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The effectiveness of a stannous fluoride mouthrinse, when used once each school day, was investigated in a 3-year study. Effervescent stannous fluoride tablets of two concentrations were dissolved in 20 ml of water, giving solutions of 100 parts/10(6)F- and 200 parts/10(6)F- respectively. Approximately 1,200 children, with a mean age of 10 years, were divided on a random basis into three groups. Two of the groups rinsed with the two strengths of solution and the third group rinsed with a placebo. Examinations were carried out at the commencement of the study, and at yearly intervals thereafter. The final series was carried out a year after the rinsing procedures were terminated. There were significant reductions in the numbers of new caries in each of the two experimental groups as compared with the controls. The concentration of the solutions appeared to have little influence on the results. More dramatic reductions were noted in the teeth which erupted during the course of the study. A residual effect was demonstrated a year after the rinsing procedures were terminated.  相似文献   

A 3-year, double-blind, randomized caries trial was conducted to evaluate the relative anticaries efficacy of four sodium fluoride dentifrices containing 250 ppm fluoride, 1,000 ppm fluoride in combination with 1% disodium 1-hydroxyethylidene-1.1-bisphosphonate (HEBP), and 1,000 ppm fluoride in combination with 1% disodium azacycloheptylidene-2.2-bisphosphonate (AHBP). As a positive control, a monofluorophosphate dentifrice (1,000 ppm fluoride) was used. At outset 1,161 Icelandic children, 11 and 12 years of age, were randomly assigned to one of the five treatment groups and 1,035 subjects completed the trial. After 3 years of unsupervised brushing, the dentifrice containing 250 ppm fluoride was significantly less effective in controlling the caries increment. The combination of sodium fluoride and AHBP was significantly more effective than the positive control.  相似文献   

The present study showed that the plaque inhibiting effect of aqueous solutions of stannous fluoride can be maintained in toothpastes. A commercial toothpaste containing 0.4 per cent of water soluble tin was effective whereas one containing 0.03 per cent showed no effect. The plaque inhibiting effect was shown in one study where the toothpastes were applied in cap splints and the plaque was scored after four days by the Plaque Index of L?e, and in another where the effect of locally applied pastes was monitored 24 hours later by the Gingival margin Plaque Index of Harrap. The present investigation supports the view that the stannous ion is essential in the plaque inhibition caused by stannous fluoride preparation. The exact mechanism is unknown but it is speculated that a change in the surface potential of oral bacteria through interaction with the stannous ion may be important.  相似文献   

It has been customary to think that in a dentifrice only a few of its ingredients would be active and have clinically significant effects on dental caries, oral hygiene, and the levels of caries-inducive microorganisms or harmful plaque metabolic products. Therefore, most of the emphasis has been placed on the type of fluorine compounds, abrasives, or similar dentifrice ingredients. This study shows that such common dentifrice components as the humectants, which contribute to the texture, rheologic characteristics, and shelf life of the product, also may affect the type of dental plaque grown on the tooth surfaces between toothbrushings or during long-term neglect of toothbrushing or of oral hygiene. Commonly used humectants include sorbitol, a sugar alcohol of the hexitol type, which is used often in sugarless candies. This study showed that when sorbitol in a dentifrice was replaced by xylitol, a sugar alcohol of the pentitol type, the dental plaque of human subjects contained more ammonia and significantly less bacterial polysaccharides. It is accepted generally that ammonia neutralizes plaque acids and that bacterial polysaccharides are involved in promoting caries. Xylitol-containing dentifrice also reduced the saliva levels of S mutans. The results further indicated that if sorbitol and xylitol could be compared in a short-term dentifrice study that relied on subjective and coarse plaque determinations only, no differences between those dentifrices would be found necessarily. To demonstrate the differences between the experimental dentifrices used in this study, it was necessary to analyze specific plaque components and the salivary levels of S mutans.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The antiplaque and antigingivitis effect of 3 dentifrices was evaluated using the 21-day partial-mouth experimental model of gingivitis. METHOD: 25 volunteers took part in this cross-over, double-blind study, carried out in 4 phases of 21 days each. For each phase of the study, a toothshield of the IV quadrant was constructed for each volunteer. 2 antiplaque dentifrices from the market, one containing triclosan + pvm/ma and the other triclosan + Zn, were compared with an experimental formulation and its placebo. The experimental dentifrice contained triclosan + pvm/ma + Zn + PPi and the placebo (control) did not contain these substances. The subjects were stratified according to their whole-mouth baseline plaque (PI), gingivitis (GI) and bleeding (BI) index scores, and then randomly assigned to 1 of 4 dentifrices. During each phase, while the volunteers brushed their teeth with one of the dentifrices, the IV quadrant was protected by the toothshield filled with the dentifrice used. After each phase, dental plaque, gingivitis and bleeding indices were determined. RESULTS: The results showed that only the formulation containing triclosan + pvm/ma + Zn + PPi was able to reduce PI (28.8%), GI (35.9%) and BI (30.4%) in comparison with controls (p<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: The data suggest that a dentifrice containing the combination of triclosan + pvm/ma + Zn + PPi should be formulated for dental plaque control.  相似文献   

