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Volume regulation of non-pigmented cells from ciliary epithelium   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We describe a new method for investigating ion and water transport in ciliary epithelium. A single ciliary process from the rabbit is isolated, placed in a chamber, and rapidly perfused with physiological Ringer. If this process is then viewed at its edge with a light microscope using Hoffman modulation contrast optics, it is possible to record the image of a single layer of non-pigmented epithelial cells. When these cells are exposed to hypotonic Ringer, they swell and then reduce their volume by extruding salt and water. We have used the rate of swelling to calculate the hydraulic conductivity of the non-pigmented cells. These measurements show that the aqueous humor could be secreted by the generation of a modest osmotic gradient across the non-pigmented cell basal membrane. We have also used this preparation to investigate the mechanism of the decrease in cell volume after swelling in hypotonic medium. This volume regulatory decrease can occur at a rate as large as the rate of normal fluid transport during the secretion of the aqueous. It appears to be caused in part by active Na extrusion, since it is partially inhibited by exposure to ouabain. In addition, there appears also to be a contribution to the regulatory response from a swelling-induced K efflux, since the rate of volume regulation can be altered by perfusion with Ba2+ and by changing the extracellular K concentration.  相似文献   

Isolation of non-pigmented epithelial cells from rabbit ciliary body   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We describe a new technique for the separation and isolation of nonpigmented ciliary body epithelial cells from rabbit. Excised ciliary body is incubated in a medium buffered with EGTA to a free-Ca2+ concentration of 10(-8) M, and the nonpigmented cell layer is separated from the pigmented layer by microdissection under direct visualization. This technique yields intact cells which are greater than 99% nonpigmented. It can be used to produce preparations of nonpigmented cell plasma membrane and of viable whole cells, which may be useful for biochemistry, pharmacology, cell transport studies and tissue culture.  相似文献   

Treatment of cultured human non-pigmented ciliary epithelial cells with 100 microM histamine for 30 minutes resulted in a 3-5 fold increase in intracellular inositol phosphates. The stimulation by histamine was dose-dependent, with a half-maximal concentration of 3 microM and a maximal concentration of 100 microM. In response to histamine, inositol monophosphate increased approximately linearly for 30 min in the presence of 10 mM LiCl2, while inositol bisphosphate and inositol trisphosphate showed rapid rises complete within a few minutes. Treatment of cells with the H1 antagonist diphenhydramine resulted in a complete inhibition of the histamine effect at 1 microM, with a half-maximal inhibition at 56 nM, whereas cimetidine, an H2 antagonist, had little effect at any concentration tested. Schild analysis of the diphenhydramine/histamine receptor interaction gave an apparent dissociation constant of 7.1 nM. The data suggest that human non-pigmented ciliary epithelial cells possess H1 histamine receptors.  相似文献   

Cells (ODM C1-2/SV40) derived from human non-pigmented ciliary epithelial cells were studied by electronic cell sizing. The time course of the cell volume (vc) was monitored after suspending cells in paired experimental and control, isosmotic and hyposmotic solutions of identical ionic composition. Following anisosmotic cell swelling, the cells displayed the regulatory volume decrease (RVD) previously described. The RVD primarily reflects loss of cell KCl since: (1) the K(+)-channel blockers quinidine and Ba2+ both inhibit the RVD; and (2) replacement of external Cl- with gluconate or addition of the Cl- channel blocker NPPB also inhibits the RVD. Bicarbonate has previously been reported to speed the RVD. This action likely reflects pH dependence of the channels since: (1) increasing the external pH speeds the RVD, whether or not HCO3- is present; and (2) DIDS (a blocker of Cl- channels and of Cl-/HCO3- exchange) is an effective inhibitor of the RVD, even after blocking Cl-/HCO3- exchange by removing external HCO3-. The RVD could also be inhibited by reducing the availability of Ca2+, either by omitting Ca2+ from the external medium or by blocking mobilization of intracellular Ca2+ with TMB-8. Furthermore, the RVD was slowed and incomplete in the presence of the calcium/calmodulin blocker trifluoperazine. We conclude that anisosmotic swelling triggers a series of events, mediated at least in part by calcium/calmodulin, leading to the extrusion of KCl through parallel K+ and Cl- channels.  相似文献   

