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PROBLEM: Human placental alkaline phosphatase (PLAP) is a unique placental antigen bound to the syncytiotrophoblast, which may be able to elicit a specific immune response in pregnancy. METHOD OF STUDY: Antibody to PLAP was purified from placental extracts by: a) acid elution of membrane vesicles; b) purifying complexes of PLAP with human antibody on monoclonal antibodies to PLAP followed by denaturation of the enzyme; and c) by denaturation of PLAP in placental extracts and purification of antibody to PLAP on PLAP columns. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: Specific antibody to PLAP is present in placental extracts, and is mostly bound to placental membrane preparations. PLAP is therefore immunogenic in pregnancy and could serve as a useful monitor of pregnancy-specific immunological responses. Since a similar enzyme appears in some cancers, it is possible that the immunization against PLAP in pregnancy will help to protect against the development of ovarian and endometrial cancer (the 'fetal antigen' hypothesis).  相似文献   

A total of 87 human specimens with 10 histological types of primary neoplasm were studied immunohistochemically with monoclonal antibodies specific for beta-hexosaminidase (Hex). High levels of Hex were found in malignant neoplasms of the skin, cervix, colorectum and in benign as well as neoplastic plasma cells, while no activity was detected in normal epidermis, normal colorectal epithelium or benign naevi. The strongest immunohistochemical reaction was revealed in tumor cells of malignant melanoma. Adenomas and adenocarcinomas of the colorectum showed high levels of Hex with a basal pattern of immunoreactivity more frequent in the tumor cells of adenocarcinomas than adenomas. Fibroblasts and macrophages in the tumors often disclosed immunoreactivity. In most of the sections (including those from plasma cell neoplasms), 7E4 antibody showed low immunoreactivity compared to 2E3, except for non-neoplastic plasma cells, which were as a rule positive with 7E4 and largely negative with 2E3 antibody. This result probably indicated different isoenzymes in benign and neoplastic plasma cells.  相似文献   

A panel of six monoclonal antibodies and a conventional polyclonal antibody raised against human placental alkaline phosphatase (ALP) were used to characterize the alkaline phosphatase detected by means of histochemistry on tumors of breast, ovary, lung, gastrointestinal tract, and kidney. Complete antigenic identity between the tumor ALP and the placental ALP was found only in one lung tumor. However, ten tumors reacted with the polyclonal antibody and some monoclonal antibodies, thus exhibiting partial identity with the placental ALP.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies were used to demonstrate hybrid forms of human alkaline phosphatase (ALP) composed of subunits from both placental and intestinal loci. Four main isozymes with alkaline phosphatase activity appear on polyacrylamide gels of the HeLa cell line, Hep 2/5 after electrophoresis. The mobilities of all 4 isozymes are retarded after incubating cellular extracts with a monoclonal antibody specific for placental ALP, while the mobilities of 2 isozymes are also affected by a monoclonal antibody which reacts specifically with intestinal ALP. These 2 isozymes, therefore represent interlocus heteromers (placental/intestinal ALP).  相似文献   

AIMS: To establish the conditions for protein tyrosine phosphatase gamma (PTPgamma) detection in paraffin tissues using two antibodies raised against its NH(2)- (anti-P4) and COOH-termini (gammaTL1); to analyse its expression in normal tissues and to perform an initial screening of neoplastic tissues. METHODS AND RESULTS: Membranous and/or cytoplasmic PTPgamma expression was detected in the majority of epithelial cell types and in endocrine cells, with the highest expression in adrenal medulla, endocrine cells of the gastrointestinal tract and pancreatic islets. Both antibodies stained the thyroid follicular epithelium, but only anti-P4 antibody stained the colloid matrix, suggesting shedding/secretion of the PTPgamma extracellular domain. Marked loss of PTPgamma immunoreactivity was detected in subsets of ovarian (21%), breast (56%) and lung (80%) neoplasms. Conversely, cytoplasmic positivity was found in 37% of lymphomas, mainly of high-grade histotypes, while normal lymphocytes were negative. Brain tissue showed PTPgamma expression in a few neuronal and glial elements and PTPgamma was overexpressed in the majority of high-grade astrocytomas. CONCLUSIONS: We have analysed PTPgamma expression in archival paraffin-embedded tissues for the first time, demonstrating particularly high expression in endocrine cells and both down- and up-regulation in neoplasia, the latter possibly reflecting the undifferentiated state of the neoplastic cells, suggesting a complex role for this phosphatase.  相似文献   