Anti-caries effect of dentifrice containing sodium monofluorophophate and sodium fluoride was studied among 2-3 years OLD nursery children.After one year,both mean dft and dfs were very significantly lower than those of control groups.  相似文献   

Many industrialized countries have reported a decline in caries prevalence over the past few decades. These reductions have been related to the regular use of fluoride dentifrices. Fluoride dentifrices are the most cost-effective and efficient means of caries prevention. However, there have been concerns regarding the risk of fluorosis in children due to the ingestion of dentifrices. This has led to the use of dentifrices with low concentration of fluoride. Salivary fluoride levels after tooth-brushing have been shown to be related to the anticaries efficacy of fluoride dentifrices. The present study was designed to evaluate the effect of the concentration of fluoride in the dentifrice, on the salivary fluoride level in children. Twenty children in the age group of five to six years were randomly selected and divided into two groups using, either 500ppm or 1000ppm fluoride dentifrice (sodium monofluorophosphate). Salivary fluoride levels at 0, 15, 30, 45, 60, minutes after brushing were estimated. The data collected was statistically evaluated using the unpaired t-test. The results showed that salivary fluoride levels following use of 500ppm fluoride dentifrice were significantly lower than 1000ppm fluoride dentifrice. The low salivary fluoride levels may thereby reduce the anticaries efficacy. Hence, the pros and cons of recommending a low fluoride concentration dentifrice must be judiciously considered.  相似文献   

Changes in plaque pH were examined following ingestion of tablets composed of of sorbitol (S) or xylitol (X) combined with various levels of dextrose (D), fructose (F), or sucrose (U). Pure S and X tablets caused a slight pH rise. The 3:1 ratios of S:D,, S:F, X:D, and X:F caused slight lowerings to plaque pH means of 6.3, 6.8, 6.7, and 6.7, respectively, while 3:1 S:U caused the pH to drop to 5.6. All the 1:1, 1:3 and 0;1 ratios caused large drops in plaque pH.  相似文献   

In this study, the differences in lesion remineralization and fluoride uptake after brushing with a 300 ppm F or a 1000 ppm F dentifrice (as NaF) were investigated. Twenty volunteers with partial dentures in their lower jaws were divided into two groups. Bovine enamel slabs with artificial lesions were mounted in the dentures. After a test period of six weeks, the slabs were taken out and analyzed. There was no statistically significant difference between the two groups, in F-uptake and susceptibility of the enamel to demineralization, although the findings favored the 1000 ppm F toothpaste. The microradiograms in the 300 ppm F group showed lesions more pronounced than those in the 1000 ppm group. The present study cannot support the presumption that the fluoride content of regular NaF dentifrices can be lowered to 300 ppm F without undesirable effects on lesion arrest and remineralization.  相似文献   

Zinc salts have previously been shown to possess antiplaque activity in solution but this activity has as yet not been reported for dentifrices. The purpose of the present investigation was to establish the effect of dentifrices containing zinc citrate (ZCT) on plaque growth and on the concentration of zinc in saliva and plaque. Plaque growth inhibition was studied over periods of time approximating to intervals for normal oral hygiene procedures. Zinc in saliva and plaque was measured by atomic absorption spectroscopy. Elevated zinc levels in saliva were observed for 3-4 h after brushing with the zinc citrate dentifrice. Similarly, raised levels of zinc were encountered in plaque 1 h following contact with a slurry of a dentifrice containing ZCT. Increased concentrations of zinc were observed in plaque fluid and plaque residue. The plaque growth data from 88 participants in 5 studies revealed that plaque regrowth over 16 h or 22 h was reduced by dentifrices containing 0.5% ZCT, compared to placebo dentifrices. Dentifrices which contained 0.5% ZCT or 0.4% stannous fluoride, had similar inhibitory effects on plaque. Further analysis of the data showed that subjects with high rates of plaque growth benefited more from the zinc dentifrices than those with low rates of plaque growth. It is suggested that the effect on plaque was related to zinc concentration in the dentifrice rather than total dose applied, and that the main effect of zinc was to inhibit the extension of existing plaque.  相似文献   