Endothelin-1 (ET-1) (1-100 nM) decreases the activity of Na,K-ATPase, a key enzyme responsible for aqueous humor formation, in transformed human non-pigmented ciliary epithelial (HNPE) cells. The present study sought to determine if ET-1 alters the expression of the catalytically active alpha subunit of Na,K-ATPase in HNPE cells and identify mechanisms underlying these effects. We report that acute (15 and 30 min) treatment with ET-1 results in an increase in mRNA expression of the alpha 1 subunit of Na,K-ATPase. Similar to ET-1's effects, ouabain (100 microM), a selective inhibitor of Na,K-ATPase, and monensin (10 microM), a sodium ionophore, also increased Na,K-ATPase expression in HNPE cells. The increase in Na,K-ATPase expression by short-term treatment with ouabain and monensin was dependent on their ability to elevate intracellular sodium concentrations. However, acute ET-1 treatment mediated increase in Na,K-ATPase expression was independent of changes in intracellular sodium. A prolonged (24 hr) ET-1 treatment results in an increase in both mRNA and protein levels of the alpha 1 subunit of Na,K-ATPase. These observations suggest that ET-1 could play a homeostatic role in modulating aqueous humor formation by having differential effects on the activity and expression of Na,K-ATPase by the ciliary epithelium in the eye.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Renin-angiotensin system (RAS) components have been identified in human ciliary body and aqueous humour, pointing to a role for the RAS in the regulation of aqueous humour dynamics. Here, the authors examine the functional expression of a RAS and the effects of angiotensin II (AII) on a signal transduction pathway and ion secretion mechanism in cultured human ciliary body non-pigmented epithelium (HNPE). METHODS: RAS expression was examined in cultured HNPE cells using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis. Secretory function was determined using spectrofluorescence imaging microscopy to measure cell calcium (Ca(2+)(I)) and volume responses. Single channel patch clamp techniques were employed to investigate ion channel activity. RESULTS: PCR analysis demonstrated the expression of angiotensinogen and the AT(1b) receptor in HNPE cells. A large conductance potassium (BK) channel (mean 190 (SEM 5.6) pS, n = 22 cells), was observed in plasma membrane patches. This channel was calcium sensitive with channel open probability (Po) increasing with increasing Ca(2+)(I) (K(0.5) 10.79 (0.44) microM Ca(2+), Hill coefficient of 1.04 (0.04)). AII (100 nM) increased the number (N) of active BK channels in HNPE cells and also the probability of channel opening (Po). N.P(o) increased from 0.008 (0.002) to 1.38 (0.4) following the addition of AII (p=0.0064). AII also induced a rapid rise in Ca(2+)(I) from resting values of 112 (14) nM to a peak of 992 (106) nM (p<10(-4)). A simultaneous cell volume reduction of 24.70% (3.34%) (p<10(-4)) occurred during this calcium signal. Losartan (1 microM) significantly blocked the AII induced BK channel activation (p=0.0131), the Ca(2+)(I) response (p<10(-4)), and the AII induced volume effect (p=0.0046). CONCLUSION: It was demonstrated that AII activates a Ca(2+)(I) signalling system which subsequently increases potassium ion channel activity. These effects are accompanied simultaneously by cell volume loss, indicating that AII acts as receptor operated secretagogue in HNPE cells. The ability of an AT(1) receptor antagonist to inhibit these processes may thus offer a new family of pharmaceutical agents to the current armamentarium in the treatment of glaucoma.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To determine the effects of extracellular ATP on calcium signaling in cultured human non-pigmented ciliary body epithelium (HNPE). METHODS: Intracellular calcium (Ca(2+)(i)) was measured using spectrofluorescence video microscopy in isolated HNPE cells loaded with the fluorescent dye Fura-2. RESULTS: Nucleotides caused a transient oscillatory increase in Ca(2+)(i) with a potency order of ATP = UTP > ADP > AMP> alpha,beta-methylene-ATP. Treatment with thapsigargin (100 nM), an inhibitor of endoplasmic Ca(2+)-ATPase pumps, produced a sustained increase in Ca(2+)(i). Subsequent exposure to ATP caused a rapid reduction in Ca(2+)(i) and this effect was reduced by pre-exposure to vanadate and to a lesser extent in sodium free solution. Prolonged exposure to ATP in the presence of thapsigargin caused a transient spike increase in Ca(2+)(i) which was prevented by exposure to low extracellular Ca(2+) (1 nmol/l), verapamil, nifedipine or the microfilament disrupting agent, cytochalasin B. CONCLUSIONS: These results provide evidence for ATP mobilisation of Ca(2+) from intracellular stores via P2Y2 receptor activation in HNPE cells. ATP also primarily activates a vanadate-sensitive Ca(2+ )-ATPase pump, in addition to having a smaller effect on the Na( +)/ Ca(2+) exchanger in terminating the calcium signal. Capacitative calcium entry, possibly via an L-type Ca(2+) channel, is implicated in generating a calcium signal following emptying of intracellular stores and is sensitive to cytoskeleton disruption. ATP can thus regulate a potent intracellular signal for secretion, suggest-ing that purinergic receptors may provide a therapeutic target in glaucoma.  相似文献   

