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Anticarcinogenic effects of cadmium in B6C3F1 mouse liver and lung   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The B6C3F1 mouse liver has been widely used for the evaluation of carcinogenic or tumor promoting efficacy of various organic compounds, although little is known about the actions of metallic carcinogens in this system. Thus, the ability of cadmium to initiate or promote tumors in B6C3F1 mouse liver was studied. In promotion studies, diethylnitrosamine (DEN; 90 mg/kg, ip) was given as an initiator to 5-week-old mice followed 2 weeks later by 500 or 1000 ppm of cadmium in drinking water for 50 weeks. DEN caused an elevation of liver tumor incidence (13 tumor bearing mice/45 total) over control (1/48) which was prevented by cadmium (DEN + 500 ppm cadmium, 3/42; DEN + 1000 cadmium, 0/47). Cadmium alone did not further reduce the very low spontaneous liver and lung tumor incidence at approximately 1 year of age. DEN-induced lung tumor incidence (15/45) was also reduced by cadmium (DEN + 500 ppm cadmium, 11/42; DEN + 1000 ppm cadmium, 1/47) to control levels (0/48). In initiation studies, cadmium (20 or 22.5 mumol/kg, sc) was given to 5-week-old mice (n = 30-60) 2 weeks before an established promoting regimen of sodium barbital (BB) in drinking water at 500 ppm level was begun. Barbital in drinking water was given continuously for up to 92 weeks. Such cadmium doses caused acute, focal hepatic necrosis. Mice treated with BB and killed at 97 weeks of age showed an elevation of liver tumor multiplicity (7.44 tumors/liver) over control (2.24) that was prevented by cadmium in a dose-related manner (20 mumol/kg cadmium + BB, 3.93; 22.5 mumol/kg cadmium + BB, 1.87). Cadmium alone given by injection also reduced spontaneous liver tumor multiplicity. These results indicate that cadmium inhibits tumor formation in the B6C3F1 mouse liver initiation/promotion system regardless of route of exposure or sequence of administration. The possibility exists that cadmium has a specific toxicity toward previously initiated cells within liver and lung.  相似文献   

The oral and i.v. elimination kinetics were investigated for bromodichloroacetate (BDCA), a haloacetate found in drinking water. The BDCA was administered at a dose of 5, 20 and 100 mg kg-1 to B6C3F1 mice and appears to distribute to the total body water with a mean volume of distribution of 427 +/- 79 ml kg-1. It is subject to first-pass hepatic metabolism with a range of bioavailabilities of 0.28-0.73. A mean terminal half-life of 1.37 +/- 0.21 h. was calculated from the two lower doses of both i.v. and oral administration. Non-linear behavior was exhibited at doses greater than 20 mg kg-1, with a much higher than expected area under the curve (AUC), a decrease in total body clearance (CL(b)) and an increase in the terminal half-life to 2.3 h at the highest dose. The average CL(b) was 220 ml h(-1) kg-1 for the lower two doses but decreased to 156 ml h(-1) kg-1 at the high dose. The BDCA is primarily eliminated by metabolism, with only 2.4% of the parent dose being recovered in the urine at the high dose. The unbound renal clearance, as calculated from the high dose, was 15.0 ml h(-1) kg-1. The BDCA is moderately bound to plasma proteins (f(u) = 0.28) and preferentially distributes to the plasma with a blood/plasma ratio of 0.88.  相似文献   

Spontaneous neoplasms in untreated B6C3F1 mice (200 males and 200 females) used as controls in 4 carcinogenicity studies were evaluated and tabulated. The most common neoplasms in male mice were hepatocellular adenomas/carcinomas (24.5%) followed by alveolar-bronchiolar adenomas/carcinomas (10.0%), lymphoreticular neoplasms (7.0%) [malignant lymphomas mixed (4.5%), histiocytic sarcomas (3.5%)], harderian gland adenoma (6.5%), and hemangiomas/hemangiosarcomas (5.5%). In the females, the most frequently occurring neoplasms were lymphoreticular neoplasms (22.0%) [malignant lymphoma mixed (10.0%), malignant lymphoma lymphocytic (6.5%), histiocytic sarcomas (5.5%)] followed by pituitary adenomas (15.5%), alveolar-bronchial adenomas/carcinomas (11.5%), hepatocellular adenomas/carcinomas (7.0%), harderian gland adenomas, uterine stromal polyps (2.5%), and hemangiomas/hemangiosarcoma (2.0%). The incidence of tumors in various other organs was found to be low.  相似文献   

