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The purpose of the present study was to determine the incidence of musculoskeletal injuries among professional ballet dancers in the Norwegian National Ballet. A 19 weeks prospective study with registration and clinical assessment of dancers with injuries was conducted. Medical staff working for the National Ballet registered incidence of injuries. In addition the dancers filled out a questionnaire about previous injuries, their work situation, and factors they believed increased the risk of injuries. Of the 41 dancers (80% response rate), 31 dancers experienced one injury or more. The majority of injuries involved foot and ankle. Twenty-two per cent of the injuries were acute injuries. Seventy-five per cent of the injuries were soft tissue injuries. Most injuries were of mild to moderate severity. Sixteen per cent of the injuries resulted in absence from work. Factors, the dancers believed were associated with risk of injuries were related to training, organizational factors and environmental factors. Seventy-eight per cent of the dancers experienced "negative" stress at work. Sixty-four per cent experienced that they had little influence on their work conditions. This study showed, however, no significant association between these psychological factors and musculoskeletal injuries. It is concluded that there is a high incidence of musculoskeletal injuries in the Norwegian National Ballet.  相似文献   

A prospective study of male soccer injuries among 12 teams playing at the highest competition level was carried out in Finland in 1993. Overall, two out of three players were injured during the whole season. The injury incidence per 1000 playing hours among injured players and all players during games was higher than during practice, 14.2 vs. 11.3 and 2.3 vs. 1.8, respectively. The lower extremity was involved in 76% of the injuries. Thigh injuries were most frequent (22%), whereas overuse injuries were scarce (6%). Eighteen per cent of the injured players needed surgery and in most cases (58%) the reason for surgery was a knee injury. Sixteen per cent of all injured players were absent from soccer for more than 1 month after the injury. The mean absence time was 17 days for all and 84 days for operatively treated players.  相似文献   

During one year 4398 injured athletes were treated at the casualty wards of Aarhus, Denmark; 156 were practicing track and field disciplines. In the same period 54 track athletes of a Danish sport club were followed in order to register any lesion incurred during sports activity. Thirty-one athletes (57%) had 35 injuries, giving an injury incidence of 1.8 per 1000 hours of practice. At follow-up after 1 year, 13% of all athletes still had complaints, and none of them had returned to former sports activity. Jumpers had overuse symptoms correlated to take-off, and sprains or fractures related to downstrokes. Runners had a higher risk of overuse injuries than jumpers, especially involving the Achilles tendon and the plantar aponeurosis. Young athletes had a higher injury incidence per time than older participants; and women had higher injury risk than men.  相似文献   

Knowledge gaps of the physical activity‐related injury (PARI) problem among general undergraduates exist. We conducted a study in four universities, where 1421 students graded 1‐3 were interviewed face‐to‐face during April and May after their completion of the baseline survey in March and April 2017, aiming to describe the incidence and characteristics of PARI. PARI experience and physical activity (PA) participation in the past 12 months were collected. Injury incidence density (IID) and risk, and injury characteristics were evaluated for the overall sample and by gender. Pearson chi‐square or Fisher's exact tests and independent‐sample t tests were used to test between‐group differences. We found that 486 PARIs were reported totally by 289 participants , with an overall IID of 0.57 per 1000 hours of exposure (males: 1.07, females: 0.45) and an injury risk of 0.34 injuries/student/y (males: 0.52; females: 0.28) . Higher IIDs were found in roller skating, football, and basketball. The majority of injuries occurred outdoors and involved the lower extremities, with sprain and strain being the primary injury types. Moreover, most injuries were new, acute, and happened in non‐contact situations. Of all injuries, 52.1% required medical attention and 64.6% resulted in inactivity of one or more days. Some significant differences were observed between males and females. Our study indicates that PARI is a public health concern among Chinese university students, which can provide direction for targeted prophylactic interventions to underpin the sex‐specific injury mechanism to reduce PARI.  相似文献   

