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The present situation in health care From the perspective of regional society, there are many public facilities which support the health, medication and welfare for the residents, and they operate their own service without an appropriate linkage or organized method of sharing information with each other. It is important to provide health care based on a principle with a concept of health information management by life stage. As present, such information is divided among several government agencies, namely the Ministries of Health and Welfare, Education and Labor. Infant, school medical exam, and adult or geriatric annual check-ups are under the control of the respective Ministries. As a result, we lack in communication between regional facilities and sharing information. Recent advancement in medical information systems and instruments have been remarkable. Especially after the electronic medical card will be in officially used, the medical check supporting system will gradually come into wide-spread use with easy operation. To swim with the current of the times, it is important to cooperate with organizations in other fields for practical use of personal health data. We must make an effort to establish an effective method of using computer and individual information to collect significant data.  相似文献   

A prognosis of how the information society in health care will look like in 2013 must start from the current state of affairs at the given locality regarding healthcare management by public authorities including legislative, ICT technological levels and accessibility of professional knowledge in individual fields of medicine. It is presumed that after 10 years the influence of this 'starting point' will still persist and knowledge of the current state of affairs will be needed to positively but also negatively differentiates the prognosis [Health Care in the Information Society: A Prognosis for the Year 2013, in this issue] for individual localities, e.g. Germany versus neighbouring the Czech Republic. The present article focuses on aims of Czech health care and the measures that are taken in Czech health care that are carried out and which have been already initiated. Their significance towards the future prognosis according to [Health Care in the Information Society: A Prognosis for the Year 2013, in this issue] is clear. The first measure is legalisation of conditions, which allow health care administration only be carried out with electronic forms and the protection of these sensitive personal data when they are placed in a centralised data depository where they are prepared for physicians who use them while providing health care in health institutions. In the Czech Republic an information system is developed called Internet Access to Health Patient Information (IHPI). The second measure is creating a unified central system of health information together with methodologies for data collection, data standards and protocols. In the Czech Republic there is the National Health Information System (NHIS) governed by the Institute for Health Information and Statistics (IHIS CR). The NHIS enables care providers to get information about the health state of citizens, about health institutions, about their activities and economics, it enables to regulate the provision of health care, to define conceptions of state health politics and to administrate public health. The third measure is legalisation of possibilities to establish centralised health care registers that are designated for recording and following of patients with chosen socially serious diseases. These registers help with diagnosis and therapy and reveal consequences of diseases for the patients. It helps to evaluate accessibility and quality of provided health care in the country. An important goal of the use of health care registers and information systems is for educational purposes and as causal expert systems for physicians. The National Health Registers have been introduced to the whole of the Czech Republic; some of them are accessible on-line in a countrywide data network. The last part of the paper focuses on research and education for developing the information society in Czech health care and on co-operation with EU countries in selected projects and initiatives.  相似文献   

Childhood obesity is one of the greatest health challenges of the 21st century. The EASO COTF is convinced that classifying obesity as a chronic disease in children and adolescents is a crucial step for increasing individual and societal awareness, and for improving early diagnosis and intervention. Such a classification will enhance the development of novel preventive and treatment approaches, health care policies and systems, and the education of healthcare workers. The management of obesity prior to the appearance of co-morbidities may prevent their escalation into significant medical and psychosocial problems, and reduce their economic and societal impact. Childhood is a unique window of opportunity to influence lifetime effects on health, quality of life, prevention of non-communicable chronic diseases and disabilities. The Convention on the Rights of the Child by UNICEF states that parties shall strive to ensure that no child is deprived of his or her right of access to health care services. The EASO COTF is aiming to address these issues via educational activities for health care workers, identification of research agendas, and the promotion of collaborations among clinicians, researchers, health institutions, organizations and states across Europe.Key Words: Obesity, Child, Adolescent, Non-communicable chronic disease, Morbidity, Classification, Treatment,, Policy, Health systems  相似文献   

After the Second World War, the field of medicine has changed remarkably in Japan. A comprehensive health and medical care system has been organized to meet the increasing needs and demands for health and medical care services. Health centers have played an important role in promoting health care activities in the community. The authors describe the development of health centers and other health care facilities in Japan. The authors propose that it is necessary to build a new health facility specifically designed for public health nurse activities, termed a "public health nurse station". The authors also describe the status of the health care facilities in service and the activities of the stations and evaluated them. It is concluded that the stations have brought many changes in the field of health and medical care; moreover that the station should not become a substitute for a health center but should be a facility for public health nurse activities in a community. Health centers should also play important roles for comprehensive medical services in the future.  相似文献   

