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目的 探讨乌鲁木齐地区喘息患儿发生支气管哮喘(哮喘)的危险因素.方法 对2008年1 -12月在新疆医科大学第五附属医院门诊及住院的300例喘息患儿的临床资料进行统计.用统一的调查表调查其年龄、性别、湿疹、变应性鼻炎、食物过敏、家族过敏史/哮喘史、运动相关性喘息等.出院后通过门诊或电话进行随访.采用 Logistic回归分析方法对各因素与哮喘发生的关系及相关程度进行分析.结果 随访2a,275例获得随访;25例失访.275例喘息患儿在随访期内86例(31.2%)发生哮喘.Logistic回归分析发现湿疹、变应性鼻炎、家族过敏史/哮喘史、运动相关性喘息、反复下呼吸道感染( LRTI)、外周血嗜酸性粒细胞(EOS)增高与喘息患儿发生哮喘有关(湿疹:OR=2.376,95% CI0.098~0.935,P=0.039;变应性鼻炎:OR=1.052,95% CI2.267 ~14.283,P =0.024;家族过敏史/哮喘史:OR=1.886,95%CI1.004~3.542,P =0.048;运动相关性喘息:OR=1.881,95% CI2.267 ~18.983,P =0.001;LRTI:OR=5.341,95% CI1.676~ 10.983,P =0.016;外周血EOS增高:OR=3.915,95% CI1.459~ 10.501,P=0.002).结论 个人过敏史(湿疹和变应性鼻炎)、家族过敏史/哮喘史、运动相关性喘息、LRTI、外周血EOS增高是乌鲁木齐地区喘息患儿发生哮喘的危险因素. 相似文献
Wheezing bronchitis reinvestigated at the age of 10 years 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
G Wennergren M Åmark K Åmark S Óskarsdóttir G Sten S Redfors 《Acta paediatrica (Oslo, Norway : 1992)》1997,86(4):351-355
We have reinvestigated 92/101 children aged 10, who before the age of 2 years were admitted to a paediatric ward due to wheezing bronchitis. At the present time, 70% are symptom-free without medication, 20% have mild asthma, 8% moderate and 2% severe asthma. Persistent asthma correlated significantly to the presence of some other atopic disease in recent years, to early start of wheezing during infancy and to intense obstructive disease as a young child, while initial respiratory syncytial virus infection did not. A clear-cut relationship between smoking in the home in infancy and persistent asthma emerged (not visible at a preschool follow-up). The histamine challenge results correlated to the clinical picture. A normal histamine challenge was seen in 63%, mild hyperresponsiveness in 19%, moderate in 12% and pronounced hyper-responsiveness in 6%. The figures for persistent asthma and bronchial hyperresponsiveness are high compared with the prevalence of asthma in the overall population of schoolchildren. 相似文献
Anne Kotaniemi-Syrjänen Tiina M. Reijonen Kaj Korhonen Matti Korppi 《Pediatrics international》2005,47(6):627-634
BACKGROUND: In order to affect the natural course of childhood wheezing and asthma, anti-inflammatory therapy is often prescribed for young wheezing children, but there is lack of long-term follow-up data. METHODS: Eighty-two of the original 100 children, hospitalized for wheezing under the age of 2 years in 1992-1993, were re-examined at school age in 1999. The children had participated in an open, randomized, parallel-group trial including a 4-month intervention with inhaled sodium cromoglycate (SCG) or budesonide (BUD). The baseline data, including data on atopy, eosinophilia and viral etiology, were prospectively collected on admission. RESULTS: At early school age (median 7.2 years), asthma was present in 33 (40%) children. There was less asthma in the original SCG (21%) than in the control group (54%) (OR 0.23; 95% CI 0.07-0.77). The figure was 46% in the BUD group. When the analyses were performed separately for atopic and non-atopic infants, the difference was significant only among atopics. The lowered risk for asthma in the SCG group remained significant in the multivariate logistic regression analysis when adjusted for age, sex and atopy, and further when adjusted for earlier episodes of wheezing and respiratory syncytial virus identification. However, after adjustment for blood eosinophilia, the significance was lost, albeit the risk for asthma remained low (OR 0.21; 95% CI 0.04-1.12). A sensitivity analysis, which was done by including the six drop-outs of the SCG group as unfavorable and the 12 drop-outs of other groups as favorable outcomes in the model, did not change the direction of the result (OR 0.70; 95% CI 0.26-1.89). CONCLUSIONS: An early SCG intervention in infants hospitalized for wheezing was associated with a lowered risk for early school-age asthma, especially in infants with evidence of atopy. 相似文献