Abstract – The literature on the risks of dental fluorosis and the benefits from the use of fluoride dentifrices, mouthrinses and self-applied gels has been briefly reviewed. While there are several studies that have investigated the impact of dentifrices on the development of dental fluorosis, results are mixed. Although there is far less research investigating the relationship between the use of mouthrinses and dental fluorosis, the available evidence generally fails to identify this technology as one of the major causes of dental fluorosis. Although there is little direct evidence to suggest that the use of self-applied fluoride gels contributes to the development of denial fluorosis, ingestion of fluoride from these systems is of genuine concern and their use by preschool age children is not recommended.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate clinically three commercially available dentifrices and to determine any surface effects on tooth or gingival surfaces. Sixty‐four participants were included in this study and were allocated randomly to one of four treatment groups by an independent person to ensure the investigators were unaware of the brushing material used. All toothbrushes and dentifrices were distributed by this independent person. The treatment groups were: Group 1‐ brush with water; Group 2 ‐ brush with colgate (Baking Soda nad Peroxide); Group 3‐ brush with Colgate (Sensation Whitening). All participants were requested to brush both morning and evening in their customary fashion using only the designated toothpaste, or water, for four weeks. All participants were required to use the same toothbrush type. No other oral hygiene products such as mouth rinses or dental floss were used during the trial period. Prior to commencement of the brushing period, all participants received a full clinical examination recording the status of the soft and hard tissues including a ginginval index (Löe and Silness) to record gingival condition. A polyvinyl siloxane impression was taken of the six anterior teeth and gingival tissues at the commencement of the trial. After four weeks, a second full clinical examination was made and further silicone impressions were taken of the anterior teeth. All impressions were cast in epoxy resin for investigation with light and electron microscopy. Participants were also asked to answer a questionnaire relating to the toothpaste used. The results of this study indicated that no significant clinical differences were recorded for any dentifrice or water and there was no significant difference in gingival index scores over the four week period. Patient responses to each dentifrice varied according to individual patient preferences and expectations and no consistent findings could be determined. Light and electron microscopy indicated that tooth and gingival surface changes that occurred over the four week period with any of the dentifrices were similar to, and not significantly different from, changes seen with the use of water alone. These results indicate that none of the dentifrices tested was harmful to teeth or soft tissues.  相似文献   

A six-month, double blind, clinical study was conducted to determine the effect on supragingival calculus formation of a dentifrice containing 1.30% soluble pyrophosphate (from 2.0% tetrasodium pyrophosphate) and 1.50% of a copolymer of methoxyethylene and maleic acid, as compared to a dentifrice containing the same amount of soluble pyrophosphate but without the copolymer. This pyrophosphate/copolymer dentifrice contained the optimal ratio of pyrophosphate anion to copolymer required for obtaining a comparable anticalculus effect to a clinically proven anticalculus dentifrice containing 3.3% soluble pyrophosphate and 1.0% of a copolymer. The optimal pyrophosphate/copolymer ratio was determined by a series of in vitro laboratory and in vivo animal studies. Male and female adult subjects were stratified into three balanced groups according to baseline calculus scores. They received an oral prophylaxis and were assigned to the use of either the dentifrice containing soluble pyrophosphate and the copolymer, or to the dentifrice containing soluble pyrophosphate but without the copolymer, or to a placebo dentifrice that did not contain an anticalculus ingredient. The results of the three-month calculus examination indicated that the dentifrice containing soluble pyrophosphate and the copolymer provided a 33.66% reduction in supragingival calculus formation after an oral prophylaxis as compared to the placebo dentifrice. This reduction was statistically significant at the 99 percent level of confidence. The results of the six-month calculus examination indicated that the dentifrice containing the soluble pyrophosphate and the copolymer provided a 36.10% reduction in supragingival calculus formation after an oral prophylaxis, as compared to the placebo dentifrice. This reduction was also statistically significant at the 99% level of confidence.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The usage of sucrose substitutes such as polyols in snack-type foods is a logical and practical means of reducing caries incidence without perturbing normal dietary eating patterns. S. mutans and L. casei can ferment mannitol and sorbitol, but are inactive towards xylitol. This ability of these cariogenic organisms to ferment the hexitols does not seem to be of concern when gums containing them are used at the normal rate. However, when hexitol gum usage is excessive, the S. mutans levels may increase. In contrast to the hexitols, excessive usage of gums sweetened with xylitol caused a significant decrease in the levels and proportions of S. mutans in saliva and plaque. While this effect on S. mutans may be an indirect one, this finding provides added evidence for the superiority of xylitol as a sucrose substitute in dentistry.  相似文献   