Brominated and chlorinated haloacetates (HAs) are by-products of drinking water disinfection. Dichloroacetate (DCA) and trichloroacetate (TCA) are hepatocarcinogenic in rodents, but the brominated analogs have received little study. Prior work has indicated that acute doses of the brominated derivatives are more potent inducers of oxidative stress and increase the 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine (8-OH-dG) content of the nuclear DNA in the liver. Since, DCA and TCA are also known as weak peroxisome proliferators, the present study was intended to determine whether this activity might be exacerbated by peroxisomal proliferation. Classical responses to peroxisome proliferators, cyanide-insensitive acyl-CoA oxidase activity and increased 12-hydroxylation of lauric acid, were elevated in a dose-related manner in mice maintained on TCA and clofibric acid (positive control), but not with DCA, dibromoacetate (DBA) or bromochloroacetate (BCA). Administration of the HAs in drinking water to male B6C3F1 mice for periods from 3 to 10 weeks resulted in dose-related increases in 8-OH-dG in nuclear DNA of the liver with DBA and BCA, but not with TCA or DCA. These findings indicate that oxidative damage induced by the haloacetates is, at least in part, independent of peroxisome proliferation. In addition, these data suggest that oxidative damage to DNA may play a more important role in the chronic toxicology of brominated compared to the chlorinated haloacetates.  相似文献   


1. Isoeugenol (IEG) has been tested for toxicity and carcinogenicity due to high potential for human exposure and the structural resemblance to known carcinogenic allylbenzenes. In order to support the interpretation of toxicity and carcinogenecity study outcomes, a toxicokinetic study was performed in which both sexes of F344 rats and B6C3F1 mice were given IEG as a single intravenous (IV) or gavage administration.

2. Following IV administration, IEG was rapidly eliminated from systemic circulation in both species and sexes. Gavage administration revealed a rapid absorption of IEG with tmax values ≤20?min for both species and sexes. In rats, AUC increased in a greater than dose-proportional manner and Clapp values decreased with increasing dose in both sexes suggesting saturation of IEG metabolism. On the other hand, Clapp values in male mice increased with increasing dose suggesting induction of IEG metabolism although this was not evident in the females.

3. Absolute bioavailability was greater in female rats (19%) than male rats (10%) (p?<?0.0001), but was not different between the sexes for mice (28% males; 31% females) (p?=?0.2437). The collective toxicokinetic data supported that low bioavailability following administration of IEG was the result of extensive first-pass metabolism.  相似文献   

