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Changes of cortical and corticospinal excitability as a function of sleep deprivation have been studied, using EEG power maps and several TMS measures in 33 normal subjects before and after a 40-h sleep deprivation (SD). The effects of SD were independently assessed by subjective and EEG measures of sleepiness, the latter being represented in terms of cortical maps for different frequency bands. Short intracortical facilitation (SICF) and inhibition (SICI) were measured by the paired-pulse TMS technique with different inter-stimulus intervals. Besides standardized motor threshold (MT), lower threshold (LT) and upper threshold (UT) were also determined. Subjective sleepiness severely increased as a consequence of SD, paralleled by a drastic decrease of alertness. EEG topography showed large increases in delta and theta activity, mainly evident at fronto-central areas. Standard MTs, as well as LTs and UTs, all increased as a consequence of SD. SICF also showed a significant increase as compared to pre-deprivation values, but only in females. The increase of theta activity was strongly associated in the left frontal and prefrontal cortex to a smaller decrease of corticospinal excitability, expressed by MTs, and a larger increase of intracortical facilitation, expressed by SICF. TMS and EEG measures converge in indicating that SD has severe effects on both cortical and corticospinal excitability, as shown respectively by the increases of slow-frequency EEG power and MTs. The SICF enhancement in females and the results of the combined topographical analysis of EEG and TMS changes are coherent with the hypothesis that cortical TMS-evoked responses are higher as a consequence of a longer wakefulness. However, the lack of an increase in cortical excitability after prolonged wakefulness in males suggests some caution in the generalization of these effects, that deserve further investigation.  相似文献   

Neural oscillations are thought to underlie coupling of spatially remote neurons and gating of information within the human sensorimotor system. Here we tested the hypothesis that different unimanual motor tasks are specifically associated with distinct patterns of oscillatory coupling in human sensorimotor cortical areas. In 13 healthy, right-handed subjects, we recorded task-induced neural activity with 122-channel electroencephalography (EEG) while subjects performed fast self-paced extension-flexion movements with the right index finger and an isometric contraction of the right forearm. Task-related modulations of inter-regional coupling within a core motor network comprising the left primary motor cortex (M1), lateral premotor cortex (lPM) and supplementary motor area (SMA) were then modeled using dynamic causal modeling (DCM). A network model postulating coupling both within and across frequencies best captured observed spectral responses according to Bayesian model selection. DCM revealed dominant coupling within the β-band (13-30 Hz) between M1 and SMA during isometric contraction of the forearm, whereas fast repetitive finger movements were characterized by strong coupling within the γ-band (31-48 Hz) and between the θ- (4-7 Hz) and the γ-band. This coupling pattern was mainly expressed in connections from lPM to SMA and from lPM to M1. We infer that human manual motor control involves task-specific modulation of inter-regional oscillatory coupling both within and across distinct frequency bands. The results highlight the potential of DCM to characterize context-specific changes in coupling within functional brain networks.  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to investigate after-effects of 7 Hz non-painful prolonged stimulation of the median nerve on somatosensory-evoked fields (SEFs). The working hypothesis that conditioning peripheral stimulations might produce delayed interfering ("gating") effects on the response of somatosensory cortex to test stimuli was evaluated. In the control condition, electrical thumb stimulation induced SEFs in ten subjects. In the experimental protocol, a conditioning median nerve stimulation at wrist preceded 6 electrical thumb stimulations. Equivalent current dipoles fitting SEFs modeled responses of contralateral primary area (SI) and bilateral secondary somatosensory areas (SII) following control and experimental conditions. Compared to the control condition, conditioning stimulation induced no amplitude modulation of SI response at the initial stimulus-related peak (20 ms). In contrast, later response from SI (35 ms) and response from SII were significantly weakened in amplitude. Gradual but fast recovery towards control amplitude levels was observed for the response from SI-P35, while a slightly slower cycle was featured from SII. These findings point to a delayed "gating" effect on the synchronization of somatosensory cortex after peripheral conditioning stimulations. This effect was found to be more lasting in SII area, as a possible reflection of its integrative role in sensory processing.  相似文献   