A systems view is a synthesis of health policy, medical sociology, public health, and common clinical problems to describe the current crisis in health care for the poor. Medical sociology and public health are particularly relevant to understand the complexity of clinical issues. Although preventive medicine is in desuetude, it is crucial if we are to reduce the future liability of postponed medical care among the poor. Medicaid metamorphosed to Medicare, as half of its outlays are spent on care of the elderly in nursing homes. Health care for the poor will remain a moral challenge to the architects of health policy and the medical profession.  相似文献   

In today's continually changing health care environment, there is serious concern that medical students are not being adequately prepared to provide optimal health care in the system where they will eventually practice. To address this problem, the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) developed a $7.6 million national demonstration project, Undergraduate Medical Education for the 21st Century (UME-21). This project funded 18 U.S. medical schools, both public and private, for a three-year period (1998-2001) to implement innovative educational strategies. To accomplish their goals, the 18 UME-21 schools worked with more than 50 organizations external to the medical school (e.g., managed care organizations, integrated health systems, Area Health Education Centers, community health centers). The authors describe the major curricular changes that have been implemented through the UME-21 project, discuss the challenges that occurred in carrying out those changes, and outline the strategies for evaluating the project. The participating schools have developed curricular changes that focus on the core primary care clinical clerkships, take place in ambulatory settings, include learning objectives and competencies identified as important to providing care in the future health care system, and have faculty development and internal evaluation components. Curricular changes implemented at the 18 schools include having students work directly with managed care organizations, as well as special demonstration projects to teach students the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary for successfully managing care. It is already clear that the UME-21 project has catalyzed important curricular changes within 12.5% of U.S. medical schools. The ongoing national evaluation of this project, which will be completed in 2002, will provide further information about the project's impact and effectiveness.  相似文献   

A consensus reached by the medical profession, Croatian Institute of Health Insurance, Croatian Institute of Public Health, and Ministry of Health constitutes a solution to the problem of a data standard required in building an information system for primary health care. This consists of accepting ICPC-2 as a data standard for our Family Medicine, Pediatrics and Women's Health. The classification structure of the International Classification of Primary Care allows, recommends and urges that special codes be established by individual states or local authorities when registering patients' reasons for seeking medical aid or medical procedures. Namely, it urges the authorities to set the codes for such reasons about which a state or local agreement or determination has been made. This is the first public presentation of the proposal Croatia's Additions to the International Classification of Primary Care. They are essential to its implementation in our health insurance, health statistics and medical informatics.  相似文献   

The medical profession will face many challenges in the new millennium. As medicine looks forward to advances in molecular genetics and the prospect of unprecedented understanding of the causes and cures of human disease, clinicians, scientists and bioethicists may benefit from reflection upon the origins of the medical ethos and its relevance to postmodern medicine. Past distortions of the medical ethos, such as Nazism and the Tuskegee Syphilis Study, as well as more recent experience with the ethical challenges of employer-based market driven managed care, provide important lessons as medicine contemplates the future. Racial and ethnic disparities in health status and access to care serve as a reminders that the racial doctrines that fostered the horrors of the Holocaust and the Tuskegee Syphilis Study have not been completely removed from contemporary thinking. Inequalities in health status based on race and ethnicity, as well as socioeconomic status, attest to the inescapable reality of racism in America. When viewed against a background of historical distortions and disregard for the traditional tenets of the medical ethos, persistent racial and ethnic disparities and health and the prospect of genetic engineering raise the specter of discrimination because of genotype, a postmodern version of "racist medicine" or of a "new eugenics." There is a need to balance medicine's devotion to the wellbeing of the patient and the primacy of the patient-physician relationship against with the need to meet the health care needs of society. The challenge facing the medical profession in the new millennium is to establish an equilibrium between the responsibility to assure quality health care for the individual patient while affecting societal changes to achieve "health for all."  相似文献   

It was not until the exemplary social reform of the 19th century and the introduction of modern health insurance schemes that people started to consider health as some kind of basic right which could be ensured by insurance and doctors, rather than by individual responsibility. The recent explosion of health system costs in countries like Germany has given rise to an unprecedented situation whereby the limited capacities of insurance systems and state organizations are becoming more and more evident. Health economists are now questioning the feasibility of optimal medical treatment for everybody. One consequence of this situation is that people are being forced to recall the old virtue of individual responsibility for one's own physical and mental well-being. This article examines the nature of health from a historical point of view. The point is made that health is not the same thing as a life free from complaints, although this erroneous belief is wide-spread today. Galen himself identified a neutral physical state between health and illness (neutralitas), that could be observed in many people who could not be described as being either healthy or ill. It is necessary to accept this state as part of the natural fate of humankind and to understand that individual responsibility and the demands on society and insurance companies for well-being or absolute freedom from ailments are not one and the same thing.  相似文献   