Isoprene (2-methyl-1,3-butadiene) is the monomeric unit of widely occurring natural products called terpenes. Isoprene is widely used in industry with nearly 1.1 million pounds produced in the United States in 1987. The purpose of this investigation was to determine the toxicokinetics of inhaled isoprene in B6C3F1 mice and to compare the data to previously published toxicokinetic data in F344 rats (A. R. Dahl, L. S. Birnbaum, J. A. Bond, P. G. Gervasi, and R. F. Henderson, 1987. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 89, 237-248). The comparative toxicokinetics in the two species will be useful for extrapolation of rodent toxicity data to humans. Male B6C3F1 mice were exposed to nominal concentrations of 20, 200, and 2000 ppm isoprene or [14C]isoprene for up to 6 hr. For all exposures, steady-state levels of isoprene were reached rapidly (i.e., within 15 to 30 min) after the onset of exposure. The mean (+/- SE) steady-state blood levels of isoprene (identified by headspace analysis) for the 20, 200, and 2000 ppm exposures were 24.8 +/- 3.3, 830 +/- 51, and 6800 +/- 400 ng isoprene/ml blood, respectively. At the two higher exposure concentrations, the increases in blood levels of isoprene were proportional to the increases in air concentrations of isoprene. There was approximately a 2.3-fold decrease in the retained 14C/inhaled 14C ratio with increasing exposure concentration. Depending on the exposure concentration, from 52% (20 ppm isoprene) to 73% (2000 ppm isoprene) of the metabolite-associated (nonisoprene) radioactivity was excreted in the urine over a 64-hr postexposure period. 14CO2 exhalation after the end of the 6-hr exposure was minimal (2%) at the 20 ppm exposure and increased up to 18% at the higher isoprene exposure concentrations. These data suggest that metabolism of isoprene in mice is nonlinear within the range of exposure concentrations used in this study. Hemoglobin adduct formation reached near-maximum between 200 and 2000 ppm isoprene exposure concentration, consistent with our conclusion that pathways for metabolism of isoprene were saturated. Isoprene metabolites were present in blood after inhalation of isoprene at all concentrations studied. There were substantial differences in the toxicokinetics of inhaled isoprene in mice compared to rats. In mice, fractional retention of inhaled isoprene, which reflects, in part, metabolism of isoprene, was linearly related to exposure concentrations up to 200 ppm but decreased at 2000 ppm; in rats, fractional retention of inhaled isoprene decreased with increasing exposure concentration over a range of exposures from 8 to 1500 ppm.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Carcinogenicity study of cochineal in B6C3F1 mice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The carcinogenicity of cochineal, a red colouring used in food and other products, was studied in a 2-yr bioassay in B6C3F1 mice. Groups of 50-55 mice of each sex were given 0, 3 or 6% cochineal in the diet for 2 yr. Mice of all groups developed tumours including hepatocellular adenomas or carcinomas, pulmonary adenomas or adenocarcinomas and lymphomas or lymphatic leukaemias, and the incidences of these tumours were not significantly different in treated and control groups. The results indicate that cochineal lacks carcinogenicity in mice and are consistent with those of in vitro short-term assays of cochineal and of carminic acid, an active principle of cochineal.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to characterize the inhalation pharmacokinetics of ethylbenzene (EB) in male and female B6C3F1 mice following single and repeated exposures. Initially, groups of 28 male and female mice were exposed for 4 h to 75, 200, 500, or 1000 ppm in order to determine potential non-linearity in the kinetics of EB. Then, groups of male and female mice were exposed for 6 h to 75 ppm and 750 ppm (corresponding to the NTP exposures) for 1 or 7 consecutive days, to evaluate whether EB kinetics was altered during repeated exposures, The maximal blood concentration (Cmax; mean+/-SD, n=4) observed in female mice at the end of a 4-h exposure to 75, 200, 500, and 1000 ppm was 0.53+/-0.18, 2.26+/-0.38, 19.17+/-2.74, and 82.36+/-16.66 mg/L, respectively. The areas under the concentration vs. time curve (AUCs) following 4-h exposure to 75, 200, 500, and 1000 ppm were 88.5, 414.0, 3612.2, and 19,104.1 mg/L/min, respectively, in female mice, and 116.7, 425.7, 3148.3, and 16,039.1 mg/L/min in male mice. The comparison of Cmax and the kinetic profile of EB in mice exposed to 75 ppm suggests that they are similar between 1-day and 7-day exposures. However, at 750 ppm, the rate of EB elimination would appear to be greater after repeated exposures than single exposure, the pattern being evident in both male and female mice. Overall, the single and repeated exposure pharmacokinetic data collected in the present study suggest that EB kinetics is saturable at exposure concentrations exceeding 500 ppm (and therefore at 750 ppm used in the NTP mouse cancer bioassay) but is in the linear range at the lower concentration used in the bioassay (75 ppm). These data suggest that consideration of the nature and magnitude of non-linear kinetics and induction of metabolism during repeated exposures is essential for the conduct of a scientifically sound analysis of EB cancer dose-response data collected in B6C3F1 mice.  相似文献   