Phenylarsine oxide (PAO), a sulfhydryl modifying reagent and a widely used inhibitor for tyrosine phosphatases and endocytosis, was tested on the level of phosphorylation in human nonpigmented ciliary epithelial ocular (HNPE) cells. Pretreatment with (PAO, 10 microM) for 30 min followed by incubation with 32Pi to stimulate endogenous phosphorylation surprisingly resulted in a total reduction in 32Pi labeled proteins. PAO (10-50 microM) dose-dependently inhibited both sodium-dependent and -independent phosphate uptake in cells. p-Hydroxymercuribenzoate (pHMB, 10 microM), another sulfhydryl modifying reagent failed to mimic PAO effects. However, metabolic inhibitors (iodoacetamide (0.1 mM) and 2,4-dinitrophenol (DNP, 0.5 mM) also mimicked PAO effects, suggesting that the inhibition of ATP production may be responsible for attenuation of both phosphate uptake mechanisms. However, sodium-dependent phosphate uptake in isolated plasma membrane vesicles pretreated with PAO was also significantly lower than control vesicles treated with dimethlysulfoxide (DMSO), suggesting that PAO may be directly targeting a component of the sodium-dependent cotransporter. It is suggested that PAO is a novel inhibitor of phosphate uptake in HNPE cells that acts indirectly by inhibiting ATP production and directly by inhibiting the Na-dependent cotransporter.  相似文献   

The ciliary epithelium of the eye is thought to be responsible for the active production of aqueous humor. The role of hormones and neuropeptides in mediating this process is unclear. Alterations in intracellular calcium in response to several hormones were assayed by fluorometric detection utilizing Quin2 in human SV-40 transformed non-pigmented ciliary epithelial cells grown in monolayer culture. A dose-dependent increase in intracellular calcium was found for the following drugs, which are given with their respective EC50 values: carbachol (15.7 +/- 4 microM), ATP (1.67 +/- 0.4 microM), arginine vasopressin (52 +/- 14 nM), bradykinin (2.4 +/- 0.7 nM), histamine (0.7 +/- 0.1 microM), and angiotensin II (6.4 +/- 1 nM). The following increases in calcium levels above typical resting levels of 45.9 +/- 4.6 nM were observed: 30% (0.1 microM angiotensin II), 50% (0.1 microM bradykinin, 2 microM arginine vasopressin), 100% (10 microM histamine), and 150% (1 mM carbachol, 10 microM ATP). Dopamine, KCl, phorbol esters, propranolol, epinephrine, and norepinephrine failed to increase intracellular calcium levels. The mobilization of intracellular calcium was unaffected by changes in the pH of the extracellular medium (over the pH range of 7.6 to 6.9) induced by glacial acetic, sulfuric or hydrochloric acids. Phosphatidic acid, however, did cause an elevation in intracellular calcium and is consistent with its putative role as an ionophore in other non-excitable exocrine tissues. These studies suggest a role for the hormonally induced mobilization of intracellular calcium which may underlie the secretion of aqueous humor by these cells.  相似文献   