Asthma, lung function and allergy in 12-year-old children with very low birth weight: A prospective study 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Xiao-Mei Mai Per-Olof Gäddlin Lennart Nilsson Orvar Finnström Bengt Björkstén Maria C. Jenmalm Ingemar Leijon 《Pediatric allergy and immunology》2003,14(3):184-192
We assessed the relationship between very low birth weight (VLBW) (≤1500 g) and the development of asthma, lung function and atopy. The study groups comprised 74 of all 86 (86%) VLBW and 64 of all 86 (74%) matched term children who were prospectively followed for 12 years. A questionnaire on asthmatic and allergic symptoms was completed and skin prick tests, spirometry and hypertonic saline provocation tests were performed at 12 years of age. Cytokine secretion was analysed in stimulated blood leukocyte cultures in 28 VLBW and 23 term children. A history of asthma was more frequent among the VLBW children, as compared with the term children at age 12 (22% vs. 9%, p = 0.046). Among the VLBW children, very preterm birth (gestational age: week 25 to 29) (RR 2.5, 95%CI 1.1–5.8), neonatal mechanical ventilation (RR 2.8, 95%CI 1.2–6.4) and neonatal oxygen supplementation (RR 4.3, 95%CI 1.3–14.0) were significantly associated with a history of asthma by the age of 12 years in univariate analyses. In multivariate logistic regression, neonatal oxygen supplementation ≥ 9 days was the only remaining significant risk factor for a history of asthma (adjusted OR 6.7, 95%CI 1.0–44). The VLBW children who required mechanical ventilation during the neonatal period were more likely to have bronchial hyperresponsiveness than those not requiring mechanical ventilation (60% vs. 28%, p = 0.050). The spirometric values were similar among the VLBW and the term children at 12 years. Very low birth weight was not significantly related to allergic rhinoconjunctivitis, eczema or positive skin prick tests. Furthermore, the levels of IL‐4, IL‐5 and IFN‐γ in stimulated cell cultures were similar in the VLBW and the term children. A history of asthma by 12 years of age was twice as common among the VLBW as the term children, and neonatal oxygen supplementation seemed to be associated with the increased risk. Furthermore, mechanical ventilation during the neonatal period was associated with bronchial hyperresponsiveness at age 12. Very low birth weight per se was not, however, related to atopy. 相似文献
Hypertonic saline challenge tests in the diagnosis of bronchial hyperresponsiveness and asthma in children 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Xiao-Mei Mai Lennart Nilsson N-I Max Kjellman Bengt Björkstén 《Pediatric allergy and immunology》2002,13(5):361-367
The hypertonic saline challenge test is the recommended method to assess bronchial hyperresponsiveness in the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC). The sensitivity of this procedure to assess asthma symptoms, however, has been reported to vary among study centers. The purpose of our study was to evaluate the value of this provocation test in an epidemiological survey in children, and to relate the degree of bronchial hyperresponsiveness to the severity of asthma symptoms. All 11–13‐year‐old children from 16 randomly selected schools in Linköping, Sweden