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Comparison of BOLD fMRI and MEG characteristics to vibrotactile stimulation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The characteristics of blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) fMRI and magnetoencephalographic (MEG) responses to vibrotactile stimuli in humans were studied and compared. The stimuli, presented with interstimulus intervals (ISIs) ranging from 1 to 5 s, yielded highly reproducible MEG responses, with current dipoles in the primary somatosensory (SI) cortex in all subjects. BOLD fMRI responses to similar stimuli showed substantial intrasubject variation in the activation sites around the SI cortex. BOLD responses were detected in all subjects in the secondary somatosensory (SII) cortices as well, with comparable BOLD response amplitudes to those in the SI cortex. Current dipoles, used to model the MEG signals, were stronger at longer ISIs than shorter ISIs. The BOLD response amplitudes did not show a similar dependence on ISI, but the activated brain area was larger when longer ISIs or longer stimuli were applied. Our results support the view that combined use of brain mapping methods provides complementary information and should be considered in functional brain examinations.  相似文献   

In the human somatosensory system, the contralateral primary somatosensory cortex (SI) is presumed to process and encode type and intensity of the sensory inputs, whereas the bilateral secondary somatosensory cortex (SII) is believed to perform higher order functions including sensorimotor integration, integration of information from the two body halves, attention, learning and memory. In this fMRI study we investigated the effect of attention on the activation of SI and SII, as induced by nonpainful and painful rare deviant electric stimuli during somatosensory oddball tasks. The working hypothesis is of stronger effects of attention on SII with respect to SI. Four runs were acquired according to an oddball scheme. Frequent nonpainful electrical stimuli were delivered to the ulnar nerve at motor threshold, whereas rare/deviant stimuli were delivered to median nerve in four conditions (one condition per run): nonpainful, painful, counting nonpainful, and counting painful. Results showed a statistically significant fMRI activation in bilateral SII but not in contralateral SI when the rare/deviant median nerve stimuli were delivered at nonpainful and painful levels as well as at the two levels of attention considered (i.e., associated with counting and non-counting tasks). Furthermore, fMRI activation in SII did not differ across the different levels of stimulus intensity (nonpainful, painful) and attention (non-counting, counting). These results corroborate the notion that SII is the target of independent pathways for the processing and integration of nonpainful and painful somatosensory stimuli salient for further high-order elaborations.  相似文献   

Previous evidence from functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has shown that a painful galvanic stimulation mainly activates a posterior sub-region in the secondary somatosensory cortex (SII), whereas a non-painful sensory stimulation mainly activates an anterior sub-region of SII [Ferretti, A., Babiloni, C., Del Gratta, C., Caulo, M., Tartaro, A., Bonomo, L., Rossini, P.M., Romani, G.L., 2003. Functional topography of the secondary somatosensory cortex for non-painful and painful stimuli: an fMRI study. Neuroimage 20 (3), 1625-1638.]. The present study, combining fMRI with magnetoencephalographic (MEG) findings, assessed the working hypothesis that the activity of such a posterior SII sub-region is characterized by an amplitude and temporal evolution in line with the bilateral functional organization of nociceptive systems. Somatosensory evoked magnetic fields (SEFs) recordings after alvanic median nerve stimulation were obtained from the same sample of subjects previously examined with fMRI [Ferretti, A., Babiloni, C., Del Gratta, C., Caulo, M., Tartaro, A., Bonomo, L., Rossini, P.M., Romani, G.L., 2003. Functional topography of the secondary somatosensory cortex for non-painful and painful stimuli: an fMRI study. Neuroimage 20 (3), 1625-1638.]. Constraints for dipole source localizations obtained from MEG recordings were applied according to fMRI activations, namely, at the posterior and the anterior SII sub-regions. It was shown that, after painful stimulation, the two posterior SII sub-regions of the contralateral and ipsilateral hemispheres were characterized by dipole sources with similar amplitudes and latencies. In contrast, the activity of anterior SII sub-regions showed statistically significant differences in amplitude and latency during both non-painful and painful stimulation conditions. In the contralateral hemisphere, the source activity was greater in amplitude and shorter in latency with respect to the ipsilateral. Finally, painful stimuli evoked a response from the posterior sub-regions peaking significantly earlier than from the anterior sub-regions. These results suggested that both ipsi and contra posterior SII sub-regions process painful stimuli in parallel, while the anterior SII sub-regions might play an integrative role in the processing of somatosensory stimuli.  相似文献   