Endothelins (ETs), potent vasoactive peptides, are present in many ocular tissues including the ciliary epithelium where active ET-1 is produced from the precursor Big ET-1 by a membrane-bound metalloprotease, endothelin-converting enzyme (ECE). Although the role of ocular ET's are uncertain, they are elevated in the aqueous humor of normal as well as glaucomatous eyes and have been shown to lower the intraocular pressure for prolonged periods of time. In the current study, an endothelin-converting enzyme-1 (ECE-1) has been identified and its activity has been studied in SV-40 transformed human non-pigmented ciliary epithelial (HNPE) cells. Western blotting using polyclonal antibodies against ECE-1, detected a 124 kDa protein in the plasma membrane but not in the cytosol. Further characterization of the enzymatic activity of ECE-1 (conversion of Big ET-1 to ET-1) using the plasma membrane fraction of HNPE cells was performed by a novel assay involving(125)I-Big ET-1 (substrate; 80 fmoles mg(-1)protein) and polyclonal antibodies specific for Big ET-1. Mean ECE-1 activity (expressed as fmoles(125)I-ET-1 produced mg protein(-1)time(-1)) increased linearly with time and was similar to that observed in rat lung tissue. ECE-1 activity was enhanced with increasing concentrations of substrate ((125)I-Big ET-1; 30-200 fmoles mg protein(-1)180 min(-1)) as well as with increasing concentrations of protein (5-20 microgram proteins at the substrate concentration of 80 fmoles mg protein(-1)180 min(-1)). Treatments with CGS-26303 (100 micrometer), an inhibitor of ECE-1 and thiorphan (2 mM; a metalloprotease inhibitor), significantly decreased ECE-1 activity. Furthermore, both, acidification of the reaction buffer (from pH 7.4 to 6.4) and the addition of a metal chelator, EGTA (2 mM) decreased ECE-1 activity by nearly 60%. These results suggest that the ECE-1 localized in HNPE cells, is a neutral pH-sensitive metalloprotease which is similar in its activity to that observed in lung tissue and is essential for the production of ET-1 in HNPE cells. The physiological importance of the unusual proteolytic processing by ECE-1 in ocular tissue may reflect on how ET regulates intraocular pressure.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To examine the effects of extracellular adenosine 5-triphosphate (ATP) on intracellular pH ([pH](i)) in cultured human non-pigmented ciliary body epithelium (HNPE). METHODS: Intracellular pH was measured using spectrofluorescence video microscopy in isolated HNPE cells loaded with the cell-permeable acetoxymethyl ester form of the fluorescent probe BCECF. RESULTS: In 5%CO(2)/HCO(3)(-) buffered Ringer's the resting [pH](i) was 7.25 +/- 0.006 (mean +/- SEM). Application of 10 microM ATP significantly decreased [pH](i) to 7.00 +/- 0.007 (P < 10(-5), n = 14). In the presence of 1 mM suramin, a P(2) receptor inhibitor, this process was significantly blocked. This [pH](i) effect required the presence of Cl(-) and was significantly inhibited by 0.1 mM diisothiocyanatostilbene-2-2'-disulfonic acid or acetazolamide (500 microM), indicating the involvement of a Cl(-)/HCO(3)( +) exchange mechanism. This response exhibited little dependence on external Na(+) and remained unaffected by the addition of the Na(+)/H( +) exchanger inhibitor amiloride (1 mM). Clamping intracellular calcium levels by incubation in the cell permeable calcium chelator, the acetoxymethyl ester form of BAPTA (100 microM) in low extracellular calcium solution (pCa9) did not affect the ATP-induced [pH](i) signal. In addition, the vacuolar H(+)-ATPase (V-ATPase) inhibitor, bafilomycin A(1) (1 microM), failed to alter the [pH](i) transient. CONCLUSION: We have demonstrated that extracellular ATP leads to a sustained increase in [H(+)](i) in HNPE cells via a purinergic receptor activated pathway which is independent of the intracellular calcium signaling system. This study demonstrates that the ATP induced [pH]( i) transient is mediated through an upregulation in Cl(-)/HCO( 3)(-) exchange across the plasmamembrane in HNPE cells.  相似文献   