received a questionnaire regarding respiratory symptoms and allergic disease. Skin prick tests with eight inhalant allergens were performed. In addition, all children with wheeze over the past 12 months (current wheeze) and a random sample of children without current wheeze were invited to perform hypertonic saline provocation tests. A complete data set was available for 170 children, including 50 with and 120 without current wheeze. Bronchial hyperresponsiveness (BHR) was defined as at least 15% decline in FEV1. The degree of BHR was represented by the response/dose ratio, i.e. the fall in FEV1 divided by total dose of inhaled saline. The severity of asthma symptoms was classified by the number of wheezing episodes over the past 12 months. ‘Asthma ever’ was defined by a combination of symptoms in the questionnaires. Children with ‘asthma ever’ and current wheeze were considered as having current asthma. Current atopic asthma was defined as current asthma with at least one positive skin prick test. The sensitivity of the procedure to detect ‘asthma ever’, current asthma and current atopic asthma was 62, 61 and 83%, and the specificity 83, 81 and 60%, respectively. The positive challenge rate was 52, 34, 13 and 7% among current wheezers, previous wheezers, non‐wheezers with a history of allergy and healthy children. The degree of bronchial hyperresponsiveness increased with the number of wheezing episodes. Thus, the median and range of the response/dose ratio were 4.8%/ml (2.1–14.8), 2.6%/ml (0.7–8.6) and 1.3%/ml (0.8–2.7), respectively, for children with ≥ 4 episodes, 1–3 episodes and no wheezing episodes over the past 12 months (p<0.001). In conclusion, hypertonic saline provocation test is useful as a tool to detect asthma in epidemiological studies in children. The degree of bronchial hyperresponsiveness, as represented by the response/dose ratio, reflects the severity of asthma symptoms. 相似文献
低剂量丙酸倍氯松吸人对轻度哮喘儿童气道高反应性的影响 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
为探讨低剂量丙酸倍托松(BDP)吸入对轻度哮喘儿童肺功能及气道高反应性(BHR)的影响,将30例轻度哮喘患儿随机分为3组,分别吸入安慰剂、BDP200μg/d或400μg/d。结果;患儿吸入200μg/d或400μg/dBDP后,哮喘症状及肺功能明显改善,BHR显著下降,各项指标变化在200μg组及400μg组间无显著差异。结论,每天吸入200μgBDP即能有效控制轻度儿童哮喘的临床症状,改善其肺功能井降低BHR,将剂量增加至400μg/d并不能明显增加疗效。建议使用BDP吸入疗法治疗轻度儿童哮喘时,常规剂量宜采用200μg/d。 相似文献
Pulmonary function in children with initial low birth weight 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Matthias Wjst Matei Popescu Mary J. Trepka Joachim Heinrich H-Erich Wichmann 《Pediatric allergy and immunology》1998,9(2):80-90
The objective of this analysis was to examine the effect of low birth weight and prematurity on bronchial air-flow, bronchial reactivity, airway symptoms and asthma diagnosis at school age. A cross-sectional epidemiologi-cal study was performed in three small towns in the eastern part of Germany on 2470 school children aged 5–14 (89.1% of eligible children). A 78 item questionnaire to determine risk factors at birth and in early childhood was employed. 7.8% of the children were born before completing 38 gesta-tional weeks; 6.6% had a birth weight less than 2500 g. Pulmonary function analysis were done by a mobile plethysmography at the school. There were only weak restrictions in lung volume in term low birth weight (LBW) children (100 ml lower TLC, p = 0.107), and flow (257 ml lower PEFR, p=0.108), were low. However, bronchial hyper-responsiveness indicated by 292 ml lower FEV1.0 after cold air bronchial provocation, was significantly increased compared to term normal birth weight children (p < 0.001). The effect of LBW was less in older children, only slightly stronger in girls and increased in children mechanically ventilated during the postnatal period. Correspondingly, there was a higher prevalence of diagnosed asthma in term LBW children (OR 1.6, 95%-confidence interval 1.0–2.6), however these were without an increased risk for any allergic sensitization. LBW, therefore, seems to be a risk factor for smaller lungs and hyperreactive airways primarily in term born children, whereas in pre-term children the immature bronchial system seems to be recover by school age. 相似文献