The use of minimally and non-invasive neuroimaging methods in animal models has sharply increased over the past decade. Such studies have enhanced understanding of the neural basis of the physical signals quantified by these tools, and have addressed an assortment of fundamental and otherwise intractable questions in neurobiology. To date, these studies have almost exclusively utilized positron-emission tomography or variants of magnetic resonance based imaging. These methods provide largely indirect measures of brain activity and are strongly reliant on intact vasculature and normal blood-flow, which is known to be compromised in many clinical conditions. The current study provides the first demonstration of whole-head magnetoencephalography (MEG), a non-invasive and direct measure of neuronal activity, in a rhesus monkey, and in the process supplies the initial data on systems-level dynamics in somatosensory cortices. An adult rhesus monkey underwent three separate studies of tactile stimulation on the pad of the right second or fifth digit as whole-head MEG data were acquired. The neural generators of the primary neuromagnetic components were localized using an equivalent-current-dipole model. Second digit stimulation produced an initial cortical response peaking  16 ms after stimulus onset in the contralateral somatosensory cortices, with a later response at  96 ms in an overlapping or nearby neural area with a roughly orthogonal orientation. Stimulation of the fifth digit produced similar results, the main exception being a substantially weaker later response. We believe the 16 ms response is likely the monkey homologue of the human M50 response, as both are the earliest cortical response and localize to the contralateral primary somatosensory area. Thus, these data suggest that mechanoreception in nonhuman primates operates substantially faster than that in adult humans. More broadly, these results demonstrate that it is feasible to use current human whole-head MEG instrumentation to record neuromagnetic responses in adult rhesus monkeys. Nonhuman primate models of human disease provide the closest phylogenetic link to humans. The present, non-invasive imaging study could promote exciting translational integration of invasive animal studies and non-invasive human studies, allowing experimentally induced deficits and pharmacological treatments to be interpreted in light of resulting brain network interactions.  相似文献   

Understanding the link between the hemodynamic response and the underlying neuronal activity is important for interpreting functional magnetic resonance (fMRI) signals in human and animal studies. Simultaneous electrophysiological and functional imaging measurements provide a knowledge of information processing and communication in the brain with high spatial and temporal resolution. In this study, a range of neural and blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) responses were elicited in the rat somatosensory cortex by changing the type of anesthesia (urethane or alpha-chloralose) and the electrical forepaw stimulus frequency (1-15 Hz). Duration of the stimulus was 30 s. Electrical local field potential and BOLD fMRI responses were recorded simultaneously. Under urethane anesthesia, integrated neural activity and BOLD responses increased with increasing stimulus frequency up to 11 Hz, after which both responses plateaued. In contrast, in alpha-chloralose-anesthetized rats both responses were measurable only at 1 and 3 Hz. Although neuronal and BOLD responses were nonlinear as a function of frequency over the 1 to 15 Hz stimulation range under both anesthetics, tight neural-hemodynamic coupling was observed independently of the anesthetic agent. Anesthetic agents influence neuronal activity in a different manner, but the relationship of neuronal activity and BOLD response remains the same.  相似文献   

