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The results of a comprehensive study of the problem of congenital rubella in Moscow and other cities of the USSR are presented. The highest rubella incidence was found among children 1-7 years of age; but 20-25 rubella cases were also recorded annually per 100 000 adults. Specific antihaemagglutinins were found in 36-70% of children and in 91-99% of adults. Investigation of the rubella foci revealed clinical rubella, confirmed by laboratory methods, in children and adults who had low initial titres of specific antihaemagglutinins. Serological screening of 1661 apparently healthy pregnant women detected antihaemagglutinins in 98.4%; however, low (1:8-1:16) titres were found in 53.3% and high (postinfection) titres and specific IgM in only 8.8% of cases.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the seroprevalence of immunity to the rubella virus in pregnant women in Haiti attending the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of the State University Hospital, in the capital city of Port-au-Prince, in order to help with the introduction of the rubella vaccine for the population and provide protection for women of reproductive age in the country. METHODS: This cross-sectional study was done between February 2002 and May 2002. A total of 503 pregnant women were tested for rubella-specific immunoglobulin G antibodies, using enzyme immunoassay; 8 of those women were later excluded because they did not know their age, leaving 495 women in the analysis. RESULTS: Of the 495 participants included in our analysis, 471 of them (95.2%) were seropositive; only 24 of them (4.8%) were seronegative (susceptible). A statistically significant difference (P = 0.02) was found in the rate of seronegativity for rubella virus between the pregnant women living in the Port-au-Prince area (17 of 426 women, or 4.0%) and those living in rural areas (7 of 69 women, or 10.1%). In terms of age, 81 of the 495 (16.4%) women were under 21 years ld. CONCLUSIONS: This study is an important first step in addressing the issue of prevalence of rubella virus infection among Haitian women and in dealing with the still-underrecognized public health problem of congenital rubella syndrome in Haiti. We recommend additional research that uses randomized sampling and includes a significant proportion of women from rural areas of the country.  相似文献   



Haiti had set a national goal to eliminate measles and rubella, as well as congenital rubella syndrome (CRS) by 2010. A 2007–2008 nationwide measles and rubella vaccination campaign targeting 1–19 years, however, reached only 79% of the target population. To assess whether population immunity was adequate to support elimination, we conducted a national serosurvey.


We systematically selected 740 serum specimens collected from pregnant women in a 2012 national antenatal HIV sentinel serosurvey across four age strata: 15–19, 20–24, 25–29 and 30–39 years. Sera were tested for measles and rubella specific immunoglobulin G antibodies (IgG) using commercial immunoassays. We classified sera as seropositive, seronegative or indeterminate per manufacturer's instructions, and analyzed seroprevalence according to age strata, and rural or urban residence. We assessed immunity by estimating antibody concentrations in international units per milliliter (IU/mL) for seropositive and indeterminate sera. Measles IgG concentrations >0.12 IU/mL and rubella IgG concentrations >10 IU/mL were considered clinically protective.


Of 740 sera, 696 (94.1%) were seropositive and 20 (2.7%) were indeterminate for measles IgG; overall 716 (96.8%) sera had IgG concentrations >0.12 IU/mL. For rubella IgG, 691 (93.4%) sera were seropositive and 1 (0.1%) was indeterminate; a total of 687 (92.8%) had IgG concentrations >10 IU/mL. Measles seropositivity varied across age strata (p = 0.003); seropositivity increased from 88.6% among 15–19 year olds to 98.4% among 30–39 year olds (Cochran–Armitage trend test ≤ 0.0001). Rubella seropositivity did not differ across age strata. There were no statistically significant differences in measles or rubella seropositivity by urban versus rural residence.


Despite previous low vaccination coverage for measles, results from this serosurvey indicate high levels of measles and rubella seropositivity in pregnant women, and contribute to the evidence for measles, rubella and CRS elimination from Haiti by the target date.  相似文献   

In 1995-96 we conducted a review of rubella immunization strategies. Worldwide, 78 countries (more than one-third) reported a national policy of using rubella vaccine. This was closely related to country economic status. Based on the United Nations country classification, rubella vaccine is used in 92% of industrialized countries, 36% of those with economies-in-transition, and 28% of developing countries. Cases of congenital rubella syndrome (CRS) may be prevented as follows: by providing direct protection to women and/or schoolgirls (a selective vaccination strategy); by vaccinating boys and girls to provide indirect protection by reducing the transmission of rubella virus (a childhood vaccination strategy); or by a combination of these approaches (a combined strategy). A combined strategy was most commonly reported (60% of countries); seven countries (9%) reported a selective strategy; and 24 countries (31%) reported only childhood immunization. Experience has shown that it is essential to include vaccination of women of childbearing age in any rubella control strategy. Childhood vaccination alone may pose a risk of an increase in CRS cases. Although many countries have introduced rubella vaccine, few report any data on the impact of vaccination. Countries using rubella vaccine need to establish surveillance for rubella and CRS and monitor coverage in each of the target groups.  相似文献   

