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Incongruency between print color and the semantic meaning of a word in a classical Stroop task activates the human conflict monitoring system and triggers a behavioral conflict. Conflict adaptation has been suggested to mediate the cortical processing of neural oscillations in such a conflict situation. However, the basic mechanisms that underlie the influence of conflict adaptation on the changes of neural oscillations are not clear. In the present study, electroencephalography (EEG) data were recorded from sixteen healthy human participants while they were performing a color-word Stroop task within a novel look-to-do transition design that included two response modalities. In the ‘look’ condition, participants were informed to look at the color of presented words but no responses were required; in the ‘do’ condition, they were informed to make arranged responses to the color of presented words. Behaviorally, a reliable conflict adaptation was observed. Time–frequency analysis revealed that (1) in the ‘look’ condition, theta-band activity in the left- and right-frontal regions reflected a conflict-related process at a response inhibition level; and (2) in the ‘do’ condition, both theta-band activity in the left-frontal region and alpha-band activity in the left-, right-, and centro-frontal regions reflected a process of conflict control, which triggered neural and behavioral adaptation. Taken together, these results suggest that there are frontal mechanisms involving neural oscillations that can mediate response inhibition processes and control behavioral conflict.  相似文献   

The question is examined whether the extent of changes in relative band power as measured by event-related desynchronization (ERD) depends on absolute band power. The results for target stimuli of a simple oddball task indicate that the prestimulus (reference) level of absolute band power has indeed a strong influence on ERD. Whereas for the alpha band large band power in the reference interval is related to a strong degree of alpha suppression as measured by ERD, the opposite holds true for the theta band. Here, a low level of band power during the reference interval is related to a pronounced increase in band power during the processing of the target stimulus. In contrast to alpha and theta, ERD in the delta band is not influenced by the magnitude of band power in the reference interval.  相似文献   

It has recently been reported that prestimulus electroencephalogram (EEG) frontal theta and occipital alpha oscillations of healthy controls were modulated by the type of upcoming tasks, reflecting prestimulus top-down preparation. The present study explored the differences in dynamics of frontal theta and occipital alpha activities between obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) patients and healthy participants in terms of reflection of prestimulus top-down regulation. EEGs were recorded from 16 OCD patients and 16 healthy controls using a color and a shape discrimination task. The power and time course of oscillatory activity were calculated by convolving the EEG signals with Morlet wavelets. Although OCD patients yielded significantly lower total alpha and total theta power results than the normal controls, they demonstrated that significantly higher total alpha and total theta power preceded the difficult task (shape-task) as compared to the easy task (color-task). Furthermore, the frontal region, where OCD patients usually revealed abnormalities, showed significant differences in the prestimulus total theta power between the normal and OCD groups. Taken together, frontal theta and occipital alpha oscillations seem to be potent electrophysiological correlates reflecting impairment in the prestimulus top-down processing of OCD patients.  相似文献   

Contextual information influences multiple aspects of language comprehension extended over time. To determine how age-related changes impact normal comprehension, effects of contextual strength were examined with event-related potentials. Increased contextual constraint facilitated semantic processing (reduced N400s). Effects were smaller and delayed for older adults, and sensitivity to contextual information was diminished for weak contexts. Both groups elicited a later left-lateralized frontal negativity associated with reinterpretation of context when multiple interpretations of a sentence were likely. Older adults evidenced the frontal negativity over a wider range of constraint. The change in the use of contextual information across age is attributed to decreased reliance on predictive processing for older adults. Thus, age-related changes in comprehension lead to differential engagement of processing resources over time for older adults.  相似文献   

People with better skills in mental rotation require less time to decide about the identity of rotated images. In the present study, alphanumeric characters rotated in the frontal plane were employed to assess the relationship between rotation ability and EEG oscillatory activity. Response latency, a single valid index of performance in this task, was significantly associated with the amplitude of induced oscillations in the alpha (8–13 Hz) and the low beta band (14–20 Hz). In accordance with the neural efficiency hypothesis, less event-related desynchronization (ERD) was related to better (i.e. faster) task performance. The association between response time and ERD was observed earlier (∼600–400 ms before the response) over the parietal cortex and later (∼400–200 ms before the response) over the frontal cortex. Linear mixed-effect regression analysis confirmed that both early parietal and late frontal alpha/beta power provided significant contribution to prediction of response latency. The result indicates that two distinct serially engaged neurocognitive processes comparably contribute to mental rotation ability. In addition, we found that mental rotation-related negativity, a slow event-related potential recorded over the posterior cortex, was unrelated to the asymmetry of alpha amplitude modulation.  相似文献   