Public health education may have harmful side effects: generate fear, give rise to healthism and contribute to a medical sorting society. To prevent these adverse reactions a new deal for public health communication is presented. It is commended to move public health from omnipotence to moderation, from life style to living conditions, from risk to the bright sides of health, from statistical clone to the holy individual. Furthermore public health communication ought to include uncertainty as authoritarian truth mongering erodes trust. The public health educator must convey compassion and dedication. Rational techno-info is not sufficient. The last golden rule for a new public health is to respect the people. The people are not an inferior mass subjected to basic instincts and irrational fears. Common sense and lay experiences may contribute to the wise management of risk. Therefore public health should develop a people-centered method, recognizing people's own values, perceptions and potentials for preventing disease and promoting health.  相似文献   

The contribution of health care to the health of a population has long been controversial. In the 1970s, McKeown and Illich argued that health care had made little contribution to population health and may actually be damaging it. There is, however, a growing body of evidence that health care now has a demonstrable effect on health at a population level, albeit subject to certain methodological limitations that affect the precision of the estimates of scale. In particular, there is emerging evidence that reduced access to high quality medical care may contribute to the east-west gap in mortality in Europe and to social inequalities in mortality in some industrialised countries. These findings apply both to overall measures of mortality amenable to medical care as well as to death rates in particular age groups and from particular conditions, where the association between policy and outcome tends to be clearer. These findings have implications for those who seek to promote health at population or individual level. Primarily, there needs to be a stronger link between public health and health care, with those in public health recognising that health care can make a difference and those in health care recognising the right of public health to challenge what they do.  相似文献   

Practicing pathology in a resource-poor setting presents many challenges that are unfamiliar to pathologists in developed countries. Typically, the number of pathologists in a resource-poor country is small, even as a percentage of the total medical workforce. Although pathology should play a central role in the delivery of appropriate health care to the patient, this role is often hidden and not well recognized by patients, clinical colleagues, or other stakeholders, such as administrators and politicians. The public tends to think of the pathologist as the "Doctor of the Dead." The financial rewards are also small. Consequently, it is difficult to recruit physicians into pathology. The lack of human and material resources allocated to pathology leads inevitably to a large gap in health care for many patients, with an unmeasured negative effect, at both the individual and societal levels. Correct management of the patient, even when available, is not administered because of the lack of pathologic information. Surgery may be performed without the benefit of preoperative or postoperative pathologic confirmation of the diagnosis, let alone identification of important prognostic information. The pathologist plays a key role as an educator in developing countries to medical students, allied health professionals, and medical colleagues and is, therefore, called upon to provide many hours of teaching. The pathologist is uniquely qualified to provide knowledge and understanding regarding the diseases in the region where he or she practices. Although many of these challenges are universal, they are perhaps nowhere more acute than in resource-poor settings.  相似文献   

This paper discusses aspects of information technologies for health care, in particular on transinstitutional health information systems (HIS) and on health-enabling technologies, with some consequences for the aim of medical informatics. It is argued that with the extended range of health information systems and the perspective of having adequate transinstitutional HIS architectures, a substantial contribution can be made to better patient-centered care, with possibilities ranging from regional, national to even global care. It is also argued that in applying health-enabling technologies, using ubiquitous, pervasive computing environments and ambient intelligence approaches, we can expect that in addition care will become more specific and tailored for the individual, and that we can achieve better personalized care. In developing health care systems towards transinstitutional HIS and health-enabling technologies, the aim of medical informatics, to contribute to the progress of the sciences and to high-quality, efficient, and affordable health care that does justice to the individual and to society, may be extended to also contributing to self-determined and self-sufficient (autonomous) life. Reference is made and examples are given from the Yearbook of Medical Informatics of the International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA) and from the work of Professor Jochen Moehr.  相似文献   