The National Congenital Rubella Syndrome Registry, a passive surveillance system, and the Birth Defects Monitoring Program, a newborn hospital discharge data set, are used to monitor the incidence of congenital rubella syndrome in the United States. Reports to the registry contain clinical and laboratory data which allow cases to be classified into six categories according to the likelihood of having congenital rubella syndrome. The monitoring program records newborn discharge diagnoses, without detailed information, of a nonrandom sample of about one fourth of the births in the United States annually. To evaluate the two systems and to estimate the actual incidence of congenital rubella syndrome, the authors collected hospital discharge summaries on all cases as reported by the monitoring program from 1970-1985 and classified them by the registry criteria. Of the 392 cases reported to the monitoring program during 1970-1985, 24% (n = 93) could be classified as confirmed or compatible compared with 79% (n = 415) of the 526 cases reported to the registry (rate ratio = 3.3; 95% confidence interval (CI) 2.9-3.8). Diagnosis of congenital rubella syndrome was made during the neonatal period for 68% (263 of 389) registry cases for whom such data were available. When the Lincoln-Peterson capture-recapture method of estimating population size for independent surveillance systems was used, an estimated 1,064 confirmed and compatible cases (95% CI 668-1,460) diagnosed during the neonatal period occurred during 1970-1979, for an average of 106 cases per year. During 1980-1985, an estimate of 122 neonatal confirmed and compatible cases (95% CI 8-236) occurred, for an average of 20 cases per year. A downward secular trend in the incidence of congenital rubella syndrome beginning in 1980 was observed. The registry detected 22% of all neonatal confirmed and compatible cases, the monitoring program detected 8%, and the two systems combined detected a total of 28%. The results indicate that congenital rubella syndrome may be on the verge of elimination in the United States.  相似文献   

Epidemiological studies of rubella and congenital rubella syndrome (CRS) in Japan have been conducted since the first nationwide rubella epidemic of 1965–1969 and subsequent epidemics of 1975–1977, 1982, 1987–1988, and 1992–1993. Rubella was non-endemic in Japan before the 1975–1977 epidemic, and endemic thereafter. Japan started a selective rubella vaccination program for junior high school girls in 1977, and universal rubella vaccination of children of both sexes in 1989. No nationwide rubella epidemics have occurred since 1994.Only three children with CRS were reported in Japan before 1964; however, many children with CRS were identified in 1965 when a rubella epidemic struck Okinawa, which has many the United States military bases. After the 1965–1969 and 1975–1977 rubella epidemics on the Japanese mainland, small numbers of children with CRS were identified (hospital survey). These findings led to the hypothesis that, compared to U.S. rubella virus strains, Japanese strains of rubella virus are less teratogenic. This hypothesis strongly affected the development of rubella vaccines in Japan. However, retrospective seroepidemiological studies attributed the CRS in many children in Okinawa to the high rate of rubella infection in pregnant women. According to the survey conducted at special schools for the deaf, 83, 232, 77, and 167 children were born with CRS on the Japanese mainland respectively after the 1965–1969, 1975–1977, 1982, and 1987–1988 nationwide rubella epidemics, suggesting that the incidence of CRS in Japan is in fact comparable to that in the U.S. and Europe.Rubella epidemics in children have been effectively prevented since 1994. However, a rubella outbreak among adult males and CRS occurred between 2012 and 2014.  相似文献   

A 6-months-old-boy failed to thrive. Congenital emphysema of the left upper lobe of the lung was diagnosed, and lobectomy was performed, with good results.  相似文献   

国产风疹疫苗的近期和远期效果评价   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
目的 评价国产BRDⅡ株风疹减毒活疫苗的安全性和效果。方法 观察风疹疫苗接种后临床反应,抗体动态变化和发病情况。结果 该苗接种后低、中度发热发热率分为18.7%和4.12%,未发现其他严重反应。用不同代次(DⅡ-28、DⅡ-26)液体风疹疫苗不同年龄组的抗体阳转率为96.67%~100%。GMRT为59.82~84.64,各年龄组或疫苗组的差异无显意义。用冻干风疹疫苗免疫8~11月、 、2~3岁  相似文献   