目的探讨毛细支气管炎患儿测定单次潮气肺功能的临床意义。方法检测和比较住院且1岁的756例初次喘息毛细支气管炎患儿和115例支气管肺炎患儿的单次潮气肺功能。部分达峰时间比≤第20百分位和≥第80百分位的毛细支气管炎患儿出院1年后电话随访其喘息情况。结果毛细支气管炎患儿与支气管肺炎患儿比较,达峰时间比,达峰容积比,吸气时间,吸呼比,呼出25%、50%潮气容积时的呼气流速的差异有统计学意义(P均0.05)。达峰时间比≤第20百分位的毛细支气管炎患儿1年内再喘息的比例为37.5%;达峰时间比≥第80百分位的毛细支气管炎患儿1年内再喘息比例为11.3%,两组差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论单次潮气肺功能测定提示,阻塞程度较重的毛细支气管炎患儿再次喘息的可能性较大。 相似文献
Péter Csonka Minna Kaila Pekka Laippala Anna-Leena Kuusela Per Ashorn 《Pediatric allergy and immunology》2000,11(4):225-229
Early childhood wheezing is associated with asthma later in life. However, the high spontaneous recovery rate and the lack of firm predictors for persistence of wheezing complicates the development of evidence-based guidelines for long-term management of wheezy infants and toddlers. Our aim was to define variables that could be used to identify wheezy individuals younger than 3 years of age who would continue to be symptomatic at school age. The method used was a questionnaire-based cross-sectional survey of 2027 randomly chosen, 6–13-year-old school children. Altogether 1829 (90%) questionnaires were returned. Emergency medical care had been sought for 186 (10.2%) children for wheezing during the first 3 years of life, and only 17.2% of these children had received similar emergency treatment during the 12 months preceding the survey. The total proportion of children with current asthma at school age was 11.4%. A logistic regression analysis indicated that for the early wheezers, a family history of asthma, an itchy rash or food allergy, and exposure to tobacco smoke at home before the age of 3 years, were all independently associated with symptom persistence until school age. Among all wheezy children younger than 3 years, those who have a history of food allergy, itchy rash, asthma occurrence in a sibling or parent, or are exposed to tobacco smoke during the first years of life are at highest risk for symptom persistence until school age. 相似文献
An 11-month-old male with Cushings syndrome due to a pituitary adenoma is presented. Additional findings of bilateral lung and kidney cystic disease-chance association or new syndrome? 相似文献
目的 比较小于胎龄儿(SGA)和适于胎龄儿(AGA)婴儿期肺功能的差异。方法 2010 年 7 月至 2013 年 7 月在深圳市儿童医院NICU住院的胎龄<36周、无明显影响肺功能疾病的SGA为SGA组;出生体重与SGA组匹配的AGA为AGA组。两组均于纠正胎龄12月龄随访时行潮气呼吸和功能残气量检测,比较两组肺功能参数的差异。多元线性回归分析SGA组影响小气道功能的因素。结果 SGA 组 20 例(男 12 例,女 8 例),AGA 组 30 例(男 17 例,女 13 例)进入分析。两组在出生体重和身长,机械通气天数等基线数据差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);SGA 组胎龄和用氧天数高于 AGA 组,SGA组随访时体重和身长均低于 AGA 组(P<0.05)。①在纠正胎龄12 月龄随访时两组呼吸频率、潮气量、每公斤潮气量、分钟通气量和功能残气量的差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05); 呼气达峰时间、呼气达峰容积、呼气达峰时间比、呼气达峰容积比,75%、50%和25%潮气量时呼气流速,SGA 组均低于 AGA 组(P<0.05)。②两组NICU出院至肺功能检测期间下呼吸道感染≥3次的比例,SGA组为90%(18/20),AGA组为50%(15/30),差异有统计学意义。③多元线性回归显示,SGA组25%潮气量时呼气流速与检测肺功能随访时身长、体重呈正相关,与吸氧天数呈负相关。结论 SGA 婴儿期肺容积参数与出生体重相近的AGA相近,但气道阻力高于AGA,可能与SGA生后肺发育迟缓相关。 相似文献
Geir Håland Kai-Håkon Carlsen Chandra Sekhar Devulapalli Morten Pettersen Petter Mowinckel Karin C. Lødrup Carlsen 《Pediatric allergy and immunology》2007,18(6):528-534