The RING-finger promyelocytic leukemia (PML) protein is the product of the PML gene that fuses with the retinoic acid receptor-alpha gene in the t(15; 17) translocation of acute promyelocytic leukemia. Wild-type PML localizes in the nucleus with a typical speckled pattern that is a consequence of the concentration of the protein within discrete subnuclear domains known as nuclear bodies. Delocalization of PML from nuclear bodies has been documented in acute promyelocytic leukemia cells and suggested to contribute to leukemogenesis. In an attempt to get new insights into the function of the wild-type PML protein and to investigate whether it displays an altered expression pattern in neoplasms other than acute promyelocytic leukemia, we stained a large number of normal and neoplastic human tissues with a new murine monoclonal antibody (PG-M3) directed against the amino-terminal region of PML. As the PG-M3 epitope is partially resistant to fixatives, only cells that overexpress PML are detected by the antibody in microwave-heated paraffin sections. Among normal tissues, PML was characteristically up-regulated in activated epithelioid histiocytes and fibroblasts in a variety of pathological conditions, columnar epithelium in small active thyroid follicles, well differentiated foamy cells in the center of sebaceous glands, and hypersecretory endometria (Arias-Stella). Interferons, the PML of which is a primary target gene, and estrogens are likely to represent some of the cytokines and/or hormones that may be involved in the up-regulation of PML under these circumstances. In keeping with this concept, we found that PML is frequently overexpressed in Hodgkin and Reed-Sternberg cells of Hodgkin's disease, a tumor of cytokine-producing cells. Among solid tumors, overexpression of PML was frequently found in carcinomas of larynx and thyroid (papillary), epithelial thymomas, and Kaposi's sarcoma, whereas carcinomas of the lung, thyroid (follicular), breast, and colon were frequently negative or weakly PML+. We did not observe any changes in the levels of PML expression as the lesion progressed from benign dysplasia to carcinoma. Our immunohistological data are consistent with the hypothesized growth suppressor function of PML and strongly suggest that PML expression levels are likely to be modulated by a variety of stimuli, including cytokines and hormones.  相似文献   

Six monoclonal antibodies raised against the human placental alkaline phosphatase (ALP) recognizing distinct antigenic determinants on the surface of this isozyme were used for immunohistochemical studies of adult and fetal human testes and testicular germ-cell tumors. ALP reacting with all six antibodies was defined as placental, whereas ALP reacting with some but not all antibodies was labeled as placental-like. ALP reacting with one of the monoclonal antibodies that recognizes a determinant common to intestinal and placental ALP was tentatively considered probably intestinal, unless it reacted with any other monoclonal placental specific antibody. Using this approach, the authors have identified placental ALP in 4 of 7 seminomas, 3 of 7 tumors composed in part or fully of embryonal carcinoma, and 1 yolk sac carcinoma. Placental-like ALP was identified in 2 additional seminomas and 4 embryonal carcinoma-containing tumors, whereas 1 seminoma and 1 benign teratoma were devoid of either placental or placental-like ALP. Trophoblastic giant cells in 2 seminomas and 3 teratocarcinomas expressed only the antigenic determinant common to placental and intestinal ALP. The authors thus show that testicular tumor cells may express either placental or placental-like ALP and that in some instances, the tumor isozyme is antigenically different from ALP found on either fetal or adult testicular germ cells.  相似文献   