The aim of the study was to investigate the caries-preventive effect of newly developed fluoride and fluoride-free toothpastes specially designed for erosion prevention. The hypothesis was that these products might also show superior caries-inhibiting effect than regular fluoride toothpastes, since they were designed for stronger erosive acid challenges.

Materials and methods

Enamel specimens were obtained from bovine teeth and pre-demineralized (pH = 4.95/21 days) to create artificial caries lesions. Baseline mineral loss (ΔZB) and lesion depth (LDB) were determined using transversal microradiography (TMR). Ninety specimens with a median ΔZB (SD) of 6027 ± 1546 vol% × μm were selected and randomly allocated to five groups (n = 18). Treatments during pH-cycling (14 days, 4 × 60 min demineralization/day) were brushing 2×/day with AmF (1400 ppm F, anti-caries [AC]); AmF/NaF/SnCl2/Chitosan (700 ppm F/700 ppm F/3500 ppm Sn2+, anti-erosion [AE1]); NaF/KNO3 (1400 ppm F, anti-erosion [AE2]); nano-hydroxyapatite-containing (0 ppm F, [nHA]); and fluoride-free toothpastes (0 ppm F, negative control [NC]). Toothpaste slurries were prepared with mineral salt solution (1:3 wt/wt). After pH-cycling specimens presenting lesion, surface loss (mainly by NC and nHA) were discarded. For the remaining 77 specimens, new TMR analyses (ΔZE/LDE) were performed. Changes in mineral loss (ΔΔZ = ΔZB − ΔZE) and lesion depth (ΔLD = LDB − LDE) were calculated.


All toothpastes caused significantly less demineralization (lower ΔΔZ) than NC (p < 0.05, ANOVA) except for nHA. The fluoride toothpastes did not differ significantly regarding ΔΔZ and ΔLD (p > 0.05, ANOVA).

Conclusion/clinical relevance

While both anti-erosive and anti-caries toothpastes reduced mineral loss to a similar extent, the fluoride-free nano-hydroxyapatite-containing toothpaste seemed not to be suitable for inhibition of caries demineralization in vitro.


abstract A 3-year, unsupervised, toothbrushing study with a double-blind, controlled design was conducted to evaluate the caries-preventive effectiveness of a 2 % sodium monofluorophosphate dentifrice among 1,407 7- to 12-year-old children residing in an optimal, natural fluoride (= 1.2–1.4 parts/106) area of Denmark. With the initial caries lesion as a differential, two levels of clinical caries diagnosis were applied in the quantitative evaluation of the effects. A comparison of the monofluorophosphate dentifrice with a null control dentifrice indicated that its use at home, coupled with regular motivation by home visitors, conferred about a 30 % reduction in dental caries increment over a 3-year period, beyond those anticariogenic benefits assumed to have been provided by the waterborne fluoride.  相似文献   

abstract A 3-year, unsupervised, toothbrushing study with a double-blind, controlled design was conducted to evaluate the caries-preventive effectiveness of a 2 % sodium monofluorophosphate dentifrice among 1,407 7- to 12-year-old children residing in an optimal, natural fluoride (= 1.2–1.4 parts/106) area of Denmark. With the initial caries lesion as a differential, two levels of clinical caries diagnosis were applied in the quantitative evaluation of the effects. A comparison of the monofluorophosphate dentifrice with a null control dentifrice indicated that its use at home, coupled with regular motivation by home visitors, conferred about a 30 % reduction in dental caries increment over a 3-year period, beyond those anticariogenic benefits assumed to have been provided by the waterborne fluoride.  相似文献   

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