Oncogenicity study of trifluralin in B6C3F1 mice   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
B6C3F1 mice were maintained for 24 months on diets containing 0, 563, 2250 or 4500 ppm trifluralin. These dietary concentrations corresponded to daily doses of approximately 70, 285 or 570 mg/kg body weight, respectively. The control group contained 120 mice/sex and treated groups consisted of 80 mice/sex. There were no treatment-related effects on the survival, appearance or behaviour of the mice. Survival at test termination was at least 67% in each group. Compared with controls, mean body weight was significantly reduced in a dose-related manner in mice of both sexes given the 2250 and 4500 ppm diets. At 21 months, the reduction in body weight was greater than or equal to 15 and greater than or equal to 30%, respectively. At study termination, dose-related decreases in erythrocytic and leucocytic values were also observed at dietary levels of 2250 and 4500 ppm. In clinical chemistry evaluations, blood urea nitrogen levels and alkaline phosphatase activity in mice of both sexes were significantly increased at trifluralin levels of 2250 and 4500 ppm. Blood urea nitrogen also showed a marginal increase in females given the low dose of trifluralin. Alanine aminotransferase activity was significantly increased in males at all treatment levels. Although there were a number of absolute and relative organ weight changes in all three treatment groups that were significantly different from the control values, the reduced relative kidney weights in males and the increased relative liver weights in both sexes at dietary levels of 2250 and 4500 ppm were the only changes that could be correlated with altered clinical chemistry values.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Acrylamide (AA) is a widely studied industrial chemical that is neurotoxic, mutagenic to somatic and germ cells, and carcinogenic in rodents. The recent discovery of AA at ppm levels in a wide variety of commonly consumed foods has energized research efforts worldwide to define toxic mechanisms, particularly toxicokinetics and bioavailability. This study compares the toxicokinetics of AA and its epoxide metabolite glycidamide (GA) in serum and tissues of male and female B6C3F1 mice following acute dosing by intravenous, gavage, and dietary routes at 0.1 mg/kg AA or intravenous and gavage dosing with an equimolar amount of GA. AA was rapidly absorbed from oral dosing, was widely distributed to tissues, was efficiently converted to GA, and increased levels of GA-DNA adducts were observed in liver after complete elimination from serum. GA dosing also resulted in rapid absorption, wide distribution to tissues, and produced liver DNA adduct levels that were approximately 40% higher than those from an equimolar dose of AA. While oral administration was found to attenuate AA bioavailability to 23% from the diet and to 32-52% from aqueous gavage, a first-pass effect or other kinetic change resulted in higher relative internal exposure to GA when compared to the intravenous route. A similar effect on relative GA exposure was also evident as the administered dose was reduced, which suggests that as dosing rate decreases, the conversion of AA to GA is more efficient. These findings are critical to the assessment of genotoxicity of AA at low doses in the food supply, which appears to depend on total exposure to GA.  相似文献   

The time course of some biochemical changes in the liver and in the kidney was studied in B6C3F1 male mice dosed with a single i.p. injection of 150 mg/kg body weight (b.w.) CHCl3. Hepatic and renal microsomal cytochrome P450 (P450) content and some related monooxygenase activities, CHCl3 oxidative and reductive metabolism, cytosolic reduced glutathione (GSH) content and serum markers of nephrotoxicity were measured. In the liver no biochemical changes were produced up to a week after chloroform treatment. On the contrary, the drug-metabolizing enzyme system in the kidney was dramatically and rapidly inactivated by chloroform treatment. Maximum loss of GSH (50%), P450 (80%) and of different enzymatic activities, including CHCl3 bioactivation, occurred during the first 5 h. These biochemical alterations are early effects, not secondary to morphological tissue changes. Kidney parameters, altered by chloroform treatment, returned to control values at different times: renal function markers became normal in 48 h; GSH levels were recovered at 96 h and the drug-metabolizing enzyme activities at longer times. The present results clearly show that repeated daily doses of chloroform, as those used in carcinogenicity tests, find renal tubular cells not at their physiological status, due to the changes produced by the first chloroform dose. Therefore the similarity in P450-dependent chloroform metabolism shown in vitro by hepatic and renal microsomes from untreated B6C3F1 male mice or in vivo in animals treated once, is lost during repeated treatments. These features should be considered in understanding the different susceptibility of the liver and the kidney to chloroform-induced tumours. Received: 18 May 1999 / Accepted: 19 July 1999  相似文献   