《Genetics in medicine》2009,11(6):418-424
PurposeTo define components and activities of the entire Newborn Dried Bloodspot Screening process, highlighting long-term follow-up—both clinical and public health—as a basis for defining requirements for information systems to support the process.MethodsConvene a workgroup of experts involved in various aspects of Newborn Dried Bloodspot Screening and conduct an analysis of the components and activities involved, applying Business Process Analysis, part of a collaborative requirements definition process conceived by the Public Health Informatics Institute.ResultsThe Newborn Dried Bloodspot Screening workgroup identified four primary business processes: screening, confirmatory/diagnostic testing, transition to long-term follow-up, and intervention management (long-term follow-up). Long-term follow-up includes care coordination/ongoing treatment, continuous quality improvement, knowledge generation, and knowledge management and dissemination. In addition, the Newborn Dried Bloodspot Screening workgroup identified public health care coordination as a new and important role to assure successful long-term follow-up. This role is defined in some detail.ConclusionSuccessful newborn screening systems rely on effective partnerships to ensure that there is appropriate screening, diagnosis, and follow-up. Coordinating care across multiple settings and service providers, ensuring continuity of care over time, and generating new knowledge about heritable disorders requires information systems that can fully support the process. Developing such information systems requires a clear understanding of the Newborn Dried Bloodspot Screening process and documentation of the roles and responsibilities for all involved. Business process analysis can be applied to Newborn Dried Bloodspot Screening and other child health programs to help achieve that outcome.  相似文献   

The report "Healthy people" from the US Department of Health and Human Services defines health literacy (HL) as follows: "The degree to which individuals have the capacity to obtain, process, and understand basic health information and services needed to make appropriate health decisions." The same report identifies asthma as a public health problem of high priority. Unfortunately, impaired HL is prevalent in our society, and patients with low HL and asthma face multiple challenges as they attempt to manage their disease. Indeed, the National Asthma Education and Prevention Program's current guidelines require patients to have considerable HL and self-management skills. Numerous studies have linked inadequate literacy with poor health outcomes. Unlike many sociodemographic variables, HL can potentially be addressed in the health care setting. The purpose of this review is to raise awareness of the problem, summarize the current evidence linking HL and asthma, and offer strategies to strengthen the communication between patients and health care providers to decrease asthma health disparities. In addition, we discuss potential future directions for research in this field.  相似文献   

Urban bioethics is an area of inquiry within the discipline of bioethics that focuses on ethical issues, problems, and conflicts relating to medicine, science, health care, and the environment that typically arise in urban settings. Urban bioethics challenges traditional bioethics (1) to examine value concerns in a multicultural context, including issues related to equity and disparity, and public health concerns that may highlight conflict between individual rights and the public good, and (2) to broaden its primary focus on individual self-determination and respect for autonomy to include examination of the interests of family, community, and society. Three features associated with urban life-density, diversity, and disparity-affect the health of urban populations and provide the substrate for identifying ethical concerns and value conflicts and creating interventions to affect population health outcomes. The field of urban bioethics can be helpful in creating ethical foundations and principles for public health practice, developing strategies to respect diversity in health policy in a pluralistic society, and fostering collaborative work among educators, social scientists, and others to eliminate bias among health professionals and health care institutions to enhance patients' satisfaction with their care and ultimately affect health outcomes. Educational programs at all levels and encompassing all health professions are needed as a first step to address the perplexing and important problem of eliminating health disparities. Urban bioethics is both contributing to the social science literature in this area and helping educators to craft interventions to affect professional attitudes and behaviors.  相似文献   

The modern concept of public health, the New Public Health, carries a great potential for healthy and therefore less aggressive societies. Its core disciplines are health promotion, environmental health, and health care management based on advanced epidemiological methodologies. The main principles of living together in healthy societies can be summarized as four ethical concepts of the New Public Health essential to violence reduction equity, participation, subsidiarity, and sustainability. The following issues are discussed as violence determinants: the process of urbanization; type of neighborhood and accommodation, and consequent stigmatization; level of education; employment status; socialization of the family; women's status; alcohol and drug consumption; availability of the firearms; religious, ethnic, and racial prejudices; and poverty. Development of the health systems has to contribute to peace, since aggression, violence, and warfare are among the greatest risks for health and the economic welfare. This contribution can be described as follows: 1) full and indiscriminate access to all necessary services, 2) monitoring of their quality, 3) providing special support to vulnerable groups, and 4) constant scientific and public accountability of the evaluation of the epidemiological outcome. Violence can also destroy solidarity and social cohesion of groups, such as family, team, neighborhood, or any other social organization. Durkheim coined the term anomie for a state in which social disruption of the community results in health risks for individuals. Health professionals can make a threefold contribution to peace by 1) analyzing the causal interrelationships of violence phenomena, 2) curbing the determinants of violence according to the professional standards, and 3) training professionals for this increasingly important task. Because tolerance is an essential part of an amended definition of health, monitoring of the early signs of public intolerance is important. The vital interplay between the informed public and efficient administration, however, can only exist in an open society. The link between democracy and health of the people, and between public health and economic welfare is real. The Public Health Collaboration in South Eastern Europe (PH-SEE) evolved just in time to reconnect and strengthen disrupted professional networks in the region as a prerequisite of effective public health action.  相似文献   

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