In this MEG study, we investigated cortical alpha/sigma and beta ERD/ERS induced by median nerve stimulation to extend previous evidence on different resonant and oscillatory behavior of SI and SII (NeuroImage 13 [2001] 662). Here, we tested whether simple somatosensory stimulation could induce a distinctive sequence of alpha/sigma and beta ERD/ERS over SII compared to SI. We found that for both alpha/sigma (around 10 Hz) and beta (around 20 Hz) rhythms, the latencies of ERD and ERS were larger in bilateral SII than in contralateral SI. In addition, the peak amplitude of alpha/sigma and beta ERS was smaller in bilateral SII than in contralateral SI. These results indicate a delayed and prolonged activation of SII responses, reflecting a protracted information elaboration possibly related to SII higher order role in the processing of somatosensory information. This temporal dynamics of alpha/sigma and beta rhythms may be related to a sequential activation scheme of SI and SII during the somatosensory information processes. Future studies should evaluate in SII the possible different functional significance of alpha/sigma with respect to beta rhythms during somatosensory processing.  相似文献   

Bien N  ten Oever S  Goebel R  Sack AT 《NeuroImage》2012,59(1):663-672
Crossmodal binding usually relies on bottom-up stimulus characteristics such as spatial and temporal correspondence. However, in case of ambiguity the brain has to decide whether to combine or segregate sensory inputs. We hypothesise that widespread, subtle forms of synesthesia provide crossmodal mapping patterns which underlie and influence multisensory perception. Our aim was to investigate if such a mechanism plays a role in the case of pitch-size stimulus combinations. Using a combination of psychophysics and ERPs, we could show that despite violations of spatial correspondence, the brain specifically integrates certain stimulus combinations which are congruent with respect to our hypothesis of pitch-size synesthesia, thereby impairing performance on an auditory spatial localisation task (Ventriloquist effect). Subsequently, we perturbed this process by functionally disrupting a brain area known for its role in multisensory processes, the right intraparietal sulcus, and observed how the Ventriloquist effect was abolished, thereby increasing behavioural performance. Correlating behavioural, TMS and ERP results, we could retrace the origin of the synesthestic pitch-size mappings to a right intraparietal involvement around 250 ms. The results of this combined psychophysics, TMS and ERP study provide evidence for shifting the current viewpoint on synesthesia more towards synesthesia being at the extremity of a spectrum of normal, adaptive perceptual processes, entailing close interplay between the different sensory systems. Our results support this spectrum view of synesthesia by demonstrating that its neural basis crucially depends on normal multisensory processes.  相似文献   

To avoid neurological impairment during surgery near language-related eloquent brain areas, we performed presurgical functional brain mapping with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and magnetoencephalography (MEG) in 172 patients using language tasks. For MEG localizations, we used either a moving equivalent-current dipole fit or a current-density reconstruction using a minimum variance beamformer with a spatial filter algorithm. We localized the Wernicke and Broca language areas for every patient. We integrated the results into a frameless stereotaxy system. To visualize the results in the navigation microscope during surgery, we superimposed the fMRI and MEG findings on the brain surface. MEG and fMRI results differed in 4% of cases, and in 19%, one modality showed activation but not the other. In the vicinity of large gliomas, the BOLD (blood oxygenation level-dependent) effect was suppressed in 53% of our patients. Of the 124 patients who had surgery, only 7 patients (5.6%) experienced a transient language deterioration, which resolved in all cases. We used MEG and fMRI to show different aspects of brain activity and to establish validation between MEG and fMRI. We conclude that measurement by both MEG and fMRI increases the degree of reliability of language area localization and that the combination of fMRI and MEG is useful for presurgical localization of language-related eloquent cortex.  相似文献   

