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PurposeWe examined utilization patterns of adolescents and young women as they seek general and reproductive health services in physician offices and hospital outpatient clinics.MethodsWe analyzed physician office visits in the 2003–2006 National Ambulatory Medical Care Surveys, and hospital outpatient clinic visits in the National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Surveys, to examine utilization patterns of females aged 9–26 years by 2-year age intervals and other characteristics such as physician specialty or clinic type.ResultsThe number of visits to primary care physician offices increased with age, from 4.9 million for ages 9–10 years to 9.0 million for ages 25–26 years. The proportion of visits made to obstetrician-gynecologists and family practitioners increased with age, and by ages 15–16 years fewer than half of all visits to primary care providers were made to pediatricians. The proportion of visits to family practitioners increased from 25% at ages 9–10 years to 30% at ages 25–26 years. By ages 17–18 years, a larger proportion of visits were made to obstetrician-gynecologists (33% of 7.0 million visits) and to family practitioners (34%) than to pediatricians (23%). The proportion of visits for reproductive health services peaked at 53% of 7.5 million physician visits at ages 20–21 years. Similar utilization patterns were observed for the 11.0 million hospital outpatient visits to primary care providers.ConclusionsBecause adolescents and young women most commonly utilize healthcare services provided by obstetrician-gynecologists and family practitioners, these specialties should be priority targets for interventions to improve the quality and availability of reproductive health services.  相似文献   

Asthma and diabetes are major chronic conditions in the United States, particularly in the Medicaid population. The majority of care for these diseases occurs at ambulatory practice sites. The New York State Department of Health Office of Health Insurance Programs (OHIP) worked with IPRO, the New York State Medicare quality improvement organization, to develop and implement a quality improvement project (QIP) for these conditions. The approach was based upon the Chronic Care Model and used an iterative academic-detailing methodology. Clinics and community health centers volunteered to participate and used IPRO-collected data with audit and feedback to improve their practices. Several metrics significantly improved for asthma (e.g., use of anti-inflammatory long term controller agents, assessment of asthma severity, use of asthma action plans) and for diabetes (e.g., lipid testing and control, A1c testing). Key organizational elements of success included senior medical leadership commitment and practice site quality improvement team meetings. OHIP has used the QIP experience to begin patient-centered medical home implementation in New York State.  相似文献   

For this study, the association between physician practice characteristics and satisfaction of medical directors at rural and urban Community and Migrant Health Centers (C/MHCs) was investigated. Data for this study came from a 1996 cross-sectional survey of C/MHCs' medical directors. A total of 411 centers (68.3 percent) responded to the survey, including 240 rural (67.4 percent) and 171 urban (68.7 percent) C/MHCs. Factor analysis was used to synthesize physician practice characteristics related to overall satisfaction. The resulting factors were entered as new variables in a predictive logistic regression model of overall satisfaction. Growing up in an inner-city community was significantly associated with practicing in an urban center; whereas, growing up in a rural or frontier community was more likely to result in practicing in a rural center. The majority of medical directors (82.3 percent) were either somewhat satisfied or very satisfied with their work. Satisfaction with work was most significantly associated with overall level of satisfaction, followed by satisfaction with administration, peers and patients. Recruitment efforts are more likely to succeed when they target individuals with prior exposure to underserved areas. Improving the working conditions and interactions with administrators would help sustain the high level of satisfaction experienced by medical directors at C/MHCs.  相似文献   

We sought to gather the perceptions of clinic personnel at Latino-serving Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) about patients’ utilization of screening services for cervical cancer. We conducted one-on-one interviews among 17 clinic personnel at four Latino-serving FQHCs in Oregon. The clinic personnel we interviewed observed both under and overutilization of cervical cancer screening services. Clinic personnel estimated that 20–60 % of eligible patients were underscreened for cervical cancer, with 30 % the most commonly cited percentage. Underscreening was thought to occur among low-income, underinsured, and undocumented patients. Overscreening for cervical cancer was estimated to occur in 10–50 % of eligible patients, with 10 % the most frequently cited proportion. Overscreening was thought to occur among women younger than age 21 and women with a recent pregnancy. Our findings may inform future efforts to promote guideline-appropriate cancer screening and coordinated follow-up care.  相似文献   



To compare utilization and preventive care receipt among patients of federal Section 330 health centers (HCs) versus patients of other settings.

Data Sources

A nationally representative sample of adults from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (2004–2008).

Study Design

HC patients were defined as those with ≥50 percent of outpatient visits at HCs in the first panel year. Outcomes included utilization and preventive care receipt from the second panel year. We used negative binomial and logistic regression models with propensity score adjustment for confounding differences between HC and non-HC patients.