The effects of physiological noise may significantly limit the reproducibility and accuracy of BOLD fMRI. However, physiological noise evidences a complex, undersampled temporal structure and is often non-orthogonal relative to the neuronally-linked BOLD response, which presents a significant challenge for identifying and removing such artifact. This paper presents a multivariate, data-driven method for the characterization and removal of physiological noise in fMRI data, termed PHYCAA (PHYsiological correction using Canonical Autocorrelation Analysis). The method identifies high frequency, autocorrelated physiological noise sources with reproducible spatial structure, using an adaptation of Canonical Correlation Analysis performed in a split-half resampling framework. The technique is able to identify physiological effects with vascular-linked spatial structure, and an intrinsic dimensionality that is task- and subject-dependent. We also demonstrate that increasing dimensionality of such physiological noise is correlated with increasing variability in externally-measured respiratory and cardiac processes. Using PHYCAA as a denoising technique significantly improves simulated signal detection with physiological noise, and real data-driven model prediction and reproducibility, for both block and event-related task designs. This is demonstrated compared to no physiological noise correction, and to the widely used RETROICOR (Glover et al., 2000) physiological denoising algorithm, which uses externally measured cardiac and respiration signals.  相似文献   

This work addresses the choice of imaging flip angle in blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). When noise of physiological origin becomes the dominant noise source in fMRI timeseries, it causes a nonlinear dependence of the temporal signal-to-noise ratio (TSNR) versus signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) that can be exploited to perform BOLD fMRI at angles well below the Ernst angle without any detrimental effect on our ability to detect sites of neuronal activation. We show, both experimentally and theoretically, that for situations where available SNR is high and physiological noise dominates over system/thermal noise, although TSNR still reaches it maximum for the Ernst angle, reduction of imaging flip angle well below this angle results in negligible loss in TSNR. Moreover, we provide a way to compute a suggested imaging flip angle, which constitutes a conservative estimate of the minimum flip angle that can be used under given experimental SNR and physiological noise levels. For our experimental conditions, this suggested angle equals 7.63° for the grey matter compartment, while the Ernst angle=77°. Finally, using data from eight subjects with a combined visual-motor task we show that imaging at angles as low as 9° introduces no significant differences in observed hemodynamic response time-course, contrast-to-noise ratio, voxel-wise effect size or statistical maps of activation as compared to imaging at 75° (an angle close to the Ernst angle). These results suggest that using low flip angles in BOLD fMRI experimentation to obtain benefits such as (1) reduction of RF power, (2) limitation of apparent T(1)-related inflow effects, (3) reduction of through-plane motion artifacts, (4) lower levels of physiological noise, and (5) improved tissue contrast is feasible when physiological noise dominates and SNR is high.  相似文献   

Independent component analysis (ICA) decomposes fMRI data into spatially independent maps and their corresponding time courses. However, distinguishing the neurobiologically and biophysically reasonable components from those representing noise and artifacts is not trivial. We present a simple method for the ranking of independent components, by assessing the resemblance between components estimated from all the data, and components estimated from only the odd- (or even-) numbered time points. We show that the meaningful independent components of fMRI data resemble independent components estimated from downsampled data, and thus tend to be highly ranked by the method.  相似文献   

Changes in the cerebral blood flow (CBF) baseline produce significant changes to the hemodynamic response. This work shows that increases in the baseline blood flow level produce blood oxygenation-level dependent (BOLD) and blood flow responses that are slower and lower in amplitude, while decreases in the baseline blood flow level produce faster and higher amplitude hemodynamic responses. This effect was characterized using a vascular model of the hemodynamic response that separated arterial blood flow response from the venous blood volume response and linked the input stimulus to the vascular response. The model predicted the baseline blood flow level effects to be dominated by changes in the arterial vasculature. Specifically, it predicted changes in the arterial blood flow time constant and venous blood volume time constant parameters of +294% and -24%, respectively, for a 27% increase in the baseline blood flow. The vascular model performance was compared to an empirical model of the hemodynamic response. The vascular and empirical hemodynamic models captured most of the baseline blood flow level effects observed and can be used to correct for these effects in fMRI data. While the empirical hemodynamic model is easy to implement, it did not incorporate any explicit physiological information.  相似文献   

Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) hypothesis testing based on the blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) contrast mechanism typically involves a search for a positive effect during a specific task relative to a control state. However, aside from positive BOLD signal changes there is converging evidence that neuronal responses within various cortical areas also induce negative BOLD signals. Although it is commonly believed that these negative BOLD signal changes reflect suppression of neuronal activity direct evidence for this assumption is sparse. Since the somatosensory system offers the opportunity to quantitatively test sensory function during concomitant activation and has been well-characterized with fMRI in the past, the aim of this study was to determine the functional significance of ipsilateral negative BOLD signal changes during unilateral sensory stimulation. For this, we measured BOLD responses in the somatosensory system during unilateral electric stimulation of the right median nerve and additionally determined the current perception threshold of the left index finger during right-sided electrical median nerve stimulation as a quantitative measure of sensory function. As expected, positive BOLD signal changes were observed in the contralateral primary and bilateral secondary somatosensory areas, whereas a decreased BOLD signal was observed in the ipsilateral primary somatosensory cortex (SI). The negative BOLD signal changes were much more spatially extensive than the representation of the hand area within the ipsilateral SI. The negative BOLD signal changes in the area of the index finger highly correlated with an increase in current perception thresholds of the contralateral, unstimulated finger, thus supporting the notion that the ipsilateral negative BOLD response reflects a functionally effective inhibition in the somatosensory system.  相似文献   

Serences JT 《NeuroImage》2004,21(4):1690-1700
Information about the shape and temporal duration of the blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) response can inform both functional neuroanatomy and psychological theory. However, the BOLD response evolves over 20 s or more, making it difficult to distinguish the unique characteristics of the response evoked by temporally adjacent stimuli. Fortunately, event-related BOLD signals can be extracted given that there is adequate variance in the distribution of inter-stimulus intervals (ISI). Unfortunately, the ISI distribution that yields the highest statistical efficiency is not always optimal from a psychological perspective; variability in the stimulus timing may complicate the interpretation of neuroimaging data in terms of underlying cognitive operations. In the present paper, Monte Carlo simulations are used to evaluate two techniques for estimating the event-related BOLD timeseries-event-related averaging and deconvolution using the Ordinary Least Squares estimate -with respect to maintaining acceptable levels of statistical power and experimental validity. While the unbiased deconvolution technique more robustly estimates the shape of the BOLD response functions, both methods succeed in accurately re-producing known differences between evoked BOLD responses when the stimulus ordering is randomized. However, the deconvolution method is more effective at preserving differences when there are sequential dependencies in the stimulus presentation order and restricted ISI distributions are used; particularly if the second of two sequentially dependent stimuli is omitted on some portion of the trials. Importantly, the successful re-production of the evoked BOLD response using restricted ISI distributions often maximizes the ability to make psychologically valid experimental conclusions.  相似文献   

We studied MEG and fMRI responses to electric median and tibial nerve stimulation in five healthy volunteers. The aim was to compare the results with those of a previous study using only fMRI on the primary and secondary somatosensory cortices in which the somatotopic organization of SII was observed with fMRI. In the present work we focus on the comparison between fMRI activation and MEG equivalent current dipole (ECD) localizations in the SII area. The somatotopic organization of SII was confirmed by MEG, with the upper limb areas located more anteriorly and more inferiorly than the lower limb areas. In addition a substantial consistency of the ECD locations with the areas of fMRI activation was observed, with an average mismatch of about 1 cm. MEG ECDs and fMRI activation areas showed comparable differences in SI.  相似文献   