Friese U  Supp GG  Hipp JF  Engel AK  Gruber T 《NeuroImage》2012,59(1):861-871
We used a combined repetition/conceptual priming task to investigate attenuations of induced gamma-band activity (iGBA) due to prior experience. We hypothesized that distinguishable iGBA suppression effects can be related to the processing of (a) perceptual aspects, and (b) conceptual aspects of cortical object representations. Participants were asked to perform a semantic classification task with pictures of real world objects and their semantically corresponding words, using a design that isolated distinct levels of the neural suppression effect. By means of volumetric source analysis we located stimulus domain-specific iGBA repetition suppression effects (60-90 Hz) in temporal, parietal, and occipital areas of the human cortex. In contrast, domain-unspecific iGBA repetition suppression, corresponding to conceptual priming, was restricted to left temporal brain regions. We propose that the selective involvement of left temporal areas points to the activation of conceptual representations, whereas more posterior temporal, parietal, and occipital areas probably reflect perceptual aspects of higher-order visual object processing.  相似文献   

Popescu M  Otsuka A  Ioannides AA 《NeuroImage》2004,21(4):1622-1638
There are formidable problems in studying how 'real' music engages the brain over wide ranges of temporal scales extending from milliseconds to a lifetime. In this work, we recorded the magnetoencephalographic signal while subjects listened to music as it unfolded over long periods of time (seconds), and we developed and applied methods to correlate the time course of the regional brain activations with the dynamic aspects of the musical sound. We showed that frontal areas generally respond with slow time constants to the music, reflecting their more integrative mode; motor-related areas showed transient-mode responses to fine temporal scale structures of the sound. The study combined novel analysis techniques designed to capture and quantify fine temporal sequencing from the authentic musical piece (characterized by a clearly defined rhythm and melodic structure) with the extraction of relevant features from the dynamics of the regional brain activations. The results demonstrated that activity in motor-related structures, specifically in lateral premotor areas, supplementary motor areas, and somatomotor areas, correlated with measures of rhythmicity derived from the music. These correlations showed distinct laterality depending on how the musical performance deviated from the strict tempo of the music score, that is, depending on the musical expression.  相似文献   

Combined transcranial magnetic stimulation/electroencephalography (TMS/EEG) was used to study the activation and interaction of cortical regions to a variety of focused sub- and suprathreshold magnetic pulses over the left primary motor cortex (M1) in ten healthy subjects. Five single-pulse TMS conditions were performed based on the individual resting motor threshold (RMT): (1) 80%; (2) 100%; (3) 120%; (4) 130%; and (5) sham. Simple self-paced movements of the right first finger were also executed. We evaluated the reactions to magnetic stimulation and movement conditions using event-related power and event-related coherence transformations of alpha and beta rhythms. Event-related power reflected regional oscillatory activity of neural assemblies, while event-related coherence reflected the inter-regional functional coupling of oscillatory neural activity. The event-related power transformation revealed that the magnetic pulse modulated cortical oscillations within the first half second for both frequency ranges. For the alpha rhythm, threshold TMS induced a small decrease in the amplitude of EEG oscillations over the stimulation site, while for both rhythms, a progressive synchronization was observed as the intensity of TMS was increased in both hemispheres. Movement onset produced a greater bilateral decrease of power compared with the effects of a magnetic pulse. The event-related coherence revealed that TMS enhanced the electrode connectivity of both hemispheres. Additionally, it was more enhanced within the first 500 ms following stimulation and was seen only for the alpha frequency rhythm. The increase of functional connectivity between cortical areas was minor for magnetic stimulation conditions compared with that for finger movements. The single-pulse TMS over M1 partially modulated the motor cortex generators of oscillatory activity, while a simple active self-paced movement of the right first finger induced greater cortex activation and coupling between cortical regions. We propose that finger movements impose higher functional demands on the motor system compared to artificial magnetic stimulation. These findings are consistent with the possibility that the human motor system may be based on network-like oscillatory cortical activity and might be modulated by brief electromagnetic sub- and suprathreshold pulses applied to M1, suggesting a phenomenon of resetting.  相似文献   