Peripheral neuropathy, which accompanies aging, occurs during the long-term rearing of laboratory animals. The present study set out to delineate the clinical and functional features of this neuropathy. A total of 200 B6C3F1 female mice, in groups of 5 to 20 mice, were sacrificed and autopsied each week beginning at 5 weeks and continuing to 130 weeks of age. Examination for histopathologic changes was conducted on the dorsal nerve roots, sciatic nerves, peroneal nerves, tibial nerves, plantar nerves and brachial nerve plexuses. At 90 weeks of age or later, peripheral neuropathy, characterized by axonal degeneration and Schwann cell proliferation, were observed mainly in the sciatic nerves, brachial nerve plexus and peroneal nerves. These spontaneous age-related nerve lesions appeared in all animals by 100 weeks of age in all nerves, and increased with increasing age. The nerve lesions were most prominent in the distal sciatic nerve. The rectal and hind-limb surface temperatures, motor nerve conduction velocity, blood glucose and HbA1C decreased with increasing age. Elevation of sorbitol contents in sciatic nerves and reduction of myo-inositol levels were also detected in 120-week-old mice. However, except for blood glycemic parameters, no correlation with peripheral nerve lesions could be demonstrated. Spontaneous hypoglycemia (< 40 mg/dL) persisted throughout the day in a small percentage (< 5%) of animals aged 80 weeks or more; these animals had extensive lesions in the peripheral nerves and showed decreased plasma levels of HbA1C and frucutosamines and increased plasma levels of ketones. These results suggest that spontaneous peripheral nerve disorders which accompany aging might worsen if spontaneous age-related hypoglycemia is also present. Such age-related changes must be taken into consideration in experimental studies performed on mice of this age.  相似文献   

A long-term carcinogenicity study of methyl hesperidin, a compound of the vitamin P group, was carried out in B6C3F1 mice receiving dietary concentrations of 0, 1.25 or 5%. Administration was continued for 96 wk and then the mice were maintained on basal diet for an additional 8 wk. Growth retardation during the experiment with final changes in organ weights were observed in females given the 1.25% dose of methyl hesperidin and in both sexes receiving the 5.0% treatment. However, no biologically significant effects were evident with respect to mortality or clinical signs. Furthermore, treatment with methyl hesperidin did not result in any changes in haematology, clinical chemistry and urinalysis data. On histological examination, no significant alteration of non-neoplastic and neoplastic lesion incidence was observed in treated mice. The results thus demonstrated that methyl hesperidin lacked any carcinogenicity for B6C3F1 mice in the 96-wk feeding regimen used in this study.  相似文献   

The carcinogenic potential of gamma-oryzanol, a drug mainly used for the treatment of hyperlipidaemia, was studied in B6C3F1 mice. Groups of 50 males and 50 females were fed a diet containing 0 (control), 200, 600 or 2000 mg gamma-oryzanol/kg body weight/day for 78 wk. No treatment-related changes were observed in general condition, body weight, food consumption, mortality, organ weight or haematology. Histopathological examinations showed various tumours in all groups, including the control group. In the control and 2000-mg/kg groups, relatively high tumour incidences were observed in the liver of males and in the haematopoietic organs of females. However, there was no statistically significant difference in the incidence of any tumours between the control and the 2000-mg/kg groups. The findings indicate that under the experimental conditions described gamma-oryzanol was not carcinogenic in B6C3F1 mice.  相似文献   

Toxicology and carcinogenicity studies of N-methylolacrylamide were conducted by administering the chemical by gavage in water to both sexes of F344/N rats and B6C3F1 mice 5 times per week for 16 d, 13 wk, or 2 yr. In 16-d studies, rats receiving doses of 200 mg/kg or higher and mice receiving 400 mg/kg died. In 13-wk studies, all rats given 100 mg/kg or higher doses died. Rats receiving 50 mg/kg or higher doses developed hindlimb ataxia progressing to paralysis. In neurobehavioral assessments, decreased forelimb and hindlimb grip strength occurred in rats at doses as low as 12.5 mg/kg. Landing footspread was also increased in dosed rats compared to controls. Axon filament and myelin sheath degeneration in the spinal cord and/or peripheral nerves occurred in rats receiving doses of 25 mg/kg or higher. Necrosis in the granular cell layer of the cerebellum was seen in rats given 200 mg/kg. Mice receiving 200 mg/kg in 13-wk studies died. Decreased grip strength was noted in mice at doses as low as 25 mg/kg, and rotarod performance was also affected by N-methylolacrylamide administration, but no neuropathology was seen microscopically. Testicular weights were decreased at doses as low as 12.5 mg/kg, and hepatocellular necrosis, thymic lymphocyte necrosis, and hemorrhage, necrosis, and mineralization of the zona reticularis of the adrenal gland were seen in mice that died (200 mg/kg). In 2-yr studies, survival and weight gains in male and female rats receiving doses of 6 or 12 mg/kg/d were minimally affected. No biologically important clinical signs or neoplastic or nonneoplastic lesions were attributed to N-methylolacrylamide administration to rats, suggesting that higher doses could have been tolerated. In mice, survival was not different between dosed and control groups (0, 25, or 50 mg/kg/d). Body weights were higher by as much as 25% in dosed compared to control groups. No compound-related clinical signs were observed, but increases in neoplasms of the harderian gland, liver, and lung were clearly related to chemical administration in both sexes of mice. Benign granulosa-cell neoplasms of the ovary were also increased in dosed female mice.  相似文献   