Principal Findings

Compared to non-HC patients, HC patients had fewer office visits (adjusted incidence rate ratio [aIRR], 0.63) and hospitalizations (aIRR, 0.43) (both p < .001). HC patients were more likely to receive breast cancer screening than non-HC patients (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] 2.78, p < .01). In subgroup analyses, uninsured HC patients had fewer outpatient and emergency room visits and were more likely to receive dietary advice and breast cancer screening compared to non-HC patients.


Health centers add value to the health care system by providing socially and medically disadvantaged patients with care that results in lower utilization and maintained or improved preventive care.  相似文献   

Objectives. We examined the prevalence and correlates of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine initiation among adolescents in low-income, urban areas.Methods. The study consisted of electronic health record data on HPV vaccination for 3180 adolescents (aged 10–20 years) at a multisite community health center in 2011.Results. Only 27% initiated the HPV vaccine. The adjusted odds ratio (AOR) of HPV vaccination was lower among older adolescents (AOR = 0.552; 95% confidence interval [CI] = 0.424, 0.718) and those seen by nonpediatric health care providers (HCPs; AOR = 0.311; 95% CI = 0.222, 0.435), and higher among non-English speakers (AOR = 1.409; 95% CI = 1.134, 1.751) and those seen at 2 site locations (AOR = 1.890; 95% CI = 1.547, 2.311). Insurance status was significant only among female and Hispanic adolescents. Language was not a predictor among Hispanic adolescents. Across all analyses, the interaction of age and HCP specialty was associated with HPV vaccination. Dramatically lower HPV vaccination rates were found among older adolescents seen by nonpediatric HCPs (3%–5%) than among other adolescents (23%–45%).Conclusions. Improving HPV vaccination initiation in low-income urban areas is critical to reducing disparities in cervical and other HPV-related cancer, especially among Black, Hispanic, and low-income populations.Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is a known risk factor for the development of several cancers. Between 2004 and 2008, there was a national average of 33 369 HPV-associated cancers annually, including cervical, vulvar, vaginal, penile, anal, and oropharyngeal cancers.1 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates 26 000 new HPV-associated cancers each year, 18 000 for women and 8000 for men,1 which could be prevented through the HPV vaccine.According to the US Cancer Statistics Working Group,2 there are pervasive disparities in national morbidity and mortality rates of HPV-related cancers for Black and Hispanic individuals. Cervical cancer is more common among Black and Hispanic women and results in disproportionately higher mortality for Black women. In 2009, the national age-adjusted cervical cancer incidence rates (per 100 000) for Hispanic and Black women (10.9 and 10.0, respectively) were higher than the rate for White women (7.6).2 The national age-adjusted cervical cancer mortality rate (per 100 000) for Black women (4.2) is considerably higher than the rates for White and Hispanic women (2.1 and 2.9, respectively).2 Also, Black women have higher morbidity and mortality rates of vaginal cancer. Morbidity and mortality rates of penile cancers are significantly higher among Black and Hispanic men. Black men have higher morbidity and mortality rates of anal cancer.2 In addition to race/ethnicity, incidence rates of penile, cervical, and vaginal cancers increase with higher poverty rates.3 Factors that contribute to cancer disparities among Black, Hispanic, and low-income populations include higher exposure to risk factors such as smoking, physical inactivity, and HPV infection as well as lack of access to early detection and treatment services.4New Jersey had the 10th highest morbidity rate for cervical cancer nationally for 2006 through 2010.5 According to the New Jersey State Cancer Registry, cervical cancer morbidity from 2005 to 2009 was significantly higher in the Greater Newark area (relative risk = 1.86; the study target area) than other areas in the state, as well as among women who are Black, Hispanic, foreign-born, non–English-speaking, uninsured, with lower income and education, unmarried, unemployed, and living in a rented residence.6 According to a community health needs assessment for the City of Newark in 2013,7 52.4% of the residents are Black, 33.8% are Hispanic, and 30% are foreign-born, compared with 13%, 18%, and 20%, respectively, in the state. Also, 28.4% of the residents are below the federal poverty level compared with 9.4% statewide, and 28% are uninsured compared with 8.4% statewide. A significant proportion of the residents has less than a high-school education (30%) and a low level of English proficiency (25%).7Transmission of HPV can be reduced through limiting the number of sexual partners, delaying the initiation of sexual activity, practicing