The purpose of this study was to use magnetic resonance imaging to measure the moment arm of the flexor digitorum superficialis tendon about the metacarpophalangeal joint of the index, middle, ring, and little fingers when the position and force production level of the index finger was altered. A secondary goal was to create regression models using anthropometric data to predict moment arms of the flexor digitorum superficialis about the metacarpophalangeal joint of each finger.


The hands of subjects were scanned using a 3.0 T magnetic resonance imaging scanner. The metacarpophalangeal joint of the index finger was placed in: flexion, neutral, and extension. For each joint configuration subjects produced no active force (passive condition) and exerted a flexion force to resist a load at the fingertip (active condition).


The following was found: (1) The moment arm of the flexor digitorum superficialis at the metacarpophalangeal joint of the index finger (a) increased with the joint flexion and stayed unchanged with finger extension; and (b) decreased with the increase of force at the neutral and extended finger postures and did not change at the flexed posture. (2) The moment arms of the flexor digitorum superficialis tendon of the middle, ring, and little fingers (a) did not change when the index metacarpophalangeal joint position changed (P > 0.20); and (b) The moment arms of the middle and little fingers increased when the index finger actively produced force at the flexed metacarpophalangeal joint posture. (4) The moment arms showed a high correlation with anthropometric measurements.


Moment arms of the flexor digitorum superficialis change due to both changes in joint angle and muscle activation; they scale with various anthropometric measures.  相似文献   

Reduced sensory gating appears to be among the core features in schizophrenia. The sources of sensory gating however are largely unknown. The aim of the current study was to identify these sources, with concurrent EEG and fMRI methodology. Twenty healthy male volunteers were tested with identical P50 suppression paradigms in two separate sessions: an EEG setting, and an EEG concurrent with fMRI setting. The stimuli in the P50 paradigm consisted of weak electrical stimulation of the left median nerve. The stimuli were presented in pairs with either 500 ms or 1000 ms interstimulus intervals (ISI). No difference was found between the EEG setting and the concurrent EEG and fMRI setting. P50 suppression was, in both settings, found only in the 500 ms trials, not in the 1000 ms trials. EEG-dipole modeling resulted in 4 sources located in the medial frontal gyrus, the insula, the hippocampus, and primary somatosensory cortex. These sources corresponded to significant fMRI clusters located in the medial frontal gyrus, the insula, the claustrum, and the hippocampus. Activity in the hippocampus and the claustrum was higher in the trials with suppression, suggesting that these brain areas are involved in the inhibitory processes of P50 suppression. The opposite was found for activity in the medial frontal gyrus and the insula, suggesting that these brain areas are involved in the generation of the P50 amplitude. To our knowledge, this is the first study demonstrating that P50 suppression can be reliably assessed inside an MRI scanner.  相似文献   

The primary brain dysfunctions leading to the onset of a migraine attack remain largely unknown. Other important open questions concern the mechanisms of initiation, continuation, and termination of migraine pain, and the changes in brain function underlying migraine transformation. Brief trains of high-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS), when applied to the primary motor cortex at suprathreshold intensity (?120% of resting motor threshold [RMT]), elicit in healthy subjects a progressive, glutamate-dependent facilitation of the motor evoked potentials (MEP). Conversely, in conditions of increased cortical excitability, the rTMS trains induce inhibitory MEP responses likely mediated by cortical homeostatic mechanisms. We enrolled 66 migraine-without-aura patients, 48 migraine-with-aura patients, 14 patients affected by chronic migraine (CM), and 20 healthy controls. We assessed motor cortical response to 5-Hz rTMS trains of 10 stimuli given at 120% RMT. Patients with episodic migraine were studied in different phases of the migraine cycle: interictal, preictal, ictal, and postictal states. Results showed a facilitatory MEP response during the trains in patients evaluated in the preictal phase, whereas inhibitory responses were observed during and after a migraine attack, as well as in CM patients. In the interictal phase, different responses were observed, depending on attack frequency: facilitation in patients with low and inhibition in those with high attack recurrence. Our findings suggest that changes in cortical excitability and fluctuations in the threshold for inhibitory metaplasticity underlie the migraine attack recurrence, and could be involved in the process of migraine transformation.  相似文献   