The objectives of this prospective school cohort study were to describe the epidemiology of diagnosed musculoskeletal extremity injuries and to estimate the injury incidence rates in relation to different settings, different body regions and injury types. In all, 1259 schoolchildren, aged 6–12, were surveyed weekly during 2.5 years using a new method of automated mobile phone text messaging asking questions on the presence of any musculoskeletal problems. All injuries were clinically diagnosed. Physical activity was measured from text messaging and accelerometers. A total number of 1229 injuries were diagnosed; 180 injuries in the upper extremity and 1049 in the lower extremity, with an overall rate of 1.59 injuries per 1000 physical activity units [95% confidence interval (CI) 1.50–1.68]. Upper extremities accounted for a rate of 0.23 (95% CI 0.20–0.27) and lower extremities accounted for 1.36 (95% CI 1.27–1.44). This study has added a wide overall perspective to the area concerning incidence and incidence rates of musculoskeletal extremity injuries in schoolchildren aged 6–12 years, including severe and less severe, traumatic, and overuse injuries. The understanding of injury epidemiology in children is fundamental to the acknowledgement and insurance of the appropriate prevention and treatment.  相似文献   

The aims of this prospective school cohort study were to describe the epidemiology of diagnosed back pain in childhood, classified as either nontraumatic or traumatic back injury, and to estimate the association with physical activity in different settings. Over 2.5 years, 1240 children aged 6–12 years were surveyed weekly using mobile text messages to ask about the presence or absence of back pain. Pain was clinically diagnosed and injuries were classified using the International Classification of Diseases version 10. Physical activity data were obtained from text messages and accelerometers. Of the 315 back injuries diagnosed, 186 injuries were nontraumatic and 129 were traumatic. The incidence rate ratio was 1.5 for a nontraumatic back injury compared with a traumatic injury. The overall estimated back injury incidence rate was 0.20 per 1000 physical activity units (95% confidence interval 0.18–0.23). The back injury incidence rates were higher for sports when exposure per 1000 physical activity units was taken into consideration and especially children horse‐riding had a 40 times higher risk of sustaining a traumatic back injury compared to the risk during non‐organized leisure time physical activity. However, the reasonably low injury incidence rates support the recommendations of children continuously being physically active.  相似文献   

This study aimed to record and analyse incidence and characteristics of injuries and illnesses incurred during the Indoor Athletics Championships. During the 2011 European Indoor Athletics Championships in Paris, incidence and characteristics of new injuries and illnesses were recorded prospectively by physicians and physiotherapists from national teams and local organizing committee in 631 registered athletes. Around 70% of athletes were covered by the medical teams (response rate: 84%). Thirty injuries, including eight time‐loss injuries, were reported, representing an incidence of 47.5 injuries and 29.4 time‐loss injuries per 1000 registered athletes. Injury and time‐loss injury risk were highest in heptathlon and hurdles. Three‐quarters of injuries affected the lower extremity. Thigh strain was the most common diagnosis (n = 7; 23%). Noncontact trauma (n = 9; 30%) was the predominant cause. A total of 18 illnesses were reported. Incidence of illnesses was 28.5 per 1000 registered athletes, with 17% resulting in time lost from sport. Upper respiratory tract infection was the most common diagnosis (n = 8; 44%) followed by upper respiratory tract allergy (n = 3; 17%) and gastroenteritis (n = 3; 17%). Injury and illness incidence and severity were lower during the 2011 European Indoor Athletics Championships than during outdoor championships, probably due to the shorter duration, the fewer number of events, and shorter sprint distances.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Several authors have analyzed the incidence of handball injuries in amateur players but information of handball injury in top-level players is very limited. The aim of the study was to analyze the incidence, circumstances and characteristics of handball injuries during major international tournaments. METHODS: Injuries during six international handball tournaments were analyzed, using an established injury report system. The physicians of all participating teams were asked to report all injuries after each match on a standardized injury report form. The response rate was on average 87%. RESULTS: The incidence of injury was on average 108 injuries/1000 player hours (95% confidence interval (CI): 98-117) or 1.5 injuries/match (95% CI: 1.4-1.6). The injuries affected most frequently the lower extremity (42%), followed by injuries of the head (23%), upper extremity (18%) and trunk (14%). The most frequent diagnosis was contusion of head (14%) or ankle sprain (8%). The majority of injuries were caused by contact with another player. The incidence of time loss injuries was on average 27/1000 player hours (95% CI: 22-32), and significantly higher in men than in women. CONCLUSION: Preventive program proven effective should be implemented. Fair Play is an essential aspect of injury prevention. Therefore, close cooperation with the referees is also necessary to make handball a safer sport.  相似文献   