The simultaneous recordings of neuronal and hemodynamic signals have revealed a significant involvement of high frequency bands (e.g., gamma range, 25-70 Hz) in neurovascular coupling. However, the dependence on a physiological parameter is unknown. In this study, we performed simultaneous electroencephalography (EEG) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) recordings in 12 Wistar rats using a conventional forepaw stimulation paradigm and concurrently monitored the systemic physiological parameters of the partial pressure of arterial oxygen, partial pressure of arterial carbon dioxide, pH, mean arterial blood pressure, and heart rate through the rat femoral artery. The high frequency bands in the artifact-free EEG signals, especially those in the gamma range, demonstrated a maximum correlation with fMRI signals in the rat somatosensory cortex. A multiple linear regression analysis demonstrated that the correlation coefficient between the gamma power and fMRI signal depended on the actual values of the physiological parameters (R(2)=0.20, p<0.05), whereas the gamma power and fMRI signal by itself were independent. Among the parameters, the heart rate had a statistically significant slope (95% CI: 0.00027-0.0016, p<0.01) in a multiple linear regression model. These results indicate that neurovascular coupling is mainly driven by gamma oscillations, as expected, but coupling or potential decoupling is strongly influenced by systemic physiological parameters, which dynamically reflect the baseline vital status of the subject.  相似文献   

Yu X  Glen D  Wang S  Dodd S  Hirano Y  Saad Z  Reynolds R  Silva AC  Koretsky AP 《NeuroImage》2012,59(2):1451-1460
The spatiotemporal characteristics of the hemodynamic response to increased neural activity were investigated at the level of individual intracortical vessels using BOLD-fMRI in a well-established rodent model of somatosensory stimulation at 11.7 T. Functional maps of the rat barrel cortex were obtained at 150 × 150 × 500 μm spatial resolution every 200 ms. The high spatial resolution allowed separation of active voxels into those containing intracortical macro vessels, mainly vein/venules (referred to as macrovasculature), and those enriched with arteries/capillaries and small venules (referred to as microvasculature) since the macro vessel can be readily mapped due to the fast T2* decay of blood at 11.7 T. The earliest BOLD response was observed within layers IV-V by 0.8 s following stimulation and encompassed mainly the voxels containing the microvasculature and some confined macrovasculature voxels. By 1.2 s, the BOLD signal propagated to the macrovasculature voxels where the peak BOLD signal was 2-3 times higher than that of the microvasculature voxels. The BOLD response propagated in individual venules/veins far from neuronal sources at later times. This was also observed in layers IV-V of the barrel cortex after specific stimulation of separated whisker rows. These results directly visualized that the earliest hemodynamic changes to increased neural activity occur mainly in the microvasculature and spread toward the macrovasculature. However, at peak response, the BOLD signal is dominated by penetrating venules even at layers IV-V of the cortex.  相似文献   

Zhao F  Wang P  Hendrich K  Ugurbil K  Kim SG 《NeuroImage》2006,30(4):1149-1160
Spatial specificity of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) signals to sub-millimeter functional architecture remains controversial. To investigate this issue, high-resolution fMRI in response to visual stimulus was obtained in isoflurane-anesthetized cats at 9.4 T using conventional gradient-echo (GE) and spin-echo (SE) techniques; blood oxygenation-level dependent (BOLD) and cerebral blood volume (CBV)-weighted data were acquired without and with injection of 10 mg Fe/kg monocrystalline iron oxide nanoparticles (MION), respectively. Studies after MION injection at two SE times show that the T2' contribution to SE fMRI is minimal. GE and SE BOLD changes were spread across the cortical layers. GE and SE CBV-weighted fMRI responses peaked at the middle cortical layer, which has the highest experimentally-determined microvascular volume; full-width at half-maximum was <1.0 mm. Parenchymal sensitivity of GE CBV-weighted fMRI was approximately 3 times higher than that of SE CBV-weighted fMRI and approximately 1.5 times higher than that of BOLD fMRI. It is well known that GE CBV-weighted fMRI detects a volume change in vessels of all sizes, while SE CBV-weighted fMRI is heavily weighted toward microvascular changes. Peak CBV change of 10% at the middle of the cortex in GE measurements was 1.8 times higher than that in SE measurements, indicating that CBV changes occur predominantly for vasculature connecting the intracortical vessels and capillaries. Our data supports the notion of laminar-dependent CBV regulation at a sub-millimeter scale.  相似文献   

Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) using the blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) contrast was used to study sensory processing in the brain of isoflurane-anesthetized mice. The use of a cryogenic surface coil in a small animal 9.4T system provided the sensitivity required for detection and quantitative analysis of hemodynamic changes caused by neural activity in the mouse brain in response to electrical forepaw stimulation at different amplitudes. A gradient echo-echo planar imaging (GE-EPI) sequence was used to acquire five coronal brain slices of 0.5 mm thickness. BOLD signal changes were observed in primary and secondary somatosensory cortices, the thalamus and the insular cortex, important regions involved in sensory and nociceptive processing. Activation was observed consistently bilateral despite unilateral stimulation of the forepaw. The temporal BOLD profile was segregated into two signal components with different temporal characteristics. The maximum BOLD amplitude of both signal components correlated strongly with the stimulation amplitude. Analysis of the dynamic behavior of the somatosensory ‘fast’ BOLD component revealed a decreasing signal decay rate constant koff with increasing maximum BOLD amplitude (and stimulation amplitude). This study demonstrates the feasibility of a robust BOLD fMRI protocol to study nociceptive processing in isoflurane-anesthetized mice. The reliability of the method allows for detailed analysis of the temporal BOLD profile and for investigation of somatosensory and noxious signal processing in the brain, which is attractive for characterizing genetically engineered mouse models.  相似文献   

Hyperoxia is present in many anaesthesia protocols used in animal blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies. However, little data exist on the influence of hyperoxia on the magnitude of stimulus-induced relative changes in BOLD fMRI signal (DeltaBOLD%). No study to date has investigated these effects in a time-resolved manner, although cerebral vasoregulation offers sites for a time-dependent interaction of hyperoxia and DeltaBOLD%. Here we investigated time-dependent effects of an inspiratory oxygen fraction of 90%. We tightly clamped end tidal CO(2) and body temperature and recorded physiological parameters relevant to rCBF in (fentanyl/isoflurane) anaesthetized monkeys while using visual stimulation to elicit DeltaBOLD%. To clarify whether changes in DeltaBOLD% arose from changes in baseline blood oxygenation or rather altered neuronal or vascular reactivity, we directly measured changes in rCBV using monocrystalline ion oxide nanoparticles (MION) as contrast agent. In visual cortex we found a biphasic modulation of stimulus-induced DeltaBOLD% under hyperoxia: We observed first a significant decrease in DeltaBOLD% by -24% for data averaged over the time interval of 0-180 min post onset of hyperoxia followed by a subsequent recovery to baseline. rCBV response amplitudes were decreased by 21% in the same time interval (0-180 min). In the LGN, we neither found a significant modulation of DeltaBOLD% nor of MION response amplitude. The cerebrovascular effects of hyperoxia may, therefore, be regionally specific and cannot be explained by a deoxyhemoglobin dilution model accounting for plasma oxygenation without assuming altered neuronal activity or altered neurovascular coupling.  相似文献   