Event-related desynchronization (ERD) and event-related synchronization (ERS) of the 1–30 EEG frequencies were studied in eight early Finnish–Swedish bilinguals during an auditory bilingual Sternberg memory task using Finnish–Swedish cognates as stimuli. Only subtle differences between languages were expected, since cognates have been assumed to have shared conceptual representations in the bilingual memory. Encoding elicited theta and alpha frequency ERS and beta frequency ERD responses in both languages. Retrieval elicited theta ERS and alpha and beta ERD responses. Some statistically significant differences between encoding and retrieval in Finnish versus Swedish emerged: greater theta and alpha ERS responses were observed during encoding in Swedish than during encoding in Finnish. During between-language retrieval, later-appearing theta ERS and alpha ERD responses were elicited as compared to within-language retrieval. These delayed oscillatory responses might reflect the involvement of central executive attentional functions in relation to language switching.  相似文献   

Nikulin VV  Brismar T 《Neuroscience》2006,137(2):647-657
Coordination of neuronal oscillations generated at different frequencies has been hypothesized to be an important feature of integrative brain functions. The present study aimed at the evaluation of the cross-frequency phase synchronization between electroencephalographic alpha and beta oscillations. The amplitude and phase information were extracted from electroencephalograms recorded in 176 healthy human subjects using an analytic signal approach based on the Hilbert transform. The results reliably demonstrated the presence of phase synchronization between alpha and beta oscillations, with a maximum in the occipito-parietal areas. The phase difference between alpha and beta oscillations showed characteristic peaks at about 2 and -1 radians, which were common for many subjects and electrodes. A specific phase difference might reflect similarity in the organization and interconnections of the networks generating alpha and beta oscillations across the entire cortex. Beta oscillations, which are phase-locked to alpha oscillations--alpha-synchronous beta oscillations--were largest in the occipito-parietal area with a second smaller maximum in the frontal area, thus demonstrating a topography, which was different from the conventional alpha and beta oscillations. The strength of the alpha-synchronous beta oscillations was not exclusively defined by the amplitude of the alpha rhythm indicating that they represent a distinct feature of the spontaneous electroencephalogram, which allows for a refined discrimination of the dynamics of beta oscillations.  相似文献   

Thinking ahead: the role and roots of prediction in language comprehension   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Reviewed are studies using event-related potentials to examine when and how sentence context information is used during language comprehension. Results suggest that, when it can, the brain uses context to predict features of likely upcoming items. However, although prediction seems important for comprehension, it also appears susceptible to age-related deterioration and can be associated with processing costs. The brain may address this trade-off by employing multiple processing strategies, distributed across the two cerebral hemispheres. In particular, left hemisphere language processing seems to be oriented toward prediction and the use of top-down cues, whereas right hemisphere comprehension is more bottom-up, biased toward the veridical maintenance of information. Such asymmetries may arise, in turn, because language comprehension mechanisms are integrated with language production mechanisms only in the left hemisphere (the PARLO framework).  相似文献   

This study aimed to clarify the effects of acute exercise and cardiovascular fitness on cognitive function using the Stroop test and event‐related desynchronization (ERD) in an aged population. Old adults (63.10 ± 2.89 years) were first assigned to either a high‐fitness or a low‐fitness group, and they were then subjected to an acute exercise treatment and a reading control treatment in a counterbalanced order. Alpha ERD was recorded during the Stroop test, which was administered after both treatments. Acute exercise improved cognitive performance regardless of the level of cognition, and old adults with higher fitness levels received greater benefits from acute exercise. Additionally, acute exercise, rather than overall fitness, elicited greater lower and upper alpha ERDs relative to the control condition. These findings indirectly suggest that the beneficial effects of acute exercise on cognitive performance may result from exercise‐induced attentional control observed during frontal neural excitation.  相似文献   