To achieve a deeper understanding of the brain, scientists, and clinicians use electroencephalography (EEG) and magnetoencephalography (MEG) inverse methods to reconstruct sources in the cortical sheet of the human brain. The influence of structural and electrical anisotropy in both the skull and the white matter on the EEG and MEG source reconstruction is not well understood. In this paper, we report on a study of the sensitivity to tissue anisotropy of the EEG/MEG forward problem for deep and superficial neocortical sources with differing orientation components in an anatomically accurate model of the human head. The goal of the study was to gain insight into the effect of anisotropy of skull and white matter conductivity through the visualization of field distributions, isopotential surfaces, and return current flow and through statistical error measures. One implicit premise of the study is that factors that affect the accuracy of the forward solution will have at least as strong an influence over solutions to the associated inverse problem. Major findings of the study include (1) anisotropic white matter conductivity causes return currents to flow in directions parallel to the white matter fiber tracts; (2) skull anisotropy has a smearing effect on the forward potential computation; and (3) the deeper a source lies and the more it is surrounded by anisotropic tissue, the larger the influence of this anisotropy on the resulting electric and magnetic fields. Therefore, for the EEG, the presence of tissue anisotropy both for the skull and white matter compartment substantially compromises the forward potential computation and as a consequence, the inverse source reconstruction. In contrast, for the MEG, only the anisotropy of the white matter compartment has a significant effect. Finally, return currents with high amplitudes were found in the highly conducting cerebrospinal fluid compartment, underscoring the need for accurate modeling of this space.  相似文献   