The D allozyme of placental alkaline phosphatase (PLAP) displays enzymatic properties at variance with those of the common PLAP allozymes. We have deduced the amino acid sequence of the PLAP D allele by PCR cloning of its gene, ALPP. Two coding substitutions were found in comparison with the cDNA of the common PLAP F allele, i.e., 692C>G and 1352A>G, which translate into a P209R and E429G substitution. A single nucleotide primer extension (SNuPE) assay was developed using PCR primers that enable the amplification of a 1.9 kb PLAP fragment. Extension primers were then used on this PCR fragment to detect the 692C>G and 1352A>G substitution. The SNuPE assay on these two nucleotide substitutions enabled us to distinguish the PLAP F and D alleles from the PLAP S/I alleles. Functional studies on the D allozyme were made possible by constructing and expressing a PLAP D cDNA, i.e., [Arg209, Gly429]PLAP, into wild-type Chinese hamster ovary cells. We determined the k(cat) and K(m), of the PLAP S, F, and D allozymes using the non-physiological substrate p-nitrophenylphosphate at an optimal pH (9.8) as well as two physiological substrates, i.e., pyridoxal-5-phosphate and inorganic pyrophosphate at physiological pH (7.5). We found that the biochemical properties of the D allozyme of PLAP are significantly different from those of the common PLAP allozymes. These biochemical findings suggest that a suboptimal enzymatic function by the PLAP D allozyme may be the basis for the apparent negative selective pressure of the PLAP D allele. The development of the SNuPE assay will enable us to test the hypothesis that the PLAP D allele is subjected to intrauterine selection by examining genomic DNA from statistically informative population samples.  相似文献   

Focal adhesion kinase (FAK) is a protein tyrosine kinase essential for intracellular regulatory events, such as cell growth, differentiation, migration and tumor metastasis. The aim of this study was to analyze the expression of FAK protein in a series of normal and neoplastic lymphoid tissues.An anti-FAK antibody was used to study the protein expression in paraffin-embedded samples of normal and neoplastic, hematolymphoid and non-hematolymphoid tissues by immunohistochemistry. In normal hematolymphoid tissue, the strongest expression of FAK was detected in germinal center and marginal-zone B cells; positive staining was also found in mantle zone B cells. In human lymphomas, FAK was expressed mostly in B-cell lymphomas and was predominantly negative in T-cell lymphoma. In Hodgkin lymphomas, FAK was found only in the neoplastic cells of lymphocyte predominant type, whereas the tumor cells of the classical form were FAK-negative.We demonstrate for the first time the expression of FAK in paraffin-embedded hematolymphoid tissue samples. Its differential expression in lymphomas may be of relevance for some B-cell neoplasms by using it as an additional marker to distinguish B- from T-lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoma to further differentiate lymphocyte predominant from classical Hodgkin lymphoma.  相似文献   

The crosslinking of alkaline phosphatase of human placenta with human serum albumin has been optimized. During the physico-chemical characterization of this immobilized biocatalyst, special attention was paid to attributes such as the irreversibility of the enzyme support bonding, the stability of the catalytic activity, and the effects of pH and temperature on this activity. Regarding stability, patterns of denaturation are proposed, to account for inactivation curves over time and under storage/operation conditions. These patterns, in some cases, indicate the existence of different populations of immobilized enzyme molecules, with a different degree of sensitivity to denaturation. The activity vs pH profiles are clearly modified by the immobilization process. This is because the pH of the free homogeneous solution, measurable with a pH-meter, differs from the real pH of the immediate microenvironment of the immobilized enzyme molecules due to the effects of proton accumulation in the microenvironment (in the reaction catalysed by alkaline phosphatase, protons are produced), to limitations to the free diffusion of H+ and to the possible partition effects of H+ due to polar interactions with residues or molecules of the enzyme membrane. In the experimental working conditions, the apparent optimum temperatures are centered at 40 degrees C, inactivation (thermal denaturation) occurring above this temperature. In the temperature range 10-40 degrees C, the kinetic control over the overall activity of the immobilized enzyme was observed, causing the Arrhenius profiles to be linear.  相似文献   