The aim of the study was to assess if lung function at birth predicts lung function at 2 yr and secondly, if lung function development was influenced by the common phenotypes of recurrent bronchial obstruction (rBO) or atopic eczema (AE) by 2 yr. Lung function was assessed at birth (n = 802) and at 2 yr within the prospective birth cohort study 'the Environment and Childhood Asthma Study' in Oslo. The 135 children with lung function measured at birth by tidal flow volume (TFV) loops and passive respiratory mechanics, who were included in a nested case-control study were reinvestigated at 2 yr with clinical examination, TFV loops (n = 90) (mean age 26.6 (3.7 s.d.) months), skin prick test and parental interview. Children were categorized into quartiles (lower, middle two, upper) according to time to peak tidal expiratory flow/total expiratory time (t(PTEF)/t(E)) at birth as well as clinical phenotype based on the presence of rBO and/or AE (ever) by 2 yr. The observed reduction in mean t(PTEF)/t(E) from birth to 2 yr within the quartiles, were not significantly different after controlling for 'regression to the mean'. t(PTEF)/t(E) at birth correlated significantly with t(PTEF)/t(E) at 2 yr, (r = 0.475, p < 0.001). Children with both rBO and AE by 2 yr had significantly lower t(PTEF)/t(E) at 2 yr (p = 0.002) and at birth (p = 0.027), compared with children with no rBO or AE. Clinical phenotype at 2 yr did not influence the change in t(PTEF)/t(E) from birth to 2 yr. This study demonstrates a clear tracking of lung function from birth, not influenced by rBO or AE by 2 yr. 相似文献
ABSTRACT. A new method has been evaluated for measuring ventilation and lung mechanics in spontaneously breathing infants by means of a face chamber. Airway flow is measured with a pneumotachograph inserted between the face chamber and a stable pressure source. Oesophageal pressure is measured via a water-filled oesophageal catheter. The method is suitable for use in conjunction with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) treatment in neonatal intensive care. A flat frequency response curve up to 15 Hz for the two measuring systems (i.e., airway flow and oesophageal pressure), and a time shift between the two respective signals of less than 2 msec are prerequisites for correct evaluation of respiratory mechanics. In preterm infants with chest distortion, the inhomogeneity of pleural pressure affects the significance of resistance and compliance values, as calculated from oesophageal pressure. Supra-diaphragmatic pressure variations reflect the resistive and elastic load on the diaphragm exerted by the lungs and thorax. Thus, oesophageal pressure is still useful in studies of respiratory mechanics in preterm infants. 相似文献
目的初步探讨早产儿在校正胎龄40周时的潮气呼吸肺功能状况。方法选择我院2011年1~9月新生儿科收治的早产儿,机械通气组和非机械通气组各入选20例,于校正胎龄40周时分别测定潮气呼吸肺功能的各项指标,与同期产科分娩、胎龄39~40周健康对照组(分别入选剖宫产组30例和阴道分娩组20例)生后5~7天时的潮气呼吸肺功能相比较。结果机械通气组吸气时间(TI,s)、呼气时间(TE,s)较阴道分娩组和非机械通气组明显延长[TI:(0.68±0.17)比(0.52±0.06)、(0.53±0.11),TE:(0.72±0.15)比(0.59±0.13)、(0.57±0.09),P<0.05],呼吸频率(RR,次/min)明显降低[(44.4±7.7)比(56.2±10.8)、(56.1±9.5),P<0.05)];两个早产儿组达峰时间比(TPEF/TE,%)、达峰容积比(VPEF/VE,%)、达峰容积(VPEF,ml)、达峰时间(TPEF,s)均低于阴道分娩组[TPEF/TE:(21.8±5.8)、(25.4±11.2)比(35.4±8.8),VPEF/VE:(24.4±2.9)、(26.8±8.1)比(33.8±7.3),VPEF:(5.5±1.2)、(6.0±1.1)比(6.7±1.2),TPEF:(0.15±0.10)、(0.14±0.04)比(0.20±0.05),P<0.05];剖宫产组平均吸气流速(MIF,ml/s)、平均呼气流速(MEF,ml/s)较阴道分娩组明显减低[MIF:(35.7±5.1)比(40.1±4.0),MEF:(31.8±6.7)比(36.4±7.0)P<0.05];各组TPEF/TE与VPEF/VE呈高度正相关,r值分别为剖宫产组0.990,阴道分娩组0.992,机械通气组0.933,非机械通气组0.990,P均<0.05。结论在校正胎龄40周时,早产儿潮气呼吸肺功能接近正常同胎龄足月儿,气道发育比足月儿慢,出生早期行机械通气早产儿可能存在肺组织的代偿能力受限和呼吸中枢调节功能不协调。 相似文献