Thrombin at concentrations as low as 20 pM (0.002 U ml-1) was found to stimulate inositol phosphate levels in cultured human non-pigmented ciliary epithelial cells. Several other proteases, including trypsin and plasmin, had little or no effect, of several protease inhibitors tested, only those with specificity for thrombin blocked the effect. Studies with active site-blocked thrombin suggested that the esterolytic active site of thrombin is required for inositol phosphate stimulation, while gamma-thrombin, which has reduced binding affinity to fibrinogen also showed reduced effectiveness in stimulating inositol phosphates. In the presence of 10 mM LiCl, thrombin stimulated inositol monophosphate, inositol bisphosphate and inositol trisphosphate formation, with a prolonged rise of the first and transient early rises in the latter two species. Thrombin also elevated intracellular Ca2+ levels as measured with the fluorescent calcium probe, indo-1-AM. This elevation could be blocked by prior addition to cells of the thrombin inhibitor, hirudin, and was dependent upon extracellular Ca2+ for the maintenance of an elevated level in the presence of thrombin. Incorporation of thymidine into DNA in confluent cultures was also stimulated by thrombin, with a four-fold increase in incorporation at 35 hr in thrombin-treated cells compared to controls. The half-maximal concentration for this process was 0.25 U ml-1. Pretreatment with 100 ng ml-1 pertussis toxin greatly reduced the thrombin effect, which is consistent with a role for a G-protein in stimulation of DNA synthesis by thrombin.  相似文献   

Methods were developed to isolate non-pigmented ciliary epithelium from bovine eyes (BCBE) free from other cell types in the ciliary process. Once background binding due to pigment was minimized, it was possible to assay specific beta adrenergic receptors in these preparations. The BCBE beta adrenergic receptors showed appropriate stereospecificity and an order of binding affinities compatible with a beta 2 adrenergic selectivity. Interestingly, specific high affinity muscarinic cholinergic receptors were detected in both BCBE and primate non-pigmented ciliary epithelium. These muscarinic receptors showed an appropriate affinity and selectivity for agonists and antagonists. Further evaluations of the receptors and responses of non-pigmented ciliary epithelial cells may prove useful in understanding the effects of adrenergic and cholinergic agents on aqueous humor inflow.  相似文献   

Bovine non-pigmented ciliary epithelial (NPE) cells are cultured following a dissecting procedure that preserves the original cellular polarity. Cell growth of primary cultures of NPE cells is supported by hormonally defined serum-free culture media and an artificial substrate with high binding affinity to attach cells in culture. Cell proliferation of primary cultures of bovine NPE cells was limited to 3-5 weeks. Nerve growth factor (NGF) was found to have a profound effect on the cellular junctions of growing NPE cells when added to the culture media. Nerve growth factor induced the formation abundant microfilament bundles associated with junctional complexes of undetermined nature between adjacent cells. Electron microscopy of NPE in culture shows a high intracellular transport activity with abundant coated pits and clathrin-coated vesicles, a complex network of microfilaments, microtubules and intermediate filaments associated with desmosomes.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To compare the reactive proliferation of non-pigmented ciliary epithelial cells in patients with cyclitis, or after cyclophotocoagulation and cyclocryocoagulation, and the cultured non-pigmented ciliary epithelial cells from adult pigs. METHODS: Porcine ciliary epithelial cells were cultured and non-pigmented ciliary epithelial cells were isolated. Detection of DNA synthesis, morphological observation by a phase contrast microscope and a transmission electron microscope, and staining of senescence-associated beta-galactosidase were carried out. RESULTS: The cells proliferated without showing contact inhibition of growth or reconstitution of epithelial morphology. With a decrease of proliferative activity, the cultured cells expressed senescence-associated beta-galactosidase. Although DNA synthesis persisted for a long time, some cells in later culture periods showed morphologically abnormal nuclei or plural nuclei indicating dysfunction of cell division, or apoptotic features. CONCLUSION: The uncontrolled growth and loss of the epithelial nature of non-pigmented ciliary epithelial cells in vitro resembles the process of formation of cyclitic membrane and proliferation of ciliary epithelium after cyclophotocoagulation and cyclocryocoagulation in patients. Observatin of the behavior of cultured non-pigment epithelial cells could aid in understanding the mechanism of cyclitic membrane formation.  相似文献   

