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Cesarean scar pregnancy: a case report 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Ranking among the rare forms of ectopic pregnancy,Cesarean scar pregnancy is a dangerous condition that can potentially lead to uterine rupture and severe hemorrhaging, or even a secondary abdominal pregnancy.Its early diagnosis can be challenging, and the optimal treatment has not been determined. This case report will 相似文献
Retroperitoneal ectopic pregnancy: a case report 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
We report a rare and unusual case of an Abdominal pregnancy that was delivered successfully at term. It is the first documented case in the local literature in almost 30 years. What makes it even more exceptional is that despite the high mortality associated with the condition, both mother and baby survived the ordeal. She subsequently delivered another child, 2 years later by an elective lower segment caesarean section and had a tubal ligation performed concomitantly. A review of the topic and its management is also presented. 相似文献
A case of midline lethal granuloma in a 28-year- old female Nigerian patient is reported. Oral, ocular and nasal lesions were present and these preceded a spontaneous abortion of a three month old pregnancy. The clinical course of the disease and its similarity to other granulomatous diseases, which are generally classified as midline granuloma syndrome, are highlighted. The prognosis is poor but early diagnosis and treatment appears to improve a patient's condition 相似文献
V M Lema 《East African medical journal》1990,67(12):918-921
A rare case of unilateral tubal twin pregnancy managed at the Kenyatta National Hospital and confirmed at laparotomy is presented. The difficulty and hence delay in making a diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy is discussed, and the need to seek to exclude it in any woman presenting with suggestive features in her reproductive years is stressed. 相似文献
膈肌是人体最重要的呼吸肌,一侧膈肌麻痹,通气量可减少30%,双侧膈肌麻痹者多有明显呼吸困难,严重者出现呼吸衰竭.它可以是全身疾病的肺内表现,例如POEMS综合征.以下病例资料来源于法国里昂Croix Rousse 医院呼吸内科. 相似文献
膈肌是人体最重要的呼吸肌,一侧膈肌麻痹,通气量可减少30%,双侧膈肌麻痹者多有明显呼吸困难,严重者出现呼吸衰竭.它可以是全身疾病的肺内表现,例如POEMS综合征.以下病例资料来源于法国里昂Croix Rousse 医院呼吸内科. 相似文献
Isabu P Eigbefoh J Okogbo F Okunsanya S Eifediyi R 《The Nigerian postgraduate medical journal》2010,17(4):324-326
The prevalence of leiomyoma during pregnancy is reported as approximately 2%. Although during pregnancy leiomyomas usually remain asymptomatic, they may complicate its course. The management of leiomyoma during pregnancy is medical, but in certain circumstances surgical intervention and myomectomy may be required. This 28-year-old primigravida presented with progressively worsening lower abdominal pain at 14 weeks gestational age. Ultrasonography demonstrated a large fundally sited multi lobulated fibroid extending up to the right hypochondrium. There was an intrauterine gestation compatible with her menstrual dates. Laparotomy confirmed a large leiomyoma showing benign degenerative changes. The operative procedure was successful, and the pregnancy progressed normally. She was admitted at 34 weeks gestation with a diagnosis of antepartum haemorrhage. She was managed conservatively in the ward until 37 completed weeks gestation when she had an elective caesarean section and delivered of a live male neonate with a birth weight of 2.7 kg. She had type III placenta praevia. 相似文献
患者,女性,27岁,平素月经规律,末次月经2014年1月6日,预产期2014年10月13日。停经8周出现恶心、呕吐等早孕反应,较剧烈,持续至孕4个月,于当地医院查尿酮体间断阳性,予补液等治疗后好转。停经25周查空腹血糖5.57 mmol/L,诊断为妊娠期糖尿病,经运动、饮食控制后血糖基本达标。1个月前无明显诱因自觉胸闷,出现间断发热、出汗,伴恶心、呕吐、心悸、头晕,每日发作约10余次,渐频繁,就诊外院查血压145/100 mmHg(1 mmHg=0.133 kPa), 后复查血压正常。2周前因起身时晕厥就诊外院,予补液治疗,1 d前无明显诱因出现胸闷、喘憋,平卧时加重,血压175/100 mmHg,尿蛋白(+++),考虑重度子痫前期,给予解痉、降压、补液治疗。腹部超声提示腹腔占位,性质待查,以“重度子痫前期,腹部包块性质待查”转诊入北京大学人民医院。 相似文献
Laparoscopic myomectomy is now widely used as an alternative to laparotomy in the management of symptomatic uterine fibroids. The advantages of this minimal access approach outweigh those of the open techniques. The pregnancy outcomes between the two methods have been studied and are comparable, but there still exists a lot of scepticism locally concerning this. It is against this background that we present a 31 year old nulliparous lady who had a two year history of primary infertility secondary to multiple uterine fibroids, the largest being fundal and measuring 6.6cm. She underwent a successful laparoscopic myomectomy in November, 2006 and conceived spontaneously in February 2007. Her antenatal follow up was uneventful. She delivered a live male, 2,650 grams by Caesarean section in October, 2007 and had an unremarkable peuperium. With the availability of proper equipment, instruments, and adequately developing skills, laparoscopic myomectomy is feasible locally and with proper patient selection could result in favourable outcome as it is elsewhere. 相似文献
zen Esra Karaman etin Kl Pelin
nder 《Malawi medical journal : the journal of Medical Association of Malawi》2021,33(4):300
Castleman''s disease was first described by Castleman et al. in 1956 as a non-lymphoproliferative disease.1 Castleman''s disease (CD), or angiofollicular lymphoid hyperplasia, is a rare disease with unknown etiology that can be easily misdiagnosed as lymphoma, neoplasm, or infection. Very few cases of pelvic origin and observed in pregnancy have been reported in the literature and are usually asymptomatic. Preoperative diagnosis is very difficult due to nonspecific imaging findings and rarity; most cases are diagnosed based on postoperative pathological examination. In this paper, a case of a 36-year-old pregnant woman suspected of adnexal origin in the uterine posterolateral, which was detected incidentally by ultrasound, was presented. The patient underwent a successful mass excision. Pathology of mass observed to be in the pelvic retroperitoneum was detected as localized unicentric and hyaline vascular CD. The study was conducted to discuss the diagnostic tools and perioperative management needed to identify the retroperitoneal unicentric Castleman case. 相似文献
Ovarian pregnancy is a rare variant of ectopic gestation. The diagnosis is often made at surgery and requires histological confirmation. The condition has not been reported locally and its diagnosis is easily missed. A case of an ovarian ectopic pregnancy in a 41 year old para 1 + 1 with secondary infertility is reported. The patient presented with lower abdominal pain and vaginal bleeding at six weeks gestation with a serum B-hCG of 79.12 mlU/L. An ultrasound showed a complex left adnexal mass. She underwent a diagnostic and operative laparoscopy. A left oophorectomy was performed due to difficulty in achieving haemostasis. 相似文献