一种运动想象脑电分类算法的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解决脑机接口(BCI)中不同意识任务下脑电信号分类问题,针对运动想象脑电(EEG)的事件相关去同步/同步(ERD/ERS)现象,提出一种基于支持向量机(SVM)的实用分类算法。该算法首先对脑电信号进行滤波,获得对运动想象比较敏感的频段,对滤波后的脑电信号,通过去均值减小由于均值不同所造成的误差,然后,再提取基于ERD/ERS的脑电能量场强特征,对提取的特征,运用支持向量机(SVM)进行分类,得到了满意的效果。结果表明,此方法可为脑机接口技术的应用提供有效的手段。  相似文献   

The relationship between the electro-encephalographic (EEG) alpha and beta oscillations in the resting condition was investigated in the study. EEGs were recorded in 33 subjects, and alpha (7.5–12.5 Hz) and beta (15–25 Hz) oscillations were extracted with the use of a modified wavelet transform. Power, peak frequency and phase synchronisation were evaluated for both types of oscillation. The average beta—alpha peak frequency ratio was about 1.9–2.0 for all electrode derivations. The peak frequency of beta activity was within 70–90% of the 95% confidence interval of twice the alpha frequency. A significant (p<0.05) linear regression was found between beta and alpha power in all derivations in 32 subjects, with the slope of the regression line being ≈0.3. There was no significant difference in the slope of the line in different electrode locations, although the power correlation was strongest in the occipital locations where alpha and beta oscillations had the largest power. A significant 1∶2 phase synchronisation was present between the alpha and beta oscillations, with a phase lag of about Π/2 in all electrode derivations. The strong frequency relationship between the resting beta and alpha oscillations suggests that they are generated by a common mechanism. Power and phase relationships were weaker, suggesting that these properties can be modulated by additional mechanisms as well as be influenced by noise. A careful distinction between alpha-dependent and alpha-independent beta activity should be considered when making statements about the possible significance of genuine beta activity in different neurophysiological mechanisms.  相似文献   

Increasing evidence supports dissociable short-term memory (STM) capacities for semantic and phonological representations. Cognitive neuropsychological data suggest that damage to the left inferior and middle frontal gyri are associated with deficits of semantic STM, while damage to inferior parietal areas is associated with deficits of phonological STM. Patients identified as having semantic STM deficits are also impaired on a number of language comprehension and production paradigms. We used one such comprehension task derived from cognitive neuropsychological data to test predictions with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) using healthy participants. Using a task that required participants to make semantic anomaly judgements, we found significantly greater activation in areas of the left inferior frontal and middle frontal gyri for phrases that required maintenance of multiple words for eventual integration with a subsequent noun or verb. These data are consistent with our previous patient studies (Hanten & Martin, 2000; R. C. Martin & He, 2004; R. C. Martin & Romani, 1994 Martin, R. C. and Romani, C. 1994. Verbal working memory and sentence comprehension: A multiple-components view. Neuropsychology, 8: 506523. [Crossref] [Google Scholar]) that suggest that semantic STM is associated with the left inferior and middle frontal gyri and that deficits of semantic STM have particular consequences for comprehension tasks that require maintenance of several word meanings in unintegrated form.  相似文献   

We studied alpha and beta EEG oscillatory changes in healthy volunteers during two different auditory go/no-go paradigms, in order to investigate their relationship with different components of the motor process. In the first paradigm (S2-centered), the initial tone (S1) was constant (warning), and the second tone (S2) indicated the subject whether to move or not. In the second paradigm (S1-centered), S1 indicated whether to move or not, while S2 just indicated the timing of the movement. A medial frontal beta energy increase was found in all conditions after the stimulus that forces the subject to decide whether to move or not (S1 or S2 depending on the paradigm). In both go conditions, a central alpha and beta energy decrease began after the go decision, reaching minimum values during the movement; it was followed by a beta post-movement increase, limited to the central contralateral area. In the no-go conditions, a marked fronto-central beta synchronization appeared after the decision not to move. In conclusion, our study was able to dissociate the beta oscillatory changes related to movement preparation and execution (central decrease/increase) from those associated with decision-making (medial frontal increase) and motor inhibition (fronto-central increase).  相似文献   