This study describes the prevalence, incidence density, severity, and nature of injuries in elite field hockey players over the Dutch 2015–2016 season. Eighty players answered a baseline questionnaire and were subsequently followed up every 2 weeks to report the hours spent on training/competition and experienced injuries, which were registered using the Oslo Sports Trauma Research Centre Questionnaire on Health Problems. Of the 74 players included in the analysis, 52 (70%) reported 112 injuries. Eighty‐seven injuries (78%) received medical attention, and 56 (50%) led to training/competition time‐loss. Thirty‐four injuries (30%) hampered players’ availability to train and compete. Most of the injuries (74%) were not caused by any contact. The mean prevalence of injury was 29% (95% confidence interval [CI] 3–55) for all, 9% (95% CI 0–20) for acute, and 14% (95% CI 0–36) for overuse injuries. Players sustained 3.5 (95% CI 2.5–4.5) new acute injuries per 1000 hours of training and 12.3 (95% CI 7.6–17.0) per 1000 hours of competition. The median of the severity score was 28 from 100 (25%–75% interquartile range [IQR] 16–42) for all, 35 (IQR 23–53) for acute, and 21 (IQR 16–31) for overuse injuries. On average, 1 in 4 elite field hockey players experiences an injury within a 2‐week period during the season. Although acute injuries are common, overuse injuries pose a comparable problem in elite field hockey. As injuries are a burden on players’ health and may hamper performance and availability to train and compete, prevention is of great importance.  相似文献   

Prospective running‐related injury (RRI) data from runners training for an event are scarce, especially with regard to RRI‐associated costs. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence and economic burden of RRIs in runners participating in an organized training program preparing them for an event. This was a prospective cohort study with 18 weeks of follow‐up. Individuals aged 18 or older and registered to participate in an organized running program were eligible. Follow‐up surveys were sent every 2 weeks to collect data about running exposure, RRIs, and costs. Of the 161 potential participants, 53 (32.9%) were included in this study. A total of 32 participants reported 41 RRIs. The mean prevalence during follow‐up was 30.8% [95% confidence interval (CI) 25.6–36.0%]. Overuse was the main mechanism of RRI (85.4%, n = 35). An RRI was estimated to have an economic burden of €57.97 (95% CI €26.17–94.00) due to healthcare utilization (direct costs) and €115.75 (95% CI €10.37–253.73) due to absenteeism from paid work (indirect costs). These results indicate that the health and economic burden of RRIs may be considered significant for public health. Therefore, prevention programs are needed for runners participating in organized training programs.  相似文献   