ObjectiveIn line with regional and global goals for the elimination of rubella and congenital rubella syndrome (CRS), we reviewed the epidemiological situation in Singapore, based on surveillance reports on rubella and CRS, national immunization coverage and seroprevalence surveys. The aim of our review was to identify current gaps and steps taken to achieve the targets set by the World Health Organization (WHO) Western Pacific Regional Office (WPRO).MethodsEpidemiological data on clinical and laboratory-confirmed rubella cases, including CRS, notified to the Communicable Diseases Division, Ministry of Health, Singapore, from 2003 to 2013 were collated and analyzed. Vaccination coverage against rubella was obtained from the National Immunization Registry and School Health Services of the Health Promotion Board. The changing prevalence of rubella was determined from periodic serological surveys.FindingsThe incidence of indigenous rubella cases per million population decreased from 37.2 in 2008 to 7.6 in 2013 and there had been no indigenous case of CRS in 2012 and 2013. Therapeutic abortions performed due to rubella infections had become uncommon. The annual measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccination coverage in childhood population remained high ranging from 93% to 96%. The overall susceptibility to rubella in women aged 18–44 years had reduced significantly from 15.8% in 2004 to 11.0% in 2010. The prevalence of IgG antibody against rubella among Singapore children aged 1–17 years was maintained at 87.3% in 2008–2010.ConclusionAll available data indicated that Singapore has made good progress towards the elimination of rubella and CRS. It has attained the targets set by the WHO WPRO for 2015. In preparation for verification of rubella elimination, an enhanced surveillance system has been implemented to ensure that all reported cases are laboratory confirmed, and genotyping of rubella virus strains isolated is carried out to provide evidence for interruption of endemic transmission.  相似文献   

Congenital rubella syndrome (CRS) is associated with substantial morbidity and mortality and with high costs. Today, as a result of improved vaccination and epidemiological surveillance efforts directed at eradicating measles from the Western Hemisphere, there has been a notable increase in the ability to detect, prevent, and control rubella and CRS. The importance of these measures is undeniable, and this piece examines the components that are essential in moving ahead to reduce these major public health problems in Latin America and the Caribbean. One step in that direction would be to integrate the surveillance of measles with that of rubella and CRS.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo describe the epidemiology and clinical features of congenital rubella syndrome (CRS) in Hanoi, Vietnam.MethodsProspective surveillance of CRS between May 2011 and March 2012 in Hanoi, Vietnam. CRS burden was assessed by clinical examination and collection of serum samples from infants in neonatology, cardiology and pediatric departments of two tertiary care hospitals in Hanoi. All infants born during the study period with clinical manifestations of CRS and seropositivity (IgM) for rubella were included in this study.ResultsDuring the surveillance period 113 infants were identified with confirmed CRS (clinical features and positive rubella IgM). Their mean age at diagnosis was 38.4 days (range 1–152 days) and 61% were female. Clinical manifestations of CRS included low birth weight <2500 g (86.0%), congenital heart disease (63.7%), hearing impairment (63.7%) and ophthalmological abnormalities (46.9%). Other clinical features at birth included: thrombocytopenia (85.0%), neonatal purpura (74.3%), splenomegaly (63.7%), hepatomegaly (62.8%) and blueberry muffin rash (61.1%). Among the mothers of infants with confirmed CRS none had received a rubella vaccine in the past and 88.4% gave a history of rubella contact during the pregnancy under study. In most cases (84.1%) maternal infection occurred in the first trimester. During the surveillance period the estimated annual incidence of CRS was 1.13/1000 live births (95% CI 0.92–1.34).ConclusionsThese preliminary baseline data show a high burden of CRS in Hanoi, Vietnam and the urgent need for universal vaccination. Surveillance to determine and monitor the national burden of CRS is essential.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the evidence for elimination of rubella and congenital rubella syndrome (CRS) in Australia, drawing on three national serosurveys conducted between 1996 and 2007 and supported by statutory notification and vaccine coverage data. Anti-rubella IgG seropositivity was defined as ≥ 10 IU/ml by EIA. Between 1998 and 2007, rubella notifications fell >100-fold, to an average of 2 cases per million and there were five confirmed cases of CRS, two of which were locally acquired in 2003. Weighted overall seropositivity remained constant among 1-49 year-olds (89.6% in 1999; 88.1% in 2007). Between 2002 and 2009, 95% of children received at least one dose of the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine. All three serosurveys provided estimates for R less than 0.5, well below the epidemic threshold of 1. All available data are supportive of Australia being considered for elimination status. Further reductions in incidence of CRS will require continued attention to vaccine coverage in overseas-born women, as well as the maintenance of current high coverage level of two-dose MMR vaccination.  相似文献   

Accurate congenital rubella syndrome surveillance in Japan is of great interest because of the hypothesis that the Japanese rubella virus was less virulent than the strains prevalent in Europe and the Americas 20 years ago. A nationwide survey of deaf children with a history of maternal rubella in special schools for the deaf in Japan yielded a total of 365 deaf school children with congenital rubella syndrome born between 1963 and 1982. The overall average prevalence was 0.31 case per 100,000 population, and the incidence was 0.1-6.1 cases per 100,000 annual live births in Japan. If one considers the decrease in the number of deaf children attending special schools for the deaf because of the recent adoption of the policy of integrating deaf children into ordinary schools, the number of cases of congenital rubella syndrome might actually be much greater than that revealed by this survey and much greater than the 88 cases previously reported in Japan. Among the 365 cases who had deafness, 8.2% were found to have cataract (with and without congenital heart disease), and 11.0% were found to be complicated by congenital heart disease (but without cataract).  相似文献   

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