safe sex, and getting vaccinated.8 Two vaccines have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration for protection against HPV: the quadrivalent vaccine (Gardasil, Merck, Kenilworth, NJ) for female and male individuals aged 9 to 26 years,9 and the bivalent vaccine (Cervarix, GlaxoSmithKline, Middlesex, England) for female individuals aged 10 to 25 years.10 The HPV vaccine requires a series of 3 injections within 6 months. Markowitz et al.11 examined the rates of HPV infection among female individuals before and after the vaccine was introduced in 2006, by using data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys for 2003 through 2010. They found that for female adolescents aged 14 to 19 years, there was a 55.7% reduction in vaccine-type HPV infection rate (HPV types 6, 11, 16, and 18) and a 50% reduction in high-risk vaccine-type HPV infection rate (HPV types 16 and 18). There was also an 88% decrease among the sexually active women in their rate of vaccine-type HPV infection when they compared those who were vaccinated to those who were not vaccinated.11 Niccolai et al.12 also found significant decline in the rates of high-grade cervical lesions from 2008 to 2011 among women aged 21 to 24 years in Connecticut. Unfortunately, this trend was attenuated in urban areas as well as areas with higher concentrations of Black, Hispanic, and low-income populations.12According to the National Immunization Survey—Teen (NIS-Teen),13 HPV vaccine initiation rates for female adolescents were 44.3% in 2009, 48.7% in 2010, 53.0% in 2011, and 53.8% in 2012. This reflects minimal improvement in 2011, no improvement in 2012, and reaching a plateau for female vaccination at a level dramatically lower than the goal of 80% completion rate for girls aged 13 to 15 years set by Healthy People 2020. In site-based studies, HPV vaccine initiation among female adolescents ranged between 9.4% and 62.9%.14–21 Also, initiation for female adolescents was lower for Spanish speakers,22 those who were uninsured,23–25 those with shorter duration of enrollment in health insurance,26 in nonpediatric settings,21,24 among those who have not had a preventive visit in the past 12 months,21,24,27–30 and with mothers’ lack of knowledge about HPV infection or vaccine.18,27,28,31,32 Some studies reported lower initiation among younger female adolescents,15,18,21,24,29,30 whereas others reported the opposite.21,26 Several studies have shown the importance of health care providers’ (HCPs’) recommendations for HPV vaccine initiation among female adolescents.16,28,30,31,33According to NIS-Teen,13 HPV vaccine initiation rates for male adolescents were 1.4% in 2010, 8.3% in 2011, and 20.8% in 2012. This reflects low but steady improvement in HPV vaccination rates among male adolescents. In site-based studies, HPV vaccine initiation among male adolescents ranged between 1.1% and 30%.14,34–37 Literature is lacking on factors associated with HPV vaccine initiation among male adolescents. One study reported lower levels of knowledge among Black and Hispanic parents about the use of HPV vaccine for male adolescents.35 A few studies indicated the importance of HCPs’ recommendation for HPV vaccine initiation among male adolescents.14,35,36,38Pervasive disparities exist in HPV vaccination among Black, Hispanic, and low-income groups, and more specifically in the study target area. Even though the NIS-Teen data for 2011 and 2012 show slightly higher HPV vaccination among Black and low-income groups,39,40 several studies have demonstrated a significant and continuing trend of lower HPV vaccination among Black and Hispanic adolescents,14,15,17,24,26,41,42 as well as in low-income and urban areas.22,33,41,43 Vaccination disparities in urban areas (compared with suburban or rural areas) may be attributed to residential segregation, differential distribution of health clinics and health professionals, and unequal access to a broad range of services.44–46 As urban areas, particularly the Greater Newark area, have high proportions of immigrants who may be hesitant to seek health care services because of cultural or language barriers or concerns about immigration status,7 a study of adolescents’ adherence to public health recommendations in underserved, inner-city areas is warranted and important.Literature is lacking information on correlates of HPV vaccination among Black and Hispanic adolescents in low-income urban areas, who represent populations with the greatest disparities in cervical cancer and other HPV-related cancers compared with White and higher-income groups. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine the correlates of HPV vaccine initiation in a sample of predominantly Black and Hispanic adolescents at inner-city community health centers. The study addresses gaps in knowledge about the correlates of HPV vaccination among both male and female adolescents as well as a low-income predominantly minority population with pervasive disparities in cervical cancer morbidity and mortality.1–3,5,6  相似文献   