Auditory and somatosensory responses to paired stimuli were investigated for commonality of frontal activation that may be associated with gating using magnetoencephalography (MEG). A paired stimulus paradigm for each sensory evoked study tested right and left hemispheres independently in ten normal controls. MR-FOCUSS, a current density technique, imaged simultaneously active cortical sources. Each subject showed source localization, in the primary auditory or somatosensory cortex, for the respective stimuli following both the first (S1) and second (S2) impulses. Gating ratios for the auditory M50 response, equivalent to the P50 in EEG, were 0.54+/-0.24 and 0.63+/-0.52 for the right and left hemispheres. Somatosensory gating ratios were evaluated for early and late latencies as the pulse duration elicits extended response. Early gating ratios for right and left hemispheres were 0.69+/-0.21 and 0.69+/-0.41 while late ratios were 0.81+/-0.41 and 0.80+/-0.48. Regions of activation in the frontal cortex, beyond the primary auditory or somatosensory cortex, were mapped within 25 ms of peak S1 latencies in 9/10 subjects during auditory stimulus and in 10/10 subjects for somatosensory stimulus. Similar frontal activations were mapped within 25 ms of peak S2 latencies for 75% of auditory responses and for 100% of somatosensory responses. Comparison between modalities showed similar frontal region activations for 17/20 S1 responses and for 13/20 S2 responses. MEG offers a technique for evaluating cross modality gating. The results suggest similar frontal sources are simultaneously active during auditory and somatosensory habituation.  相似文献   

In spite of its outstanding spatial resolution, the biological resolution of functional MRI may be worse because it depends on the vascular architecture of the brain. Here, we compared the activation patterns of the secondary somatosensory and parietal ventral cortex (SII/PV) with that of the primary auditory cortex and adjacent areas (AI/AII). These two brain regions are located immediately adjacent to each other on opposite banks of the Sylvian fissure, and are anatomically and functionally distinct. In 12 healthy subjects, SII/PV was activated by pneumatic tactile stimuli applied to the index finger (0.5 cm2 contact area, 4 bar pressure), and AI/AII by amplitude-modulated tones (800 Hz carrier frequency, modulated at 24-36 Hz). Functional images were obtained with a 1.5-T scanner and were evaluated using SPM99. Sensitivity of fMRI activation in this unselected sample was 71% for tactile and 83% for auditory stimulation. Group analysis showed activation of SII/PV by tactile and activation of three locations in AI/AII by auditory stimuli. Distributions extended to the opposite side of the fissure (19-58% after tactile and 13-14% after auditory stimulation, depending on the side of stimulation/hemisphere). Morphometry of individual sulcal anatomy revealed that the course of the Sylvian fissure varied by 5.3 mm (SD) in vertical direction. Taking this into account, SII/PV was located 5.8 +/- 2.7 mm above the Sylvian fissure, whereas AI/AII was located 6.3 +/- 1.7 mm below the Sylvian fissure. Even in individual analysis, the most significant voxel after tactile stimuli in one subject was found on the "wrong" side of the fissure; this error could be ascribed to the spatial normalization procedure. These data show that fMRI signals may overlap substantially, even if the activated regions are separated by 12 mm across a major sulcus. Spatial normalization to an atlas template can introduce additional variance. Individual sulcal anatomy should be preferred over mean atlas locations.  相似文献   

To exploit the high (millisecond) temporal resolution of magnetoencephalography (MEG) and electroencephalography (EEG) for measuring neuronal dynamics within well-defined brain regions, it is important to quantitatively assess their localizing ability. Previous modeling studies and empirical data suggest that a combination of MEG and EEG signals should yield the most accurate localization, due to their complementary sensitivities. However, these two modalities have rarely been explicitly combined for source estimation in studies of recorded brain activity, and a quantitative empirical assessment of their abilities, combined and separate, is currently lacking. Here we studied early visual responses to focal Gabor patches flashed during subject fixation. MEG and EEG data were collected simultaneously and were compared with the functional MRI (fMRI) localization produced by identical stimuli in the same subjects. This allowed direct evaluation of the localization accuracy of separate and combined MEG/EEG inverse solutions. We found that the localization accuracy of the combined MEG+EEG solution was consistently better than that of either modality alone, using three different source estimation approaches. Further analysis suggests that this improved localization is due to the different properties of the two imaging modalities rather than simply due to increased total channel number. Thus, combining MEG and EEG data is important for high-resolution spatiotemporal studies of the human brain.  相似文献   

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