Oxymetholone is a synthetic androgen, structurally related to testosterone. It is currently used to treat anemias, but has also been abused as a performance enhancing anabolic steroid by the sport community. Concern about its suspected immunomodulatory properties provided the incentive for a detailed investigation into its effects on the mammalian immune system. In this study, male B6C3F1 mice were treated for 14 d with oxymetholone (0, 50, 150, and 300 mg/kg) by gastric intubation, then evaluated for immunotoxicity using a panel of immunotoxicity assays. Except for an increasing trend in kidney and liver weights, and a dose-dependent increase in serum blood urea nitrogen levels, no other signs of systemic toxicity were observed. Bone marrow DNA synthesis was reduced, though this did not translate into alterations in myeloid or monocyte colony forming units. Spleen B and T cell numbers, antibody response to sheep red blood cells, proliferative response to both mitogen and immunoglobulin receptor immunogens, and NK cell activity were all unaltered in mice treated with oxymetholone. Peritoneal macrophage activity was also unaffected by oxymetholone treatment. A 38% decrease in the spleen cell mixed leukocyte response, and a 15% decrease in cytotoxic T cell activity, measured in the highest oxymetholone treatment group, indicate that cell-mediated immunity was impaired following exposure. This immunomodulation did not however, translate into a change in host resistance to Listeria monocytogenes.  相似文献   

The expression of c-myc and c-H-ras in hyperplastic nodules and hepatocellular carcinomas induced in male B6C3F1 mice after chronic administration of dichloroacetate (DCA) and trichloroacetate (TCA) was studied using in situ hybridization. Expression of c-myc and c-H-ras mRNA was increased in both nodules and carcinomas relative to surrounding tissue and tissues obtained from control animals. Myc expression was similar in hyperplastic nodules and carcinomas induced by DCA, but was significantly higher in TCA-induced carcinomas than in hyperplastic nodules and carcinomas produced by DCA. In carcinomas from animals whose TCA treatment was suspended at 37 weeks, c-myc expression remained high relative to control and surrounding liver tissue at 52 weeks. In contrast, the expression of c-H-ras was consistently elevated in carcinomas from both treatments relative to hyperplastic nodules and non-tumor tissue. Within carcinomas from both treatments, focal areas could be located which expressed even higher levels of c-myc. This heterogeneity was not observed in carcinomas hybridized to c-H-ras-probes. These data suggest that elevated expression of c-H-ras and c-myc might play an important role in the development of hepatic tumors in B6C3F1 mice. Elevated expression of c-H-ras was closely associated with malignancy. Increased c-myc expression does not seem necessary for progression to the malignant state. On the other hand, the increased expression of c-myc appears related to the earlier progression of TCA-induced tumors to the malignant state.  相似文献   