Objectives. We sought to examine the utilization and impact of enabling services, such as interpretation and eligibility assistance, among underserved Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and other Pacific Islander (AANHOPI) patients served at 4 community health centers.Methods. For this project, we developed a uniform model for collecting data on enabling services and implemented it across 4 health centers that served primarily AANHOPI patients. We also examined differences in patient characteristics between users and nonusers of enabling services.Results. Health center patients used many enabling services, with eligibility assistance being the most used service. In addition, compared with nonusers, users of enabling services were more likely to be older, female, AANHOPI, and uninsured (P < .05).Conclusions. For underserved AANHOPI patients at community health centers, enabling services are critical for access to appropriate care. We were the first to examine uniform data on enabling services across multiple health centers serving underserved AANHOPI patients. More data on enabling services and evaluation are needed to develop interventions to improve the quality of care for underserved AANHOPI patients.Community health centers (CHCs) are safety nets for some of the country''s most vulnerable patients, but many of these patients are unable to access or use this needed medical care without enabling services.1 Major barriers to care include an inability to pay, culture and language, and insurance status.2,3 Enabling services have been identified by the National Association of Community Health Centers as key facilitators to health care delivery and are defined as nonclinical services that are specifically linked to a medical encounter or provision of medical services that aim to increase access to health care and improve health outcomes.4 Enabling services at CHCs include language interpretation, health education, and financial or insurance eligibility assistance. Enabling services have long been considered to be critical components of health care delivery for CHC patients, who are disproportionately low-income, uninsured, and of minority backgrounds. However, despite the perceived importance and potential of enabling services for improving health care for vulnerable populations, little is known about the utilization of enabling services at CHCs or the impact of these services on health care access and outcomes among medically underserved populations. In particular, no studies have examined enabling services and their impact on medically underserved Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and other Pacific Islander (AANHOPI) patients at CHCs.Few studies have examined the effect of enabling services at CHCs on health care access and outcomes among people of color.59 The results of these few studies suggest that enabling services can make a significant contribution to improved access and quality of care. For example, case management has been shown to be effective at improving specific disease conditions.10,11 Interpretation services have been shown to increase both timeliness of care12 and patient satisfaction and decrease the number of emergency room visits, thereby reducing costs.5Medically underserved AANHOPI patients at CHCs, in particular, rely more on enabling services such as interpretation and eligibility assistance for access to medical care. A lack of enabling services leads underserved AANHOPI patients and other people of color to underutilize medical services at CHCs, and causes such patients to be underrepresented in the health care system.1315 For example, communication difficulties stemming from language or cultural issues are common reasons for AANHOPI persons to avoid health services16,17 and to feel less confident that they can get needed care as compared with non-Hispanic Whites.16 Enabling services at CHCs can help underserved AANHOPI patients obtain culturally and linguistically appropriate and effective health care.Culturally proficient health care reduces health disparities between racial/ethnic groups.18 Culturally and linguistically appropriate enabling services can help to overcome barriers within the health care system by improving patient–provider interactions, increasing patient knowledge and understanding of treatments, and improving patient safety.19 Interpretation services can help patients navigate the health care system more easily and can improve patient–provider communication, resulting in increased medical visits and improved health outcomes. Eligibility assistance and enrollment in health insurance programs can alleviate patient financial concerns associated with care.Federally qualified health centers are required to provide annual reports to the US Bureau of Primary Health Care as part of the Uniform Data System and to submit information on some of the enabling services provided by their health centers. However, the current Uniform Data System does not adequately capture the full scope of enabling services provided and needed by federally qualified health centers to demonstrate the critical impact of these services, nor does it document the need to adequately finance health centers to ensure full primary care access and utilization among medically underserved patients. As of 2007, the Uniform Data System report included only the number of full-time equivalent staff and encounters for case managers and education specialists and full-time equivalents only for outreach workers, transportation staff, and a category for “other enabling services.”20Enabling services are often jeopardized during times of political and financial pressures, because the services are usually nonbillable or nonreimbursable.21 Although some CHC staffs and federal officials have indicated that enabling services improve health care access and outcomes among medically underserved patients, such services have not been adequately supported or funded.22Our study aimed to rectify the lack of research in this area by collecting important new data on the needs for enabling services at CHCs and the impact of enabling services on the medical care and outcomes of medically underserved AANHOPI patients.  相似文献   

Abused women seek help from medicine services extensively. Qualitative interviews were conducted with 12 married Arab-Israeli abused women about their relationships with social workers in community health clinics. Analysis reveals that women’s evaluation of the impact of encounters with social workers is bipolar. On one pole are the difficulties and stressors derived from the cultural limitations that are placed on their ability to bring changes. On the other pole are the benefits—awareness in coping with repressive social powers and empowerment as competent choosers. The discussion elaborates the conflicts and paradoxes inherent in the nature of the interventions with abused women in a collectivistic culture.  相似文献   

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