ObjectivesThe present study aimed to compare the effects of music and music video interventions on objective and subjective sleep quality in adults with sleep disturbances.DesignA randomized controlled trial was performed on 71 adults who were recruited from the outpatient department of a hospital with 1100 beds and randomly assigned to the control, music, and music video groups.InterventionsDuring the 4 test days (Days 2–5), for 30 min before nocturnal sleep, the music group listened to Buddhist music and the music video group watched Buddhist music videos. They were instructed to not listen/watch to the music/MV on the first night (pretest, Day 1) and the final night (Day 6). The control group received no intervention.Main outcome measuresSleep was assessed using a one-channel electroencephalography machine in their homes and self-reported questionnaires.ResultsThe music and music video interventions had no effect on any objective sleep parameters, as measured using electroencephalography. However, the music group had significantly longer subjective total sleep time than the music video group did (Wald χ2 = 6.23, p = 0.04).ConclusionOur study results increase knowledge regarding music interventions for sleep quality in adults with sleep disturbances. This study suggested that more research is required to strengthen the scientific knowledge of the effects of music intervention on sleep quality in adults with sleep disturbances. (ISRCTN94971645)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To measure the effects of sensorimotor training based on the principles of neuroplasticity for patients with focal hand dystonia. DESIGN: Case series of 3 subjects with focal hand dystonia of the left hand, compared with age-matched normative controls. SETTING: Outpatient clinic. PARTICIPANTS: Three consecutive clinic patients-musicians with focal hand dystonia-who described a history of repetitive practice and performance (2 women; ages, 23 y and 35 y; 1 man; age, 24 y). INTERVENTION: Subjects were asked to stop performing the tasks that caused the abnormal movements, to participate in a wellness program (aerobics, postural exercises, stress free hand use), and to carry out supervised, attended, individualized, repetitive sensorimotor training activities at least once week for 12 weeks and reinforced daily at home. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Standard tests documenting somatosensory hand representation, target-specific hand control, and clinical function. RESULTS: On the affected side, the 3 subjects improved an average of 86.8% on somatosensory hand representation, 117% on target-specific performance, 23.9% on fine motor skills, 22.7% on sensory discrimination, 31.9% on musculoskeletal skills, and 32.3% on independence. All 3 subjects improved 10% or more on 90% of the subtests with 20% improvement on 50% of the subtests. CONCLUSION: Individuals with focal hand dystonia who have a history of repetitive hand use can improve cortical somatosensory responses and clinical motor function after individualized sensorimotor training consistent with the principles of neural adaptation.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the validity of the scoring hierarchy for the 3 upper-limb items on the Motor Assessment Scale (MAS). DESIGN: Application of Rasch analysis to 3 independent measurement scales, each representing the upper-arm function, hand movements, and advanced hand activities items of the MAS. SETTING: Inpatient and outpatient occupational therapy (OT) programs in a department of rehabilitation of an urban hospital center. PARTICIPANTS: One hundred patients (67 men, 33 women; average age, 54.3+/-14.4 y; average time since stroke onset, 104 d) attending OT for stroke rehabilitation. INTERVENTIONS: Not applicable. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: The MAS for stroke (upper-arm function, hand movements, and advanced hand activities sections). RESULTS: Rasch analysis provided support for the validity of hierarchical scoring criteria for the upper-arm scale. This analysis, however, identified inconsistencies in the hierarchical scoring criteria for the hand function and advanced hand activities scales and, when considering measurement error, only small differences in difficulty level between several behavioral criteria. CONCLUSIONS: The findings lead to suggestions for changes in the behavioral criteria hierarchy for upper-limb items on the MAS and highlight the importance of using statistical analyses to test the validity of proposed hierarchies of behavioral criteria in functional assessments.  相似文献   

目的:探讨经颅直流电刺激结合任务导向性训练对脑卒中患者静息态低频振幅(ALFF)的影响,以探讨该疗法的作用机制。方法:招募15例慢性期脑卒中偏瘫患者和15名健康受试者。治疗组每天接受20min t DCS结合60min任务导向性训练,5次/周,共4周。治疗组于治疗前和治疗4周后采用Fugl-Meyer量表上肢部分(Fugl-Meyer assessment of upper extremity,FMA-UE)、Brotez手功能测试和f MRI进行评估。健康组仅进行首次f MRI检查,不进行任何干预。结果:4周康复干预结束后,治疗组患者FMA-UE、Brotez评分均较治疗前明显提高(P0.05)。与健康对照组相比,试验组治疗前ALFF减弱的脑区有右侧颞上回、右侧中央前回,而试验组治疗后ALFF减弱的脑区有右侧颞上回、右侧中央前回、左侧楔叶;试验组治疗前后比则发现,治疗后患者ALFF增高的脑区为右侧小脑前叶。结论:经颅直流电刺激结合任务导向性训练对静息态脑自发性活动产生显著影响,小脑前叶ALFF的增强可能是这种联合干预促进脑卒中患者运动功能恢复的神经机制。  相似文献   

Relationship of individual and work-related factors to interpersonal conflicts at work was studied, using data from a nationwide survey in 1993 of the work environment and living conditions of physicians in Norway. The survey included a total of 1,800 questions spread over 16 questionnaires, which were distributed according to an 'overlapping questionnaire design'. Questionnaires were mailed to a random sample of 9,266 physicians, of whom 6,652 responded (72%). The results suggest that personality factors such as 'intensity' and 'reality weakness' are related to conflict with one's immediate superior, but not to conflict with others at work. Respondents reporting conflict with friends, relatives and spouse tended to report more conflict at work both with immediate superiors and others. The frequency of interpersonal conflict at work was not related to gender.  相似文献   

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