目的:了解高水平游泳运动员在国际赛事中的损伤与疾病发生特点。方法:对第14届世界游泳锦标赛中前往医疗站就诊的运动员的损伤和疾病情况进行登记。医疗站医生收集运动员的医疗报告,每天上报给组委会医疗保障部,比赛结束后统一分析处理。按照国际奥委会损伤疾病监控系统(IOC injury and illness surveillance system)对运动员的损伤和疾病情况进行归类、统计分析,与以往数据比较。结果:整个赛期2165名注册运动员中,172名运动员就诊,运动损伤53例(24‰),女性运动员损伤发生率(n=21,18‰)低于男性(n=32,32‰)。游泳项目的损伤病例数最多(n=20),公开水域项目的损伤发生率最高(50‰)。运动损伤好发部位为头部躯干(35.8%)、下肢(35.8%)。最常见的损伤类型为皮肤擦伤,占全部就诊运动损伤病例的34%。整个赛期共发生疾病99例(46‰),呼吸道感染高发(n=40,40.4%),因牙齿问题到定点医院就诊的运动员人数最多(n=10,8例牙齿疾病,2例外伤导致牙齿断裂)。结果显示:与历届游泳锦标赛相比,本次比赛中运动员损伤发生率大为下降,呼吸系统感染是运动员的最常见疾病。预防牙病和牙齿健康应该得到重视。  相似文献   

Studies regarding ankle and foot overuse injuries are quite diverse in research methodology, data reporting, and outcomes. The aims of this systematic review were to analyze the methodology of published studies regarding ankle and foot overuse injuries in different sports disciplines and to summarize epidemiological data of ankle and foot overuse injuries. Four electronic databases, PubMed (MEDLINE), EMBASE, CINAHL, and SPORTDiscus® were systematically searched up to June 2011. A total of 89 articles on 23 sports disciplines were included in this review. Soccer, running, and gymnastics were the most frequently studied sports. Achilles tendinopathy, plantar fasciitis, and stress fracture were the most frequently studied injuries. Study design and reporting methods were heterogeneous. Most studies suffered from a weak methodology and poor reporting. The most common weaknesses were lack of a clear case definition, describing assessment procedures and reporting sample characteristics. Due to methodological heterogeneity of studies, inter‐sports and intra‐sports comparisons and meta‐analysis were not possible. Methodology of most studies on incidence and prevalence of ankle and foot overuse injuries is insufficient. Based on the results, we recommend authors to clearly define cases, describe assessment procedures and report sample characteristics adequately.  相似文献   

During one alpine skiing season injuries were registered prospectively among 951 Danish alpine skiers. The injury incidence was 19.4 injuries per 1000 skiing days, or 3.4 injuries per 1000 skiing hours. The incidence of injuries treated by a doctor was 5.9 injuries per 1000 skiing days, which is 2–5 times higher than previously reported. Lower extremity doctor-treated injuries comprised 65% of the total and upper extremity doctor-treated injuries 25% - a distribution seen 25 years ago in alpine skiing countries. Only 18% of the thumb injuries were seen by a doctor. Neither age, preholiday training, self-rated skiing ability, ski school attendance during the week nor the use of rented versus owned equipment significantly influenced the risk of injury.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine gender differences in the incidence of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries in a population of highlevel team handball players. We also wanted to examine injury mechanisms and possible risk factors for ACL injuries, including menstrual status. The study was done prospectively during the 1993-94, 1994-95, and 1995–96 seasons. We found 28 ACL injuries, 23 among women (incidence: 0.31 ± 0.06 injuries per 1000 player hours) and 5 among men (0.06 ± 0.03 inj./1000 h; P < 0.001 vs women; risk ratio: 5.0). Of the 28 injuries, 24 occurred during competiton (0.91 ± 0.19 inj./1000 h; women: 1.60 ± 0.35 inj./1000 h; men: 0.23 ± 0.13 inj./1000 h; P ±0.001 vs. women; risk ratio: 7.0) and 4 during training (0.03 ± 0.02 inj./1000 h; P ±0.001 vs. competition; risk ratio: 29.9). Nearly all the injuries ( n = 25) occurred in noncontact situations when the players performed high-speed plant-and-cut movements which they were well accustomed to. A reliable menstrual history could be obtained in 17 of the 23 cases among females. Five of the injuries occurred in the menstrual phase, 2 in the follicular phase, 1 in the early luteal phase and 9 in the late luteal phase (chi-square3 d.f.= 13.2; P ±0.01). The results suggest that there may be an increased risk of ACL injury during the week prior to or after the start of the menstrual period.  相似文献   

Objectives: To assess the incidence, type and location of injuries sustained during the Portuguese rugby union sevens circuit. To investigate the influence of players’ training loads on injury risk.