Since the early 1970s, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and National Toxicology Program (NTP) have conducted carcinogenesis and toxicology studies on several hundred chemicals using the B6C3F1 mouse. A number of publications have examined growth, survival, and tumor incidence over time, including the impact of changes in housing and diet. However, no reports have been published to date examining the variation in organ weights over time, especially in light of reported body weight effects associated with housing and diet changes. Therefore, all available absolute and relative organ weight data for untreated control B6C3F1 mice were collected from 2-wk, 3-mo, and 15-mo NCI/NTP investigations with report dates through August 2010 in order to examine organ weight changes over time and by study type. Study data were grouped into 5-yr intervals by initiation date. Body weights in males increased over time except in 2-wk studies, while body weights in females rose through 1993 and remained constant or declined thereafter. Higher body weights were noted in individually housed mice, and in drinking water studies compared to feed or inhalation studies. Elevated organ weights were typically associated with increased body weights except that lower organ weights were evident as early as 2-wk on study with the introduction of the NTP-2000 diet in 1994. Relative organ weights decreased over time in males and females. Finally, organ weight coefficients of variation (standard deviation/mean) declined over time in 2-wk, 3-mo, and 15-mo studies, which may reflect improved data collection methods or reduced interlaboratory variability.  相似文献   

Chronic exposure to phenobarbital (PB) in the drinking water of male B6C3F1 mice starting at 4 weeks of age and subsequent to a single (ip) injection of diethylnitrosamine (DENA) administered on Day 15 of age has been shown to result in the inhibition of hepatic tumor formation. In this study, we varied the time of onset of PB administration to determine if sexual maturity would affect liver tumor formation and progression. Male B6C3F1 mice were divided into eight groups. Groups 1-4 received a single (ip) dose of 5 mg/kg DENA at 15 days of age while mice in groups 5-8 received saline. At weaning (4 weeks of age), groups 1 and 5 received deionized drinking water (DDW) for 24 weeks; groups 2 and 6 received PB (500 ppm) in the drinking water (PB DW) for 16 weeks followed by DDW for 8 weeks; groups 3 and 7 received DDW for 4 weeks, PB DW for 16 weeks, and then DDW for 4 weeks; and groups 4 and 8 received DDW for 8 weeks and PB DW for 16 weeks. Mice were killed at 28 weeks of age and hepatic lesions were evaluated. Mice which did not receive DENA (groups 5-8) exhibited no liver tumors. Animals in groups 1-4 exhibited hepatocellular foci and adenomas. PB treatment in groups 2, 3, or 4 resulted in a significant decrease in the incidence of DENA-initiated hepatocellular foci and adenomas when compared to those observed in group 1. The number of foci in group 4 was significantly decreased compared to those in groups 2 and 3. There was no significant difference in the adenoma incidence among groups 2, 3, and 4. No significant differences were observed in the sizes of foci or adenomas among groups 1-4. Data from this study suggest that the inhibition of hepatocellular tumorigenesis by PB remains intact even when the start of the administration of PB is withheld up to 12 weeks of age.  相似文献   

The immunotoxic potential of glycidol was evaluated in female B6C3F1 mice using a battery of functional assays and three host resistance models. Glycidol was administered to the animals by oral gavage as a solution in sterile distilled water daily for 14 days at doses of 25, 125 and 250 mg/kg. In tier I, we observed that glycidol exposure produced a dose-related decrease in splenocyte IgM antibody-forming cell response to sheep red blood cells (sRBC); the spleen natural killer (NK) cell activity was also decreased. A decrease in B cell proliferative responses to anti-IgM F(ab')2 and/or interleukin-4 (IL-4) was observed while the splenocyte proliferative responses to T cell mitogen ConA and B cell mitogen LPS were not affected. The splenocyte proliferative response to allogeneic cells as evaluated in the mixed leukocyte reaction (MLR) to DBA/2 spleen cells was not affected. In tier II, we found that exposure to glycidol decreased the number and percentage of B cells and the absolute number of CD4+ T cells in the spleen while the number of total T cells, CD8+ T cells and CD4+CD8+ T cells was not affected. The cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) response to mitomycin C-treated P815 mastocytoma was not affected; the cytotoxic activity of peritoneal macrophages was not suppressed. Moreover, the host resistance to Listeria monocytogenes was not affected although a slight increase in host resistance to Streptococcus pneumoniae was observed. However, exposure to glycidol decreased host resistance to the B16F10 melanoma tumor model with the maximal tumor formation in lung observed in the high dose group. Overall, these dada support the finding that glycidol is an immunosuppressive agent in female B6C3F1 mice.  相似文献   

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