, 58-73], and induction of estrogen receptor alpha (ER-alpha) reporter gene in MCF-7 human breast cancer cells by estrogenic xenobiotics [Gennings, C., Carter, Jr., W.H., Carney, E.W., Charles, G.D., Gollapudi, B.B., Carchman, R.A., 2004. A novel flexible approach for evaluating fixed ratio mixtures of full and partial agonists. Toxicol. Sci. 80, 134-150]. The third data set came from PBPK modeling of gasoline and its components in the human. For in vitro cellular responses, we employed Benchmark Dose Software (BMDS) to obtain BMD01, BMD05, and BMD10. We then plotted these BMDs against exposure concentrations for the chemical mixture and its components to assess the ranges and slopes of these BMD-concentration lines. In doing so, we consider certain BMDs to be "Interaction Thresholds" or "Thresholds" for mixtures and their component single chemicals and the slope of the line must be a reflection of the potency of the biological effects. For in vivo PBPK modeling, we used 0.1x TLVs, TLVs, and 10x TLVs for gasoline and six component markers as input dosing for PBPK modeling. In this case, the venous blood levels under the hypothetical exposure conditions become our designated "Interaction Thresholds" or "Thresholds" for gasoline and its component single chemicals. Our analyses revealed that the mixture "Interaction Thresholds" appear to stay within the bounds of the "Thresholds" of its respective component single chemicals. Although such a trend appears to be emerging, nevertheless, it should be emphasized that our analyses are based on limited data sets and further analyses on data sets, preferably the more comprehensive experimental data sets, are needed before a definitive conclusion can be drawn.  相似文献   

Environmental exposure situations are often characterised by a multitude of heterogeneous chemicals with ambiguous or unknown modes of action present at low concentrations. While multiple exposure is widely acknowledged, arguments are raised that adverse combined effects might not be evoked by mixtures of substances with dissimilar modes of action and being present at only low concentrations. In this study the combined effect of a multiple mixture composed of structurally dissimilar priority pollutants with mostly unknown modes of action has been investigated using an algal biotest. The concentrations of the components in the mixture equalled statistically estimated, individual no observed effect concentrations (NOECs). The observed mixture toxicity was not only clearly higher than expected for any single substance alone, but also well predictable using the concept of independent action.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that uranium uptake and toxicity could be mediated by endocytosis and/or the type IIa sodium-dependent phosphate cotransporter (NaPi-IIa). The aim of this study was therefore to characterize in vitro the role of these two cellular mechanisms in the uptake and toxicity of low (200-3200 nM) and high (0.5 and 0.8 mM) concentrations of uranium, respectively. At low concentrations, uranium uptake in LLC-PK(1) cells was saturable (V(max) = 3.09 +/- 0.22 ng/mg protein) and characterized by a K(0.5) of 1022 +/- 63 nM and a Hill coefficient of 3.0 +/- 0.4. The potential involvement of endocytosis and NaPi-IIa in the uptake of uranium was assessed by the use of various drugs and culture conditions known to alter their relative activity, and (233)uranium uptake was monitored. Interestingly, the inhibitory effect of colchicine, cytochalasin D, phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate, and chlorpromazine on endocytosis was highly correlated with their effect on uranium uptake, a relationship that was not true when the NaPi-IIa transport system was studied. Whereas the competitive inhibition of the NaPi-IIa by phosphonoformic acid (PFA) significantly decreased uranium uptake, this effect was not reproduced when NaPi-IIa inhibition was mediated by the replacement of extracellular Na(+) with N-methyl-D-glucamine. Uranium uptake was also not significantly altered when NaPi-IIa expression was stimulated in MDCK cells. More surprisingly, we observed by transmission electron microscopy that uranium cytotoxicity was dependent upon the extent of its intracellular precipitation, but not on its intracellular content, and was suppressed by PFA. In conclusion, our results suggest that low-dose uranium uptake is mainly mediated by absorptive endocytosis, and we propose PFA as a potential uranium chelator.  相似文献   

Sulfamethoxypyridazine, a representative model of a drug molecule, is used to test the extended Hansen method for estimating partial solubility parameters of solid compounds. Solubilities are determined in polar and nonpolar solvents. The method provides reasonable partial parameters for the sulfonamide, and it may be useful in obtaining partial parameters for other drug molecules. A four-parameter extended Hansen approach involving proton donor and acceptor parameters is used in fitting the data to a theoretical model. A term, Wh, is introduced as an empirical measure of solute-solvent interactions due to hydrogen bonding. The use of the empirical term Wh allows the researcher to fit experimental solubilities and thus design regression models and equations which provide a reasonable prediction of solubilities of a polar drug in a number of very different solvents. A Flory-Huggins size correction term improves the prediction of sulfamethoxypyridazine solubilities in these irregular solutions.  相似文献   

The acute joint toxicity of industrial organic chemicals to the fathead minnow was determined for binary and equitoxic multiple chemical mixtures. Results from binary tests were used to define isobole diagrams. The degree of joint toxic action was determined among 27 chemicals from seven different chemical classes. The slopes of the acute concentration response relationships were quite similar for all test chemicals. This suggests that the mode of acute toxic action for these chemicals is alike though it may not be identical. Intoxication signs of fish exposed to nearly all test chemicals were also similar and indicative of an anesthetic like effect. The results of isobole diagrams for binary mixtures, with 1-octanol as the reference chemical, demonstrated a near concentration additive acute joint action over a wide range of mixture ratios for each chemical from 7 different classes. Tests conducted with mixtures containing equitoxic levels of two to 21 chemicals also displayed a concentration additive acute joint action. All test chemicals can be modeled by a structure-toxicity relationship characteristic of a narcosis type of toxic action. These results are consistent with those of other investigators and are of particular importance when one realizes that numerous industrial chemicals are likely to cause lethality to aquatic organisms through similar toxic action.  相似文献   