Methods: A prospective cohort study recording time-loss injuries was conducted with all teams competing in the Portuguese national rugby sevens circuit (eight from the top-tier and seven from the second-tier). Main outcome measures included: incidence rate, anatomical location, type, injury incident and severity. Data were also collected regarding players’ training loads. Fisher’s exact test was used to estimate the relative risk of suffering an injury during the sevens season and training sevens during the fifteens season.

Results: A total of 27 injuries were recorded corresponding to an incidence rate of 133.9 injuries per 1000 player match-hours. The average severity was 22.22 days. Contact events preceded 81.5% of injuries. Most injuries occurred in the lower limb (66.7%) and were joint/ligament or muscle/tendon injuries (85.1%). The association between injuries and lower volume of training during the sevens season was identified for the second-tier (p = 0.021). For the same level, an inverse relation between training hours and injury severity was also found (p = 0.008). Top-tier players training sevens and fifteens simultaneously during the year presented a significant increase of injury risk (relative risk = 3.2; p = 0.011).

Conclusions: Injury incidence in our study is similar to that reported for international sevens, although severity is lower. An association between training loads and the occurrence of injuries was found for both tiers, although with differential results, thus reinforcing the need to customize players’ preparation. Further studies at non-elite competitions are needed to gather significant data to accurately formulate future injury prevention protocols or recommend modifications to game laws or competition formats, aiming at players’ welfare.  相似文献   

A prospective study of injuries in licensed floorball players   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Injuries occuring among 457 licensed floorball players in teh Swedish National League were analysed prospectively during the season from 1993 to 1994. Fifty-one (11%) players sustained 58 injuries. The majority (76%) of the injuries were due to trauma mostly during the game (55%). Twenty-three (52%) of the traumatic injuries were caused by an opponent or a stick. Ankle sprain (35%) was the most common diagnosis. Injury severity classified with regard to time of absence from sport participation were similarly distributed for minor (36%), moderate (29%) and major (35%) injuries. The total rate of injury was 2.5 per 1000 hours for female and 2.6 for male players. Although this rate is lower than for contact sports like soccer and ice-hockey, we feel that further investigation of floorball injuries and improvement of protection devices would be valuable.  相似文献   

A one season prospective cohort study of volleyball injuries   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Objective: To estimate the overall incidence of acute and overuse volleyball injuries, and to describe factors associated with ankle sprains.

Methods: 486 players from the second and third Dutch national volleyball divisions participated in the study and were followed prospectively during a whole season. Three measurements were made during the season (baseline, follow up 1, and follow up 2), where all players completed a questionnaire on demographic variables (only at baseline), sports participation, use of preventive measures, and previous injuries. Volleyball exposure during training and matches was recorded for each individual player by the coach on a weekly exposure form. In case of injury the coach provided the injured player with an injury registration form, which had to be completed within one week after the onset of injury.

Results: 100 injuries were reported, resulting in an overall injury incidence of 2.6 injuries/1000 hours. The incidence of acute injuries was 2.0/1000 hours. Ankle sprains (n = 41) accounted for most of the acute injuries, and 31 (75%) of all players with an ankle sprain reported a previous ankle sprain. Twenty five overuse injuries were reported. The overall incidence of overuse injuries was 0.6/1000 hours; the back and the shoulder were the most common sites.

Conclusions: Ankle sprain is the most common injury in volleyball, accounting for 41% of all volleyball related injuries. Previous injury seems to be an important risk factor for an ankle sprain. Injury prevention programmes should focus on ankle sprains and concentrate on players with previous ankle sprains.


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