A new approach to study the distribution of fibrin(ogen)-related antigens was investigated using three different monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) and the avidin-biotin complex immunoperoxidase technique. MAb I8C6 recognizes B beta 1-42 peptide and can react with either fibrinogen or fibrin I; MAb T2G1 recognizes B beta 15-42 peptide and detects fibrin II but does not cross-react with fibrinogen; MAb GC4 reacts with Fragments D/DD derived from plasmin degradation of fibrinogen or fibrin but not with intact fibrinogen. The method can be applied to frozen or Bouin's fixed paraffin-embedded tissues obtained at biopsy, surgery, and autopsy. The distribution of the three antigens observed with the three MAbs was compared with that obtained with a polyclonal antiserum to fibrinogen and with the more conventional histochemical stains used in pathology to demonstrate fibrin deposits in tissues (Lendrum and PTAH). The staining observed with the three monoclonals clearly detected three different populations of fibrin(ogen)-related antigen in the tissues examined. The staining with MAb T2G1 specifically detected fibrin II with greater sensitivity than did conventional stains. The results of this study suggest that this method allows the molecular form of fibrin(ogen)-related deposits in tissues to be determined and this information may help to elucidate the role of fibrin in various disease states, such as atherosclerosis and renal disease, and in tumor growth and metastasis.  相似文献   

Marker expression is highly variable among different stages of B-cell activation. In peripheral lymphoid tissues, architecturally and cytologically three or four types of B cells can be identified, thus allowing an investigation of cellular surface or cytoplasmic phenotypes. Mantle zone lymphocytes of follicles are phenotypically similar, if not identical, to peripheral blood B-lymphocytes and express the following markers: B1, B2, BA-1, HLA-DR, Leu 10, A1G3, Leu 8, and T200. The germinal center is composed of two main populations, centroblasts and centrocytes which express the following markers: B1, BA-2, J5, OKT9, HLA-DR, Leu 10, and T200. This phenotype is similar to that of activated B cells or pre-B cells. Although membranous OKT10 is present in cortical thymocytes, the presence of cytoplasmic OKT10 appears to be a useful marker for plasma cells, terminally differentiated B cells, which also express A1G3 and T200. This study also revealed that a subpopulation of T cells in the germinal center express different markers (A1G3-/Leu 8-) as compared with that of most T cells in the T-dependent zone (A1G3+/Leu 8+).  相似文献   

Keratin expressions in normal equine epidermis and experimentally induced equine papillomas were studied by immunohistochemical methods with three different human cytokeratin monoclonal antibodies, 34 beta B4 (directed against component 1), 34 beta E12 (directed against components 1, 5, 10, 11) and 35 beta H11 (directed against component 8). Staining patterns with 34 beta B4 and 34 beta E12 in the normal equine epidermis did not differ from those in the normal human epidermis. In the early developing papilloma, keratinocytes showed an abnormal suprabasal staining pattern and expressed an additional 56 kD keratin protein detected by 34 beta E12. In the advanced papilloma, cytolytic cells in the outer spinous and the granular layers did not stain positively with any of the three antibodies used. In both early and advanced papillomas, the expression of high molecular weight keratin proteins, as detected by 34 beta B4 and 34 beta E12, did not correlate with the degree of keratinization. By electron microscopy, keratinocytes in the advanced papilloma showed a marked decrease of tonofibrils and desmosome-tonofilament complex. These alterations may result from an abnormality in both proliferation and functional terminal differentiation of keratinocytes in the papilloma. There were obvious differences in staining patterns with 35 beta H11 between the normal human and equine epidermis; 54 kD keratin protein was expressed in suprabasal layers of the equine normal and papillomatous epidermis. Thus, this keratin protein may be regarded as a "permanent" marker for the equine epidermis.  相似文献   