Endothelin-1 (ET-1) lowers intraocular pressure (IOP) in animal models by regulating aqueous humour dynamics through both inflow and outflow mechanisms. Moreover, ET's concentration is elevated in glaucoma patients and in animal models of glaucoma. Glucocorticoid therapy often can lead to increase IOP in susceptible individuals including patients with primary open angle glaucoma (POAG). In this study, we examined the effects of dexamethasone (Dex), a frequently used anti-inflammatory glucocorticoid, on the synthesis and release of endothelin-1 and on the expression of endothelin receptors in human non-pigmented ciliary epithelial (HNPE) cells, an established source for ET-1 in the anterior chamber. As measured by ET-1 immunoreactivity, ET-1 was concentration-dependently increased following 24hr Dex treatment, with a maximum concentration (100 nM) causing a threefold increase of ET-1 release. Western blot analysis of HNPE cells showed the expression of endothelin receptor A (ET(A)) and endothelin receptor B (ET(B)) with approximate molecular weights of 40 kDa. Dex treatment decreased ET(A) receptor expression at all Dex doses, but up-regulated ET(B) receptors with 10nM Dex having the greatest effect. Quantitative PCR demonstrated that Dex also increased the mRNA of pre-pro-ET-1 (ppET-1) and ET(B) but decreased the mRNA of ET(A). RU486, a glucocorticoid receptor antagonist, was able to block Dex's actions on ET release and ET(B) receptor expression, but did not block its action on ET(A) receptor expression. Endothelin receptors were minimally expressed in HNPE cells as determined in binding experiments (B(max): ET(A) 17, ET(B) 25 fmolmg(-1) membrane protein). However Dex treatment stimulated a dramatic increase in ET(B) receptor density while decreasing ET(A) receptors (B(max): ET(A) 11, ET(B) 116 fmolmg(-1) membrane protein). The regulation of endothelin and its receptors could be a novel mechanism associated with glucocorticoid's effects on intraocular pressure. The increase in ET-1 and disproportionate regulation in ET receptor expression by Dex could promote dysregulation in ET's mechanism on both inflow and outflow, thus affecting aqueous humour dynamics in the anterior chamber of the eye.  相似文献   

Bovine non-pigmented ciliary epithelial cells (NPE) have been isolated by a technique of selective adhesion to tissue culture plastic. NPE cells in primary culture proliferated and maintained epithelial-like morphology for about 4 weeks in tissue culture medium containing 10% fetal calf serum. If grown for longer than 4 weeks in serum-containing medium, cells changed their morphology and became elongated and spindle-shaped. Membrane potentials were measured using conventional microelectrodes. In NPE cells of epithelial-like shape, replacing extracellular Na+ induced a transient hyperpolarization of the membrane potential, while in elongated cells of spindle-shaped morphology an immediate depolarization was observed. We therefore only used epithelial-like NPE for further experiments. In these cells the mean membrane potential was -40.3 +/- 0.5 mV (n = 36). Relative K+ conductance was increased by extracellular alkalinization. Removing extracellular K+ led to a depolarization and readdition of K+ to K+ depleted cells resulted in a hyperpolarization. Both voltage responses were sensitive to ouabain, indicating that Na+/K+ ATPase is inhibited by K+ replacement, and that there is overshoot-activation of the pump when K+ is readded. Extracellular Cl- replacement led to a DIDS sensitive, transient depolarization, which is compatible with a stilbene-sensitive Cl(-)-conductance. Removing HCO3- led to a Na+ dependent and DIDS-sensitive depolarization. However, the electrical response on replacement of extracellular Na+ was not influenced by DIDS or the extracellular HCO3(-)-concentration.  相似文献   

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