The acute toxicity of extracts of blue-green algae was tested in freshly prepared rat hepatocytes in suspension. The results were compared with the traditional in vivo mouse bioassay. Sixty samples of natural algal blooms from freshwater lakes in Norway, Sweden, and Finland and 14 samples cultured in the laboratory were tested. The mouse bioassay revealed hepatotoxins in a large number of the algae, while neurotoxins were not found. Acute hepatotoxicity in vitro was scored by measurement of leakage of the enzyme lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) from damaged cells and of morphological changes of the cells. The correlation coefficients between mouse toxicity and LDH, mouse toxicity and morphological cell damage, and between LDH and morphological cell damage were 0.812, 0.735, and 0.882, respectively. Consequently, the rat hepatocyte toxicity test seems to be well suited for screening blooms of blue-green algae for the presence of hepatotoxins.  相似文献   

The high propensity for simultaneous exposure to multiple environmental chemicals necessitates the development and use of models that provide insight into the toxicity of chemical mixtures. In this study, we developed a mathematical model that combines concepts of concentration addition, response addition, and toxicokinetic chemical interaction to assess toxicity of chemical mixtures. A ternary mixture of acetylcholinesterase inhibiting organophosphates (malathion and parathion) and the P450 inhibitor piperonyl butoxide was used to model toxicity. Concentration-response curves were generated for individual chemicals as well as for mixtures of the chemicals using acute toxicity tests with Daphnia magna. The toxicity of binary combinations of malathion and parathion adhered to the principles of concentration addition. The contribution of piperonyl butoxide to mixture toxicity was integrated using a model for response addition. Piperonyl butoxide also modified the toxicity of the organophosphates by inhibiting their metabolic activation. The antagonistic effects of piperonyl butoxide towards the organophosphates were quantified as coefficients of interactions (K-functions) and incorporated into the mixture model. Finally, toxicity of the ternary mixture was modeled at 30 different mixture formulations using three additive models that assumed no interaction (concentration addition, response addition, and integrated addition) and using the integrated addition and interaction (IAI) model. Toxicity of the 30 mixtures was then experimentally determined and compared to model results. Only the IAI model accurately predicted the toxicity of the mixtures. The IAI model holds promise as a means for assessing hazard of complex chemical mixtures.  相似文献   

Assessment of ecological impacts of toxicants relies currently on extrapolation of effects observed at organismal or population levels. The uncertainty inherent to such extrapolations, together with the impossibility of predicting ecological effects of chemical mixtures, can only be resolved by adopting approaches that consider toxicological endpoints at a community or ecological level. Experimental data from micro- and mesocosms provide estimates of community effect levels, which can then be used to confirm or correct the extrapolations from theoretical methods such as species sensitivity distributions (SSDs) or others. When assessing impacts, the choice of sensitive community endpoints is important. Four community endpoints (species richness, abundance, diversity and similarity indices) were evaluated in their ability to assess impacts of two insecticides, imidacloprid and etofenprox, and their mixture on aquatic and benthic communities from artificial rice paddies. Proportional changes of each community endpoint were expressed by ratios between their values in the treatment and control paddies. Regression lines fitted to the endpoint ratios against the time series of chemical concentrations were used to predict percentile impacts in the communities. The abundance endpoint appears to be the most sensitive indicator of the communities’ response, but the Czekanowski similarity index described best the structural changes that occur in all communities. Aquatic arthropods were more sensitive to the mixture of both insecticides than zooplankton and benthic communities. Estimated protective levels for 95% of aquatic species exposed to imidacloprid (<0.01–1.0 μg l−1) were slightly lower than predicted by SSD, whereas for etofenprox the protective concentrations in water (<0.01–0.58 μg l−1) were an order of magnitude lower than SSD’s predictions.  相似文献   

Qin LT  Liu SS  Zhang J  Xiao QF 《Toxicology》2011,280(3):433-172
Concentration addition (CA) and independent action (IA) have been used to describe the mixture of components having similar and dissimilar mode of action (MOA), respectively. Environmentally relevant mixture does, however, not follow the strictly similar or dissimilar MOA. A novel model, which integrated CA with IA based on the multiple linear regression (ICIM), was proposed for predicting the toxicity of noninteractive mixture. The predictive power of the ICIM model was validated by data set 1 including 13 mixtures of nine components and data set 2 including six mixtures of six components. For data set 1, ten uniform design with fixed concentration ratio ray (UDCR) mixtures was used as a training set to build an ICIM model, and the model was used to predict the toxicity of the test set consisting of three equivalent-effect concentration ratio (EECR) mixtures. For data set 2, the ICIM model based on four UDCR mixtures was used to predict the remaining two EECR mixtures. It is concluded that the ICIM model shows a strong predictive power for the mixture toxicities in the two data sets, and its prediction is better than CA and IA where the two models deviate from the concentration-response data of the mixtures. Thus, ICIM model is a powerful tool to evaluate and predict mixture toxicity, and maybe offer an important approach in risk assessment of mixture toxicity.  相似文献   

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