Prior research suggests that event-related potentials (ERP) obtained during active and passive auditory paradigms, which have demonstrated abnormal neurocognitive function in schizophrenia, may provide helpful tools in predicting transition to psychosis. In addition to ERP measures, reduced modulations of EEG alpha, reflecting top-down control required to inhibit irrelevant information, have revealed attentional deficits in schizophrenia and its prodromal stage. Employing a three-stimulus novelty oddball task, nose-referenced 48-channel ERPs were recorded from 22 clinical high-risk (CHR) patients and 20 healthy controls detecting target tones (12% probability, 500 Hz; button press) among nontargets (76%, 350 Hz) and novel sounds (12%). After current source density (CSD) transformation of EEG epochs (− 200 to 1000 ms), event-related spectral perturbations were obtained for each site up to 30 Hz and 800 ms after stimulus onset, and simplified by unrestricted time–frequency (TF) principal components analysis (PCA). Alpha event-related desynchronization (ERD) as measured by TF factor 610–9 (spectral peak latency at 610 ms and 9 Hz; 31.9% variance) was prominent over right posterior regions for targets, and markedly reduced in CHR patients compared to controls, particularly in three patients who later developed psychosis. In contrast, low-frequency event-related synchronization (ERS) distinctly linked to novels (260–1; 16.0%; mid-frontal) and N1 sink across conditions (130–1; 3.4%; centro-temporoparietal) did not differ between groups. Analogous time-domain CSD-ERP measures (temporal PCA), consisting of N1 sink, novelty mismatch negativity (MMN), novelty vertex source, novelty P3, P3b, and frontal response negativity, were robust and closely comparable between groups. Novelty MMN at FCz was, however, absent in the three converters. In agreement with prior findings, alpha ERD and MMN may hold particular promise for predicting transition to psychosis among CHR patients.  相似文献   

This study examined the electrophysiological bases of the effect of language on color perception. In a visual search task, a target was presented to the left or right visual field. The target color was either from the same category as a set of distractors (within-category condition) or from a different category (between-category condition). For both category conditions, the targets elicited a clear N2pc (N2-posterior-contralateral) component in the event-related potential (ERP) in the contralateral hemisphere. In the left hemisphere only, the N2pc amplitude for the between-category condition was larger than that for the within-category condition. These results indicate that the N2pc could be used as an index to describe the lateralization effect of language on color perception.  相似文献   

Electroencephalogram (EEG) was used in 8-month-old infants and adults to study brain electrical activity as a function of perception of structured optic flow and random visual motion. A combination of visual evoked potential (VEP) analyses and analyses of temporal spectral evolution (TSE, time-dependent spectral power) was carried out. Significant differences were found for the N2 component of VEP for optic flow versus random visual motion within and between groups. Both adults and infants showed shorter latencies for structured optic flow than random visual motion, and infants showed longer latencies, particularly for random visual motion, and larger amplitudes than adults. Both groups also showed significant differences in induced activity when TSE of the two motion stimuli (optic flow and random visual motion) was compared with TSE of a static dot pattern. Infants showed an induced decrease in the amplitudes in theta-band frequency, while adults showed an induced increase in beta-band frequency. Differences in induced activity for the two motion stimuli could, however, not be observed. Brain activity related to motion stimuli is different for infants and adults and the differences are observed both in VEPs and in induced activity of the EEG. To investigate how changes in locomotor development are related to accompanying changes in brain activity associated with visual motion perception, more data of infants with different experiences in self-produced locomotion are required.  相似文献   

We hypothesized that control processes, as measured using electrophysiological (EEG) variables, influence the rate of learning of complex tasks. Specifically, we measured alpha power, event‐related spectral perturbations (ERSPs), and event‐related brain potentials during early training of the Space Fortress task, and correlated these measures with subsequent learning rate and performance in transfer tasks. Once initial score was partialled out, the best predictors were frontal alpha power and alpha and delta ERSPs, but not P300. By combining these predictors, we could explain about 50% of the learning rate variance and 10%–20% of the variance in transfer to other tasks using only pretraining EEG measures. Thus, control processes, as indexed by alpha and delta EEG oscillations, can predict learning and skill improvements. The results are of potential use to optimize training regimes.  相似文献   