Congenital Chagas disease, due to the intracellular parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, is associated with premature labor, miscarriage, and placentitis. Human enzyme placental alkaline phosphatase (PLAP) (EC is membrane-anchored through glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI). PLAP is present in plasma in late pregnancy, 36 to 40 weeks; there are lower levels in maternal Chagas disease. Infants born to such mothers may have congenital Chagas disease. Human placental villi (PV) were treated with phospholipase-C (PL-C) and then cultured with T. cruzi to determine the effect of the parasites on PLAP activity as an in vitro model. There is less PLAP activity after treatment by PL-C and during culture with T. cruzi. Pretreatment of PV with PL-C before culture with T. cruzi yielded essentially normal specific activity of PLAP and prevented or greatly reduced infective penetration of villi by parasites. The results are consistent with a pathogenetic role for placental alkaline phosphatase in congenital Chagas disease. Receptor activation of membrane attachment to PLAP may be a device used by T. cruzi to enable parasite invasion of human trophoblast.  相似文献   

The aspartic proteinase cathepsin D was purified from human spleen and localised in various formalin fixed paraffin embedded human tissues using the peroxidase-antiperoxidase (PAP) technique. Cathepsin D was shown not only in macrophages but also in other connective tissue cells, and in epithelium. It was present in spleen (littoral cells and cells within Malpighian bodies), liver (hepatocytes and Kupffer cells), lung (alveolar macrophages and bronchial epithelium), brain (neurones), lymph nodes (histiocytes in germinal centres, sinusoid lining cells) and stomach (parietal and mucous neck cells). Cathepsin D was also found in carcinomas of bronchus, stomach, colon, kidney, breast, ovary, bladder and pancreas, both in neoplastic epithelium and in stromal cells, but was seldom present in connective tissue neoplasms. A group of malignant lymphomas also contained the enzyme within scattered cells. The distribution of cathepsin D seems to be much wider than that of the structurally related aspartic proteinases pepsin, gastricsin, and renin.  相似文献   

In a previous study employing conventional immunological marker analysis we found that 17% of high grade malignant lymphomas were devoid of cytoplasmic and membrane immunoglobulin and also sheep erythrocyte receptors. Cryostat sections from 24 of these cases (four of low grade and 20 of high grade malignancy) were stained with a panel of 30 monoclonal antibodies and six polyclonal antisera using a sensitive immunoperoxidase method. All tumours expressed the leucocyte common antigen (detected by monoclonal antibody 2D1) and all lacked epithelial cytokeratin (monoclonal antibody LE61), confirming their haematopoietic origin. All but one of the lymphomas expressed antigens characteristic of either B cells (17 cases) or T cells (six cases), while one case (morphologically a centroblastic lymphoma) had an unusual dual phenotype in which strong staining for T6 (marker of immature T cells) was associated with expression of the pan B lymphocyte antigens detectable with To15, anti-B1, anti-Leu12. This case was therefore classified as a B cell lymphoma showing aberrant expression of the T6 antigen. The pan B cell antibodies (To15, anti-B1, anti-Leu12) all appeared highly specific and sensitive, but the simultaneous use of all three monoclonal antibodies was necessary to detect the B cell nature in each of the 18 lymphomas. A wider panel of monoclonal antibodies was required to detect T lymphomas since these often disclosed atypical and restricted phenotypes. To15 and UCHT1 were the most reliable antibodies for the detection of B and T cell neoplasms, respectively. We conclude that most, if not all, "non-B, non-T" lymphomas are of either B or T lymphocyte origin and that monoclonal antibodies provide indispensable tools in their classification and diagnosis.  相似文献   

We have reviewed testes removed from 14 individuals with male pseudohermaphroditism (13 with androgen insensitivity and one with 17 alpha-hydroxylase deficiency) and have studied staining for placental alkaline phosphatase in germ cells. Placental alkaline phosphatase positivity was identified in fetal and premature neonatal controls but not in cryptorchid males or normal autopsy control material from boys older than 6 months. It was present in autopsy testes younger than 6 months and cases of androgen insensitivity in boys younger than 8 months, suggesting immaturity. It was also expressed in two patients with male pseudohermaphroditism aged 5 years and 14 years, both of whom had intra-tubular germ cell neoplasia by morphological criteria. Our study confirms the use of placental alkaline phosphatase as a marker of germ cell neoplasia in this specific group who are at high risk of malignancy.  相似文献   

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