Electrical recordings from the surface of the skull have a wide range of rhythmic components. A major task of analysis of this EEG is to determine their source and functional significance. The hippocampal "theta rhythm" has been extensively studied in rats and its rhythmicity has recently been shown to be functionally significant, per se. Here, we use relevant aspects of the hippocampal literature to provide perspective on one of the most studied human EEG rhythms: frontal-midline theta. We review its electrographic features, localization, prevalence, age distribution, behavioural modulation (particularly in relation to working memory, spatial navigation, episodic memory, internalised attention and meditation), relationship to personality, drug interactions, neurochemical relationships, and coherence with rhythmic activity at other sites. We conclude that FM-theta, like hippocampal theta, appears to play a role in (or at least occur during) processing of memory and emotion. It is correlated with working memory and/or sustained attention; but this does not entail a role in function since clear behavioural correlates of hippocampal theta have been demonstrated that are not sensitive to hippocampal damage. FM-theta is increased by anxiolytic drug action and personality-related reductions in anxiety, whereas hippocampal theta is decreased by anxiolytic drugs. In animals, frontal theta and hippocampal theta can be phase-locked or independent, depending on behavioural state. So, the cognitive functions of FM-theta, and their relationship to hippocampal theta, are unclear and definitive evidence for functional involvement in cognitive or emotional processing is lacking. One possible solution to this problem is analysis of FM-theta in animals-provided homology can be determined. The issues of sporadicity and low incidence of FM-theta also need to be addressed in the future. Changes in functional connectivity, indicated by changes in coherence, are also a largely untapped resource. We suggest that the most hopeful path to assessing the functions of FM-theta will be through the use of drugs, and the variation of their effects depending on baseline levels of FM-theta. Finally, we review some theories of theta function. Despite the apparent richness of the current data, we conclude that it is difficult (and may ultimately be impossible) to formulate a theory that attributes a specific cognitive function to FM-theta. However, the theories share some general computational assumptions and these should be a useful guide to future work and, ultimately, a definite theory of the function or functions of FM-theta.  相似文献   

Single neurons in the primary auditory cortex of the cat show faster adaptation time constants to short- than long-term stimulus history. This ability to encode the complex past auditory stimulation in multiple time scales would enable the auditory system to generate expectations of the incoming stimuli. Here, we tested whether large neural populations exhibit this ability as well, by recording human auditory evoked potentials (AEP) to pure tones in a sequence embedding short- and long-term aspects of stimulus history. Our results yielded dynamic amplitude modulations of the P2 AEP to stimulus repetition spanning from milliseconds to tens of seconds concurrently, as well as amplitude modulations of the mismatch negativity AEP to regularity violations. A simple linear model of expectancy accounting for both short- and long-term stimulus history described our results, paralleling the behavior of neurons in the primary auditory cortex.  相似文献   

Prior research has identified two resting EEG biomarkers with potential for predicting functional outcomes in depression: theta current density in frontal brain regions (especially rostral anterior cingulate cortex) and alpha power over posterior scalp regions. As little is known about the discriminant and convergent validity of these putative biomarkers, a thorough evaluation of these psychometric properties was conducted toward the goal of improving clinical utility of these markers. Resting 71-channel EEG recorded from 35 healthy adults at two sessions (1-week retest) were used to systematically compare different quantification techniques for theta and alpha sources at scalp (surface Laplacian or current source density [CSD]) and brain (distributed inverse; exact low resolution electromagnetic tomography [eLORETA]) level. Signal quality was evaluated with signal-to-noise ratio, participant-level spectra, and frequency PCA covariance decomposition. Convergent and discriminant validity were assessed within a multitrait-multimethod framework. Posterior alpha was reliably identified as two spectral components, each with unique spatial patterns and condition effects (eyes open/closed), high signal quality, and good convergent and discriminant validity. In contrast, frontal theta was characterized by one low-variance component, low signal quality, lack of a distinct spectral peak, and mixed validity. Correlations between candidate biomarkers suggest that posterior alpha components constitute reliable, convergent, and discriminant biometrics in healthy adults. Component-based identification of spectral activity (CSD/eLORETA-fPCA) was superior to fixed, a priori frequency bands. Improved quantification and conceptualization of frontal theta is necessary to determine clinical utility.  相似文献   

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